Tara Light

A ruby-red orb appears close to the star Canopus, March 28th 2023

Greetings lovely people βœ¨πŸ’›

This year has been skipping by for us, so firstly, many thanks to all who have sent messages this year. Answering mail isn’t always doable, but I do read everything, and send love and gratitude for your sharings, your kind hearts, and to those reaching out for assistance who I haven’t responded to yet, wishing you much ease, light and upliftment in your pathways. And as always, deepest appreciation to everyone continuing to hold focus for the peaceful flourishment of this planet and all life here, thank you for the loving beings you are. πŸ™πŸŒ

For this post we’ll focus with a particular lightship and fleet that first appeared in visible form in my nightsky in 2016, following a detailed vivid ”dream” of going on board a beautiful lightship, followed by orb visitations. Through late 2015 into 2016 a succession of large red orbs hovered above the house I lived in at the time, and appeared in photos that lead into this ship revealing its presence in early 2016. I hear the ship’s name/sound vibration as Tara’bi’nahu, or Terebinth in ”Earth translation”, and connected with her first specifically as an Antarian lightship. Down the track, however, it became clear that several interconnected stellar groups flow through the Terebinth and wider Tara fleet, and they’ve been in heightened focus since a series of communications accompanied by frequent decloaked appearances during late 2022 into 2023.

In my experience, ”high contact” moments or sequences ~ within wider connections with the lightbeings and ships whose presence vibrates around this planet with universal love ~ can come with both internal activations and transmissions of high-coherence frequencies into the nodes, light-grids and meridians/chi streams of the Earth…along with activational frequencies that reverberate subtly through the human collective consciousness field and to all life on this planet. The current phase in the global opening for galactic, multidimensional awareness is well in motion now, translating in this density as increasing sightings and contact experiences for some, and through a step by step collective acclimatization for the presence of extraterrestrial/interdimensional/Inner Earth beings and intelligences of a compassionate nature that have been and are flowing alongside and interacting with humanity in/on/around this planet and beyond (as well as understanding that there have been a few less compassionate groups involved with this planet along the way, in order to clear those imprints and flow vibrationally beyond them).

This collective path can be seen unfolding with further momentum this year and, while complex given the many factors in play, the ”inner lotus bud” of the heart of humanity is steadily supported and assisted to open multidimensionally ~ individually and ultimately on a worldwide scale ~ as the already-activated Galactic Earth continues unfurling her ”lotus lovelight” of expanded consciousness. From many of your messages, dear readers, this subtle unfurling is being felt all around the planet. Within a global energy field layered with tensions and pressures, synergistic openings still continue to integrate and radiate through the planetary light-grids, through peaceful presence, and through pathways of expression aligned with love and kindness within the Whole.

Our starfriends and many subtle beings connected with this planet and beyond continue flowing their energies for upliftment of the Whole, and those flowing through the Terebinth lightship have given a wonderful visual representation of how contact can develop and evolve, offered during this stage of collective preparation for a positive Open Contact experience being brought to fruition from multiple angles, with the input of multiple groups, earthly, inner earthly and otherworldly (hence the topic of UFO/UAP has come to the fore in the collective awareness now and going forward).

The ruby-red frequency that radiates through the Terebinth, and the Tara Fleet more widely, is connected with the grounding of energies, hence red was intuited as the colour of the base/root chakra is Eastern spiritual traditions, connected with vital life force. Following this ruby strand with the Terebinth, the photo series below flows from star family of the big red star Antares and the constellations of Lyra and Ara as a loving signal of what is right on the brink of collective awareness and delicately aligning across the wavelengths of infinite light, nudging at the rim of humanity’s current frame of reference, beliefs and ideations of what is ”real”.

Let’s begin with the Terebinth as she appeared close overhead on January 18th 2016, following the ”arrival” of many large red orbs along with her initial decloak detailed in this post. At that time, I’d had a dream encounter with a lady introducing herself as Tayitha, who guided me on board the ship she called Tara’bi’nahu, translating to me asTerebinth in the dream (and appearing in the nightsky the following night). In the dream, the Terebinth appeared as a triangular-shaped ship running with rainbow shimmers, completely transparent from the inside other than those wavy shimmers defining its shape. The people on board were all dressed in vivid red bodysuits, appearing pale to deep olive-skinned with long dark hair and about 8-9 feet tall relative to my ”Earth human size”. On January 18th, I had a sudden ”inner call” to go outside and stand in the driveway facing north, and the Terebinth became visible over the treetops, as a ruby-coloured triangular craft with emerald green side panels, silently rotating and sending down a single pulse of bright white light before disappearing/recloaking.

The Terebinth lightship first decloaks (lower right of frame), January 18th 2016
The Terebinth pulses bright white light from its underside, January 18th 2016.

Over the years since then, whenever the Terebinth has been close and we’re focusing together, a signature large ruby-red orb has appeared, visibly and/or in photos, while attuning with Tayitha and those on board. Gradually, a more rounded picture has formed of the fleet the Terebinth radiates from, coming through as the Tara fleet (Ta’Ra, where the Ta soundform expresses the vibration of land/ground/base and the Ra soundform vibrates the One Light of Source/Infinite Consciousness, literally ”landing the light”). In dream greetings and more recent communications, golden, amber and orange tones have been more prominent, blended with the rose and ruby tones of the Tara ships. This fuller spectrum of colour frequencies was beautifully affirmed on December 9th 2022 by a sister ship of the Terebinth known to me as the Taia’Tara. The Taia’Tara flashed brilliantly just above the Moon, and in the photo below, a wave of bright golden light can be seen pouring down from her distinct diamond-shaped form.

Golden light pours down from the ruby lightship Taia’Tara above the Moon, December 9th 2022.

This golden light flow came through with imagery and frequencies star family had previously associated with several constellations in our local galactic area, Lyra, Ara, the Phoenix constellation…in the Tara fleet, merged with the rose to ruby red tones. Among the Tara lightships, the Terebinth is the only one I’ve known to radiate through a red and green frequency signature, a visual signal of some other galactic associations, in particular with Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters, whose ships have generally appeared to me as red or green, or both (the particular group of Alpha Centauris I connect with appear as green-skinned and green-haired). On that night of December 9th 2022, the Terebinth flashed a little higher in the sky just after the Taia’Tara’s ”golden download”, also in a diamond-like form, semi-translucent with green and gold above and rose light below.

The Terebinth flashes close to the Taia’Tara’s position, with ruby-pink light below, gold and green above, December 9th 2022.

Coming into 2023, on January 20th the Terebinth flew overhead in her longest decloaked flight to date, as a glowing red triangle, becoming visible next to the star Canopus and flying slowly to Sirius before recloaking. In this photo, Sirius is the bright star at the left, Canopus at the right, and the Terebinth is passing close by the stars of the Hu Shi (Bow & Arrow) asterism between them.

The Terebinth appears as a luminous red triangle next to a star in the Hu Shi asterism, between Sirius and Canopus, January 20th 2023.

And on February 9th, she flew again along a trajectory from Canopus to Sirius, then down toward Orion’s Belt before recloaking. This time, her triangular form appeared as bands of red and green light.

The Terebinth flies from Canopus toward Sirius, again in triangular format, in red and green light bands, February 9th 2023.

She continued to flicker and flash overhead often through the next month, sometimes in triangular form, sometimes in diamond-shaped form, overtly or more subtly as in this photo from March 27th, where a small triangle can be seen moving toward a portal reflected in the clouds as an outlined oval-shaped opening.

The Terebinth signals her presence subtly in triangular form, angling toward a portal symbolically represented in the cloud to her right, March 27th 2023.

The following night our Tara friends flashed this beautiful rose-red orb below Canopus, floating toward Sirius (passing across the area where the Terebinth had appeared next to the Hu Shi stars, circled below), indicating their presence and contined movements through that area between the two brightest stars in the Earth’s nightsky.

A ruby-red orb floats between Canopus and Sirius on March 28th 2023, close to the area where the Terebinth had flown on January 20th 2023 (the circled area is where she flashed next to the Hu Shi asterism).

The Tara energies kept building toward April 15th, when the Terebinth entered through a portal and decloaked in daylight for a few seconds. Transdimensional preparation for her translation from a 5-7D frequency format into a ”solid-seeming” appearance in the 3-4D frequency field was visually signalled in a cloud straight overhead, where the edge of the cloud morphed into the outline of a double-diamond (diamond within a diamond) shape.

A double diamond outline forms in clouds directly overhead, marking the Terebinth’s position, April 15th 2023.

As the double diamond formed, it’s ”floor” appeared to stretch downward and open toward the Earth, with the faint form of a robed figure standing in the centre of the inner diamond.

A small square space then opened in the edge of the cloud below, signifying the opening of a portal (I’ve seen this type of vibrational translation in clouds many times before a ship hops visibly into broad daylight).

A square-shaped portal forms in a cloud overhead, April 15th 2023.

The Terebinth jumped into view in a patch of open sky below the clouds, in a muted rose shade rimmed in soft white light, with a sleek, elongated diamond form, appearing as though a veil/cloak is sliding off her to the right, with a visual suggestion of the ship opening, or having been open, at her left foreground side.

The Terebinth appears in open sky below the ”cloud portal” in diamond form, April 15th 2023.

Tayitha sent the image of a butterfly with closed wings, opening its wings, closing its wings, opening its wings, triangle, diamond, triangle, diamond…or a bird opening and folding its wings, unfolding the ship, infolding the ship, on a thought, the ship as a thoughtform, an extension of consciousness as light frequencies patterned according to inherent soul expressivity, seamlessly morphing and moving across dimensionally-patterned wavelengths, as naturally as breathing in and out. πŸ”ΊπŸ¦‹πŸ”Ά

Speaking of birds, my attention is often drawn ”upward” by feathered friends who appear before ships start to flash or decloak, and on a few occasions birds, most often an eagle, have literally appeared out of thin air (which some of you, from your sharings, have also experienced). Once earlier this year, a large white bird that didn’t look quite like any species I know, hung suspended in the air for about five seconds, as if ”frozen in (or out of) time”…in relation to what I felt/heard from star family as a high frequency ”pulse” rippling through the Earth’s spacetime field. Every time the ibis in the photo below has perched on the rooftop aerial, diamond light flashes, orbs and sometimes lightships have appeared above. During the Terebinth’s appearance on April 15th, this wouldn’t all fit in one frame (lol), but the cloud portal and the ship itself were directly above the ibis. Everything is connected.

An ibis sitting on the rooftop aerial, directly below the spot where the Terebinth appeared, April 15th 2023. Noting here than whenever an ibis has perched on the aerial (symbolizing incoming transmissions), lightships have flashed above it and/or sparkles of diamond white light have filled the sky. Ibis was remembered symbolically as Thoth/Tehuti by the ancient Egyptians, to my understanding an expression of Ashtar, who also comes through eagle and phoenix ”wavelengths”, Ash’Ta’Ra more fully…and therein is a Ta’Ra/Tara connection.

Here’s the Terebinth’s double diamond outline ”condensing” again in the edge of a cloud on April 20th, and when turned around there’s a hint of a tigerlike feline face in that outline.

The Terebinth’s double diamond shape outlines in a small cloud again, April 20th 2023.

The double diamond ”cloud” then morphed into a triangle that held its shape and position while the foreground cloud moved across it, until its whole form was visible, showing all three corners.

The Terebinth gives a cloud-cloaked demonstration of folding from diamond into triangle format, staying stationary and holding her shape as the clouds pass in front of her and peel away to her left, April 20th 2023.

With this ongoing diamond-triangle sequence, the Terebinth (and Taia’Tara) are visually symbolizing fifth dimensional dynamics, which have also been represented mathematically as a geometric construct called an amplituhedron; there’s the centrepoint within the infinite field of light, which all the spectrum of potentials is continuously radiating from and into, generating waves of expressivity…simultaneously infolding and unfolding, like a butterfly folding and unfolding its wings, creating a ”butterfly effect” of vibrational ripples that are naturally infinitely expansive while infinitely present in the centre. In 5D real-ization, particle and wave are One and perceived as One, the centre is infinitely unfolding through an open ”frequency format”.

The amplituhedron, a geometric form designed to represent theoretical 5D and higher dimensions.

The subtle shift from fouth dimensional to fifth dimensional dynamics and expression can be represented in a simplified form in the visual transition from the 4D hypercube (cube within a cube within a cube ad infinitum), based in zero-point vortex motion and expression, to the 5D+ hypercube, based in zero-point infinite radiant wave-motion and expression, from an enfolded vibrational format to an open vibrational format.

A 4D hypercube or tesseract, a geometric representation of 4D spacetime, and how it generates vortex motion. Einstein hypthesized that the Earth sits in a localized ”dimple” of 4D spacetime, which was elegantly demonstrated in a NASA experiment in 2011.

On the night of April 23rd, the Terebinth again flashed overhead, appearing triangular, and on enlarging the photo below there’s an ”echo” of the triangle form, like a double image or after-image, poised to unfold as a diamond, and Tayitha communicated this representation as aligning a ”phase shift” from being energetically and visibly ”angled” into a 4D-enfolded spacetime format up/out into an ”open-winged 5D butterfly” vibrational presence.

The Terebinth appears in triangular format, as a doubled triangle, about to morph into a diamond, April 23rd 2023.

An orb/light emanation then winked below the Moon conjuncting Venus that night, from within the Terebinth, and showing a crystallized interior view of the ship, with a floor of bright white light and circular panels in rose and green floating above it.

An ”interior view” emanates from the Terebinth, to the lower right of the conjuncting Moon and Venus, April 23rd 2023.

Flowing on from a Solar Eclipse on April 20th which was visible and highly energetic in this part of the world (its path of totality passed over the northwestern tip of Western Australia), the Terebinth again signalled her presence leading into the following penumbral Lunar Eclipse on May 5-6th. Her elongated diamond outline is subtly visible below the Moon, slightly to the left, in the first frame. And in the second, another interior emanation flashed to the right of the Moon. In the enlargement below, there’s a silhouetted figure with arm upraised waving, in the foreground, with the Terebinth’s signature ruby-rose and green tones in the background.

Leading into a Lunar Eclipse, the Terebinth’s presence subtly outlines as a long diamond-shaped space in a cloud below the Moon, May 5th 2023.
An interior view emanates from the Terebinth before the Eclipse, with a waving figure silhouetted in the foreground, with the Terebinth’s familiar ruby-rose and green hues behind the figure, May 5th 2023.

Often, when a higher dimensional being comes through a photo as a silhouette, the inner connection (on my part) isn’t wholly in focus at that moment, and when it’s really ”honed”, light-being presences and forms translate into visibility, and into photos, in more detail. With this emanation, the name Yuthi was coming through, along with a 5D humanlike form, and ”around” or overlighting that form and name, a Lyran-Antarian tiger presence was emanating (and still does), with the soundforms Yu’Ti’Rua (a tiger-being had appeared in dreams and meditations for a couple of days prior to that, as often happens when a soul connection is coming forward into conscious awareness and mutual ”mission focus”).

As this connection with the Terebinth and Tara fleet, and with Yuthi/Yu’TΓ­’Rua (Tayitha’s TwinFlame), continued unfolding onward from the Lunar Eclipse, the daytime skies were filled with thick clusters of diamond white light sparkles, and at times I was seeing vertical streams of diamond light rising from the clouds, then from expanses of water in our local estuary. Three nights after the Eclipse on May 8th, this portal emanation flashed brightly in the shape of an open doorway, with the Full Moon within the upper part of the doorway and a ship passing through below the Moon, crossing the right side ”door jamb” (passing through the open higher dimensional Lunar Portal).

An interdimensional portal, represented as a rectangular doorway in the sky, appears with the Moon depicted as a white sphere in the upper part of the doorway, with a ship crossing through the portal at the lower right, May 8th 2023.

The Moon itself was behind clouds, but following this portal crossing, a faint egg-shaped orb formed below the Moon, as if sitting in a nest of tree-fronds (”new energies landing, ready to birth”), and Yuthi appeared as an etheric form, again with his arm raised, waving, with a tall pillar at his left, which he described as a ”portal-key”, with similarities to the objects depicted as djed pillars in ancient Egyptian art. For 2-3 seconds, he was standing fully materialized in an earthly male form ~ a soul expression of Yuthi/Yu’Ti’Rua currently embodied on Earth in an area of the planet Ashura&I, soul family&friends have been putting some clearing and activational focus into recently via the light-grids, nodes and chi/energy streams, integrating with Yuthi&Tayitha there now. Blessings and greetings lovely star brother, in this and all dimensions you/we are radiating and interweaving our energies through. πŸ‘‹βœ¨

Waving figure forms inside and egg-shaped orb on a treetop, with a pillar to his left, below the Moon, May 8th 2023.

For anyone reading this who might be feeling doubtful that the Earth (and humanity) can ”make it” to a vibrational place where this planet can unfold like a butterfly within its wider galactic community, be assured that this entire transition phase continues to be deeply supported and overlighted (and underlighted from other dimensional realms of this beautiful Earth) by love beyond measure. Rippling subtly through all densities are creational frequency waves, fields of waves that we interpret as higher dimensions, in harmonic resonance with the pure primary creational impulse, continuously infolding and unfolding, radiating throughout this Universe and within and around this planet.

In this galaxy, we see a particular ”code” flowing through galactic centre that translates numerically as 27-72 (see this page) that vibrates, holds and transmits that primary impulse streaming as universal love, joy and well-being. In the general ”public disclosure” discourse in motion now, the year 2027 in the western/solar/Sirian calendar has started to appear, and we’d like to say here that from our perspective, there’s a particular window of potential open up to and into 2027, and much is in motion behind the scenes to bring an authentic, integrous, peaceful disclosure of extraterrestrial/ultraterrestrial/interdimensional presences in/on/around the Earth in a graceful way for the human collective and all involved, during this window, leading toward Open Contact…and all that will flow thereon, as human consciousness lifts, expands and matures…

Love, Peace & Gratitude to you all lovely souls, and to all loving beings and intelligences flowing with, assisting and supporting the unfolding of the petals of Galactic Earth,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends βœ¨πŸ’›βœ¨

A cloud pillar aligns vertically through the ”rooftop aerial” following many lightship flashes all around it, with a bird plummeting down the pillar just as I took this photo, May 15th 2023.

* For more about the lightships, orbs and light emanations/beings appearing here (and in other places), see the Lightships 2023 page and previous Lightships pages πŸ›ΈπŸ’›

Neptune & Earth’s Ascension, Part 2

A golden-green orb and a lightship station in a long diamond formation with the planets Jupiter&Saturn (in the centre), on October 13th 2020.

Dear Friends,

Following on from Part One of this post, we’ll go deeper into the wave of compassion, empathy and spiritual vibrations of the planetary soul of Neptune, and its relationship to Gaia’s ascension…supporting the convergence of 5D+ frequencies within the Earth plane and collective consciousness field. Lightships of the Neptune Command, based at Triton, Neptune’s giant moon, continue signalling their closer presence around the Earth (see photos below) along with their friends and colleagues, the Triton colonists. If you feel moved/inner-guided to connect with them, or other star groups, just ask in your heart, in love and peace (and as with any subtle beings and consciousnesses, always set you intention to connect with beings centered in love and peace, aligned with Universal Love, who support Ascension in service to the Divine).

Firstly, thanks go to everyone who joined in the LoveLight Circle meditation for the Hallowe’en Blue Moon, with ongoing clearings rolling on now, and the lead-in meditations with Jupiter & Neptune while they held a sextile aspect (vibrational alignment of harmony, bliss and appeciation) through to October 30th…to anchor as much Neptunian empathy, compassion, spiritual depth and intuitive clarity into the collective consciousness field as possible at this time. Everything has flowed quickly onward from there (to say the least!) with the Moon and Mars in close connection last week, into the Hallowe’en Blue Moon conjuncting Uranus, and Jupiter & Saturn’s synod (beginning of their new 20 year cycle, from an Earth point of view) on November 2nd (also coinciding with the US election, and Jupiter & Saturn together promote collective change). This is all leading into the 11-11 Gateway, with another powerful alignment assisting Earth’s Ascension, the final of three Jupiter~Pluto~Pallas trinity conjunctions this year, which we’ll focus with very soon!

Back to the Neptune connection, in the first part of this post, we described how Neptune and Triton align and radiate the Universal Creation Frequencies in their pure, natural form…reflecting into this galaxy via the Galactic Central Sun in ‘code’ as number sequences based in the mirror numbers 27-72, catalyzed through Alpha-Omega ‘activation and rebirth codes’ that translate through the numbers 7, 11, 17, 77, 177 (see this post for more info).

Here, we’ll also mention the format 7:11, which Star Family have used over the years as a signal of successful missions and moments when the Source Light is highly activating in the field. They call it ‘the number of Good Fortune‘…and when we see how it relates to the Galactic Central Codes, this makes sense. When the 27-72 mirror code unifies and merges into One, as 272 or 727, look what happens when we add the numbers: 7+2+7 = 16 = 7 and 2+7+2 = 11, that is 7-11, or 7-2.

The background frequency of the Earth is 7.83 hz = 7.11 = 7.2. And the natural PH balance in the human body is 7.2. Whether we’re looking at the apparent distance and movement of Galactic Centre from the Earth, as 27,000 light years away, moving 1 degree every 72 years, or the movements of the 7 inner moons of Neptune all orbiting within 27 hours, or the Earth’s natural frequency, or the chemical balance in our own bodies, from macro to micro there’s an inherent coding of life and cosmos, a natural harmonic inter-relational weaving. From a metaphysical perspective, a frequency is continuously flowing from the heart of the Universe, and from the parent Universe wrapped around this Universe, that promotes harmony, balance and unity at every level of existence, translating through these codes (27, 72, 711) that all reduce to 9…the number of completion and rebirth.

It’s also very interesting to note that in quantum physics, deflection of light by (the Sun’s) gravity ‘can be no more than 0.17% from the prediction of general relativity‘*, and in current theorizing of the presence of a Fifth Dimension, ‘5D solitons can meet this with deviations…of no more than +/-0.07%‘.* We’ll delve further into this soon, and what it means in terms of higher dimensional convergence culminating in a 5D+ (planetary) ascension…but for now just be aware of the interdimensional and multidimensional nature of cosmic proportional unity, harmony and symmetry…and how solitons are understood in quantum physics as ‘self-reinforcing waves’…that can interact with other solitons/self-reinforcing waves, also known as waves of translation…’and emerge unchanged except for a phase shift.’ **

Neptune and its ‘sacred mandala of moons’ shepherded by Triton radiate deeply across multiple dimensions, through the Solar System, the frequencies we feel within as empathy, compassion and deep spiritual sensitivity. Filtered through the duality matrix around the Earth since the fall of Atlantis, planets (like everything else) were viewed through ‘two-sided’ light/shadow personality traits. In that way of viewing, Neptune is seen as mystical enlightener flowing through intuition and imagination, or illusional fantasy generator, linked to drugs, alcoholism and delusion. However, when we connect through the heart’s inner-sense, the screen of projected identifications peels away…and we can connect heart to heart, soul to soul, in freedom and joy, with the planetary souls present and flowing in a harmonious, precisely-coded choreography, all around us…and beyond!

There’s an immense and subtle depth in the soul vibrations of Neptune, radiating pure and clear through the galactic centre-coded orbital dance of its moons, that you, lovely readers, can experience for yourselves, in your hearts of Love. Connecting with the unconditional compassion and depth of inner awareness emanating from Neptune opens a state of deep inner peace, and kindness to all beings. Compassion for its own sake, simply for the Love and Joy it is, moves us gently from doing kind things for an expected return, to being kind like breathing, in touch with the deeper nature of our souls, that feels and knows Oneness with everything and every being.

Imagine if everyone in the world suddenly felt an impulse to put being kind over being right, from the level of personal relationships and workplaces to positions of leadership. Imagine if everyone in the world suddenly felt an impulse to be kind to all animals, no longer treating them as products and resources. Imagine if burning and logging the world’s remaining intact forests transformed into reverence and love for the planet. Imagine the divine spirit seen, felt and honoured in all creation, on a collective scale. Can you feel the joy, the lightness, that would flow around the world, in this shift of vibration? As many of you reading this are already aware, this shift is already IN the consciousness field of the Earth and humanity, already unfolding, amongst all the apparent stress and turmoil of this year. Compassion and empathy on a large scale would (and will) transform those dualized energies, pain and suffering expressions, very quickly. They transform and lighten each of us when we open wholly to them. Compassion is Bliss…and the soul of Neptune is radiating this frequency, deeper and deeper into the Earth field now, as the vibrational pathways have been opened to receive this frequency in a way and depth that can reach the collective consciousness.

On a galactic level, Neptune (or Mua’han, I hear as the planetary soul of Neptune) connects vibrationally with the watery planets of Sirius B and Sirius C (whale & dolphin star), the watery planets of Polaris, Cetus (the Whale constellation), the angelic silver-white light of Cygnus the Swan, and many more.

These star energies came into alignment during a blissful ‘Neptunian’ group activation by the sea on October 3rd 2020 (with thanks to the star sister who has been activating that area, and all ground crew present that day). As the light-grid hummed, a cloud formed into a merged whale-dolphin shape overhead…and in the light-flow of rebirthing energies with Gaia, some exquisite details formed in this cloud. In the second photo below, I’ve circled the windows of a ship showing its presence in the whale’s tail, and from underneath this divine mother whale/dolphin, a baby tail emerging, as if in the midst of the birth process. Very symbolic for Earth, and the effects of the Neptunian and aquatic star energies. πŸ™‚

Merged dolphin-whale shape forms in cloud over an activating ‘ocean node’ within an island light-grid network, October 3rd 2020
The windows of a ship outline clearly near the whale’s tail, while a baby whale tail emerges as if just being born, from its mother’s underside, October 3rd 2020.

One of the islands in the light-grid anchoring that activation is called Seal Island, and among Star Family present that day were a soul group from a higher dimensional planet of Polaris, the North Star, who have seal-like qualities. In the cloud below, there’s a lovely seal-like face peeping as if from behind a veil, half exposed, with one very large, round eye gazing forward. This beautiful being comes forward from the Polarin High Council, her name is Miniwe’ha (there are photos of her decloaked lightship in this post).

The Angelic Light of Cygnus symbolized in the clouds too, with a figure standing on a boat with a high, curved prow like a swan, opening a pathway for Cygnus, Lyran and Aquilan light-codes.

Here are some of the islands in the receiving light-grid, with Seal Island on the right, and Bird Island under a seagull. πŸ™‚

That night (and onward), fleet activity stepped up another level, with ships working constantly around the Jupiter-Saturn alignment, as it continues to peak toward the December Solstice’s Great Conjunction. In the photos below, from October 4th, you can see a ship brightly lit, flying a circuit around Jupiter and Saturn (at least, that’s how it appears from here ~ actually, the ship was relatively close to Earth, and revealing how it was creating a portal for the combined Jupiter-Saturn light frequencies to flow through toward Earth).

A lightship of the Jupiter Command, under the guidance of dear star brother Ash’Tar Ka’Ree, flies a big circle around Jupiter & Saturn on October 4th 2020.

With diamond shimmers beaming from the Sun, on October 6th a Christ Cross formed between the Sun and Earth, within an ‘Arcturian Diamond’…with an Arcturian bow-shaped ship upper right of the Cross, transmuting energies and opening a pathway for a waterfall of light to ‘step down through the Solar Christed vibrations.’

Cross forms below the Sun, with an Arcturian bowship, the Radiant 1, transmuting energies and opening a light path, on October 6th 2020.

This ship appeared as a solid/opaque white shape within swirls of energies it was transmuting (it’s called Radiant 1, and is one of a fleet of ‘Radiant Class’ Arcturian bowships currently assisting in the Solar System).

The Radiant 1 transmutes energies, opening a path for the Solar Christed light codes, with my Twin Flame & I in our 5D soul expressions, Arnap & Rowena, on board, as we’re hopping frequently between this ship and the Lei’hua now.

As the Solar Cross formed to the north, the shape of a fish formed to the south, with what looked like a big splash of water in its mouth. Several lightships were flying around this formation, pulsing Ascension light frequencies…with the fish and the water splash representing the incoming energies of the Aquarian Age, as in the southern nightsky, the Water Bearer of the constellation Aquarius symbolically pours water into the mouth of the fish, the star Fomalhaut, alpha star of Piscis Austrinus, the Southern Fish constellation (which Polarin Star Sister, Miniwe’ha’s ship flashed next to, last year).

A fish with water splashing in its mouth forms in clouds on October 6th, 2020, while many lightships flew around it.

Arnap flew a run-about from the Radiant 1 down beneath clouds that became like feathery, flowing waves (in the close-up below, you can see the bow/diamond shape of this small ship), as we grounded the energies together.

That night, ships of the Neptune Command assisted with an interdimensional clean-up, and again with stabilizing and aligning the Jupiter~Saturn in-flow. Here, you can see a greenish-blue Neptunian orb beside Jupiter, transmuting ‘grey’ energies, with a ship directly aligned to the orb and Jupiter, to the lower right.

Green-blue orb and ship aligned around Jupiter show the Neptune Command in action, October 6th 2020.

Here’s the same ship again, flashing as it circled Jupiter and Saturn, and now revealing the captain of this ship, standing in a doorway in greeting. With the brightness reduced, a tall form is quite clear, with a curvy, wavy look through this fluidic light emanation in vivid emerald and blue hues.

The exterior form of this beautiful ship was clearly revealed, with a front panel brightly lit from within, like translucent crystal, and two side panels visible, curving around on either side.

This beautiful Neptune Command ship reveals its softly curved crystalline light form and structural translucent panels, on October 6th 2020.

Donny&Dora (intrepid Triton colonists and associates of the Neptune Command, small, jolly beings who can shift between mer-tails and legs) ‘touched base’ a couple of days later, in their little pod ship which, even in bright daylight, has a slightly greenish tinge to it. The beautiful piece of green flourite pictured below, with natural pyramid formations within it, anchors Neptunian vibrations (and for those who connect with crystals, flourite in general has an easy Neptune-anchoring capacity).

Donny&Dora, mer-friends from Triton, blink their pod ship in a gap between clouds on October 8th 2020 (look to the middle area of the upper gap in the clouds).

The high vibrations kept building up into the 10~10 Gateway of October 10th, with Angelic, Leonine, and many Star Family energies pouring through the Gate. In the photo below, the silhouette of a long diamond-shaped ship can be seen in the cloud at upper right, with what looks like a framework of white light wrapped around it. This is representing one of many Galactic Federation docking stations now orbiting the Earth, where ships can be attended to by the galactic version of ‘mobile mechanics’.

Long diamond-shaped lightship, the Taia’Tara from Antares, sitting in a docking port, with a white light frame wrapped around it, visible in the cloud at upper right, with faces in the lower clouds, October 10th 2020.

This diamond-shaped ship, the Taia’Tara, comes from Antares as part of the Ashtar Command fleet, as the primary ship of our much-loved and closely connected star brother and sister, Ashuma&Amara (with Amara in her lovely ‘ground crew’ human form present at the time their ship came overhead). in the cloud on the right below, a masculine face formed, with vibrations of Archangel Michael, and Ashura and Ashuma blending through. Love and thanks, dearhearts. πŸ’›

With the vibration of Neptune and Jupiter’s sextile aspect together already, building through the 10~10, and their connected Angelic streams of Cygnus and Lyra flowing through that gentle harmonic, the clouds began to reflect the Angelic ‘feathering of the Light’ into the Earth’s field. Many angel forms appeared, including this emanation from Ashura&my soul stream (with soul family merging through), standing within the soft curve of a wing, with a four-pointed star/cross floating to the left.

Angelic energies aligning from my/our soul stream and soul family through the 10~10 Gateway, October 10th 2020.

Enlarged, the four-point star is visible inside a diamond, radiating into Gaia’s light-grids, through the cleared, activated Pyramid Network, and Gaia’s mountain-node network around the planet.

Neptune Command lightships continued to appear through October, signalling their focuses, Here again on October 12th, two ships flashed together while holding a mirror position to Jupiter & Saturn (the ships are at upper right).

Neptune Command ships flash, holding a mirror alignment to Jupiter&Saturn, on October 12th 2020.

Here they are again, in a closer position to Jupiter & Saturn, forming most of a ‘V’ (which the Ashtar Command use, in honour of the first/original Galactic Federation of Lyra, based on planets around the star Vega…there’s a message in the ‘almost complete’ V). In the enlargements below, of the ships showing themselves more clearly in Neptunian signature sea-green, the interior views show a man sitting at a white console in the first ship, and a whole group squished together in the second ship…they all wanted to be in the photo! πŸ˜ƒ

This was followed by a flash from a ship with a soft rose-gold colour, from Lyra, showing a green, slightly feline-looking face framed by the rose-gold light. We’ll talk about Lyra more in the next post…as everything flows in sequence from the higher dimensions to support the Earth’s Ascension, and the deep Neptunian wave has opened the way for a much greater level of Lyran light-codes and Lyran ships to flow around the Earth.

Lyran soft rose-gold lightship with a green being with some feline traits in a high collared outfit of light gold flashes below Jupiter, October 12th 2020.

The next night, October 13th, there was a subtle four-point flash above Jupiter & Saturn, which I saw/felt as lined along the rim of a single ship, which was confirmed as Ashtar’s command ship, the Phoenix. This beautiful light signal from the Phoenix was given as a sign of the Ashtar Command’s continued guarding of the Jupiter~Saturn alignment as it converges into the Great Conjunction at zero degrees Aquarius on the December Solstice, and its influence continues into January 2021, with a very amplified pathway from the Solstice through to New Year (when Sirius, our ‘sun’s sun’, reaches its zenith point in the sky). The four lights on the ship’s rim, however, stand for 2020 (2+2=4), and what is yet to come through this year, in heightened ‘phoenix’ energies of rebirth. ‘The Phoenix rises from the Ash’…and comes with this message: Across the dimensions of light, we are Phoenix, Ra-birthing our energies, the Flame of Divine Spirit, in every moment of Being. We are continually refreshing, renewing the forms our Souls shape and flow through, for the Flame Within is Eternal, and its nature is Joyous Living Presence in the Infinite Moment. You too are all this Living Presence of Joy, dearhearts, we are all One in the Infinite Moment.

The Phoenix mothership creates an arc over Jupiter & Saturn, with four lights flashing all at once, along its rim, on October 13th 2020.

The Eternal Flame is Love ~ flow with it, and renewal is as natural, constant and easy as breathing. Only where control of the Flame is sought, does renewal translate (in dimensional stratas where dualism is possible) as chaos, struggle, battle, as all appears to burn down in wildfire, to be reborn. But the true rebirthing essence of the phoenix, flowing through the heart of our local galactic supercluster Laniakea, is one of ease and effortless grace. Neptune comes through now with the whales and dolphins and birth imagery, from the gentle cosmic water-birthers, with this vibration of the ease of renewal within the fluidic light waves; when the Eternal Flame, Divine Presence, anchors through the liquid light (or on this 3-4D plane, the water element), flowing through the natural crystalline water geometries within the waters in all living beings, in the air, soil, snow and oceans, rebirth is simple and graceful.

In how we travel through this renewal, the wisdom of water is our great friend. The crystals within the Earth, oceans and our own bodies hold and radiate the higher frequencies of Light, the waters within and around us ripple those frequencies everywhere, From the beautiful work of Dr Emoto and others, we’ve been able to see how water forms crystalline geometries of harmony and symmetry, when exposed to vibrations and intentions of joy, love, happiness, compassion and grace, and how those geometries break down into erratic blobs in the presence of vibrations of anger, hate, resentment and so forth.

Connecting with the Soul of Neptune naturally attunes us to the deepest harmonies of Love and Grace, the Divine Presence within fluidic Light, where the inner Eternal Flame is never quenched (for it cannot be quenched) but soft, silky, yet powerful and deep in its endless rebirthing of Light. From our star seal friends and other aquatic soul groups of Polaris: We are here to love and support you (all) on Earth with this knowing. Polaris, the Earth’s North Star, is the alpha star of Ursa Minor (the Little Bear constellation), anciently known as the Phoenix Bear…and our Polarin star brothers and sisters ‘phoenix-rebirthed’ themselves from a state of heavy polarity into 5-6D unified light consciousness and vibrations…and they did it through the ease, softness and effortless flow of attuning into the Divine Waters. And in that moment they connected with Neptune.

Within the Solar System, Neptune and our Sun, Solaris, hold a particular unity vibration together, with Neptune anchoring and radiating the ‘liquid light-sun’ vibration, as Solaris ‘phoenixes’ its light frequencies. The Soul of Neptune has a softening influence; wherever energies have become rigid, harsh, defended or inflexible, it heightens the innate capacity to trust and flow, to stay sensitive without overwhelm, so as to fully embody the incoming Light frequencies instead of constricting them.

Neptune also connects with all the ‘oceanic moons’ in the Solar System, such as Jupiter’s moon Europa, and Saturn’s moon Enceladus, both with oceans under outer layers of ice like Triton (even the Earth’s moon has been recently revealed to have water on its surface). In the photo below, from October 13th, a shimmery green-gold orb and a Neptunian ship appeared flanking Jupiter & Saturn to either side, in a long diamond formation. Green-gold orbs have appeared to me occasionally before, with messages about/from Enceladus…but this one is directly showing how our aquatic star friends across the Solar System flow and network together. In the enlargements below, there’s one especially clear being in the orb, with a dark green, round face, with antennae, looking as if it’s in a swirling green-gold bubblebath. This being looks a lot like Donny&Dora from Triton (see previous post), and is in fact described to me as their baby, Domo (I’ve had a little cuddle, up on the ships, and he’s beyond adorable). πŸ™‚

Green-gold orb of soul group from Saturn’s moon, Enceladus, flashes in unison with a Neptunian lightship, creating a diamond formation with Jupiter & Saturn, October 13th 2020.

Closer to home, Donny&Dora flashed their ship blazingly bright in daylight a few days later, on October 17th, showing its softly domed shape, on a flat, slightly angular base.

Donny&Dora, from Neptune’s moon, Triton, skim down over the trees for a moment and send a bright light pulse from the small ship they bring down from their Tritonite mothership, October 17th 2020

Many nights through October, ships have continued to twinkle and dance around Jupiter&Saturn, always strengthening and amplifying the alignment for the optimal Ascension timeline potentials that are aligning with their converging conjunction. On October 19th, three ships aligned and flashed together (in the photo below, the ships are at the right, representing the Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune Commands, in order of brightness/closeness, with Jupiter & Saturn at lower left).

Three ships flash together in a straight line, in order of brightness from the Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune Commands, at the right of the frame, with Jupiter & Saturn at the left, on October 19th 2020.

A pair of Ashtar Command ships were also working with the energies that night, as can be clearly seen in their ‘choreography sequence’ below.

Two lightships of the Ashtar Command hold a sequence of angles to Jupiter & Saturn, October 19th 2020.

A big, pearly orb of Triton’s vibrations stationed above Saturn & Jupiter, in straight alignment, as the two ships curved in toward the planets, then recloaked.

The two ships are joined by a big orb sitting straight above Jupiter & Saturn, as they neared the planets, October 19th 2020.

This was followed by one of the ships flashing again directly under a plane as it flew past, right on the moment the plane’s flight path was in alignment with Jupiter & Saturn, then a huge green Neptunian orb. ‘We’re here too.‘ Star Family send this image out with the reassurance that while (mostly) less visible than the Earth planes in the skies at this stage, they’re always here, working behind the scenes non-stop supporting the Earth’s Ascension, and working to bring peaceful open contact and awesome connections with Earth’s humankind on a collective scale.

Lightship flashes beneath a plane, just as it flies past on alignment with Jupiter & Saturn, October 19th 2020.
Huge green-blue orb of Neptunian vibrations hovers next to Jupiter, October 19th 2020.

Another quality of Neptune’s vibration radiating to us now, and washing, cleansing the energy field around the Earth, is related to dreams and astral travel. Connecting with the Soul of Neptune, bringing this deep spiritual vibration through our heart centres, through our central energy column from crown to base, soul star to earth star, helps release subtle etheric ties to aspects of the denser vibrational grids that connect to the subconscious mind (through unrecognised or unresolved fear vibrations, particularly stored within the amygdala in the brain). These ties can keep dream visions and astral journeying connected with, or translating through, lower to mid-vibrational astral plane and imprints…and Neptune (we could say, ‘Big Blue’) exposes hidden fear vibrations and clarifies attachments within the subconscious, allowing our multidimensional dreamstate and astral travels to fly free of sticky imprints.

While I was connecting with Neptune on October 25th, this lovely orb of concentrated blue-green light flashed near the Moon (which is also connected with the subconscious mental and emotional plane), on alignment with Jupiter & Saturn, showing Neptune’s beautiful soul combination of the Blue Light of Clarity and the Green Light of the Heart, serene, refreshed and at ease. This lovely orb was followed by a quick blink from a Neptunian ship. In the enlargement below, you can see a square brightly-lit hatch, which is open on the underside of the ship, for small pod ships/run-abouts to fly in and out from.

Blue-green Neptune orb appears near the Moon, aligned with Saturn & Jupiter, on October 25th 2020.
Blue-green Neptunian lightship flies above Saturn & Jupiter on October 25th 2020.

Interweaving with the Neptunian energies that have opened the way for the next level of light-codes to be received and integrated, during the last couple of weeks another wave of very beautiful (and necessary for Ascension) light frequencies has been flowing through the Sun, bathing the Solar System and Earth in Love, from the constellation Lyra, and reflecting now in heighening solar activity. We’ll dedicate the next post to the incoming Light of Lyra, that resurrects and renews the pure golden frequency of the Creation Codes of Love.

Until then, lovely souls, fly like the Eagle above the storm, keep breathing light into your hearts, centre with Gaia’s heart, keep anchoring the great Shift of this world for all living beings here. In Love, Peace & Joy with All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›

*Tim Andersen, ‘A 5D Universe is plausible given the data‘, pub. Medium, Sept 25 2020.

**Solitons, as defined in this Wikipedia entry.

PS: For anyone who feels called to work with the crystal soul collectives to assist the planetary ascension in Love, they are willing and happy to align and anchor higher dimensional energies, star groups, angelic light, the Agarthan 5D light realms of Inner Earth, and indeed the soul vibrations of planets, moons and stars, or other galaxies, with we who are here in human form. Just ask in your heart to connect with the crystal souls who will be most beneficial for you to focus and anchor with moment to moment, and they will guide the perfect crystal companions into your life. πŸ₯°

*We have ongoing New Earth Meditations at the LoveLight Circle, and will have a Gateway focus coming up soon, for the 11-11 Gateway. If you feel inner guided to join in, all are welcome. πŸ’›

9~9 Gateway 2020 Update

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the trees on September 8th 2020, aligning energies during the 9-9 Gateway.

Dear Friends,

It’s been a while between posts, as we (and Star Family assisting the Earth’s vibrational Shift in general) continue to be very focused and ‘interdimensionally busy’ moment to moment through this intense year! At ground level, I’m resting a lot to allow integrations between node/light-grid activations and incoming higher energy alignments, and am offline a fair bit…so firstly, sending a warm Heart Hug now to anyone who has reached out via email, comments or messages, that I haven’t replied to, love and gratitude to you all, and to everyone reading here. πŸ’—

In the lead-up to the first high vibrational Gateway of September, energies moved swiftly from this year’s Lion’s Gate period through August, into September’s potent alignments ~ which opened with a massive Full Moon clearing that led into the 9~9 ‘Gate of Angels’. We’d like to share a few key moments within the last month and a half’s progression of alignments and activations from our perspective, with high energies now flowing toward the September Equinox 2020.

We’ll start from a follow-up visit to the ‘landing spot‘ Star Family continue to strengthen energetically, on July 27th, working with the ‘27-72‘ galactic light-codes (the galactic central format the universal creation codes translate through into this galaxy). As with previous activations of the landing pad node on July 7th and 21st, an eagle immediately appeared overhead, with Ashura’s soul vibration guiding through this beautiful bird. Many overlighing presences also formed in clouds around the eagle, such as the figure in the right-hand photo below, standing on a symbolic floating platform, with arms forward and outstretched in a Christlike embrace toward the Earth.

A lot of dense vibrational pressure leading up to the opening of the annual Lion’s Gate on July 26th was loosened from the planetary field through multiple activations around the world, initiating another level of clearing by lightships of the Ashtar Command around the Earth. On July 27th, this type of clearing action was openly displayed by a ship which stayed close overhead throughout that day’s ‘landing pad’ activation. This small ship holding around thirty people/beings is a run-around from the Lei’hua (which you can read about on this page). In the enlargement below, you can see this ship’s flat disc-type shape of shining pink-white light, with two white plumes visible going over its roof on either side, like fountains of light, along with what looks like a sheet of transparent, slightly viscous liquid dropping below the ship, which Arnap (Ashura’s 5D soul form, on board this ship at the time) described as ‘venting plasma’. At the moment captured in this photo, the ship was converting disruptive frequencies into subtle plasma (ie; converted into a beneficial, purifying vibration/subtle substance).

Small support ship of the Lei’hua flies close overhead, transmuting dissonant frequencies into healthy plasma/subtle substance, July 27th 2020.
The Lei’hua’s support ship, a light pink-white disc-ship we call the Daina, visibly venting plasma like a translucent shimmery waterfall below the ship, while conversion of disruptive frequencies can be seen in the twin fountains pluming over the top of the ship, July 27th 2020.

I hear these plasma transformations by thousands of support ships working within the Earth’s ionosphere are now continuous around the planet, discharging dense electromagnetic frequencies, converting them into higher vibrating subtle substance (this includes both technological sources of disruptive frequencies and intensified emotional/psychological stress and polarization triggered within the human collective consciousness field this year, which also has a strong interactive electromagnetic aspect and influence).

This beautiful big blue-green orb with a touch of violet above the Moon, just left of Jupiter and Saturn while they formed a straight alignment to the Moon on the night of July 27th, signalled clearing and healing vibrations flowing from Star Family to the Earth, with this calming, healing blue-green colour continuing to appear in orbs and lightships throughout August.

Blue-green orb appears next to Jupiter and Saturn, during a Moon-Jupiter-Saturn alignment on July 27th 2020.

Forward to August 19th, here’s one of those beautiful blue-green lightship, flashing in the southern sky to the right of Alpha Centauri, during a period of close communications and messages from one of our lovely Star Sons, Minairu.

Blue-green lightship from a planet of Canopus flashes to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri, August 19th 2020.

With the ship enlarged, Arnap’s form can be seen standing at the left, showing that he was liaising on board this ship at the time, and turned around in the second photo, the form of a seated woman is visible (circled at the right). Minairu shared visions through his 5-6D soul expression connected with this ship and the planet it comes from, one of nine planets orbiting Canopus in three rings of three, which translates in my inner hearing as Daira’mu.

This beautiful ship was followed by the appearance of a deep blue-green orb tinged with purple, still to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri. Minairu’s form can be seen in the centre of the orb, with a slim build and long dark hair, wearing a kimino-style robe (see if you can spot a deep V-shape near the centre of the orb in the enlargement below, where his robe is wrapped over at the front).

Teal blue-green orb appears between Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross, projecting the soul presence of Minairu and the vibration of a planet of Canopus called Daira’mu, August 19th 2020.

While communing with him and photographing this orb, Minairu sent a vision of Daira’mu as a watery blue-green planet with deep underwater forests of wavy plants (like blue kelp forests on a giant scale), and the presence of gentle water dragons. Two days later, on August 21st, this Daira’muan ship and companions stationed overhead during a light-grid activation in the Perth hills, connected with a waterfall. As the activation completed, a sunbow formed overhead, and in the enlarged section below, with contrast enhanced, three forms are subtly visible standing on the rim of the bow, Ashura&Irana (9D Higher Selves presence) and a slightly smaller ‘child’ figure at the right, representing Minairu. In the enlargement, maybe you can also see the face of a lion in the cloud at the left, representing Ashura’s leonine soul energies.

Sunbow forms at the completion of a node and light-grid activation in the Perth hills on August 21st 2020.
From left to right, Ashura, Irana & Minairu, standing on the sunbow, with light pillars flowing down, August 21st 2020. If you look closely, Ashura is wearing a white gem on a long necklace, and Irana is holding a matching white gem (higher dimensional diamond) in her hand.

The dance of Jupiter and Saturn has continued through these mid-months of 2020, leading toward culmination as a Great Conjunction on the Solstice of December 21st this year (still currently on course as potential breakthrough moment of the ‘Event’, on the most optimal/energized Ascension timeline), Their alignment continues to be surrounded by higher dimensional activity, with more gigantic blue-green orbs like the one below, floating over Saturn on August 26th, with Jupiter the brighter light at the left, indicating much focus keeping the high vibrations flowing toward Earth (and a lot of work by the Jupiter & Saturn Commands, thank you star brothers and sisters).

Giant deep blue-green orb hovers above Saturn, with Jupiter shining bright at the left, on August 26th 2020.

Night after night there have been ships twinkling between and around Jupiter and Saturn. On August 26th, three different ships flashed in sequence to the lower right of the two planets. The first was the Victor Five, followed by an incredibly bright flash of rose, amber and golden light, then a third flash…which in the enlargements below, reveals an ‘interior snapshot’ from the Lei’hua, with Arnap (in green, his most customary colour this year) seated at a wrap-around white console, then with the photo turned around, he can be seen standing, facing forward and rimmed in white light.

Valiant Thor’s current ship, the Victor Five, flashes to the right of Saturn and Jupiter, August 26th 2020.
A bright rose-gold flash, again lower right of Saturn and Jupiter, signals the presence of the New Jerusalem (Na’Heru’Shi’Mura’Ima) mothership, August 26th 2020.
A third flash below the other two ships reveals a ‘snapshot interior view’ of the Lei’hua with Arnap’s form in green, showing two ‘scenes’, depending on which way the picture is viewed, August 26th 2020.

On August 27th, strong high vibrations peaked through the straight alignment of Saturn and Jupiter to the Moon, with reception into the Earth’s light-grids assisted by many lightships and star groups, including a team of triangular ships with a distinctive appearance that appeared for three consecutive nights around the alignment of Moon, Jupiter & Saturn. These ships display a ‘composite’ vibration through their shape and colours, as they come from soul groups flowing together from the ‘Dog Stars’ (plural), in their words, with the long triangular design hailing from Sirius, with specific colours of plum, white, pink and green representing the stars Mirzam and Wezen in Canis Major, and Procyon, alpha star of Canis Minor.

In the photo below, two ships are aligning in a triangle with a rose-red orb beside Jupiter (showing Antarian star family presence), parallel to the Saturn, Jupiter, Moon alignment. The ship at upper centre looks like a ‘mash’ of light through the camera, which was actually the ship folding its light across dimensions. πŸ™‚

Rose-red orb of Antarian leonine/tiger soul vibrations flashes beside Jupiter, while two ships from the ‘Dog Stars’ triangulate with it from above, August 27th 2020.

Enlarged, you can see the distinct shape of these triangular ships, with a long, tapered nose of a deep plum colour and main body of green, rimmed in white and pink light, representing combined soul vibrations from the Dog Stars.

The same team of ships were busy around the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn over the next couple of nights, with another one flashing super clear on August 29th (with Jupiter and Saturn at that moment positioned with the Moon between them).

One of the same Canis Major-Minor team of lightships flashing to the far left of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn on August 29th 2020.

A very bright flash above Jupiter (in straight alignment with Jupiter and Saturn) a few seconds after the ship came through, shows faces among the soul groups on board, with a large-eyed, slightly feline green face in the centre.

A bright flash from the soul groups on board this/these lightships, showing overlapping faces, with a green face clearest in the centre (the overseer of this fleet), August 29th 2020.

September opened with a gateway, literally represented as a ‘double doorway’ in the clouds on September 1st, with higher dimensional focus honing strongly now toward the 9~9 ‘Gateway of Angels’.

A twin doorway is clearly framed on top of a cloud on September 1st 2020, heralding high vibrations and opening of nodes and light-grid pathways for a flow of Angelic energies through the 9-9 Gateway.

This beautiful sign of the converging Gateway energies rolled into Full Moon’s heightened vibrations on September 2nd, with an attempt, however, by certain parties to blanket the sublunar field just before the Moon occulted Mars (‘occulting’ here means the Moon completely covering Mars ie; they were in direct alignment to the Earth) on September 5th-6th. Aris, the planetary soul of Mars, holds a 5D Divine Masculine vibration, and efforts were made by some to distort the higher vibrations of that alignment into an ‘old martial’ activation. The energies around the Full Moon felt pretty ‘full on’, but many Angelic Lights came in to protect the Earth and Moon and refresh the energy field, and in the photo below, the orb of violet, purple and rose light at the upper left shows a masculine soul projection, with a serene and steady presence, as the disruptive energies were cleared, until the sky was calm again and the Moon shone peacefully.

Purple, rose-gold and violet orb appears left of the Moon, representing the sublunar field being cleared and disruptive vibrations transformed to Love, September 2nd 2020.

The energies built massively, and we’ll share some glorious lightships that appeared from the night of September 5th onward, in a new post soon, about the role of Neptune in the Earth’s Ascension, along with the Neptune Command (another local wing of the Ashtar Command, which is universal in scope and nature). Meanwhile, the close-up below of Jupiter on September 5th 2020 clearly shows what was happening energetically, with the planetary soul of Jupiter (Aisaia) visible as the face of a man with eyes closed in deep concentration, while dense energies are transmuting into a spreading array of rainbow colours from around his ‘head’ (the north pole of Jupiter), as a load of vibrational ‘gunk’ was shifted from the Earth’s energy field and transmuted into ‘aurora rainbow energies’ by/through Jupiter. Thanks and blessings, big guy and Star Family support teams!

Jupiter and Saturn on September 5th, during a massive transmutation of energies through Jupiter.
Enlargement of Jupiter shows his ‘planetary soul face’ amid a swathe of rianbow energies, September 5th 2020.

The next two photos were taken around midnight on September 8th, just as the energies were fully aligning for and into the 9~9 Gateway of Angels. The reddish-gold orb below shows a combination of ‘earthing’ vibrations of two big red stars, Antares and Aldebaran, with the golden light of Lyra aligning through them and grounding in earthy tones. There are two clear figures; circled on the left is Sananda in Christ pose with a ray of green-golden light flowing down through him into a mountaintop, and on the right is Ashura in his ‘Min’ soul expression, closely connected with Aldebaran, as he anchored that star alignment. He’s showing his Min aspect in this orb as a dark-skinned masculine form wearing a white cloth around his middle, in ancient Egyptian style (symbolizing one of the areas on Earth he was anciently connected with as Min).

Red-gold orb appears close to midnight on September 8th 2020, leading into the opening of the 9-9 Gateway.

This was followed by a bright blue flash as the Gate opened, and the enlargement below shows the opening of the Gateway in a very specific sequence (several images in one light emanation, revealed by turning the photo around). In the first crop, you can see a Divine Masculine figure with arms and legs in ‘star pose’ (Ashtar Ka’ree, of the Jupiter Command) opening the gate, appearing as a semi-circle of brilliant blue-white light around his hand at the right. Turned around, in the second picture, there’s again a clear, beautiful Masculine form coming through the Gateway, head haloed in the blue-white light of the Gate. Through this form, I see/feel an overlay of many loving soul vibrations, including Arnap, star brothers Ar’Noah and Atreis, and Arturo, of the mothership Elam’Ashar)…and more, all coming through the Gateway as One to protect and uphold the Divine Feminine rebirth of Gaia and her planetary ascension. Finally, the Gateway is symbolized in this light emanation as an Omega symbol (see pictures below ~ with brightness reduced, the symbol is especially clear)…which signifies activation of the Alpha-Omega Gateway dynamic of ‘end of the old programme/rebirth into New Earth’ that has been building Ascension convergence through successive alignments and gateways this year.

A bright blue flash on September 8th at midnight reveals both Divine Masculine soul energies opening the 9-9 Gate, and the Omega symbol of the Alpha-Omega Gateway energetics of ‘end of the old/rebirth of the New Earth’ convergence building through successive high vibrational Gateways during 2020.

The 9~9 Gateway this year has had such a powerful Angelic Light in-flow, with the vibrations settling in through to September 12th, calling in a Miracle of Grace to humanity, this beautiful planet and all living beings here. Our focus here began with Ashura’s ‘eagle form’ suddenly flying down a long ‘cloud ray’ and below a bank of clouds, with the rim of a rectangular ship outlined in the clouds at the right. Ashura’s eagle appeared sheathed in golden light to my eyes, and this has come out a little in the photo below, with golden light around the eagle’s head and wings (see the enlargement below, and also of this rectangular ship, with a face forming in the centre of it).

Ashura’s eagle flies into view during the 9-9 Gateway actiation, with a rectangulat ship in clouds above, to the right, Septemeber 9th 2020.

The eagle flew up and down these ‘cloud rays’, followed by many Arcturian bowships outlining or silhouetting in the clouds.

Arcturian bowships outlined/silhouetted among clouds on September 9th 2020.

These are also Arcturian ships silhouetted in the clouds, with a deeper curved shape rather than the shallow arc of the Bowships, and they refer to these more curved ships as Deepwings.

Arcturian ‘Deepwings’, very angelic looking/feeling ships, September 9th 2020.

As we can and are constantly flowing through multiple, multidimensional soul expressions and energies at once (you too, dear readers, we are All multidimensional beings), Ashura was also present in his 5D Arnap form, flying his small silver-white pod ship down from the Lei’hua close over the treetops as we aligned and anchored the Gateway light in-flow to the nodes and light-grids here.

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the treetops while we anchoried energies together through the Gateway, September 9th 2020.
Arnap continues aligning energies, in this photo his pod is in front of a cloaked high light Carian ship (bird-like beings) outlined in the clouds as a long, curved triangular shape, which hails from the Phoenix Cluster, September 9th 2020.

The ‘double diamond’ signature form of a lightship named the Taia’Tara (from Antares, with beautiful leonine and tiger beings on board, as well as humanlike Antarians) hovered overhead, and can be seen softly outlined in clouds, with a subtle diamond-shaped light-field around it.

The Antarian lightship Taia’Tara hovers straight overhead, with its double diamond shape outlined in clouds, September 9th 2020.

Here’s another diamond-shaped ship, with a more rounded edge. Light rays were spreading like a starburst all around the ship, and they faintly reflected into the clouds, in a soft (but powerful) light emanation.

Softly curved diamond-shaped ship, spreading light rays, which have ‘translated’ subtly into the clouds, that look like a ‘starburst’ from the ship, September 9th 2020.

There were angelic forms all over the sky, and the two below show a ‘winged cherubic face’ on the left, and a childlike being holding a Light Language symbol forward, symbolizing the angelic light-codes flowing through the Gateway.

During this phase of flux and variables, amid ongoing attempts to steer human consciousness, focus and energies into tension, we have the choice every moment to be(come) still and light within our hearts, to relax and breathe the pure ascension-coded love vibrations pouring all around the Earth into our beings…and radiate them to all around us, people, animals, plants and planet, in love and compassion. Smile to the sky, ground with the earth, align with the New Earth light-grids, the already-Ascended Earth, and know that countless Angels (and all manner of loving beings in Divine Service to the Source of all Life) are with Gaia and all of us in this enterprise, and their Love is available and can be connected to in any moment!

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’–

PS: There’ll be a September Equinox Meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle soon, for anyone who feels called to join in. Meanwhile, all are most welcome to join in the New Earth Meditations, let’s keep building the peaceful energies! With love and thanks to everyone who’s been coming in on this regular focus for New Earth.

The Twelfth Hour

Dear All,

Star family missions have been running thick and fast across various dimensional layers, ever increasing this year, so firstly, to those who have sent emails or messages that haven’t yet received a reply, heartfelt thanks for reaching out and sharing the love! ❀ To everyone dedicated to anchoring Universal Love on Earth through this year, assisting the ‘golden light over 2020’ to stabilize the highest trajectory for this planetary shift through increasing vibrational accelerations, always know that ongoing love, strength and supportive background actions are constantly flowing from the higher dimensions. Pause and breathe in that high vibrational refreshment, the embrace of love all around the Earth, whenever you feel over-busy or depleted, re-centre in your inner divinity and unity with the realms of pure love.

We’d like to talk here about what star family refer to as the ‘Twelfth Hour of Gaia’s arc of ascension’, which her planetary body has been flowing within for a few months of local time now. From star family, the Earth shifted into the ‘Eleventh Hour’ on the 11-11-11 Gateway (11th day of the 11th month in 2011) with another very significant shift into the Twelfth Hour on the June Solstice 2019. They symbolize the stage of planetary ascension we’re currently in, as it translates into the Earth plane through the local space-time frame, as a clock with both hands pointing to 12 (ascension’s ‘true north’, so to speak) and to think of a clock striking 12, chiming 12 times within this moment of the Twelfth Hour as it translates through this earthly time expression…with each chime layering in another level of higher dimensional Light.

From our perspective, the Twelfth Hour is what many call The Event ~ we are in it Now, as it progresses through the 12 chimes until the 12th stroke of the 12th hour (much accelerated from the 11th hour), at which moment the Event as a vibrational moment of planetwide collective clarity in heart-opening-awareness will become tangible, visible, palpable around the Earth, in relation to what some call a ‘flashpoint’ or ‘solar flash’, also described by star family metaphorically as a ‘standing wave event‘, when all the layerings of light frequencies come into a particular harmonic format ready to receive the ascension pulse from Galactic Centre in full coherence. From that moment, Earth’s natural ascension unfoldment/blossoming is completely unshakeable, beyond the influence or reach of any energies of a distorted vibration.

Feel each chime of the Twelfth Hour like a tap on a bell; there’s the initial ringing tone, then the reverberation of that tone as it expands from the bell (diinnngggg), and that each of these chimes doesn’t diminish, but widens and softens, settling into the Earth’s energy field, orienting the planet and collective’s vibrational field into incrementally strengthened harmonic coherence, each chime building on the previous one. So, in this building sequence, the second chime came through the peak of the Lion’s Gate on the 8~8 (August 8th), the third through the 9~9 Gateway, with short integration phases between them, and now a longer integration phase through to December while a major (distorted red) energy removal mission is underway through to the 11~11 Gateway.

Once that energy is lifted from the planetary field and taken Home into Love, the way will be clear for the fourth chime of this Twelfth Hour, initiating through the 12~12, peaking into the December Solstice on the 21st Dec 2019, then culminating into January 12, 2020. This trinary ’12’ sequence will be heightened through two particular planetary conjunctions on December 12th and January 12th (Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and Saturn-Pluto conjunction respectively, wrapped around the Solstice alignment ~ see previous posts about the higher transformations of Saturn and Pluto). So 2020 (=4) will flow in on the vibration of the fourth chime. (For cultures on Earth with different calendars, the Galactic Light-pulses flow through different numeric translations, but the sequence base is the same behind all ‘earth clocks’, stepping down the 27-72 central creation code of this galaxy).

We’ll focus on the 11~11 Gateway (November 11th 2019) in the next post, which coincides with a transit of Mercury, igniting a powerful alignment of the Silver Flame of Transcendence into the planetary field and grids. For now, here are a few beautiful moments with star family from the last few weeks, beginning with September 20th 2019 ~ with an unexpected ‘call from on high’ to go into Perth city and walk with the local climate march that was part of a global climate action. I was guided to connect with Gaia’s emerald light rising from the Earth’s crystalline heart, while anchoring the light of a beautiful ship named the Victor Five flying above the march, which radiates from an emerald Core Crystal, throughout this walk.

Many lightships of the Ashtar Command were present (cloaked), with a number of Arcturian bowships outlining subtly in the clouds overhead, like the one at the upper left of this photo.

Arcturian bowships outline as crescents in the clouds over the Perth Climate Action March on September 20th 2019, Perth city, Western Australia.

At one point, the crowd of around 10,000 sat down along the length of a city street and observed a silence for the Earth. Through the mixture of vibrations ~ fear, anger at corporations and governments, and a rising ground-swell of love for the Earth ~ as everyone sat on the ground, I saw/felt a huge pulse of green light from Gaia’s heart, coming to meet this mass love and care, rising up through the earth chakra/base chakra of every person, sending emerald green light up into their heart chakras, in a wave of connectedness with the planetary soul.

This heart pulse from the soul of Earth was so beautiful, it moved through all the fragmentary, discordant vibrations to touch hearts with love for this planet, love for humanity, love for all life here. No matter what views about causes of climate change resonate for you, from the overview, know that there is an awakening in progress, of a global priority to live gently on the planet and transcend forms of energy, agriculture and land development that damage the environment….and that this collective impulse is in flow with the overall Shift in Consciousness that will open the way to becoming an interplanetary and galactic civilization, within a wider, high-functioning community of love and cooperation.

Toward the end of the march, just after a streetfull of people had waved to the police helicopter in the photo below, Ashura (my Twin Flame) flashed the tiny white pod ship he was flying overhead (look slightly upper right of the helicopter in the photo below, in a gap between the clouds). πŸ™‚

Ashura’s pod ship was visible for a moment, upper right of a helicopter, September 20th 2019.

There was a lot of energy and activity over these buildings where the march ended, with ships clearing disturbed vibrations, keeping the energies high. The silhouette of a wide-angled Sirian-Procyon triangular ship can be seen in the circled area below.

Triangular Sirian-Procyon merged ship can be seen clearing energies over the city of Perth, September 20th 2019.

A few days later, as the light frequencies soared into the September Equinox, a group of ground crew/love anchors here in the Perth area aligned the ‘Equinox light of equilibrium’ through four nodes, with our final destination at Serpentine Falls in the southern hills east of the city.

Serpentine Falls, Darling Range, Western Australia, on the September Equinox 2019.

As we connected with the node there (a node is an amplified subtle energy crossing point of two or more planetary chi flow lines), a perfect triangle formed in clouds low over the Falls, anchoring a projection of ‘trinity light codes’ from the New Jerusalem golden light mothership stationed high above.

‘Cloud triangle’ forms close above Serpentine Falls, aligning light codes from the mothership New Jerusalem, September 23rd 2019.

Where this triangle formed, the clouds thickened into a tall pyramid that gradually morphed into a massive angelic figure holding an upright sword (in the first photo, a hawk or eagle can be seen flying up toward the angel’s forming face). Merged soul vibrations of Archangels Michael and Gabriel were flowing through this angel form, and the upright sword has a spiralling energy, if you look closely at the second picture below…representing the in-flowing Ascension Light Spiral being directed/pillared into the node below while our group anchored the energies.

This was such a blissful occasion, as we’ve done a lot on unblocking and clearing of the Serpentine Falls node over the last couple of years (this node sits on the Belinus Line, which has been mapped as a ley line in Britain, however this is actually a planetwide chi line that flows like a huge sine wave around the Earth, passing through Western Australia in the southernmost curve of its energy flow). To feel the vibrations at the Falls so light and free now is such a joy, and an excellent indicator of how much the Earth’s crystalline light-grid has stabilized this year! πŸ™‚ From here, we sent green-blue light to forests burning in various parts of the planet at that time (Amazon, Siberia, Alaska, Africa, eastern Australia) and many beautiful symbolic ‘light arcs and pillars’ formed over and flowing into trees around the rim of the Falls.

We’d like to add here for clarity, where burning of forests around the world is sometimes interpreted as a spiritual cleanse coming from the planetary soul; Gaia cleanses with the water element, and clearings only ever become destructive of life where a planet/collective consciousness is being influenced by a dense, manipulated polarity vibration. True higher vibrational ‘clearing with fire’ naturally transforms distorted energies into peace and light, rather than ‘cleansing through destruction‘, which expresses from a dualized matrix. Clearing within Universal Love always flows from and with compassion, grace and upliftment.

Here in Australia, trees and bushland have an adaptive resilience to fire, but the level of wildfires occurring now (especially in the eastern states, connected with the misuse/imbalance of a string of 4D vortexes) goes beyond nature’s adaptations. However, as the higher light waves keep reorganizing distorted energies more deeply through the higher chimes of the activated Twelfth Hour, these imbalances will ease through all the planetary vibrational field’s manifest reflections ~ environmental, social, political, personal, spiritual ~ until true harmonic coherence is aligned and anchored into this Shift. From Ashura: Breathe, relax, be the peaceful waters, be the steady flame of love that calms all misdirected fires into the pure, gentle radiance of shining divine light. ❀

Some of this distorted red fire energy has been transmuted and lifted out through actual water nodes around the planet; in the location below, a group of ground crew anchored the Rose Ray and Ruby Ray (ruby-rose light reorganizes disturbed red vibrations into natural higher harmony) into an underwater node, flowing from the Ruby Core Crystal of a beautiful Antarian lightship, the Taia’Tara (Antarian ships often vibrate through the ‘ascended red’ spectrum, balanced with emerald green light; see this post for more about them).

The silhouette of an Arcturian bowship can be seen in a cloud that formed over a node during a clearing and activation in the Canning River, Perth. Western Australia, September 30th 2019.

A long straight ‘corridor’ opened up as clouds thickened overhead, with many beautiful beings forming inside this symbolic passageway. Whale shapes appeared as if swimming across the clouds, slowly filling the corridor. Then feline and whale energies rippled down a ‘sky bridge’ as a whale’s eye and soft feline face formed above it, with these gentle, loving Sirian and Cetian soul groups sending light codes ‘down the bridge’ into the river node.

As you tune into the unconditional love, the deep wisdom flowing through the gaze of this beautiful galactic whale, let this overview of immense light, compassion and gentle strength fill your heart and refresh you. Bless the waters everywhere around the Earth and in your body, in the air, the plants and animals, oceans and waterways, in the soil and springs welling from the ground. Let your inner visions of the New Earth flow like water, as you bathe them in the light of joy and sweetness, shower them in love. Let these soul visions guide your actions, knowing that as we do this together in unison around the world, Ascended Earth is converging through us, with us, guided and assisted by countless loving beings. We are all One Love.

Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❀

*This month’s DNA Activation meditation for October 21st 2019 can be found at the LoveLight Circle, if this resonates for you, all are very welcome to join in. ❀

Light Update September 2019

Four ships station in an arc, aligning their light to and through a beautiful being known on Earth as ‘Valiant Thor’, represented by the orb positioned on the roof of my home, August 30th 2019.

Dear All,

On the doorstep of the September Equinox 2019, we’d like to share a condensed update from the second half of August, through the 9~9 ‘Gate of Angels’ of September 9th, with planetary energies rising now into the Equinox (in peak alignment at 7:50am UTC September 23rd).

Flowing from the Lion’s Gate (which peaked with a very strong alignment on the 8~8) the 4D/3D-projected duality matrix around the Earth went through another level of loosening as vibrations lifted within the planetary field. This culminated in a further clearing of late/degenerated Atlantis imprints (that are already ‘gone’, but with continuing attempts by certain factions to keep the ‘power over’ templates active in the Earth’s grids and collective human psychic field). Star Family and many light beings assisting Gaia’s Shift continue to flush and transform the energetics until the rising light vibrations have stabilized and integrated to a degree that distortion-prints or entities will no longer find a receptive ‘holding place’ to latch into. One of these ‘flushing moments’ showed beautifully through the almost Full Moon of August 14th, where an Atlantean ‘shadow city’ formed with towers and spires that melted into the Moon’s halo as it turned a warm white-golden tone.

Clouds form ‘late Atlantean shadow cityscape’ in front of the Moon, August 14th 2019.

A swathe of these old imprints ~ or more accurately, their ‘invoked remnants’ visible in these photos ~ were transmuted with the completion of the Lion’s Gate light inflow on August 15th. Rose-gold and rainbow light of transformation flowed around the Moon, magnetizing and returning these remnants to the pure Source Heart of Love, in which everything out of alignment is rebirthed and re-newed. This included a number of lower 4D ships, visible below as a black triangle at the left of the Moon’s halo with a second ship, tethered to a black serpent, being guided through the Lunar Portal (the Moon’s halo went heart-shaped as its higher dimensional portal opened).

For this next phase, at the higher dimensional levels, there’s been some rearranging of Star Family/Ashtar Command groups focusing closely together into various specific assignments. On the night of August 24th, two beautiful lightships we (Ashura&I) are now flowing with arrived for a ‘meet and greet’, positioning in alignment to Alpha and Beta Centauri, with the first ship flashing bright blue east/upper left of these two ‘Pointer’ stars of the Centaurus constellation. The second ship decloaked (ie; slowed the light rotation of its outer frequency field) above the two stars, and you can see in the enlargements below a beautiful green-blue feline face, and deeper blue leonine face, both projecting through the first ship, followed by the multi-coloured triangular form of the second ship, morphing into a more defined green-gold form, then into vivid blue like the first ship…representing a combined team of Alpha Centaurians, Beta Centaurians (Hadarians), Sirian felines and Pavans (feline/leonine merged carian/bird beings from Pavo, the Peacock constellation.

Blue lightship flashes brightly (upper left of photo) in a direct alignment to Alpha&Beta Centarui (lower right), August 24th 2019.
The lightship hovers slightly lower, still upper left of Alpha&Beta Centauri, glowing a deeper blue, August 24th 2019.

A second ship decloaked right above Alpha Centauri, clearly triangular and illuminated with opalescent rainbow hues.

Opalescent triangular lightship flashes straight above Alpa&Beta Centauri, August 24th 2019.

This second ship then descended into a position just upper left of Alpha Centauri, in direct alignment with the first ship, still hovering to the east, upper left of Alpha&Beta Centauri.

Second ship drops into a straight line with Alpha&Beta Centauri, aligning with the first ship, still stationed at the upper left, August 24th 2019.

Alpha Centauri continued as the key ‘meeting place’ for some of the group coordinations during the next week (key meeting place visible in our southern hemisphere sky, that is!). Here’s another beautiful alignment from August 28th; during the day, large, soft-domed ‘mountain clouds’ formed for several hours, then at night a ship and an orb created an ‘upside down mountain/triangle’ formation, pouring light frequencies through the Pointers (Alpha&Beta Centauri being in a vertical alignment to the Earth at that time of the night).

That same night a beautiful green and amber lightship decloaked close to Alpha Centauri straight after this peach-white orb flashed above the two ‘Pointer Centaurs’.

Through the last month’s layered ‘background missions’, with two close star sisters embodied on Earth and their galactic Twin Flames, Ashura&I and friends have been focusing with a beautiful star brother, who presented himself as an interplanetary ambassador on Earth in a materialized form, back in 1957, as ‘Valiant Thor’. In that form, he made contact with President Eisenhower of the USA, and his stay was recounted in Stranger at the Pentagon, by witness/contactee, Frank Stranges. Socio-cultural filtering of the era aside, I hear the contact was genuine, and the universal love vibrating from Valiant Thor and interstellar support team served as a catalyst at that time, and they have remained present and continue radiating high (ie; highly coherent) love vibrations to humanity and the Earth, with Val Thor’s current lightship the Victor Five active through this stage of planetary ascension.

We hope to be able to go into more detail soon about goodwill meetings and cooperation between humans and Star Family, happening in several areas of the planet at this time. For now though, Val Thor gave some beautiful flashes of his lightship Victor Five here on September 7th 2019, as a signal of his continuing, supporting presence at this time, along with six other closely aligned ships which appeared that night, with many star brothers and sisters on board.

A pair of lightships flash above the roof on September 7th 2019, with Victor Five shining blueish-green at the left. ‘The green light is on’. Ashura, my Twin Flame, was on board the ship at the right (of the pair), with a third ship flashing high above the tree at the right.

In the next photo, Val Thor projected his soul light through a small blue-green orb hovering on the roofline, directly below Victor Five, which you can see shining blue at the top of the frame, with an Antarian red lightship to its right, a group of ships in a loose V formation further right, and four ships in a beautifully spaced arc just above the roof, holding an alignment with Val’s orb.

With the orb enlarged, there are many faces/soul expression overlaid, with Val Thor’s face looking to the right, his features clearly showing in profile.

His orb remained on the roofline, appearing deeper green in the next photo, while aligning emerald light-codings from the Core Crystal of his ship (the Indaria Crystal) through/into a physical emerald here (which originates from the Colorado River, in the vicinity where his ships have been stationed). Victor Five continued to hover straight above, with the red Antarian lightship drifting slightly lower. A third green-white lightship can be seen nearing the tree at the right, where it flashed brightly.

A lightship’s Core Crystal is multifunctional; each central crystal holds a unique vibrational quality, focalizing a ‘ray of attributes’, it also holds a complete light template from which an entire ship can be regenerated in an instant if necessary, and it powers the ship with frequencies radiating in specific waves and energy-configurations moment to moment, in confluence with the constant interfacing of ship-sentience and heart-minds of those on board, in communion with a guiding, overseeing consciousness that in Earth translation would be rendered ‘commander’ (we add here that the circles of relation-ships in the higher dimensions are indescribable in 3-4D terms, and what is termed a Command would equate to a Love Focus Group of ‘kindred spirits’…feel that vibration?).

The emerald Core Crystal of Val Thor’s Victor Five has a close kinship with two Core Crystals in the green-blue tones, in the heart of the Neptune and in the beautiful mothership pictured below called the Miranda (Twin Flame ship to the Neptune). September 7th was another night of strong alignments in preparation for the 9~9 high light inflow ~ with the Moon equidistant between Jupiter (left) and Saturn (right), the Miranda was sitting like a soft aquatic bubble of light in the Moon’s halo. I see/feel this beautiful ship in gentle flowing aqua to blue-green tones; just feel the soft quality of the energy in the photo below.

Ashtar Command mothership Miranda decloaks beside the Moon, equidistant between Jupiter & Saturn, September 7th 2019.

The 9~9 Gate of Angels came in subtly but powerfully this year, with a two week activation and integration phase from September 9th to 23rd, completing on this year’s September Equinox. At the peak of the light inflow on the 9th, the sky, which had been clear all day here, filled with wonderful ‘angel clouds’, doves, eagles and other bird shapes. Can you see/feel the dancing energies in this first photo? On the left is a blissful ‘dancing goddess’, her arms outstretched in Divine Feminine Christ pose, with the head of a dog in profile behind her, representing Sirian ‘Dog Star’ companion energies as guardian to the Divine Feminine (with several soul vibrations aligning through this dancing form, with Isis to the fore; perhaps you can feel some of the sister soul energies twining through this cloud symbolism).

‘Dancing goddess’ and other angelic soul energies form in clouds at the peak of the 9~9 Angel Gateway, September 9th 2019.
Dancing goddess with canine face pointing to the right behind her.

Beautiful, long-tailed bird forms were everywhere, many with Arcturian Angel energies flowing through, and the formation below shows angels lifting up ~ literally ascending ~ a crocodile-type reptilian being. πŸ™‚

A beautiful representation of Athena’s form and vibration can be seen riding upon a ‘cloud chariot’ in the formation below…symbolizing the close connection between her mothership the Pegasus and the Charioteer constellation, Auriga. Capella, golden alpha star of Auriga, is among a network of Ashtar Command centres in this galactic region, along with Altair (where Valiant Thor hails from, though he lives on 5-6D Venus). Capella in Greek myths was seen as the nanny goat who suckled baby Zeus, who represents Jupiter, and as there is an aspect of myths that connects to wider intuitive galactic awareness, this story relates to a close ‘parental/maternal’ connection of the Ashtar & Jupiter Commands. πŸ™‚

Archangel Gabriel’s presence emanated subtly through this ‘winged guardian’ cloud-form close to the rising Moon.

There are so many loving beings and soul groups flowing around the Earth and Solar System right now, some working broad spectrum and others coming in to focus with particular ascension alignments and assignments in the great interweaving of lovelight around and within this planet to keep Gaia’s Shift on track, working on multiple levels in myriad aspects of support, including maintaining the light rotation of the planetary merkaba in a highly energized equilibrium….amplified at present through the Equinox equipoise vibration. A star group coming in with a specific focus can be seen in the bright rectangular ship below, which appeared for a minute or so on the night of September 12th, remaining visible through the trees as it moved slowly south-east, filled with light-beings whose soul emanations appear seal-like and originate from Polaris, alpha star of Ursa Minor (Little Bear constellation).

Polarin lightship flashes brilliants above the star Fomalhaut, then moves slowly south-east behind the trees, September 12th 2019.

Enlarged and with the brightness reduced, many gentle, loving faces can be seen projected within this stunning lightship, overlighted by the rounded face of a golden seal-like being with large soft eyes, and an emerald on her third eye (she’s visible in the centre of the second close-up, just below the pink upper rim of the ship). This dear being introduces herself as Miniwe’ha of the Polarin High Council, and the emerald on her eye is directly connected with the emerald Core Crystal of the Victor Five, as the Polarins flow closely into this mission group focus now and have a role in aligning planetary ascension’s ‘true north’, its highest, steadiest trajectory, as souls connected with the North Star/Pole Star of Earth.

This beautiful lightship flashed intentionally close to the star Fomalhaut, alpha star of Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fish constellation. Fomalhaut means ‘mouth of the fish’ and is positioned among the constellations next to Aquarius, with Aquarius the Water Bearer pouring the celestial waters of his jug into the mouth of the Fish. This has many subtle levels of meaning, but broadly, is connected with ‘pouring in the light frequencies’ of the Age of Aquarius, the New Earth of peace, freedom and unity in Love. Again, mythologically speaking, the Water Bearer is Ganymede, who was flown by an Eagle to Mt Olympus at Zeus’s behest, and in our local Solar System, Ganymede is one of Jupiter’s ‘constellation of moons’, with a particular role of anchoring a star portal with a direct connection to the stars of Aquarius, Altair (in Aquila, the Eagle constellation) and Capella (in Auriga). Macro to micro, threads interweave, shining in the cosmic light-fabric… πŸ™‚

Moving on from the clearings of the August Full Moon we began this post with, to September Full Moon of September 13-14th, yet more clearings of the old grid certain parties seek to keep reasserting (ultimately a futile enterprise, from a 5D+ perspective) reflected symbolically around the Moon, with light streaming around ‘black pyramids’ in front of the Moon and dissolving them back to light, with many lightships present and overseeing this clearing. A light flash to the lower left of the Moon, when enlarged, revealed three light beings together (with my Twin Flame Ashura at the left, standing slightly forward, and several ‘layered’ soul vibrations radiating from the two forms at the right). Thank you angels. ❀

Light flash at far lower left of the Moon on September 14th 2019 reveals three light-beings, when enlarged.
Close-up of the three light-forms, of Ashura at left, Val Thor in green in the centre, with soul vibrations of two star sisters also coming through this form, and Mira of the Pleiadian Council on the right, also merged with another soul presence.

While the group held their position, a pair of ships flashed together above the Moon, showing the presence of two close soul brothers (who we’ll introduce in more detail at the appropriate moment).

A pair of star brothers we’re working closely with appear side by side above the Moon while the light-group holds position at the lower left of the Moon, September 14th 2019.

In the subsequent photos, you can see light flow around a cluster of black/lower astral pyramid shapes and fade them away, with a ship now stationing right of the Moon. In the final photo, the lower astral pyramids have disappeared, and the outlines of two enormous crescent-shaped ‘bowships’ can be seen passing in front of the Moon.

Following these and other light transformations and alignments, the background vibrations in the planetary field are now building for the Equinox, dear friends and love anchors on Earth…just tune in, breathe the love into your heart centre, breathe it out to All, in unison with all Ascension lights embodied around this planet now, with all the infinitely loving beings within and around the Earth, Solar System, all connecting Central Suns and constellations of pure Light, with the light codes flowing continuously through Galactic Centre, activating, amplifying, deepening this Shift into a more expansive, loving universal consciousness and vibration. Feel the innate peaceful equilibrium within you, flowing through your stream of soul expressions across dimensions, galaxies and universes, radiating from the Oversoul expressing through you in this present moment and always embracing you in Love. Happy Equinox!

Love, joy and peace to all!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❀

March Equinox 2019

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A pair of golden lightships flash either side of the star Canopus, March 18th 2019.

Dear All,

We’re fast approaching the next highly enhanced vibrational alignment of 2019, with the Equinox of March 20th-21st, depending on your timezone, coinciding with a Full Supermoon (a Full Moon at perigee, the moon at its closest to Earth within its orbit, which heightens its vibrational effects), teamed with the passage of a ‘house-sized’ asteroid inside the Moon’s orbit on March 22nd, which we hear is small but power-packed…and in higher dimensions, directing a specific catalyst energetic along the wave of Equinox-Full Moon light frequencies.

Flowing on from the transformation of energies within the Elysian Cross detailed in the previous post, there’s been a steady stream of triune higher dimensional Light from the stellar trinity of the Southern Cross, Diamond Cross and Elysian Cross, augmenting the ‘triple helix’ vibration that is part of the planetary ascension’s higher energy convergence, being successfully anchored, and opening the way for ‘unplugging’, flushing and uplifting another succession of node points and meridian flow-lines within and around the Earth, in both northern and southern hemispheres via specific ‘mirror nodes’ that reflect vibrationally to/with each other.

Flushing and washing out heavy energy pockets on the etheric levels (4D) translates through to 3D as clearings of the water element planet-wide, converting fear-based vibrations to love and grace within the ‘memory capacity of water’, from the oceans and snows to the water within trees, animals and our own cells, with the assistance and beneficial upliftment of the water elemental beings.

This translation reflected beautifully through a gentle rain shower here on March 12th, where faces appeared in every raindrop. The smiling blue faces in the droplets below are connected with the small blue beings of the Canopan planet Erra’mu (see previous post), who cherish their role of guardianship of the waters on their 5D homeworld (Erra’mu and Gaia are sister-brother planetary souls, with direct ‘quantum resonance’; the stabilization of Erra’mu in 5D vibrations reverberates continuously to Gaia and through the Earth’s light-grids).

The Erra’mu~Gaia relationship can be seen in the softly radiating orb below that appeared on March 14th, above the star Canopus (with the diamond shape of the Elysian Cross asterism to the lower left), revealing the smiling dolphin-like face of a blue-green being sending a loving greeting to Earth!

Through the day and night of March 15th, control-oriented factions attempted to veil the Elysian Cross transmissions from reaching the Earth’s vibrational field with a layer of interference frequencies. While not visible in 3D, this layer appeared in photos as a sort of vaporous smog centered around the Elysian Cross. In the photos below, the subtle presence of three large orbs can be seen gathering in trinity-triangle formation in front of the Cross, within the smog (Canopus is the star at the right). Then a large Angelic Light orb appeared to the left of the Cross, almost touching it. Following this, the lower astral intensity eased, the smog dissipated, and the light frequencies continued flowing through to the Earth.

By March 18th, star family and Agarthan friends of the 5D Inner Earth realms had stabilized the higher alignment of many nodes, including a cluster in eastern Australia which were generating lower 4D vortex energies and are now settling and refreshing in golden light (for readers in Sydney, a major storm over the city on March 14-15th was a 3D reverberation of the opening and flushing of distorted nodes further inland. There were attempts to amplify the storm to a destructive level, but star family lightships eased the energies, and by the early hours of Friday, the severe storm alert had been cancelled). Wonderful to see/feel the crystalline light grids in those areas and others beginning to flow more freely!

Energies are now steadily lifting toward this Equinox-Full Moon-asteroid peak light moment, heralded by the appearance of lightships yesterday afternoon, flashing white light from behind or next to clouds, such as this one that popped out to the right of a small cloud formation.

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Silver-white ship flashes to the right of a cloud, March 18th 2019.

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In the evening, two lightships flew fully visible, very high up in the sky, one after the other, from close to Sirius, passing southward toward Canopus, then curving into the Elysian Cross. The first ship appeared as a white light, and the second a golden-orange colour. Sirius felt highly-charged, and you can see in this soft focus photo of the star, a shining white whale-like form/energy in the centre, surrounded by leonine, feline and human-like faces in vibrant blue and aqua light vibrations.

The second golden-orange lightship (of feline and human Antarian beings) radiated the orb below, just as it flew into the Elysian Cross within a halo of peachy-gold and ruby light.

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Bright golden-orange orb flashes, projected by a ship of the same colour as it flew into the Elysian Cross (upper left) and disappeared from view, March 18th 2019.

Many assisting light beings and high energies are in close focus around the Earth coming into this Equinox alignment, and the lightships below radiate Lyran, Venusian, Sirian, Antarian and Canopan energies…along with many loving ones of the higher dimensional ships and soul groups dedicated to galactic ascension and so much more. These beautiful ships below both gave ‘slow blinks’ close to Canopus and Sirius.

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Disc-shaped ship of soft pinks, green and violet light flashesΒ  upper left of Canopus, March 18th 2019.

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This clear, luminous golden and violet dome-shaped ship followed in quick succession, flashing close to Sirius, and emanating Venusian, Sirian & Lyran vibrations.

Energies intensified around the Elysian Cross, and were ‘washed clean’, with this huge ‘Antarian tiger-being orb’ appearing close to the Cross, with a ship flashing directly beneath it, among several waves of light beings flowing through and doing some deep clearing of heavy energy residues around the area.

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Golden-red Antarian orb of tiger being soul vibrations hovers above a ship next to the Elysian Cross, clearing shadow energies (representing here as small dark grey orbs), March 18th 2019.

March 17-18th on a planetary level saw a 24 hour ‘unexplained white out’ on the Schumann Resonance scale (measureing extremely low frequency electromagnetic resonances of the Earth), graphically recorded like this:


While variations in this scale can have many contributing factors (lightning, cosmic rays, solar flares, shifts through the photon belt), the timing of this one coincides with a starburst of crystalline light from within the planet itself, Gaia’s heart radiating through the planetary meridians/chi flow lines, nodes and energy field. So beautiful to see! This radiance vibrates through every living thing, every particle in and around the Earth, also touching the Moon’s vibrational field.

On March 18th, in the northern sky the Moon shone pale gold here, between clouds that swirled into many faces and forms that symbolized a lot of human collective ‘psychic shadows’ connected to the Moon, and bright white light focused through Angelic energies that came in to clear the shadows and dissolve tethers. That light pooled firstly through these orbs.

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The Angel Light (Archangel Gabriel’s ‘white ray’ emanation) can be seen wrapped around the Moon in the photo below; purifying light blossomed around the Moon like unfolded wings, dislodging a lower 4D ship/device of which you can see the lower rim from behind a cloud to the right (with a face formed in the cloud below it).

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This device was part of a network associated with subconscious addiction patterns, which the stream of ‘habit release’ light frequencies flowing from the rebirthed Elysian Cross has now opened the way to transform and dissolve completely. Clearing is happening on multiple levels right now, Earthly, Solar System and galactically, and our support teams and soul expressions of many dimensions are quick/instant to take advantage of every moment (as together we co-create opportunities and open brilliant new possibilities).Β  πŸ™‚

So as we flow into the vibrations of Equinox and Full Moon, just feel the exceptionally heightened pure vibration that Asteroid 2019 EA2 will be zooming through on March 21st-22nd between the Earth and the Moon’s orbits, which gives it a particular attribute of ‘diamond light ignition’ from a higher dimensional perspective.


Orbit of Asteroid 2019 EA2 on March 21-22 2019, image credit: The Watchers

Star family send this message for the Equinox potential, that to fully receive and anchor this diamond light into our beings, and particularly into our earthly embodiments, to be aware of the crystalline qualities within our physical bodies, as all crystal structures naturally receive, store, and transmit frequencies. Crystals all around and within the planet are vibrating higher as the overall planetary vibration lifts, and the higher dimensional crystalline light-grid and New Earth grid as a whole continues to ‘come online’.

Our bodies are filled with crystalline structures; calcium phosphate crystals give our bones hardness and strength, calcite crystals bedded in viscous fluid within our inner ears regulate balance, our tooth enamel is almost entirely composed of apatite micro-crystals, crystals are floating around in our body fluids and organs. When crystals are exposed to dissonant, jarring vibrations, they form in distorted ways, such as crystals associated with joint or organ inflammatory conditions. When crystals are exposed to unconditional love, joy and peaceful vibrations, they naturally grow and align in harmonious patterns, storing and radiating those beautiful frequencies throughout our bodies, just as they are doing within the Earth, the oceans, and all living beings. So it is suggested that we bring our loving focus into the crystalline aspects of our physicality, and visualize (or hold the intention of) diamond white light flowing into them, pooling within them, igniting reception of higher dimensional crystalline light, in natural ease and equilibrium during this Equinox…and beyond.

Throughout this last week, pillars of white light have appeared in my dreams in particular ways and locations, as well as in the skies, showing through as vertical cloud pillars like this one on March 18th, sometimes several times a day.

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Cloud ‘light pillar’ formation, March 18th 2019.

The ‘light pillars’ we all are in every moment, are enhanced through the next few days, so give yourself the gift of opening to the high vibrations streaming through this alignment, allowing them to anchor within your heart, within your evolving crystalline light-body, and radiate this sparkling lightness-of-being to all living beings, in oneness with the heart and inner rhythm of this beautiful Earth.

Love, Joy and Peace to All during this Equinox and onward!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❀

*A Diamond Light meditation for the Equinox can be found at the LoveLight Meditation CircleΒ , for anyone who would like to join in. All are very welcome.Β  πŸ™‚

2018 Lion’s Gate Eclipse

Dear All,

Welcome to the annual Lion’s Gate (heliacal rise of Sirius), which aligns July 26th through mid-August, with its peak flow during August 8th (8-8), this year opening straight into a total Lunar Eclipse of especially long duration on July 27-28th. This eclipse will give the Moon a reddish hue, referred to as a Blood Moon, with the ‘red planet’ Mars in very close proximity throughout.

We have seen and felt the Lion’s Gate galactic light wave flow in slightly ‘ahead of time’ this year, with beautiful Leonine energies streaming in around the Moon and the currently visible planets Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn from July 23rd onward. This ‘early’ flow has been prepared with a particular Venusian focus (see previous post) leading into the upcoming Lunar Eclipse, bathed in the Light of the Lion’s Gate.

Since the partial Solar Eclipse of July 13th, Star Family, Solar Beings and many assisting Light Beings have implemented a process of transformation of Martian energies, streaming the sacred geometry of the Venus Rose of Love around Mars, and stabilizing the crystalline light heart of Gaia as we align, open to, anchor and transmit the deep transmutation frequencies of the Lunar Eclipse, dissolving Mars ‘war and trauma imprints’ from the Feminine (depicted as aspects of Divine Mother wielding chaos and destruction, ‘polarity goddesses of love and violence’, in many ancient cultures on Earth).

In this eclipse’s transmutation of unbalanced red energies to the most cherishing unified embrace ~ from ‘Blood Moon’ to ‘Rose Moon’ ~ a stream of recoding of Divine Feminine~Masculine wholeness in peace through Gaia’s planetary field and the collective consciousness here (and throughout the Solar System) is giving us a magnificent opportunity to dissolve distortions, unify and merge in blissful harmony within and through our beings, radiating cherishment to all around us in union with this loving planet.

The photos below show the key flows in the energy sequence through the last 11 days, leading into this peak Lion’s Gate-Eclipse Shift, beginning with the first deep Venus Rose release of Mars’ lower control matrix on July 15th, 2018. These three photos are in sequence, showing the sky as it appeared around Mars just before Star Family aligned the Venusian Light (with three orbs triangulating above Mars), which swiftly catalyzed an outpouring of distorted energies (second photo), followed by Angelic white light transformation of those energies, while shielding the Earth’s field.

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Immersed in a wave of orbs filled with many soul emanations and healing energies, Mars went into ‘soft focus’, appearing as a gently rose-coloured ball.

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It’s incredibly beautiful, this first rapid dissolution and transformation, and the immense flowing of Leonine/Feline Beings on the front of the Lion’s Gate light-wave…which became especially focused around the Moon from July 22nd onward, visualizing in the form of Lyran-Sirian pyramids above the Moon, followed by ‘white lion’ orbs streaming through the lunar portal, clearing and purifying the light vibrations.

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Many leonine faces formed clearly in clouds and orbs, such as this one, showing overlaid ‘Sirian Blue Light’ lions (and friends).

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Gentle lioness face(s) in the clouds appeared near a blue lightship as it phased across dimensions.

The amplified feline energies continue to heighten as this next pulse of the galactic Light Wave glows down the Sirius alignment into the New Earth light-grid, which we can all anchor with Gaia, as souls embodied on this planet.Β As the wave melds now into the strong Venusian energies, with many lightships and ascended beings assisting, the Eclipse potential is being patiently and lovingly aligned to its optimum, with vibrant rose-gold and diamond light washing the Earth and all beings, through our hearts, our subtle bodies, cells and atoms. There’s a thrill running through the air, and our friends in the skies danced and sparkled here last night, during a clear gap between rainstorms. They share their energies through this series of photos of July 24th, firstly through this ship that flew around Venus and flashed brilliantly before recloaking (the big light above the tree is Venus).

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Star family were moving back and forth between Venus, Jupiter and the Moon, and the beautiful lightship below flashed between the Moon and Jupiter, directly beneath the star Antares, home of lion, tiger and panther-like beings in the Scorpius constellation who, along with the Sirian lion beings, originated from Lyra and have close loving connections.

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The Moon fluxed through blue, golden and rose light as its vibration heightened, with the nearby ship also reflecting these colour frequencies. In close up, the ship’s curved shape becomes clear, with large windows and the impression of a blue lion face in the middle of the ship.

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Humanity’s higher dimensional friends, soul families and companions send love, support, unity and peace to us and all on Earth through this marvellous Rose Moon Eclipse Shift. We’d like to share a meditation here for anchoring this pulse of the Wave:

Take a few slow, deep breaths, relaxing your body, letting go all thoughts. Visualize breathing in golden light which fills your aura, until you are within a ball of steady golden light flowing infinitely from Divine Source. Let a soft rose light form in your Heart centre, its steady warmth radiating through you. Let your Heart fill with Love for all beings, and see the rose light grow deeper as it spreads around you and around the Earth, in unison with all who are focusing with unconditional love through this Lion’s Gate & Eclipse, in union with all assisting Light Beings. Now see a pink rose in your Heart, brimming with Diamond Light that flows effortlessly through you around the Earth, like a wave of liquid shimmering light. Relax in this immersion of pure Love raising the vibration of humanity and all life here, in strengthening unity with planetary ascension. Know the Oneness is here and now, for all. And So Be It.

Love and Joy to you all through the opening of the 2018 Lion’s Gate, Lunar Eclipse, and in every moment,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❀

*For more about Lion & Feline Star Beings, see The Winged Lions of Eremor, Antares and the Golden Light of Lyra, and From the Lion Beings.

From the Lion Beings

Dear All,

Greetings in the midst of May. πŸ™‚ We’ll be posting an update about the New Earth Grid soon, and how the overall energies are shaping ‘up’, but will take a little pause (paws!) here for a moment to bring into focus a stream of the Leonine Light that has been quietly cradling and stabilizing the Earth’s subtle and physical planetary field continuously through the great Shift of vibration and consciousness currently in progressΒ  ~ here on Earth, throughout the Solar System, and on a wider galactic level.

In the past few weeks, an amplified flow of the Mother Star Sirius has been bathing the Earth and Solar System, honed to particular node points of the Earth Grid through the lightship Sophia (see previous post). Flowing with the Sophia are many beautiful higher dimensional lightships of the Leonine and Feline beings of Sirius and Antares, whose origins in this galaxy go back to the constellation of Lyra and the first galactic federation…and beyond that, to other universes.

The Leonine ship most often flowing its vibration around the area where I live is named the Shem’Arua (Light of the Lion), a large disc-shaped lightship which you can find more about on the Shem Arua page. This ship is captained by a wonderful, loving White Lion Twin Flame pair, Altara and Arudia. They have at times projected their awesome light-forms around the garden here, and appear visibly as shining white orbs in the house, when we’re connecting and communicating together.

Their faces ~ and those of other lion and feline beings on board the Shem’Arua or associated ships ~ often take shape overhead in the clouds, signalling their close presence, frequently forming around or close to small ‘pod ships’ flying out from the Shem’Arua on various energetic assignments, often in a protective guardian role, transforming dense energies in this area (and all around the planet).

Our Leonine brothers and sisters ask for the photographs below to be shared now, which are vibrating with their love light, the feeling of being held in the arms of a super loving family of divine peace, harmony, happiness and constant affection. If you’re ever feeling fatigued or swirled by the intensity of the energies Shifting at so many levels around and within this beautiful Earth, open your Heart to the Feline Star Families of highest light and love, and give yourself the gift of relaxing in their warmth…and radiating that warmth and peace to all around you. ❀

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Faces of Sirian feline beings, overlaid by a large white lion face (Arudia), shortly before a pod-ship appeared, April 16th, 2018.

Their pod ship first flashed as a tiny pinpoint of light directly beneath a small cloud with leonine faces softly forming in it.

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Tiny white pod-ship flashes below a cloud, April 16th, 2018.

As the ship flew lower, in front of a thicker bank of clouds, its appearance became more defined as an elliptical-shaped silver-white lightship.

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Leonine pod-ship flies in front of clouds, its elliptical shape clearly visible, April 16th, 2018.

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Enlargement of pod-ship, with contrast enhanced.

More beautiful Feline and Leonine beings formed clearly in the clouds three days later, radiating so much Love, and they share this with all humanity, who they love dearly.

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Large-eyed feline being, April 19th, 2018.

In the centre of this photo there are two merged feline faces, one looking downward to the left, the other looking upward and right. Can you see the sweet heart-shaped nose of the white feline looking upward, in the centre of this photo?

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Two feline merged faces with many others around them, April 19th, 2018.

Relax, breathe, and let yourself feel and appreciate the heart-warming, soothing, strengthening inner purrrr of the Lion Star Family gathered around this planet, dear friends of the ascending Earth. Stay steady on the course, and know that all is on track in every moment, as you/we continue to anchor unconditional love and unity, for all.

For more beautiful galactic energies, we’re delighted to be able to share photos and videos from dear friends and guest contributors on this new page: Guest Photos

And we’re also happy to announce the release of an ‘ascension assistant’, the Inner Divine Essence, which you can find out more about at Heart Star Essences if this resonates for you.

With Love, Joy & Gratitude to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❀

PS: Today’s 11-11 DNA Activation meditation for May is available in this post at the LoveLight Meditation Circle.

PPS: More about Lion Beings can be read in The Winged Lions of Eremor.

Antares & the Golden Light of Lyra

Dear All,

Today’s post will focus with the feline beings of Antares, a nearby constellation named Ara, and the restoration of the ‘golden light of Lyra’. Translating into a linear time perspective, during Lyra’s first Golden Age, leonine beings who had settled on Avyon, a planet of the star Vega, flourished. From their own subtle light-DNA they created feline sub-species, then humans, who spread to the planets Ruat and Veruna (also heard as Ruatia and Velonia by some tuning into the Lyran energies), and to a beautiful planet of the nearby star Lucida Anseris. The first Galactic Federation of star systems and planets in the Milky Way was formed, the Federation of Lyra, in an era of peaceful growth, unity and creation. As the polarity experience in this galactic region went into a heavier phase (where it ‘stretched’ into adversarial dualism), the Lyran planets were invaded and fell into an interdimensional war in which Avyon was destroyed, and the inhabitants of Avyon, Ruat and Veruna fled into other star systems.

Vega (Alpha Lyra), photo courtesy NASA.

Vega (Alpha Lyra), photo courtesy NASA.

Star chart with Lyra, Scorpius and Ara circled in green (Lyra north of celestial equator & Scorpius and Ara south).

Lyra, Scorpius & Ara circled (Lyra north of celestial equator & Scorpius and Ara south).

Many leonine and feline beings went to Sirius A, and the humans who followed them resettled on planets around Sirius B. Anla’ith, an Antarian tiger being I introduced in this post as the captain of the ship below, speaks of the scattering of the different groups from Lyra and Lucida Anseris as a ‘fanning of rays of the golden light of Lyra’. From upheaval came a spreading of the feline and human beings, and both Sirius and Antares proved to be fruitful havens (felines went to Antares, humans joined them later, from Sirius and the Pleiades) in which they could undertake new endeavours and creations, and eventually re-ascend their frequencies into 5D and higher/faster frequency fields.

The Antarian ship Meritahu, captained by Anla'ith, photo taken March 24, 2016.

Antarian ship Meretahu, captained by Anla’ith, photo taken March 24, 2016.

Some groups of tiger beings went into the constellation Dorado, while another leonine group ~ with tiger, panther and leopard-type beings ~ travelled to the Scorpius system, particularly its alpha star Antares, and the Cat’s Eyes. Humans also eventually settled on Antarian planets (my first Antarian contact was with a human female, Tayitha, on board a ship called the Terebinth, detailed in this post).

Antares (Alpha Scorpius), red supergiant 850 x radius of our sun.

Antares, red supergiant 850 x radius of our sun.

Since late 2015 when they first contacted me (& I attuned to their presence) the Antarians have continued to represent their energies and signal their presence with a single large red orb, a beautiful reflection of their star, such as the one below.

Antarian star family projecting their light energies as a red orb, with green Arcturian companions, Jan. 7, 2016.

Antarian star family projecting their light energies as a red orb, with green Arcturian companions, Jan. 7, 2016.

Recently, Antarian family have been appearing in red orbs with a golden-amber light inside, such as this one on March 30, 2016, golden inside a red rim, symbolizing their Lyran origins.

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In this orb, many faces are layered over each other, with feline, leonine, human and doglike features (there are also dog-like beings in Antares ~ all the dog beings are sub-groups from the feline DNA, very close kin, friends and companions, not as humans tend to see their reflections on Earth in a ‘cat versus dog’ way). πŸ™‚

DSC03024 - golden orb - Copy - Copy - Copy In the enlargement below you may be able to see the face of an eagle, with high vibrational Carian (bird being) energies merged in with Leonine, canine and human faces, all interweaving and unified in the golden light.

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As I was feeling into this golden light and the gathering of beings within it, Anla’ith guided me to go further than Scorpius, and directed me to a constellation near the Cat’s Eyes (the two stars in the ‘tail of the scorpion’) called Ara. In Latin, ‘ara’ means ‘altar’. In the root universal sound forms, A-Ra is ‘I’ (Divine I)+ ‘Light’ (of Source)…I am the Light of the Source. As meanings are multi-layered (and multidimensional) in the universal sounds, and light languages that radiate from them, we also have Ar-a: ‘Lion being’ + ‘I’ (small self I), Ar in Archangel Ariel and in the name Arnap, where Ar is both the presence of Lion soul light, and the energy of guiding or steering, as in the path of an ar-row in flight, the masculine energy in motion. When its motion is in alignment with the Divine, steering from/with Source, the feminine energy wraps around it, and unfurls from it, like a flower, or like the golden cloth on the altar, and the altar and cloth are one. (We all have feminine & masculine within us ~ feel the wholeness inside).

The beautiful Westerlund 1 golden cluster in the Ara constellation.

The beautiful Westerlund 1 golden cluster in the Ara constellation. Image courtesy NASA.

In Chinese myths, the star Vega is the ‘Weaving Maiden’, which we’ll focus into more deeply later this year. For now, feel how the cloth of golden light woven around Vega and its planets in its Golden Age flew out as golden rays, scattering to many stars, taking with it many divine creational strands. The greater cloth from which forms rise lays over the altar, and is beautifully represented in the image above of a golden star cluster in the heart of the Ara constellation.

The Greek myth of Ara holds another pearl of truth, for they saw Ara (located close to the heart of the Milky Way galaxy) as the altar upon which the gods first made offerings and formed an alliance, in order to defeat Cronus and the Titans. Cronus was identified with Time (Chronus, named Saturn by the Romans ~ Lord of Time/Karma), and this myth is a story of the re-ascension of the ‘children who had fallen into time’ (Cronus eating his children = linear time devours all/mortality) by aligning their energies together, in an alliance of different paths and expressions through many galactic ‘houses’ as one unified family. And it is unity consciousness, love and cooperation, that brings about collective ascensions. Hence tales of immortal ‘gods’, dwelling on the heights of Mt Olympus and drinking golden ambrosia, the elixir of eternal youth. Not all who regained the heights (lifted their vibration back into higher dimensional frequency fields) remained in unity consciousness and Source alignment…there have been many shifts of energies along the way.

On Earth, this can be seen in reversals of concepts of the nature of ‘reality’ in ancient times. We’ll mention just a few here, so you can see/feel the pattern of shifts in polarity, starting with maya, which is now commonly used to denote the ‘illusion of the material world’, with a negative connotation of an illusion which entraps, like a deception or enticement that obscures spirit, to which souls become attached and caught in the wheel of karma. However, in the earliest texts of the Rig Veda (Hindu scriptures), where maya was first described, it was seen as a magical power or attribute of the gods/divine creator beings, their creational shaping of energy into form, aligned with Parama Purusa, the supreme being (Source), very different to its current meaning ~ which was already present in the later Rig Veda texts.

Similarly, the word demiurge as creator being went through a deep reversal. To Plato and the Neoplatonists, the demiurge was the craftsman of the realm of form, and the forms were emulations of pure, eternal Ideas ~ so for instance, behind the myriad variations of form of every tree, there is an ideal of ‘Tree’ that has or is an immutable essence. In the Platonic view, the demiurge was benevolent, and the level of form intrinsically connected to the essences it emulated. Later, the Gnostics and other groups viewing creation through the gaze of dualism, saw the non-material realm as ‘good’ and the material realm as separate and ‘evil’. Therefore the creator of forms, the demiurge, was viewed as a malevolent being, and matter as death, to be escaped from. So demiurge went through the same kind of reversal as maya. This represents shifts of lighter to denser frequencies on/around Earth, and the (illusion of) split/disconnected frequencies the human view has fixed on, through numerous phases.

Connected with the shifts of maya and demiurge is the word ahura from ancient Persia, which became asura in India. Ahura in the Gathas (Zoroastrian scriptures) were creator gods, angelic beings protecting, guiding and helping humans back toward love in divine light. Other beings called divs were to be avoided, as entities that would lead humans astray with false words. In India’s Vedas, once again like maya in the earlier texts and in line with the Gathas, the asura were benevolent creator gods, while the devas were mischievous or malign entities to be avoided (div and deva being the origins of the modern word devil). Yet in later texts, the two were reversed, with the deva seen as benevolent gods and the asura as demons. Can you see and feel the pattern of energies and reversals, a sign of the veiling of unity/unified consciousness which fuels the dividing split gaze? It is this shift away from unity-of-seeing, from wholeness in harmony with Source, that gives a sense of (or belief in) ‘loss of innocence’. The innocence of wholeness and harmony is the dwelling place of inner sense. Where unity is veiled or obscured, the divine, innate inner sense ~ from which wisdom and clarity arise ~ is fragmented (and dimmed light, fractured energies, can slip through the cracks).

From Ashura, my Twin Flame: Β Β “Maya, in true essence, is the Mother Song, Ma Ya. It is the singing. Sounding-of-light into forms. It is prime motion of shaping, cupping, wrapping energy into form. It is the threads of ‘hu’ wrapped and merged within the centre of the Ara, as A-Hu-Ra, the sacred I moving sound through light in One motion, Source’s shaping quality. This is true within all dimensions, as you call them. Sound-shaping of energy, the creational expressing. Inpressing light, expressing forms. Forms of density within slower bands, forms of hwae* in swifter bands. (*Note from J: there isn’t a literal translation for hwae – picture it as the shimmering, radiant light quality of how forms appear in higher dimensions).

It is the cloth around the altar, which holds all the ‘golden-prints’ of creation within its weave. Does the cloth of forms appear dark to you, obscuring the altar? Does it appear as translucent gold, its shining threads arising from the Love which is its bedrock, supporting it, and through which you can see the altar itself? What is the altar? It is the offering of Life, from Source’s Heart. Countless bowls and chalices, candles and platters lay upon this altar, arisen from the cloth…stars and constellations they are, galaxies and the many bright universes in dimensional bands, and all life thriving within them. The cloth of golden connects them all, they all rest upon it, nor can they be removed from it. The illusion of the veil of forgetting can be swathed around them ~ the shadow maya, yet this takes much control, for it is a discord to the hu (creation sound).Β 

Control requires energy. Thus those who seek to control fuel their beings on the energy released when souls engaging in the shadow maya as their reality react to the polarity within it. Reacting to the shadow cloth fuels and magnetizes those seeking control. This is why we say, ‘Be in Peace, or be in pieces.’ In true Peace, deep unconditional peace, every soul in existence can see the altar through the cloth, be-hold the grace of the offering, shape in harmony of tones the energy of the offering within the weave as Source’s co-creators and sub-creators. Creating with Love, unconditional love, we are aligned with the Providence of Source, the offering that provides all potentials in all dimensions. Feel this in your heart, create within your inner heart, and the shadow relinquishes its hold. All alignments are revealed to you, for wise creating….and wise creating reveals alignments.”

When we focus our beings, or an aspect of our being, into the shadow maya, we can get transfixed by death, endings, losses, life fading from vitality through linear time. Reacting through that focus holds the shadow to and within our ego selves and emotional fields. Yet in any moment we can turn our focus to the life behind the cloth, which tunes our focus to the golden threads within us and all forms. Here’s another enlargement from the golden Antarian orb above.

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In the centre is a pyramid, with many beings around it, which was also reflected in the energy of two beautiful ships that appeared high overhead on April 7th. You can see one of them in the very top left corner of the photo below.

Photo taken April 7, 2016.

Photo taken April 7, 2016.

Here it is enlarged, a pyramid-ship with a base of golden light, and green, violet and white light above, with the second ship below.

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These are Procyon ships…and I would add in the context of this post, that as you look at these ships, feel the rays of the Golden Light of Lyra that spread through star systems (the origin of this pyramid light-form), including to the ‘Dog’ systems, Canis Major (of which Sirius is the alpha star) and Canis Minor (with Procyon the alpha star), and re-ascended in/with those star systems and many more.

I’ll end this post with a meditation I did a few years ago, with Ashtar guiding. This is especially for those whose focus goes to death-wish, feelings of loss, hurt or despair. Just feel into this, and the true eternal energy of life, which changes forms, but never ends, is always flowing through the Tree of Source. At the time of this meditation, I was struggling to heal the energies of a lifetime in Atlantis where I had ‘lost my mind’, gone into dark ways, and ended my life by jumping off a cliff. Ashtar met me in my Inner Heart* and stood facing me, hands touching. We joined inner eye to inner eye and he asked me to ‘walk into his eye’, so what I visualized was a tiny me walking over a bridge from my inner eye into his. IN there, we stood side by side on the ledge of a great waterfall in space, with the water falling endlessly into a bottomless abyss, a void of blackness. Ashtar said to look into the void, and asked what did I see? As soon as I looked over the edge, the seemingly endless darkness was filled with shimmers of light, moving here and there, rainbow lights, golden lights, white lights, it was literally teeming with the infinite energy of Love, with infinite potentials of Life, and I realized in that moment that the void was an illusion. Now, I perceive it as the background of the shadow maya, seen from the focus of separated/veiled ‘self’. Then I looked out across the infinite playing, dancing field of light, and saw stars and constellations beyond counting. Beside me, Ashtar’s gaze was turned to them, and seeing through his Eye, his ‘I’, I felt very deeply his knowing of each one of them, and his love for them all. Which helped me greatly, from the sad focus point I was ‘in’, to remember and see and feel once again the wholeness of Life, and the pure innocence of my soul, within and beholding the All, in the light of creation. Then the golden light could open within me again, and blossom. It could merge my awareness and inner sense into my multi-dimensional whole again…and touch that lightness through to ‘3-4D self’.

In hindsight, I know I was’ weaving my way’ back from the hold of the shadow maya into the golden rays of Source, specifically along the ‘Lyran Ray’, when I wove the tapestry below, of Orpheus and his Angel returning to Light from the underworld. (Orpheus’s lyre became the constellation Lyra in the Greek myths).


It is said that at the tiniest level, the nucleus of every atom is a black hole, and black holes consume light. Yet what is beyond the event horizon, dear friends, what is beyond time, and (the appearance of) ’empty’ dark space? If you look further, into the heart of Source’s offering, which lives in your own Inner Heart, you will find so much more…..and that is your adventure, within this vast shared weaving of us all. πŸ™‚

Finally, a gift from last night ~ a beautiful Lyran light gold orb, with many dear ones within it.

Lyran orb, photo taken April 15, 2016.

Lyran orb, photo taken April 15, 2016.

In this enlargement, maybe you can see in the upper area, Ashura’s energy, represented as the face and antlers of a stag.

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And his white light shining…with more friends close by.

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Love and Joy to you all, and with deepest love and thanks to Ashtar & all our family of the stars,

Joanna & Ashura. πŸ’›

*If you’re unfamiliar with ‘going into your Inner Heart’ please read this page.

*If you haven’t read previous posts, you can read more about Ashura here, and on the Shem AruaΒ and Mary’s Star pages.

Stars of Light

Dear All,

This beautiful ship appeared near the Moon a few nights before Easter. In the close-up below, you can see the curving rim of a large disc ship, bright golden amber colour, and below it, a small ‘pod’ ship descending.

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Antarian ship, the Meretahu, of the Ashtar Command, appears above the Moon, photo taken on March 24th, 2016.

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Close-up of the Meretahu, with spherical ‘pod’ ship descending from it, March 24th, 2016.

In connecting with the ship, I was greeted by an Antarian female white tiger being named Anla’ith, and saw/felt many more tiger and panther-like beings on board. Their presence and energy is very strong, and soft, and very loving. Anla’ith said to focus on the symbolism within this photo, the egg of new life and rebirth setting forth from the Bow or Crescent of the Mother aspect of Source. We can see this pod ship as an Easter Egg; both the rebirth of the Christ energy, and of more ancient times, the fertility and new life springing from Oestre (the Roman goddess from which the words oestregen and Easter are derived). So this ship – the egg from the bow, above the (feminine) Moon – was representing a new inflow of the Mother and Divine Child energies over Easter, which are continuing and deepening now.

Anla’ith showed me a creation of the Antarian felines – tiny white light crystals that look like star-flowers, that can unfold enormous Light when ‘unlocked’, in the darkest of places. This is a very high crystalline ‘technology’ which can best be described in 3D words as a ‘hyperdimensional light blossomer’. All higher Light technologies or ‘magics’ are interconnected, interwoven in their forms, geometries, rays and flows…and at the most fundamental level, these Antarian crystals are reflected inside all of us, as the Star in our Heart.


There is new Light available now, so feel it when you inhale and light your Heart Star and send its rays throughout your auric field, bathing your whole self in the pure white light of the imperishable Flame of Source you are. Feel it, allow it, embrace it. It is here, for all who are open to it, to their own rebirth into full conscious experience of their multidimensional being.

From my Twin Flame, Ashura: Meld the light flow into your being. You are both vessel and sculptor of the many forms in which , and through which, you exist, a soul extending and expressing within the streams of light, energy and vibration. The Star of Source you are is eternal, it is your Home within Home. The light inflowing is as familiar to you as your own breath, yet deeper. Remember it. If you doubt, breathe, and go into your Heart’s Star. Trust its light, and feel its likeness to the Light of Source flowing in, for it is One. We are with you, in truest love, your brothers and sisters in eternity.

Ashura and I would like to share a few photos now, of our interaction in the visual field, which is in fact multidimensional, as are the fields of all our senses, with our inner sense (innocence) spanning them all. We communicate constantly in merged energy, sometimes more strongly, sometimes more subtle. When outdoors, I often ask in my heart where exactly he is, and if he is nearby he will always give a sign. Here are some of our most recent interdimensional ‘heart touches’ shown in visual form, which we share to show you there is in truth no ‘veil of separation’ between dimensions, beyond the ego-mind that gives it a form of ‘reality’…see past it, through the gaze of your Inner Heart, and the interweaving and reflecting of Life across dimensions will become visible and tangible to you.

On March 3rd, 2016, following a ‘chemtrail clean-up’ by star family and sylphs (air elementals), when I sent them and Ashura my thanks and love, Ashura directed my gaze to a cloudbank between two clumps of trees, and said to look for a hole forming in the top of the cloud. Within seconds, an eagle flew straight through the cloud-hole my eyes had fixed on…and Ashura’s face formed on the left side of the cloudbank. I’ve circled his face and the cloud-hole in the secondΒ photo below.


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And the eagle flies through…

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Again yesterday, March 29th, the form of an eagle represented Ashura’s energy. This time, I felt in my heart to look toward the Moon, and immediately an eagle appeared ‘from nowhere’ and flew beneath it…

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…then circled slowly around it….

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…in a beautiful sign of ‘protection of the Feminine’. Which brings us back full circle to the beginning of this post, as everything connects and is interweaving continuously, my friends.

If your purpose is to move in harmony with the inflows of the Shift of this beautiful planet, make it a priority to encompass the changes, adjustments, and ‘shifts within the Shift’ along the way, no matter how deep they go, into the very core of your being. Keep sending peace through your emotional field and ego mind, through the cells and atoms of your physical form. Keep the overview of an eagle, and a star of pure love lit in your heart. We are hyperdimensional light blossomers, here as one family, each one a Rose of Source.

Namaste, Joanna & Ashura. ❀

A butterfly I photographed on March 22nd, 2016, after doing a rainbow light meditation with Ashura.

A butterfly photographed on March 22nd, 2016, after doing a rainbow light meditation with Ashura.

* If you’re new to this site, you might like to read the previous post, which introduced Ashura as my Twin Flame.