New Earth Update February 2021

Soft focus photo of the star Sirius, January 26th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Love to all navigating the shifting inter-dimensional dynamics of the global field in these early stages of 2021. Amid an intense combination of clearings, exposed chaos points and resistance points that call for (and are prompting) deeper clarity and collective responsibility in multiple arenas now. Budding aspects of New Earth consciousness, new co-creations based in loving, and unified/unifying visions, are also amplifed, since the December 21st 2020 Solstice/Great Conjunction-to-January 1st’s New Year ‘Shift window’. Another strong adjusting alignment has just come through the start of the Lunar New Year celebrated in Asia and communites around the world, on February 12th, overlighted by the meeting of seven planets in Aquarius on February 11th, and strengthening through the collective ‘Love Wave’ of Valentine’s Day (Happy Valentines everyone, beloved Gaia, and all beings here)! ๐Ÿ’–

From our perspective, overall the collective travelled through the Shift window into this year in ‘full spectrum 4D’ vibrations, with the 5D light-fabric coalesced and radiating all Universal Love and Oneness potentials, in the background. In the foreground currently, 4D vibrational layers are expressing broad range (or like high-speed broadband); from the unity consciousness and expansion-from-stillness of the zero-point to the outer extremes of a polarity field in flux, and everything inbetween. Nonetheless, the 5D+ frequencies are secured and simultaneously vibrating through the light-grids at a whole new level of cohesion. I/we are hearing from many who are feeling an immediacy this year, a clarity and depth of connection with the 5D New Earth reality, whenever their focus goes there, whenever their heart connects, even if it may seem obscured (for now) behind the commotion of ideas, stressors, personalities, timelines wavering and vying for energy.

When we connect through our heart with the 5D+ light-mantle shimmering in and around the planetary field, let ourselves BE, in trust and love and compassion, the Love-based co-creative field within and around the planet is so accessible this year, and can be seen, felt and heard, in our various ways, however we each internally ‘translate’ them. 4D amplifies everything, all that is in disharmony and illusion, but also all that is in harmony and love, which does open the space for new vibrational potentials and effects. So while energies in the collective field can at present seem more swirly and uncertain in many areas, the ascended New Earth is present, gleaming through in shafts of light, joy, wisdom and kindness wherever it can, micro to macro, while the human collective transitions through the 4D bands deeply enough to connect with the subtle but unshakeable presence of peaceful wholeness and well-being constantly rippling through Gaia’s field.

For anyone feeling a pull to the sea, the water element ~ especially the oceans and large bodies of water ~ is holding and radiating the heightened 5D vibrations strongly, so if you have access to the sea or a large lake, take a swim, immerse and merge with the high vibrations pulsing through the water molecules (for our northern hemipshere friends, maybe not just yet in the winter chill!). But if that’s not possible, wherever we are on the planet, we’re all primarily composed of water, and we can invite the presence of the 5D+ vibrations within the fluid and crystalline aspects of our bodies to Amplify Now. We can hold the intention of this amplification coming in smoothly and gently, becoming clearer in our conscious awareness, as we align with the inner impulse of Ascension (remembrance of ourselves and all creation as Univeral Love) radiating from the Divine Source through the Omnivers…and enveloping this planet, to a level that can be naturally connected with in our hearts and senses, transcending dense, unstable vibrations, when we give it our focus an unconditional trust.

Back in November/December 2020, we shared about the high vibrational Blue Wave coming in from the soul of Neptune, radiating through many beautiful Neptunian lightships and beings, creating optimal course adjustments and preparing the water element for higher vibrational receptivity, for the Shift of energies to unfold into and through, this year.

We’d like to touch back on December briefly, to an activation that took place at the ‘landing pad node‘ in this patch of the Perth hills on December 4th…now in full swing in the light-grids, continuing to trigger release and clearing of the deepest layer of vibrational debris meshed into the collective subconscious connected with the fall of Atlantis. Sticky ‘end of Atlantis’ (and its interplanetary and galactic-connected imprints) are being guided by the Light Realms to deeply transmute back to Love now, as they’re still vibrating a survival rather than thrival mindset that is lower astral in nature, rooted in the subconscious. Vibrations of judgement, loss and impending doom, 4D-amplified coming into this year, have a clouding effect on collective awareness of the infinite, expansive light of Grace and Providence that is truly at humanity’s fingertips (and can be connected with in any moment in our Inner Heart). Yet concurrent with this multi-facetted dis-ease vibration, the 5D+ frequencies are welling up through the New Earth light-grid to expose fear/ego-based constructs as shadows-without-substance, and transform them, in the instant of recognition with love, empathy and unity.

This next level of ‘end-times disaster’ release through the Avalon light-grid came with some very clear soul emanations on December 4th 2020, of the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, in merged subtle form, stepping across the astral planes to open a light portal for all ‘attached shades’ to come Home to Divine Light. At the time of this activation, there had been a recent fire around the node (yet the circle of vegetation around the stone at the centre of the node remained untouched and green, as you can see in the photo below). Three crystals placed on the node stone can be seen in the photos as a white cluster on the stone’s highest point, and as we aligned the energies, the Priest/Priestess appeared clearly, standing on the smaller rock, in side view, gazing toward the crystals.

He/she wasn’t fully materialized (you can see the rock through their long robe) but the energy flowing from this form was so very deep, full of understanding and love, for All. Further down the hill to the left, coming from the ‘burnt land’, the figure of a shadowy woman seemed to walk up the hill straight toward the Priest/Priestess…and I felt she represented all the shadows of Atlantean doom/doomsday energies stored in the lower astral/etheric layers around the Earth. In the last photo, their forms were starting to fade, but you can see the shadow figure lifting her arms, reaching out for the presence of pure Love, that guided the shadows of Atlantis out through an octagonal portal…which became outlined on the node stone below the crystals. The octagonal sides are especially clear on the lower left (the number 8 represents infinity and Divine Order), and I see overlays of a large, gentle eye, like the eye of a Whale, in the centre of the octagon, and a Temple of Light was visible there while this activation was in progress. (I’d just like to share here, that the energy and light streaming through to create this activation was beyond words, a blessed release of energies that had meshed and generated shadow-beliefs in the collective field for many thousands of years in a linear time view). ๐ŸŒž

Robed figure semi-materializes on a stone, representing the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, gazing toward a cluster of crystals on a ‘node stone’ in the Perth hills, December 4th 2020

Receiving nodes around the planet networked the activation (with gratitude to all involved!) and was subtly at work through December, heightening now in 2021’s energies. I see/hear the collective landed predominantly in a ‘tertiary timeline’ through the Solstice Gateway; it could have been ‘higher’ ~ more unified in its light ~ or ‘lower’ ~ more fragmented. We’ve come somewhere through a middle band of the potentials, and the Light Realms are working to clear, uplift and stabilize energies, moment to moment. There’s already enough cohesion in the New Earth light-grid vibration, however, for several Star Family groups that have been ‘in the background’ to bring their warm, gentle soul energies forward, and the group we’ll focus with for this post comes from the Lepus (Rabbit/Hare) constellation, which Ashura&I and soul family connect closely with.

Stellar bunny connections flowed through the December 2020 Solstice, with guidance to focus with the gorgeous nebula below (the Spirograph Nebula), in the Lepus constellation, overlaid on the ‘Cosmic Egg’ for New Age of Gaia birth energies coming through the Great Conjunction. To the left of Jupiter&Saturn’s conjunction, among a pair of flashing lightships, the orb/ship below revealed the Lepus/Rabbit energies present and assisting the light in-flow…with a ‘purple bunny’ beautifully clear.

Following the Solstice shift, with the ‘amplified astral’ around the Earth, certain groups connected with (non-ascended) areas of the Orion constellation, sought amplification via attempts to open lower 4D portal near some of Orion’s stars. The Lepus constellation went into ‘high beam’ from that moment, and on Januray 12th, Lepian star family gave a wonderful ‘visual trail’ of their presence around Orion while keeping watch and transmuting energies. Their soul light appears as silvery cream-white to blueish orbs, with a ‘pearly’ quality (connected with the pearlescent light of the Tenth Ray). Here, their orb showed across multiple photos, starting from Lepus, flowing down to Orion’s Belt, crossing over toward Procyon, back to Orion near the star Saiph, then holding position in straight alignment to the Belt again.

Pearlescent orb floats from the Lepus/Rabbit constellation, in a series of photos, around Orion, on January 12th 2021.

The Lepians connect with feline/leonine soul groups of Sirius and Mirzam, and on January 12th, the ‘bunny orb’ was closely watched over by a glowing rose-gold orb of Lyran&Sirian leonine souls, with the large eyes and small nose of a feline face softly formed in the lower part of this orb.

At the soul level, Ashura&I have a close relationship with Lepus. With our 5D soul expressions Arnap&Rowena, there’s a resonance in the name of the alpha star Arneb, which comes from Arabic ‘Arnab’, meaning hare or rabbit. Ashura, in his Arnap form, sent this light emanation from the bridge of a Lepian lightship on January 17th, positioned at that moment above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt (another star with soul connections, with planets inhabited by feline beings and other groups). With the contrast enhanced, his form is visible, facing Mintaka, from within a double ‘light railing’ as if standing on a balcony (or in this case, in the prow of a starship)!

Arnap appears in a light emanation from the bridge of a lightship, just above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on January 17th 2021.

The next night on January 18, this ship flew down from Lepus and stationed in straight alignment to Orion’s Belt, before flying further down toward Procyon, where another ascended star group is based (for our northern hemisphere readers, if you’re looking for these stars in the nightsky, they’ll be the other way up).

Lightship from Lepus flies close to Orion’s Belt, then toward Procyon, on January 18th 2021.

In the southern sky, a lot of Star Family to’ing and fro’ing continues around the star Canopus, and this beautiful rainbow orb to the left of Canopus on January 21st was followed by a detailed photo, with a lit triangular interior view of a lightship at the foot of the frame, flying upward behind a spray of grey pods which it ‘herded’ toward the star.

Shimmery rainbow orb appears to the left of Canopus, alpha star of the Carina constellation, on January 21st 2021.
Lightship flashes below Canopus, herding a ‘swarm’ of grey pods, showing an interior view (see enlargement below), on Januoary 21st 2021.

Enlarged below, there’s a dear star brother in the foreground of this interior view, showing his left arm (on the right to our view) sheathed in white light from shoulder to hand, with his right arm folded over his front, and right hand resting on his left forearm. I see/feel two soul ‘overlays’ radiating through this form; one radiates from our star brother Ka’ree, and one is Arnap’Arein, our (Arnap&Rowena’s) son, on board the Lei’hua with us. Arein is a 5D soul expression of a family member on the earth plane…who around the time this photo was taken, had just been required to have several vaccines. You can see the white light sheath is brightest around his shoulder, with a dense, dark ball of energy to the right of his arm, as etheric aspects of the vaccines were drawn out from his earthly form and transmuted. Arein sends this photo for all, as a reassurance that anything not in resonance with the higher dimensional light integrating within our physicality on this plane can be instantly transformed and realigned to divine harmonics…just ask, peacefully, in your heart, trust you intuition. Your Oversoul, your Inner Divine, is present always, embracing you and within your whole being, as Infinite Love. ๐Ÿ’› And be reassured that Star Family continues to transmute and transform many types of non-aligned frequencies and energies, all around the planet.

Throughout January, ships continued to flash around Arneb and the Lepian stars, with the same pearly orbs appearing there and flying around Orion, such as this one on January 22nd, constantly watching over the Earth and defusing intrusions.

Pearly orb from Lepus constellation floats above Orion, on January 22nd 2021.

We came into this year with massive Divine Mother Light pulsing through our Sun’s mother star Sirius (which reaches its annual zenith at midnight on New Year’s Eve). To my perception, Sirius has been flashing rose light this year, as well as the blue-purple spectrum…which showed beautifully on January 26th, with this soft focus shot of Sirius (with a ship flashing right beside her, and Canopus at the right of the frame). In the enlargement below, a glorious Divine Feminine form can be seen within Sirius, in a long rose dress, standing between pillars of light, framed in royal blue (supported by the Blue Ray/Divine Masculine energy). The ship beside her was also flashing bright rose in a ring of green lights, the heart chakra and higher heart colour vibrations aligning to the Earth as the Sirian stargate poured Mother Light here to support Gaia and all love-based co-creations here.

Sirius appears in soft focus with a ship flashing close at her right, with Canopus at upper right of the frame, on January 26th 2021.

Earlier that day Arnap brought his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, and appeared for a few seconds below the clouds, before anchoring the Sirius Light that night (with a companion ship mirroring him very subtly to the left).

Arnap flies his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, on January 26th 2021.

Sirius and Canopus work as mirror nodes, with lightships often flashing beside them in unison or zipping back and forth. While the Sirius stargate was open and streaming ‘mother-light codes’, ships were flashing brightly around Canopus, and a few nights later on January 30th, the Lei’hua gave an interior view from beside Canopus, rose-gold light with a tinge of green inside. I’ve circled some of the people inside a cosy sitting area…with figures standing at the left and seated at the right, faintly visible in a soft glow. The clearest figure is at the furthest left, in a dark green outfit.

The Lei’hua flashes brightly to the right of Canopus on January 30th 2021.

This interior scene was followed by another one the next night, from a ship holding an almost identical position to the upper right of Canopus, this time with a soft, ‘fluffy’ feeling orb to the left of the star, forming a straight alignment. The colours and shape are similar to the Lei’hua’s emanation, but revealing an interior scene this time from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem), with light figures ranged around a bright golden-white floor in the foreground, with overlighting forms in the background (I see/feel lovely Sananda in the centre background, in green light).

A ‘light-room’ emanation from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem) mothership flashes upper right of Canopus, with a pearlescent orb to the left of the star, on January 31st 2021.

Through all this, our Lepian star brothers and sisters continue containing lower astral Orion entities in light-fields and redirecting them (for clarity, these beings aren’t necessarily from Orion, but coming through portals connected to some of the Orion stars from other galaxies), with assistance from beings of ascended stars and planets within the diverse and complex Orion constellation. The beautiful golden-white orb below floated down from Lepus to align with Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021. Enlarged, there are two especially clear rabbit forms, representing the soul energies of star brother Arturo and star sister Ella (of the Elam’Ashar/Sapphire Star mothership).

Golden-white ‘bunny’ orb floats down from Lepus, on a level with Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021.

Arturo&Ella earthed their soul energies, for a few cherished years, through a pair of very adorable bunny companions, Merlin and Ella, who Arturo&Ella have projected within the orb…with Merlin in the foreground looking this way, and Ella behind him, looking toward a golden light. Ella passed on Christmas Day 2020 during a ‘sudden mission’ connected with the Orion portals, in which her hold on her earth-anchor bunny form slipped away. But in the higher dimensions she is fine, all is re-newed in the instant…and she sends her rabbit form in my dreams, meditations, and orbs. In hindsight, it’s no coincidence that bunny companions first came into my earthly life some ten years ago, at the same time I started dreaming of starships, then seeing them in the sky (and the first time I ever searched the name ‘Arnap’ online, a picture of a white rabbit came up).

Ascended beings assisting the Earth and humanity’s awakening can anchor their soul presences through animals, just as much as through human embodiments (and really, through anything, a tree, a crystal, a light particle, but often soul family members and soul friends are with us, radiating through the forms of animals, whether as our close companions, or fleetingly through our wild friends). Everything is connected, and everything reflects, from the macro to the micro, in these interweaving expressions and co-creations throughout universes. And for any who feel so called, the beautiful ‘Bunny Angels’ are here and delighted to connect! Just ask from your heart of Love (we suggest practices like these ones or similar, for aligning and unifying your vibration, before inviting other dimensional connections).

With the Lunar New Year open now, through the vibration of the Year of the Ox, alignments are now lighting up from many Ox/Cow-connected stars, including the Taurus constellation’s Pleiades cluster, Hyades cluster and alpha star Aldebaran. The Ox vibration radiates stability, kindness, gentle strength, patience and perseverance, all qualities that are a great asset in this phase of the Earth Shift, perfect for stabilizing the field, staying on track and honouring the New Earth’s budding creational potentials within ourselves and all beings.

We wish all readers celebrating this Lunar New Year many blessings of the Light, radiating to All Beings! And a Happy Valentine’s Day to ‘the world and all beings here’, with a photo leading into these beautiful energies on February 10th 2021…of an orb close to the alpha star of Taurus, Aldebaran, containing a pair of Divine Lovers holding each other in a wash of deep rainbow light.

Rainbow orb appears next to the star Aldebaran, with a divine loving pair holding each other, and soul family among the rainbow colours, on February 10th 2021, leading into the Lunar Year of the Ox and Valentine’s Day.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends ๐ŸŒžโœจ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿฐ

*More photos and video footage of the ships and light-beings appearing here so far this year can be found on the Lightships 2021 page, which I/we will keep updating through the year.

9~9 Gateway 2020 Update

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the trees on September 8th 2020, aligning energies during the 9-9 Gateway.

Dear Friends,

It’s been a while between posts, as we (and Star Family assisting the Earth’s vibrational Shift in general) continue to be very focused and ‘interdimensionally busy’ moment to moment through this intense year! At ground level, I’m resting a lot to allow integrations between node/light-grid activations and incoming higher energy alignments, and am offline a fair bit…so firstly, sending a warm Heart Hug now to anyone who has reached out via email, comments or messages, that I haven’t replied to, love and gratitude to you all, and to everyone reading here. ๐Ÿ’—

In the lead-up to the first high vibrational Gateway of September, energies moved swiftly from this year’s Lion’s Gate period through August, into September’s potent alignments ~ which opened with a massive Full Moon clearing that led into the 9~9 ‘Gate of Angels’. We’d like to share a few key moments within the last month and a half’s progression of alignments and activations from our perspective, with high energies now flowing toward the September Equinox 2020.

We’ll start from a follow-up visit to the ‘landing spot‘ Star Family continue to strengthen energetically, on July 27th, working with the ‘27-72‘ galactic light-codes (the galactic central format the universal creation codes translate through into this galaxy). As with previous activations of the landing pad node on July 7th and 21st, an eagle immediately appeared overhead, with Ashura’s soul vibration guiding through this beautiful bird. Many overlighing presences also formed in clouds around the eagle, such as the figure in the right-hand photo below, standing on a symbolic floating platform, with arms forward and outstretched in a Christlike embrace toward the Earth.

A lot of dense vibrational pressure leading up to the opening of the annual Lion’s Gate on July 26th was loosened from the planetary field through multiple activations around the world, initiating another level of clearing by lightships of the Ashtar Command around the Earth. On July 27th, this type of clearing action was openly displayed by a ship which stayed close overhead throughout that day’s ‘landing pad’ activation. This small ship holding around thirty people/beings is a run-around from the Lei’hua (which you can read about on this page). In the enlargement below, you can see this ship’s flat disc-type shape of shining pink-white light, with two white plumes visible going over its roof on either side, like fountains of light, along with what looks like a sheet of transparent, slightly viscous liquid dropping below the ship, which Arnap (Ashura’s 5D soul form, on board this ship at the time) described as ‘venting plasma’. At the moment captured in this photo, the ship was converting disruptive frequencies into subtle plasma (ie; converted into a beneficial, purifying vibration/subtle substance).

Small support ship of the Lei’hua flies close overhead, transmuting dissonant frequencies into healthy plasma/subtle substance, July 27th 2020.
The Lei’hua’s support ship, a light pink-white disc-ship we call the Daina, visibly venting plasma like a translucent shimmery waterfall below the ship, while conversion of disruptive frequencies can be seen in the twin fountains pluming over the top of the ship, July 27th 2020.

I hear these plasma transformations by thousands of support ships working within the Earth’s ionosphere are now continuous around the planet, discharging dense electromagnetic frequencies, converting them into higher vibrating subtle substance (this includes both technological sources of disruptive frequencies and intensified emotional/psychological stress and polarization triggered within the human collective consciousness field this year, which also has a strong interactive electromagnetic aspect and influence).

This beautiful big blue-green orb with a touch of violet above the Moon, just left of Jupiter and Saturn while they formed a straight alignment to the Moon on the night of July 27th, signalled clearing and healing vibrations flowing from Star Family to the Earth, with this calming, healing blue-green colour continuing to appear in orbs and lightships throughout August.

Blue-green orb appears next to Jupiter and Saturn, during a Moon-Jupiter-Saturn alignment on July 27th 2020.

Forward to August 19th, here’s one of those beautiful blue-green lightship, flashing in the southern sky to the right of Alpha Centauri, during a period of close communications and messages from one of our lovely Star Sons, Minairu.

Blue-green lightship from a planet of Canopus flashes to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri, August 19th 2020.

With the ship enlarged, Arnap’s form can be seen standing at the left, showing that he was liaising on board this ship at the time, and turned around in the second photo, the form of a seated woman is visible (circled at the right). Minairu shared visions through his 5-6D soul expression connected with this ship and the planet it comes from, one of nine planets orbiting Canopus in three rings of three, which translates in my inner hearing as Daira’mu.

This beautiful ship was followed by the appearance of a deep blue-green orb tinged with purple, still to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri. Minairu’s form can be seen in the centre of the orb, with a slim build and long dark hair, wearing a kimino-style robe (see if you can spot a deep V-shape near the centre of the orb in the enlargement below, where his robe is wrapped over at the front).

Teal blue-green orb appears between Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross, projecting the soul presence of Minairu and the vibration of a planet of Canopus called Daira’mu, August 19th 2020.

While communing with him and photographing this orb, Minairu sent a vision of Daira’mu as a watery blue-green planet with deep underwater forests of wavy plants (like blue kelp forests on a giant scale), and the presence of gentle water dragons. Two days later, on August 21st, this Daira’muan ship and companions stationed overhead during a light-grid activation in the Perth hills, connected with a waterfall. As the activation completed, a sunbow formed overhead, and in the enlarged section below, with contrast enhanced, three forms are subtly visible standing on the rim of the bow, Ashura&Irana (9D Higher Selves presence) and a slightly smaller ‘child’ figure at the right, representing Minairu. In the enlargement, maybe you can also see the face of a lion in the cloud at the left, representing Ashura’s leonine soul energies.

Sunbow forms at the completion of a node and light-grid activation in the Perth hills on August 21st 2020.
From left to right, Ashura, Irana & Minairu, standing on the sunbow, with light pillars flowing down, August 21st 2020. If you look closely, Ashura is wearing a white gem on a long necklace, and Irana is holding a matching white gem (higher dimensional diamond) in her hand.

The dance of Jupiter and Saturn has continued through these mid-months of 2020, leading toward culmination as a Great Conjunction on the Solstice of December 21st this year (still currently on course as potential breakthrough moment of the ‘Event’, on the most optimal/energized Ascension timeline), Their alignment continues to be surrounded by higher dimensional activity, with more gigantic blue-green orbs like the one below, floating over Saturn on August 26th, with Jupiter the brighter light at the left, indicating much focus keeping the high vibrations flowing toward Earth (and a lot of work by the Jupiter & Saturn Commands, thank you star brothers and sisters).

Giant deep blue-green orb hovers above Saturn, with Jupiter shining bright at the left, on August 26th 2020.

Night after night there have been ships twinkling between and around Jupiter and Saturn. On August 26th, three different ships flashed in sequence to the lower right of the two planets. The first was the Victor Five, followed by an incredibly bright flash of rose, amber and golden light, then a third flash…which in the enlargements below, reveals an ‘interior snapshot’ from the Lei’hua, with Arnap (in green, his most customary colour this year) seated at a wrap-around white console, then with the photo turned around, he can be seen standing, facing forward and rimmed in white light.

Valiant Thor’s current ship, the Victor Five, flashes to the right of Saturn and Jupiter, August 26th 2020.
A bright rose-gold flash, again lower right of Saturn and Jupiter, signals the presence of the New Jerusalem (Na’Heru’Shi’Mura’Ima) mothership, August 26th 2020.
A third flash below the other two ships reveals a ‘snapshot interior view’ of the Lei’hua with Arnap’s form in green, showing two ‘scenes’, depending on which way the picture is viewed, August 26th 2020.

On August 27th, strong high vibrations peaked through the straight alignment of Saturn and Jupiter to the Moon, with reception into the Earth’s light-grids assisted by many lightships and star groups, including a team of triangular ships with a distinctive appearance that appeared for three consecutive nights around the alignment of Moon, Jupiter & Saturn. These ships display a ‘composite’ vibration through their shape and colours, as they come from soul groups flowing together from the ‘Dog Stars’ (plural), in their words, with the long triangular design hailing from Sirius, with specific colours of plum, white, pink and green representing the stars Mirzam and Wezen in Canis Major, and Procyon, alpha star of Canis Minor.

In the photo below, two ships are aligning in a triangle with a rose-red orb beside Jupiter (showing Antarian star family presence), parallel to the Saturn, Jupiter, Moon alignment. The ship at upper centre looks like a ‘mash’ of light through the camera, which was actually the ship folding its light across dimensions. ๐Ÿ™‚

Rose-red orb of Antarian leonine/tiger soul vibrations flashes beside Jupiter, while two ships from the ‘Dog Stars’ triangulate with it from above, August 27th 2020.

Enlarged, you can see the distinct shape of these triangular ships, with a long, tapered nose of a deep plum colour and main body of green, rimmed in white and pink light, representing combined soul vibrations from the Dog Stars.

The same team of ships were busy around the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn over the next couple of nights, with another one flashing super clear on August 29th (with Jupiter and Saturn at that moment positioned with the Moon between them).

One of the same Canis Major-Minor team of lightships flashing to the far left of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn on August 29th 2020.

A very bright flash above Jupiter (in straight alignment with Jupiter and Saturn) a few seconds after the ship came through, shows faces among the soul groups on board, with a large-eyed, slightly feline green face in the centre.

A bright flash from the soul groups on board this/these lightships, showing overlapping faces, with a green face clearest in the centre (the overseer of this fleet), August 29th 2020.

September opened with a gateway, literally represented as a ‘double doorway’ in the clouds on September 1st, with higher dimensional focus honing strongly now toward the 9~9 ‘Gateway of Angels’.

A twin doorway is clearly framed on top of a cloud on September 1st 2020, heralding high vibrations and opening of nodes and light-grid pathways for a flow of Angelic energies through the 9-9 Gateway.

This beautiful sign of the converging Gateway energies rolled into Full Moon’s heightened vibrations on September 2nd, with an attempt, however, by certain parties to blanket the sublunar field just before the Moon occulted Mars (‘occulting’ here means the Moon completely covering Mars ie; they were in direct alignment to the Earth) on September 5th-6th. Aris, the planetary soul of Mars, holds a 5D Divine Masculine vibration, and efforts were made by some to distort the higher vibrations of that alignment into an ‘old martial’ activation. The energies around the Full Moon felt pretty ‘full on’, but many Angelic Lights came in to protect the Earth and Moon and refresh the energy field, and in the photo below, the orb of violet, purple and rose light at the upper left shows a masculine soul projection, with a serene and steady presence, as the disruptive energies were cleared, until the sky was calm again and the Moon shone peacefully.

Purple, rose-gold and violet orb appears left of the Moon, representing the sublunar field being cleared and disruptive vibrations transformed to Love, September 2nd 2020.

The energies built massively, and we’ll share some glorious lightships that appeared from the night of September 5th onward, in a new post soon, about the role of Neptune in the Earth’s Ascension, along with the Neptune Command (another local wing of the Ashtar Command, which is universal in scope and nature). Meanwhile, the close-up below of Jupiter on September 5th 2020 clearly shows what was happening energetically, with the planetary soul of Jupiter (Aisaia) visible as the face of a man with eyes closed in deep concentration, while dense energies are transmuting into a spreading array of rainbow colours from around his ‘head’ (the north pole of Jupiter), as a load of vibrational ‘gunk’ was shifted from the Earth’s energy field and transmuted into ‘aurora rainbow energies’ by/through Jupiter. Thanks and blessings, big guy and Star Family support teams!

Jupiter and Saturn on September 5th, during a massive transmutation of energies through Jupiter.
Enlargement of Jupiter shows his ‘planetary soul face’ amid a swathe of rianbow energies, September 5th 2020.

The next two photos were taken around midnight on September 8th, just as the energies were fully aligning for and into the 9~9 Gateway of Angels. The reddish-gold orb below shows a combination of ‘earthing’ vibrations of two big red stars, Antares and Aldebaran, with the golden light of Lyra aligning through them and grounding in earthy tones. There are two clear figures; circled on the left is Sananda in Christ pose with a ray of green-golden light flowing down through him into a mountaintop, and on the right is Ashura in his ‘Min’ soul expression, closely connected with Aldebaran, as he anchored that star alignment. He’s showing his Min aspect in this orb as a dark-skinned masculine form wearing a white cloth around his middle, in ancient Egyptian style (symbolizing one of the areas on Earth he was anciently connected with as Min).

Red-gold orb appears close to midnight on September 8th 2020, leading into the opening of the 9-9 Gateway.

This was followed by a bright blue flash as the Gate opened, and the enlargement below shows the opening of the Gateway in a very specific sequence (several images in one light emanation, revealed by turning the photo around). In the first crop, you can see a Divine Masculine figure with arms and legs in ‘star pose’ (Ashtar Ka’ree, of the Jupiter Command) opening the gate, appearing as a semi-circle of brilliant blue-white light around his hand at the right. Turned around, in the second picture, there’s again a clear, beautiful Masculine form coming through the Gateway, head haloed in the blue-white light of the Gate. Through this form, I see/feel an overlay of many loving soul vibrations, including Arnap, star brothers Ar’Noah and Atreis, and Arturo, of the mothership Elam’Ashar)…and more, all coming through the Gateway as One to protect and uphold the Divine Feminine rebirth of Gaia and her planetary ascension. Finally, the Gateway is symbolized in this light emanation as an Omega symbol (see pictures below ~ with brightness reduced, the symbol is especially clear)…which signifies activation of the Alpha-Omega Gateway dynamic of ‘end of the old programme/rebirth into New Earth’ that has been building Ascension convergence through successive alignments and gateways this year.

A bright blue flash on September 8th at midnight reveals both Divine Masculine soul energies opening the 9-9 Gate, and the Omega symbol of the Alpha-Omega Gateway energetics of ‘end of the old/rebirth of the New Earth’ convergence building through successive high vibrational Gateways during 2020.

The 9~9 Gateway this year has had such a powerful Angelic Light in-flow, with the vibrations settling in through to September 12th, calling in a Miracle of Grace to humanity, this beautiful planet and all living beings here. Our focus here began with Ashura’s ‘eagle form’ suddenly flying down a long ‘cloud ray’ and below a bank of clouds, with the rim of a rectangular ship outlined in the clouds at the right. Ashura’s eagle appeared sheathed in golden light to my eyes, and this has come out a little in the photo below, with golden light around the eagle’s head and wings (see the enlargement below, and also of this rectangular ship, with a face forming in the centre of it).

Ashura’s eagle flies into view during the 9-9 Gateway actiation, with a rectangulat ship in clouds above, to the right, Septemeber 9th 2020.

The eagle flew up and down these ‘cloud rays’, followed by many Arcturian bowships outlining or silhouetting in the clouds.

Arcturian bowships outlined/silhouetted among clouds on September 9th 2020.

These are also Arcturian ships silhouetted in the clouds, with a deeper curved shape rather than the shallow arc of the Bowships, and they refer to these more curved ships as Deepwings.

Arcturian ‘Deepwings’, very angelic looking/feeling ships, September 9th 2020.

As we can and are constantly flowing through multiple, multidimensional soul expressions and energies at once (you too, dear readers, we are All multidimensional beings), Ashura was also present in his 5D Arnap form, flying his small silver-white pod ship down from the Lei’hua close over the treetops as we aligned and anchored the Gateway light in-flow to the nodes and light-grids here.

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the treetops while we anchoried energies together through the Gateway, September 9th 2020.
Arnap continues aligning energies, in this photo his pod is in front of a cloaked high light Carian ship (bird-like beings) outlined in the clouds as a long, curved triangular shape, which hails from the Phoenix Cluster, September 9th 2020.

The ‘double diamond’ signature form of a lightship named the Taia’Tara (from Antares, with beautiful leonine and tiger beings on board, as well as humanlike Antarians) hovered overhead, and can be seen softly outlined in clouds, with a subtle diamond-shaped light-field around it.

The Antarian lightship Taia’Tara hovers straight overhead, with its double diamond shape outlined in clouds, September 9th 2020.

Here’s another diamond-shaped ship, with a more rounded edge. Light rays were spreading like a starburst all around the ship, and they faintly reflected into the clouds, in a soft (but powerful) light emanation.

Softly curved diamond-shaped ship, spreading light rays, which have ‘translated’ subtly into the clouds, that look like a ‘starburst’ from the ship, September 9th 2020.

There were angelic forms all over the sky, and the two below show a ‘winged cherubic face’ on the left, and a childlike being holding a Light Language symbol forward, symbolizing the angelic light-codes flowing through the Gateway.

During this phase of flux and variables, amid ongoing attempts to steer human consciousness, focus and energies into tension, we have the choice every moment to be(come) still and light within our hearts, to relax and breathe the pure ascension-coded love vibrations pouring all around the Earth into our beings…and radiate them to all around us, people, animals, plants and planet, in love and compassion. Smile to the sky, ground with the earth, align with the New Earth light-grids, the already-Ascended Earth, and know that countless Angels (and all manner of loving beings in Divine Service to the Source of all Life) are with Gaia and all of us in this enterprise, and their Love is available and can be connected to in any moment!

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends ๐Ÿ’–

PS: There’ll be a September Equinox Meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle soon, for anyone who feels called to join in. Meanwhile, all are most welcome to join in the New Earth Meditations, let’s keep building the peaceful energies! With love and thanks to everyone who’s been coming in on this regular focus for New Earth.

The 2020 Golden Gateway is Open

Golden orb appears above the star Canopus on December 12th 2019, with a ship flashing next to Sirius at lower left.

Dear friends,

Wishing you all (and planet Earth) a highly providential 2020, as we dive into this supercharged year, building on the strong vibrational arc of December 2019 that began on December 12th (12-12-12 Gateway), peaked on the December 21st Solstice, through the Solar Eclipse of December 26th, anchoring now through January 12th’s deep alignment of Sun~Mercury~Ceres~Saturn~Pluto. We have a meditation for January 12th at the LoveLight Circle…if this resonates for you, please join in, and/or with any group meditations you feel inspired to participate in, to help anchor the highest potential of this alignment into the Earth and collective consciousness field.

Perfectly timed to clear the Earth’s energy field for this ray of concentrated Ascension Light flowing through the Great Central Sun, through the galactic network of central suns, through our sun and along this focused planetary alignment to ground and anchor here, Earth has been assisted beautifully by the Lunar Eclipse on January 10-11th. Lunar eclipses expose hidden dense vibrations and energy pockets, individually and within the collective subconscious and planetary field…which can come with triggerings and upsets, but always with the opportunity to peel dense vibrations away, bless and transmute them into unconditional love.

Just post-eclipse in the early hours of January 11th, this orb appeared between the two brightest stars in the sky, Canopus and Sirius, representing the penumbral eclipse of the moon and release of a thick mass of dense shadow energies from the Earth’s field, bundled up and removed through a very high vibrational portal in the Hu Shi asterism (the Eremor Portal, located within the kite-shape of stars directly above the orb) for transformation back to pure love.

Orb representing a mass of heavy, distorted energies removed from the Earth during the Lunar Eclipse and steered by higher dimensional beings through a universal portal within the stars above the orb, for transformation back to pure light and love, January 10-11th 2020.

With Sirius and Canopus weaving their soul lights synergistically, in soft focus their beautiful energies are revealed, with a large-eyed face glowing through the centre of Canopus in the first photo, and an open white archway with a river of white light flowing through Sirius (which can also be seen as an angelic or aquatic being) in the second.

Sirius has been powering through energetically since reaching its annual zenith in our sky at midnight on New Year’s Eve, and Canopus has a particular role in the grounding of the high vibrational flow through January 12th’s alignment and onward through January into February (when Venus also comes into higher focus through a conjunction with Neptune on January 27th and Transit of Venus on February 15th 2020). To feel into this role, we’ll go to the photo at the top of this post, with a giant golden orb appearing above Canopus on December 12th, now completing this light arc through January 12th.

The name Canopus comes from ancient Egyptian ‘Kha Nub/Kahi Nub’, meaning ‘golden floor’ or ‘golden earth’, also known as navigator and pilot in many Earth myths (as pilot of the ship Argo in Greek myths, connected with the quest for the ‘golden fleece’). The golden orb above Canopus appears ‘earthy’ in its colouration, with a reddish hue also symbolizing the transmutation of out of balance fire energies…which have been continuous and intense here in Australia since last September.

For anyone reading this who feel in you hearts to focus with Canopus through this January 12th alignment (and through January-February 2020), Star Family ask that we hold the vision of Golden Earth; see a golden beam of light coming from the heart of Canopus to the heart of Gaia, and that this light is flowing and anchoring through us as open conduits of pure Love, spreading around the planet to create a shining ‘golden floor of light’, the perfect, serene bed of golden light for the incoming streams of light to be received and held securely within….as they course through the Earth’s chi flow lines and nodes, balancing the elements and filling the collective field with openness to universal love, unity and peace.

We’ll keep this short, to get this post out now, and will be back with a longer post soon, as there’s so much in motion locally and galactically, all connected. I/we will be focusing through many group meditations with today’s solar-planetary alignment, this morning firstly with a gathering at Uluru, led by the traditional custodians there (Anangu people), and we see/hold the intention of great peace and harmony anchoring and radiating from Uluru, the solar plexus/fire chakra of Gaia’s etheric planetary body, rippling through the ‘golden floor’ ~ a soft yet steady golden carpet of light around the world for the highest potential vibrations for freedom in Love to ground into and spread through. So Be it.

We’ll end this message with a couple more photos of Canopus and Sirius, with love to all the light beings from those stars and so many others, who bring their loving support and guidance to this Shift of Ages upon the Earth, and of course, so much gratitude to all holding the New Earth vibration in this Earth plane. We love you,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor&Friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Twinned orbs radiate soft amethyst clearing vibrations from between Canopus and Sirius, New Year’s Eve 2019-2020.
Dance of Lights/ships/light beings around Canopus on New Year’s Eve 2019-2020.
Enlarged from photo above, light-field/morphing ship, with feline faces, especially clear at left, in soft yellow-green merged Sirian and Canopan energies.

*We have a continuing New Earth Meditation running every Sunday throughout 2020, everyone is very welcome to join in and help build this energy. Please share if this resonates for you.

Ascension Wave Update July 2019

‘White pyramid’ in the clouds, photo taken July 8th 2019.

Dear All,

Much preparation has been put in place in the higher dimensions for this year’s Lion’s Gate, which opens annually on July 26th (and is vibrating high today, through the ’27’ vibration, July 27th, see below), peaks on August 8th (8-8), and flows through to around August 15th 2019. The Lion’s Gate refers to the annual heliacal rise of Sirius; you can read more about this in previous Lion’s Gate posts if you’re unfamiliar with its vibrational significance. We’ll focus closely with the Gate as the energy peaks, but for this post will share from our perspective the completion of a truly awesome continuing sequence of liberation ‘ripples’ through July that have reached the outer Solar System, and what this means for the 2019 Lion’s Gate…and overall ascension of Earth and humanity.

The galactic central alignment expressing through the mirror vibration of the numbers 27-72 continues stepping up the higher dimensional Light Pulse that charges the divine-resonant presence within us and all creation…which can be intuited as a deep, subtle re-tuning to the oneness of life and infinite sacredness. You can read about the 27-72 ‘universal framework vibration’ on this page, but in a macro-to-micro nutshell here, just feel the beautiful perfection of inherent creation principles through which universes and galaxies, planet and moons are born.

We’ve looked previously at the Golden Frequency that vibrates as natural harmonic expressions through the Golden Ratio/Phi, the Fibonacci Spiral, the Sublime Triangle (36 degrees at the apex, 72 degrees at the base vertices), and how the cosmic ‘geometric template’ radiates from the macro ~ with galactic centre 27 000 light years from the Solar System, at 27 degrees 3′ in Sagittarius, moving 1 degree every 72 years from our Earth perspective. On November 27th last year, a high vibrational portal opened between the Solar System and Messier 27, which has been profoundly assisting a sequence of shifts into a heightened potential Solar and planetary ascension pathway through 2019.

Connecting through to the outer Solar System, in ever stronger light-weaving of the Ascension Wave flowing through the Galactic Central Sun into our local star system, on June 27th 2019 a deep alignment was secured into the light network of Uranus’s 27 moons. This has been swiftly followed up with a star fleet mission further out to Pluto on July 7th (7th day of the 7th month, the 7-7 Gateway of Divine Grace, between the Solar and Lunar Eclipses) which fundamentally ended the ‘transformation comes through destruction‘ transmission from Pluto (which, with Saturn, before that beautiful planet’s liberation into its natural high Soul Light, co-generated the underpinnings of the control matrix within the Solar System). Not any more!

From rebirthing Pluto and clearing its moon Charon, part of the fleet involved in this mission, with the Meri’Ashar mothership and companions, jumped further out again, to the dwarf planet Eris and its moon Dysnomia (named after the Greek Goddess of strife and dischord, and her daughter, anarchy and lawlessness; if only astronomers knew what they were subconsciously picking up on when naming stars and planets). Astronomers nickname Eris and Dysnomia as Xena and Gabrielle, and since ‘mother-daughter’ dwarf planet and moon have been thoroughly (Archangel) Gabriel’ed and this transformation is resonant with a (positive/beneficial) planet refered to as ‘X’ further out there, we’ll go with the nicknames. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Throughout the 7-7 and into July 8th, the clouds overhead here filled with pyramids, hundreds of them (with leonine and ‘Egyptian/Atlantean’ faces appearing, during this deep deletion of Plutonic-based Egypt-Atlantis imprints), as the Pluto-Eris rebirthed higher frequencies anchored into the Earth’s field, through both the ancient pyramid network around the planet and Gaia’s natural pyramids (specific mountains containing powerful nodes and higher dimensional light-encoded crystals). Within the unified New Earth light-grid, these networks are now weaving together, complimentary and mutually strengthening the light stabilizations, while major flushings of ‘pluto-prints’ take place. These are a few of the pyramid clouds and faces that formed over those two days.

With completion of mid-2019’s Solar-Lunar Eclipse alignments through July 16th-17th, and anchoring of the deep vibrational shift of the Pluto-Eris liberations into Gaia’s light-grids and energy field, to attune with the precision of all this from Galactic Centre into the local level through the 27-72 zero-point, Eris has 0.27% the mass of Earth, and is 27% larger than Pluto. On July 15th, leading into the completion of this cycle through the Lunar Eclipse, the Moon brushed by Saturn from our Earth perspective, at 0:2 degrees, at exactly 7:27 UTC (Universal Time), and 727 represents the Oneness, the fully merged 72-27 galactic alignment. Isn’t it magnificent, the brilliant precision, the beauty of sacred geometric harmonies and activations unfolding steadily within the Love Wave, down to our ‘micro’ Earth level? ๐Ÿ™‚

These outer Solar System liberations were aligned firstly back through Saturn and Jupiter, by our loving star brothers and sisters of the local ‘Commands’ stationed around those two planets. In the crops below, you can see one of the Saturn-based ships that flashed for a moment next to a star below Saturn (the bright light in the first two photos) on July 9th, and on the right, zoomed into Jupiter, a beautiful golden doorway is symbolized within the big planet, surrounded in rainbow light, from July 12th. We’ll share more about this soon.

Below are a few photos of the partially-eclipsed moon at its peak here, at 5:27am (the 27 again!) on July 17th, with the halo around the moon growing progressively deeper rose…the vibration of Rose Mother Love flowed strong and deep indeed through this eclipse.

The consistent pressing in of the higher Light from around the Earth and within the Earth is sandwiching the dense distortion field. Stay in an Unconditional Loving overview of the effects of the squeeze wherever there is resistance; transmute any ‘tremors or shakes’ in your own mental-emotional field in trust, peace, love and gratitude…and keep a calm, compassionate overview of turmoils and confusion in the collective, whether in close relationships, families, political, social, or ideological. We support ourselves, each other, the collective consciousness and planet when we firmly anchor in our hearts and beings, in union with the Heart of Gaia, the divine Light Pulse flowing through this full sequence of Solar System rebirths, untetherings and dissolution of constructs beyond Earth that maintained the lower grids…which in turn is supporting another amplification and acceleration of the convergence of higher dimensional frequencies into the 3-4D planetary field, and into the human consciousness field.

From here on, the slate of accumulated collective distortions is wiped clean (some astrologers picked up on the lunar eclipse as a moment of ‘Pluto-Saturn karmic closure’, which is indeed how the liberation of those planets translates into the Earth’s energetic field). People may still energize what they are subconsciously identified with or have become generationally attached/habituated to, for a little while yet, but overall, events, experiences and stories that reflect as suffering and pain in this level have no interplanetary underpinning from beyond the Earth any more, and this is huge. Hanging onto old fear-based imprints is unsupported, and their felt and perceived relevance will continue to diminish rapidly for many now as the higher light keeps stepping up and in.

From star family’s point of view, what remains to be dealt with now is only local control-oriented forces/factions bent on keeping the human consciousness field out of synchronism with Ascended Earth, with fear, division, and desensitization to ‘the other’, whether human, animal or environmental. Please know, deeper than ever, dear friends, that we all have the potential in every moment to support the Universal Love momentum with Gaia and all loving Beings across the dimensions co-creating this Shift with us. Be that eternal inner well-spring of Love, Joy, Kindness and Peace you came here to be, in the midst of 3-4D unsettledness. So we’re invited to focus and feel this now; know the slate is clean, know you are Free in Love, Free as Love, within your whole being…and let this be what vibrates from us in thoughts, words and actions, small or large, into the whole energy field of the planet, as constantly as possible. โค

As these interplanetary rebirths vibrate back to the Earth, anchoring and sending ripples of release through the light-grids, nodes and meridians, Gaia is releasing layers of etheric, plasmatic and astral constructs and imprints not in harmony with her/our ascension, and this release (which she’s been taking as gently as possible for the living beings travelling with her, for years now in Earth time, while going through her natural expansions and clearings) translates into 3D as seismic activity, thermal and atmospheric changes. Here in Western Australia, the equal biggest earthquake on record triggered off the northwest coast on July 12th, and another in the ocean floor between northern Australia and Indonesia, at the southern rim of the ‘Ring of Fire’. The quakes centered deep, and caused minimal damage and no tsunamis. Remember we can all support Gaia’s and our own upliftment by staying fully present in love and choosing to energize the most ease-full potential Shift rather than ‘impending doom and disaster scenarios’.

To my view, fleets of lightships led by the Neptune are at present assisting along the ocean floors throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Attempts to turn the Earth’s movements and adjustments into crisis situations are continually being defused, and nuclear waste cannisters dumped on the sea floors have been neutralized (especially those close to tectonically vibrating areas) east of the Asian mainland ~ in a literal 3D reflection of the transformations of the death/destruction grid of ‘old-programme’ Pluto vibrating through the physical Earth plane as transmutation/detoxification of plutonium. Stabilizing of the volcanic chain within Japan has been guided by the beautiful 5D Agarthan people of that Inner Earth area, who symbolize themselves as the ‘People of the Butterfly’ (their emblem is the white butterfly of light, and you can hold this in your heart if you feel called to connect with them).

Thanks go to the many love anchors all around the planet holding and radiating the intention and vision of full alignment of the New Earth for the planet and all living beings, along the highest ascension trajectory. Blessings to those embodied in 3D and across the dimensions of light who have been clearing and grounding through the western Americas too, around the eastern rim of the Ring of Fire. Your presence is loved and felt. โค

We’d like to share some photos now, of Ashura (my Twin Flame) as he appeared in his 5D expression Arnap, from the night of July 21st, during a highly energized phase of clearings by lightships along the ocean floors. The night was still, softly raining, as we aligned energies through the nodes/light-grid here, he appeared very clearly in his 5D human-shaped lightbody, shining brightly in the driveway, love pouring through him like a river! Where he was standing on a patch of gravel, the camera caught a large orb floating above and then touching the gravel.

I asked if he could show his 5D form in a photo; the next frame blurred, which I took as a ‘not yet’, however on downloading the photo, found his form was faintly visible, and that he had subtly shown his motion from standing on the gravel facing me, to turning sideways as he stepped up the bank, to facing forward again at the far right (standing directly above the rubbish bin, symbolically, as we were literally ‘getting on top of the trash’ on the ocean floor at that moment!). ๐Ÿ™‚ In 5D, we’re not ‘in time’ as such (though we can intersect with it, and move in and out it) so he was able to show what would appear in linear 3D time as a sequence of movements, in a single frame. Hopefully, you can make out, or feel the vibration of, his subtle presence and form within the three areas I’ve circled in blue. The fourth circled area in the background also has a figure standing in it; a soul embodied on Earth with whom we are now in contact, and he translocated with Arnap through the portal, by way of a first greeting.

In the crop below, to see Arnap’s form within the right hand circle, the easiest part of his body to see is probably his lower leg, which is forward, at the right, appearing as a slightly darker ‘leg-shape’ over the foreground grass. With our friend in the background, his feet are most visible on the grass, and the outline of his head and shoulder at the right-hand side.

An astounding orb appeared just before Arnap and our Earth contact came through, with a super clear Infinity symbol that looks almost as though it’s floating upon the surface of the orb, with an opened portal beside it. Two faces are visible within the portal; the upper face has a feline shape and energy….signifying the Lion’s Gate opening, and peaking into the 8-8 (double infinity) alignment/light activation (which we’ll post about closer to the peak, with a Lion’s Gate meditation). Many faces showed through surrounding orbs, but I’ve never seen anything like this Infinity Gate symbolism in an orb before. Powerful openings this Lion’s Gate, dear friends! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Love, Peace, Joy of the Lion’s Gate to you all, and of course to this beautiful Earth, as the blissful Sirian~Lyran Light flows in,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor โค

*See The Winged Lion of Eremor and From the Lion Beings for more information about our leonine and feline star families โค

June 2019 Light Update

Dear All,

Following the June Solstice of 2019, the Earth is vibrationally now within a two week ‘deep solar window’ through to an upcoming Solar Eclipse on July 2nd-3rd. This is a powerful, very well supported window in which to breathe deeply into our hearts, to open and anchor the next level of higher dimensional light that has been stepping up the planetary frequency to a new level of freedom of flow through the light-grids during the first three weeks of June. Through the Solstice focus, the continuous incoming Light has secured another vital step toward the interdimensional ‘Standing Wave Event’ which star family gave a clear photographic representation of at the end of the previous post, Saturn’s Return in Light.

This particular step has been fulfilled as the planetary energy flow-lines came into global cohesion of flow in mid-June, from a light-thread here and a thread there, that then became an area here, a region there, and finally now with the planet as a whole experiencing clear higher vibrational light flows through the New Earth light-grid as a unified network.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Having all the major meridians/flow-lines of the Earth open and ‘breathing’ naturally again, subtly yet profoundly affects all living beings and the human collective consciousness field around this planet…vibrating the unity and freedom that is inherent within us and all life, throughout the Earth’s energy field. Among the raft of higher effects of stabilized freedom of flow through the meridians and planetary light-grids as a Whole is that wherever there are attempts to reassert control constructs or lower vibrational holding points, the denser 3-4D grid layers are now being organically purified in a gentle ongoing frequency radiance from the Ascended 5D Earth (that already exists) through the New Earth grid, and those control constructs will continue to fade away within the coherence of the higher vibration.

There have been attempts to fracture this cohesion in certain pressure points on the planet recently, and to open passages into the Solar System from another galactic quadrant to send through reinforcements for those seeking to cling to control of the 3-4D plane; many lightships and ground crew light-anchors have worked to defuse and transmute those attempts, and will keep doing so as necessary…and star famly reaffirm that all is well, and in alignment for a ‘high beam’ transmission through the imminent Solar Eclipse, which is coming through the Galactic Central Sun.

To give a picture of this Freedom-in-Love Ignition that came into completion through the Solstice, and is settling into the Earth’s energy field now in readiness for the Solar Eclipse, star family gave some beautiful, symbolic photos, starting with the Moon on June 15th. Just a couple of days before Full Moon, clouds formed in a curved pillar below the Moon, with many beautiful faces showing through. This cloud pillar cupped the Moon, like an arm holding the Moon upward, toward a tiny cloud that appeared upper right of the Moon in the shape of a comet with a pluming tail, diving into the Moon as it was uplifted.

The ship appearing clearly in front of the clouds to the left of the Moon is the Meri’Ashar, and in the second picture, you can see a second ship (circled) in close beside the Moon; this is the Sophia, also called the White Phoenix, which radiates the eternal Mother Rose vibration from its white and rose core crystal. Above the Sophia, there’s a face (circled) reminiscent of a meerkat, symbolizing feline energies and deep loving heart energy (meer/mir in light language is the soundform of ’emerald green’, the heart chakra light vibration).

In the next frame, the cloud can be seen curving up around the Moon, as if softly cradling it in peachy rose light, forming a deep crescent or bowl of light, like a chalice in which the Moon is nestled.

Finally, the ‘Chalice of the Moon’ floated free, literally ascending as it appeared to lift from the clouds, with Jupiter below (the bright light at the bottom of the frame)…and Jupiter has been very active at the higher vibrational level with this whole uplifting process through June 2019, with star family focus groups within and around Jupiter and liberated Saturn in deep preparation now for the coming Solar Eclipse-Great Central Sun alignment, and the following partial lunar eclipse in mid-July. Everything’s moving very fast in the Light Wave’s momentum, folks!

This soft yet powerful ignition waxed through the Full Moon on June 17th, then rose into the full vibrational alignment of the Solstice on June 21st. Here in the south, this Winter Sosltice was blessed with a fine, sunny day between rain storms. Our ships were busy holding the light-grids steady in various parts of the world, with the Meri’Ashar working over Syria, neutralizing attempts to open fissures across the grids. The light-anchoring reflected here in a specific connected way; I was guided to place a ‘blue butterfly’ labradorite crystal and lemon topaz on a nearby hill, and while connecting with the Meri’Ashar, Arnap (5D soul expression of my Twin Flame, Ashura) brought a little white pod ship through a triangular portal he opened in the sky directly over the crystals, and sent light through them into the Earth. In the enlargement below, you can see the triangle shape of the portal quite clearly right behind the ship.

He then guided me to walk down the hill, toward a rock with an unusual curved fissure through its centre. Again, he flew his pod ship in a direct alignment over this rock, and from a higher dimensional view, a beam of white-gold light came from the ship that began to spiral as it neared the ground, flowing in a spiralling curve through the fissure in the rock, in unison with white and golden light being sent by the Meri’Ashar and Phoenix and accompanying ships into etheric fissures in a few ‘pressure points’ in the Middle East, filling them with light and smoothing them back into the harmonic flow of the high vibrational interweaving grids.

This higher flow of Freedom in Love, freedom of circulation and cohesion of the light-grids is part of, and assisted/activated by, ongoing interplanetary shifts and transformations within and around the planets, moons and asteroid companions travelling and vibrationally interacting within the Solar System. From the soul reawakening of Mars in 2018 (see Transformations July-Aug 2018 and Mars Mission Update) to the complete dismantling of the control grid around Saturn that has freed the transmission of its beautiful 6D heart light, with the rings of Saturn currently being recoded into what star family are showing as harmonic frequencies blossoming like a flower instead of being tethered as bands of constriction, to the true deep wisdom of the heart emanations of Chiron as Key to Wholeness…this all now opens the way for the higher frequencies of beautiful Uranus and its moons to radiate and be received in the Earth field.

The planet Uranus, photo by Erich Karkoshka, University of Arizona/NASA.

Uranus is vibrating 7th dimensional frequencies, amplified through it sixteen golden rings (16=1+6=7). Coming into 2019, star family called this year a bridging year, the ‘Year of the Golden Circle‘, which has multiple layers of meaning; the golden rings of Uranus are one aspect of this circle of completion and part of the bridging energy activating through the middle of this year. Uranus radiates Freedom through the integration of Grace, that comes with opening to and allowing Unconditional Loving Unity and Compassion for self and all. With Saturn transmitting its high heart light again, the soul radiance of Uranus can also be felt on Earth and in the human collective consciousness undistorted, as pure Freedom in Love&Unity rather than ego-motivated ‘free-wheeling into chaos’ or ‘free will at the expense of other people or life-forms’. This shift will come through subtly, but its effects will be deep, huge and wonderful in the collective energy field and consciousness.

June 27th is the midway point between the Solstice and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on July 2-3rd. It’s also an incredibly beautiful activation point for Freedom in Love, Freedom of the Divine Feminine in women, men and all life on Earth, as the very high Rose Light vibrations of Makarim, the Rose Planet, that flows through Messier 27 (see this post) aligns and anchors to a whole new level in the Solar System, into its natural holding points, the 27 moons of Uranus.

This activation will be flowing into specific nodes in the New Earth light-grid, and to anyone reading this, who feels called in your heart to anchor this Rose Light flow as it integrates into the lunar network of Uranus and reflects to our Moon and Earth, just open your heart, connect in Love with Gaia’s heart, and breathe in the Rose vibrations in unity with the (vision and intention of) planetary ascension blossoming as peacefully as possible within its highest trajectory. If you resonate with crystals and/or enjoy working with them, rose quartz crystals all around and within the planet are ready and willing to receive and hold the ’27’ Rose Light flow, for the highest good of all.

With much love and gratitude, rose light, peace and joy to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanaborย  ย โค

Oestre’s Gate

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Pearlescent ‘Eremor’ Leonine Soul Orb steers a Grey orb through a portal in the Hu Shi asterism, with stars Canopus and Sirius to the left and right below, April 2nd 2019.

Dear All,

Following on from the previous post about a far-reaching rebirth of Carian energies connected with Earth and galactically, the March-April energy flows are peaking now in ‘resurrection of the Golden Frequency’ mode through the Full Moon into Easter/Oestre. From the ancient Germanic mother goddess of the Spring, Ostara/Oestre’s symbols of eggs and rabbits ~ new life and fertility ~ continued through the Christian Easter festival of resurrection. Christed energy from a higher dimensional perspective ‘opens the 3D box from within’, which we’ll come to later in this post.

Through the last month, there’s been a continuous defusing of control-oriented energy constructs and entities releasing from lower astral hubs and pockets under the Earth’s crust (and those attempting to enter it being steered away), that have been representing clearly here throughout April; such as the appearance in the photo at the top of this post of a shimmering ‘Eremor winged white lion‘ orb on April 2nd which can be seen steering a lower 4D ‘grey’ orb into the arrow formation of stars known as the Hu Shi asterism, where there is a high light portal. (In the enlargements below you can see a soft rainbow sheen over white light that has consistently appeared as the soul signature of the Eremor lion beings the last couple of years, and the face of a being appearing in the smaller, dim orb as it was guided/transported toward a receiving light field).

We’ve seen streams of these beings gathered and escorted out of the Earth’s vibrational field, to specialized light fields for recalibration/transformation, into the guardianship of angelic and other light beings who oversee and assist healings/wholings back to Love. High vibrational Carian (bird-like) beings who fly in the golden light flows of resurrection have been constantly present, activating these clearings and transformations, with many appearances of their forms and ships in clouds overhead, like the photo below, from April 3rd, with a bird-face in clouds at the left, and the defined rim of one of their diamond-shaped lightships to the right, partially decloaked to give a clear impression of its structure.

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Carian diamond-shaped ship appears clearly defined in a small cloud, with bird face forming in cloud to the left, April 3rd 2019.

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Star family wish to share about the role of mirroring vibrations; in the previous post they showedย  an interplay of energies between Canopus and Sirius, the two brightest stars in the sky, as orbs positioning next to the two stars, reflecting from one to the other in consecutive photo frames. Since then, star family have flashed lightships simultaneously in mirror positions in relation to these two stars, and refer to Sirius and Canopus as holding an energetic alignment they callย mirror nodesย ~ and also that planets, moons, many stars and constellations, even galaxies and universes, exist and co-create through a direct quantum resonance translating as simultaneous vibrational affects that can be utilized to strengthen these co-affective, co-creative reflections. We too, can and often do flow and create as mirror nodes, from the soul to cellular levels, and so does Gaia, through many specifically connected nodes in her meridian/energy flow line network that have particular energy reflecting relationships within and around her planetary body and vibrational field/magnetosphere.

In the example below from star family on April 3rd 2019, Canopus is at the left, Sirius at the right, with two ships flashing at the same moment, from ‘above and below’; one above Canopus, the other below Sirius.

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Lightships flash simultaneously ‘above and below’ Canopus and Sirius respectively, in mirror positions, April 3rd 2019.

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In the next frame, the two ships have shifted position in relation to Canopus and Sirius, still mirroring each other’s movements, with the ship at the left aligned to Canopus, and the ship at right sitting exactly between Sirius and Mirzam, in a direct line to Canopus and the ‘mirroring ship’ stationed there.

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Lightships flash simultaneously next to Canopus at left, and between Sirius & Mirzam at right, April 3rd 2019.

The mirroring of ‘above and below’ symbolized by these two ships in the first photo is also deeply relevant to the ways in which our star family around the Earth and Solar System connect energetically with our 5D Inner Earth star brothers and sisters of the Agarthan light realms….and how their movements mirror each other. As the 5D and higher ships and soul groups converge more closely around the planet, so the light of Agartha swells from within the planet, closer toward the surface.

Everyone of us holding an embodied form on the surface of the planet is innately capable of anchoring the light flows from above and below as pure love, magnetizing love. We are perfectly (and deliberately) positioned to ‘hold centre’ between the above and below, aligning through our hearts ~ the heart chakra being the unifying mid-point of our ‘above and below’ both physically and vibrationally within our chakra column, which reflects and connects with our ‘surface dweller’ roles of unifying and radiating the light streams flowing from above and below us. This is natural for us, and blossoms smoothly when we have complete trust in the Divine Presence (however this omnipresence is felt and intuited, behind, supporting and moving through our beings and this planetary and galactic ascension) and prioritize our heartfelt, peaceful, clear, compassionate embrace of BEing anchors and transmitters of love and unity consciousness on Earth at this time.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

For the current centering of Christ Light ~ universal rebirth and resurrection frequencies ~ I was called a few weeks ago to activate a new node in the light-grid we’ve established in the garden here over the last five years. Crystals placed in the centre of this new node, in a Christ Cross formation, are holding the Threefold Flame/divine triune vibration, blue, rose and golden yellow, through beautiful silvery blue kyanite pieces, rose quartz and golden calcite. Quartz clusters that have been aligned with 5D core crystals within a sanctuary in the heart of Aran, an Agarthan light city directly below the hills here (see photos in this post of lightships exiting one of Aran’s interdimensional portals).

The photos below were taken as the sun rose over the eastern hillside on April 7th. Initially, three stripes of sunlight fell across the circle, one large centre stripe flanked by two smaller stripes, as the trinity/threefold energies activated.

The three stripes then merged into one bright, strong beam, and you can see in the photo below, that the circle around the node was evenly divided into ‘light and dark’, representing the 3D polarity/duality vibration, with the crystal cross in the centre, and the centrepoint of the cross exactly uponย the ‘dividing line’; literally the ‘crossing point of light’. The energy of the Dawn of the New Golden Age vibrating through this node from ‘above and below’, as it aligned and anchored the New Earth light-grid, with the sunlight playing very precisely across the circle, was wonderfully strong and tangible as a triple helix flow from the higher dimensions…and continues steadily.


This sublime energy continued into a wider group activation of the Aran alignment, with a group of dear ‘ground crew’ friends who anchored the light frequencies streaming from above and rising from the Agarthan light city below, to spread through a network of nodes connected with a distortion-release point on the upper edge of a nearbyย quarryย in the Darling Range.ย 


Statham’s Quarry, in the Darling Range, Western Australia, prior to Agarthan & Star Family activation on April 7th 2019.

Following a beautiful, calm activation at the quarry, that night was busy with ships and orbs around the constellation Orion, with the release of embedded reptilian energies being transmuted through the star Rigel, which you can see with a blue, rose-rimmed orb beside it in the photo below, with a lightship flashing brilliantly in alignment with Orion’s Belt as it sent a stream of (divine feminine) light through the Orion stellar trinity.

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Orb representing star family guarding the star Rigel, while a ship flashes rose-white light in alignment with Orion’s Belt, sending ‘softening light of the Divine Feminine through the belt’, April 7th 2019.

To attune with this phase of energy clearings from the planetary and collective psychic field, imagine the multidimensional Earth like an onion composed of energy layers wrapped around layers that have distinct attributes reflected in the physical layers of the planetary body. The centre of the planet, radiating from Gaia’s Heart (sixth dimensional heart frequency of the planetary soul), has a liquid outer core that translates from 6D liquid light. Around this 6D heart vibration/inner sun, are the 5D Inner Earth light realms known as Agartha, with a band of 4D frequency attributes nearer the surface, under the 3D outer crust of the planet.

As the 5D light vibrations radiate more strongly from the Inner light realms toward the surface, they’re pressing deeper into the 4D layer. Energies and entities inhabiting the 4D frequencies that are of denser, control-oriented vibrations (long-embedded heavy energy pockets or hubs, and beings that seek control through manipulation of the 4D ‘zero-point’ natural vortex qualities into polarized energy swirls/chaos) are being squeezed toward the surface, and seep out where there are open gateways for them to do so. This can happen softly and easily, or where there are strong blockages or resistance, the pressure tends to build until it ‘explodes’ in one way or another.

This is one aspect of the simultaneous fires that broke out in Notre Dame (Our Lady) Cathedral in Paris and Al Aqsa mosque complex on Temple Mount in Jerusalem on April 15th, as releases and clearings on the higher levels constantly translate into 3D into mild or more dramatic forms depending on the level of resistance and blockage. During this last month’s heightening of an overall ‘phoenix rebirth of darkened dragon fire’ many Divine Masculine Light-beings of the higher dimensions have stepped in to dig deep and transmute 4D nexus points of distortion, to allow the Ascension Light to flow more freely.

A poignant little signal of ‘divine mother’ energies alive and well in the Notre Dame node came in the form of the ‘miracle of the bees‘, as the three beehives on Notre Dame’s rooftop survived the fire. Bees, in ancient times, have been venerated as goddess symbols, including the Melissae, the maternal bee goddesses; just feel the resonances here of how bees were anciently perceived as parthenogenetic ‘virgin mothers’ (as in the Greek ‘Parthenon’ temple of the goddess Athena in Athens), and the symbolic preservation of a trinity of hives upon Mother Mary’s cathedral, while in the 4D levels, a plug was pulled to release old draconic energies (and flood the node within the church with SUNlight). What we have seen is an outpouring of love from the people, and that the cathedral will be restored through love, in a higher flow of the Golden Frequency.

In the last two posts, Gabriel, the archangel linked with Divine Conception, has shown his light (the White Ray) in relation to purifying energies around the Moon (‘mirror of the Sun’s light’ from an Earth perspective, often intuited as maternal) in prelude to opening the higher dimensional Lunar Portal, through which streams of the ‘unearthed’ lower 4D energies and entities have been released safely out of the Earth’s energy field.

On April 11th, Gabriel’s presence showed clearly, opening the Lunar Portal with arms/wings outstretched either side in Christ pose, in merged feminine energy form (Haniel), with a pronounced rounded belly, coming into the Easter/Oestre re-birthing energies.

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Archangel Gabriel/Haniel merged light-form appears in front of the Moon, opening the higher dimensional Lunar Portal on April 11th 2019.

In the two circled areas below, you can see the angelic light form on the left, floating above a deep crescent in the clouds below, and a human-like face with leonine qualities on the right.

Following this Angelic appearance, the portal started to open like a flower, with ‘petals’ subtly showing as a radiating array within the cloud around the Moon.

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As the portal opened fully and stabilized, an emerald green mothership (the Neptune) flashed briefly, while steering an orb of a reddish colour toward the portal, with the orb (reptilian energies) already lightening into white and rose as it neared the Moon.

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Green lightship (the Neptune) steers an orb toward the open Lunar Portal, April 11th 2019.

In this longer crop, the Twin Stars of Gemini, Castor and Pollux, are visible at the lower right, with a strong vibrational connection to the portal and trajectory of orb and ship, which is connected with recent light alignments and activations flowing from the Jellyfish Nebula within the Gemini constellation. There’s so much energy moving, all interweaving as part of the recouperative process of galactic ascension!

DSC04721 - CopyAs the portal transferred energies and flushed with light, the green and rose rainbow bands around it in 3D visibility became much more ‘solid and seamless’ looking, wrapped as almost opaque, slightly fluxing colour bands around the Moon, quite fascinating to watch.

During the next week, the energies continued to ramp up, as on the subtle levels dark fire has continued flushing out from the Earth, steered through the Lunar Portal into specially prepared light fields. Coming up to Easter, rabbit energies have been very much to the fore here (in higher dimensional qualities, rabbits exemplify ‘that which centres the flows of above and below‘, moving between above and below ground), as one of my beloved bunny companions passed from physical. Merlin the bunny was as magical in 3D form as in his higher light (an angelic being), with a coat of ever-changing colours that shifted not only in colour, but in patterns and markings, every day, like a precise yet softly shifting vibrational map.

Souls and soul families anchoring their light through animal forms on Earth is a subject for an in depth post of its own, but suffice to say here that in his 5D light-form ~ as a lovely, very gentle man named Turo (Arturo), currently stationed on board a beautiful lightship named the Elam’Ashar (Sapphire Star) ~ our soul brother’s warm presence has been shining through, literally, in the streak of a silvery-white pod-ship overhead the day after Merlin’s physical passing, and which he flew out from behind a cloud for this photo on April 17th.

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Small silver-white pod-ship of dear friend Turo comes into view from behind a cloud on April 17th 2019.

That night during another Lunar Portal out-flow, with Turo and many beautiful beings in ships above, the ears and face of a bunny formed softly next to the Moon. Just feel these super kind, gentle Easter Bunny energies in your heart. ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Oestre’s Gate of the egg of new life, has been and is so very open in this vibrational bridging year of 2019,ย in solar portal and lunar mirror reflection.

Coming into the Full Moon apex on April 18th, star family gave a most spectacular presentation to share here, of a pinnacle in the current theme of Carian transcendence and ascension. Straight above the Full Moon, an Arcturian bow-ship lit up bright white, at the top of a ‘cloud figure’ that merged both the cross symbol and upright bird-form with an outstretched wing.

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Arcturian bowship flashes brightly while guiding a Carian bird-being with wings in a cross-like pose, on an ‘ascending platform’ above the Full Moon, April 18th 2019.

Enlarged, you can see the bird figure (with the Arcturian ship in front of its head ie; in a guiding, leading role) is standing or hovering on a deeply curved platform ascending through the clouds. Tucked under the Carian being’s outstretched wing, there’s a small patch, serpentine-like, of a carmine colour, representing a ‘wounded red dragon’ literally taken under the wing, for healing through the deep rose/ruby light vibrations that transform destructive, aggressive ‘wildfire red’ energies into harmonious, balanced flows of life energy/chi represented by clear red light. So very beautiful.

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We wish you all the most happy Oestre/Easter vibrations of inner resurrection of all that is joyful and loving within you, radiating like a sun far and wide, above and below. Meditations and heartfelt contemplations with the vibration of 6D ~ the sixth harmonic ~ whether in the form of the bee’s honeycomb hexagons, the flower of life or the Christed Cross, all assist the stabilizing of the higher ground, the 5D light-lattice of the ascended Earth. The sixth harmonic opens the ‘box of the third dimension’ from within…beyond the polarity of inside the box/outside the box, and beyond the ‘never-ending rabbit hole’ of the vortex hypercube energy structure of the fourth dimension, providing pure, fluidly flexible light stabilization for anchoring and grounding fifth dimensional crystalline light frequencies through your embodied being. Breathe, relax, open and enjoy!

With Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanaborย  โค

*There’s a Golden Light Meditation at the LoveLight Circle for the Easter period, energies are still strong tomorrow…and if these meditations resonate for you, they can be freely used whenever your inner sense feels they will assist you.ย  โค

Galactic Council Update

Dear All,

Today’s sharing follows on from the Lunar Eclipse Shift of January 20-21st 2019, with the successful anchoring of the next level of ‘ascension frequencies’ into the planetary energy field of Earth, also with an extra ongoing supportive rose-white light flow through the nebula Messier 27, which is uplifting the Earth field vibrations while keeping the impacts as softened as possible.

In the previous post, the beautiful Sirian and Pleiadian energies and light-beings who aligned high frequencies leading into and through the Eclipse were focused upon, and prior to that, in Messenger 9 & Lunar Eclipse, a message came from star family that ‘The Navigator is on board.’ This was referring to another star system and light beings involved in a more background role with steering in the high light energies, that of the star Canopus, second brightest star in the sky, visible from the southern hemisphere and more southerly latitudes of the northern hemisphere (recorded in Egyptian myths as Kha Nub, the Golden Floor, and in Greek myths as the navigator or pilot of the legendaryย Argo/Argo Navis, the ship that sailed in the quest for the Golden Fleece, which can be viewed as a metaphor for divine light expressing through the ‘goldenprint’ of life, and creational energies aligned to and through the principle and vibration of Divine Order). Divine Order vibrates through the 8th Dimension as the original pure codes of life, expressed through the sacred geometry of the 8-Point Star, which Canopus exemplifies, and radiates freely again following a light transformation that occurred in its local galactic region (during 2017, in Earth time translation, which you can read about in The Light of Kamura).

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The star Canopus, radiating as an 8-rayed star.ย 

For friends and readers (you’re all friends!) who have been feeling strong energies the last week connected with Canopus, Alpha Centauri and/or the Southern Cross constellations, or as some have reported, noticing light flashes and streaks near or around those stars, there has been very high star-fleet activity in that region, with a Galactic Council meeting at Canopus. (Although Alpha Centauri, in 3D distance, is our closest star system at only 4.3 light years away, while Canopus is around 313 light years away, there are vibrational relationships between many stars that appear relatively close to each other in our night skies.)

To attune with the next level of the ‘ascension arc’ that is now being grounded and opened, flowing on from the Eclipse Shift, we’ll return to the Eclipse itself for a moment, with the gorgeous lunar photo below, taken by a friend in Wales, UK, and another beautiful new film from star sister Melissa Peabody at, which includes a very special visible light/energy effect appearing around the Moon.

Firstly, in the photo below, you can see the Moon’s deep rosy colour, tinged with violet, during the Eclipse; colours of transmutation of misused ‘red energies’ into magenta-cherry up to violet-white…from violence and aggression to cherishment and clearing through compassion. ๐Ÿ™‚

Blood Moon 21st Jan 2019

Total Lunar Eclipse photographed by ‘Kim in Wales’, UK, Jan. 20th 2019.

While the Eclipse wasn’t visible from south-western Australia, I took a photo of the Moon which cast this most unusual lunar lens flare, showing the same rose red and violet hues as in the above Eclipse picture!ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

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Melissa’s Film 34 shows the Eclipse as it appeared from San Francisco, preceded by an awesome amber lightship display…followed by an array of light energies filling the sky two days later, showing the Moon within a soft ring of spinning rose-golden light frequencies.

The subtle spinning of rose-gold light around the Moon visible in Melissa’s footage two days after the Lunar Eclipse showsย  how the ‘next level of light wave’ that aligned and anchored through the Eclipseย  is ongoing (eclipses act as a frequency-focusing lens), and the same energy is visualized wonderfully in the music video at this link.ย  Star Family send (more) love and thanks to the many thousands on Earth who consciously anchored this light potential through their embodied forms, catalyzing with higher dimensional family and friends the ignition point for the next stage in Mission Earth Ascension.

The overviewing Galactic Council, and the Ascension Council which acts as a focus group within and through it, continually make adjustments (course corrections and expansions) as potentials shift, to guide and support the momentum of planetary and stellar (and galactic) optimal shifts. As they come from a perspective of universal empathy and compassion, one of the Council’s dedicated purposes is to bring ascension processes through their various stages (which are both general yet unique to each planetary and stellar situation) as smoothly and peacefully as possible (and although things may seem pretty chaotic and stressed on this planet, the ride could be a lot bumpier if not for constant clearing and stabilizing behind the scenes).

They ask for this to be reaffirmed now, coming into the next stage of beautiful potentials, with the advice to align as unconditionally in love, trust, kindness and forgiveness as possible, personally and as beacons of loving frequencies within the collective. To know that we are held, this world is held, unshakeably and lovingly, in every moment, all the way. They have given some lovely presentations of their light and various cooperative energies arriving and communing around Canopus this last week, and ask to start with this one; three orbs of different colours that triangulated around Canopus on February 5th.

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Three star family groups stationed around Canopus as lightships arrived (many flew through the Southern Cross, which contains a galactic/intergalactic portal), February 5th 2019.

Just feel the unity, the steadiness, the harmony in this formation. All of this, and so much more, embraces the Solar System and the Earth. Know that all is well, as we continue into this next stage, and keep your heart and focus aligned and immersed in visions and joyful co-creations opening the New Earth energies, while naturally radiating love as the inner Sun you are to all that appears out of alignment, without fixating on old energy constructs and dynamics.

Ground yourself often with the Earth, feel love flowing freely like a golden Infinity between your heart and Gaia’s crystalline light-heart at the centre of the planet. Be gentle to all people and all animals; empathy, kindness, and peace in thought, word, emotion and action converges the higher dimensions into our lived reality. Care for the plants and trees around you, attune to their vibrations, the great green network around the planet that connects the ‘above and below’, the subtle light frequencies with the chi/life energy flowing through the Earth’s meridian network of etheric flow-lines, the inner prana streams. If you don’t at this stage in your journey see, hear or feel the presence of elementals, gentle nature spirits, the crystal soul collectives, or our higher dimensional star families and other assisting ones, know that they are here, and live as though all loving beings are as clear and present as if this planet is already ascended.

Star family have shown many red orbs, often close to Canopus, this last week, bathing in the calm radiation of Divine Order, softening and lifting repeatedly into peachy rose-gold and white vibrations, representing the ongoing stream of next level ascension light flowing since the Eclipse.

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Huge symbolic Blood Moon Eclipse orb next to Canopus, February 5th 2019.

These orbs showed in photos graduating from peachy-red through pink to white around Canopus, on February 7th 2019.

Orbs also showed clearly in daylight hours on February 7th, projecting from lightships, as in the photo below, with two long rectangular Pleiadian ships just visible at the upper left of the frame, with a large, beautiful orb of very soft rainbow colours representing the ‘second Earth/Avyon’ in the Alta Mira region of the star Alcyone, closely connected at a ‘divine template’ level with the ascending Earth (and from whom Gaia receives ‘goldenprint’ template codes through several Pleiades-aligned nodes around her planetary body).

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‘Alta Mira’ ascended Earth-kin planet projected as an orb by two Pleiadian ships, Feb.7 2019

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Also on February 7th, the Meri’Ashar flashed very brightly right beside Canopus, with an intricate orb cluster of ‘galactic arrivals’ above.

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Meri’Ashar (Mary’s Star) flashes close beside Canopus, with orbs above, Feb.7th 2019

The bright ‘dome’ orb below reveals a group of smiling faces, and the beautiful iridescent lightship on the right hails from Apus (the Bird of Paradise constellation), close to Alpha Centauri and Pavo (the Peacock)…with the big orb in the cluster above showing Apunian and Pavan merged energies.


Here are a few more orbs from February 7th-10th, 2019, showing the incredible variety of soul group energies gathered around Canopus over those few days (of Earth time).

Back in early 2015, I posted about contact with Alpha Centaurians regarding their ‘ascension assignment’ of planting spheres of unbreachable 5D light on the Earth, to get stable higher dimensional pockets anchored around the planet in places where the energies could hold them. With the Lunar Eclipse, almost exactly four years later, the New Earth grid is at last supported enough for the presence of these light balls (or domes of light, people would likely see them as) to come more into the conscious awareness of those anchoring Love in various places, and they can expand and shift to encompass and support groups and communities aligning New Earth visions and creations in shared contexts and energies….to assist and strengthen their blossoming. Love magnetizes love. Joy magnetizes joy. Let there be Light. ๐Ÿ™‚

We are Spirit having a human experience. Let the Spirit flow through your conscious awareness, into everything you do, feel, speak, no matter how small or ‘seemingly mundane’, into how you beย ~ be here ~ in every moment, and the world will be ever more nourished, enriched and enlivened by your very presence!

Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanaborย  โค

*With love and gratitude to Daniel B. Holeman, artist of the ‘Sword of Truth’ picture at the top of this post, which we recommend as a symbolic image to meditate with, for clearing and fine-tuning the inner eye’s vision and aligning it with the heart’s intuition.

*If you feel an inner call to focus with Canopus and the 8D vibration of Divine Order, see this 8-Point Star meditation at the LoveLight Circle. (These meditations are posted for each Sunday, but can be worked/played with at any time). A new DNA Activation will also be posted there very soon for the 12-12 Gateway.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Sirian~Pleiadian Update

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Rainbow orb with ‘inner egg’ above the Pleiades & Hyades star clusters, January 30th 2019.

Dear All,

Coming into 2019, stellar and galactic vibrational alignments that had been focused and building through December last year (see previous posts) reached an optimal peak on the Lunar Eclipse of January 20th (eclipses act like a focusing lens for frequencies connecting with the Earth, through or in relation to the Solar portal in higher dimensions, while triggering releases of subconscious limitations personally and collectively). These alignments, from Sirius, Alcyone (Pleiades) and intergalactic centre, came with added input from a high light galaxy that connects to the Milky Way through Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula) with the purpose of easing and softening the Earth’s Shift, expressing through rose-white light-streams.

Through the remainder of January 2019, the light flows and effects of these alignments continued to consolidate within and through the New Earth Grid and supporting light-grids of the higher dimensions, with another ‘follow-up’ input from Sirius and Alcyone on January 30th that anchored securely into the interlaced high light-grids we refer to as the Avalon Grid (Golden Age of Atlantis energies) and Mu Grid (Lemurian energies). Restoring the ‘Avalon divine goldenprint’ of life here with Gaia draws on and merges complimentary flows through Sirius and the Pleiades that originate from Avyon, the ‘first Earth’, planet of the star Vega in the Lyra constellation.

Lyran beings and energies spread far and wide, to Sirius and the Pleiades, and many more constellations. In the Alta Mira region of the Pleiades around Alcyone, a ‘second Earth’ blossomed, Avyon reborn in the Pleiades through the original Avyon ‘light template codes’, and this planet remains a beautiful, gentle paradise sanctuary, whose light template has specific anchor-points within Gaia’s energy-field that continue to activate in a precise sequence. At the current stage, many main flow-lines of the Avalon Grid are unblocked and flowing clear, and tributary light-streams are also reactivating, anchored through thousands of nodes around the Earth, forming the basis for areas of active mini-light-grids holding the New Earth frequencies in a stable format, from which it can blossom and expand further, eventually around the whole planet.

Two lightships which flashed simultaneously on January 30th (in the photo below) also show the supportive role of the Hyadeans, with one ship pulsing light just above the ‘V’ of the Hyades and the other pulsing just below the Pleiades in a complementary mirror formation.

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Lightships flash beside the Pleiades & Hyades, mirroring each other across the two star clusters, following the rainbow orb appearance, January 30th 2019.

This greeting was immediately followed by the appearance of a very distinctive bright orb next to the Hyades, which shows a composite of supporting energies within a rose-white sphere (the quality of vibration flowing in through Messier 27, from a Rose Planet named Makarim). In the enlargements below, with the orb viewed ‘upright’, there’s a Hathorian/Pleiadian figure visible, in a green robe, with a golden wrap over her shoulder…and with the orb turned on its side, a green merged feline-doglike face can be seen above a golden bird, symbolizing a phoenix (both the lightship Phoenix and the ‘rebirthing’ heart energy of our galactic supercluster Laniakea).

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Bright rose-white orb with green-gold interior appears near the Hyades (the larger orb at upper right is next to the star Bellatrix in Orion), January 30th 2019.

Earlier that same day, in the garden here, a newly activated node aligned the Triple Light flow, as part of a synchronizing network of connected nodes around the globe in the New Earth grid, grounding the Trinity energy deeper with Gaia, through a triquetra sacred geometry (with rose quartz, citrine and aquamarine crystals holding the Threefold Flame of the Heart vibration, pink, golden-yellow and blue). During this alignment, energy waves were flowing around the node, lighting up new points in an expanding light-grid, reflecting on a micro-scale the light-network areas being continuously stabilized and secured in various locations around the planet.

The green feline face in the rose-white orb above can be felt and attuned to through the pictures below too (with thanks to the unknown artists) that relate to very loving feline beings (deep, gentle energy transformers and evolutionary guardians) who flow through both Sirius and Alta Mira, through a Sirian mothership namedย Ba’Shiila (the Butterfly), and from planets of Mirzam, the second brightest star of Canis Major.

Closely vibrating with these beautiful beings, on and within the Earth, Labradorite crystals also connect with Canis Major (the ‘Big Dog’ constellation, with its alpha star, the Dog Star, Sirius). Star family speak of Labradorite ~ ‘labrador-eye’ ~ through imagery of labradors as ‘seeing eye dogs’ for the blind ~ and these crystals vibrate clarified inner seeing through the guidance of pure unconditional love. They give the image of Labradorite being ‘lit from within’, symbolizing the steady radiance of higher dimensional light shining and expanding from within or beneath the obscuring effect of dense vibrations, and the Labradorite soul collective as supporting steadfast soul attunement. The wonderful piece below arrived on January 22nd, still within the (36 hour) vibrational arc of the Lunar Eclipse…and I see within it the presence of a beautiful feline being bathed in blue and green light (and perhaps you can see her wearing a high-necked outfit flecked with golden shimmers).ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Here’s another related bright rose and green orb just above Sirius on January 30th, with a large orb cluster higher in the sky (within the Hu Shi asterism, part of Canis Major), and below this photo, there’s a glowing rose ‘Makarim’ orb, also above Sirius.

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Bright rose-green orb appears close to Sirius, with large orb cluster within the Hu Shi asterism, January 30th 2019.

To attune further with the Sirian and feline soul energies, our dear star sister Melissa Peabody of has kindly allowed one of her recent films showing and connecting with Sirian beings to be posted here (with love and gratitude to Melissa and star family!).

The large blue-violet orb below, of feline and leonine soul energies, appeared on January 25th between Mirzam and Sirius, overlighting a ship which in this photo is directly beneath it, low down on a straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion (there has been much ongoing steadying of the Orion vibrations by star family, with continuing transformations, which we’ll return to in another post).

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Blue-violet orb sits between Sirius and Mirzam (second brightest star in the Canis Major constellation), while a ship flashes in straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion, January 25th 2019.

Finally, coming into February, a most unusual two-toned orb appeared beside the Pleiades, and star family speak of it as a ‘sunrise orb’, a message of rebirth of the Light transmitting from the second Avyon of Alta Mira, showing rose-gold light rising from below (within stars and planets, within humanity and all life) and radiating through all shadows the crystalline light codes of regeneration, wholeness and joy.

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‘Sunrise orb’ to the left of the Pleiades, February 2nd 2019.

As we’re coming into a new year in the Chinese calendar, we wish very happy festivities to our friends and readers celebrating Chinese New Year! The energies are auspicious coming into this February, and we can all consciously breathe in and radiate the all-embracing, softening effect of the Sunrise Rose Light, and hold the vision that ‘pigs can fly’ in this ‘Year of the Pig’.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Love, Joy and Peace to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanaborย  โค


While anchoring the Makarim ‘Rose Planet’ energies, this ‘Mother’s Love’ rose bloomed on the Eclipse in a beautifully symbolic ‘trinity tower’ of three pink-white roses, January 20th 2019.ย 

*If you’re interested in exploring the vibrational qualities of colours, and meditating with them, you may like to visit this page: The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations

*For more information about attuning with crystals, see The Crystal Connection

*For an overview of the high vibrational light-grids around the Earth, see Light-grids & Gridwork

*You can find out more about Melissa and her work with star family in Love’s Lens: An Interview with Melissa Peabody, and at her website

‘Sacred Cow’ Solstice 2018

Dear All,

The Solstice of December 21-22 (22:22 UTC on Dec 21st, see this site for your time-zone) is presenting a deep planetary ascension catalyst moment, that is assisting the upward-shifting vibrations within humanity and the whole collective energy field of Earth. With the almost-full Moon in near-perfect alignment with Sun and Earth during this Solstice, the vibration of inner divine union in Oneness is brought into very high focus, and we can all ‘join in the party’, holding the intention to anchor this beautiful Solstice energy through our beings, in coordination with the many loving Lights assisting around and within higher dimensions of the Earth and beyond….shining a pure beam of Love and Joy from the already-living New Earth to bring the perfect divine moment of convergence into closer alignment.

There’s been a very deep energetic sequence, within the overall galactic vibrational movements, flowing through November’s Full Moon, December 11-12 (the super potent 12-12 gateway this year), now converging into Solstice, Christ-Mass and the New Year, and we’d like to show the energy arc from ‘Full Moon to Full Moon’ peaking into this Solstice, with a series of photos that began on November 19th, with Taurean-Venusian energies coming into focus as ‘cow beings’, the Hathors.ย  Their loving presence first reflected through a cloud-form next to a large (Pleiadian) tubular semi-circle light-ship outlined distinctly in the clouds that afternoon.

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Pleiadian tube-shaped semi-circular lightship outlined in clouds, with a Hathorian being appearing to the right, November 19, 2018.

In the crop on the right below, you can see in the centre the shape of a triangular ship with a rounded ‘nose’ (pointing to the left), and above it a gentle cow-like face looking forward, with her arm wrapped around the ship from the right, in a cradling gesture.

This beautiful ‘Divine Mothering’ presence grew more tangible over the next few days as the Full Moon came into position on November 23rd between Aldebaran (alpha star of Taurus, the Bull/Cow constellation) and the Pleiades cluster, with Alcyone, alpha star of the Pleiades, augmenting a deep layer of ‘Pleiadian clearing’ within the Earth’s planetary vibrational field, and within the collective unconscious of humanity.

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Image credit: The Hyades and Pleiades star clusters in Taurus, Bob King,

A starship firstly flashed beside the star Saiph in the nearby ‘galactic butterfly’ Orion, signalling the Ashtar Command’s presence, guarding this Full Moon clearing of the Earth field from interference by non-ascended Orion factions (see this post for star family’s current, ongoing work in the Orion constellation). This was closely followed by aย second ship which flashed close to Aldebaran, sending an ‘all is well/good to go’ message.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

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AC ship flashes brightly at upper right, next to the star Saiph in Orion, with Aldebaran, alpha star of Taurus, visible just right of the Full Moon, November 23, 2018.

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A second ship flashes close to Aldebaran and the Full Moon in the next frame, November 23, 2018.

As the Hathorian energies focused toward/around the Earth, a large cow formed in a cloud to the left of the Moon & Aldebaran, with the Pleiades twinkling below the Moon, Alcyone shining brightly in the cluster.

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A beautiful ‘cloud cow’ forms upper left of the Full Moon, which is positioned directly between Aldebaran/Hyades & the Pleiades cluster, November 23, 2018.ย 

Here she is, radiating Divine Mother energy ~ here he is, radiating Divine Father. The warm rose-gold and blue Love frequencies flowing that night felt uplifting beyond words, gentle yet strong, the nurturing embrace of the Divine Cow, steadfast peaceful strength of the Divine Bull, in total union, merged in the bliss of wholeness, Being Love….radiating this Love to Gaia (planetary soul of the Earth) and all living beings journeying with her here.ย You can see a ‘V’ to to the right of the cow’s face, and what looks like a dome-shape structure on her/his head, which I see as a ‘citadel of the Hathors’, from which they emanate their healing/wholing light. (The V has several meanings in this context; standing for the Ashtar Command, for Venus and the Pleiadian-Venusian connection of the Hathors within the Solar System, and also symbolizes the Hyades star cluster in Taurus).

To attune with the Hathors, this Hathorian lightship unveiled its rose-gold vibrations on November 3rd, 2016 (which you can read more about in this post).


Hathorian rose-gold lightship, November 3, 2016.

From November’s wonderful Full Moon clearing, more Light has come into the Earth’s energy field these last few weeks, including the renewal of a high intergalactic connection we’ll share about in a new post as it is part of this continuous sequence, with many star family groups guiding and assisting more clearings, many nodal activations within the New Earth light-grid, more activations of the global pyramid network acting as anchor-points, conduits and higher consciousness catalysts around the planet, along with quite a few ‘ascension-repressing attempts’ dissolved, with Aquatic light-beings and Sirian beings/energies to the fore, among others.

So…staying on theme here, as we come into this Solstice Sun-Full Moon-Earth alignment of strong ‘metaphysical magnetics’, star family came through last night radiantly within the Taurus constellation (while intoning a line from an old nursery rhyme, ‘and the cow jumped over the moon’…galactic humour could be another whole post!) with this Pleiadian cylinder-shaped lightship next to Aldebaran.

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Pleiadian ship the Rut’ish flashes next to Aldebaran, November 19, 2018.

The sky was a bit hazy and the stars dim, but another ship became subtly visible left of the V of the Taurus ‘bull/cow horns’ (formed by the Hyadean star cluster, with Aldebaran shining at the right).

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Faintly visible ship lower left of the Hyades ‘V’ shaped star cluster in Taurus, Aldebaran bright at the upper right, November 19, 2018.

Finally, four orbs formed a parallelogram over a small ship ~ four is about stabilizing the Love vibrations, and the orbs represent ‘twin energies’, two pairs of Divine Twins, as they come through the Gemini constellation (Castor and Pollux, the twin stars of Gemini, were below the treeline, with the orbs and ship above), and they come through Silver Light vibrations, the light of transcendence, aligning through this Solstice.

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Four orbs form a parallelogram, with a silvery ship flying below, from the constellation Gemini, the Heavenly Twins, November 19, 2018.

Wishing you all a most lovely Solstice and Christ-Mass, beautiful beings! Let the streams of silver-blue and golden-rose light vibrations bathe your whole being and flow through you for optimum upliftment of the collective consciousness field, in union with the joyful many assisting across the dimensions for love, peace and unity for All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanaborย  ย โค

*There’s a Solstice meditation at the LoveLight Meditation Circle for anyone who would like to join in. And however you feel inspired to Be Love through the Solstice-Christmas period, may you be filled with good cheer and sweet union with the Divine within and all around you, knowing the multi-dimensional being you are is always ‘in universal good company’.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

November 2018 Energy Shifts

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Four ships (Ashtar Command) form a straight line around a faint star (Capella, in the middle between them) in an ’11-11 greeting’ on the night of November 11th 2018, symbolizing a successful aligning of higher light to/around the Earth through that energetic Gateway. Love & gratitude to everyone ‘above’ and on Earth who focused with aligning and anchoring the Light in, on and around the planet during the 11-11-11, and in any moment.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Dear All,

As with every energetic Gateway this year, high light frequencies have continued pouring through the New Earth grid since the 11-11-11 alignment, toward a course adjustment of the overall planetary Shift that came into alignment during November 22nd, into the Full Moon energies of the 23rd, still flowing deeply in confluence with (and vibrationally connected to) shifts happening within the Solar System and wider galactic context.

From the local to galactic level, star family have been/are engaged in multiple focuses that can be seen and felt (see the photos below) as distinct, precise energetic stabilizations, clearings, catalysts, uplifts and refinements, but which are all interwoven in terms of multidimensional reverberation, frequency flows and template co-creations within the overall galactic ascension…at this moment involving the Earth and Moon, Mars and Orion, Sirius, Venus and the Pleiades, Canopus and Achernar, and many more. We’ll focus here with the Moon, Mars and the adjustments at Orion, and return to the Venusian-Pleiadian light flows very soon….as it’s all concurrent and wholly connected. Whatever might be going on for you right now, dear universal beings embodied on Earth, breathe deeply, stay in your heart, and trust the rebirthing energies flowing through all dimensions of life.ย  โค

The sequence of lightship alignments and orbs shared below came through November 11-18th as a representation of an immense week of shifts, clearings and re(newed)-alignments. Following the straight line of ships around Capella, alpha star of Auriga, the Charioteer constellation (where there’s a major Ashtar Command centre on the beautiful planet Arina) pictured at the top of this post, many orbs appeared around Mars, lighting and preparing energies for the next major transformation of that planet’s lower astral grid through to resurrection of its original Light.

Two of the orbs circling Mars during the 11-11-11 energies, blue and green-purple.

On the night of November 13th, there was a lot of energy around the Moon, with dancing, flickering lights, before an orb positioned in line with it, and a white lightship flashed close above the Moon. In the enlargement below, a green feline face is visible within the orb, ringed in white and rose light.

As on November 11th, lightships again stationed in straight alignments, this time around the Moon, in a group of three. This family of ships moved together in a graceful choreography, first above then below the Moon, purifying and stabilizing the Earth-Moon higher light-grid through the triune/trinity vibrations. ‘The angles of angels’ in motion.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

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Two nights later on November 15th the sky filled with high energies, swirls of orbs moving in huge spirals, like spiral galaxies full of the lights of diverse soul groups and collectives, with creamy peach and rose-white particularly prominent among all the colours of the rainbow.

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Large shimmering orbs showed in many photos with small orbs connected, embraced within them, or floating close by…with the smaller orbs often showing facial features of beings hailing from the soul collectives projecting their light through the large orbs beside them.

The soul connection can be seen clearly in the photo below, with a green faced, white-haired being visible within the small orb coming forward into clarity from the large soft green orb above/behind.

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These are some of the beautiful ‘rainbow’ of soul groups streaming their light together that night, many vibrations and qualities of love.

Later in the night, as the interweaving light flows quietened, this is how Mars appeared, just upper right of the Moon. So very beautiful and providential to see the face of Aris (planetary soul of Mars) calm and peaceful, in soft peach-rose light (deeply connected with a high flow since the 11-11-11 gateway of the ‘Tenth Ray‘, pearlescent rose-white ray of unification in Peace, soft, gentle integration of Divine Love).

On November 16th, our ‘trinity friends’ formed another straight line, this time directly toward the Moon, with Mars (the bright light lower left of the Moon) in-between…holding the alignment steady with Mars’ transformed energy, in preparation for the ascending course adjustment coming into convergence from November 22nd (and with us/within us now, bringing through a planetary reset).

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This opening and renewing of Mars’ heart vibration is both connected with, and contingent upon, shifts happening out at Orion, which are complex and energetically connected to the control-grid involving Mars, Earth and their moons. Star family gave this image of ships forming a line (or slight arc, the arc of Arcturus/Arcturian ships) to the star Saiph. Along with Rigel and the stars of Orion’s Belt, Saiph went through profound vibrational upliftments (from an Earth-time perspective, this was during late 2016 into early 2017, see this post), but had swayed into ‘not so safe’, with beings there applying pressure to the two outer stars of Orion’s Belt. So the ships in the photo below sent a precise message of realignment of the energies of Orion’s Belt by ‘safe-guarding Saiph’, in yet another line-up of three, this time Christing the energy field of a star.

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Two Arcturian ships position in a line/arc to the star Saiph, forming a ‘mirror Orion’s Belt’ while they re-lightย  and secure Saiph’s vibrational field (to readers in the northern hemisphere, Orion appears the other way up), November 16, 2018.

Reflecting into to our local region, a large bow-ship (of Arcturian origin, also with many Pleiadians on board, whose soul vibration can be felt through the big blue-violet orb below) was beautifully visible beside the Moon for about five minutes, with Mars low down, just above the treetops.

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A white spherical lightship joined them, hovering above the Moon in straight alignment to Mars.

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The energies felt steady and very peaceful, as the bow-ship slowly shifted its angle while holding its position, relative to the Moon and Mars.

A high light purification flowed around and through the Moon on November 18th, wonderfully reflected in the ‘moon ascended upon a summit of light’, which Gaia received through a number of tall mountain peaks around her Earthly body, with diamond light pillars streaming into the high places of this beautiful planet (you can slightly see one of these light pillars coming down to the right of the Moon).

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Here are the shifts of energies that took place, anchored through the mountains (along with specific pyramids within the global pyramid network), just feel the sequence of removal of lower astral entities and imprints, and in the lower two photos, a big white-blue ship becoming visible from behind the Moon, cradling it, holding it steady, then when it is secure, floating forward in the colour vibrations of healing green and peaceful aqua blue merged as soft blue-green.

As this next ‘ascension adjustment’ rolls through the planetary energy field and grids old and new, flow freely with the light of this reset…breathe, let go, be free in Love…breathe in peace, breathe out peace…feel the light pillar of pure transformation you are, shining and radiating through the compressed density. Reaffirm the whole is Shifting, flowing, rebirthing, and let the joy of knowing this anchor ever deeper through your being. Trust the process, guided through the heart of all creation and its inherent unity:

We are the Unifying Ray of Peace, deep and eternal, radiating the lightest touch, the simplicity of Infinite Love, serenely weaving through our beings, every atom, molecule and cell, through every vibration within the collective consciousness and energy field of beloved Gaia and beyond, with Love for All.ย ย And So BE It.

With Love & Gratitude, and waves of light, joy and steadiness flowing from starry family and friends to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanaborย  โค

*There’s a Tenth Ray meditation posted today at the LoveLight Circle for this Sunday (and like all the meditations there, it can be used anytime that feels good to you).