March Equinox 2019

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A pair of golden lightships flash either side of the star Canopus, March 18th 2019.

Dear All,

We’re fast approaching the next highly enhanced vibrational alignment of 2019, with the Equinox of March 20th-21st, depending on your timezone, coinciding with a Full Supermoon (a Full Moon at perigee, the moon at its closest to Earth within its orbit, which heightens its vibrational effects), teamed with the passage of a ‘house-sized’ asteroid inside the Moon’s orbit on March 22nd, which we hear is small but power-packed…and in higher dimensions, directing a specific catalyst energetic along the wave of Equinox-Full Moon light frequencies.

Flowing on from the transformation of energies within the Elysian Cross detailed in the previous post, there’s been a steady stream of triune higher dimensional Light from the stellar trinity of the Southern Cross, Diamond Cross and Elysian Cross, augmenting the ‘triple helix’ vibration that is part of the planetary ascension’s higher energy convergence, being successfully anchored, and opening the way for ‘unplugging’, flushing and uplifting another succession of node points and meridian flow-lines within and around the Earth, in both northern and southern hemispheres via specific ‘mirror nodes’ that reflect vibrationally to/with each other.

Flushing and washing out heavy energy pockets on the etheric levels (4D) translates through to 3D as clearings of the water element planet-wide, converting fear-based vibrations to love and grace within the ‘memory capacity of water’, from the oceans and snows to the water within trees, animals and our own cells, with the assistance and beneficial upliftment of the water elemental beings.

This translation reflected beautifully through a gentle rain shower here on March 12th, where faces appeared in every raindrop. The smiling blue faces in the droplets below are connected with the small blue beings of the Canopan planet Erra’mu (see previous post), who cherish their role of guardianship of the waters on their 5D homeworld (Erra’mu and Gaia are sister-brother planetary souls, with direct ‘quantum resonance’; the stabilization of Erra’mu in 5D vibrations reverberates continuously to Gaia and through the Earth’s light-grids).

The Erra’mu~Gaia relationship can be seen in the softly radiating orb below that appeared on March 14th, above the star Canopus (with the diamond shape of the Elysian Cross asterism to the lower left), revealing the smiling dolphin-like face of a blue-green being sending a loving greeting to Earth!

Through the day and night of March 15th, control-oriented factions attempted to veil the Elysian Cross transmissions from reaching the Earth’s vibrational field with a layer of interference frequencies. While not visible in 3D, this layer appeared in photos as a sort of vaporous smog centered around the Elysian Cross. In the photos below, the subtle presence of three large orbs can be seen gathering in trinity-triangle formation in front of the Cross, within the smog (Canopus is the star at the right). Then a large Angelic Light orb appeared to the left of the Cross, almost touching it. Following this, the lower astral intensity eased, the smog dissipated, and the light frequencies continued flowing through to the Earth.

By March 18th, star family and Agarthan friends of the 5D Inner Earth realms had stabilized the higher alignment of many nodes, including a cluster in eastern Australia which were generating lower 4D vortex energies and are now settling and refreshing in golden light (for readers in Sydney, a major storm over the city on March 14-15th was a 3D reverberation of the opening and flushing of distorted nodes further inland. There were attempts to amplify the storm to a destructive level, but star family lightships eased the energies, and by the early hours of Friday, the severe storm alert had been cancelled). Wonderful to see/feel the crystalline light grids in those areas and others beginning to flow more freely!

Energies are now steadily lifting toward this Equinox-Full Moon-asteroid peak light moment, heralded by the appearance of lightships yesterday afternoon, flashing white light from behind or next to clouds, such as this one that popped out to the right of a small cloud formation.

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Silver-white ship flashes to the right of a cloud, March 18th 2019.

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In the evening, two lightships flew fully visible, very high up in the sky, one after the other, from close to Sirius, passing southward toward Canopus, then curving into the Elysian Cross. The first ship appeared as a white light, and the second a golden-orange colour. Sirius felt highly-charged, and you can see in this soft focus photo of the star, a shining white whale-like form/energy in the centre, surrounded by leonine, feline and human-like faces in vibrant blue and aqua light vibrations.

The second golden-orange lightship (of feline and human Antarian beings) radiated the orb below, just as it flew into the Elysian Cross within a halo of peachy-gold and ruby light.

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Bright golden-orange orb flashes, projected by a ship of the same colour as it flew into the Elysian Cross (upper left) and disappeared from view, March 18th 2019.

Many assisting light beings and high energies are in close focus around the Earth coming into this Equinox alignment, and the lightships below radiate Lyran, Venusian, Sirian, Antarian and Canopan energies…along with many loving ones of the higher dimensional ships and soul groups dedicated to galactic ascension and so much more. These beautiful ships below both gave ‘slow blinks’ close to Canopus and Sirius.

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Disc-shaped ship of soft pinks, green and violet light flashes  upper left of Canopus, March 18th 2019.

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This clear, luminous golden and violet dome-shaped ship followed in quick succession, flashing close to Sirius, and emanating Venusian, Sirian & Lyran vibrations.

Energies intensified around the Elysian Cross, and were ‘washed clean’, with this huge ‘Antarian tiger-being orb’ appearing close to the Cross, with a ship flashing directly beneath it, among several waves of light beings flowing through and doing some deep clearing of heavy energy residues around the area.

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Golden-red Antarian orb of tiger being soul vibrations hovers above a ship next to the Elysian Cross, clearing shadow energies (representing here as small dark grey orbs), March 18th 2019.

March 17-18th on a planetary level saw a 24 hour ‘unexplained white out’ on the Schumann Resonance scale (measureing extremely low frequency electromagnetic resonances of the Earth), graphically recorded like this:


While variations in this scale can have many contributing factors (lightning, cosmic rays, solar flares, shifts through the photon belt), the timing of this one coincides with a starburst of crystalline light from within the planet itself, Gaia’s heart radiating through the planetary meridians/chi flow lines, nodes and energy field. So beautiful to see! This radiance vibrates through every living thing, every particle in and around the Earth, also touching the Moon’s vibrational field.

On March 18th, in the northern sky the Moon shone pale gold here, between clouds that swirled into many faces and forms that symbolized a lot of human collective ‘psychic shadows’ connected to the Moon, and bright white light focused through Angelic energies that came in to clear the shadows and dissolve tethers. That light pooled firstly through these orbs.

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The Angel Light (Archangel Gabriel’s ‘white ray’ emanation) can be seen wrapped around the Moon in the photo below; purifying light blossomed around the Moon like unfolded wings, dislodging a lower 4D ship/device of which you can see the lower rim from behind a cloud to the right (with a face formed in the cloud below it).

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This device was part of a network associated with subconscious addiction patterns, which the stream of ‘habit release’ light frequencies flowing from the rebirthed Elysian Cross has now opened the way to transform and dissolve completely. Clearing is happening on multiple levels right now, Earthly, Solar System and galactically, and our support teams and soul expressions of many dimensions are quick/instant to take advantage of every moment (as together we co-create opportunities and open brilliant new possibilities).  🙂

So as we flow into the vibrations of Equinox and Full Moon, just feel the exceptionally heightened pure vibration that Asteroid 2019 EA2 will be zooming through on March 21st-22nd between the Earth and the Moon’s orbits, which gives it a particular attribute of ‘diamond light ignition’ from a higher dimensional perspective.


Orbit of Asteroid 2019 EA2 on March 21-22 2019, image credit: The Watchers

Star family send this message for the Equinox potential, that to fully receive and anchor this diamond light into our beings, and particularly into our earthly embodiments, to be aware of the crystalline qualities within our physical bodies, as all crystal structures naturally receive, store, and transmit frequencies. Crystals all around and within the planet are vibrating higher as the overall planetary vibration lifts, and the higher dimensional crystalline light-grid and New Earth grid as a whole continues to ‘come online’.

Our bodies are filled with crystalline structures; calcium phosphate crystals give our bones hardness and strength, calcite crystals bedded in viscous fluid within our inner ears regulate balance, our tooth enamel is almost entirely composed of apatite micro-crystals, crystals are floating around in our body fluids and organs. When crystals are exposed to dissonant, jarring vibrations, they form in distorted ways, such as crystals associated with joint or organ inflammatory conditions. When crystals are exposed to unconditional love, joy and peaceful vibrations, they naturally grow and align in harmonious patterns, storing and radiating those beautiful frequencies throughout our bodies, just as they are doing within the Earth, the oceans, and all living beings. So it is suggested that we bring our loving focus into the crystalline aspects of our physicality, and visualize (or hold the intention of) diamond white light flowing into them, pooling within them, igniting reception of higher dimensional crystalline light, in natural ease and equilibrium during this Equinox…and beyond.

Throughout this last week, pillars of white light have appeared in my dreams in particular ways and locations, as well as in the skies, showing through as vertical cloud pillars like this one on March 18th, sometimes several times a day.

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Cloud ‘light pillar’ formation, March 18th 2019.

The ‘light pillars’ we all are in every moment, are enhanced through the next few days, so give yourself the gift of opening to the high vibrations streaming through this alignment, allowing them to anchor within your heart, within your evolving crystalline light-body, and radiate this sparkling lightness-of-being to all living beings, in oneness with the heart and inner rhythm of this beautiful Earth.

Love, Joy and Peace to All during this Equinox and onward!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*A Diamond Light meditation for the Equinox can be found at the LoveLight Meditation Circle , for anyone who would like to join in. All are very welcome.  🙂

Post-11:11 Gate to Supermoon

Dear All,

With the closest full moon since 1948 (known as a ‘supermoon’) on November 13-14th 2016, we’ll start with a follow-up to the previous post about the 11:11 ‘Gate’, which saw a high peaking of ‘rose-gold light’ around the Earth. From a higher dimensional view, the Sun has shone this light through, the Moon has reflected it, the lunar portal has flowed in connection with Venus energies and beings. The rose-gold light theme showed through during the preceding week in Venusian/Hathorian ships of that colour (see previous post), with orb and lightship alignments to Venus and the Moon. The day after posting about the 11:11 Rose-Gold Gate, the sky here was thick with smoke, through which the Sun appeared with unusual rays tinged rose-gold.

Sun appeared 'rose-gold-rayed' through smoke on November 4th, 2016.

The Sun appeared ‘rose-gold-rayed’ through smoke on November 4th, 2016.

This spectacular Sun was followed a few days later by an equally unusual and beautiful daytime Moon. I was ‘called’ outside, to see an Eagle hovering over the house. Hawks pass over quite often, but Eagles only a few times a year, and they are always a signal to ‘look up’ and connect with star family. Here is the Moon on the afternoon of November 7th, with the Eagle flying nearby.

Eagle and Moon, November 7th, 2016.

Eagle flying to the left of the Moon, November 7th, 2016.

As it circled, four ‘cloud pillars’ formed under its path, reaching upward in the clouds.

Cloud pillars form beneath the Eagle, November 7th, 2016.

Cloud pillars form beneath the Eagle, November 7th, 2016.

Here’s the Eagle hovering above the most upright pillar, representing star family guiding/protecting the rise of the White Flame of Ascension.

Eagle above white cloud pillar, November 7th, 2016.

Eagle above white cloud pillar, November 7th, 2016.

A pair of hawks also appeared and circled around the four pillars, then the Moon went to a pink tint, like a white crescent cup containing rose light.

Moon turns pink inside, November 7th, 2016.

Moon turns pink inside, November 7th, 2016.

As you can see/feel, the symbolism running up to the ‘rose-gold peak’ on November 11th was visually precise and beautiful, and continued the next night with these two lovely orbs of rose and peachy-gold, with many light beings present in and around them.

Our specific focus point on the 11:11, clearing and re-lighting an ancient blocked vortex (ley line node) to the Light, flowed so well, and our love and gratitude go to everyone who held a focus of rose-gold light enfolding the Earth leading up to and on November 11th. Thank you all! ❤

The completion of this particular clearing symbolized beautifully again in the sky on the following day, November 12th….where we can see the process of cleansing/releasing/transmuting the density of the ‘veil’ around the planet, for again the sky was wreathed in smoke. I went outside and connected with several ships directly overhead. You can see the clearest of them in the enlargement below, its disc outlined in the smoke.


Layers of smoke in the sky overhead, November 12th, 2016.


Enlargement, contrast enhanced, showing a disc-shaped ship in centre, November 12th 2016.

Although this was the middle of the day, not sunset, the smoky layers mixed with clouds began to turn pink.


Then the veil of murk peeled away from in front of the Sun, and this photo really shows the dynamic of the energies at work. Within a couple of hours, the entire sky was clear and blue, not a cloud or wisp of smoke left, as it completely dissipated, layer by layer.


So feel this on a personal, planetary and collective level: is your gaze – your perspective, thoughts and emotions – turned to, clouded by, the smoke-screen of the Veil, the smoke and mirrors games being acted out in the duality drama, whether in your individual, group or collective ‘reality’? Are you attuned to the light of Universal Love, which can appear to be ‘screened out’ from view or touch, ruffled or disrupted by fear-based energies…yet is always present in the soul spark seated within your Inner Heart? If your heart star is shining through your BEing fully, you will feel it in your ‘earthly self’ as joy, well-being, peace, softness, inspiration, ease of connectedness, no matter what is going on around you. Personally, I did quite a bit of transmuting of a little ‘tremor’ that surfaced from a deep subconscious level last week…bathing in the rose-gold light, in the rays of Divine Love, until it all cleared. The rose-gold light has ‘bedded in’ now, and can be visualized (see meditation in previous post) and held in and around you, with the intention of transmuting any little dark clouds or smoke wisps in your own energy field. It truly is a joyful, warm and deeply comforting light, an embrace of Source in the expression of Divine Mother holding Divine Child.

Now, at this moment of Full Moon, tune into the Mother Rose energy, and we suggest holding an image of the Fruit of Life in your heart centre, while tuning to the sphere of this Moon.


Feel your heart centre as the zero-point, through which the ’13th Sphere’ (Mother energy) flows as a rebirthing, into a new spiral that goes beyond the frequency level of ‘polarizing’ into ‘merging’. Connect with this ‘flow of the Rose’ through the higher dimensional lunar ‘portal’. This is how the Supermoon appeared from here last night, radiant and rose-ringed, with a slight ‘crescent’ or ‘cow-horned’ light refraction above.


Rose-ringed Supermoon, November 13th, 2016.

We’ll write more soon about the Hathors (‘Hathor’ was depicted as a Cow-headed goddess in ancient Egypt), their connection with Immara/Isis and her lightship, the Sophia, with Venus and the stars within the Taurus constellation, as their presence is touching the Earth again now more deeply than for a ‘long time’…along with so many soul families and groups of pure Love.

We would also like to give a heads-up (or ‘hearts-up’) for November 22, as the Rose Cross form of the ’22’ as double infinity energy is particularly strong this month, within the ‘rose-gold theme’ light flow.



Love, Peace and Joy to you all. Namaste,

Joanna & Ashura ❤