November 2018 Energy Shifts

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Four ships (Ashtar Command) form a straight line around a faint star (Capella, in the middle between them) in an ’11-11 greeting’ on the night of November 11th 2018, symbolizing a successful aligning of higher light to/around the Earth through that energetic Gateway. Love & gratitude to everyone ‘above’ and on Earth who focused with aligning and anchoring the Light in, on and around the planet during the 11-11-11, and in any moment.  🙂

Dear All,

As with every energetic Gateway this year, high light frequencies have continued pouring through the New Earth grid since the 11-11-11 alignment, toward a course adjustment of the overall planetary Shift that came into alignment during November 22nd, into the Full Moon energies of the 23rd, still flowing deeply in confluence with (and vibrationally connected to) shifts happening within the Solar System and wider galactic context.

From the local to galactic level, star family have been/are engaged in multiple focuses that can be seen and felt (see the photos below) as distinct, precise energetic stabilizations, clearings, catalysts, uplifts and refinements, but which are all interwoven in terms of multidimensional reverberation, frequency flows and template co-creations within the overall galactic ascension…at this moment involving the Earth and Moon, Mars and Orion, Sirius, Venus and the Pleiades, Canopus and Achernar, and many more. We’ll focus here with the Moon, Mars and the adjustments at Orion, and return to the Venusian-Pleiadian light flows very soon….as it’s all concurrent and wholly connected. Whatever might be going on for you right now, dear universal beings embodied on Earth, breathe deeply, stay in your heart, and trust the rebirthing energies flowing through all dimensions of life.  ❤

The sequence of lightship alignments and orbs shared below came through November 11-18th as a representation of an immense week of shifts, clearings and re(newed)-alignments. Following the straight line of ships around Capella, alpha star of Auriga, the Charioteer constellation (where there’s a major Ashtar Command centre on the beautiful planet Arina) pictured at the top of this post, many orbs appeared around Mars, lighting and preparing energies for the next major transformation of that planet’s lower astral grid through to resurrection of its original Light.

Two of the orbs circling Mars during the 11-11-11 energies, blue and green-purple.

On the night of November 13th, there was a lot of energy around the Moon, with dancing, flickering lights, before an orb positioned in line with it, and a white lightship flashed close above the Moon. In the enlargement below, a green feline face is visible within the orb, ringed in white and rose light.

As on November 11th, lightships again stationed in straight alignments, this time around the Moon, in a group of three. This family of ships moved together in a graceful choreography, first above then below the Moon, purifying and stabilizing the Earth-Moon higher light-grid through the triune/trinity vibrations. ‘The angles of angels’ in motion.  🙂

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Two nights later on November 15th the sky filled with high energies, swirls of orbs moving in huge spirals, like spiral galaxies full of the lights of diverse soul groups and collectives, with creamy peach and rose-white particularly prominent among all the colours of the rainbow.

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Large shimmering orbs showed in many photos with small orbs connected, embraced within them, or floating close by…with the smaller orbs often showing facial features of beings hailing from the soul collectives projecting their light through the large orbs beside them.

The soul connection can be seen clearly in the photo below, with a green faced, white-haired being visible within the small orb coming forward into clarity from the large soft green orb above/behind.

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These are some of the beautiful ‘rainbow’ of soul groups streaming their light together that night, many vibrations and qualities of love.

Later in the night, as the interweaving light flows quietened, this is how Mars appeared, just upper right of the Moon. So very beautiful and providential to see the face of Aris (planetary soul of Mars) calm and peaceful, in soft peach-rose light (deeply connected with a high flow since the 11-11-11 gateway of the ‘Tenth Ray‘, pearlescent rose-white ray of unification in Peace, soft, gentle integration of Divine Love).

On November 16th, our ‘trinity friends’ formed another straight line, this time directly toward the Moon, with Mars (the bright light lower left of the Moon) in-between…holding the alignment steady with Mars’ transformed energy, in preparation for the ascending course adjustment coming into convergence from November 22nd (and with us/within us now, bringing through a planetary reset).

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This opening and renewing of Mars’ heart vibration is both connected with, and contingent upon, shifts happening out at Orion, which are complex and energetically connected to the control-grid involving Mars, Earth and their moons. Star family gave this image of ships forming a line (or slight arc, the arc of Arcturus/Arcturian ships) to the star Saiph. Along with Rigel and the stars of Orion’s Belt, Saiph went through profound vibrational upliftments (from an Earth-time perspective, this was during late 2016 into early 2017, see this post), but had swayed into ‘not so safe’, with beings there applying pressure to the two outer stars of Orion’s Belt. So the ships in the photo below sent a precise message of realignment of the energies of Orion’s Belt by ‘safe-guarding Saiph’, in yet another line-up of three, this time Christing the energy field of a star.

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Two Arcturian ships position in a line/arc to the star Saiph, forming a ‘mirror Orion’s Belt’ while they re-light  and secure Saiph’s vibrational field (to readers in the northern hemisphere, Orion appears the other way up), November 16, 2018.

Reflecting into to our local region, a large bow-ship (of Arcturian origin, also with many Pleiadians on board, whose soul vibration can be felt through the big blue-violet orb below) was beautifully visible beside the Moon for about five minutes, with Mars low down, just above the treetops.

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A white spherical lightship joined them, hovering above the Moon in straight alignment to Mars.

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The energies felt steady and very peaceful, as the bow-ship slowly shifted its angle while holding its position, relative to the Moon and Mars.

A high light purification flowed around and through the Moon on November 18th, wonderfully reflected in the ‘moon ascended upon a summit of light’, which Gaia received through a number of tall mountain peaks around her Earthly body, with diamond light pillars streaming into the high places of this beautiful planet (you can slightly see one of these light pillars coming down to the right of the Moon).

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Here are the shifts of energies that took place, anchored through the mountains (along with specific pyramids within the global pyramid network), just feel the sequence of removal of lower astral entities and imprints, and in the lower two photos, a big white-blue ship becoming visible from behind the Moon, cradling it, holding it steady, then when it is secure, floating forward in the colour vibrations of healing green and peaceful aqua blue merged as soft blue-green.

As this next ‘ascension adjustment’ rolls through the planetary energy field and grids old and new, flow freely with the light of this reset…breathe, let go, be free in Love…breathe in peace, breathe out peace…feel the light pillar of pure transformation you are, shining and radiating through the compressed density. Reaffirm the whole is Shifting, flowing, rebirthing, and let the joy of knowing this anchor ever deeper through your being. Trust the process, guided through the heart of all creation and its inherent unity:

We are the Unifying Ray of Peace, deep and eternal, radiating the lightest touch, the simplicity of Infinite Love, serenely weaving through our beings, every atom, molecule and cell, through every vibration within the collective consciousness and energy field of beloved Gaia and beyond, with Love for All.  And So BE It.

With Love & Gratitude, and waves of light, joy and steadiness flowing from starry family and friends to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*There’s a Tenth Ray meditation posted today at the LoveLight Circle for this Sunday (and like all the meditations there, it can be used anytime that feels good to you).

The Crystal Connection

Dear All,

Today we’d like to focus with crystals, the Crystal Soul Collective and specific crystal groups within the Whole currently in heightened focus with Gaia’s planetary ascension process, how to optimally work with crystals, and all of this in relation to the high vibrational 11-11-11 Gateway now coming into alignment!

In the previous post, we mentioned that the crystals within and around the Earth have been amplifying vibrationally, and this increase is in natural flow with the continuous upliftment of the planetary (and Solar System) vibrational field ~ its overall background love-light quotient ~ as the Shift in frequency/consciousness deepens, and its effects pervade the subtler consciousness and structural stratas of life, a ‘high tide’ wave gradually seeping through the currently somewhat turbulent 4D-3D density layers, vibrating remembrance, the eternal immanence, of the infinite universal Love underpinning all creation, expressing through it. Within this wave, the higher dimensional Crystal Soul Collective translating its energies into 3D perception through the Earth’s crystalline qualities, brings many loving service attributes through the storage, transmission and amplification capacities of crystals.

Crystals holding 3D forms are inherently imbued with higher dimensional vibrations (as are the crystalline structures within all life) and when approached with unconditional love, align effortlessly with higher dimensional realms (including direct alignments with Core Crystals within lightships) and with loving human intentions and focus. The crystalline properties within physicality, within our earthly bodies, vibrate naturally with, toward and into what is known and experienced as the ‘crystalline light body’ state of 5D, as those properties increasingly activate from latency into their full vibrant ability for holding renewed ‘goldenprint of life’ frequencies, amplifying through love, transmitting fully loving consciousness through all aspects of soul embodiment.

Coming into October 2018, the Crystal Soul Collective focusing and journeying with Gaia’s ascension (the planet’s return to a unified higher vibrational expression) anchored and flowed an immense stream of blue-green light connected with freeing the Divine Inner Child presence within humanity and throughout the Earth light-grids, which expressed through to 3D form in the crystalline vibrations of Green Flourite, Green Aventurine and Aquamarine in particular. Coming into November, the Divine Child energy, in harmony and convergence with the New Earth Grid (the Earth’s meridian network that circulates chi/life energy through and around the planetary field, combined with the crystalline heart grid and unity consciousness grid) is being anchored, imprinted and established more deeply into the collective consciousness field ~ peaking through the 11-11-11 Gateway (11th day of the 11th month of an 11 year, where 2+0+1+8=11), then facilitating major Light inflows later in November and December.

Guidance coming into this Gateway shows the Twin Pillars of the 11 within/as rays of Golden and Blue Light, through which the pearlescent soft Rose-White Peace Light of the Tenth Ray flows and centres.  Many crystals in the green and blue hues have been gathered in the nodes in the garden here (nodes are crossing points of meridian flow lines, here on a long meridian running north-south through the Darling Range in Western Australia, crossing one of the major flow lines that streams like a sine wave around the planet, called the Belinus Line where it has been mapped in Britain). As November came in, so has a stream of crystals in blue and golden vibrations, and their energies flow through the photos below, if you’d like to connect with them. (You don’t need a garden or nodes to work with crystals and sacred geometric patterns, you can always set up a sacred crystal love-node, whether small or large scale, in your home as a crystalline light anchorpoint).  🙂

When we bring a loving, open heart into honouring and co-creating with the Crystal Collective(s), they are joyously willing and able to connect and stream their wonderful array of high vibrational qualities through the crystals they overlight, merging and melding with our intentions…so always come to crystals with pure love, aligning your energies to serve the Whole, for the well-being of All. Also, rather than viewing a crystal as a passive vessel we’re imbuing our will and intention into, when coming from the heart we can feel our role as facilitating the Light of the Crystal Soul Collective to focus, expand and express in optimal ways for Gaia and all life here, in confluence with the ascending frequencies, in unity with us and all beings of goodwill.

Crystals can store, anchor, lift and shift vibrations, and as an example, the beautiful lemon citrine pictured above and below with ‘blue-green friends’ arrived as a totally clear light yellow colour, then within two days in a node, formed translucent bands of soft, wispy aqua and green as it connected and embraced the blue-green energies being anchored and transmitted powerfully through October via the green flourite, aventurine and aquamarine crystals gathered in the node’s centre. Then as the energies began to shift in preparation for the deep blue and gold light flow aligning through the 11-11-11, sky blue and deep blue light could be seen swirling within the citrine, concentrating into its hexagonal tip (the photos are unaltered, colour as it appeared).

This metamorphosing citrine arrived just before a crystal pillar blending aqua and golden hues together, an aquamarine and heliodor ‘wand’ from eastern Siberia, carrying vibrational imprints from that region (and further north, the Arctic circle), of an era almost completely forgotten by humanity at a conscious level, very slightly represented in ancient Greek myths as a fabled northern immortal realm of ‘Hyperborea’ (‘over/beyond the north’).

We’ll go into this in more detail soon, but for now, I’d like to share that while meditating with this Siberian crystal, many visions came through of that vibrational realm, and a period millions of years ago in linear time that lived on within it, with specific qualities associated at the physical level with the attributes of RNA (if you haven’t much about RNA, there’s a scientific hypothesis that an ‘RNA world’ of life based on mutable, metamorphic attributes preceded the DNA helix lattice stage which holds information in fixed, stabilized forms; see this post and this article).

This mutable, transforming quality is an inherent aspect of raising/changing the subtle and physical layers of the planetary body and all life forms traversing this Shift….and in relation to the aquamarine-heliodor wand pictured below, merging blue, gold and green light frequencies within its structure, holding it while sleeping, I dreamed of shapeshifting beings, beings of pure love whose form appearance can shift simply in accordance with their energies. I woke with images of swans and selkies (seal-human shapeshifting beings remembered in northern myths), with vibrations of the stars Sirius, Arcturus, Albireo (binary star in the head of Cygnus, the Swan constellation) and Polaris.

The Polarins project through ‘seal’ energies, and often represent as the faces of seals in clouds overhead when they’re present here. Yesterday, Star Family aligned through the aquamarine-heliodor, citrine, a beautiful lemon topaz, aquamarine and labradorite to make a crystal light essence…with lights and codes running through the crystals (the citrine again swirling with royal blue).

And as Polaris came through, the beautiful profile face of seal formed in blue-green, carrying forward the ‘inner child freedom’ energies, its eye looking straight into the tip of the aquamarine-heliodor crystal.

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Polaris and its planets went through much ‘polar-ity’, that culminated in higher transformations, and as the earth’s current Pole Star/North Star, Polaris has a particular role in transmitting the dynamics of the type of vibrational shift underway here on Earth now (see this post for more about Polaris).

We’ll end with a quick word about clearing crystals, as like humans, in the etheric/lower astral levels of their vibrational field, crystals can also sometimes become imprinted with dense, heavy energies and entities not aligned to unconditional Love. Feeling through the inner sense of your heart will clarify/reveal to you the vibrational state of a crystal….but if you’re unsure, or not yet wholly confident in your intuitive sensing of energies, then we suggest bathing your crystal friends in the Violet Flame (clears and transforms all energies to love), then Golden Flame to reset their vibration, coming from total love in your heart and being, holding the intention of aligning with your highest vibrational soul family/guiding lights…and ask that any entities attached to the crystals not aligned with the highest good be guided to their perfect healing place. Physically, bathing crystals in sunshine (and salty water), and for some, in full moon-light, assists in purifying and uplifting their vibrations. Most important though is radiating Love to them, through the inner Heart Star you are.  🙂

Much Love, Light and Joy to you All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤



*There’s a DNA-RNA Activation meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle for the 11-11-11 Gateway. If this resonates for you and you’d like to join in, everyone is welcome!  ❤

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Lemon topaz with golden and blue leonine faces within. 

*For tuning your inner sense, ‘meeting’ with crystal beings within your heart, and so much more, please visit the Inner Heart page.   ❤

October’s Deep Shifts

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Golden-white disc-shaped ship & white light pod-ship emerge from an Agarthan portal, October 25th 2018.

Dear All,

So much has been happening on the planetary and interplanetary levels during this last week of ‘Earth time’ through October 2018’s overarching focus above and behind the scenes ~ with the unravelling and transmutation of the web of child oppression around this planet from the 4D vibrational layers, sending reverberations through the human collective subconscious, with the message of freeing the ‘inner divine child’ energies within humanity. October’s clearing potential amplified powerfully through the Full Moon (October 24/25th), and is currently vibrating through planetary and interplanetary layers…as the energies stream now toward the 11-11-11 Gateway (November 11th, 2018 ~ 11th day of the 11th month in an 11 year).

On a personal level, many reading this will be aware of (or have been experiencing) deep clearings, realizations, inner shifts and ‘resets’ as ancestral imprints long-held within individuals, family lines or associated groups and communities in this and other lives have surfaced, with opportunities for resolving-through-dissolving those patterns and stored prints within our beings, and for some, translating through 3D to resolution with family members, or opportunities to more subtly align love through compassionate soul-centered overviewing.

On a collective level, in the last week we’ve seen some notable ‘firsts’ in countries where extreme gender-based child harm practices still exist; for instance, Ethiopia has just appointed its first woman president and along with Rwanda, 50% female representation in their governments…the ‘sea change’ effects of softening, fluidic light and sound frequencies of the higher dimensions are just starting to reflect through to 3D in Africa, with so much more to come (there and worldwide), as the heaviest vortices around the planet continue to diminish in intensity and dormant light nodes keep re-activating in alignment with Gaia’s Ascension, sending rebirthed life energies through the planet’s flow lines/meridian network.

This steady dissolve-transmute-rebirth amplification throughout October signposted precisely in the local area here, anchoring the trajectory from early to late October, firstly with the dislodging and removal of an ‘archonic control cube’, which visualized symbolically in a valley in the Perth hills on October 2nd (see The Seed of Life post for this). The deepening light-flow through two of the planet’s major meridians known as the Belinus Line and St Michael&Mary Line ( which have been mapped in Britain, but are continuous ‘sine waves’ traversing the globe that cross over each other in several places around the planet), connects through them to every meridian/life energy flow channel in and around the Earth. And through this great flushing and restoration of high-vibrational free flow, the meridian network aligns naturally with the New Earth Light-Grid through the interweaving of ancient ‘node light seedings’ and fresh co-creations.

On October 25th, with the light flow peak at Full Moon, star family culminated their focus into the same nearby valley, where there is also an interdimensional portal of the Agarthan realm (5D people and many life-forms dwelling in the crystalline light vibrational strata of the inner Earth), which has at times shown visibly. On November 23rd last year a golden light temple in 5D projected beside the portal, and reflected slightly in the photo below as four pillars marking the corners of the temple in front of the profile face of an ancient guardian in a granite boulder.

After a bit of lower 4D interference, the powering light energies of October raised the potential for dissolving blockages (augmented now by a beautiful uplift of frequencies through a tributary meridian that runs through the Agarthan valley and crosses the Belinus Line). A couple of friends and I held focus there through our hearts as ‘Earth anchors’ with the lightships above, and the whole valley appeared to me like a lake of golden light under a rainbow diamond light-shield, with the Na’Heru’ShiiMuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem) flowing golden light from above…until the portal had completely stabilized.

As we on the ground felt the energy shift, I took a couple of photos looking across at the portal while connecting with the Agarthans of this area (a lovely couple in Agarthan 5D soul expressions named Micah & Mali send a greeting ~ all are very welcome to connect with them through your hearts of love). Firstly, one small pod-ship of soft white light came into view through the portal, followed by another pod and a saucer-shaped ship of a soft white-gold colour…the vibration feels so gentle and warm. 🙂

That night, the Full Moon was behind trees, but the celebratory warmth singing through the air showed in a beautiful ‘orb dance’ around Mars, lit with many soft pink and violet vibrations.

On zooming into Mars, orange and peach light appeared with a dark veil falling away around the rim, as the density of the grid around the red planet continues to peel back layer by layer under the focus of many beautiful light-beings…whose service culminated during the Full Moon here, with the release from the Mars grid of an ancient ‘ghost’, the astral residues of the planet Maldek which once orbited between Mars and Jupiter. I feel through the ‘disintergrating’ orb below, next to Mars, an echo of loss and destruction in the process of dissolving, with that vibrational imprint now being released from Mars (with two photos of the veil peeling away from Mars, on the right).

With that residue dissolving from Mars, the waning of its imprint which has also dwelt in the human collective subconscious, projecting as global or interplanetary disaster future timelines on Earth (in both the Atlantean and current phases), is also eased. Providentially assisted, as the sequence of planetary shifts into unity consciousness, freedom to express soul energies in love and peace, continues to unfold with and around our Sun, cradled in the support of this galaxy and beyond.

In this last orb photo of the Full Moon night, just feel the collective blissful emanations surrounding and embracing this whole process, these shimmers of divine Light…that we all are…radiating Love through all creation.

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Love & Blessings to you all, beautiful friends, anchors and lights of the Shift! We’ll return with a post dedicated to crystals and the shifting frequencies and roles of the Crystal Soul Collective(s) journeying with Gaia, before the 11-11-11 Gateway. Until then, oceans of Love to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤