The Twelfth Hour

Dear All,

Star family missions have been running thick and fast across various dimensional layers, ever increasing this year, so firstly, to those who have sent emails or messages that haven’t yet received a reply, heartfelt thanks for reaching out and sharing the love! ❤ To everyone dedicated to anchoring Universal Love on Earth through this year, assisting the ‘golden light over 2020’ to stabilize the highest trajectory for this planetary shift through increasing vibrational accelerations, always know that ongoing love, strength and supportive background actions are constantly flowing from the higher dimensions. Pause and breathe in that high vibrational refreshment, the embrace of love all around the Earth, whenever you feel over-busy or depleted, re-centre in your inner divinity and unity with the realms of pure love.

We’d like to talk here about what star family refer to as the ‘Twelfth Hour of Gaia’s arc of ascension’, which her planetary body has been flowing within for a few months of local time now. From star family, the Earth shifted into the ‘Eleventh Hour’ on the 11-11-11 Gateway (11th day of the 11th month in 2011) with another very significant shift into the Twelfth Hour on the June Solstice 2019. They symbolize the stage of planetary ascension we’re currently in, as it translates into the Earth plane through the local space-time frame, as a clock with both hands pointing to 12 (ascension’s ‘true north’, so to speak) and to think of a clock striking 12, chiming 12 times within this moment of the Twelfth Hour as it translates through this earthly time expression…with each chime layering in another level of higher dimensional Light.

From our perspective, the Twelfth Hour is what many call The Event ~ we are in it Now, as it progresses through the 12 chimes until the 12th stroke of the 12th hour (much accelerated from the 11th hour), at which moment the Event as a vibrational moment of planetwide collective clarity in heart-opening-awareness will become tangible, visible, palpable around the Earth, in relation to what some call a ‘flashpoint’ or ‘solar flash’, also described by star family metaphorically as a ‘standing wave event‘, when all the layerings of light frequencies come into a particular harmonic format ready to receive the ascension pulse from Galactic Centre in full coherence. From that moment, Earth’s natural ascension unfoldment/blossoming is completely unshakeable, beyond the influence or reach of any energies of a distorted vibration.

Feel each chime of the Twelfth Hour like a tap on a bell; there’s the initial ringing tone, then the reverberation of that tone as it expands from the bell (diinnngggg), and that each of these chimes doesn’t diminish, but widens and softens, settling into the Earth’s energy field, orienting the planet and collective’s vibrational field into incrementally strengthened harmonic coherence, each chime building on the previous one. So, in this building sequence, the second chime came through the peak of the Lion’s Gate on the 8~8 (August 8th), the third through the 9~9 Gateway, with short integration phases between them, and now a longer integration phase through to December while a major (distorted red) energy removal mission is underway through to the 11~11 Gateway.

Once that energy is lifted from the planetary field and taken Home into Love, the way will be clear for the fourth chime of this Twelfth Hour, initiating through the 12~12, peaking into the December Solstice on the 21st Dec 2019, then culminating into January 12, 2020. This trinary ’12’ sequence will be heightened through two particular planetary conjunctions on December 12th and January 12th (Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and Saturn-Pluto conjunction respectively, wrapped around the Solstice alignment ~ see previous posts about the higher transformations of Saturn and Pluto). So 2020 (=4) will flow in on the vibration of the fourth chime. (For cultures on Earth with different calendars, the Galactic Light-pulses flow through different numeric translations, but the sequence base is the same behind all ‘earth clocks’, stepping down the 27-72 central creation code of this galaxy).

We’ll focus on the 11~11 Gateway (November 11th 2019) in the next post, which coincides with a transit of Mercury, igniting a powerful alignment of the Silver Flame of Transcendence into the planetary field and grids. For now, here are a few beautiful moments with star family from the last few weeks, beginning with September 20th 2019 ~ with an unexpected ‘call from on high’ to go into Perth city and walk with the local climate march that was part of a global climate action. I was guided to connect with Gaia’s emerald light rising from the Earth’s crystalline heart, while anchoring the light of a beautiful ship named the Victor Five flying above the march, which radiates from an emerald Core Crystal, throughout this walk.

Many lightships of the Ashtar Command were present (cloaked), with a number of Arcturian bowships outlining subtly in the clouds overhead, like the one at the upper left of this photo.

Arcturian bowships outline as crescents in the clouds over the Perth Climate Action March on September 20th 2019, Perth city, Western Australia.

At one point, the crowd of around 10,000 sat down along the length of a city street and observed a silence for the Earth. Through the mixture of vibrations ~ fear, anger at corporations and governments, and a rising ground-swell of love for the Earth ~ as everyone sat on the ground, I saw/felt a huge pulse of green light from Gaia’s heart, coming to meet this mass love and care, rising up through the earth chakra/base chakra of every person, sending emerald green light up into their heart chakras, in a wave of connectedness with the planetary soul.

This heart pulse from the soul of Earth was so beautiful, it moved through all the fragmentary, discordant vibrations to touch hearts with love for this planet, love for humanity, love for all life here. No matter what views about causes of climate change resonate for you, from the overview, know that there is an awakening in progress, of a global priority to live gently on the planet and transcend forms of energy, agriculture and land development that damage the environment….and that this collective impulse is in flow with the overall Shift in Consciousness that will open the way to becoming an interplanetary and galactic civilization, within a wider, high-functioning community of love and cooperation.

Toward the end of the march, just after a streetfull of people had waved to the police helicopter in the photo below, Ashura (my Twin Flame) flashed the tiny white pod ship he was flying overhead (look slightly upper right of the helicopter in the photo below, in a gap between the clouds). 🙂

Ashura’s pod ship was visible for a moment, upper right of a helicopter, September 20th 2019.

There was a lot of energy and activity over these buildings where the march ended, with ships clearing disturbed vibrations, keeping the energies high. The silhouette of a wide-angled Sirian-Procyon triangular ship can be seen in the circled area below.

Triangular Sirian-Procyon merged ship can be seen clearing energies over the city of Perth, September 20th 2019.

A few days later, as the light frequencies soared into the September Equinox, a group of ground crew/love anchors here in the Perth area aligned the ‘Equinox light of equilibrium’ through four nodes, with our final destination at Serpentine Falls in the southern hills east of the city.

Serpentine Falls, Darling Range, Western Australia, on the September Equinox 2019.

As we connected with the node there (a node is an amplified subtle energy crossing point of two or more planetary chi flow lines), a perfect triangle formed in clouds low over the Falls, anchoring a projection of ‘trinity light codes’ from the New Jerusalem golden light mothership stationed high above.

‘Cloud triangle’ forms close above Serpentine Falls, aligning light codes from the mothership New Jerusalem, September 23rd 2019.

Where this triangle formed, the clouds thickened into a tall pyramid that gradually morphed into a massive angelic figure holding an upright sword (in the first photo, a hawk or eagle can be seen flying up toward the angel’s forming face). Merged soul vibrations of Archangels Michael and Gabriel were flowing through this angel form, and the upright sword has a spiralling energy, if you look closely at the second picture below…representing the in-flowing Ascension Light Spiral being directed/pillared into the node below while our group anchored the energies.

This was such a blissful occasion, as we’ve done a lot on unblocking and clearing of the Serpentine Falls node over the last couple of years (this node sits on the Belinus Line, which has been mapped as a ley line in Britain, however this is actually a planetwide chi line that flows like a huge sine wave around the Earth, passing through Western Australia in the southernmost curve of its energy flow). To feel the vibrations at the Falls so light and free now is such a joy, and an excellent indicator of how much the Earth’s crystalline light-grid has stabilized this year! 🙂 From here, we sent green-blue light to forests burning in various parts of the planet at that time (Amazon, Siberia, Alaska, Africa, eastern Australia) and many beautiful symbolic ‘light arcs and pillars’ formed over and flowing into trees around the rim of the Falls.

We’d like to add here for clarity, where burning of forests around the world is sometimes interpreted as a spiritual cleanse coming from the planetary soul; Gaia cleanses with the water element, and clearings only ever become destructive of life where a planet/collective consciousness is being influenced by a dense, manipulated polarity vibration. True higher vibrational ‘clearing with fire’ naturally transforms distorted energies into peace and light, rather than ‘cleansing through destruction‘, which expresses from a dualized matrix. Clearing within Universal Love always flows from and with compassion, grace and upliftment.

Here in Australia, trees and bushland have an adaptive resilience to fire, but the level of wildfires occurring now (especially in the eastern states, connected with the misuse/imbalance of a string of 4D vortexes) goes beyond nature’s adaptations. However, as the higher light waves keep reorganizing distorted energies more deeply through the higher chimes of the activated Twelfth Hour, these imbalances will ease through all the planetary vibrational field’s manifest reflections ~ environmental, social, political, personal, spiritual ~ until true harmonic coherence is aligned and anchored into this Shift. From Ashura: Breathe, relax, be the peaceful waters, be the steady flame of love that calms all misdirected fires into the pure, gentle radiance of shining divine light.

Some of this distorted red fire energy has been transmuted and lifted out through actual water nodes around the planet; in the location below, a group of ground crew anchored the Rose Ray and Ruby Ray (ruby-rose light reorganizes disturbed red vibrations into natural higher harmony) into an underwater node, flowing from the Ruby Core Crystal of a beautiful Antarian lightship, the Taia’Tara (Antarian ships often vibrate through the ‘ascended red’ spectrum, balanced with emerald green light; see this post for more about them).

The silhouette of an Arcturian bowship can be seen in a cloud that formed over a node during a clearing and activation in the Canning River, Perth. Western Australia, September 30th 2019.

A long straight ‘corridor’ opened up as clouds thickened overhead, with many beautiful beings forming inside this symbolic passageway. Whale shapes appeared as if swimming across the clouds, slowly filling the corridor. Then feline and whale energies rippled down a ‘sky bridge’ as a whale’s eye and soft feline face formed above it, with these gentle, loving Sirian and Cetian soul groups sending light codes ‘down the bridge’ into the river node.

As you tune into the unconditional love, the deep wisdom flowing through the gaze of this beautiful galactic whale, let this overview of immense light, compassion and gentle strength fill your heart and refresh you. Bless the waters everywhere around the Earth and in your body, in the air, the plants and animals, oceans and waterways, in the soil and springs welling from the ground. Let your inner visions of the New Earth flow like water, as you bathe them in the light of joy and sweetness, shower them in love. Let these soul visions guide your actions, knowing that as we do this together in unison around the world, Ascended Earth is converging through us, with us, guided and assisted by countless loving beings. We are all One Love.

Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

*This month’s DNA Activation meditation for October 21st 2019 can be found at the LoveLight Circle, if this resonates for you, all are very welcome to join in. ❤

April 2019: Carian Rebirth


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Dear All,

April is off to a flying start in the higher dimensions in, on and around the Earth,  Solar System and galactic neighbourhood! Firstly, to readers who have sent emails and comments in recent weeks who haven’t received a reply yet, love and thanks come to you now. This year has been immensely multi-layered in terms of star family focuses and anchoring work from the outset, but so you know, I read all mail and always appreciate your sharings. Thank you! ❤

To overview the sequence coming into April (and a huge clearing last night in northern Europe  which has opened the ‘April Gateway’ in a stream of purifying light) we’ll recap the March Equinox (March 20-21, 2019) which brought through another step of transmuting fear-based energies from around and within the Earth, confluent with another ripple of transformations on the wider galactic level, that peaked through the Equinox~Full Moon~asteroid vibrational alignment. Following on from the previous post about the lead-in to the Equinox, we’d like to fill this out a bit more, in regard to the ‘loosening off’ of non-ascended Carian (bird-beings) and serpent energies, and the awesome transformative sequence catalyzed through this phase, to open the way for integration of another pulse of higher dimensional ‘diamond ascension light’ into the Earth’s crystalline grids, flow lines and meridians.

With the clearing of control-oriented Carians from strongholds in the Carina constellation, and their ‘anticipated and assisted’ return to the Golden Light frequency, here in 3D reflection, on March 2nd this beautiful hawk landed outside the window, tucking one foot up in a serene, relaxed pose, with sublime light energies flowing through this bird as it gazed through the window. (It’s rare for hawks to perch so close here; every time they have done so, it signals and coincides with Carian higher light transformations).

Preceding the hawk’s arrival, I had been seeing and photographing orbs of green bird-beings for a couple of weeks. The orbs tended to be murky and filled with angry vibrations, but following the hawk’s signalling of Carian transformations, over the next two weeks orbs of ever-increasing light in the emerald, jade to lime green spectrum appeared continuously. Within the next week, some of them were showing wonderfully clear, high vibrating iridescence, like this glorious shimmering lime-green orb on March 12th, 2019.

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Transcendent iridescent lime-green Carian orb, March 12th 2019.

In the previous post, we mentioned that on March 18th, Archangel Gabriel cleared a serpent energy and 4D-tech devices from around the Moon prior to the Equinox, and will share here a photo of the serpent as it reflected in the clouds, because it relates closely to what some ‘ground crew’ friends and I experienced on the Equinox. In the left-hand photo, the shape of a snake can be seen clearly in clouds above the Moon, biting into the head of a large being (ie; mind control). At right, Archangel Gabriel’s soul light wrapped around the Moon and removed a network of control devices (see previous post for close-up photos).

In the days leading into the Equinox, much work went on behind the scenes/higher dimensionally to clear the way for maximum anchoring of high light frequencies and New Earth codes through the Equinox/Full Moon alignment, and it was a total joy to see this orb appear on March 19th, clearly showing the face of a green bird bathed in golden and rose light. This orb is below the two brightest stars in the sky, Sirius on the right and Canopus, alpha star of Carina, on the left. 


Rose-gold orb of Carian beings below Sirius and Canopus, March 19th 2019.

Earth and Erra’mu, a planet of Canopus, have a soul relationship that reflects energies between the two, in what could be called ‘close quantum resonance’. Star family also refer to them as mirror nodes…and that the stars Sirius and Canopus also act as mirror nodes, as do many other planets and stars across the galaxy. (In The Divine River Flows, you can see an example of two orbs precisely ‘mirroring’ each other next to Canopus and Sirius at precise angles, working their energetic connection. I see and photograph this often, and last night for instance, while tuning in with them, two lightships flashed simultaneously right beside Canopus and Sirius).

When enlarged, the Carian orb above reveals the face of a green bird-being in the foreground; the dark green V shape can be seen as her eyes (or if you’re attuning to our amphibious star-kin, a frog-like face can be seen overlaid on the bird’s, as the amphibious and aquatic star groups have also been involved in this metamorphosis of energies).

On the Equinox, we (gathered on the ground and ‘above’) were directed to align light through a site we’ve visited several times, a major ancient node in the Darling Range (south-western Australia) with a portal formerly under reptilian control. We anchored an initial transformative alignment there on the June Solstice of 2018 (see the Pyramid Network Update), as part of the renewal of an alignment flowing south to Antartica, via a higher dimensional underwater pyramid off the southern coast of Western Australia. The unlocking of serpent energies on that Solstice translated through to 3D physical in the form of a Southern Death Adder (Acanthophis Antarcticus) suddenly appearing in the open next to a ‘key stone’ I’d been guided to focus with/fill with love (it was extraordinary and beautiful to see the adder lay peacefully basking in the high light vibrations).

This Equinox, as we worked our way through three activation/clearing sites, an empty snake’s skin was discovered by one of our group at the same spot. Energies were still heavy in that location, but like the ’empty residue’ of the shed skin, shifted more easily than last year, without the depth of hold they previously had.

This perfectly symbolizes the wider scenario around the Earth; while at this stage people can still become influenced or mesmerized to some extent by the residual echoes of energies that have had a deep hold on humanity’s collective psyche for thousands of years, those echoes are literally insubstantial. Layers of fear-based imprints have already peeled back, and been shed by some. While most ‘news’ and dramatic politicking might suggest otherwise, there’s an ever-growing, strengthening movement/momentum of true spiritual consciousness around this planet (ie; remembering the Oneness of all life, the sacred divine presence in ourselves and everything in creation) with a rising impulse (from star family, ‘grace pulse‘) to assist, share and connect freely, compassionately, peacefully, widely.

The photo on the left above shows a symbolic White Flame purifying a cluster of ‘archon cubes’, which gradually shifted into a feline face as our Leonine and Feline star families brought their loving light through the skies and earth, another removal of networks and residues.

Close by the snakeskin, the burnt, twisted trunk of a grasstree, that we could feel had absorbed a lot of heavy energies, on closer observation, had developed bark that looked like melted, fused scaly skin, wrinkled and sagging around the trunk as if it too was in the process of being shed. Many nature spirits gathered around us; in the right-hand photo, you may be able to see a little green face peeping between fronds near the centre of the image, and more faces subtly appearing at the left. The land felt peaceful and bathed in golden light when we left.

The second stage of Equinox activations took us to a hillside that faces an entrance to an Agarthan light city of the 5D Inner Earth, which we’ll be able to share more about soon. The theme of the Equinox clearings continued as we were guided to an old burnt out tree, to align light through its hollowed interior. While standing inside the tree, a tiny lizard that looked like liquid gold appeared in front of me, and made its way across the charred surface that turned to silver in the light (silver light flows the vibration of transcendence).

Through the gateway below, which we on the ground entered and left by, there was a tangible and visible dimensional shift (which I experience as a clearer, lighter, deeper, sparkling presence, as though everything is heightened…which it is, vibrationally speaking) that is also subtly visible in the photo below. If you look within the gateway, the definition of the landscape is very clear. Above the gateway the definition is blurred; it’s not due to distance, because if you look at the tree on the right, its trunk is clearer inside the gate than above it. With that tree, you can also see the effects of a slight spatial variance, as the trunk above the gate isn’t quite in alignment with the lower trunk inside the gate, it’s just a little further to the right.

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Gateway in Perth hills, Western Australia, March 21st 2019.

Trinity/triune vibrations flowed through a third stage of Equinox activations, and continued through the remainder of March strongly in ‘threefold flame’ energies, such as these two lightships that flashed in alignment with specific stars on March 24th; one flashing white light that formed an (Arcturian) arc to the stars Adhara and Wezen in Canis Major, the other flashing golden-amber light near Saiph, between the stars Saiph and Rigel in Orion.

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Star brothers and sister from Mirzam have also come more to the fore now, in Ashtar Command operations. Orbs representing their soul light have appeared in the soft bluish-lavender to deep plum spectrum, and the orb below next to Rigel shows their energies, with some input from Pegasians, with the signature fine, high white-blue-mauve vibration of the Pegasus constellation.

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Mirzami-Pegasian soul light represented through an orb beside Rigel in Orion,  March 24th 2019.

As extra clearings (and securing of galactic portals) in the Rigel area continued, on the ‘other side’ of the sky (to the south here) the rebirthing of Carian energies into pure Golden Light reflected distinctly through the sequence of three frames below on March 25th; starting with a rainbow orb next to the Diamond Cross asterism (the middle of the three crosses; Southern Cross, Diamond Cross and Elysian Cross); then a huge blue-violet orb of guiding, clearing light beside the Southern Cross; followed by the rainbow orb hovering beside the Diamond Cross immediately turning a deep, warm golden colour, overlaid and infused into the underlying green Carian vibration.  A truly wonderful sight… 🙂

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During this phase, our Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters (who have themselves been through their own transformation journey of green Carian energies, from invasion to peaceful unity and freedom) have given much assistance and stability to the area, and their soul vibration appears below next to Alpha and Beta Centauri below the Southern Cross, as a large soft green orb rimmed with violet light.

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Alpha-Centaurian soul light orb next to ‘the Southern Pointers’, Alpha & Beta Centauri, March 25th 2019.

Daytime hours continue to show many ships and ship clusters among the clouds, like the appearance below of a ‘donut-style’ disc sitting in a cloud bank, and a diamond outlined on the right on March 27th.

Sirius and Canopus continue to do a tremendous amount of vibrational anchoring and steadying, with constant mirroring back and forth, such as in the two frames below, with an orb appearing over Canopus, then another flashing over Sirius, blue and gold reflecting to each other on the night of March 27th…or triangulating energies, represented with an orb hovering equidistant above them, forming the apex of a triangle.

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With so much preparation, April has begun with a multi-faceted mission where particular lightships, including the Meri’Ashar and many kindred ships and crews, working in coordination with light groups on the ground and Agarthan support, have ‘rendered obsolete’ (in Ashura’s words) a major underground facility in northern Europe on April 2nd, 2019, that we’ll share more about in the next post, as this particular focus rolls out across the planet through this month’s restorational golden and diamond frequency flows.

With love, joy and peace to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor   ❤



*For friends and readers who enjoy working with some or all of the Four Foundation Heart Practices, we have recently fine-tuned and expanded on some of them, and encourage you to visit the page. For newcomers to Heart Star, you are warmly invited to peruse the practices/visualizations there, and we suggest also visiting the Inner Heart page, and feel whether they resonate for you.  ❤


March Equinox 2019

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A pair of golden lightships flash either side of the star Canopus, March 18th 2019.

Dear All,

We’re fast approaching the next highly enhanced vibrational alignment of 2019, with the Equinox of March 20th-21st, depending on your timezone, coinciding with a Full Supermoon (a Full Moon at perigee, the moon at its closest to Earth within its orbit, which heightens its vibrational effects), teamed with the passage of a ‘house-sized’ asteroid inside the Moon’s orbit on March 22nd, which we hear is small but power-packed…and in higher dimensions, directing a specific catalyst energetic along the wave of Equinox-Full Moon light frequencies.

Flowing on from the transformation of energies within the Elysian Cross detailed in the previous post, there’s been a steady stream of triune higher dimensional Light from the stellar trinity of the Southern Cross, Diamond Cross and Elysian Cross, augmenting the ‘triple helix’ vibration that is part of the planetary ascension’s higher energy convergence, being successfully anchored, and opening the way for ‘unplugging’, flushing and uplifting another succession of node points and meridian flow-lines within and around the Earth, in both northern and southern hemispheres via specific ‘mirror nodes’ that reflect vibrationally to/with each other.

Flushing and washing out heavy energy pockets on the etheric levels (4D) translates through to 3D as clearings of the water element planet-wide, converting fear-based vibrations to love and grace within the ‘memory capacity of water’, from the oceans and snows to the water within trees, animals and our own cells, with the assistance and beneficial upliftment of the water elemental beings.

This translation reflected beautifully through a gentle rain shower here on March 12th, where faces appeared in every raindrop. The smiling blue faces in the droplets below are connected with the small blue beings of the Canopan planet Erra’mu (see previous post), who cherish their role of guardianship of the waters on their 5D homeworld (Erra’mu and Gaia are sister-brother planetary souls, with direct ‘quantum resonance’; the stabilization of Erra’mu in 5D vibrations reverberates continuously to Gaia and through the Earth’s light-grids).

The Erra’mu~Gaia relationship can be seen in the softly radiating orb below that appeared on March 14th, above the star Canopus (with the diamond shape of the Elysian Cross asterism to the lower left), revealing the smiling dolphin-like face of a blue-green being sending a loving greeting to Earth!

Through the day and night of March 15th, control-oriented factions attempted to veil the Elysian Cross transmissions from reaching the Earth’s vibrational field with a layer of interference frequencies. While not visible in 3D, this layer appeared in photos as a sort of vaporous smog centered around the Elysian Cross. In the photos below, the subtle presence of three large orbs can be seen gathering in trinity-triangle formation in front of the Cross, within the smog (Canopus is the star at the right). Then a large Angelic Light orb appeared to the left of the Cross, almost touching it. Following this, the lower astral intensity eased, the smog dissipated, and the light frequencies continued flowing through to the Earth.

By March 18th, star family and Agarthan friends of the 5D Inner Earth realms had stabilized the higher alignment of many nodes, including a cluster in eastern Australia which were generating lower 4D vortex energies and are now settling and refreshing in golden light (for readers in Sydney, a major storm over the city on March 14-15th was a 3D reverberation of the opening and flushing of distorted nodes further inland. There were attempts to amplify the storm to a destructive level, but star family lightships eased the energies, and by the early hours of Friday, the severe storm alert had been cancelled). Wonderful to see/feel the crystalline light grids in those areas and others beginning to flow more freely!

Energies are now steadily lifting toward this Equinox-Full Moon-asteroid peak light moment, heralded by the appearance of lightships yesterday afternoon, flashing white light from behind or next to clouds, such as this one that popped out to the right of a small cloud formation.

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Silver-white ship flashes to the right of a cloud, March 18th 2019.

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In the evening, two lightships flew fully visible, very high up in the sky, one after the other, from close to Sirius, passing southward toward Canopus, then curving into the Elysian Cross. The first ship appeared as a white light, and the second a golden-orange colour. Sirius felt highly-charged, and you can see in this soft focus photo of the star, a shining white whale-like form/energy in the centre, surrounded by leonine, feline and human-like faces in vibrant blue and aqua light vibrations.

The second golden-orange lightship (of feline and human Antarian beings) radiated the orb below, just as it flew into the Elysian Cross within a halo of peachy-gold and ruby light.

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Bright golden-orange orb flashes, projected by a ship of the same colour as it flew into the Elysian Cross (upper left) and disappeared from view, March 18th 2019.

Many assisting light beings and high energies are in close focus around the Earth coming into this Equinox alignment, and the lightships below radiate Lyran, Venusian, Sirian, Antarian and Canopan energies…along with many loving ones of the higher dimensional ships and soul groups dedicated to galactic ascension and so much more. These beautiful ships below both gave ‘slow blinks’ close to Canopus and Sirius.

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Disc-shaped ship of soft pinks, green and violet light flashes  upper left of Canopus, March 18th 2019.

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This clear, luminous golden and violet dome-shaped ship followed in quick succession, flashing close to Sirius, and emanating Venusian, Sirian & Lyran vibrations.

Energies intensified around the Elysian Cross, and were ‘washed clean’, with this huge ‘Antarian tiger-being orb’ appearing close to the Cross, with a ship flashing directly beneath it, among several waves of light beings flowing through and doing some deep clearing of heavy energy residues around the area.

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Golden-red Antarian orb of tiger being soul vibrations hovers above a ship next to the Elysian Cross, clearing shadow energies (representing here as small dark grey orbs), March 18th 2019.

March 17-18th on a planetary level saw a 24 hour ‘unexplained white out’ on the Schumann Resonance scale (measureing extremely low frequency electromagnetic resonances of the Earth), graphically recorded like this:


While variations in this scale can have many contributing factors (lightning, cosmic rays, solar flares, shifts through the photon belt), the timing of this one coincides with a starburst of crystalline light from within the planet itself, Gaia’s heart radiating through the planetary meridians/chi flow lines, nodes and energy field. So beautiful to see! This radiance vibrates through every living thing, every particle in and around the Earth, also touching the Moon’s vibrational field.

On March 18th, in the northern sky the Moon shone pale gold here, between clouds that swirled into many faces and forms that symbolized a lot of human collective ‘psychic shadows’ connected to the Moon, and bright white light focused through Angelic energies that came in to clear the shadows and dissolve tethers. That light pooled firstly through these orbs.

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The Angel Light (Archangel Gabriel’s ‘white ray’ emanation) can be seen wrapped around the Moon in the photo below; purifying light blossomed around the Moon like unfolded wings, dislodging a lower 4D ship/device of which you can see the lower rim from behind a cloud to the right (with a face formed in the cloud below it).

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This device was part of a network associated with subconscious addiction patterns, which the stream of ‘habit release’ light frequencies flowing from the rebirthed Elysian Cross has now opened the way to transform and dissolve completely. Clearing is happening on multiple levels right now, Earthly, Solar System and galactically, and our support teams and soul expressions of many dimensions are quick/instant to take advantage of every moment (as together we co-create opportunities and open brilliant new possibilities).  🙂

So as we flow into the vibrations of Equinox and Full Moon, just feel the exceptionally heightened pure vibration that Asteroid 2019 EA2 will be zooming through on March 21st-22nd between the Earth and the Moon’s orbits, which gives it a particular attribute of ‘diamond light ignition’ from a higher dimensional perspective.


Orbit of Asteroid 2019 EA2 on March 21-22 2019, image credit: The Watchers

Star family send this message for the Equinox potential, that to fully receive and anchor this diamond light into our beings, and particularly into our earthly embodiments, to be aware of the crystalline qualities within our physical bodies, as all crystal structures naturally receive, store, and transmit frequencies. Crystals all around and within the planet are vibrating higher as the overall planetary vibration lifts, and the higher dimensional crystalline light-grid and New Earth grid as a whole continues to ‘come online’.

Our bodies are filled with crystalline structures; calcium phosphate crystals give our bones hardness and strength, calcite crystals bedded in viscous fluid within our inner ears regulate balance, our tooth enamel is almost entirely composed of apatite micro-crystals, crystals are floating around in our body fluids and organs. When crystals are exposed to dissonant, jarring vibrations, they form in distorted ways, such as crystals associated with joint or organ inflammatory conditions. When crystals are exposed to unconditional love, joy and peaceful vibrations, they naturally grow and align in harmonious patterns, storing and radiating those beautiful frequencies throughout our bodies, just as they are doing within the Earth, the oceans, and all living beings. So it is suggested that we bring our loving focus into the crystalline aspects of our physicality, and visualize (or hold the intention of) diamond white light flowing into them, pooling within them, igniting reception of higher dimensional crystalline light, in natural ease and equilibrium during this Equinox…and beyond.

Throughout this last week, pillars of white light have appeared in my dreams in particular ways and locations, as well as in the skies, showing through as vertical cloud pillars like this one on March 18th, sometimes several times a day.

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Cloud ‘light pillar’ formation, March 18th 2019.

The ‘light pillars’ we all are in every moment, are enhanced through the next few days, so give yourself the gift of opening to the high vibrations streaming through this alignment, allowing them to anchor within your heart, within your evolving crystalline light-body, and radiate this sparkling lightness-of-being to all living beings, in oneness with the heart and inner rhythm of this beautiful Earth.

Love, Joy and Peace to All during this Equinox and onward!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*A Diamond Light meditation for the Equinox can be found at the LoveLight Meditation Circle , for anyone who would like to join in. All are very welcome.  🙂

Sacred Union Equinox

Dear All,

With the September Equinox fast approaching (22nd or 23rd of September, depending on your location) we would love to share with you a divine soul reconnection which has been in loving preparation and culminates on September 23rd, synchronized with this year’s Equinox. Coming through the vibration of equilibrium is a long-awaited sacred reunion ~ of Gaia, the planetary soul of Earth, and her Twin Flame, Aisaia, planetary soul of Jupiter, the ‘king of planets’. Take a pause, into timelessness, go into your heart, and feel what this reunion will softly, pervasively radiate through and around this beautiful planet ~ restoration of the divine feminine and masculine, in the unity and peace of unveiled crystal clear recognition ~ as the screen between them drops away, and their energy can flow in oneness, wholeness, through all the dimensions, touching all life on, in and around the Earth (and Jupiter).

For the last nine months, Jupiter has been passing across the constellation Virgo, and will be ‘born from the womb of the Virgin’ on September 23rd. Virgo has been seen as both maiden and mother ~ as Ceres, the mother goddess of grain and harvest ~ and aligns with Gaia as a ‘mother soul’ in our Solar system. The Equinox is the perfect vibrational moment ~ equal night and day (or almost), the only days of the year when the axis of the Earth isn’t tilted toward or away from the Sun…and on a higher level this vibrates as equilibrium, so the rebirth of Gaia & Aisaia’s soul connection is aligned particularly to come through this vibration.

I began dreaming of this planetary soul reunion in April, and while focusing with Aisaia, took some photos of Jupiter that represent his soul visually ~ here they are in sequence: the first one was taken on May 2nd, at a moment when he was being called from the realms of Light to remember his Twin Flame. The three lights are Jupiter at the bottom, with a beautiful large rose-gold ‘mother orb’ close by, Spica (alpha star of Virgo) in the middle, and a ‘light sign’ above, which I’ll show in detail below.

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Within the light of Jupiter (photo on the left), a rose-like form of open petals appeared, with shadows and grids around it, but with gold in the centre…and in the light sign (on the right), rose light can be seen in the the centre of a box and gridlike structures, expanding and opening them:

On May 11th, the face of Jupiter’s soul could be seen, above and separating from a black dragon, now exposed within Jupiter’s energy field (stretched around the lower left part of the planet):

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Following the star family mission of July 7th, this entity was removed, and control grids and screens have been gradually cleared. Here, on July 30th, Aisaia’s face was visible in deep green healing light, still with shadow residues that have since been dissolved. Do you see how his face is resting between antlers of white light, with a deer’s face below? This is Angelic Light holding, purifying and healing him:

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Earlier that afternoon, a long rectangular ship decloaked above a cloud, with a lovely message from the Pleiadian and Andromedan people on board about the ‘cloud lifting’ from around Jupiter’s energy field ~ and from Aisaia’s vision:

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During the month leading into this Equinox and Rebirth, star family built and strengthened the necessary portal alignments in frequency bands just beyond the influence of entities seeking to keep the fourth dimensional layers around the Earth ‘scrambled’ (some of the current swirl of third dimensional global energies as weather events is a direct reflection of this scrambled swirling in the fourth). The lightships in the photos below represented some of these alignments and portal placements, starting from August 24th while the Moon was directly under Jupiter, with Spica above…and a ship triangulating with them from the south (left):

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The ship morphed into an orb-like representation as it passed between Jupiter and Spica:

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Contracting to a bright sphere of light as it flew through the ‘gate’ between Spica and Jupiter and headed northward (right):

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Aisaia came into focus like this after the ship passed ~ you can see his face becoming clearer and in a more golden light now:

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A large protecting orb appeared around Jupiter in the next frame, followed by a second ship flying through the Spica Gate:

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The next night, the rectangular Pleiadian-Andromedan ship appeared to the north (right) of Jupiter and Spica, its ‘guardian’ energy represented as a radiating blue light:

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Alignments and movements continued to be visualized through orbs and ships on August 27th ~ you can see the sequence of angles they’re showing, beginning with a green orb positioning itself in a straight line with Spica and Jupiter, right-angled to the Moon:

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August 28th was the last night of these particular alignments (from our Earth time-frame perspective, with two ships forming a long diamond shape, representing a portal of high light, with Jupiter, Spica and the Moon. The first ship holding the southern ‘tip of the diamond’ had a reddish glow around it, an Alpha-Centaurian ship…whose position was replaced by a Polarin ship that pulsed brightly between trees then rose to anchor the diamond, before passing through it.

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The Alpha Centauri ship was fully visible for about two minutes as it flew south after leaving the diamond and winked out in the centre of the Southern Cross, near Alpha Centauri. These two star family groups are specifically connected to north and south (Polaris being the Earth’s North Star/Pole Star, and Alpha Centauri called Nan Men, the South Gate, in Chinese astronomy)…so in part, they are representing the axis of alignment…the straight alignment which is culminating with the Equinox, when the Earth tilts neither toward nor away from the Sun.

In the centre of all these precise multidimensional movements is a zero point of pure stillness, supported and encompassed in infinite Love, through which this deeply freeing transformative reconnection of Gaia-Aisaia flows. The effect of this reconnection is really beyond words, but will be felt by every living being here. We all have feminine and masculine energies blended within us, and the way they interact, merge and balance has been profoundly shifted by the screening/blinding of Gaia and Aisaia’s connection, and will be profoundly shifted and uplifted in a beautiful, expansive way by this planetary soul reunion…like the birthing of a butterfly, set free to fly in and with eternal Love.

To attune and align with this deep energy of reunion, the Ascension and Resurrection light flow vibrating within us all, star family and guiding ones around the Earth suggest that during the Equinox we hold the image or intention of a butterfly:

Feel yourself in the timelessness of your still point, as a butterfly ~ your body is a rainbow, anchoring light from the centre of Source to the heart of Gaia ~ you are a living Rainbow Bridge through which golden light of restoration streams and fans out like the wings of a butterfly on either side of you. You feel your wings, perfectly balanced, around the golden rainbow centre that you Are, in love with Life, in deepest appreciation and gratitude to the planetary soul Gaia, welcoming and embracing her Beloved in Oneness, already forever. Let yourself transform in the Oneness, beloveds, receiving and radiating this blessing to All.  Let your wings be the openness to shift with the sacred merge, fanning this Love to all beings. 

Here is one more photo, for the joy of it ~ the last week flocks of golden and white butterflies have appeared in my Inner Heart meditations and reflected joyously in physical, more than I’ve ever seen. And as this white butterfly flew overhead, a shining golden one appeared beside it, dancing the white and golden Ascension and Resurrection Flames, coming into this Sacred Union Equinox. 🙂

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Love, Peace and Gratitude to you all through this Divine moment, and always,

Joanna&Ashura, &Tanabor ❤

PS: The time of the Equinox is at 20:02 (feel that ‘Twin’ mirror symmetry) UTC. You can find the exact moment in your timezone here.

The Sun, the Moon, and the Arch of higher frequencies.

Dear friends,

I’d like to share some perceptions of the deeper aligning of higher dimensions on Earth during the period of August 31 to September 9, 2014 (and onward!) through a series of photos I took of the Sun (Aug 31) and Moon (full, on Sept 9), and the escalation, fusion and movement they ’embody’.

August 31 saw a tremendous cooperative work to balance the Sun’s magnetic field, with members of the galactic fleet and many higher beings of the Sun gathered to literally Tone the Sun’s field into stability. While feeling the vibration of this Toning, aligning with it deeply, I saw rainbows form around the Sun, partially visible in the clouds in the following photos. In the first photo, you may be able to see open-mouthed ‘singing’ faces in the rainbow areas, representing the frequencies of sound used to ‘hold’ the Sun’s field:


In this close-up, you can see a white lioness face in the clouds, looking upward, with the shape of an eagle behind/above her, with head and wing shapes visible, projections of Sehaya (Seshat/Sesherat) and Ashtar, overseeing the correction:

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The next photos show a ‘shadow angel form’ closing around the Sun, and the condensing energies of ‘its’ focus:

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Light beings (see the upper rainbow area) converged on the less light energies and, as it was expressed to me, ‘wrapped them in a cloud-ship’:

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The Sun’s magnetic field was corrected/lifted with Cube (6D stepping through 3D) frequencies, which visualized in the clouds as the Sun’s radiance becoming cube-shaped:


Since this rebalancing, there has been a continuous surge of higher light, which has been raising areas where release of pressure, rebalancing, healing and release of core wounds/divisions of the masculine/feminine wholeness, both individually and collectively, are needed, and in the planet shaking out old energies and releasing the ‘heat’ of the collective consciousness (I’ve been much aware of volcanic murmurings through the Western Pacific chain from New Zealand to Japan, with much activity of seafloor volcanoes up the Atlantic ridge, to Iceland).

With this surge, energies of the arch, the bow, the rainbow bridge have come to the forefront. This week, Horus came through in dreams and meditations, with recurring images of Nut, Egyptian depiction of the Mother energy of Source, the Arch of Life and nourishment of all Life:

Culminating with Full Moon on September 9, which appeared veiled in cloud amid a full rainBow spectrum, what the camera picked up was the golden tone in that spectrum, so the Moon in these photos appears within a soft Arch or cradle of solar golden light – the Solarized Moon:



Mother wraps Father (Nut arches over Geb), Father wraps Mother, Sun wraps Moon, merged as One, the child is birthed, guarded by the Arch-angels. In Horus’s mythic symbolism, the Moon was called his left eye, and the Sun his right eye…and the One Eye unites them. The meeting in the middle. Can you feel the Trinity energy of the eyes, physical and pineal? The photo below is an Orb of Horus, as he projected last year, with the white double arch of his wings rising around each side of the central ‘disc’:


Or again, the arch of wings in his hawk light form projection, like the wings of Mother Isis:


From Horus: Align the Heart’s Eye with the way of the Bow. Blessed is the Gate, safe is the cradle, be it in the Sun or stable. We bring reunion, Heaven’s Light, left and right, wing of the Lion, wing of the Dove, RE-meeting in the middle of eternal Love. 

The reunion and birth energies flowing into Gaia’s Shift are truly universal in essence, the fusion point of an ancient galactic drama reflected in the dualism on 3D Earth. Horus returns me to the image of the gryphon, or simurgh, which I hear as ShiMuRa: the pure harmony of Light and Love that once was, and always IS:

simurgh_church at Samtavisi

The Lion people and Bird people re-blend their energies once more, in this Now, in concert with the wholeness, the Mother-Father Oneness of Source, to and through us all. If we can open our hearts to receive it, the way is open to us, the dimensions are a flower – and a fruit – to our hand.

Last night before sleeping, I heard to the words, ‘Look to the Equinox,’ and to feel into the sacred geometry of Fruit of Life*, in which the Thirteenth Sign, or Sphere, of the Divine Feminine, sits in the heart of the Fruit (or heart Chakra, of twelve ‘petals’):

When the ‘Path of the Sun and the Path of the Moon become One’, this realigns the ‘Source Mother-Father wrap’ and the loosing of the arrow of Love, the ignition of Christ Consciousness, the return of the Son/Sun….the fruit birthing through the centre of the Flower of Life.

In the continuous flow of reflection, yesterday a flock of white Ibises flew over me (perhaps not the first Egyptian migrants to Australia). One landed beside my car, the afternoon sun lighting its crescent beak. Thoth’s bird, of the arch, the bow of the Mother, from which comes Thoth’s (and the Mother aspect of Source’s) association with the Moon. In ancient Egyptian, the word for the heart was IB; IB IS On, or is that IB I Son, the seed of Ison in its culmination path of unison through the Heart…


In this footage of an X-Class solar flare which has just reached Earth’s magnetic field in, have a look at the heart-shapes origin spot of the flare. The ‘heart of the Sun’ is open, light flows through the portal. Be ready to receive; heart open, in peace, relaxed, drink plenty of water, and take care of your own torus field, so excess flare energy flows around your being, in whatever way feels good to you.

May we all feel the beauty of the ‘golden end’ of the rainBow…or is it just the ‘beginning’?

Much love to you all. Namaste! ❤

PS: In the last two weeks here, the Sun has looked like the Moon, and last night over the hills here, the Moon looked like the Sun, not yellow or orange, but pure shining gold! Mergence is deepening, so focus on staying at ease with intense or extreme energies surfacing through you, release them with love, relax the busy mind into simplicity, to receive gracefully…and enjoy…. 🙂

The Equinox: Anchoring 5D in our life experience

Dear friends,

Today I’d like to share with you one of the ways I’m experiencing the anchoring of 5D energies, with star family, as part of a more general ‘shifting IN’ of frequencies and beings who reside in 5D (or higher/faster vibration, but Gaia’s current focus-level is 5D, to get it stabilized with humanity).

Late last year I spoke of INception, the descension of Higher Self meeting and merging with the ascending vibration of our small ego selves, to create our ‘New Human’ existence. While some souls have established this fusion and are beginning to explore and express it joyfully now, I also hear and see many souls describe a sense of limbo, being caught in a holding pattern, a sort of ‘lost in translation’ feeling, or big up and down fluctuations. Star family have a message about this below, but first I’ll take you for a walk into ‘the grove’.

If you’re not familiar with the opening of the node in the beech grove here, you can read February’s posts about the connection of beech trees with Thoth and Seshat (Ashtar and Sesherat) and the making of a sacred circle in the centre of the grove, based on the four-petalled rose/double infinity symbol with the numeric values of 2,4,8,18,36,72,144 to the power of Infinity. Here is the circle in daylight, showing its relative position in the grove.


Since moving to this property, and setting up the circle, people/beings in higher dimensions have been walking around parts of the house and garden, mostly human, angelic and leonine. Among various soul aspects of my ‘self’, I have contact with ‘Rowena’ on board the Phoenix (Ashtar’s ship), and ‘see through her eyes’ when focused into her. She aligns the Rose/Pink Ray, and leading into the Equinox energies the last couple of weeks, which I feel as a doorway of potential for the Rose Ray, we’ve been merging deeply.

As we merge, deeper anchoring with the fleet occurs. Below are photos of semi-materialized star family members taken over the past few weeks. They’re inside a ship, which I feel ‘layered’ over the land here at present…..the ‘inner hub’ (living conscious Core) of the ship cups into the circle in the grove, anchoring with the node and sending light frequencies to ‘hold’ it open, and purify its flow. The first two pictures I’ve posted before; they’re relevant here as they represent the activation of the node. In the first photo, Ashtar’s head and shoulders, and sash across his chest, are visible in semi-materialized form just to the upper right of the sacred circle. In the second, his projected ‘orb’ form is sitting in the centre of the circle.

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Since then, many people have been visible to my inner eye, and the camera is picking up some of their presence. To explain a little, it’s like being inside a projected hologram….a living hologram imbued with Essences, both individual as well as collective, along with the collective vibration of the ship. So far, the presence of the people is clearer than the ship. I felt into this with Rowena, and she said, ‘What does your heart call to?’ So….I’m seeing who she/I feel most closely among family and friends. By focusing that same love to the ship (which is interconnected with the collective heart-mind) it becomes clear also.

In the photo below, there’s an orb hovering above the circle, faintly in the background to the right. Figures can be seen at the far left, to the left of the brightly lit tree trunk, just above the lit twigs. My Twin Flame, Ashura (Arnap), is standing with his hand over the tip of a small translucent pyramid, on top of another pyramid, a piece of higher dimensional technology.


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In the next photo, the orb has shifted slightly further right above the circle.


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The orb that appears in every photo over or near the circle/hub is stabilizing/counter balancing certain energies, holding the 3D-5D interface.

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I feel the Equinox much like this node; an anchorpoint portal vibration, allowing 5D to settle more into 3D, like ‘folding’ into it and ‘wrapping around’ it, simultaneously. The more the human collective heart is in resonance with Divine Love, the deeper the settling. This is true as an overall Shift, yet this Equinox provides a special equipoise not only in relation to 3D seasonal midpoints, but between dimensions (many dimensions, not just 3 and 5, much overlapping, although Fifth is the current focus for aligning with New Earth).

From Star Family: ‘Learn the language of the Heart. Heart of Light. Soul of Love. Open, as the rose opens, wide to receive. Release, relax, allow the influx. Overwhelm is only of small viewing, Heart Knowing flows on the Wave, in peace. Nothing is ever lost, in translation. Heart is your metascribe, Eye is your lantern, piercing the shadows. No thing is lost; all potential blooms from the vanishing point, where the form realm ‘disappears’. We are with you all, holding the ways steady. For Love, we hold, closer than you know. Remember, imagine, create. As One, we create the grid of the new.’

Breathe in the Rose Ray, and fill your heart with the true magic of your Divinity.

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Love to you All. Namaste.

Nesting the Rose: an update on the Rose Ray

“Feather your nest with petals of the Rose, stand in the hub of your circle. Where the temple is, within your Heart, open wide your true embrace, Divine Self anchored for One and for All, in the balance-point of Spring and Fall. Feel the bliss of Mother’s new day, victory in the dawning light. It is yours, for All to imbibe, its prelude written in the book of the Scribe. Stroke the petals of your inner heart Rose, tune your ear to its pure Source Tone, radiant in equipoise, fitted to Love’s purpose.”  ~ Rowena

'Mother's Love' Rose opening, March 10, 2014

‘Mother’s Love’ Rose opening, March 10, 2014

As we approach the March 21st Equinox, I feel to speak about the Rose (or Pink) Ray, an emanation of the Divine Mother aspect of Source.  

What is the frequency of the Rose Ray? It is the Sacred Feminine vibration of pure Unconditional Love – softness, tenderness, devotion, nurture for Self and ALL, in the bliss of knowing Self IS Source. It is the vibration of opening to the embrace of the Divine Masculine god aspect of Source, of complete self worth that knows it is Love, and therefore can trust and allow all beauty, power and loving creation to flow in, unimpeded by any limited, judged concept of small self. 

Can you feel the importance of this Ray at this present stage of the Shift? How it helps open the door in the heart to receive fully your own Essence, which is your Source expression, and *create consciously from that place of full integration*?

The energies are building rapidly Now toward the Equinox portal, and I feel many souls quietly anchoring the Rose in their Beings, connecting with the Rose at our Mother Gaia’s Core, her heart, to bring through the 5D unity frequency of the New Earth. An ‘Equi-nox’ is a point of equalizing energy, perfect balance: feel it within you and use it well!

'Mother's Love' in full bloom

‘Mother’s Love’ in full bloom

If you feel unable to access this Ray, or that there are any blockages/resistant old energies attached to the limited 3D idea of self, then remember the Purple Flame of Compassion, and hold it daily, often, in your heart centre….because true compassion and mercy for your whole self, every ‘bit’ of it, puts in place a welcoming ‘nesting place’ for the Rose Ray. (A Purple Flame Activation exercise can be found in the Practices section of this site).

As the Rose/Pink frequencies build (or any other higher frequencies that you are focusing your attention on) take note of the exquisite reflections in your ‘reality’. Appreciation is a powerful energy, and at a deep level settles and dissolves negative ‘stories’. So observe and enjoy every spark of beauty in and around your Self. After all, You are co-creating it!

Photo taken March 6, 2014: Twin Rose Flame sprays the sky.

Photo taken March 6, 2014: Twin Rose Flame sprays the sky.

Allow all Love IN, dear friends. It is here Now, and streaming in ever higher. Smile at life’s play of contrasts, hold the extremes of the duality drama, whether personal or collective, in an envelope of compassion and love, knowing that peace IS accessible. Trust your Self, trust in Source, ride the Wave, and allow Love to stream through the Equinox into the nest you have prepared in your heart. 

I love you All. Namaste!

PS: Having started writing this post, this beautiful gift, outside my front door this morning, put such a smile in my heart. :))

DSCF1319Here are a few more ‘pinks’ from my garden, blooming miraculously in drought conditions at the end of a long dry summer here in southwestern Australia. Let’s see the planet surrounded by the Rose Ray, every heart opening to its energy.

Pink Azalea

Pink Azalea

Pink Geranium

Pink Geranium

Balsam with deep pink heart

Balsam with deep pink heart

Watermelon pink Geranium

Watermelon pink Geranium