The Inner Resurrection


Dear All,

Coming into April 1st Full Moon and Easter Sunday, we’d like to speak a bit about the deeper symbolism and process of resurrection and ascension, the Golden Flame and the White Flame of rebirth.  Sananda, while embodied on Earth as Jesus, said to people, “Ye are gods, and all of you are children of the most high,” and “the kingdom of God is within you.” He walked on the Earth demonstrating within the duality field (and transmitting through it) the vibrational state of Oneness, of consistently held inner union with the Divine, the Inner Divinity which he expressed and gifted to those around him, as existing within all…and that when this union is aligned, full open and freely flowing, then abundance, well-being, joy, the inherent state of love and empathy in all life beyond and behind the veils of distortion, naturally radiates through our beings, through all life. While seen through separation from Source, these emanations of love and empathy/telempathy look like ‘miracles’, the impossible becoming real, but in Divine inner union, the miraculous is normal.

Easter as a Christian celebration of resurrection overlaid ancient goddess festivals of Spring in the northern hemisphere, with the fertility and birth symbols of rabbit and egg flowing forward (Easter is etymologically related to Oestre, Roman mother goddess name from which we get ‘oestrogen’, the hormone related to egg production and fertility). A deeper layer of the crucifixion and resurrection Jesus demonstrated shines through the heart, quite literally…through what sages have termed the ‘tiny cave’, which can only be entered with pure Love.

In biblical accounts, Joseph of Arimathea, uncle of Mother Mary, took the body of Jesus from the cross and placed it in his prepared tomb, wrapping Jesus in a shroud, and three days later, Jesus returned from death in living form. He and many beautiful Christed Lights currently overlight the planetary ascension of Earth, holding the Way open, and guiding streams of activations for humanity to reconnect its awareness of the tiny cave within, shrouded in the cloth of pure Light, the inner sanctum of resurrection wrapped in crystalline light, activated through the ‘power of three’ that flows through creation as the energy of Divine Mother-Father-Child.

From Sananda & his Twin Flame Lady Nada: There has been among you a belief in suffering, that ‘we all have our cross to bear’. To those who have agreed knowingly or unknowingly to the idea of suffering as necessary to learn, grow, cleanse, or rectify past vibrations, and have aligned with thoughts, beliefs, emotions and reactions with which you have crucified yourselves, we ask you now to allow yourselves to transform the ‘cross which you carry’, which you identify with or validate or project upon others, into pure Light, as light as a feather. For in the Heart as light as a feather, unburdened by constructs and their attaching energies, the point of Oneness, the cave of the indwelling Spirit which many have sought, is open to you, and the sacred White Flame within it may flow effortlessly through your being. Your connection within the infinite network of Love becomes luminous to you, and you are able to feel how you are bathed constantly in its presence, for you are present…and a gift of New Life. Let the old ways transform, dearhearts, and be wholly at ease in yourselves, in peace within your perceived realities. Joy, harmony, and lightness-of-being bring you through the Shifting frequencies in alignment with the Divine. Our Love is with you.

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Through this Full Moon and Easter, we invite you to fill every cell, every molecule of your body, and your aura/torus field with the most vibrant, life-filled Golden Light of Resurrection. Breathe it in from the heart of Source, and let it flow into your heart and through your being until you are a shining reservoir of golden light, the original ‘goldenprint’ of life resurrected and renewed throughout your physical and subtle light-strands, all your subtle layers ~ etheric, mental, emotional, astral ~ completely clarified and refreshed in the golden Christ light gifted from the Source. Then within your Heart centre, visualize a pure, glowing White Flame, soft yet strong, and see/feel how this Flame of Ascension effortlessly expands, flowing through and blending with the golden light. Feel yourself in sacred union with the Divine, it is within you always, radiating through your heart of Love…in Oneness with all of creation, with and as the eternal LoveLight of Source.

Love, Peace and Joy to you all, thank you for all you do, loving thanks to the many guiding, assisting and amplifying Lights in higher dimensions and all Love anchors on the ground,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

PS: Throughout March, as the light frequencies have continued to amplify, our Angelic, Leonine and other higher dimensional brothers & sisters and soul expressions are constantly stabilizing and harmonizing the energies, and protecting the planetary field…and if any of you have moments/days/weeks of feeling the effects of the lower frequencies being ‘churned’ up to the surface for release, whether internally or in the collective, keep going into your Heart, release and transform any fears or doubts (which can be a heavy cross to bear)…and know that you are constantly surrounded and embraced in pure Love, in the eternal softness, strength, wisdom and unconditional kindness of countless loving beings. Just attune with the Divine within you, and know it is forever connected with all those who align with your highest good and the highest good of All, throughout this Ascension process and beyond.

The photo below was taken on March 9, 2018, during a focused ‘flow of Angelic Light’ from my Twin Flame, Ashura, and another beautiful star brother above the home of my friends Rob&Shelley Hartland (see their site for their photos of star family), representing in the form of ‘white stag’ faces in a cloud that formed in a clear sky as a beautiful morphing lightbeing-lightship flew above it. Keep your focus with the light energies…and know that love is all around you. ❤

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*For assistance with heart-centering, see the Inner Heart page.

DNA Activation November

Greetings All,

Welcome to this month’s 10-10 DNA activation (10-11-2017=10-11-10), leading into a high gateway alignment the next day, the 11-11, which we’ll post about very soon. We can see this month’s DNA activation as a direct preparation for participating in, anchoring, giving and receiving, the high Light flowing through the Sun, around the Earth and all planets in the Solar System. The 11-11 Gateway of inner sacred union with(in) Divine Love provides a beautiful focal point for this Light, to bring the stream through our Hearts and radiate it around the Earth and through the collective consciousness field. 10-11-10 = 4, the vibration of foundation of Love in perfect balance, represented in the Double Infinity or Rose Cross, gives a perfect ‘DNA priming’ opportunity to be optimally open and receptive for the 11-11 vibration:

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So for this month’s DNA Activation, with the 10-11-10 gateway of Sacred Union flowing through the middle of the ‘twin 10s’,  we’ll begin with a golden and purple light visualization, and activate our merged Golden Star in the Heart within the golden and purple ‘resurrecting through compassion’ vibration. The 10-11-10 opens true Twin Flame alignment, to meet and be fully immersed in the One Flame from the Heart of Source that expresses as two, in the number 11…the sacred meeting between the pillars. as the Inner Divine we are, multidimensional and universal, extending from and always cradled in the Love of the Source.

Begin by focusing into your Heart, feeling your heart centre warm, peaceful, and relaxed. Let any tension unwind from your body, mind and emotions, as you breathe and relax. Visualize a purple flame within your heart centre ~ let it brighten and flow outward, bathing your body and energy field in this vibration of unconditional compassion for yourself and all beings everywhere. Feel every cell open gently in perfect trust, to this stream of purple light, and settle into total peace.

Now breathe golden light into your heart and see this light radiate through the purple light, spreading throughout your Being with the eternal presence of your Inner Divine Self, One with Source. As you fill with this pure golden light, feel its infinite warmth and love, the Heart of Source that beats within all our hearts, radiating pure love, joy and peace. Feel the masculine and feminine energies within you merge into One. Feel your ‘higher self’ and ‘lower self’ merge as One, unifying as your Inner Divine Self, a pure expression and extension of Source, across dimensions, and universes, into this Now. The light of the Golden Heart of Source is flowing through you, transforming your whole being into Unconditional Love. Breathe into it. Feel the gentle, everlasting rhythm flowing through you. It IS us all.

Within this merge of purple and gold light, steady and calm, in pure love for yourself and All, continue now with the Golden Stars Visualization.

Hold the image/intention of a 4-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, then a 6-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, and imagine them overlaying each other and merging together. Feel your DNA strands being bathed in the purifying, restoring golden light of this merged star, that it is vibrating the message of unconditional love and harmony, ascension and expansion to the 64 codons (the 64 amino acid building blocks) in each strand of your DNA, through the 6 and 4, harmony and love. Expand this merged star through your body and auric field, take deep, relaxed breaths, place your hands on your heart centre, and hold the vision, with this intention:

Within this sacred merging of Love and Blissful Gratitude all limiting factors in the codes of my DNA, RNA and epigenomes are now dissolved completely. Every strand is receiving the highest available imprinting of the ‘goldenprint’ of Divine Love, in harmony and ease, in alignment with my highest good and the highest good of all. In this now, my physical body is vibrating with, and transforming into, golden crystalline light, filled with grace and joy. I Am Love. I Am Harmony. I Am Grace, radiating the restoration of Love to all Life, everywhere. And So It Is.

Now through the golden well-being you Are, see/feel a pure white light spiral emanating from the Centre of Source. As it flows to you, this white light is received into the purple and golden blend of Compassion and Resurrection within you, and as you invite this beautiful stream of Light into your open heart and soul, it spirals gently into your auric field, your subtle bodies, through your crown chakra, down through your central column into your heart, where it radiates out through the golden-purple light. Keep seeing and feeling it flow through your body and all the way to the Core of the Earth/Heart of Gaia, as a pure gift of Love….then spreading through the 5D crystalline heart grid, planetary flow-lines and energy field to All Life. Hold with this intention:

In the freedom of compassion for All, resurrected in Source’s Divine Flow, held and supported by All who cherish Life, the Inner Star I Am is fully freed and restored. In the sacred merged Light of Love and Life, in Oneness with all Life everywhere, pure ‘AMness’ flows freely through this open conduit and vessel, the ‘I’ is ‘We’…Source to Oversoul to Soul Aspect anchoring and radiating the Ascension Light in this here and now moment for All. Divine Love, Cherishment and Compassion is received by my being with love and gratitude, and offered to All. And So It Is. It Is Done. 

Deepest love and blessings to you all, for the 10-10 and 11-11 ~ and beyond!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

10-10-10 ~ The Giving Gate

Dear All,

During the last week, and especially in the window since the Full Moon, another very high vibration in an unfolding sequence of uplifting Light has been focused toward the Earth, and will anchor into the planetary energy field and supporting light grids fully on the 10-10-2017 (2017=10). This vibration streams through the colour ‘tones’ of purple and golden light ~ resurrection and restoration of the inherent ‘sacred goldenprint’ of life from a limited state of expression to natural expansion and expansiveness, through compassion and surrender to Source.

This is a profoundly gentle energy of Giving, aligned when we’re in a state of unconditional compassion for ourselves and others, loving the Oneness of All as the personal self gives itself completely to the loving overview and guidance of Source through the merging of what we call our ‘higher selves’ (focused guiding aspect of our Oversoul) ~ yet it is also deep and intense, a pure Gift received and shared freely, available when we allow ourselves to bathe in compassion and devotion, and become a reservoir for the golden Christ light of renewal.

In The North Star, we mentioned the Silveray as the first of nine beautiful motherships to be regenerated from the imprints of original templates held in higher dimensional crystals that were formerly Core Crystals of these lightships, now retrieved, purified and healed.  Since then, three more of these ships have ‘rebirthed’ ~ the Butterfly (Ba’Shiila), the Sapphire Star (Elam’Ashar) and the Caritas (Amrisha). We’ll return to the first two in a new post, and will focus with the Caritas today, as its energy is related to a particular purple and golden light which it is transmitting from another galaxy.

Following on with the theme of ‘north’ and being in one’s ‘true north’ from a soul purpose perspective, the Caritas hails from Alphecca, alpha star of Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, a small constellation that contains a magnificent galactic supercluster.

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Corona Borealis Galactic Supercluster, Hubble telescope. Image courtesy: NASA

Alphecca forms an ‘arc to Arcturus’ with Spica, alpha star of Virgo, and like the higher dimensional liight beings of Spica, the Alpheccans are closely connected with Arcturians, and are represented in the Arcturian High Council. The Core Crystal of the Caritas (Earth translation of their ship’s name Amrisha, which they’ve given in the Latin form of the word ‘charity’) was gifted to the Alpheccans by angelic beings from a galaxy in the Corona Borealis Supercluster, who stream their energy into this one via the Northern Crown. The galaxy they come from/focus their light from is known by astronomers as Abell 2142, as seen in the beautiful X-ray photograph below:

Abell 2142 Galaxy, Chandra X-ray telescope. Image courtesy: NASA

This magenta-purple is a perfect representation of their Light ~ purple, through which golden light shimmers like fluidic light ripples. The ‘A-Bells’ radiate as a collective angelic light consciousness who vibrate the spirit of giving from pure Love ~ unconditional giving without any expectation or focus on what is returned, simply for the expansion of Love. And this purple-golden flow of free giving is being focused to the Solar System and Earth now through the Caritas, amplified through the lunar portal leading into and on the Full Moon of October 5-6, and intensifying through the 10-10-10 Gateway.

The in-streaming movement of their Light showed in photos on October 3rd in the form of orbs (‘light balls’ representing/showing the energies of specific souls and/or soul group) passing through the lunar portal, as the energy of Full Moon was building:

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Orbs begin to flow through a portal opening vertically above the Moon, October 3rd 2017.
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The Core Crystal of the Caritas appears as an elongated marquise form, like this (existing in higher dimensions, as a crystalline light-form encoded by the A-Bells and holding the multidimensional template of the Caritas, continuously transmitting the vibrational message of Giving):

This marquise form could be seen reflected in the portal/stargate opening above and around the Moon, as it continued to shape more distinctly on October 3rd; here you can see the upper half of the portal clearly visible, across several dimensions. In the lower astral band of the fourth dimension, entities can be seen particularly around the lower edge of the portal who were intent on ‘veiling the door’ from the A-Bell stream. However, faces of many benevolent higher dimensional beings could also be seen within the portal, as the Light continued to flow uninterrupted.

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Intergalactic portal/stargate continues to become more defined as a marquise shape above and around the Moon, October 3rd 2017.

A giant spherical ship (a 5-7D Andromedan crystalline light-sphere) came in close to anchor and stabilize the portal, which represented in the photo below like a ‘twin moon’ (the Moon is at lower right partially behind cloud, with the light-sphere very close above it to the upper left, and larger than the Moon!):

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Huge Andromedan lightship, the Pharonaise, stations as a luminous sphere of white-blue light to the upper left of the Moon – which is at the lower right, mostly covered by clouds, October 3rd 2017.

Through the 10-10-10 alignment, the highest Trinity Gateway of 2017, comes this divine giving from the Heart of Source, through many realms of pure Love, to all on Earth. The meditation below is for aligning the 10-10-10 flow, but can be used any time from here on:

Bring your focus into your heart centrepoint, breathe deeply…and let your body and mind relax, letting all tension and distractions go. Relax into the Love that you are, let its natural warmth strengthen in your heart and radiate through and around you as a radiant star of pure light. Connect from your heart with the Heart of Source and the Heart of Gaia, with love and gratitude.

Focus your intention on connecting with the universal flow of Giving, and that as you open to this gift of Giving through the Purple Light of Compassion, it flows and ripples through you to all life on Earth and beyond in an infinite stream. You are the infinite stream, as it flows eternally through you. Feel the light-heartedness of this Purple Angelic Light, like a kiss in your heart that effortlessly radiates through you, bathing your whole being, extending to all life, free in and with Love. 

Now see/feel a stream of Golden Light flowing down through you, shimmering through the purple, dancing through you, pure and warm. As the Golden Light flows down through you, all your chakras ignite and activate as balls of golden light, you can feel this light directing through your Heart Chakra and Resurrection Chakra, all unified, balanced and freely flowing in One Flow. As your chakra column lights with gold, it spreads as simply as breathing out, through your whole being down to the DNA strands, molecules, cells in your body, ions and subtle layers, your whole energy field, in this beautiful stream of Giving, as you give yourself to Source, where you always Are. Let yourself bathe in the renewal and regenerative vibration of the purple and golden light, and feel this vibration enveloping the whole planet on every level, infusing the collective energy field with resurrection-through-compassion. And So Be It. 

Love, Joy and Peace to you all for the Divine 10-10-10, we’ll meet you there!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

PS: If you’re new to Heart Star, you can read more about the Resurrection Chakra here.

The Resurrection Chakra


Dear All,

Today we’re introducing a chakra of the higher vibrational human template that has recently become ‘available’ to activate, open and radiate through our beings and the collective energy field around this planet ~ following the opening of a sequence of Gateways of high love frequencies through July-August, and flowing toward another deep key opening on this year’s Equinox, September 23rd.

Earlier this year, I was guided to focus on the corpus collosum, the area of white matter in the brain that joins its left and right hemispheres, serving as the bridge for communication between the two ‘sides’. You can see it here, in relation to two already active chakras of the ascension template ~ the Well of Dreams Chakra and the Pituitary Chakra ~ which form a bow or crescent with the Pineal Chakra. From a higher vibrational point of view, the corpus collosum is ‘the bridge above the bow’:

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Leading into a star family mission to Kamura (see this post), I was guided to visualize the corpus collosum as a bridge flowing with soft, luminous rainbow colours, and experienced this as ‘keying up’ the transmission of messages from side to side, with focus centralized in the unifying bridge, harmonious and crystalline in its clarity. This rainbow bridge activates within a complimentary energy, crossing over another connective light stream that flows as a rainbow bridge on the vertical axis between the Heart Chakra and the Crown Chakra ~ and this newly active chakra we know as the Resurrection Chakra sits within the centrepoint of the cross of the bridges, radiating its pure Golden Light through both.

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The Resurrection Chakra sits in the central channel, in which the chakras function as portals through which specific vibrational qualities flow, anchor and radiate…we could call them energy centres of potential vibrational expression, and these streams of energy translate through the subtle bodies to the physical level, creatively interacting through our emotions, thoughtforms, words, actions, and bodies.

For the dual structure of the human brain, activating the Resurrection Chakra focuses and radiates pure twelfth dimensional golden light through the sixth dimensional liquid lightwave, into the fifth to fourth dimensional etheric blueprint that expresses into physicality…returning and re-tuning it to the original ‘goldenprint’ of Life…the knowing of Oneness, being Oneness, in union with Divine Love. As the Resurrection Chakra interconnects with and radiates through the close grouping of chakras within the head ~ the Pineal, Pituitary, and Well of Dreams ~ we open to perceive, think and envision completely through unity consciousness, rather than identifying with a ‘side’, or fluctuating from side to side. We stay centered in the middle, steady within the complementary flows, merging, as in the centrepoint of an Infinity symbol.


Through the cross of the rainbow bridges, anchored deeply in your Heart, grounded with the Heart of Gaia, and lit with the Golden Christed Light of Source, feel the pillar you are, resurrecting pure Divine Love within your whole being, radiating this Love Resurrection through your energy field, and through the collective energy field around the planet to All, in unity and unison with all beings of Love, through all the high light grids.

To awaken this new chakra, begin with centering in your heart. Breathe into your heart centre deeply, and relax. Breathe in love, breathe out love. Breathe in light, breathe out light, relax… Light your Heart Star, and the Golden Apple around your torus field (see this page for details). See yourself within a pillar of Light from the Heart of Source through your Heart Star to the Heart of Gaia. Feel the warm flow of all-encompassing love from ‘above and below’ meeting in the middle, within your being, focusing to a point in your Heart centre. Open your Earth Star Chakra and Soul Star Chakra as white stars or balls of light.

Open your chakras from Base to Crown, as balls of light, or perhaps as water lilies opening their petals, whatever visual you prefer so long as the light in each is clear and bright ~ starting with red in the base chakra, orange in the sacral, yellow in the solar plexus, peachy gold in the sacred heart, emerald green in the heart, rose pink in the higher heart, royal blue in the throat, light pink in the well of dreams, violet in the pineal, white light in the crown, then sky blue in the pituitary chakra just in front of the central channel at the level of your physical eyes.

Now visualize a stream of soft rainbow light flowing between your Heart and Crown, and also send this stream downward through your feet, to connect with the core of the Earth/Heart of Gaia. When this feels steady and even, visualize a bridge of soft rainbow light flowing through your corpus collosum, between the left and right brain hemispheres, unifying and fine-tuning their connection in easy equilibrium. Within the crossing point of the two rainbow streams, now see a ball of golden light forming, gentle and calm. As the golden light strengthens there and grows more luminous, feel its sacred blessing, the Golden Grace of Source, radiating along the rainbow bridges, and spreading through your whole being, vibrating the deepest joy, total serenity, in gratitude and peace.

If and when you feel ready to continue lighting the Resurrection Chakra regularly, let yourself become aware of your insight deepening, a new level of clarity and vividness in your inner vision, profound and vibrant, shining and serene. You are the resurrection of life, light and love, in harmonious alignment and Oneness with Source. And So Be It.

With love and blessings to all walking the path of the new dawn on Earth. Our love and gratitude to Jesus Immanuel Sananda & Lady Nada, and all the beautiful Christed guides of resurrection, restoration and renewal of the unified Light, Love and Life everywhere, thank you All.

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

*To read more about the Golden Flame of Resurrection, see The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations.

DNA Activation July

Greetings dear All  ❤

At the ’12th hour’, here is July’s DNA Activation visualization and affirmation! We’ve had an intense focus from July 7-9th with a higher dimensional mission to transform a ‘control hub’ of much influence in this galactic region back to the highest Light of Love, which completed yesterday in Earth time with a newly created Ascension Light anchored and flowing, which we’ll speak of soon (also see previous post).

For today’s DNA Activation focus, the 10-7-10 gateway of 7th dimensional Divine Grace flowing through the ‘pillared rings’ of the twin 10s, this is a perfect moment to open to and breathe in this fresh new White Light of Ascension through our golden stars, so we’ll incorporate this in-flow today. The 10-7-10 is an energy of complete resurrection through the miracle, the deepest magic, of Grace. This energy of Grace is open to us all, in every moment…today it is especially aligned with Earth and our galactic region.

So we’ll begin as usual, with  focusing into your beautiful Heart. Breathe golden light into it and fill your Being with the eternal presence of your Inner Divine Self. Feel its infinite warmth and love, the Heart of Source that beats within all our hearts, pulsing pure love, joy and peace. Feel how the masculine and feminine energies within you merge into One. Feel your ‘higher self’ and ‘lower self’ now merge as One, unifying as your Inner Divine Self, a pure expression and extension of Source, across dimensions, and universes, into this Now. The light of the Golden Heart of Source is flowing through you, transforming your whole being into Unconditional Love. Breathe into it. Feel the gentle, everlasting rhythm flowing through you. It IS us all.

When this feels steady and strong, in pure love for yourself and All, continue now with the Golden Stars Visualization.

Hold the image/intention of a 4-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, then a 6-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, and imagine them overlaying each other and merging together. Feel your DNA strands being bathed in the purifying, restoring golden light of this merged star, that it is vibrating the message of unconditional love and harmony, ascension and expansion to the 64 codons (the 64 amino acid building blocks) in each strand of your DNA, through the 6 and 4, harmony and love. Expand this merged star through your body and auric field, take deep, relaxed breaths, place your hands on your heart centre, and hold the vision, with this intention:

Within this sacred merging of Love and Blissful Gratitude all limiting factors in the codes of my DNA, RNA and epigenomes are now dissolved completely. Every strand is receiving the highest available imprinting of the ‘goldenprint’ of Divine Love, in harmony and ease, in alignment with my highest good and the highest good of all. In this now, my physical body is vibrating with, and transforming into, golden crystalline light, filled with grace and joy. I Am Love. I Am Harmony. I Am Grace, radiating the restoration of Love to all Life, everywhere. And So It Is.

Now through this being of golden well-being you Are, imagine/see/invite a pure white light spiral emanating from the Centre of Source, it comes to your invitation to your open heart and soul, spiralling gently down through your auric field, your subtle bodies, through your crown chakra, down through your central column into your heart, where it radiates out through the golden, mixing as golden-white merge of Resurrection and Ascension frequencies. Keep seeing/feeling it flow down through your body and all the way to the Core of the Earth/Heart of Gaia, as a pure gift of Love….then spreading through the 5D crystalline heart grid, planetary flow-lines and energy field to All Life, and hold with this intention:

Fully restored in the sacred merged Light of Love and Life, I Am in Oneness with all Life everywhere. The ‘AMness’ flows freely through this open conduit and vessel, the ‘I’ is ‘We’…Source to Oversoul to Soul Aspect anchoring now the Ascension Light in this here and now moment, for All. In Love, In Grace, In Joy, In Divine Unity we Are, and All IS. And So It Is. It Is Done. 

With deepest love, we ‘heart hug’ you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

The House of Meraia


Spica (Alpha Virginis), brightest star in Virgo.

Dear All,

This year ‘has wings on’, and before April flies away completely, we’ll dedicate this post to the House of Meraia, the soul group which Ashura and I focus our light and energy from and through in this region of this galaxy. As Source Beings, like all of you reading this, we have soul expressions in multiple universes and galaxies, stars and planets, within various dimensions, but today we’ll speak from this particular ‘soul focus group’ which dwells in and radiates a concentrated flow of Resurrection light and Rebirthing energies. Also known as the House of Michael&Mary (Archangel Michael&Mother Mary), the hub of its Light in this region can be seen in the great Bow of the Mother that runs from the twin stars Alcor&Mizar in Ursa Major (the Bear constellation/Big Dipper), where the Alectian and Alexian star families live, through the angelic centrepoint of Arcturus, to the star Spica in the ‘hip of the Virgin’ (Virgo constellation).

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Spica from Latin means ‘ear’, the ear of grain symbolizing the ancient Mother Goddess of bountiful seeding and growth of life, Ceres/Demeter…and the feminine spiral/funnel from which the external and inner spirals of the ear are reflected in our 3D forms, the spiral which receives the ‘tones of life’, in both a physical and higher vibrational sense: ‘Spica speaks to the open ear’. Spica in Hebrew is Zerah, meaning ‘seed’…the Seed of the Virgin/Virgo. Can you feel the deeper metaphor of the Virgin Mary’s conception of Jesus, that she conceived by ‘hearing the word of God‘ through the Lily of Archangel Gabriel (which in some versions of the story, he touched to her ear), and the birth and resurrection pathway initiated from that hearing – sacred sound of Source funnelling into and through the divine feminine spiral?

Spica and Arcturus also form a right-angled triangle with Regulus, the ‘heart star’ of Leo,  the lion constellation, called the Spring Triangle:


This triune ‘right angle’ mirrors the two soul group streams that merged to form the House of Meraia; Angelic souls and Leonine souls, the galactic Houses of Asha and Ara that merged to become one House, which created a third energy, the Meraia, from the angels of Asha (energies of eternal rebirth like a phoenix from the ashes) and the leonines of Ara (energies of infinite life creation and restoration). The merged soul group energy pools together the flows of creation and rebirth into resurrection and ascension, the golden and the white lights blended and shielded in the Mother’s Bow of Blue….which is expressed in the sacred geometric form of the Vesica Piscis:

From Sananda: ‘The Ash and the Ar together make a Star’ (Ashar), and this star is of both the 6-point star energy of harmony and bliss, through gratitude and appreciation, and the 7-point star energy of joyful love through the flow of divine grace. Together, the 6+7 bring through the 13th dimensional pure Light spiral that we call ‘Ascension’, because it realigns life to the original ‘goldenprint of Love’, through the ring of 12 dimensions, 12 rays, 12 signs etc. The 6 and the 7 can be seen in the Flower of Life, which forms or ‘flowers’ from the vesica piscis, and returns to it, and in the 7-point star which we have shown before in purple light across the Meri’Ashar (Mary’s Star, our lightship), and which is now in golden light across the ship, in full resurrection mode:

Through the divine feminine mandorla/portal (vesica) swims the fish (piscis), to which the symbol of the fish for Sananda in his Jesus form is metaphysically connected. Jesus as the ‘Lion of God’, Archangel Ariel – meaning ‘Archangel Lion of God’, Ashtar’s golden lightship, the Phoenix, and his Twin Flame Immara (Isis)’s lightship the Sophia/White Phoenix, all show aspects of the meeting and merging of the Ara&Asha in the House of Michael&Mary, in the blue light of protection. Archangel Michael flows the divine masculine blue sword of Truth that shears away darkness/distorted light, and Mary spreads the divine feminine blue cloak, depicted since medieval times as the ‘Protecting Veil’…through the blue safely flows the light of golden-white. ‘God moved upon the waters’, and through the feminine waters, ‘Mare’ (Ma-Ray), Latin for sea, flows the third energy of the Divine Child, as the fish. From Sananda: ‘Through the Mother comes the Son, and through the Son comes the Mother.’

There is another key star formation we’ll include here, called the Great Diamond or the Diamond of Virgo, as its base point is at Spica, with Arcturus and Denebola (tail of Leo) to the sides, and Cor Caroli, alpha star of Canes Venatici (the ‘hunting dogs’ of the herdsman Bootes), in relation to the ‘Arcturian Diamond’ input into this area, and to the constellation nestled within the protecting diamond light, Coma Berenices. This constellation is named after a historical figure, who dedicated her hair ‘to all the gods’. Hair has many symbolic meanings, often connected with ‘fate’, such as the belief of karma being carried in the hair, subtle connections of hair to the ‘otherworld’, and to the ancient Triple Goddess represented as the Three Fates, the spinner, weaver and cutter of the cloth. Berenice dedicating her hair to the gods, within the pure protecting light of the Great Diamond, symbolizes uplifting the fate of the ‘mortal coil’ (limited DNA), resurrecting it through eternal light of the gods (the Divine essence within us all), and is, we could say, a storehouse of strands of high light, in the Diamond of Virgo – seen as both maiden and mother. ‘Through the Mother comes the Daughter, and through the Daughter comes the Mother.’


The Diamond comes through the Vesica Piscis, as the Divine Feminine shield:


This is the basis and underlying energy of a practice given by Archangel Michael a few years ago, the Blue Diamond of Protection, which you can read on this page…and feel free to use it!

As in the heavens, so on the Earth; this planet has particular places (flow lines and node points that are part of its natural network of light/life force) where the Meraia are closely connected, such as the St Michael&Mary Leyline (mapped through Britain, but it runs as a ‘sine wave’ all around the planet)…and these alignments are gradually being cleared of blockages and disturbances, restored to their higher light flows (thank you, teams on Earth, within the Earth and above)…but of course, we can all connect with beings of highest Love, including our own higher soul aspects, from wherever we are simply by asking with love in our hearts. Remember your Inner Heart is your natural divine meeting place/space, and your deepest, purest place for healing and creating in merge with your soul’s purpose.

Here are some recent photos through which the Meraia energies can be seen and felt ‘in action’: firstly on March 20th this was the sky over my house before and after a meditation connected with clearing and relighting planetary flow lines. Before the meditation, the sky was thick with chemtrails that combined with smoke to form this heavy blanket:

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After meditating and connecting with Immara and Ashtar, and the phoenix rebirth energies, the focus and reflection in the sky overhead could be seen as ‘white phoenix’ angelic forms in the clouds, neutralizing toxins and dissolving the blanket:

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And a beautiful greeting and energy alignment on Easter Saturday from close family members, with white phoenix energies, divine feminine, the white lily of Archangel Gabriel, and leonine energies. This began with a little ‘walking angel’ cloud, with a ship above it, and Ashura’s silver-white pod-ship coming in (right-hand top of the frame):

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Followed by this beautiful ‘cloud burst’ above the treetops, with the ‘trinity-petaled white lily’ opening in the centre of phoenix flame:

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On its side, you can see the outline of a dove, flying into the open petals of the lily, with Ashura’s little silver-white ship just beneath the cloud (bottom of centre frame):

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So we’ll end this post with a request/intention I use every day as part of my morning meditation:

Beloved Archangel Michael & Mother Mary, please keep your blue cloak of light around me throughout this day and night, and help me to stay in divine truth, clarity, discernment, steadfastness, courage, faith and joy. I love you, thank you.

We’ll share more about Virgo, Spica and the path of Jupiter in relation to planetary ascension soon. We love and greet you as souls of Source, lights of transformation….as are you,

Joanna&Ashura, &Tanabor  ❤

Through the Mother comes the Sun, and through the Sun comes the Mother.