March Equinox 2019

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A pair of golden lightships flash either side of the star Canopus, March 18th 2019.

Dear All,

We’re fast approaching the next highly enhanced vibrational alignment of 2019, with the Equinox of March 20th-21st, depending on your timezone, coinciding with a Full Supermoon (a Full Moon at perigee, the moon at its closest to Earth within its orbit, which heightens its vibrational effects), teamed with the passage of a ‘house-sized’ asteroid inside the Moon’s orbit on March 22nd, which we hear is small but power-packed…and in higher dimensions, directing a specific catalyst energetic along the wave of Equinox-Full Moon light frequencies.

Flowing on from the transformation of energies within the Elysian Cross detailed in the previous post, there’s been a steady stream of triune higher dimensional Light from the stellar trinity of the Southern Cross, Diamond Cross and Elysian Cross, augmenting the ‘triple helix’ vibration that is part of the planetary ascension’s higher energy convergence, being successfully anchored, and opening the way for ‘unplugging’, flushing and uplifting another succession of node points and meridian flow-lines within and around the Earth, in both northern and southern hemispheres via specific ‘mirror nodes’ that reflect vibrationally to/with each other.

Flushing and washing out heavy energy pockets on the etheric levels (4D) translates through to 3D as clearings of the water element planet-wide, converting fear-based vibrations to love and grace within the ‘memory capacity of water’, from the oceans and snows to the water within trees, animals and our own cells, with the assistance and beneficial upliftment of the water elemental beings.

This translation reflected beautifully through a gentle rain shower here on March 12th, where faces appeared in every raindrop. The smiling blue faces in the droplets below are connected with the small blue beings of the Canopan planet Erra’mu (see previous post), who cherish their role of guardianship of the waters on their 5D homeworld (Erra’mu and Gaia are sister-brother planetary souls, with direct ‘quantum resonance’; the stabilization of Erra’mu in 5D vibrations reverberates continuously to Gaia and through the Earth’s light-grids).

The Erra’mu~Gaia relationship can be seen in the softly radiating orb below that appeared on March 14th, above the star Canopus (with the diamond shape of the Elysian Cross asterism to the lower left), revealing the smiling dolphin-like face of a blue-green being sending a loving greeting to Earth!

Through the day and night of March 15th, control-oriented factions attempted to veil the Elysian Cross transmissions from reaching the Earth’s vibrational field with a layer of interference frequencies. While not visible in 3D, this layer appeared in photos as a sort of vaporous smog centered around the Elysian Cross. In the photos below, the subtle presence of three large orbs can be seen gathering in trinity-triangle formation in front of the Cross, within the smog (Canopus is the star at the right). Then a large Angelic Light orb appeared to the left of the Cross, almost touching it. Following this, the lower astral intensity eased, the smog dissipated, and the light frequencies continued flowing through to the Earth.

By March 18th, star family and Agarthan friends of the 5D Inner Earth realms had stabilized the higher alignment of many nodes, including a cluster in eastern Australia which were generating lower 4D vortex energies and are now settling and refreshing in golden light (for readers in Sydney, a major storm over the city on March 14-15th was a 3D reverberation of the opening and flushing of distorted nodes further inland. There were attempts to amplify the storm to a destructive level, but star family lightships eased the energies, and by the early hours of Friday, the severe storm alert had been cancelled). Wonderful to see/feel the crystalline light grids in those areas and others beginning to flow more freely!

Energies are now steadily lifting toward this Equinox-Full Moon-asteroid peak light moment, heralded by the appearance of lightships yesterday afternoon, flashing white light from behind or next to clouds, such as this one that popped out to the right of a small cloud formation.

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Silver-white ship flashes to the right of a cloud, March 18th 2019.

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In the evening, two lightships flew fully visible, very high up in the sky, one after the other, from close to Sirius, passing southward toward Canopus, then curving into the Elysian Cross. The first ship appeared as a white light, and the second a golden-orange colour. Sirius felt highly-charged, and you can see in this soft focus photo of the star, a shining white whale-like form/energy in the centre, surrounded by leonine, feline and human-like faces in vibrant blue and aqua light vibrations.

The second golden-orange lightship (of feline and human Antarian beings) radiated the orb below, just as it flew into the Elysian Cross within a halo of peachy-gold and ruby light.

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Bright golden-orange orb flashes, projected by a ship of the same colour as it flew into the Elysian Cross (upper left) and disappeared from view, March 18th 2019.

Many assisting light beings and high energies are in close focus around the Earth coming into this Equinox alignment, and the lightships below radiate Lyran, Venusian, Sirian, Antarian and Canopan energies…along with many loving ones of the higher dimensional ships and soul groups dedicated to galactic ascension and so much more. These beautiful ships below both gave ‘slow blinks’ close to Canopus and Sirius.

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Disc-shaped ship of soft pinks, green and violet light flashes  upper left of Canopus, March 18th 2019.

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This clear, luminous golden and violet dome-shaped ship followed in quick succession, flashing close to Sirius, and emanating Venusian, Sirian & Lyran vibrations.

Energies intensified around the Elysian Cross, and were ‘washed clean’, with this huge ‘Antarian tiger-being orb’ appearing close to the Cross, with a ship flashing directly beneath it, among several waves of light beings flowing through and doing some deep clearing of heavy energy residues around the area.

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Golden-red Antarian orb of tiger being soul vibrations hovers above a ship next to the Elysian Cross, clearing shadow energies (representing here as small dark grey orbs), March 18th 2019.

March 17-18th on a planetary level saw a 24 hour ‘unexplained white out’ on the Schumann Resonance scale (measureing extremely low frequency electromagnetic resonances of the Earth), graphically recorded like this:


While variations in this scale can have many contributing factors (lightning, cosmic rays, solar flares, shifts through the photon belt), the timing of this one coincides with a starburst of crystalline light from within the planet itself, Gaia’s heart radiating through the planetary meridians/chi flow lines, nodes and energy field. So beautiful to see! This radiance vibrates through every living thing, every particle in and around the Earth, also touching the Moon’s vibrational field.

On March 18th, in the northern sky the Moon shone pale gold here, between clouds that swirled into many faces and forms that symbolized a lot of human collective ‘psychic shadows’ connected to the Moon, and bright white light focused through Angelic energies that came in to clear the shadows and dissolve tethers. That light pooled firstly through these orbs.

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The Angel Light (Archangel Gabriel’s ‘white ray’ emanation) can be seen wrapped around the Moon in the photo below; purifying light blossomed around the Moon like unfolded wings, dislodging a lower 4D ship/device of which you can see the lower rim from behind a cloud to the right (with a face formed in the cloud below it).

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This device was part of a network associated with subconscious addiction patterns, which the stream of ‘habit release’ light frequencies flowing from the rebirthed Elysian Cross has now opened the way to transform and dissolve completely. Clearing is happening on multiple levels right now, Earthly, Solar System and galactically, and our support teams and soul expressions of many dimensions are quick/instant to take advantage of every moment (as together we co-create opportunities and open brilliant new possibilities).  🙂

So as we flow into the vibrations of Equinox and Full Moon, just feel the exceptionally heightened pure vibration that Asteroid 2019 EA2 will be zooming through on March 21st-22nd between the Earth and the Moon’s orbits, which gives it a particular attribute of ‘diamond light ignition’ from a higher dimensional perspective.


Orbit of Asteroid 2019 EA2 on March 21-22 2019, image credit: The Watchers

Star family send this message for the Equinox potential, that to fully receive and anchor this diamond light into our beings, and particularly into our earthly embodiments, to be aware of the crystalline qualities within our physical bodies, as all crystal structures naturally receive, store, and transmit frequencies. Crystals all around and within the planet are vibrating higher as the overall planetary vibration lifts, and the higher dimensional crystalline light-grid and New Earth grid as a whole continues to ‘come online’.

Our bodies are filled with crystalline structures; calcium phosphate crystals give our bones hardness and strength, calcite crystals bedded in viscous fluid within our inner ears regulate balance, our tooth enamel is almost entirely composed of apatite micro-crystals, crystals are floating around in our body fluids and organs. When crystals are exposed to dissonant, jarring vibrations, they form in distorted ways, such as crystals associated with joint or organ inflammatory conditions. When crystals are exposed to unconditional love, joy and peaceful vibrations, they naturally grow and align in harmonious patterns, storing and radiating those beautiful frequencies throughout our bodies, just as they are doing within the Earth, the oceans, and all living beings. So it is suggested that we bring our loving focus into the crystalline aspects of our physicality, and visualize (or hold the intention of) diamond white light flowing into them, pooling within them, igniting reception of higher dimensional crystalline light, in natural ease and equilibrium during this Equinox…and beyond.

Throughout this last week, pillars of white light have appeared in my dreams in particular ways and locations, as well as in the skies, showing through as vertical cloud pillars like this one on March 18th, sometimes several times a day.

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Cloud ‘light pillar’ formation, March 18th 2019.

The ‘light pillars’ we all are in every moment, are enhanced through the next few days, so give yourself the gift of opening to the high vibrations streaming through this alignment, allowing them to anchor within your heart, within your evolving crystalline light-body, and radiate this sparkling lightness-of-being to all living beings, in oneness with the heart and inner rhythm of this beautiful Earth.

Love, Joy and Peace to All during this Equinox and onward!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*A Diamond Light meditation for the Equinox can be found at the LoveLight Meditation Circle , for anyone who would like to join in. All are very welcome.  🙂

Galactic Council Update

Dear All,

Today’s sharing follows on from the Lunar Eclipse Shift of January 20-21st 2019, with the successful anchoring of the next level of ‘ascension frequencies’ into the planetary energy field of Earth, also with an extra ongoing supportive rose-white light flow through the nebula Messier 27, which is uplifting the Earth field vibrations while keeping the impacts as softened as possible.

In the previous post, the beautiful Sirian and Pleiadian energies and light-beings who aligned high frequencies leading into and through the Eclipse were focused upon, and prior to that, in Messenger 9 & Lunar Eclipse, a message came from star family that ‘The Navigator is on board.’ This was referring to another star system and light beings involved in a more background role with steering in the high light energies, that of the star Canopus, second brightest star in the sky, visible from the southern hemisphere and more southerly latitudes of the northern hemisphere (recorded in Egyptian myths as Kha Nub, the Golden Floor, and in Greek myths as the navigator or pilot of the legendary Argo/Argo Navis, the ship that sailed in the quest for the Golden Fleece, which can be viewed as a metaphor for divine light expressing through the ‘goldenprint’ of life, and creational energies aligned to and through the principle and vibration of Divine Order). Divine Order vibrates through the 8th Dimension as the original pure codes of life, expressed through the sacred geometry of the 8-Point Star, which Canopus exemplifies, and radiates freely again following a light transformation that occurred in its local galactic region (during 2017, in Earth time translation, which you can read about in The Light of Kamura).

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The star Canopus, radiating as an 8-rayed star. 

For friends and readers (you’re all friends!) who have been feeling strong energies the last week connected with Canopus, Alpha Centauri and/or the Southern Cross constellations, or as some have reported, noticing light flashes and streaks near or around those stars, there has been very high star-fleet activity in that region, with a Galactic Council meeting at Canopus. (Although Alpha Centauri, in 3D distance, is our closest star system at only 4.3 light years away, while Canopus is around 313 light years away, there are vibrational relationships between many stars that appear relatively close to each other in our night skies.)

To attune with the next level of the ‘ascension arc’ that is now being grounded and opened, flowing on from the Eclipse Shift, we’ll return to the Eclipse itself for a moment, with the gorgeous lunar photo below, taken by a friend in Wales, UK, and another beautiful new film from star sister Melissa Peabody at, which includes a very special visible light/energy effect appearing around the Moon.

Firstly, in the photo below, you can see the Moon’s deep rosy colour, tinged with violet, during the Eclipse; colours of transmutation of misused ‘red energies’ into magenta-cherry up to violet-white…from violence and aggression to cherishment and clearing through compassion. 🙂

Blood Moon 21st Jan 2019

Total Lunar Eclipse photographed by ‘Kim in Wales’, UK, Jan. 20th 2019.

While the Eclipse wasn’t visible from south-western Australia, I took a photo of the Moon which cast this most unusual lunar lens flare, showing the same rose red and violet hues as in the above Eclipse picture!  🙂

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Melissa’s Film 34 shows the Eclipse as it appeared from San Francisco, preceded by an awesome amber lightship display…followed by an array of light energies filling the sky two days later, showing the Moon within a soft ring of spinning rose-golden light frequencies.

The subtle spinning of rose-gold light around the Moon visible in Melissa’s footage two days after the Lunar Eclipse shows  how the ‘next level of light wave’ that aligned and anchored through the Eclipse  is ongoing (eclipses act as a frequency-focusing lens), and the same energy is visualized wonderfully in the music video at this link.  Star Family send (more) love and thanks to the many thousands on Earth who consciously anchored this light potential through their embodied forms, catalyzing with higher dimensional family and friends the ignition point for the next stage in Mission Earth Ascension.

The overviewing Galactic Council, and the Ascension Council which acts as a focus group within and through it, continually make adjustments (course corrections and expansions) as potentials shift, to guide and support the momentum of planetary and stellar (and galactic) optimal shifts. As they come from a perspective of universal empathy and compassion, one of the Council’s dedicated purposes is to bring ascension processes through their various stages (which are both general yet unique to each planetary and stellar situation) as smoothly and peacefully as possible (and although things may seem pretty chaotic and stressed on this planet, the ride could be a lot bumpier if not for constant clearing and stabilizing behind the scenes).

They ask for this to be reaffirmed now, coming into the next stage of beautiful potentials, with the advice to align as unconditionally in love, trust, kindness and forgiveness as possible, personally and as beacons of loving frequencies within the collective. To know that we are held, this world is held, unshakeably and lovingly, in every moment, all the way. They have given some lovely presentations of their light and various cooperative energies arriving and communing around Canopus this last week, and ask to start with this one; three orbs of different colours that triangulated around Canopus on February 5th.

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Three star family groups stationed around Canopus as lightships arrived (many flew through the Southern Cross, which contains a galactic/intergalactic portal), February 5th 2019.

Just feel the unity, the steadiness, the harmony in this formation. All of this, and so much more, embraces the Solar System and the Earth. Know that all is well, as we continue into this next stage, and keep your heart and focus aligned and immersed in visions and joyful co-creations opening the New Earth energies, while naturally radiating love as the inner Sun you are to all that appears out of alignment, without fixating on old energy constructs and dynamics.

Ground yourself often with the Earth, feel love flowing freely like a golden Infinity between your heart and Gaia’s crystalline light-heart at the centre of the planet. Be gentle to all people and all animals; empathy, kindness, and peace in thought, word, emotion and action converges the higher dimensions into our lived reality. Care for the plants and trees around you, attune to their vibrations, the great green network around the planet that connects the ‘above and below’, the subtle light frequencies with the chi/life energy flowing through the Earth’s meridian network of etheric flow-lines, the inner prana streams. If you don’t at this stage in your journey see, hear or feel the presence of elementals, gentle nature spirits, the crystal soul collectives, or our higher dimensional star families and other assisting ones, know that they are here, and live as though all loving beings are as clear and present as if this planet is already ascended.

Star family have shown many red orbs, often close to Canopus, this last week, bathing in the calm radiation of Divine Order, softening and lifting repeatedly into peachy rose-gold and white vibrations, representing the ongoing stream of next level ascension light flowing since the Eclipse.

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Huge symbolic Blood Moon Eclipse orb next to Canopus, February 5th 2019.

These orbs showed in photos graduating from peachy-red through pink to white around Canopus, on February 7th 2019.

Orbs also showed clearly in daylight hours on February 7th, projecting from lightships, as in the photo below, with two long rectangular Pleiadian ships just visible at the upper left of the frame, with a large, beautiful orb of very soft rainbow colours representing the ‘second Earth/Avyon’ in the Alta Mira region of the star Alcyone, closely connected at a ‘divine template’ level with the ascending Earth (and from whom Gaia receives ‘goldenprint’ template codes through several Pleiades-aligned nodes around her planetary body).

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‘Alta Mira’ ascended Earth-kin planet projected as an orb by two Pleiadian ships, Feb.7 2019

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Also on February 7th, the Meri’Ashar flashed very brightly right beside Canopus, with an intricate orb cluster of ‘galactic arrivals’ above.

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Meri’Ashar (Mary’s Star) flashes close beside Canopus, with orbs above, Feb.7th 2019

The bright ‘dome’ orb below reveals a group of smiling faces, and the beautiful iridescent lightship on the right hails from Apus (the Bird of Paradise constellation), close to Alpha Centauri and Pavo (the Peacock)…with the big orb in the cluster above showing Apunian and Pavan merged energies.


Here are a few more orbs from February 7th-10th, 2019, showing the incredible variety of soul group energies gathered around Canopus over those few days (of Earth time).

Back in early 2015, I posted about contact with Alpha Centaurians regarding their ‘ascension assignment’ of planting spheres of unbreachable 5D light on the Earth, to get stable higher dimensional pockets anchored around the planet in places where the energies could hold them. With the Lunar Eclipse, almost exactly four years later, the New Earth grid is at last supported enough for the presence of these light balls (or domes of light, people would likely see them as) to come more into the conscious awareness of those anchoring Love in various places, and they can expand and shift to encompass and support groups and communities aligning New Earth visions and creations in shared contexts and energies….to assist and strengthen their blossoming. Love magnetizes love. Joy magnetizes joy. Let there be Light. 🙂

We are Spirit having a human experience. Let the Spirit flow through your conscious awareness, into everything you do, feel, speak, no matter how small or ‘seemingly mundane’, into how you be ~ be here ~ in every moment, and the world will be ever more nourished, enriched and enlivened by your very presence!

Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*With love and gratitude to Daniel B. Holeman, artist of the ‘Sword of Truth’ picture at the top of this post, which we recommend as a symbolic image to meditate with, for clearing and fine-tuning the inner eye’s vision and aligning it with the heart’s intuition.

*If you feel an inner call to focus with Canopus and the 8D vibration of Divine Order, see this 8-Point Star meditation at the LoveLight Circle. (These meditations are posted for each Sunday, but can be worked/played with at any time). A new DNA Activation will also be posted there very soon for the 12-12 Gateway.  🙂

Sirian~Pleiadian Update

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Rainbow orb with ‘inner egg’ above the Pleiades & Hyades star clusters, January 30th 2019.

Dear All,

Coming into 2019, stellar and galactic vibrational alignments that had been focused and building through December last year (see previous posts) reached an optimal peak on the Lunar Eclipse of January 20th (eclipses act like a focusing lens for frequencies connecting with the Earth, through or in relation to the Solar portal in higher dimensions, while triggering releases of subconscious limitations personally and collectively). These alignments, from Sirius, Alcyone (Pleiades) and intergalactic centre, came with added input from a high light galaxy that connects to the Milky Way through Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula) with the purpose of easing and softening the Earth’s Shift, expressing through rose-white light-streams.

Through the remainder of January 2019, the light flows and effects of these alignments continued to consolidate within and through the New Earth Grid and supporting light-grids of the higher dimensions, with another ‘follow-up’ input from Sirius and Alcyone on January 30th that anchored securely into the interlaced high light-grids we refer to as the Avalon Grid (Golden Age of Atlantis energies) and Mu Grid (Lemurian energies). Restoring the ‘Avalon divine goldenprint’ of life here with Gaia draws on and merges complimentary flows through Sirius and the Pleiades that originate from Avyon, the ‘first Earth’, planet of the star Vega in the Lyra constellation.

Lyran beings and energies spread far and wide, to Sirius and the Pleiades, and many more constellations. In the Alta Mira region of the Pleiades around Alcyone, a ‘second Earth’ blossomed, Avyon reborn in the Pleiades through the original Avyon ‘light template codes’, and this planet remains a beautiful, gentle paradise sanctuary, whose light template has specific anchor-points within Gaia’s energy-field that continue to activate in a precise sequence. At the current stage, many main flow-lines of the Avalon Grid are unblocked and flowing clear, and tributary light-streams are also reactivating, anchored through thousands of nodes around the Earth, forming the basis for areas of active mini-light-grids holding the New Earth frequencies in a stable format, from which it can blossom and expand further, eventually around the whole planet.

Two lightships which flashed simultaneously on January 30th (in the photo below) also show the supportive role of the Hyadeans, with one ship pulsing light just above the ‘V’ of the Hyades and the other pulsing just below the Pleiades in a complementary mirror formation.

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Lightships flash beside the Pleiades & Hyades, mirroring each other across the two star clusters, following the rainbow orb appearance, January 30th 2019.

This greeting was immediately followed by the appearance of a very distinctive bright orb next to the Hyades, which shows a composite of supporting energies within a rose-white sphere (the quality of vibration flowing in through Messier 27, from a Rose Planet named Makarim). In the enlargements below, with the orb viewed ‘upright’, there’s a Hathorian/Pleiadian figure visible, in a green robe, with a golden wrap over her shoulder…and with the orb turned on its side, a green merged feline-doglike face can be seen above a golden bird, symbolizing a phoenix (both the lightship Phoenix and the ‘rebirthing’ heart energy of our galactic supercluster Laniakea).

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Bright rose-white orb with green-gold interior appears near the Hyades (the larger orb at upper right is next to the star Bellatrix in Orion), January 30th 2019.

Earlier that same day, in the garden here, a newly activated node aligned the Triple Light flow, as part of a synchronizing network of connected nodes around the globe in the New Earth grid, grounding the Trinity energy deeper with Gaia, through a triquetra sacred geometry (with rose quartz, citrine and aquamarine crystals holding the Threefold Flame of the Heart vibration, pink, golden-yellow and blue). During this alignment, energy waves were flowing around the node, lighting up new points in an expanding light-grid, reflecting on a micro-scale the light-network areas being continuously stabilized and secured in various locations around the planet.

The green feline face in the rose-white orb above can be felt and attuned to through the pictures below too (with thanks to the unknown artists) that relate to very loving feline beings (deep, gentle energy transformers and evolutionary guardians) who flow through both Sirius and Alta Mira, through a Sirian mothership named Ba’Shiila (the Butterfly), and from planets of Mirzam, the second brightest star of Canis Major.

Closely vibrating with these beautiful beings, on and within the Earth, Labradorite crystals also connect with Canis Major (the ‘Big Dog’ constellation, with its alpha star, the Dog Star, Sirius). Star family speak of Labradorite ~ ‘labrador-eye’ ~ through imagery of labradors as ‘seeing eye dogs’ for the blind ~ and these crystals vibrate clarified inner seeing through the guidance of pure unconditional love. They give the image of Labradorite being ‘lit from within’, symbolizing the steady radiance of higher dimensional light shining and expanding from within or beneath the obscuring effect of dense vibrations, and the Labradorite soul collective as supporting steadfast soul attunement. The wonderful piece below arrived on January 22nd, still within the (36 hour) vibrational arc of the Lunar Eclipse…and I see within it the presence of a beautiful feline being bathed in blue and green light (and perhaps you can see her wearing a high-necked outfit flecked with golden shimmers).  🙂

Here’s another related bright rose and green orb just above Sirius on January 30th, with a large orb cluster higher in the sky (within the Hu Shi asterism, part of Canis Major), and below this photo, there’s a glowing rose ‘Makarim’ orb, also above Sirius.

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Bright rose-green orb appears close to Sirius, with large orb cluster within the Hu Shi asterism, January 30th 2019.

To attune further with the Sirian and feline soul energies, our dear star sister Melissa Peabody of has kindly allowed one of her recent films showing and connecting with Sirian beings to be posted here (with love and gratitude to Melissa and star family!).

The large blue-violet orb below, of feline and leonine soul energies, appeared on January 25th between Mirzam and Sirius, overlighting a ship which in this photo is directly beneath it, low down on a straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion (there has been much ongoing steadying of the Orion vibrations by star family, with continuing transformations, which we’ll return to in another post).

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Blue-violet orb sits between Sirius and Mirzam (second brightest star in the Canis Major constellation), while a ship flashes in straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion, January 25th 2019.

Finally, coming into February, a most unusual two-toned orb appeared beside the Pleiades, and star family speak of it as a ‘sunrise orb’, a message of rebirth of the Light transmitting from the second Avyon of Alta Mira, showing rose-gold light rising from below (within stars and planets, within humanity and all life) and radiating through all shadows the crystalline light codes of regeneration, wholeness and joy.

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‘Sunrise orb’ to the left of the Pleiades, February 2nd 2019.

As we’re coming into a new year in the Chinese calendar, we wish very happy festivities to our friends and readers celebrating Chinese New Year! The energies are auspicious coming into this February, and we can all consciously breathe in and radiate the all-embracing, softening effect of the Sunrise Rose Light, and hold the vision that ‘pigs can fly’ in this ‘Year of the Pig’.  🙂

Love, Joy and Peace to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤


While anchoring the Makarim ‘Rose Planet’ energies, this ‘Mother’s Love’ rose bloomed on the Eclipse in a beautifully symbolic ‘trinity tower’ of three pink-white roses, January 20th 2019. 

*If you’re interested in exploring the vibrational qualities of colours, and meditating with them, you may like to visit this page: The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations

*For more information about attuning with crystals, see The Crystal Connection

*For an overview of the high vibrational light-grids around the Earth, see Light-grids & Gridwork

*You can find out more about Melissa and her work with star family in Love’s Lens: An Interview with Melissa Peabody, and at her website

The Crystal Connection

Dear All,

Today we’d like to focus with crystals, the Crystal Soul Collective and specific crystal groups within the Whole currently in heightened focus with Gaia’s planetary ascension process, how to optimally work with crystals, and all of this in relation to the high vibrational 11-11-11 Gateway now coming into alignment!

In the previous post, we mentioned that the crystals within and around the Earth have been amplifying vibrationally, and this increase is in natural flow with the continuous upliftment of the planetary (and Solar System) vibrational field ~ its overall background love-light quotient ~ as the Shift in frequency/consciousness deepens, and its effects pervade the subtler consciousness and structural stratas of life, a ‘high tide’ wave gradually seeping through the currently somewhat turbulent 4D-3D density layers, vibrating remembrance, the eternal immanence, of the infinite universal Love underpinning all creation, expressing through it. Within this wave, the higher dimensional Crystal Soul Collective translating its energies into 3D perception through the Earth’s crystalline qualities, brings many loving service attributes through the storage, transmission and amplification capacities of crystals.

Crystals holding 3D forms are inherently imbued with higher dimensional vibrations (as are the crystalline structures within all life) and when approached with unconditional love, align effortlessly with higher dimensional realms (including direct alignments with Core Crystals within lightships) and with loving human intentions and focus. The crystalline properties within physicality, within our earthly bodies, vibrate naturally with, toward and into what is known and experienced as the ‘crystalline light body’ state of 5D, as those properties increasingly activate from latency into their full vibrant ability for holding renewed ‘goldenprint of life’ frequencies, amplifying through love, transmitting fully loving consciousness through all aspects of soul embodiment.

Coming into October 2018, the Crystal Soul Collective focusing and journeying with Gaia’s ascension (the planet’s return to a unified higher vibrational expression) anchored and flowed an immense stream of blue-green light connected with freeing the Divine Inner Child presence within humanity and throughout the Earth light-grids, which expressed through to 3D form in the crystalline vibrations of Green Flourite, Green Aventurine and Aquamarine in particular. Coming into November, the Divine Child energy, in harmony and convergence with the New Earth Grid (the Earth’s meridian network that circulates chi/life energy through and around the planetary field, combined with the crystalline heart grid and unity consciousness grid) is being anchored, imprinted and established more deeply into the collective consciousness field ~ peaking through the 11-11-11 Gateway (11th day of the 11th month of an 11 year, where 2+0+1+8=11), then facilitating major Light inflows later in November and December.

Guidance coming into this Gateway shows the Twin Pillars of the 11 within/as rays of Golden and Blue Light, through which the pearlescent soft Rose-White Peace Light of the Tenth Ray flows and centres.  Many crystals in the green and blue hues have been gathered in the nodes in the garden here (nodes are crossing points of meridian flow lines, here on a long meridian running north-south through the Darling Range in Western Australia, crossing one of the major flow lines that streams like a sine wave around the planet, called the Belinus Line where it has been mapped in Britain). As November came in, so has a stream of crystals in blue and golden vibrations, and their energies flow through the photos below, if you’d like to connect with them. (You don’t need a garden or nodes to work with crystals and sacred geometric patterns, you can always set up a sacred crystal love-node, whether small or large scale, in your home as a crystalline light anchorpoint).  🙂

When we bring a loving, open heart into honouring and co-creating with the Crystal Collective(s), they are joyously willing and able to connect and stream their wonderful array of high vibrational qualities through the crystals they overlight, merging and melding with our intentions…so always come to crystals with pure love, aligning your energies to serve the Whole, for the well-being of All. Also, rather than viewing a crystal as a passive vessel we’re imbuing our will and intention into, when coming from the heart we can feel our role as facilitating the Light of the Crystal Soul Collective to focus, expand and express in optimal ways for Gaia and all life here, in confluence with the ascending frequencies, in unity with us and all beings of goodwill.

Crystals can store, anchor, lift and shift vibrations, and as an example, the beautiful lemon citrine pictured above and below with ‘blue-green friends’ arrived as a totally clear light yellow colour, then within two days in a node, formed translucent bands of soft, wispy aqua and green as it connected and embraced the blue-green energies being anchored and transmitted powerfully through October via the green flourite, aventurine and aquamarine crystals gathered in the node’s centre. Then as the energies began to shift in preparation for the deep blue and gold light flow aligning through the 11-11-11, sky blue and deep blue light could be seen swirling within the citrine, concentrating into its hexagonal tip (the photos are unaltered, colour as it appeared).

This metamorphosing citrine arrived just before a crystal pillar blending aqua and golden hues together, an aquamarine and heliodor ‘wand’ from eastern Siberia, carrying vibrational imprints from that region (and further north, the Arctic circle), of an era almost completely forgotten by humanity at a conscious level, very slightly represented in ancient Greek myths as a fabled northern immortal realm of ‘Hyperborea’ (‘over/beyond the north’).

We’ll go into this in more detail soon, but for now, I’d like to share that while meditating with this Siberian crystal, many visions came through of that vibrational realm, and a period millions of years ago in linear time that lived on within it, with specific qualities associated at the physical level with the attributes of RNA (if you haven’t much about RNA, there’s a scientific hypothesis that an ‘RNA world’ of life based on mutable, metamorphic attributes preceded the DNA helix lattice stage which holds information in fixed, stabilized forms; see this post and this article).

This mutable, transforming quality is an inherent aspect of raising/changing the subtle and physical layers of the planetary body and all life forms traversing this Shift….and in relation to the aquamarine-heliodor wand pictured below, merging blue, gold and green light frequencies within its structure, holding it while sleeping, I dreamed of shapeshifting beings, beings of pure love whose form appearance can shift simply in accordance with their energies. I woke with images of swans and selkies (seal-human shapeshifting beings remembered in northern myths), with vibrations of the stars Sirius, Arcturus, Albireo (binary star in the head of Cygnus, the Swan constellation) and Polaris.

The Polarins project through ‘seal’ energies, and often represent as the faces of seals in clouds overhead when they’re present here. Yesterday, Star Family aligned through the aquamarine-heliodor, citrine, a beautiful lemon topaz, aquamarine and labradorite to make a crystal light essence…with lights and codes running through the crystals (the citrine again swirling with royal blue).

And as Polaris came through, the beautiful profile face of seal formed in blue-green, carrying forward the ‘inner child freedom’ energies, its eye looking straight into the tip of the aquamarine-heliodor crystal.

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Polaris and its planets went through much ‘polar-ity’, that culminated in higher transformations, and as the earth’s current Pole Star/North Star, Polaris has a particular role in transmitting the dynamics of the type of vibrational shift underway here on Earth now (see this post for more about Polaris).

We’ll end with a quick word about clearing crystals, as like humans, in the etheric/lower astral levels of their vibrational field, crystals can also sometimes become imprinted with dense, heavy energies and entities not aligned to unconditional Love. Feeling through the inner sense of your heart will clarify/reveal to you the vibrational state of a crystal….but if you’re unsure, or not yet wholly confident in your intuitive sensing of energies, then we suggest bathing your crystal friends in the Violet Flame (clears and transforms all energies to love), then Golden Flame to reset their vibration, coming from total love in your heart and being, holding the intention of aligning with your highest vibrational soul family/guiding lights…and ask that any entities attached to the crystals not aligned with the highest good be guided to their perfect healing place. Physically, bathing crystals in sunshine (and salty water), and for some, in full moon-light, assists in purifying and uplifting their vibrations. Most important though is radiating Love to them, through the inner Heart Star you are.  🙂

Much Love, Light and Joy to you All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤



*There’s a DNA-RNA Activation meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle for the 11-11-11 Gateway. If this resonates for you and you’d like to join in, everyone is welcome!  ❤

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Lemon topaz with golden and blue leonine faces within. 

*For tuning your inner sense, ‘meeting’ with crystal beings within your heart, and so much more, please visit the Inner Heart page.   ❤

Tones of Light

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‘Loveheart’ cloud forms around the Moon, with Mars to the right, and the ship Meri’Ashar pulsing light above/between Moon & Mars, October 17th 2018.

Dear All,

Flowing with the heightened assistance of Aquatic Star Family groups of the ‘watery’ constellations detailed in the previous post, we’d like to share a sequence of photos of the last two weeks that connect this higher dimensional Aquatic presence with dissolving aspects of the ‘lower Mars matrix’ and its inhibiting influence on the Earth’s vibrational shift, as part of a mission implemented during the last two months focused upon transforming Mars…and continuing on strong.

Many aligned star family missions are running concurrently, interwoven in their assistance in, on and around the Earth and Solar System, and while not many details can be given at this time, our higher dimensional friends, families and soul expressions focusing their light and energy with the Earth’s Shift share these photographic representations along the way as an affirmation of their continuous supporting presence throughout this transformational process.

They also wish to remind here, that photographs of high vibrational ships, beings and phenomena are a direct transmission of energy, whether general or highly specific. So when you’re looking at a photo in which a lightship or loving being is rendering its soul-light visible (or a sequence of photos like the ones below showing a heavy energy being contained and converted to Love, transmitting a vibration of dissolving dense energies into pure love vibrations) this is also vibrating to subconsciously held ‘limiting patterns and imprints’ within our human mental, emotional, subtle and physical layers, just as it vibrates through the whole energetic/consciousness field around the Earth, reverberating though old stored imprints the message to let go, let go, let go, be free in Love.  ❤

As the overall background vibration in, on and around the Earth continues to rise (which we can feel and attune to through our peaceful hearts while keeping our energy free of the 3-4D power-play of distraction and diversion) the crystalline soul collective(s) connected with Gaia and the New Earth light-grid are also heightening and amplifying energetically, which we’ll talk about in more detail in the next post. For now, tune in with the Earth, with Gaia Soul, open lightly to her heart to heart, and align (with) the vision and inner knowing that her Crystalline Heart is radiating like an inner diamond star, sending fluid light currents through the planetary network of meridians and nodes, through the crystalline heart grid, nourishing the unified consciousness qualities that are being anchored and amplified through the crystals of the Earth, interdimensionally, and vibrating through human potential…translating into loving thoughts, feelings, words and actions wherever inner resistance has melted into trust.

The Aquatic star beings support the Earth from above and deep in the oceans, where they harmonize tectonic movements, the sea floor, and water contamination (literally harmonize, with subtle sound frequencies, ‘toning’ the planetary sound-frame). They radiate the vibration of melting hardened resistance into love; where there are harsh energies, letting go and letting them dissolve into softness. Where there are discordant tones pulled out of the inner harmonic resonance we experience as feelings of well-being, peace and love, resolving-through-dissolving into vibrant sacred geometries of sound, tonal streams flowing like the gentle refreshment of pure, sparkling water.

Our Aquatic friends gave a beautiful depiction of this ‘resolving-through-dissolving’ above a local walking trail here on October 15th, calling my attention to a small plane passing in front of a little clump of cloud in an otherwise clear sky. As the plane flew by, a triangle shape ‘opened’ in the cloud. The energies felt suddenly heavy, with the presence of less than friendly beings attempting to open a portal (transdimensional opening). Immediately, star family focused in around the triangle, with faces forming in the cloud.

As the cloud drifted higher and the plane flew away, a white-light pod ship flashed above the cloud (circled in this photo, with the plane circled at the lower right of the frame).

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The camera lens caught a sun flare in light aqua blue, radiating down through the cloud just as the cloud triangle ‘melted inward’ like a waterfall, pouring softly through a clear disc-shaped ‘hole’ (beautifully ‘signposted’ by a round blue lens artifact right in the centre of the disc-hole). The white pod ship sat on the rim of the ‘cloud waterfall’ circled in this photo (see enlargement below), while the heavy energies swiftly dissolved.  🙂

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This ‘dissolving portals’ theme continued into the evening of October 17th, this time with the Meri’Ashar overhead, the ship’s presence at first softly presenting just beneath a huge blue-violet orb between the Moon and Mars.

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Once again, as clouds moved across the Moon, beings of the lower Mars energies attempted to open another portal, represented again as a triangle opening in the clouds (upside-down ‘black triangle’ with one tip touching Mars, and the other side clearly defined against the Moon’s light).

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Three orbs aligned directly below Mars as the clouds dropped away (with a disc hole in the cloud directly beneath the Moon).

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As clouds moved over again, a second triangle could be seen opening below the Moon, and the lightship Meri’Ashar showed as a bright white light stationed in front of it, while a sister ship, the Sophia/White Phoenix ‘high lighted’ the Moon from behind the clouds, as they transmuted heavy energies together and dissolved the portal.

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The clouds around the Moon condensed inward and resolved into a beautiful loveheart radiating pure high frequencies, with a duck-like shape to the upper left, positioned as if flying into the heart. In animal symbolism, a flying duck signifies spiritual freedom…and as a waterbird, in that moment it represented the act of diving into Love!

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After this resolving of energies, the clouds cleared away completely, with the Meri’Ashar keeping watch for a while close to Mars, sending a light pulse through the alignment between Mars and Moon. While attuning with Rowena&Arnap (5D soul expressions on board the Meri’Ashar), Mars/Aris appeared within my inner vision as a luminous flower surrounded in peachy golden petals of light, with a blue-green flame in the centre, rebirthing his sacred heart.

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If ever you’re ‘feeling at sea’ with some of the heavier energies swirling in the Earth’s and humanity’s collective vibrational field, or further afield, just take a duck dive into your heart of Love…and know that there are guiding Lights within and around this planet constantly dissolving attempts to undermine the Shift, and these Lights are radiating and streaming the same Love that lives within you/us all, it’s all one flow we’re circulating together, and at the heart of this circulation is pure boundless joy!

As mentioned in the previous post, the crystal soul collectives are assisting in heightened, very precise (and precisely coordinated) flows through this month and beyond, with the ‘green-blue’ family of Green Flourite and Green Aventurine much to the fore through October, joined now by the Aquamarine beings…transitioning from this Full Moon today/tomorrow through to the 11-11-11 Gateway (November 11th 2018), into Deep Blue and Golden Light frequencies. The vibration of Aquamarine melds the green spectrum into blue, with a serene clarity of inner touch that relaxes and opens full receptivity to the Golden Christing/Restoring Light, bathing the inner child within each of us that is the seed of our co-creation of, and in innate harmony with, the New Earth.

As our Aquatic friends say: Let go, let glow, let flow, be free and Rise in Love.

With love & gratitude to All, enjoy the ‘love-hearted’ Full Moon,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤


Some of the crystals in a node here, green and blue, flowing through to golden, with the faces of some beautiful crystal beings showing through an enlargement (upper right) of a piece of Aquamarine, sending love and ‘peaceful play’ to all.  


September Equinox Update

Golden gateway and golden ship, photos taken May 15th 2016.

Dear All,

On the eve of the September Equinox 2018 (September 22nd or 23rd, depending on where you’re located around the globe) the subtle energies around the planet are running very high, and the currents flowing through the light-grids associated with the New Earth have continued lightly building over the last ten days.  In 3D layers, intense weather events and vibrational tension in the (human) collective field directly reflect the accelerated convergence of higher and lower (or faster and slower vibrating) dimensional frequencies and reality levels. We’re asked to radiate LoveLight to all beings on Earth, and to Gaia’s heart, as the powerful subtle message of equilibrium within the rebirthing goldenprint coded into the planet’s ‘grail nodes’ flows through this Equinox Gateway….which feels very highly amplified, as all strong alignment moments have this year.

To connect with the rebirthing light aligning deeply through this Gateway, we’re going to go ‘far out’ today, then bring the focus into the local Solar System and Earth view, and thread the door with Golden Solar Light, encoded with restoration of the original unity-in-love that is infinitely, continuously radiating from the Source of all Creation. To feel how these ‘encodings’ come through a particular vibrational principle, to ignite what was left seeded in sacred light points in various moments and locations around the Earth, for this time on the planet, let’s spread our soul-wings out intergalactically.

Soul is everywhere. Everywhere there is life, in any dimension or universe, there is soul essence, focus points through which Source/Spirit is expressing itself as energy, light and form, whether at the scale of a human or a galaxy. Our local galaxy, the Milky Way, is one ‘soul cell’ among a great family of galactic cells within the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, which is one of about a hundred thousand galaxies within a galactic supercluster that has been named Laniakea by astronomers (a Hawaiian word meaning ‘immense heaven’).

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Still from Nature Video’s: Laniakea: Our Home Supercluster (Youtube)

And Laniakea is just one galactic supercluster among many, each with its own vibration, flowing through subtle and physical aspects of a vast family of Oversouls, akin yet each with a distinct emanation of soul qualities that are bathing every soul cell dwelling within their particular mantle of attributes. The soul of Laniakea, I hear and feel, is pulsing golden-white phoenix light; a constant message of divine renewal, resurrection, regeneration and rebirth, which reverberates through all life here, flowing through the Virgo Cluster to the Milky Way, through our Sun, to the planets, to all beings, and whether active or latent, quietly vibrating through our Light DNA.

As this phoenix regeneration message filters through the Virgo Cluster, it ‘births’ through the ‘Virgin Mother’ (Virgo = virgin, seen/intuited by the ancients as the Grain Mother, Ceres, hence in depictions of the astrological sign for Virgo, the goddess carries sheaths of grain)….which has reflected into this sphere in close relation to rebirth and resurrection through the Virgin Mary and her divine conception of Jesus, through Isis and her divine conception of Horus (from Osiris before his regeneration), through the ancient Bee Goddesses (bees were believed to reproduce by parthenogenesis/self-fertilization, from the Greek word ‘parthenos’ = virgin) and renewal through the ‘golden nectar of the gods’.

Right now, with a high vibrational Gateway open that peaks with the Equinox flowing straight into Full Moon (which by the way, in the northern hemisphere is called the ‘Harvest Moon’, the gathering of the grain), this continuous Light imbued with phoenix soul qualities is streaming and available to a newly heightened level. To receive it to the depth that is optimal for you right now, just allow yourself to feel your whole being as a vessel of love, relaxing in total trust, naturally designed to embrace and integrate the rebirth-catalyzing light that flows with vibrational encodings perfectly matched to all its ‘receiving cells’, which it cherishes and nourishes, whatever form (or formlessness) they are expressing through in this moment.

We are all so Loved, and the light-wings of a great soul of renewal are wrapped around us, around the galactic supercluster we are each a sacred cell within, radiating Divine Light in every moment, each pulse, through this shared creational experience. Breathe, rest, enjoy, feel the embrace…and let the indescribable joy of this Light radiate through you…to All.  The Golden Phoenix Gateway is open! ❤

In our local planetary area, in the weeks leading into this alignment, there has already been so much shifting, releasing and transmuting of very dense energies connected with our neighbour Mars, to open a way for the rebirthing transmission to reach that planetary soul-cell (see previous post)…with deep reverberations through the Earth’s energetic layers and the collective field here. Stay positive and heart-centered through this process, keep a compassionate perspective on 3D tensions and extremes of contrast, and know that from the wider overview, constricted energies are loosening very fast, with great potential for transformation. The light-grids supporting and connecting this interplanetary weaving of Light, and especially the Solar Grid, have been reinforced recently by star family, keeping the light flows moving freely, and on Earth currently shimmering through the Mu/Lemurian light-grid, the Avalon grid, Gaia’s Crystalline Heart Grid, and into the planetary nodes and meridians (life energy channels).

To end this post, we’d like to share some recent photos of orbs around Mars, representing various soul groups who are assisting and guarding the highly providential transition occurring there, working through precise and beautiful coordination, like a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional dance!  🙂  The first two photos show ‘alignments’ of focus and energy toward Mars on September 10th, 2018.

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Ashura&my ‘soul light orb’ focusing toward Mars, September 10th 2018.

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Related soul groups flow toward Mars together, September 10th 2018.

After a big night on the 10th, the following night I took this photo of Mars, showing the hint of a face in peachy-golden light in the centre, with grids visibly peeling away, like fencing being removed, at the right-hand side (see previous post Mars Mission Update for more about this transformation-in-progress).

On September 14th, with Venus and Jupiter aligned brightly with the Moon across to the west from Mars, both Venusian and Jupiterian soul groups appeared in orb form assisting with Mars, firstly a light golden Venusian orb with a rose rim, then a purple-blue Jupiterian orb.

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Rose-gold Venusian orb above Mars, September 14th 2018.

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Purple-blue Jupiterian soul group ‘orbits’ Mars, September 14th 2018.

Another large orb appeared beside Mars on September 16th 2018, with soft rose, golden and green vibrations.  At the same moment a cockatoo flew past, forming an alignment to Mars and the orb at that moment, and calling loudly! This type of cockatoo is a pink and grey galah, and on searching for its spiritual meaning, one of its messages is to be spontaneous and fearless in one’s endeavours, and to keep a sense of fun and humour.  🙂

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Large orb to the right of Mars, with a cockatoo (pink&grey galah) flying past, in alignment with Mars and orb at the moment of taking this photo, September 16th 2018.

On September 19th, Mars was positioned closely above the Moon, with ships softly visible either side of a close star, forming a beautiful three-point ‘Arc (Arcturians) to Mars’. Thank you all, bridge-builders of Love.

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Mars above Moon, with ships either side of a star upper right of the Moon, forming an arc to Mars, September 19th 2018.


Love, Joy and Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤



*An Equinox meditation will be posted at the LoveLight Circle later today, for anyone who would like to join in. Blessings to all Light Anchors on and around the Earth. ❤

New Earth Grid Update

Dear All,

Through the loosening and clearing of the lower astral (4D)  and deeper aligning of the planetary high vibrational Shift flowing through this extraordinary year, we’re glad to be able to share here about a widespread defusing of lower 4D energies and devices during a high-aligned gateway of the weekend of May 19-20th, still continuing, in the context of the current stage of steadying and strengthening the New Earth Grid.

The New Earth Grid imprints the higher light codings of the fully realized ascended Earth, radiating from the planetary core ~ Light-Heart of Gaia in the fifth-sixth dimensions and higher ~ in a fluid, pliable interweaving of light strands of the Unity Consciousness Grid, Crystalline Heart Grid and the meridian network (chi/life energy channels) flowing through the planet’s etheric layer…which is gradually aligning to the unified loving energy being rebirthed through Gaia’s divine planetary template, lifting frequencies, and purifying energy channels (see this post if light grids are new to you).

During 2018, two ancient interconnecting light grids have been blessed with increasing activation, with a lot more to come; the Mu grid (ancient Lemuria) and the Avalon grid (carrying the wisdom and joy of the Golden Age of Atlantis, before its vibration fell). Hawaii, capital of what was once the Mu continent, is currently in a high activation phase, translating through to the 3D physical layer as floods followed by heightened activity of the volcano Kilauea on the Big Island, as adjustments and higher aligning of the subtle light templates reflect into physical and reverberate energetically into and through the planetary meridian channels, clearing, flushing and raising the overall vibration another notch.

As the higher light frequencies continue to flow and shift everything back into alignment with Universal Love, resistances in the density of 3D polarity are obvious, whether in orchestrated distractions or personal mental/emotional looping. Prioritizing staying peacefully open in our hearts to the ascending vibrations allows increasing inner clarity and innate attunement to the beautiful loving support all around us multi-dimensionally, and joyful awareness of the shifts occurring in various dimensional layers around this planet and Solar System.

The photos below show some of the purifying transmutation (vibrating through cloud formations) currently sweeping through old control imprints and layers of ‘energetic debris’ that have lain in the lower bands of 4D around the Earth, and what we would call the ‘3-4D interface’, including surveillance and transmission devices like the one below that have been widely dissolved during the last week. 🙂

The way this ‘clean sweep’ appeared to me was in dreams and visions of whale-like beings whose energies had dropped and become misaligned in some parts of the Cetus constellation (Cetus being depicted either as a whale or a sea monster, as the human unconscious carries memories of the dual energies in that constellation, some high and loving, others distorted ~ which is where most of the myths of sea monsters, sirens luring ships onto rocks, and dangerous merman/maid type tales originated from) being set free from entanglements, control devices planted in them expelled and dissolved, and the liberated beings assisted to sanctuaries located in the Arcturian Angelic Light-worlds, for healing and recouperation.


Vibrations of aquatic beings in the 4th dimension reflect through cloud waves rolling over the Sun, with an Angelic Arch of White Light starting to form around a Sunbow, a sign of Archangelic presence, May 16, 2018.

This is a truly blessed release, and the photo below shows one of these whale -like beings (which had called for help) in the moment that a device was dislodged from within its head, and literally flew up out of its blowhole as it vented etheric vapours (which you can see in the photo). The device popped into very clear visibility for a moment before Star Family dissolved it.

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Whale-like being vents a transmitter up through its ‘blowhole’, with Angelic assistance. The device came clearly into focus within the 3-4D interface before being dissolved. May 16, 2018.

These devices have been used to transmit frequencies leading to confused, imbalanced decision-making among humanity, with many clustered over ‘hot spots’ around the Earth (implanted in beings with whale origins because they naturally amplify frequencies over a long range). The removal of this network is fantastic for the planet, for high energies to move freely and unobstructed through the New Earth Light-Grid into 4&3D, along with the ongoing clearing of the 4D layers in general!

Ashura (my Twin Flame, here in his 5D light-form, Arnap) can be seen guiding one of the hybrid whale souls free of the lower 4D in this sequence of May 23rd; first, his silver pod-ship flashed (circled upper right) above a passenger plane as it flew past a ‘whale cloud’ that moved clearer into view in the second photo.

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Arnap’s pod-ship, from the mothership Meri’Ashar, flashes at the upper right of this photo, with plane below, and whale cloud behind tree lower left, May 23, 2018.

Can you see/feel the whale soul ‘shaking itself loose’ of etheric/lower astral bindings as it flies/swims free?

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Whale being shakes free of lower 4D bindings, also releasing connected souls whose faces are visible within and around it, May 23, 2018.

Miracles are happening in and around this world, beautiful friends. If you feel an inner call to assist, meditating with the intention and/or visualization of Purple Light (violet for clearing, purple for compassion and aligning with Divine Will) and Silver Light (for transcendence of all limitations) flowing through your Heart of Love, bathing your own energy field and the whole planet in purple and silver light, in the spirit of Universal Love & Joy, all contributes to Shifting personal and overall vibrations higher. ❤

We’d like to send a loving hug to our Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters here too, as their work has been instrumental in preparing the way for the current stream of transformations, thanks beautiful beings. Here they are, signing their presence with a ‘horseshoe in the clouds’, leading into this clearing phase.

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Alpha Centauri ‘horseshoe’ with faces looking through it, May 10, 2018.

I could feel an energy trying to grip onto the horseshoe from below (ie; attach to a sphere of light an Alpha Centauri lightship was anchoring from 5D into the 4D levels), and the Alpha C’s said to turn the next photo upside-down.

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Alpha Centauri ‘horseshoe’ with dolphin & whale energies, May 10, 2018.

Instantly, a large dolphin’s face could be seen on the left side of the horseshoe, and a whale diving toward it from above ~ representing the beautiful whale and dolphin beings of the higher dimensions coming in to support and steady the energies. Centaurs flowing as ‘sea horses’, so to speak, anchoring through the liquid light-waves in union with Cetacean souls and energies. So you can see how the higher dimensional star families, groups and beings all work, flow (and play) together…just feel the easy, graceful unity of the loving light-realms in your heart, flowing around all of us, the Earth, the Solar System, in every moment…and let this peaceful unity anchor through your being, for all.

With Love, wishing everyone a blissful ‘Flower Full Moon’ on May 29th, as this gateway culminates,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

* For a gorgeous photo of an uncloaked Alpha-Centaurian lightship over this area, with its horseshoe ring of lights visible, see our friend Rob Hartland’s photo on the Guest Photos page. 

*For more about the Silver Flame see this post: Transcendence

The Solar Grid

Dear All,

Firstly, many thanks go to everyone who has sent emails and/or photos in recent months. It hasn’t been possible for me to reply to all of them, as I’ve been very focused ‘behind the scenes’ and prioritize stillness inbetween, to deeply integrate inner shifts and expansions with the incoming higher frequencies. However, I read every message or query, appreciate them all, and send love and blessings to all the readers of Heart Star. Thank you for BEing you! ❤

One of the most asked questions this year has been about Light Grids ~ what they are and what they do ~ and this rise in focus on (and increasing perception of) grids of higher dimensional light is connected with an overall strengthening of these subtle grids around the Earth…and in the Solar System more generally, radiating from the Sun. As they are coming more into the awareness of awakening souls on Earth, I’m going to include here some information posted recently to a page at the LoveLight Meditation Circle, then we’ll go into more detail about the Solar Grid and its role in Ascension, personal and planetary.

Grids are basically multi-dimensional structures or patternings of metaphysical Light imbued with high vibrational qualities and attributes, that have the function of keeping these attributes stabilized, holding them in place.  So for instance, with the Planetary Ascension in progress here, specific Light Grids are embracing the Earth, with a twofold purpose ~ to provide a higher dimensional ‘landing place’ for the ‘LoveLight Wave’ flowing from Source centre, so that it builds consistently around the planet without dissipating, and secondly to support Gaia and all living beings here in raising the collective consciousness and energy to a lighter state again…that harmonizes with (and is open to receiving) the incoming Wave.

The Christ Light (or Christ Consciousness) and Angelic Grids are Universal/Multiversal, but there are also localized grids ~ such as the Crystalline Heart Grid of Gaia, which is being generated by Gaia Soul, and radiates from the centre of the planet outward, enfolding it. The Unity Consciousness Grid around Earth (also called the Human Heart Grid) is being generated by the intentionality of humans who awaken to their higher selves and higher dimensional realities, and interweaves with Gaia’s Crystalline Heart Grid, so they function as One. We are also focusing with the Solar Grid that radiates from our Sun, Solaris, throughout the Solar System, in which all the planets and their moons are supported and ‘lighted’.

Our localized Unity Consciousness Grid is a ‘focus point’ here of an infinite consciousness grid that we could call the Universal Consciousness Grid radiating from the Heart of Source, and expressing through the Tenth Dimensional level of universal sacred templates of Life through to Fifth Dimensional crystalline light physical actualization (in unity/merge with the Crystalline Heart Grid of Gaia, which is also anchored in 5D).

Grids can also be generated for control ~ the archonic grid utilizes a ‘shadow geometry’ in the lower 4D frequency bands that mimics the sacred templates and grids as ‘false light’ (if you’re feeling into vibrations from your true Heart centre, it has a synthetic, flat feel) or grids that lock light and energy into boxes (including the energy of thoughts, emotions and living life force) so it can be utilized as the controller desires. There have been many control grids in place around the Earth that are in the process of dissipating now.

Where pure LoveLight builds, anchors and holds consistently, grids based in control dissolve….because a high enough vibration of Love naturally reorganizes all energies into alignment with the Heart of Source, Infinite Universal Love. So during a planetary Ascension, we are focusing on and working toward that ‘tipping point’ of a high enough, strongly anchored enough Wave of Love, to transform consciousness, and old grids ~ both those that are inherently of high Love but have become clogged, blocked and stagnant, and those intended for control. Where focus goes, energy flows ~ so keeping our focus and intention wholly with Love and Ascension, and connecting with the high Light Grids, ensures what we do flows with Source, in pure high vibration, as an unwavering Flame of Source.

When we connect to the high Light Grids during meditation, such as those that hold and radiate the attributes of Christ Consciousness or Angelic energies of pure Divine Love, or Phoenix energies of eternal Rebirth, this not only protects our own vibration while meditating, but eases and amplifies the inflow of LoveLight around the planet, with Gaia, and with/into the collective consciousness/collective energy field.

Last year sometime (early to mid 2016) the Ascension inflow was slowing down, the planetary merkaba was being ‘weighed on’, and the Crystalline Heart Grid wasn’t completely retaining its Light. Gaia’s Twin Flame reunion with Aisaia (through the previously blocked/screened 4D layer of their Flame connection) has immediately strengthened everything ~ but prior to that a 6D grid was put in around the planet in order to stabilize the new/renewing 5D New Earth vibration when it was getting a bit shaky, which we call the 6D Harmonic Grid, a very liquid light-like imprint based on the hexagon/honeycomb-like structure, in golden fluid light (which also enhances Earth’s reception of the golden-yellow Life-giving Light of the Sun through the Solar Grid). 🙂 That has helped steady UP the 5D New Earth vibration, to the extent it is now a lot stronger than at halfway through 2016, from a linear time perspective.

There is also an Earth Grid, which is a composite of the Crystalline Heart Grid of Gaia, the Unity Consciousness Grid, and the meridian channels or chi flow lines in and around the planet that relate to ley lines (but are not necessarily identical with them).  The meridians are not just at or near the surface ~ the major meridians connect with the crystalline core of the planet, then loop out again, and some go right around the globe, such as the Belinus Line and the St Michael&Mary Line. Although these channels have been ‘tracked’ and marked out as ley lines in Britain, both these lines (light and life force channels) traverse the whole planet like giant sine waves.

The Solar Grid can be seen as a beautiful 6D golden yellow light-lace that radiates from Solaris, our Sun, through the Solar System, and at the macro scale there is a Galactic Grid, an Intergalactic Grid, and a Universal Grid. If you feel into galactic clusters, within a cluster, the galaxies grouping together have a communal shared grid, or light-lace ~ a magical lacework of flowing, constantly connecting light in higher dimensions. These high vibrational light-weavings are flexible, expansive and adaptive, and radiate these qualities to all living beings along with the specific vibrational attributes they are imbued with.  As higher light pulses flow through the Sun (the higher dimensional solar portal) they spread out through the Solar Grid, like shimmers of white light through the golden filaments, and flow into the localized grids and energy field of each planet in this star system, where it is received according to the consciousness and vibrational state.

Moons can also participate as anchors and transmitters of the higher incoming frequencies, and to get a feel for this continuous flow, reception and soul-ar evolution in progress among Solaris’ family of planets and their moons, here is a photo I took while attuning with the Solar Grid on October 1st, and the planets like jewels of different coloured lights nested within it, while the planet Saturn was visible overhead. Saturn is the dot of white light to the lower right in this photo, and the large, delicate golden-green orb above it represents the energies of Saturn’s sixth-largest moon, Enceladus, with the soul group who dwell there in its fifth-sixth dimensional strata.

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Orb above Saturn; a projection of the soul light of Saturn’s moon Enceladus and its 5-6D inhabitants, photo taken October 1st, 2017.

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The photos below also came from star family that night, of a light form that is both ‘ship-like’ and galactic, showing light in blended flowing colours in a spiral galaxy type representation. Firstly, here’s the ship semi-cloaked. Saturn is at the bottom right, with a huge blue-green and rose orb above, and to the far left is a formation of stars, with the ship making the upper right point of a ‘V’ (sign of the Ashtar Command). The two stars close together at the cleft of the V are the Cat’s Eyes, in the constellation Scorpio.

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Semi-cloaked ship (ring of lights around a disc) near Saturn and Scorpio, photo taken October 1st, 2017.

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And here it is decloaked, an intergalactic lightship with the role of facilitating enhancements to the Solar Grid prior to big influxes of the Solar Christ Light during October (that peaked on October 10th, the 10-10-10 and October 28th, 28-10-2017 = 10-10-10).

If it’s in your heart to focus with the light grids as an embodied Love anchor on Earth, you can assist with intention and meditation, and if you feel called to get physically creative with aligning the light grids, specific sacred geometries can be created using activated crystals etc (activated = cleansed, purified, and imbued through intention with holding and amplifying higher vibrational qualities such as love, peace, grace, compassion, joy, truth, providence)  ~ and when these sacred geometric patterns are connected with the high Light Grids supporting Ascension through focused alignment and meditation from a heart flowing with Divine Will&Love, they help anchor and transmit those higher dimensional attributes into the Earth Grid and collective consciousness field on and around the planet. If you’re already focusing with these alignments, or with Planetary Ascension in any way that invites, expresses and co-creates with pure Love, blessings and thanks to you. 🙂

With love and gratitude to you All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*Any of you who would like to join in with the weekly LoveLight Circle meditations, which always connect with the light grids, are warmly welcome!

Eclipse Meditation August 21-22

Dear All,

Greetings on this Solar Eclipse day. The eclipse begins in a little over an hour from the time of posting this, and reaches its maximum at 18:25:35 UTC (which for some of us will be the early hours of August 22) with the ‘central focus’ of this eclipse toward the continental USA. From a vibrational perspective, solar and lunar eclipses are catalyst points for releasing ‘shadow’ energies from the collective and individual fields of consciousness, and for aligning and anchoring higher energies. As the shadow of conscious and subconscious thought-forms, limiting beliefs and programmes symbolically and vibrationally peels away, there is always a focus-point of potential to align higher, individually and collectively.

If you would like to join in a LoveLight Circle meditation for the solar eclipse, there’s a meditation and affirmation posted at this link.  Whatever focus you can give from your Heart of pure Love, Peace, Unity and Compassion all helps to build the momentum, beautiful friends…and know that many Beings of Love and high Light are focusing their energies with us across the dimensions.

In the weeks following the star family mission of the 7-7, leading into the August 21 Eclipse and then on to the Equinox on September 23, we’ve seen many higher dimensional portals opening, or re-opening from long dormancy, and many gateways aligning. We’d like to share a few photos from August 5-10 which are connected to openings preliminary (and ‘pre-luminary’) to this Eclipse and Equinox ~ firstly from the activation of a node with some beautiful friends, not far from my home, in the bed of a reservoir. Star family who were guarding this activation signed their presence with a magnificent ‘light sword’ overhead, with a double diamond shape above marking a portal opening. Or vertically, this can also be seen and felt as a ‘light tower’ (grounding the Ascension Light):

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Local node point, Perth hills, Western Australia: photo taken August 5, 2017.

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Angelic white light-sword appears above the node, with double diamonds forming above it that represent a portal opening, August 5, 2017.

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Same light-sword, or light tower, viewed vertically…with a leaping figure forming in the clouds to the left, holding a light-sword or pillar of light (representing a dear Pleiadian star brother named Hamil, captain of the Pleiadian ship Rut’ish, see this page) on August 5, 2017.

The next night, following this activation, a new portal aligned and was visible in higher dimensions as Doorway of emerald green light, or Emerald Gateway, to the east of the stars Alpha and Beta Centauri:

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A Green Light Doorway appears lower left of the stars Alpha and Beta Centauri (the Pointers, with the Southern Cross constellation directly to the right of the Door), August 6, 2017.

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Emerald Doorway close-up, with hills/mountains in the foreground.

This has several layers of meaning, including the next phase in connection and alignment of ‘surface humanity’ with the people of the Agarthan realms, who live in an ascended vibrational state of unity, love and peace within the fifth dimension of the Inner Earth and do much to assist Gaia’s planetary ascension. The position of the Doorway among stars of the constellation Centaurus has another significance, facing Crux, the Southern Cross ~ as a Gateway of the Christ Light leading into the Eclipse and Equinox energies ~ and as this energy continued to build, on August 10 this beautiful ‘flying Pegasus cloud’ formed (feel the ‘heavenly horse’ connection between the Centaur and Pegasus, where Centaurs represent divine teachers, and Pegasus represents the surrendered ego/humble soul that effortlessly soars through the ‘gates of heaven’). The Emerald Door has deeper symbolism connected with the ascension frequencies flowing within this Universe, which will all become clear in Divine Timing. 🙂

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Pegasus cloud forms on a ‘gateway’ date, August 10th; 10-8-2017, where 2017=10…so, 10-8-10, the Infinity Gate vibration.

We wish you all a wonderful Solar Eclipse! Hold the joyful intention and vision in your Heart for the highest potential of all that is of Unconditional Love to flow freely through this focus-point and anchor into the crystalline heart grid of Gaia, in unity with all the high light grids and beings supporting the planet, humanity’s illumination in Love, for the upliftment of all life here.

With Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

*Here’s the meditation link again: Eclipse Meditation August 21

DNA Activation July

Greetings dear All  ❤

At the ’12th hour’, here is July’s DNA Activation visualization and affirmation! We’ve had an intense focus from July 7-9th with a higher dimensional mission to transform a ‘control hub’ of much influence in this galactic region back to the highest Light of Love, which completed yesterday in Earth time with a newly created Ascension Light anchored and flowing, which we’ll speak of soon (also see previous post).

For today’s DNA Activation focus, the 10-7-10 gateway of 7th dimensional Divine Grace flowing through the ‘pillared rings’ of the twin 10s, this is a perfect moment to open to and breathe in this fresh new White Light of Ascension through our golden stars, so we’ll incorporate this in-flow today. The 10-7-10 is an energy of complete resurrection through the miracle, the deepest magic, of Grace. This energy of Grace is open to us all, in every moment…today it is especially aligned with Earth and our galactic region.

So we’ll begin as usual, with  focusing into your beautiful Heart. Breathe golden light into it and fill your Being with the eternal presence of your Inner Divine Self. Feel its infinite warmth and love, the Heart of Source that beats within all our hearts, pulsing pure love, joy and peace. Feel how the masculine and feminine energies within you merge into One. Feel your ‘higher self’ and ‘lower self’ now merge as One, unifying as your Inner Divine Self, a pure expression and extension of Source, across dimensions, and universes, into this Now. The light of the Golden Heart of Source is flowing through you, transforming your whole being into Unconditional Love. Breathe into it. Feel the gentle, everlasting rhythm flowing through you. It IS us all.

When this feels steady and strong, in pure love for yourself and All, continue now with the Golden Stars Visualization.

Hold the image/intention of a 4-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, then a 6-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, and imagine them overlaying each other and merging together. Feel your DNA strands being bathed in the purifying, restoring golden light of this merged star, that it is vibrating the message of unconditional love and harmony, ascension and expansion to the 64 codons (the 64 amino acid building blocks) in each strand of your DNA, through the 6 and 4, harmony and love. Expand this merged star through your body and auric field, take deep, relaxed breaths, place your hands on your heart centre, and hold the vision, with this intention:

Within this sacred merging of Love and Blissful Gratitude all limiting factors in the codes of my DNA, RNA and epigenomes are now dissolved completely. Every strand is receiving the highest available imprinting of the ‘goldenprint’ of Divine Love, in harmony and ease, in alignment with my highest good and the highest good of all. In this now, my physical body is vibrating with, and transforming into, golden crystalline light, filled with grace and joy. I Am Love. I Am Harmony. I Am Grace, radiating the restoration of Love to all Life, everywhere. And So It Is.

Now through this being of golden well-being you Are, imagine/see/invite a pure white light spiral emanating from the Centre of Source, it comes to your invitation to your open heart and soul, spiralling gently down through your auric field, your subtle bodies, through your crown chakra, down through your central column into your heart, where it radiates out through the golden, mixing as golden-white merge of Resurrection and Ascension frequencies. Keep seeing/feeling it flow down through your body and all the way to the Core of the Earth/Heart of Gaia, as a pure gift of Love….then spreading through the 5D crystalline heart grid, planetary flow-lines and energy field to All Life, and hold with this intention:

Fully restored in the sacred merged Light of Love and Life, I Am in Oneness with all Life everywhere. The ‘AMness’ flows freely through this open conduit and vessel, the ‘I’ is ‘We’…Source to Oversoul to Soul Aspect anchoring now the Ascension Light in this here and now moment, for All. In Love, In Grace, In Joy, In Divine Unity we Are, and All IS. And So It Is. It Is Done. 

With deepest love, we ‘heart hug’ you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤