April 2019: Carian Rebirth


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Dear All,

April is off to a flying start in the higher dimensions in, on and around the Earth,  Solar System and galactic neighbourhood! Firstly, to readers who have sent emails and comments in recent weeks who haven’t received a reply yet, love and thanks come to you now. This year has been immensely multi-layered in terms of star family focuses and anchoring work from the outset, but so you know, I read all mail and always appreciate your sharings. Thank you! ❤

To overview the sequence coming into April (and a huge clearing last night in northern Europe  which has opened the ‘April Gateway’ in a stream of purifying light) we’ll recap the March Equinox (March 20-21, 2019) which brought through another step of transmuting fear-based energies from around and within the Earth, confluent with another ripple of transformations on the wider galactic level, that peaked through the Equinox~Full Moon~asteroid vibrational alignment. Following on from the previous post about the lead-in to the Equinox, we’d like to fill this out a bit more, in regard to the ‘loosening off’ of non-ascended Carian (bird-beings) and serpent energies, and the awesome transformative sequence catalyzed through this phase, to open the way for integration of another pulse of higher dimensional ‘diamond ascension light’ into the Earth’s crystalline grids, flow lines and meridians.

With the clearing of control-oriented Carians from strongholds in the Carina constellation, and their ‘anticipated and assisted’ return to the Golden Light frequency, here in 3D reflection, on March 2nd this beautiful hawk landed outside the window, tucking one foot up in a serene, relaxed pose, with sublime light energies flowing through this bird as it gazed through the window. (It’s rare for hawks to perch so close here; every time they have done so, it signals and coincides with Carian higher light transformations).

Preceding the hawk’s arrival, I had been seeing and photographing orbs of green bird-beings for a couple of weeks. The orbs tended to be murky and filled with angry vibrations, but following the hawk’s signalling of Carian transformations, over the next two weeks orbs of ever-increasing light in the emerald, jade to lime green spectrum appeared continuously. Within the next week, some of them were showing wonderfully clear, high vibrating iridescence, like this glorious shimmering lime-green orb on March 12th, 2019.

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Transcendent iridescent lime-green Carian orb, March 12th 2019.

In the previous post, we mentioned that on March 18th, Archangel Gabriel cleared a serpent energy and 4D-tech devices from around the Moon prior to the Equinox, and will share here a photo of the serpent as it reflected in the clouds, because it relates closely to what some ‘ground crew’ friends and I experienced on the Equinox. In the left-hand photo, the shape of a snake can be seen clearly in clouds above the Moon, biting into the head of a large being (ie; mind control). At right, Archangel Gabriel’s soul light wrapped around the Moon and removed a network of control devices (see previous post for close-up photos).

In the days leading into the Equinox, much work went on behind the scenes/higher dimensionally to clear the way for maximum anchoring of high light frequencies and New Earth codes through the Equinox/Full Moon alignment, and it was a total joy to see this orb appear on March 19th, clearly showing the face of a green bird bathed in golden and rose light. This orb is below the two brightest stars in the sky, Sirius on the right and Canopus, alpha star of Carina, on the left. 


Rose-gold orb of Carian beings below Sirius and Canopus, March 19th 2019.

Earth and Erra’mu, a planet of Canopus, have a soul relationship that reflects energies between the two, in what could be called ‘close quantum resonance’. Star family also refer to them as mirror nodes…and that the stars Sirius and Canopus also act as mirror nodes, as do many other planets and stars across the galaxy. (In The Divine River Flows, you can see an example of two orbs precisely ‘mirroring’ each other next to Canopus and Sirius at precise angles, working their energetic connection. I see and photograph this often, and last night for instance, while tuning in with them, two lightships flashed simultaneously right beside Canopus and Sirius).

When enlarged, the Carian orb above reveals the face of a green bird-being in the foreground; the dark green V shape can be seen as her eyes (or if you’re attuning to our amphibious star-kin, a frog-like face can be seen overlaid on the bird’s, as the amphibious and aquatic star groups have also been involved in this metamorphosis of energies).

On the Equinox, we (gathered on the ground and ‘above’) were directed to align light through a site we’ve visited several times, a major ancient node in the Darling Range (south-western Australia) with a portal formerly under reptilian control. We anchored an initial transformative alignment there on the June Solstice of 2018 (see the Pyramid Network Update), as part of the renewal of an alignment flowing south to Antartica, via a higher dimensional underwater pyramid off the southern coast of Western Australia. The unlocking of serpent energies on that Solstice translated through to 3D physical in the form of a Southern Death Adder (Acanthophis Antarcticus) suddenly appearing in the open next to a ‘key stone’ I’d been guided to focus with/fill with love (it was extraordinary and beautiful to see the adder lay peacefully basking in the high light vibrations).

This Equinox, as we worked our way through three activation/clearing sites, an empty snake’s skin was discovered by one of our group at the same spot. Energies were still heavy in that location, but like the ’empty residue’ of the shed skin, shifted more easily than last year, without the depth of hold they previously had.

This perfectly symbolizes the wider scenario around the Earth; while at this stage people can still become influenced or mesmerized to some extent by the residual echoes of energies that have had a deep hold on humanity’s collective psyche for thousands of years, those echoes are literally insubstantial. Layers of fear-based imprints have already peeled back, and been shed by some. While most ‘news’ and dramatic politicking might suggest otherwise, there’s an ever-growing, strengthening movement/momentum of true spiritual consciousness around this planet (ie; remembering the Oneness of all life, the sacred divine presence in ourselves and everything in creation) with a rising impulse (from star family, ‘grace pulse‘) to assist, share and connect freely, compassionately, peacefully, widely.

The photo on the left above shows a symbolic White Flame purifying a cluster of ‘archon cubes’, which gradually shifted into a feline face as our Leonine and Feline star families brought their loving light through the skies and earth, another removal of networks and residues.

Close by the snakeskin, the burnt, twisted trunk of a grasstree, that we could feel had absorbed a lot of heavy energies, on closer observation, had developed bark that looked like melted, fused scaly skin, wrinkled and sagging around the trunk as if it too was in the process of being shed. Many nature spirits gathered around us; in the right-hand photo, you may be able to see a little green face peeping between fronds near the centre of the image, and more faces subtly appearing at the left. The land felt peaceful and bathed in golden light when we left.

The second stage of Equinox activations took us to a hillside that faces an entrance to an Agarthan light city of the 5D Inner Earth, which we’ll be able to share more about soon. The theme of the Equinox clearings continued as we were guided to an old burnt out tree, to align light through its hollowed interior. While standing inside the tree, a tiny lizard that looked like liquid gold appeared in front of me, and made its way across the charred surface that turned to silver in the light (silver light flows the vibration of transcendence).

Through the gateway below, which we on the ground entered and left by, there was a tangible and visible dimensional shift (which I experience as a clearer, lighter, deeper, sparkling presence, as though everything is heightened…which it is, vibrationally speaking) that is also subtly visible in the photo below. If you look within the gateway, the definition of the landscape is very clear. Above the gateway the definition is blurred; it’s not due to distance, because if you look at the tree on the right, its trunk is clearer inside the gate than above it. With that tree, you can also see the effects of a slight spatial variance, as the trunk above the gate isn’t quite in alignment with the lower trunk inside the gate, it’s just a little further to the right.

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Gateway in Perth hills, Western Australia, March 21st 2019.

Trinity/triune vibrations flowed through a third stage of Equinox activations, and continued through the remainder of March strongly in ‘threefold flame’ energies, such as these two lightships that flashed in alignment with specific stars on March 24th; one flashing white light that formed an (Arcturian) arc to the stars Adhara and Wezen in Canis Major, the other flashing golden-amber light near Saiph, between the stars Saiph and Rigel in Orion.

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Star brothers and sister from Mirzam have also come more to the fore now, in Ashtar Command operations. Orbs representing their soul light have appeared in the soft bluish-lavender to deep plum spectrum, and the orb below next to Rigel shows their energies, with some input from Pegasians, with the signature fine, high white-blue-mauve vibration of the Pegasus constellation.

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Mirzami-Pegasian soul light represented through an orb beside Rigel in Orion,  March 24th 2019.

As extra clearings (and securing of galactic portals) in the Rigel area continued, on the ‘other side’ of the sky (to the south here) the rebirthing of Carian energies into pure Golden Light reflected distinctly through the sequence of three frames below on March 25th; starting with a rainbow orb next to the Diamond Cross asterism (the middle of the three crosses; Southern Cross, Diamond Cross and Elysian Cross); then a huge blue-violet orb of guiding, clearing light beside the Southern Cross; followed by the rainbow orb hovering beside the Diamond Cross immediately turning a deep, warm golden colour, overlaid and infused into the underlying green Carian vibration.  A truly wonderful sight… 🙂

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During this phase, our Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters (who have themselves been through their own transformation journey of green Carian energies, from invasion to peaceful unity and freedom) have given much assistance and stability to the area, and their soul vibration appears below next to Alpha and Beta Centauri below the Southern Cross, as a large soft green orb rimmed with violet light.

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Alpha-Centaurian soul light orb next to ‘the Southern Pointers’, Alpha & Beta Centauri, March 25th 2019.

Daytime hours continue to show many ships and ship clusters among the clouds, like the appearance below of a ‘donut-style’ disc sitting in a cloud bank, and a diamond outlined on the right on March 27th.

Sirius and Canopus continue to do a tremendous amount of vibrational anchoring and steadying, with constant mirroring back and forth, such as in the two frames below, with an orb appearing over Canopus, then another flashing over Sirius, blue and gold reflecting to each other on the night of March 27th…or triangulating energies, represented with an orb hovering equidistant above them, forming the apex of a triangle.

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With so much preparation, April has begun with a multi-faceted mission where particular lightships, including the Meri’Ashar and many kindred ships and crews, working in coordination with light groups on the ground and Agarthan support, have ‘rendered obsolete’ (in Ashura’s words) a major underground facility in northern Europe on April 2nd, 2019, that we’ll share more about in the next post, as this particular focus rolls out across the planet through this month’s restorational golden and diamond frequency flows.

With love, joy and peace to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor   ❤



*For friends and readers who enjoy working with some or all of the Four Foundation Heart Practices, we have recently fine-tuned and expanded on some of them, and encourage you to visit the page. For newcomers to Heart Star, you are warmly invited to peruse the practices/visualizations there, and we suggest also visiting the Inner Heart page, and feel whether they resonate for you.  ❤


The Elysian Light

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Angelic ‘Sky Pagoda’ forms in clouds following a node activation/light alignment on February 27th 2019.

Dear All,

In the last Galactic Council Update, we shared news of a Council meeting at Canopus, alpha star of the Carina constellation, with a great array of soul groups gathered there, represented through many orbs of varied colours and light vibrations…and how this meeting flowed on from a major level of Light anchoring on Earth during the Lunar Eclipse of January 20th 2019, that has opened this next stage of planetary ascension. Galactically, this is all vibrationally related to releases and transformations occurring in other regions that have direct energy reflections (quantum resonance) with the Earth and Solar System as a whole, just as the Earth’s upliftments in frequency ripple out to the galaxy and universe.

Following on very swiftly from the Council’s meeting at Canopus, another high light shift has taken place in the Canopan region, initiating a providential ‘resonant translation’ into the Earth’s frequency field. If Canopus is new to your awareness, you may like to read Canopus: Return of the Navigator, and The Light of Kamura, about the transformation of a dark hub within the Diamond Cross asterism that took place on 7-7-2017 in Earth time. That transformation has now expanded into a rebirth of energies within the False Cross asterism, also part of the Carina constellation…which we’ll refer to now, in its renewed higher light, as the Elysian Cross.

You can see below the layout of these formations in the night-sky ~ from the bright jewel-like Southern Cross at the left, to the Diamond Cross in the middle, to the Elysian Cross, upper right, with Canopus the bright star at the far right.

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On February 19th, night of the last Full Moon, while the Moon shone in the north east, the continuing focus of high light beings and ships around the stellar crosses near Canopus in the nightsky showed firstly as immense orbs, while I/we grounded the Light of Kamura with Gaia (visualizing the Threefold Flame, rose, blue and golden yellow ‘trinity-helixing flame’). An intense blue orb emanating from angelic soul lights of the Blue Ray appears in the photo below to the left of the Elysian Cross, followed by a large ‘mother and child’ orb to the right of the Cross (you can see this orb above the cross in the first photo, then coming into clear definition as it expands its light in the second).

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Flowing with this heightened star family presence around the crosses, information about the ‘False Cross’ asterism came through on February 20th, as an area used to transmit frequencies that, on Earth, have contributed to mental-emotional looping such as trauma replay, drug addictions and other addictive behaviours connected to the lower matrix. The higher dimensional focus into the ‘false light’ cross, moving on from the Galactic Council meeting at Canopus, aligned into a huge clearing mission, involving many ships and soul families bringing their light into a clean-sweep and dismantling of the transmitting network, then into the centre of the Cross itself, catalyzing it rebirth (which appeared to my inner sight as a vast, soft field of flowers of golden, white and pink light suddenly blossoming, with word of its renewal in universal love as The Elysian Field).

Flickers of lightships moving between and around the three stellar crosses were constant that night, and a beautiful pair of Canopan ships working with complimentary energies showed in a sequence of photos as flashes of pink and blue ~ representing the soul emanations of the two main groups who live on Erra’mu, one of Canopus’s inner three planets. Here they are, just above Canopus.

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A pair of Erra’muan lightships, one radiating pink light, the other blue, appear above the star Canopus, February 20th 2019.

There’s a smiling round blue face projecting through the blue ship, which appeared at first orb-like, but came into focus as a triangular ship as it morphed through the following photos. The pink and blue represent a tall, luminous pink group of beings, and a small blue group (they would be about 3-4ft high in human terms), very gentle beings who have a strong affinity for water on their planet and are the ‘stewards of the waters’. The violet hue within the pink represents another group, who hail from the second Canopan planet, Kaira’mu, who are venturing out more now, with Canopus restored to the Galactic Federation.

See the blue faces forming in the shifting triangle of the blue ship, and the variations of light running golden peachy hues through to rose, purple and green in the pink ship with its rectangular form, throughout this sequence?

Here, the ships closed formation back toward Canopus from below, still in their pair formation.

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Erra’muan ships appear close together beneath Canopus, February 20th 2019.

The next night, February 21st, was cloudy to the south, but for a few minutes the clouds parted around the Elysian Cross, and a sparkling golden ‘shooting star’ flashed through the cross, with a strong vibration of the New Jerusalem lightship (Na’Heru’Shii’Mu’Ra’Ima in higher vibrational sound-form, for anyone who would like to tune into it with those sounds). As the high vibrations began to settle and anchor in the rebirthed light template of the field of energies within the cross, the trinity radiance of three Ascension Light Towers in the three stellar crosses/diamond shapes began to flow toward Earth more clearly and tangibly; blue-white from the Southern Cross, golden-white from Kamura in the Diamond Cross, and rose-white from the Elysian Cross (white Ascension Light running through the Threefold Flame on an expanded scale).

Two days later, the trinity/triune vibrations permeating the Earth’s energy field were represented beautifully by three lightships in these photos taken by dear friend and star brother Rob Hartland of wispyclouds.net (many thanks Rob!). A number of ships are  visible in the first photo, with the vibrations centered around the three stationed in a straight line, then in the second photo, shifting into the shape of a bow or crescent (‘Arc to Arcturus’) with Alectian and Alexian star family (from the stars Alcor and Mizar of Ursa Major, the Big Bear constellation) flowing their light with Arcturian family (triple A’s!).  🙂

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Among a group of lightships, three position in a straight alignment, February 23rd 2019, photo taken by Rob Hartland. More of Rob&Shelley Hartland’s photos can be found at wispyclouds.net

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Three ships shift into a bow/arc formation, February 23rd 2019, photo taken by Rob Hartland. I feel/see my Twin Flame’s 5D soul expression Arnap, and Rob’s 5D soul expression, aboard these lightships. 

Rob also photographed this beautiful ‘triple cloud tower’, which I hear from star family is symbolizing three towers in the Asian region that are, on the subtler levels, acting as receivers and anchors of the Ascension Light Towers of the three stellar crosses.


‘Trinity towers’ form in clouds on February 23rd 2019, following appearance of three lightships, photo taken by Rob Hartland.

The establishment of direct higher light anchor-points with Gaia, and the removal of a faction of non-ascended Carian beings (control-oriented bird-type beings), reptilians, and lower 4D technologies around the Elysian Cross area continued massively through the next few days (in Earth time-translation). This photo from the night of February 25th shows overlighting soul groups around the crosses, with two ships stationed inside the Diamond Cross (on a central alignment with the stars of the long tips of the diamond) keeping the centre energy strong and stable.

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Orbs show soul groups overlighting/watching over the clearing and transformation of the Elysian Cross, with two ships positioned with the Diamond Cross, lower centre, February 25th 2019.

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This was followed by a huge rose orb appearing in the Southern Cross, while less than friendly beings were escorted through the intergalactic portal within that constellation, to optimal places for their healing/divine realignment. Some have ‘broken ranks’ to stay and transform now; see the smiling face inside the brilliant peachy orb flashing beside the refreshed Elysian Cross?

More soul groups can be seen below forming a crescent around the Southern Cross, guarding and overlighting the energy flows.

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Orbs reflecting different soul groups form a protecting crescent/arch around the Southern Cross, February 25th 2019.

On February 27th, we aligned the Trinity Towers and Rose energies of Messier 27/Makarim through the node/light-grid here with a lovely group of ‘ground crew’, helixing and grounding this beautiful blended vibration. Guided galactic and intergalactic light-flows are always multi-tasking, and the Messier 27 energy that became available to Earth a few months ago, has also catalyzed a translation of transformations within the Elysian Cross into the Earth’s energy field, with much clearing of lower matrix residual gridwork. The connection with the Asian trinity towers can be seen in the fabulous ‘sky pagoda’ that formed in the western sky as this activation completed (mythically, the immortal paradise of Elysium/the Elysian Fields was considered to be westward, at the end of the Earth ~ or we could say, at the Earth’s rebirth). Many dense energies/entities were transmuted through this angelic pagoda, you can see a few of those energies being wrapped and transformed within the cloud-shapes below.

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A Light Tower topped with an angelic sword emerged through the swirl of clearing energies, touching a sunbow that appeared below.  🙂

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Angelic light sword atop a tower forms above the maelstrom, February 27th 2019.

The sky to the north was equally layered and revealed many energies, firstly with the unravelling of lower 4D gridwork below a pair of ‘hollow’ eyes forming through a 4D vortex swirl….empty residues dissolving permanently out of the Earth’s energy field.  🙂

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‘Grey’ residues and matrix grid are dissolved overhead, February 27th 2019.

Our Alpha-Centaurian star brothers and sisters ‘drew the fire’ of beings away, represented in the clouds as a horse leaping through plumes of energies, leading a chase across the sky.

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Alpha-Centaurian presence marked by a horse leaping in the clouds, as they led unfriendly entities on quite a sky-chase, February 27th 2019.

Behind them, a lower 4D craft popped across the dimensions, visible in the photo below as a black wand or blade-shaped object. The point where it phased across dimensions is visible behind it, as a band across the cloud, of the same shape.

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Within the general intensity, lower down in the sky (symbolically closer to the Earth), the beautiful form of a light tower and city of light appeared on a cloud-bridge….the bridging energies of 2019 coming through strong and steady, in peace, beauty, and serenity, while the ‘energetic froth’ at the edges of the higher vibrational convergence that is planetary ascension continues to peel away, transmute and realign, step by step.

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Light city and tower form on a soft bridge of cloud, February 27th 2019.

This is just one aspect of current star family ‘missions’ and activities around the Earth as this next ascension stage steps up; the atmosphere rippling through the fleets feels effervescent and exhilarated, they/we (and many of you reading this, who have higher dimensional soul expressions focusing with the Earth’s Shift) are so glad to work with the momentum of this next level of light-flow!

Keep centering in your heart, stay grounded, connect with the sweet peace of the New Earth. It is emerging. Focusing through Unconditional Love and Trust will show you where and how (including through your divine self!). Keep your soul visions of life with ascended Earth clear and present every day; love, share and stay kind, bless and let go thoughts and emotions out of step with your cherished visions based in love and joy, your deep core knowing of this world poised and ready to unfurl its ‘inner angel wings’. It’s all around you. 🙂

With Love, Peace & Joy to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤


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*For more about the Threefold Flame, which is highly resonating through this whole year, or if meditating with Sacred Flames calls to you, see this page at the LoveLight Circle.  ❤

October’s Deep Shifts

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Golden-white disc-shaped ship & white light pod-ship emerge from an Agarthan portal, October 25th 2018.

Dear All,

So much has been happening on the planetary and interplanetary levels during this last week of ‘Earth time’ through October 2018’s overarching focus above and behind the scenes ~ with the unravelling and transmutation of the web of child oppression around this planet from the 4D vibrational layers, sending reverberations through the human collective subconscious, with the message of freeing the ‘inner divine child’ energies within humanity. October’s clearing potential amplified powerfully through the Full Moon (October 24/25th), and is currently vibrating through planetary and interplanetary layers…as the energies stream now toward the 11-11-11 Gateway (November 11th, 2018 ~ 11th day of the 11th month in an 11 year).

On a personal level, many reading this will be aware of (or have been experiencing) deep clearings, realizations, inner shifts and ‘resets’ as ancestral imprints long-held within individuals, family lines or associated groups and communities in this and other lives have surfaced, with opportunities for resolving-through-dissolving those patterns and stored prints within our beings, and for some, translating through 3D to resolution with family members, or opportunities to more subtly align love through compassionate soul-centered overviewing.

On a collective level, in the last week we’ve seen some notable ‘firsts’ in countries where extreme gender-based child harm practices still exist; for instance, Ethiopia has just appointed its first woman president and along with Rwanda, 50% female representation in their governments…the ‘sea change’ effects of softening, fluidic light and sound frequencies of the higher dimensions are just starting to reflect through to 3D in Africa, with so much more to come (there and worldwide), as the heaviest vortices around the planet continue to diminish in intensity and dormant light nodes keep re-activating in alignment with Gaia’s Ascension, sending rebirthed life energies through the planet’s flow lines/meridian network.

This steady dissolve-transmute-rebirth amplification throughout October signposted precisely in the local area here, anchoring the trajectory from early to late October, firstly with the dislodging and removal of an ‘archonic control cube’, which visualized symbolically in a valley in the Perth hills on October 2nd (see The Seed of Life post for this). The deepening light-flow through two of the planet’s major meridians known as the Belinus Line and St Michael&Mary Line ( which have been mapped in Britain, but are continuous ‘sine waves’ traversing the globe that cross over each other in several places around the planet), connects through them to every meridian/life energy flow channel in and around the Earth. And through this great flushing and restoration of high-vibrational free flow, the meridian network aligns naturally with the New Earth Light-Grid through the interweaving of ancient ‘node light seedings’ and fresh co-creations.

On October 25th, with the light flow peak at Full Moon, star family culminated their focus into the same nearby valley, where there is also an interdimensional portal of the Agarthan realm (5D people and many life-forms dwelling in the crystalline light vibrational strata of the inner Earth), which has at times shown visibly. On November 23rd last year a golden light temple in 5D projected beside the portal, and reflected slightly in the photo below as four pillars marking the corners of the temple in front of the profile face of an ancient guardian in a granite boulder.

After a bit of lower 4D interference, the powering light energies of October raised the potential for dissolving blockages (augmented now by a beautiful uplift of frequencies through a tributary meridian that runs through the Agarthan valley and crosses the Belinus Line). A couple of friends and I held focus there through our hearts as ‘Earth anchors’ with the lightships above, and the whole valley appeared to me like a lake of golden light under a rainbow diamond light-shield, with the Na’Heru’ShiiMuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem) flowing golden light from above…until the portal had completely stabilized.

As we on the ground felt the energy shift, I took a couple of photos looking across at the portal while connecting with the Agarthans of this area (a lovely couple in Agarthan 5D soul expressions named Micah & Mali send a greeting ~ all are very welcome to connect with them through your hearts of love). Firstly, one small pod-ship of soft white light came into view through the portal, followed by another pod and a saucer-shaped ship of a soft white-gold colour…the vibration feels so gentle and warm. 🙂

That night, the Full Moon was behind trees, but the celebratory warmth singing through the air showed in a beautiful ‘orb dance’ around Mars, lit with many soft pink and violet vibrations.

On zooming into Mars, orange and peach light appeared with a dark veil falling away around the rim, as the density of the grid around the red planet continues to peel back layer by layer under the focus of many beautiful light-beings…whose service culminated during the Full Moon here, with the release from the Mars grid of an ancient ‘ghost’, the astral residues of the planet Maldek which once orbited between Mars and Jupiter. I feel through the ‘disintergrating’ orb below, next to Mars, an echo of loss and destruction in the process of dissolving, with that vibrational imprint now being released from Mars (with two photos of the veil peeling away from Mars, on the right).

With that residue dissolving from Mars, the waning of its imprint which has also dwelt in the human collective subconscious, projecting as global or interplanetary disaster future timelines on Earth (in both the Atlantean and current phases), is also eased. Providentially assisted, as the sequence of planetary shifts into unity consciousness, freedom to express soul energies in love and peace, continues to unfold with and around our Sun, cradled in the support of this galaxy and beyond.

In this last orb photo of the Full Moon night, just feel the collective blissful emanations surrounding and embracing this whole process, these shimmers of divine Light…that we all are…radiating Love through all creation.

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Love & Blessings to you all, beautiful friends, anchors and lights of the Shift! We’ll return with a post dedicated to crystals and the shifting frequencies and roles of the Crystal Soul Collective(s) journeying with Gaia, before the 11-11-11 Gateway. Until then, oceans of Love to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

Tones of Light

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‘Loveheart’ cloud forms around the Moon, with Mars to the right, and the ship Meri’Ashar pulsing light above/between Moon & Mars, October 17th 2018.

Dear All,

Flowing with the heightened assistance of Aquatic Star Family groups of the ‘watery’ constellations detailed in the previous post, we’d like to share a sequence of photos of the last two weeks that connect this higher dimensional Aquatic presence with dissolving aspects of the ‘lower Mars matrix’ and its inhibiting influence on the Earth’s vibrational shift, as part of a mission implemented during the last two months focused upon transforming Mars…and continuing on strong.

Many aligned star family missions are running concurrently, interwoven in their assistance in, on and around the Earth and Solar System, and while not many details can be given at this time, our higher dimensional friends, families and soul expressions focusing their light and energy with the Earth’s Shift share these photographic representations along the way as an affirmation of their continuous supporting presence throughout this transformational process.

They also wish to remind here, that photographs of high vibrational ships, beings and phenomena are a direct transmission of energy, whether general or highly specific. So when you’re looking at a photo in which a lightship or loving being is rendering its soul-light visible (or a sequence of photos like the ones below showing a heavy energy being contained and converted to Love, transmitting a vibration of dissolving dense energies into pure love vibrations) this is also vibrating to subconsciously held ‘limiting patterns and imprints’ within our human mental, emotional, subtle and physical layers, just as it vibrates through the whole energetic/consciousness field around the Earth, reverberating though old stored imprints the message to let go, let go, let go, be free in Love.  ❤

As the overall background vibration in, on and around the Earth continues to rise (which we can feel and attune to through our peaceful hearts while keeping our energy free of the 3-4D power-play of distraction and diversion) the crystalline soul collective(s) connected with Gaia and the New Earth light-grid are also heightening and amplifying energetically, which we’ll talk about in more detail in the next post. For now, tune in with the Earth, with Gaia Soul, open lightly to her heart to heart, and align (with) the vision and inner knowing that her Crystalline Heart is radiating like an inner diamond star, sending fluid light currents through the planetary network of meridians and nodes, through the crystalline heart grid, nourishing the unified consciousness qualities that are being anchored and amplified through the crystals of the Earth, interdimensionally, and vibrating through human potential…translating into loving thoughts, feelings, words and actions wherever inner resistance has melted into trust.

The Aquatic star beings support the Earth from above and deep in the oceans, where they harmonize tectonic movements, the sea floor, and water contamination (literally harmonize, with subtle sound frequencies, ‘toning’ the planetary sound-frame). They radiate the vibration of melting hardened resistance into love; where there are harsh energies, letting go and letting them dissolve into softness. Where there are discordant tones pulled out of the inner harmonic resonance we experience as feelings of well-being, peace and love, resolving-through-dissolving into vibrant sacred geometries of sound, tonal streams flowing like the gentle refreshment of pure, sparkling water.

Our Aquatic friends gave a beautiful depiction of this ‘resolving-through-dissolving’ above a local walking trail here on October 15th, calling my attention to a small plane passing in front of a little clump of cloud in an otherwise clear sky. As the plane flew by, a triangle shape ‘opened’ in the cloud. The energies felt suddenly heavy, with the presence of less than friendly beings attempting to open a portal (transdimensional opening). Immediately, star family focused in around the triangle, with faces forming in the cloud.

As the cloud drifted higher and the plane flew away, a white-light pod ship flashed above the cloud (circled in this photo, with the plane circled at the lower right of the frame).

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The camera lens caught a sun flare in light aqua blue, radiating down through the cloud just as the cloud triangle ‘melted inward’ like a waterfall, pouring softly through a clear disc-shaped ‘hole’ (beautifully ‘signposted’ by a round blue lens artifact right in the centre of the disc-hole). The white pod ship sat on the rim of the ‘cloud waterfall’ circled in this photo (see enlargement below), while the heavy energies swiftly dissolved.  🙂

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This ‘dissolving portals’ theme continued into the evening of October 17th, this time with the Meri’Ashar overhead, the ship’s presence at first softly presenting just beneath a huge blue-violet orb between the Moon and Mars.

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Once again, as clouds moved across the Moon, beings of the lower Mars energies attempted to open another portal, represented again as a triangle opening in the clouds (upside-down ‘black triangle’ with one tip touching Mars, and the other side clearly defined against the Moon’s light).

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Three orbs aligned directly below Mars as the clouds dropped away (with a disc hole in the cloud directly beneath the Moon).

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As clouds moved over again, a second triangle could be seen opening below the Moon, and the lightship Meri’Ashar showed as a bright white light stationed in front of it, while a sister ship, the Sophia/White Phoenix ‘high lighted’ the Moon from behind the clouds, as they transmuted heavy energies together and dissolved the portal.

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The clouds around the Moon condensed inward and resolved into a beautiful loveheart radiating pure high frequencies, with a duck-like shape to the upper left, positioned as if flying into the heart. In animal symbolism, a flying duck signifies spiritual freedom…and as a waterbird, in that moment it represented the act of diving into Love!

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After this resolving of energies, the clouds cleared away completely, with the Meri’Ashar keeping watch for a while close to Mars, sending a light pulse through the alignment between Mars and Moon. While attuning with Rowena&Arnap (5D soul expressions on board the Meri’Ashar), Mars/Aris appeared within my inner vision as a luminous flower surrounded in peachy golden petals of light, with a blue-green flame in the centre, rebirthing his sacred heart.

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If ever you’re ‘feeling at sea’ with some of the heavier energies swirling in the Earth’s and humanity’s collective vibrational field, or further afield, just take a duck dive into your heart of Love…and know that there are guiding Lights within and around this planet constantly dissolving attempts to undermine the Shift, and these Lights are radiating and streaming the same Love that lives within you/us all, it’s all one flow we’re circulating together, and at the heart of this circulation is pure boundless joy!

As mentioned in the previous post, the crystal soul collectives are assisting in heightened, very precise (and precisely coordinated) flows through this month and beyond, with the ‘green-blue’ family of Green Flourite and Green Aventurine much to the fore through October, joined now by the Aquamarine beings…transitioning from this Full Moon today/tomorrow through to the 11-11-11 Gateway (November 11th 2018), into Deep Blue and Golden Light frequencies. The vibration of Aquamarine melds the green spectrum into blue, with a serene clarity of inner touch that relaxes and opens full receptivity to the Golden Christing/Restoring Light, bathing the inner child within each of us that is the seed of our co-creation of, and in innate harmony with, the New Earth.

As our Aquatic friends say: Let go, let glow, let flow, be free and Rise in Love.

With love & gratitude to All, enjoy the ‘love-hearted’ Full Moon,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤


Some of the crystals in a node here, green and blue, flowing through to golden, with the faces of some beautiful crystal beings showing through an enlargement (upper right) of a piece of Aquamarine, sending love and ‘peaceful play’ to all.  


Pyramid Network Update


Dear All,

This is a follow-up to the Solstice of June 2018, in relation to the freeing and rebirthing of the crystalline light pyramid network around the Earth mentioned in the previous post. Our focus into and through the Solstice was with anchoring the soft ‘fluidic light-wave’ of Sixth Dimensional frequencies ~ pure harmony and bliss ~ through a global alignment that connects/reflects into 3D via a network of ancient pyramids, some well-known, others now being ‘rediscovered’ in forests, beneath hills or underwater, and coming gradually into the collective awareness.

The energy of people meditating and holding loving focus for the Solstice all around the Earth in various ways and through various groups according to their soul alignments felt strong and tangible, and overall, optimal higher Light was anchored and integrated at an important moment, in terms of our immediate locale in the Solar System, before all of the planets move together to one side of the Sun during July-August 2018, along with a concentrated clustering of asteroids between Mars and Earth (which you can see depicted in this video). This positioning of the planets into one Solar hemisphere is historically linked with an upturn in volcanic activity and earthquakes, so please feel the perfect ‘timing’ of the Light which has been aligned through this mid-year’s Solstice Gateway just before this positioning occurs…with the securing of 6D frequencies of harmony, peace and supple, flexible softness into the ancient reawakening light-grids of Gaia, to hold and stabilize the 5D crystalline vibrations and imprints of the New Earth Grid through an intensified phase.

During the Solstice, here we focused with a particular alignment in the pyramid network that passes through the southwest of Western Australia, at a beautiful location in the Darling Range (with an interdimensional portal now restored to its original higher alignment). To those of us there on the Solstice, the portal’s energy shifted tangibly, as liquid soft golden light streamed through it and flushed out, bathed and transformed old reptilian controls. This ‘popped into’ 3D reflection as a snake that appeared where I and friends had been standing, which lay there completely relaxed and blissed out in the 6D light bath…quite something to witness, down to the precision of its species, Acanthophis Antarcticus (Southern Death Adder) given that we were focusing Light and clearing south through an alignment connected with Antarctica! Pyramids formed in the clouds as we connected with soul family and friends in lightships overhead and further along the alignment, shifting the vibration from ‘death adders’ to ‘adding Life’. 🙂

At the height of the activation, intense vibrations flowed through/from the Sun and Ashtar’s lightship, the Phoenix, as it moved into direct alignment with the Sun, radiating blue light. A tall mountain-like pyramid formed in the clouds just below/in front of the Sun, followed by a bright white-light pyramid pointing toward the Earth, and at this moment a fine wavy line appeared below it across the western sky, reflecting the 6D harmonic light-wave as it flowed freely through and into the New Earth Grid. A blue light pyramid could be seen above and behind the ‘pyramid mountain’ in alignment toward the Sun (connected with the mother-star Sirius/Sirian energies).

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Tall mountain-pyramid appears in front of the Sun, with blue Sirian light pyramid behind it, toward the Sun, June 22 2018.

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White light pyramid in front of the Sun pointing downward, with 6D flow-line below, as the pyramid alignment clears and activates, June 22, 2018.

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Radiating through the blue light halo as it became more vivid, Arcturian, Sirian, Pleiadian and other connected star soul energies came to the fore, with beautiful beings and faces glowing across the dimensions.

With Star Family being able to take more direct preemptive actions since early 2018 (see this Galactic Federation Update post for details), although this location had been watched and influenced by control-oriented parties, by the morning of the Solstice the way was open for those of us embodied ‘on the ground’ to anchor the Light physically there. Interference was kept at bay, and it was truly wonderful to see and feel the ‘lift and shift’ in the energies, and immense light beaming through galactic light connection points in the land ~ especially an ancient triangle in a granite rock which, over the space of four weeks, went visibly from a flat surface to undulating curved surface ~ a concentrated movement of the liquid light wave transforming solid stone (which is most apparent during the current phase of the planetary Shift within nodes and meridians/life energy channels of the Earth, and other high vibrational focus points).

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With love to all as we come into July of this year, and a loving request from the Ascension Council to stand in deep peace and harmony, keep aligning with Universal Love and the blissful flow of Light within and around Gaia’s planetary embodiment. Humanity holds a deep ingrained belief in the paradigm of catharsis; the ‘no pain, no gain’ model that requires challenges, tests, struggles and suffering ~ physical, emotional, mental or spiritual ~ to learn, grow and transform from. There are those obviously working to keep this paradigm dominant, but as the higher vibrations converge into this density of experience and expression, there is also an awareness, a remembering, seeded and blossoming in human consciousness, of ways of growth, creation, rebirth and transformation grounded in harmony, in gentle, subtle experiences and expressions that are simultaneously vibrant, passionate, inspired and joyously shared…in a far wider sense of ‘togetherness’ as planetary, galactic and universal as well as local and familial. And this awareness and remembrance is loosening the hold of those old models of what life is…and what it can be.

Love and thanks to all assisting the Shift, within, above, and on the ground.  Keep your hearts light through the Shifting energies, beautiful friends on Earth,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤