Happy New Year 2023 πŸ’›πŸŒ

‘Veils peel away from the Light’, photo of sun over dissolving clouds taken on September 27th 2022.

Greetings dear friends 🌞

What a year it has been on planet Earth! Although it hasn’t been the appropriate moment to share in detail about star family’s focuses and movements very much this year, our love is with each one of you, and all humanity, through the current intensity of collective energies and beyond. Star family’s overview and activities continue to flow behind the scenes, always in support of aligning and clearing the path for Open Contact with humanity on Earth in an optimal, eased and peaceful way. We would like to reaffirm here that the steps toward our galactic kindred, friends and countless loving soul expressions coming into the collective view of humanity are well in progress…and have continued calmly progressing, in the background of the amplified polarization within this global energetic phase.

Our hearts go out to all experiencing turbulent life situations, and we hold the vision of deeper cosmic awareness, deeper empathy for one another and all life on Earth, heartfelt cooperation, collective peace and well-being to unfold collectively in the embrace of the universal love, grace, harmony and gentle calm bathing this beautiful planet every moment.

Wishing you and all life on Earth a truly beautiful, revitalizing and joyful New Year of the Solar-Sirian calendar, as the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, reaches its zenith at midnight of New Year’s Eve. Blessings to all in 2023, rebirthing in the golden light of infinite renewal, flowing easefully in the white light of infinite creation, unfolding and radiating through the rainbow spectrum of free-flowing inspiration and endless creativity!

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends βœ¨πŸ€πŸŒπŸ’›πŸ›Έ

Arnap flying a small white ship over the roof on June 30th 2022, see Meraia’s Star for more about him and this ship.
The Lei’hua lightship, from which the small ship in the above photo emanates, radiating her familiar peachy-gold tones on November 3rd 2022.

Two lovely light emanations of Sananda, sitting in meditation pose in rose-gold light on the left, photographed on October 22nd 2022, and as a baby wrapped in a blanket of golden-white light in the arms of his Mother on the right, on December 27th 2022. See the Lightships 2022 page for more details and for an overview of some of the ships, orbs and beings who have beamed their love through the skies here this year. More to come in 2023 we’re sure, with gratitude and love always to those of various soul families, realms and dimensional expressions radiating the light of love here and everywhere. πŸ™πŸ₯°

Lightships, Portals & the Consciousness Field

Photo showing many beings/forms within and around a portal of white light, June 18th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Greetings and much love to you all.πŸ’› The months since the last Heart Star post have been full and ‘on the wing’, as star family of love and goodwill continue to work toward Open Contact, encompassing many variables within the global and collective trajectory, quietly anchoring Galactic New Earth with all willing hearts, within this year’s turbulence. Continued heartfelt gratitude to everyone holding peaceful focus with Universal Love and Compassion within the collective field during this amplified phase in the shifting, unfolding planetary rebirth.

For this post, we’ll share a little ‘snapshot’ of some of the lightships, beautiful emanations and energies aligning here during the last three months, that peaked through the Solstice and this year’s Lion’s Gate during August with another great influx of high cosmic vibrations flowing as shifts within the Shift. Star family are continuously active around the planet supporting this phase of unity consciousness budding amid confusion and disarray, and we’ll focus here with a few particular days/nights when loving ones were revealing their ships and forms most clearly, beginning on the night of June 8th with multiple transmissions.

The first lightship emanation that night came through a spectrum of soft amethyst, purple, violet and rose hues, which can be seen in the rim of a giant orb that just clipped the top left of the photo below, with the ship flashing brightly beneath it on an alignment between the orb and Alpha and Beta Centauri. You can see one corner of this triangular ship brilliantly lit, with two more corner lights dimly visible. A curvature of the brightest lit corner gives the impression of the ship spinning around (or it could be a curved ship). The rim of the giant orb, when enlarged, reveals numerous figures, transmitting purple, violet and rose light, the colour vibrations of compassion, clearing and transformation, with rose light activating the higher heart in humanity, kindness, empathy, and divine love embracing all.

A triangular ship appears to be rotating below a vast purple orb (its rim is just in the upper frame) on June 8th 2021.
One corner of the ship flashes bright golden-white light in this photo, June 8th 2021
Many figures can be seen standing along the rim of this orb, in purple and rose light, June 8th 2021.
In this curved triangular ship, two of its corner lights are dimly marked in the sky, June 8th 2021.

This beautiful transmission was anchored through Alpha and Beta Centaurian ships, with two of them (the two lights at the left of the frame below) flashing simultaneously with an orb to the right, close to Alpha and Beta Centauri. There’s a softly formed green face in the orb, with gentle eyes and slightly elongated head. The orb has a watercolour quality, symbolizing their origin from a watery planet. You can see the two ships have a long triangular shape, in watery blues and greens. The brighter of the two ships almost looks like a spiral seashell, and was indeed spiralling at that moment, drawing in dense, dissonant energies and transmuting them through its light (and sound, the lightships use sound frequencies, harmonics and geometries to rearrange and realign chaotic energies).

A pair of green-blue ships flash to the left of a soft green orb above Alpha Centauri on June 8th 2021.

Another Centaurian ship can be see in the top right of the next photo, with a large green-reddish orb between it and Beta Centauri at the lower left. I had a sense of this ship energetically untangling a heavy astral-etheric mesh and transmuting it. Thanks starry friends. ✨

A large reddish-green orb hovers between Beta Centauri and another Centaurian ship (with the vibration of Hadarian/Beta Centaurian beings) on June 8th 2021.

This beautiful coordination was followed on June 18th by a spectular light sequence from the Meri’Ashar mothership, also in the southern nightsky, beginning in a similar position to the triangular lightship on the 8th, then moving in a gradual curve across the sky before stationing to the west, recorded in a series of nine photos. Firstly, this beautiful light aqua, gold and rose orb projected from the Meri’Ashar, then several brilliant flashes from the ship’s interior, with a feminine form emerging from bright white light toward the right.

This bright orb of aqua and rose light, with a golden sheen, flashed where I sensed the presence of the Meri’Ashar mothership on June 18th 2021.
The orb resolves into a light-saturated rectangular ‘portal’ radiating from/within/through the Meri’Ashar on June 18th 2021.

In the following photo, with the brightness reduced, Ashura can be seen standing at the left of what was now an opened light portal through the ship, in a guarding position, in the appearance of a knight in armour, holding a beam of aqua light across his front, toward the left, with more forms subtly visible within the portal.

The next frame shows the photo at the top of this post, and below I’ve reduced the brightness further, so the forms within the portal can be seen more easily. Ashura is still standing at the left, but now clearly in the form of his 5D soul expression Arnap, in an emerald green long sleeved top over dark green pants, with many loving beings gathered and ushering arrivals who can be seen as small grey beings in the foreground of the portal.

Here, a grey orb at lower left is heading toward the mothership-portal, with another grey orb ‘docked’ at the right side of it. In recent months, waves of beings from the denser 4D frequency layers around the Earth have continued moving away from control-oriented groups they’ve been involved with, and reaching out to the Ashtar Command for amnesty and safe passage. We’ll reiterate here that these beings are received with love, and guided back into love, peace and respect for all life, from various states of veiling and (self)deception. It’s not only humanity that’s in a process of inner remembering and reconnection, within this Shift….and in the second photo below you can see how the grey orb started to take on rainbow colours as it neared the mothership’s open light portal. Deep transformations. 😊

This major release and clearing continued into June 19th, reflected in the clouds and in the movements of a pair of hawks, who danced and spiralled around a ‘cloud cliff’ which a subtly outlined portal reflected through as they flew.

A pair of hawks fly around a cliff-like shelf of cloud on June 19th 2021.

With one of the hawks almost in front of the ‘doorway’, a black object (which I read as a remotely controlled device) popped into view. With a feline face peeping between the clouds above, the hawk pair then hovered below the portal as the device aligned directly with it, was drawn through it, and vanished.

The birds then passed across the portal in unison, and as they flew away, the clouds dissolved.

Coming into July, we focused closely with the 7~7 Gateway (celebrated in China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam as the festival of the divine lovers, Vega and Altair, alpha stars of Lyra and Aquila, on the 7th day of the 7th month each year), starting with a light activation at the ‘landing pad node’ on July 3rd (see this post for last year’s 7~7 alignment at the landing pad). The crystal pattern on the node-stone is connected with this crop circle, reported on June 28th in Wiltshire UK, with 11 crystals around a central round quartz and an outer circle, oriented to the north. Crop circles can have many layers of symbolism, and with this geometry we were aligning with the symbolism of a parent universe wrapped around this universe and 11 sibling universes.

Quartz, rose quartz, amethyst and opals on our local node-stone on July 3rd 2021.

On July 7th, this beautiful aqua, teal and violet orb appeared above Alpha & Beta Centauri, with presences subtly forming within it, especially a feminine form (circled below), with the face of a lion in blue to her left. I feel the vibration of the parent universe, which I hear as the Mu Universe, emanating through this orb and forms.

Unusual and beautiful aqua-violet orb above Alpha & Beta Centauri on July 7th 2021.

The next few nights were full of activity (light flashes and orbs) around Alpha Centauri, again in massive clearing mode, with a vivid green ship flash on July 11 below Alpha Centauri-Southern Cross. Enlarged, there’s a being with an intense stare looking out from this ship as it left (was escorted out of) the Earth’s vibrational field. With the photo turned around, this being re-forms as a ‘classic UFO image’ of a saucer-shaped ship with a beam of light flooding from beneath it, and we’ll just say here, those particular beings (engaged in abductions and experimentation) are departing now, as the vibrational Shift of the Earth continues into a Disclosure and pre-Open Contact phase…with those who are here with deeper love, empathy and respect for all life-forms. βœ¨πŸ’›

A ship flashes while flying below Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross on July 11th 2021.

In the vibration of this pre-Open Contact phase, we’ll go back for a moment to March, and a brilliant golden light emanation from Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix. This was in the nightsky to the north during the March Equinox, high above the golden star Capella, flashing for an instant like a golden rainbow prism, during an attunement with Capella (see the photo at the top of this post from 2018), a star with which the Ashtar Command is closely connected.

The Phoenix mothership sends out a brilliant golden light emanation high above the star Capella on the Equinox, March 20th 2021. ‘Through the Blue comes the Gold’

Turned around, there are beings in many colours along the front of this visual transmission from the Phoenix, with a masculine face in the background in blue hues, representing the overlighting focus of Archangel Michael, the guiding light of the Blue Ray, of which Ashtar is a soul emanation focusing into 5-6D, aligning the golden frequency of primary harmonic creation, radiating through the ‘goldenprint’ of the Phoenix and countless loving beings.

I’m feeling to share here that when I first visibly sighted lightships in late 2011 and began connecting intuitively with star family, and with Ashtar, his first counsel to me was to let go of every belief and every thought I had ever used to structure my reality, to let it all go, to centre in my heart, and stand upon a clean slate, so to speak, of infinite, unboundaried pure white light, and from that place of deep stillness and simplicity, just see what landed on that slate, in that light, authentically and gracefully. Over the years since then, as deeper subconscious layers surfaced along the way, I returned to that clean slate several times, jettisoned everything, and stayed present to seeing and feeling what landed there, as more submerged beliefs and constructs (personal and collective) surfaced, to be released with love into the light. Each time I’ve done this, my perception has shifted and expanded, and if I feel an inner nudge to clean slate my perceptions again, I choose to be open to more expansion, more fine-tuning, just flowing and open to the Love that is within and all around.

When we experience catalyzed awareness of a wider vista than the collective consensus reality of the day, it’s easy to overlook the most deeply entrained responses, socially and philosophically conditioned outlooks, and dualized ideological, political, practical and spiritual models that have become ingrained in humanity’s concepts of life (and death), the world, purpose, and the nature of evolution…that act as mental and emotional filters imbuing human perceptions. Being in a human body has built-in sensory formats through which we interpret energies, information and vibrations via the specific ‘reception bandwidths’ of our physical senses and subtle senses, which align connectivity through a collective field of consciousness filled with imprints in the etheric, plasmatic and astral planes, radiating from the collective psyche of humanity and various associated entities…some loving and kind, coming from vast overviews, radiating warmth, grace and clarity, some more focused on power, oriented to control, some who study, collate and observe, which could be for their own gain, or for benevolent purposes, depending on their state of consciousness.

Spiritual, philosophical and psychological paradigms arise from states of consciousness that tend to attach to them as fundamental truths…until frequencies in a field shift, and ideations of ‘the real’ begin to shift, open and transform. We’re in such a shift on and with the Earth now, in a phase which feels pressurized while many still hold onto and energize (with beliefs and emotions) disaster catharsis dynamics in the collective field, filtering the shift through conceptual filters as though they are real, when duality is just one among numerous energy formats, that opens naturally into unity in the presence of universal love. To crystallize this a little, we’ll bring a slightly different perspective to some concepts currently energized in the Earth field and in spiritual discourses, by posing a few ‘what if’s’ (you don’t have to agree, lovely readers, we just ask you to consider, with these few examples, that what can appear as fundamental, universal truths may be imprinted with projections and ideations within the collective psyche’s vibrational field, and can benefit from a little clearing):

What if: Earth is not a school. That it is not, and never was, in its primary vibration, about learning lessons, passing tests, striving through adversity, overcoming obstacles, ‘growing’ through pain, struggles, battles or suffering, winning or losing, in a no pain-no gain paradigm. What if: experiencing, via extension of soul expressions into vibrational planes of contrast, is not about dualism, learning to balance opposites, or veiling our consciousness under amnesia in order to grow and evolve, as a quest of the Infinite Source to learn about itself and expand through learning about itself as countless fractals.

What if: The Infinite Source already, always knows itself infinitely, unconditionally, omnisciently, from macro to micro, from omniverse to picoparticle, intimately and limitlessly…and that its primary impulse for expressing itself through an infinitude of waves, dimensions, forms and focus-points of its consciousness is simply the motion of the joy of Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Awareness, expressing itself, everywhere and everywhen, as a radiance of pure creativity…that is flowing, shaping, unshaping, reshaping, as naturally as breathing in, breathing out, beloved of itself in every emanation, without ‘hierarchies’ of itself, simply emanating as minutely focused through to vastly expansive expressions of its consciousness and awareness.

What if: emanations within the expressive field of the Source that have forgotten or veiled the primary impulse of creating for the joy of creating, funnelling the primary impulse through dualized ideations, tests, battles, pain and struggle, are experiencing and ideating through a secondary frequency that acts like static noise in a radio signal…where the signal itself is continuously transmitting, but the clarity of the transmission is slightly (or heavily) masked by the static crackle.

What if: the Source, in its infinite awareness and infinite presence in and as every creative emanation, is sending shimmering pulses through its primary transmission, that activate its expressions to transcend the static ~ not by imposing control, which would restrict and stagnate the waves of expression, nor by judging or destroying its own expressions ~ but by continuously emitting stronger pulses through the primary impulse of creation, into every field, plane and dimension of expression, activating the primary impulse another frequency notch, encompassing all emanations, that emanations focusing through third and fourth dimensional/density waves translate as unveiling, remembering who/what they are, connecting with universal consciousness, experiencing or reactivating a blissful sense of oneness with Source and all life.

And what if: when we let go and let ourselves immerse in the Source, in the transmission, within the primary impulse of joy of expression, the consciousness field of humanity and many beings becomes visible, tangible, sensible to us. An interweaving telepathic field of sounds, telempathic field of feelings, psychic field of presences, collective projections and realms, that the ‘static blurring the signal’ shapes into specific constructs that we believe to be the nature of reality, identifying, acting and reacting to them…until we embrace the shimmering pulses of the Source flowing to and through us, and the stickiness of the static and connected constructs wanes, ultimately dissolving back into the Infinite Love that frees the motion of all energies, creating through natural harmonics in infinite, free-flowing variations.

From this view, dualism dissolves, karma concepts dissolve, contrast becomes an experience of diverse range rather than oppositions. The telepathic, psychic, telempathic field clarifies, becomes transparent, the static recedes, no longer strongly flavouring and colouring the view, and eventually not at all. ‘Blue pills and red pills’ dissolve, the hold of either/or choices dissolves as the infinite infolding, unfolding, ascending, inscending, transcending, love-sending dynamics of creation unfurl and vibrate within our living awareness. In this awareness, we are free to interpret our experiences as journeying, as learning, or teaching, guiding or healing, testing our mettle, if that gives us joy…but we’ll be aware of this as an interpretation, for the joy of it, rather than projecting and identifying with constructs that arise from a ‘secondary programme’ in the froth of the static that appears as reality in slower frequency dimensional bands. If this perspective resonates for you, tune into how it feels in your heart, your mind, your body …and enJoy! And if it doesn’t, align your inner well-spring of love and joy through what does resonate for you clearly in this moment!

From our view, shimmering pulses are constantly streaming and pillaring into this Earth plane, charging and strengthening Galactic New Earth light-grids, profound shifts in consciousness, love for all beings and peaceful expansive awareness. In the words of the Dalai Lama, ‘External disarmament depends on internal disarmament.’ There’s a primary impulse for Universal Love innately present within ourselves and every living being, and when we attune to it with deep trust and inner peace, we radiate it through the collective consciousness of humanity, the Earth field and beyond, for the well-being of all beings, as naturally as breathing.

While focusing with the mothership Meri’Ashar on August 18th 2021, diamond white light pouring down from her ‘translated’ through the clouds as a wide vertical pillar, over an inner suburb area of Perth, Western Australia. Higher dimensonal light is literally pouring down, and radiating from within the Earth at subtle levels, all around the planet.

Wishing you well, beautiful souls. Love, Joy and Peace to All on Earth & Everywhere,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›βœ¨πŸŒž

Zeroing In with Love

Light-being radiating multiple merged soul energies, standing beside an open, circular portal, as reflected in the clouds on February 24th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Phew, before March completely flies away, sending a Light Hug around the world, with Love to all of you! Each day and week this year, much is subtly shifting and aligning, toward open awareness of the presence of our families and friends from the stars supporting humanity, the planet and all life here through this collective passage. This opening of energies is warm, light and expansive, so present, and always available as and when we attune to the Infinite Love behind all of this Shift and its complexities, flowing through the uplifting frequencies in which the Earth and Solar System ~ and at a larger scale, this Universe ~ is immersed in.

Moment to moment, we always have the opportunity to flow with this realigning Wave, anchoring our love here with the Ascended Earth’s vibrational real-ization and shimmering light, with willing hearts and peaceful minds, attuning from an overview that is self-transcendent. Triangular energies, trinitized energies, have been symbolizing so strong and clear in the planetary field and through our photos the last month, which we’ll come to below…and while feeling into how to write about self-transcendence right now, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs popped into focus, in a ‘new’ way.

Abraham Maslow developed his Hierarchy of Needs concept in the 1940s and it became widely used in the field of behavioural psychology, represented as a triangle or pyramid of ascending levels, with the understanding that when each level was met within an individual, the next above it would develop, starting from basic physical survival needs to the pinnacle of self-actualization, the fulfillment apex of personal growth. This hierarchy has been widely embraced, and ‘self-actualization’ has become foundational in the work of many current thought leaders and spiritual teachers.

Less widely known is that in his later years, Maslow felt this picture was incomplete, and reflection led him to consider another level beyond self-actualization at the top of the pyramid, which he termed ‘self-transcendence’. The impulse of transcendence has been spoken of and aspired to in religious and spiritual pathways for thousands of years, interpreted through each tradition’s belief framework in regard to approaching or becoming One with the Infinite. Before he passed, Maslow started to touch on Oneness as the pinnacle of the journey of self, which he saw as beyond self-actualized creativity or fulfillment, using examples such as a mother feeling completely One with her baby.

From this picture, let’s now imagine the Oneness. Does it actually sit above the triangle? Or is Oneness all around the triangle, encompassing it…and flowing through it, through every zone of life experience, every ‘dimensional bandwidth’, in creation? What we perceive from a duality paradigm as ‘transcendent’ and experience as beyond the triangle ~ Oneness with(in) the Universe, with(in) the Source of all Life, as consciousness within and of the infinite field of the Source, is truly all-encompassing, and non-hierarchical. Self-actualized perspective is represented as ‘I Am’, and self-transcended perspective is simply the ‘Am’…the infinite presence that every focus-point of ‘I Am’ arises within and from. So transcendent presence then, is that Wholeness state of viewing, thinking, feeling and co-creating not as ‘one or the other’, but as the Oneness flowing and focusing through each perceiving-experiencing-creating point of creation…cohesively and coherently. So while the Unity Consciousness that builds harmonious, loving civilizations and worlds can be perceived as the joining as One of many ‘I Am’s’ through the ‘local focus-points’ we’re expressing as in the creational fields, its background and overarching Oneness is a radiance of the Am, the infinitely conscious field of the Source.

From the ‘Am’ state of awareness, hierarchy dissolves. The Am is all around and everywhere, in relation to creational expressions. Concepts of personal growth hierarchies, spiritual hierarchies, angelic hierarchies, and all projected earthly hierachies arise from the ‘I Am’ experiencing itself as separate from the Oneness and interpreting in a ‘top down’ vertical format. But when the ‘I Am’ is known and felt as flowing from the Am state of consiousness, then everything in creation, every experience, every soul expression, is naturally encompassed, attuned with and felt ‘within and all around’…in infinitely expansive energies, to focused energies, to minutely focused energies (whether as a human being, an animal, a plant, a grain of sand, a guardian angel or a fairy, or all at once, and more). So with Maslow’s triangle as pictured above, imagine coming to it from all around, imagine the embrace of the Oneness, the Source, from every ‘corner’ and ‘side’ and from ‘within’…and notice how, when triangulating from the ‘trinity points’ of the corners and sides, that the band in the centre of Maslow’s diagram is Love. 😊

We could draw analogies with the chakra system, with the Love focus-point of the heart chakra in the centre, with three chakras above and three below, or with the Three Centres ~ Star centre, Heart centre, Earth centre ~ with one above and one below, in our ‘vertical human format’, or in Maslows’ triangle, two above and two below. Love is always in the centre, always focusing and flowing through the zero-point, the ‘tiny cave’ within the inner heart, radiating through our beings and beyond, from the within that is also all around, infinitely.

Star Family and the Angelic Realms have brought through some very particular alignments so far this year, to share through photos, showing triangulated activations that send immensely focused Light-waves to the Earth, from macro to micro scale in the creational field. One of the clearest this year was on the night of February 17th (see Cosmic Codes for the significance of the number 17).

While connecting with the stars Sirius and Canopus, a brilliant golden light flashed above them. Star Family have previously described and symbolized Sirius and Canopus as ‘mirror nodes’, holding a strong energetic connection to the Earth’s Ascension. For a week or so beforehand, within the angelic field, Archangel Uriel had come to the fore in my meditations and dreams, with imagery connecting him and his TwinFlame Archangel Khemiel to the colours yellow and gold…as we aligned those colour frequencies, the Yellow Ray and the Golden Ray, into the New Earth light-grid and through the planetary field. On February 17th, Uriel&Khemiel as OneFlame brought this life-filled light through a concentrated beam, forming a huge triangle in the nightsky with Sirius and Canopus.

In the enlargement below, you can see how their merged yellow-golden light-form came through, beautifully warm and clear, with shining white light radiating through the yellow-gold. They’re also holding out a staff of blue light, the guiding beam of the Blue Ray that aligns all energies with Divine Love&Will…and as the stargates within Sirius and Canopus opened in unison with that directed Ray, the whole triangle activated, sending a wave of light frequencies, concentrating and pooling through the centre (creating a fourth point, an open 4D zero-point, for the higher light vibrations and codings to flow through, into the 4D spacetime, etheric, astral, and 3D-projected ‘solid physical’ appearing frequency bands in, on and around the Earth).

Golden-yellow light flowing through the focus of Archangels Uriel&Khemiel flashes brilliantly above Sirius and Canopus, holding a triangle formation, on February 17th 2021.
With the photo enlarged, Uriel~Khemiel can be seen holding out a staff or wand of blue light, representing the guiding focus of the Blue Ray.

While the light was flowing through this heavenly triangle, imagery and information flowed with it from a Light Council overlighted by Uriel&Khemiel through this golden-yellow sunflower frequency, streaming from another galaxy that connects with this one through the Canopus portal/stargate. They call themselves the Council of Yve, for anyone that name might resonate with, and are guiding a planet also in an Ascension journey, but in an ‘earlier’ phase than Earth…so connecting with the Earth’s current phase is helpful to that planet…just as connecting to a planet of Canopus (Erra’mu) as it restored its 5D vibration has been directly helpful for Earth.

On February 28th, this connecting of the Yve beings crystallized through the Canopus stargate, with a soul expression of the Uriel~Khemiel Oversoul stepping in, literally, through 5-6-7D frequency bands, giving the name Haram’ura, and a clear light-form from within an Yvian lightship, above Canopus. Haram’ura’s graceful form is facing forward, in a long golden-white robe, and in this merged dimensional emanation, the blue light staff has become a bright blue light device at Haram’ura’s side (which I hear translated approximately as an ‘interphasic regulator’).

A golden-white light-being named Haram’ura shone forth from within a lightship as it flew moved slowly above Canopus, on February 28th 2021.

The Yvian ship with Haram’ura on board revealed its light, in the same soft mid-blue tones, as it moved slowly above Canopus, twinkling faintly. Here, I was asked to use the zoom on the camera, so their ship would be visible in its shape and colour.

The Yvian lightship of soft blue light tones decloaks above Canopus, on February 28th 2021.

Another triangulation to Sirius and Canopus came through on March 22nd, this time from our mothership, the Meri’Ashar/Mary’s Star. The stars are in reversed position as this was taken later at night than on February 17th, with them moving across the nightsky from east, to overhead, to west. There was also a blue orb moving between Sirius and Canopus, which you can see in the photo below, directly under the Hu Shi asterism (location of the Eremor Portal). The Meri’Ashar has appeared before, very high up as a tiny point of light, so it’s not only thrilling (yay!) but as she and other motherships reveal their presence in more detail, closer to the Earth (including the Phoenix recently, lead-ship of the Ashtar Command, which we’ll share in another post), it’s a signal of energies shifting toward open contact and the next phase of the overall ‘disclosure process’.

In the enlargement below, the Meri’Ashar’s shimmery disc shape of white light, infused with aqua and rimmed in rose-violet light is softly defined, with two ships docked beneath. In the circled areas, there’s a large rectangular ship, attached by a ‘ramp’ of light beams to the underside of the mothership, with a smaller white round ship stationed to its left.

The mothership Meri’Ashar decloaks while triangulating with Canopus and Sirius, on March 22nd 2021.

Since reconnecting consciously with the Meri’Ashar in 2016, having been aboard in the dreamstate/astral projection and more recently by physical translocation, I’ve seen her shift and downscale in size, or upscale…like gently breathing in and out…and at present, with a couple of ‘extra’ expanded rings and around 77,000 loving beings travelling within her, of many different kinds and starhomes, sending their light to Earth constantly…and focused on March 22nd through this powerful triangulation/triune vibration with Canopus and Sirius, with the souls of those stars and those living on the higher dimensional planets around them.

Returning to February 28th when Haram’ura flowed through with the blue lightship from Yve, multiple streams of light-codes were anchoring that night, and we’ll also focus here with the Lei’hua (support ship from the Meri’Ashar, which we, as Rowena&Arnap in 5D soul expression, have been bringing into the Earth’s field the last two years). On February 28th, the Lei’hua stationed overhead and sent down a light-beam, which came out with amazing clarity in the photo below, as the ray literally grounded into the Earth, flowing a sequence of energies from the ship. The clearest energetic imprint can be seen as a ‘bubble’ floating down the light-beam. With the brightness reduced, a circle of figures is visible within the bubble, at a round-table meeting.

A brilliant light-beam descends and ‘earths’, from the Lei’hua lightship, with a ‘bubble scene’ floating down within it, on February 28th 2021.

I’ve circled a few of the figures silhouetted in the light, and at the right you can see most clearly a feminine form standing, with her arm extended as she spoke to those gathered. We can say now that she’s a delegate/representative from Earth, and political leader of an Earth country (visiting while physically asleep, in her astral body). Many positive connections are opening and in progress this year, and quite a number of people are visiting the lightships assisting around the Earth, some in full physical translocation, most in astral form while asleep. While maybe just a few are consciously remembering these visits in their waking state at this time, they’re connecting with close soul families and groups, or merging with their soul expressions on board lightships in various dimensional frequency bands, activating ascended light encodements in their DNA, RNA, cells and subtle bodies, and anchoring those encodements into this earthly plane.

On February 17th, a lovely interior view came from the Lei’hua, showing several figures. Circled at the right in the enlargement below is my ‘Rowena-self’, in a long white-gold dress, standing slightly in the background. The clearest form also circled, in the foreground, I see as a girl in a side-on view, wearing a dark-coloured pinafore over a long-sleeved white blouse. She was dancing (yes, there’s a dancefloor on the ship, lol) and so joyful. She had also appeared in my dreams a couple of nights earlier, and we have a close soul connection. So beautiful to see this dear soul ~ and no doubt many more to come ~ dancing through a ship-photo!

Coming toward mid-March, strong alignments were building with the lunar cycle to send specific clearing frequencies through the sublunar field, and activate seed-energies in the New Earth light-grid. On March 9th, while staying at a coastal area south of Perth, a small companion ship of the Lei’hua flashed low down over the ocean at dusk, just as a tern flew by…signalling a ‘tern-ing point’ in the energies!

A small companion ship of the Lei’hua flashes for a couple of seconds over the ocean at Mandurah, Western Australia, with a tern flying overhead, on March 9th 2021.

While I was swimming and communing with the ocean the next day, Ashira Sheran, guiding light of the Neptune Command, was nearby and connecting closely. One of the Neptune Command ships had decloaked very low to the water at the same time as the Lei’hua’s companion ship flashed. Then on March 11th, a beautiful Night Heron came very close, in this physical plane. He felt deeply connected in that moment with Ashira, who appears symbolically through the waterbird heron and flows from the soul level through many Divine Masculine emanations with aquatic connections. I had never seen a Night Heron before, and it wasn’t night, but there he was! πŸ’™

A wonderful Night Heron ‘close encounter’ at South Yunderup, Western Australia, on March 11th 2021.

One of Ashira’s soul expressions (connecting with the Earth’s Ascension) is an Alpha Centaurian named Je’errne’on, and on the following day, Je’errne’on’s presence vibrated overhead as he decloaked a silver horseshoe-shaped Alpha Centauri ship, sending light and preparing the energy field for an inflow that night, coming from a very high (fast frequency) multidimensional overlay through an array of Divine Masculine emanations, to stabilize and strengthen the New Earth field….releasing dense ‘old programme’ masculine energies and constructs and grounding the new masculine of Univeral Love, in step with the blossoming of the rebirthed feminine energies of Gaia and within all beings here.

Je’errne’on (a 5D soul expression of Ashira’s Oversoul) decloaks an Alpha Centaurian silver horseshoe shaped ship on March 12th 2021.
The silver ship, viewed from the near side of its ‘horseshoe’ shaped curve.

Here’s how the emanation visualized from the higher dimensions that night, aligned to the Southern Cross (an intergalactic portal with Christic/resurrection symbolism), with the stars Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri below….appearing as a platform of brilliant white light infused with light pink and blue, with two structures on top of the platform that looked like twin mountains or twin pyramids (connecting with mountain nodes and pyramid nodes in the light-grids around the planet that New Moon night), once again showing triangulations of light energies, this time in the blue and purple spectrum, and ‘landing them through a light base’ (symbolically, and literally, a particular light-base on the Earth).

A brilliant light platform with twin mountains/pyramids (triune-twin format) flashed in alignment with the Southern Cross (resurrection symbolism), above Alpha & Beta Centauri, on March 12th 2021.

As the energies continued to amplify up to the Equinox of March 20th 2021, awesome light-imagery came through, and we’ll end this post with this sparkling emanation on the Equinox, of a higher dimensional city/citadel of diamond white light upon a floating island of emerald green, connected with Arcturus and the Angelic Realms, but also with the Agarthan light cities of the 5D Inner Earth frequency bands, and ultimately, with ‘future’ cities of the Ascended Earth…which already Are fully existent, we’re just taking a few (patient) steps and stages for full convergence of the dimensional ‘bandwidths’.

A white light citadel on an emerald island ‘floats’ high in the nightsky on the Equinox, March 20th 2021.

Keep holding and visioning the most love-filled, peaceful, joyful and unified New Earth in your present moment, every day, lovely friends. The more who do this, in harmony and unconditionally for All beings on Earth, the more the rebirthed energies can vibrate, unfold and fulfill their unlimited potential around this beloved planet!

Be aware of where you may be holding and storing any fears or worries, or where you might be projecting fears or negavity through the present ‘into the future’, via whatever personal or collective narratives, beliefs and viewpoints. And if you feel so called and inspired, please continue to hold the present and ‘future’, in any detail you focus into as well as overall, in the Highest Light, in Love’s boundless Grace and Providence for All. All the Love in the Omniverse is always with us, we’re never apart from it, as from that transcendent view, everything is One…and Love is realigning and re-newing everything.

Love, Peace & Joy to All, and a blessed Easter ~ Ostara ~ Oestre to all celebrating the energies of birth, rebirth and resurrection, restoration of the Golden Frequency of Creation,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends ✨πŸ₯°πŸ’›

*For anyone feeling unsettled or overwhelmed at this time, know that your Inner Divine Light is always there inside, and that you are embraced by the Light all around you and within. Even when it seems clouded or unreachable, it’s always there, in the Forever Love. Your inner guidance comes from that Light, and if you could do with some assistance connecting with its presence, we suggest visiting the Four Foundational Heart Practices page and The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations. They may resonate for you as they are, or they may help to catalyze your own inner inspiration, connection and knowing…which is our greatest wish for All… πŸ’— Offered with Love 🌺

*If you’re new to concepts of multiple dimensions, you might like to read this post; Multidimensionality

New Earth Update February 2021

Soft focus photo of the star Sirius, January 26th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Love to all navigating the shifting inter-dimensional dynamics of the global field in these early stages of 2021. Amid an intense combination of clearings, exposed chaos points and resistance points that call for (and are prompting) deeper clarity and collective responsibility in multiple arenas now. Budding aspects of New Earth consciousness, new co-creations based in loving, and unified/unifying visions, are also amplifed, since the December 21st 2020 Solstice/Great Conjunction-to-January 1st’s New Year ‘Shift window’. Another strong adjusting alignment has just come through the start of the Lunar New Year celebrated in Asia and communites around the world, on February 12th, overlighted by the meeting of seven planets in Aquarius on February 11th, and strengthening through the collective ‘Love Wave’ of Valentine’s Day (Happy Valentines everyone, beloved Gaia, and all beings here)! πŸ’–

From our perspective, overall the collective travelled through the Shift window into this year in ‘full spectrum 4D’ vibrations, with the 5D light-fabric coalesced and radiating all Universal Love and Oneness potentials, in the background. In the foreground currently, 4D vibrational layers are expressing broad range (or like high-speed broadband); from the unity consciousness and expansion-from-stillness of the zero-point to the outer extremes of a polarity field in flux, and everything inbetween. Nonetheless, the 5D+ frequencies are secured and simultaneously vibrating through the light-grids at a whole new level of cohesion. I/we are hearing from many who are feeling an immediacy this year, a clarity and depth of connection with the 5D New Earth reality, whenever their focus goes there, whenever their heart connects, even if it may seem obscured (for now) behind the commotion of ideas, stressors, personalities, timelines wavering and vying for energy.

When we connect through our heart with the 5D+ light-mantle shimmering in and around the planetary field, let ourselves BE, in trust and love and compassion, the Love-based co-creative field within and around the planet is so accessible this year, and can be seen, felt and heard, in our various ways, however we each internally ‘translate’ them. 4D amplifies everything, all that is in disharmony and illusion, but also all that is in harmony and love, which does open the space for new vibrational potentials and effects. So while energies in the collective field can at present seem more swirly and uncertain in many areas, the ascended New Earth is present, gleaming through in shafts of light, joy, wisdom and kindness wherever it can, micro to macro, while the human collective transitions through the 4D bands deeply enough to connect with the subtle but unshakeable presence of peaceful wholeness and well-being constantly rippling through Gaia’s field.

For anyone feeling a pull to the sea, the water element ~ especially the oceans and large bodies of water ~ is holding and radiating the heightened 5D vibrations strongly, so if you have access to the sea or a large lake, take a swim, immerse and merge with the high vibrations pulsing through the water molecules (for our northern hemipshere friends, maybe not just yet in the winter chill!). But if that’s not possible, wherever we are on the planet, we’re all primarily composed of water, and we can invite the presence of the 5D+ vibrations within the fluid and crystalline aspects of our bodies to Amplify Now. We can hold the intention of this amplification coming in smoothly and gently, becoming clearer in our conscious awareness, as we align with the inner impulse of Ascension (remembrance of ourselves and all creation as Univeral Love) radiating from the Divine Source through the Omnivers…and enveloping this planet, to a level that can be naturally connected with in our hearts and senses, transcending dense, unstable vibrations, when we give it our focus an unconditional trust.

Back in November/December 2020, we shared about the high vibrational Blue Wave coming in from the soul of Neptune, radiating through many beautiful Neptunian lightships and beings, creating optimal course adjustments and preparing the water element for higher vibrational receptivity, for the Shift of energies to unfold into and through, this year.

We’d like to touch back on December briefly, to an activation that took place at the ‘landing pad node‘ in this patch of the Perth hills on December 4th…now in full swing in the light-grids, continuing to trigger release and clearing of the deepest layer of vibrational debris meshed into the collective subconscious connected with the fall of Atlantis. Sticky ‘end of Atlantis’ (and its interplanetary and galactic-connected imprints) are being guided by the Light Realms to deeply transmute back to Love now, as they’re still vibrating a survival rather than thrival mindset that is lower astral in nature, rooted in the subconscious. Vibrations of judgement, loss and impending doom, 4D-amplified coming into this year, have a clouding effect on collective awareness of the infinite, expansive light of Grace and Providence that is truly at humanity’s fingertips (and can be connected with in any moment in our Inner Heart). Yet concurrent with this multi-facetted dis-ease vibration, the 5D+ frequencies are welling up through the New Earth light-grid to expose fear/ego-based constructs as shadows-without-substance, and transform them, in the instant of recognition with love, empathy and unity.

This next level of ‘end-times disaster’ release through the Avalon light-grid came with some very clear soul emanations on December 4th 2020, of the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, in merged subtle form, stepping across the astral planes to open a light portal for all ‘attached shades’ to come Home to Divine Light. At the time of this activation, there had been a recent fire around the node (yet the circle of vegetation around the stone at the centre of the node remained untouched and green, as you can see in the photo below). Three crystals placed on the node stone can be seen in the photos as a white cluster on the stone’s highest point, and as we aligned the energies, the Priest/Priestess appeared clearly, standing on the smaller rock, in side view, gazing toward the crystals.

He/she wasn’t fully materialized (you can see the rock through their long robe) but the energy flowing from this form was so very deep, full of understanding and love, for All. Further down the hill to the left, coming from the ‘burnt land’, the figure of a shadowy woman seemed to walk up the hill straight toward the Priest/Priestess…and I felt she represented all the shadows of Atlantean doom/doomsday energies stored in the lower astral/etheric layers around the Earth. In the last photo, their forms were starting to fade, but you can see the shadow figure lifting her arms, reaching out for the presence of pure Love, that guided the shadows of Atlantis out through an octagonal portal…which became outlined on the node stone below the crystals. The octagonal sides are especially clear on the lower left (the number 8 represents infinity and Divine Order), and I see overlays of a large, gentle eye, like the eye of a Whale, in the centre of the octagon, and a Temple of Light was visible there while this activation was in progress. (I’d just like to share here, that the energy and light streaming through to create this activation was beyond words, a blessed release of energies that had meshed and generated shadow-beliefs in the collective field for many thousands of years in a linear time view). 🌞

Robed figure semi-materializes on a stone, representing the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, gazing toward a cluster of crystals on a ‘node stone’ in the Perth hills, December 4th 2020

Receiving nodes around the planet networked the activation (with gratitude to all involved!) and was subtly at work through December, heightening now in 2021’s energies. I see/hear the collective landed predominantly in a ‘tertiary timeline’ through the Solstice Gateway; it could have been ‘higher’ ~ more unified in its light ~ or ‘lower’ ~ more fragmented. We’ve come somewhere through a middle band of the potentials, and the Light Realms are working to clear, uplift and stabilize energies, moment to moment. There’s already enough cohesion in the New Earth light-grid vibration, however, for several Star Family groups that have been ‘in the background’ to bring their warm, gentle soul energies forward, and the group we’ll focus with for this post comes from the Lepus (Rabbit/Hare) constellation, which Ashura&I and soul family connect closely with.

Stellar bunny connections flowed through the December 2020 Solstice, with guidance to focus with the gorgeous nebula below (the Spirograph Nebula), in the Lepus constellation, overlaid on the ‘Cosmic Egg’ for New Age of Gaia birth energies coming through the Great Conjunction. To the left of Jupiter&Saturn’s conjunction, among a pair of flashing lightships, the orb/ship below revealed the Lepus/Rabbit energies present and assisting the light in-flow…with a ‘purple bunny’ beautifully clear.

Following the Solstice shift, with the ‘amplified astral’ around the Earth, certain groups connected with (non-ascended) areas of the Orion constellation, sought amplification via attempts to open lower 4D portal near some of Orion’s stars. The Lepus constellation went into ‘high beam’ from that moment, and on Januray 12th, Lepian star family gave a wonderful ‘visual trail’ of their presence around Orion while keeping watch and transmuting energies. Their soul light appears as silvery cream-white to blueish orbs, with a ‘pearly’ quality (connected with the pearlescent light of the Tenth Ray). Here, their orb showed across multiple photos, starting from Lepus, flowing down to Orion’s Belt, crossing over toward Procyon, back to Orion near the star Saiph, then holding position in straight alignment to the Belt again.

Pearlescent orb floats from the Lepus/Rabbit constellation, in a series of photos, around Orion, on January 12th 2021.

The Lepians connect with feline/leonine soul groups of Sirius and Mirzam, and on January 12th, the ‘bunny orb’ was closely watched over by a glowing rose-gold orb of Lyran&Sirian leonine souls, with the large eyes and small nose of a feline face softly formed in the lower part of this orb.

At the soul level, Ashura&I have a close relationship with Lepus. With our 5D soul expressions Arnap&Rowena, there’s a resonance in the name of the alpha star Arneb, which comes from Arabic ‘Arnab’, meaning hare or rabbit. Ashura, in his Arnap form, sent this light emanation from the bridge of a Lepian lightship on January 17th, positioned at that moment above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt (another star with soul connections, with planets inhabited by feline beings and other groups). With the contrast enhanced, his form is visible, facing Mintaka, from within a double ‘light railing’ as if standing on a balcony (or in this case, in the prow of a starship)!

Arnap appears in a light emanation from the bridge of a lightship, just above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on January 17th 2021.

The next night on January 18, this ship flew down from Lepus and stationed in straight alignment to Orion’s Belt, before flying further down toward Procyon, where another ascended star group is based (for our northern hemisphere readers, if you’re looking for these stars in the nightsky, they’ll be the other way up).

Lightship from Lepus flies close to Orion’s Belt, then toward Procyon, on January 18th 2021.

In the southern sky, a lot of Star Family to’ing and fro’ing continues around the star Canopus, and this beautiful rainbow orb to the left of Canopus on January 21st was followed by a detailed photo, with a lit triangular interior view of a lightship at the foot of the frame, flying upward behind a spray of grey pods which it ‘herded’ toward the star.

Shimmery rainbow orb appears to the left of Canopus, alpha star of the Carina constellation, on January 21st 2021.
Lightship flashes below Canopus, herding a ‘swarm’ of grey pods, showing an interior view (see enlargement below), on Januoary 21st 2021.

Enlarged below, there’s a dear star brother in the foreground of this interior view, showing his left arm (on the right to our view) sheathed in white light from shoulder to hand, with his right arm folded over his front, and right hand resting on his left forearm. I see/feel two soul ‘overlays’ radiating through this form; one radiates from our star brother Ka’ree, and one is Arnap’Arein, our (Arnap&Rowena’s) son, on board the Lei’hua with us. Arein is a 5D soul expression of a family member on the earth plane…who around the time this photo was taken, had just been required to have several vaccines. You can see the white light sheath is brightest around his shoulder, with a dense, dark ball of energy to the right of his arm, as etheric aspects of the vaccines were drawn out from his earthly form and transmuted. Arein sends this photo for all, as a reassurance that anything not in resonance with the higher dimensional light integrating within our physicality on this plane can be instantly transformed and realigned to divine harmonics…just ask, peacefully, in your heart, trust you intuition. Your Oversoul, your Inner Divine, is present always, embracing you and within your whole being, as Infinite Love. πŸ’› And be reassured that Star Family continues to transmute and transform many types of non-aligned frequencies and energies, all around the planet.

Throughout January, ships continued to flash around Arneb and the Lepian stars, with the same pearly orbs appearing there and flying around Orion, such as this one on January 22nd, constantly watching over the Earth and defusing intrusions.

Pearly orb from Lepus constellation floats above Orion, on January 22nd 2021.

We came into this year with massive Divine Mother Light pulsing through our Sun’s mother star Sirius (which reaches its annual zenith at midnight on New Year’s Eve). To my perception, Sirius has been flashing rose light this year, as well as the blue-purple spectrum…which showed beautifully on January 26th, with this soft focus shot of Sirius (with a ship flashing right beside her, and Canopus at the right of the frame). In the enlargement below, a glorious Divine Feminine form can be seen within Sirius, in a long rose dress, standing between pillars of light, framed in royal blue (supported by the Blue Ray/Divine Masculine energy). The ship beside her was also flashing bright rose in a ring of green lights, the heart chakra and higher heart colour vibrations aligning to the Earth as the Sirian stargate poured Mother Light here to support Gaia and all love-based co-creations here.

Sirius appears in soft focus with a ship flashing close at her right, with Canopus at upper right of the frame, on January 26th 2021.

Earlier that day Arnap brought his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, and appeared for a few seconds below the clouds, before anchoring the Sirius Light that night (with a companion ship mirroring him very subtly to the left).

Arnap flies his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, on January 26th 2021.

Sirius and Canopus work as mirror nodes, with lightships often flashing beside them in unison or zipping back and forth. While the Sirius stargate was open and streaming ‘mother-light codes’, ships were flashing brightly around Canopus, and a few nights later on January 30th, the Lei’hua gave an interior view from beside Canopus, rose-gold light with a tinge of green inside. I’ve circled some of the people inside a cosy sitting area…with figures standing at the left and seated at the right, faintly visible in a soft glow. The clearest figure is at the furthest left, in a dark green outfit.

The Lei’hua flashes brightly to the right of Canopus on January 30th 2021.

This interior scene was followed by another one the next night, from a ship holding an almost identical position to the upper right of Canopus, this time with a soft, ‘fluffy’ feeling orb to the left of the star, forming a straight alignment. The colours and shape are similar to the Lei’hua’s emanation, but revealing an interior scene this time from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem), with light figures ranged around a bright golden-white floor in the foreground, with overlighting forms in the background (I see/feel lovely Sananda in the centre background, in green light).

A ‘light-room’ emanation from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem) mothership flashes upper right of Canopus, with a pearlescent orb to the left of the star, on January 31st 2021.

Through all this, our Lepian star brothers and sisters continue containing lower astral Orion entities in light-fields and redirecting them (for clarity, these beings aren’t necessarily from Orion, but coming through portals connected to some of the Orion stars from other galaxies), with assistance from beings of ascended stars and planets within the diverse and complex Orion constellation. The beautiful golden-white orb below floated down from Lepus to align with Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021. Enlarged, there are two especially clear rabbit forms, representing the soul energies of star brother Arturo and star sister Ella (of the Elam’Ashar/Sapphire Star mothership).

Golden-white ‘bunny’ orb floats down from Lepus, on a level with Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021.

Arturo&Ella earthed their soul energies, for a few cherished years, through a pair of very adorable bunny companions, Merlin and Ella, who Arturo&Ella have projected within the orb…with Merlin in the foreground looking this way, and Ella behind him, looking toward a golden light. Ella passed on Christmas Day 2020 during a ‘sudden mission’ connected with the Orion portals, in which her hold on her earth-anchor bunny form slipped away. But in the higher dimensions she is fine, all is re-newed in the instant…and she sends her rabbit form in my dreams, meditations, and orbs. In hindsight, it’s no coincidence that bunny companions first came into my earthly life some ten years ago, at the same time I started dreaming of starships, then seeing them in the sky (and the first time I ever searched the name ‘Arnap’ online, a picture of a white rabbit came up).

Ascended beings assisting the Earth and humanity’s awakening can anchor their soul presences through animals, just as much as through human embodiments (and really, through anything, a tree, a crystal, a light particle, but often soul family members and soul friends are with us, radiating through the forms of animals, whether as our close companions, or fleetingly through our wild friends). Everything is connected, and everything reflects, from the macro to the micro, in these interweaving expressions and co-creations throughout universes. And for any who feel so called, the beautiful ‘Bunny Angels’ are here and delighted to connect! Just ask from your heart of Love (we suggest practices like these ones or similar, for aligning and unifying your vibration, before inviting other dimensional connections).

With the Lunar New Year open now, through the vibration of the Year of the Ox, alignments are now lighting up from many Ox/Cow-connected stars, including the Taurus constellation’s Pleiades cluster, Hyades cluster and alpha star Aldebaran. The Ox vibration radiates stability, kindness, gentle strength, patience and perseverance, all qualities that are a great asset in this phase of the Earth Shift, perfect for stabilizing the field, staying on track and honouring the New Earth’s budding creational potentials within ourselves and all beings.

We wish all readers celebrating this Lunar New Year many blessings of the Light, radiating to All Beings! And a Happy Valentine’s Day to ‘the world and all beings here’, with a photo leading into these beautiful energies on February 10th 2021…of an orb close to the alpha star of Taurus, Aldebaran, containing a pair of Divine Lovers holding each other in a wash of deep rainbow light.

Rainbow orb appears next to the star Aldebaran, with a divine loving pair holding each other, and soul family among the rainbow colours, on February 10th 2021, leading into the Lunar Year of the Ox and Valentine’s Day.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸŒžβœ¨πŸ’›πŸ°

*More photos and video footage of the ships and light-beings appearing here so far this year can be found on the Lightships 2021 page, which I/we will keep updating through the year.

Solstice Blessings πŸ’›βœ¨

Dear Friends,

A quick note to wish you all a very beautiful Solstice on December 21st, aligned with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn, that has been building energetically throughout 2020 toward this convergence point at zero degrees Aquarius, through the Solstice Gateway!

There’s a meditation at the LoveLight Circle, for anyone who feels inner guided to focus with us: Great Conjunction Solstice Meditation December 21st 2020.

At this turning point Gateway for the New Earth, the opening of the New Age of Gaia, wherever you are, and however you feel called to align and anchor the optimal Planetary Ascension pathway personally and within the collective consciousness field, for all Life on Earth, please hold the Convergence of Love, Peace and Oneness in your heart, for the highest well-being of All. And for the well-being of All, please hold in your heart and loving intention, the way for a miracle of alignment and connection, for humanity to be at ease and ready for open contact with the many beings of Pure Love across the dimensions of light who are here assisting the Earth in Universal Love and Divine Service.

Love, Peace & Joy to you all, divine beings, and all life travelling with the Shift of this beautiful planet Earth,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›πŸŒžβ­

The lightship Lei’hua shining bright on December 13th 2020, with support structures below (see enlargment below) ~ in Arnap’s words, ‘getting her landing gear sorted’. ☺

The Avalon Code

Huge rose-gold orb appears above Mars on October 21st 2020, representing Lyran soul energies that radiate ‘the Avalon Code’.

Dear Friends,

Loving wishes to all as we move with the energetic openings of December 2020, culminating in the ‘crossing-point of Ages’ Solstice Gateway. πŸ’› A major timeline shift came through the Earth’s vibrational field at the beginning of November, anchored through the 11~11 Gateway to keep an optimal planetary ascension trajectory on track (with thanks to everyone at ‘ground level’ who held loving focus during the 11~11), which Star Family and many beings of Love have been working to stabilize during recent weeks.

November’s completion through a two day lunar catalyst and ‘shadow release’ ~ via an aspect between the Moon’s North Node and Jupiter on November 29th (a biquintile or 2×72 degree angle = 144, see this post for the galactic significance of 27~72), and a penumbral Lunar Eclipse of November 30th’s Full Moon ~ has opened the way for a subtle lunar passage from December 8th-10th that is deeply connected with ushering in the New Earth. Solar alignments then heighten through the 12~12 Gateway and December 14th’s Solar Eclipse, a week before the December Solstice ‘pulse through the Love Wave’ for the New Earth/New Age of Aquarius…that can then consolidate in the light-grids and collective energy field through a highly activated window to New Year.

In previous posts, we focused on Neptune’s role during September-October 2020, in opening up deeper receptivity to the Ascension trajectory adjustment flowing on the Love Wave through early November, and to the higher vibrations in general, in the Earth’s vibrational field and collective consciousness, with many beautiful ship decloaks and light emanations signalling Star Family’s work and the vibrational shifts coming through. Reviewing this ‘arc of alignment’ of the last couple of months, there’s been another Light flow riding in on the Neptunian wave of receptivity, infusing the Earth with golden, rosegold and amber light frequencies that carry and emit the ‘Avalon Code’.

There are creation codes within the planetary DNA-RNA of the Earth that, on a vibrational level, trace back to the original Avalon Planet, also known as Avyon, the beautiful ‘first Earth’ paradise planet that orbits Vega, alpha star of Lyra, constellation of the Golden Harp. In this Now, Avyon is restored within its primary higher dimensional template…a creational template that radiates far and wide in this galaxy, and the primary ‘golden frequency of creation’ is rippling through many connected stars and planets, Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades, Antares, Aldebaran, Aquila, Cygnus, Canopus, Spica and many more, including this Earth, our Sun and planets of the Solar System.

The reactivation of the Avalon Code within the Earth’s nodes, light-grids and vibrational field is integral to global realizing of the New Earth, as the already-Ascended Earth’s vibrations pulse through each multi-dimensional Gateway, meeting with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn (catalyst for collective change) at 0 degrees Aquarius on the December Solstice 2020. This primary Code has been here all along, woven into life on Earth, flowing from the Source, through the mother-father universe of this universe as an eternal ‘golden frequency’, radiating through many variations in this galaxy.

Wherever stars, planets or galaxies have drifted from the primary Code of Love, the impulse for Ascension ~ inner re-alignment with the divinity radiating in/as/through All That Is ~ focuses toward them, from the Heart of the Source (God, Goddess, Great Spirit by whichever name), and catalyzes the Code where it has become latent or muffled, so that its tone can ring free again, loosening the effects of veiling density and lifting the planetary or stellar vibration, until it is touching a frequency band that allows for a ‘miracle of renewal’. Depending on the situation of the planet or star, this could come as a sweeping, single flash of enlightenment (literally, that which in-lightens), as a gradual evolutionary unfolding, as a pathway of multiple stages with flash-points triggering higher shifts of vibration along the way, or any of diverse combinations.

Here on Earth, the Avalon Code has been in full expression during earlier ages (in a linear time view) such as in the Golden Ages of Mu/Lemuria and Atlantis, and in certain locations throughout Earth’s journey, as havens of higher dimensional Light, like Shambala, or remembered in the echoes of Avalon as a mystical, otherworldly place of light, grace and beauty in the Arthurian legends….and it has been preserved in the 5D light realms of Agartha, in the Inner Earth. This ebb and flow of the primary golden Code of Avalon on Earth, with this planet’s fluctuations in vibrational density, is reflective of a broader ebb and flow within this galaxy. Everything is connected, and as ‘the lights turn back on’, the energy ripples through quantum resonance, triggering pools, streams and waves of light, until the whole ‘galactic ocean’ is refreshed, sparkling as One.

We can all connect with the Avalon Code, it lives within us and the Earth, and Star Family suggest visualizing, drawing, meditating with, creating a crystal grid, or simply focusing and holding the intention of a 12-petalled Golden Flower of Light in our hearts, to re-new the Avalon Code within and all around us, for the Highest Well-Being of all Life on Earth and everywhere. The 12-petalled flower vibrates with the 12D Lyran Portal, open to the heart of this universe, and to the mother-father universe (Mu Universe) within which this universe is embraced and creatively blossoming. Diamond white light, rose and amber tones also come through the Golden Light of Lyra, sparkles of all the rainbow spectrum and much more in the higher dimensional frequency bands…so let intuition guide you, trust your heart, and let the ripples expand, in peace, joy and universal love. πŸ’›

We’d love to share some of the beautiful Lyran Portal/Avalon energies below, coming with immense love from motherships based at Avyon and in the Ara constellation, and anchoring and emanating now from many lightships of the Ashtar Command and local co-Commands (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, the Venus fleet, and also the ships of a 5D light-city within Olympus Mons on Mars, which we’ll talk about below).

Avalon motherships began revealing their presence from October 21st, with this light-saturated diamond/square ship ~ like a complete light city in itself ~ appearing for a moment above Mars, in golden-white light, with rainbow shimmers flowing around it.

A Lyran mothership flashes brilliantly, in golden-white light rimmed in rose and green, with Mars at lower left, October 21st 2020.

The lightship Lei’hua, which was flying (and for a while, docking) with this mothership, flashed a little closer to Mars. In the enlargement below, with the brightness reduced, deep gold and rose vibrations can be seen within the ring of lights around the Lei’hua’s disc-shaped rim.

The lightship Lei’hua flashes above Mars, radiating rose-gold light, on October 21st 2020.

Two nights later, on October 23rd, a pair of Ashtar Command ships flashed to the right of Jupiter & Saturn, while working with their alignment to the Moon, in part of a continuous operation to keep opening the way vibrationally for the higher dimensional frequencies to anchor and stabilize in the Earth’s nodes and light-grids during this year of intensified polarity and turbulence in the collective and planetary field.

Two ships flash simultaneously to the right of Jupiter, Saturn & the Moon, mirroring their position, on October 23rd 2020.

Here, the two ships can be seen swinging out to either end of the alignment, with one curving down below Jupiter (lower left corner of the frame) and the other dipping toward the Moon, before giving a brilliant light-pulse as they adjusted the energies down the alignment. In the enlargement below, we can see a ‘snapshot’ view into the ship, with the upper body of a man in a green outfit facing forward in front of a hatch, rimmed in gold and rose light.

The two ships form a shallow arc with Jupiter & Saturn between them (the upper ship nearly touching the Moon and the lower ship angling off to the lower left of Jupiter), October 23rd 2020.
The upper ship gives a huge pulse of light next to the Moon, October 23rd 2020.

The two ships then aligned to the Moon, mirroring Jupiter & Saturn from above. Showing the flow of Avyon/Avalon soul groups with these ships, an orb of soft rose, yellow and peachy tones hovered nearby, with a gentle Lyran Feline vibration (and perhaps you can see a face in the ‘greenest’ area of the orb that looks like a tabby cat). πŸ™‚

Orbs of deep amber tones also began appearing around Jupiter & Saturn, which I feel a blend of Lyran and Capellan vibrations emanating from (Capella is the alpha star of Auriga, and home star to a beautiful planet where many Ashtar Command ships are based). Everything is connected; as the golden frequency of divine-aligned creation focuses and permeates the Earth’s vibrational field, it’s flowing through light photons, through air and water molecules, crystals and minerals, sending subtle activations through the DNA-RNA of all living beings here, with the message to realign and renew in universal love, unity consciousness, natural well-being.

Deep rose-amber Lyran~Capellan orb appears directly beneath Jupiter, on October 25th 2020.

With this next level of Golden Light flowing into, activating and strengthening the Avalon Light Grid, another very beautiful rose-gold structure appeared in alignment with Jupiter and Saturn, which we’ll share below. In the previous post, we mentioned how higher dimensional docking stations have been positioning in orbit around the Earth…with part of one of them showed visibly during the 10~10 Gateway, where a framework of bright white light showed in the clouds overhead, wrapped around a long diamond-shaped ship named the Taia’Tara. Here’s the photo from that day:

White light structural framework can be seen wrapped around a silhouetted lightship with a long diamond shape, named the Taia’Tara, on October 10th 2020.

During the following couple of weeks, dear star sister Janet Dawn took some very similar ‘docking station’ photos, brightly illuminated at night-time, with Star Family sending the message that with the presence of these docking ports, more galactic ships are coming in around the Earth…at a stage of the higher dimensional convergence into this Earth plane that is calling for a lot of stabilizing. The planetary call goes out, and more higher dimensional support comes in; the magnetics of Universal Love in action! Here are Janet Dawn’s photos, from October 13th and 29th (with thanks, star sister).

‘Galactic lightship docking stations’ photographed by Janet Dawn, over the Perth hills, Western Australia, on October 13th (left) and October 29th (right) 2020.

On the night of October 30th, a docking station with a particular role and shape flashed brightly to the right of Jupiter & Saturn (with another ship flashing at the top of the frame simultaneously).

The New Jerusalem’s ‘docking station’ can be seen decloaked to the right of Jupiter & Saturn, on October 30th 2020, with a lightship flashing at the top of the frame.

Enlarged, this station has a distinct square frame structure (we’re looking at it here with one ‘corner’ of the frame to the front), flowing with rose, gold and white light, around a hollowed central area with a sphere floating within it. Star Family show this now, to attune with, as the docking station for the Na’Heru’Shi’Mu’Ra’Ima (New Jerusalem) mothership, which is sent on before the ship, when an ascending planet that it is overlighting comes into a certain frequency range, within its higher dimensional shift. If your heart calls to connect with the New Jerusalem’s approach now, envision her docking into this station, which her lower port ‘fits’ into, within the golden-rose light frame, around the sphere, which can then come down to Earth. πŸ’›

This beautifully defined image was followed by a golden rose orb flashing to the upper left of Jupiter & Saturn, while three ships flashed together in a triangle/trinity formation to the right.

Orb projection from the New Jerusalem mothership flashes upper left of Jupiter & Saturn, while three companion ships flash simultaneously to the right, with one especially bright, October 30th 2020.

Enlarging the bright rose-gold orb near Jupiter & Saturn shows many overlapping faces, and a silhouetted robed figure with arms outstretched, with the soul vibration of Sananda coming through, with loving ones stepping down behind him. This orb projection is sent as a sign of the 12D Golden Light of Resurrection and Renewal, reactivating the Avalon/Avyon golden frequency codes of the original ‘Paradise Earth’ template, igniting the next phase of Earth’s ascension, sending the rebirth ripple through the Avalon light-grid, literally re-newing Gaia’s Golden Age in a fresh form, fresh energies, of the New Earth. From the constant positioning of orbs, ships and light-beings around Jupiter & Saturn’s stroll together across the sky this year until their conjunction on the Solstice, and the ships and light frequencies arriving now, we’re being shown just how significant and far-reaching this ‘expansive change catalyst for joy, benevolence and wisdom’ conjunction during the Solstice Gateway truly is for the Shift on Earth.

The three ships to the right of Jupiter & Saturn are radiating Avalon energies/light codes, stepping through the recreated 12D Portal of Lyra from the mother-father universe of this universe (‘Mu Universe’ is how I hear the name/soundform of the universe within which our universe exists). The brightest of the three ships is enlarged below, incredibly beautiful…like a luminous cluster of jewels, radiating rose, peach, white, emerald and gold colour frequencies in the form of a ship or floating light city. Just feel the vibrations in your heart and energy field, wrapping Divine Mother-Father-Child energy around the Earth and Solar System…with many ships of light and grace supporting the energies of Jupiter & Saturn’s convergence.

Three jewel-like companion ships of the New Jerusalem station in a triangle formation, October 30th 2020.

Here we’ll add a little about Aris (Mars), as both the Neptune fleet and Procyon wing of the Ashtar Command have been closely involved with guarding Earth’s neighbouring planet from attempts to lower Mars’ light-field and reassert timelines that vibrate old ‘martial’ war imprints into the Earth’s field. In the photo below from October 17th, you can see Mars at the right, and a beautiful ship lighting up at the left, flowing with Lyran peachy golden light, as the Lyran light frequencies poured around Mars (perhaps you can also see golden white light-forms and green light figures projecting through the foreground of this ship).

A bright peachy-gold and green lightship pulses light at the left, with Mars at the right, on October 17th 2020.

The Avalon frequencies were anchored/are anchoring into a 5D light city within Olympus Mons (Mt Olympus), tallest mountain on Mars at 72,000 ft high. As Mars/Aris’s vibrational ‘anchor’ of the 27-72 galactic central codes, the light city of Aris has endured, even during Mars’ heaviest energetic phases of lower 4D occupation. Much like Earth, where the surface (and near-surface) vibration became dense and dualized, a network of Inner Earth light realms and crystalline cities known as Agartha have continued to exist in peace and love, in the frequency vibration of 5D (and higher)…ready to open to the surface world again once peaceful, loving unity consciousness is sufficiently steady within their surface-dwelling brothers and sisters.

From the mothership of the 5D light city of Mars, a visual greeting and light emanation from the Guardians of Aris came just after the ship above flashed, showing a masculine form in green. I see him holding a device that is projecting a light beam. With the brightness reduced in the enlargement below at the right, you can see the light beam shades from white into red, as the Aris Guardian shows us a movement of drawing the light beam along in front of him, grounding the white light frequencies in the red earthing (or marsing!) frequency…keeping the frequency of the light-field around Mars strong and ‘tuned up’ (with Mars at lower right of the frame, and the Aris Guardian on the left, on the same plane/horizon line as Mars).

Beautiful emanation of one of the Guardians of Aris at work, tuning and strengthening the vibrational field around Mars, October 17th 2020.

Venus and our Venusian brothers and sisters are also playing an important role in the Earth Shift, which we’ll focus with in the next post. For now, we’re all asked to keep our hearts peaceful and inner focus tuned with the continuously heightening frequencies of love, joy and harmony unfolding through the Avalon Code that is renewing in our beings. May the Christmas Star, the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ (as the conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn is traditionally known), shine at maximum potential for All.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›

9~9 Gateway 2020 Update

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the trees on September 8th 2020, aligning energies during the 9-9 Gateway.

Dear Friends,

It’s been a while between posts, as we (and Star Family assisting the Earth’s vibrational Shift in general) continue to be very focused and ‘interdimensionally busy’ moment to moment through this intense year! At ground level, I’m resting a lot to allow integrations between node/light-grid activations and incoming higher energy alignments, and am offline a fair bit…so firstly, sending a warm Heart Hug now to anyone who has reached out via email, comments or messages, that I haven’t replied to, love and gratitude to you all, and to everyone reading here. πŸ’—

In the lead-up to the first high vibrational Gateway of September, energies moved swiftly from this year’s Lion’s Gate period through August, into September’s potent alignments ~ which opened with a massive Full Moon clearing that led into the 9~9 ‘Gate of Angels’. We’d like to share a few key moments within the last month and a half’s progression of alignments and activations from our perspective, with high energies now flowing toward the September Equinox 2020.

We’ll start from a follow-up visit to the ‘landing spot‘ Star Family continue to strengthen energetically, on July 27th, working with the ‘27-72‘ galactic light-codes (the galactic central format the universal creation codes translate through into this galaxy). As with previous activations of the landing pad node on July 7th and 21st, an eagle immediately appeared overhead, with Ashura’s soul vibration guiding through this beautiful bird. Many overlighing presences also formed in clouds around the eagle, such as the figure in the right-hand photo below, standing on a symbolic floating platform, with arms forward and outstretched in a Christlike embrace toward the Earth.

A lot of dense vibrational pressure leading up to the opening of the annual Lion’s Gate on July 26th was loosened from the planetary field through multiple activations around the world, initiating another level of clearing by lightships of the Ashtar Command around the Earth. On July 27th, this type of clearing action was openly displayed by a ship which stayed close overhead throughout that day’s ‘landing pad’ activation. This small ship holding around thirty people/beings is a run-around from the Lei’hua (which you can read about on this page). In the enlargement below, you can see this ship’s flat disc-type shape of shining pink-white light, with two white plumes visible going over its roof on either side, like fountains of light, along with what looks like a sheet of transparent, slightly viscous liquid dropping below the ship, which Arnap (Ashura’s 5D soul form, on board this ship at the time) described as ‘venting plasma’. At the moment captured in this photo, the ship was converting disruptive frequencies into subtle plasma (ie; converted into a beneficial, purifying vibration/subtle substance).

Small support ship of the Lei’hua flies close overhead, transmuting dissonant frequencies into healthy plasma/subtle substance, July 27th 2020.
The Lei’hua’s support ship, a light pink-white disc-ship we call the Daina, visibly venting plasma like a translucent shimmery waterfall below the ship, while conversion of disruptive frequencies can be seen in the twin fountains pluming over the top of the ship, July 27th 2020.

I hear these plasma transformations by thousands of support ships working within the Earth’s ionosphere are now continuous around the planet, discharging dense electromagnetic frequencies, converting them into higher vibrating subtle substance (this includes both technological sources of disruptive frequencies and intensified emotional/psychological stress and polarization triggered within the human collective consciousness field this year, which also has a strong interactive electromagnetic aspect and influence).

This beautiful big blue-green orb with a touch of violet above the Moon, just left of Jupiter and Saturn while they formed a straight alignment to the Moon on the night of July 27th, signalled clearing and healing vibrations flowing from Star Family to the Earth, with this calming, healing blue-green colour continuing to appear in orbs and lightships throughout August.

Blue-green orb appears next to Jupiter and Saturn, during a Moon-Jupiter-Saturn alignment on July 27th 2020.

Forward to August 19th, here’s one of those beautiful blue-green lightship, flashing in the southern sky to the right of Alpha Centauri, during a period of close communications and messages from one of our lovely Star Sons, Minairu.

Blue-green lightship from a planet of Canopus flashes to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri, August 19th 2020.

With the ship enlarged, Arnap’s form can be seen standing at the left, showing that he was liaising on board this ship at the time, and turned around in the second photo, the form of a seated woman is visible (circled at the right). Minairu shared visions through his 5-6D soul expression connected with this ship and the planet it comes from, one of nine planets orbiting Canopus in three rings of three, which translates in my inner hearing as Daira’mu.

This beautiful ship was followed by the appearance of a deep blue-green orb tinged with purple, still to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri. Minairu’s form can be seen in the centre of the orb, with a slim build and long dark hair, wearing a kimino-style robe (see if you can spot a deep V-shape near the centre of the orb in the enlargement below, where his robe is wrapped over at the front).

Teal blue-green orb appears between Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross, projecting the soul presence of Minairu and the vibration of a planet of Canopus called Daira’mu, August 19th 2020.

While communing with him and photographing this orb, Minairu sent a vision of Daira’mu as a watery blue-green planet with deep underwater forests of wavy plants (like blue kelp forests on a giant scale), and the presence of gentle water dragons. Two days later, on August 21st, this Daira’muan ship and companions stationed overhead during a light-grid activation in the Perth hills, connected with a waterfall. As the activation completed, a sunbow formed overhead, and in the enlarged section below, with contrast enhanced, three forms are subtly visible standing on the rim of the bow, Ashura&Irana (9D Higher Selves presence) and a slightly smaller ‘child’ figure at the right, representing Minairu. In the enlargement, maybe you can also see the face of a lion in the cloud at the left, representing Ashura’s leonine soul energies.

Sunbow forms at the completion of a node and light-grid activation in the Perth hills on August 21st 2020.
From left to right, Ashura, Irana & Minairu, standing on the sunbow, with light pillars flowing down, August 21st 2020. If you look closely, Ashura is wearing a white gem on a long necklace, and Irana is holding a matching white gem (higher dimensional diamond) in her hand.

The dance of Jupiter and Saturn has continued through these mid-months of 2020, leading toward culmination as a Great Conjunction on the Solstice of December 21st this year (still currently on course as potential breakthrough moment of the ‘Event’, on the most optimal/energized Ascension timeline), Their alignment continues to be surrounded by higher dimensional activity, with more gigantic blue-green orbs like the one below, floating over Saturn on August 26th, with Jupiter the brighter light at the left, indicating much focus keeping the high vibrations flowing toward Earth (and a lot of work by the Jupiter & Saturn Commands, thank you star brothers and sisters).

Giant deep blue-green orb hovers above Saturn, with Jupiter shining bright at the left, on August 26th 2020.

Night after night there have been ships twinkling between and around Jupiter and Saturn. On August 26th, three different ships flashed in sequence to the lower right of the two planets. The first was the Victor Five, followed by an incredibly bright flash of rose, amber and golden light, then a third flash…which in the enlargements below, reveals an ‘interior snapshot’ from the Lei’hua, with Arnap (in green, his most customary colour this year) seated at a wrap-around white console, then with the photo turned around, he can be seen standing, facing forward and rimmed in white light.

Valiant Thor’s current ship, the Victor Five, flashes to the right of Saturn and Jupiter, August 26th 2020.
A bright rose-gold flash, again lower right of Saturn and Jupiter, signals the presence of the New Jerusalem (Na’Heru’Shi’Mura’Ima) mothership, August 26th 2020.
A third flash below the other two ships reveals a ‘snapshot interior view’ of the Lei’hua with Arnap’s form in green, showing two ‘scenes’, depending on which way the picture is viewed, August 26th 2020.

On August 27th, strong high vibrations peaked through the straight alignment of Saturn and Jupiter to the Moon, with reception into the Earth’s light-grids assisted by many lightships and star groups, including a team of triangular ships with a distinctive appearance that appeared for three consecutive nights around the alignment of Moon, Jupiter & Saturn. These ships display a ‘composite’ vibration through their shape and colours, as they come from soul groups flowing together from the ‘Dog Stars’ (plural), in their words, with the long triangular design hailing from Sirius, with specific colours of plum, white, pink and green representing the stars Mirzam and Wezen in Canis Major, and Procyon, alpha star of Canis Minor.

In the photo below, two ships are aligning in a triangle with a rose-red orb beside Jupiter (showing Antarian star family presence), parallel to the Saturn, Jupiter, Moon alignment. The ship at upper centre looks like a ‘mash’ of light through the camera, which was actually the ship folding its light across dimensions. πŸ™‚

Rose-red orb of Antarian leonine/tiger soul vibrations flashes beside Jupiter, while two ships from the ‘Dog Stars’ triangulate with it from above, August 27th 2020.

Enlarged, you can see the distinct shape of these triangular ships, with a long, tapered nose of a deep plum colour and main body of green, rimmed in white and pink light, representing combined soul vibrations from the Dog Stars.

The same team of ships were busy around the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn over the next couple of nights, with another one flashing super clear on August 29th (with Jupiter and Saturn at that moment positioned with the Moon between them).

One of the same Canis Major-Minor team of lightships flashing to the far left of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn on August 29th 2020.

A very bright flash above Jupiter (in straight alignment with Jupiter and Saturn) a few seconds after the ship came through, shows faces among the soul groups on board, with a large-eyed, slightly feline green face in the centre.

A bright flash from the soul groups on board this/these lightships, showing overlapping faces, with a green face clearest in the centre (the overseer of this fleet), August 29th 2020.

September opened with a gateway, literally represented as a ‘double doorway’ in the clouds on September 1st, with higher dimensional focus honing strongly now toward the 9~9 ‘Gateway of Angels’.

A twin doorway is clearly framed on top of a cloud on September 1st 2020, heralding high vibrations and opening of nodes and light-grid pathways for a flow of Angelic energies through the 9-9 Gateway.

This beautiful sign of the converging Gateway energies rolled into Full Moon’s heightened vibrations on September 2nd, with an attempt, however, by certain parties to blanket the sublunar field just before the Moon occulted Mars (‘occulting’ here means the Moon completely covering Mars ie; they were in direct alignment to the Earth) on September 5th-6th. Aris, the planetary soul of Mars, holds a 5D Divine Masculine vibration, and efforts were made by some to distort the higher vibrations of that alignment into an ‘old martial’ activation. The energies around the Full Moon felt pretty ‘full on’, but many Angelic Lights came in to protect the Earth and Moon and refresh the energy field, and in the photo below, the orb of violet, purple and rose light at the upper left shows a masculine soul projection, with a serene and steady presence, as the disruptive energies were cleared, until the sky was calm again and the Moon shone peacefully.

Purple, rose-gold and violet orb appears left of the Moon, representing the sublunar field being cleared and disruptive vibrations transformed to Love, September 2nd 2020.

The energies built massively, and we’ll share some glorious lightships that appeared from the night of September 5th onward, in a new post soon, about the role of Neptune in the Earth’s Ascension, along with the Neptune Command (another local wing of the Ashtar Command, which is universal in scope and nature). Meanwhile, the close-up below of Jupiter on September 5th 2020 clearly shows what was happening energetically, with the planetary soul of Jupiter (Aisaia) visible as the face of a man with eyes closed in deep concentration, while dense energies are transmuting into a spreading array of rainbow colours from around his ‘head’ (the north pole of Jupiter), as a load of vibrational ‘gunk’ was shifted from the Earth’s energy field and transmuted into ‘aurora rainbow energies’ by/through Jupiter. Thanks and blessings, big guy and Star Family support teams!

Jupiter and Saturn on September 5th, during a massive transmutation of energies through Jupiter.
Enlargement of Jupiter shows his ‘planetary soul face’ amid a swathe of rianbow energies, September 5th 2020.

The next two photos were taken around midnight on September 8th, just as the energies were fully aligning for and into the 9~9 Gateway of Angels. The reddish-gold orb below shows a combination of ‘earthing’ vibrations of two big red stars, Antares and Aldebaran, with the golden light of Lyra aligning through them and grounding in earthy tones. There are two clear figures; circled on the left is Sananda in Christ pose with a ray of green-golden light flowing down through him into a mountaintop, and on the right is Ashura in his ‘Min’ soul expression, closely connected with Aldebaran, as he anchored that star alignment. He’s showing his Min aspect in this orb as a dark-skinned masculine form wearing a white cloth around his middle, in ancient Egyptian style (symbolizing one of the areas on Earth he was anciently connected with as Min).

Red-gold orb appears close to midnight on September 8th 2020, leading into the opening of the 9-9 Gateway.

This was followed by a bright blue flash as the Gate opened, and the enlargement below shows the opening of the Gateway in a very specific sequence (several images in one light emanation, revealed by turning the photo around). In the first crop, you can see a Divine Masculine figure with arms and legs in ‘star pose’ (Ashtar Ka’ree, of the Jupiter Command) opening the gate, appearing as a semi-circle of brilliant blue-white light around his hand at the right. Turned around, in the second picture, there’s again a clear, beautiful Masculine form coming through the Gateway, head haloed in the blue-white light of the Gate. Through this form, I see/feel an overlay of many loving soul vibrations, including Arnap, star brothers Ar’Noah and Atreis, and Arturo, of the mothership Elam’Ashar)…and more, all coming through the Gateway as One to protect and uphold the Divine Feminine rebirth of Gaia and her planetary ascension. Finally, the Gateway is symbolized in this light emanation as an Omega symbol (see pictures below ~ with brightness reduced, the symbol is especially clear)…which signifies activation of the Alpha-Omega Gateway dynamic of ‘end of the old programme/rebirth into New Earth’ that has been building Ascension convergence through successive alignments and gateways this year.

A bright blue flash on September 8th at midnight reveals both Divine Masculine soul energies opening the 9-9 Gate, and the Omega symbol of the Alpha-Omega Gateway energetics of ‘end of the old/rebirth of the New Earth’ convergence building through successive high vibrational Gateways during 2020.

The 9~9 Gateway this year has had such a powerful Angelic Light in-flow, with the vibrations settling in through to September 12th, calling in a Miracle of Grace to humanity, this beautiful planet and all living beings here. Our focus here began with Ashura’s ‘eagle form’ suddenly flying down a long ‘cloud ray’ and below a bank of clouds, with the rim of a rectangular ship outlined in the clouds at the right. Ashura’s eagle appeared sheathed in golden light to my eyes, and this has come out a little in the photo below, with golden light around the eagle’s head and wings (see the enlargement below, and also of this rectangular ship, with a face forming in the centre of it).

Ashura’s eagle flies into view during the 9-9 Gateway actiation, with a rectangulat ship in clouds above, to the right, Septemeber 9th 2020.

The eagle flew up and down these ‘cloud rays’, followed by many Arcturian bowships outlining or silhouetting in the clouds.

Arcturian bowships outlined/silhouetted among clouds on September 9th 2020.

These are also Arcturian ships silhouetted in the clouds, with a deeper curved shape rather than the shallow arc of the Bowships, and they refer to these more curved ships as Deepwings.

Arcturian ‘Deepwings’, very angelic looking/feeling ships, September 9th 2020.

As we can and are constantly flowing through multiple, multidimensional soul expressions and energies at once (you too, dear readers, we are All multidimensional beings), Ashura was also present in his 5D Arnap form, flying his small silver-white pod ship down from the Lei’hua close over the treetops as we aligned and anchored the Gateway light in-flow to the nodes and light-grids here.

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the treetops while we anchoried energies together through the Gateway, September 9th 2020.
Arnap continues aligning energies, in this photo his pod is in front of a cloaked high light Carian ship (bird-like beings) outlined in the clouds as a long, curved triangular shape, which hails from the Phoenix Cluster, September 9th 2020.

The ‘double diamond’ signature form of a lightship named the Taia’Tara (from Antares, with beautiful leonine and tiger beings on board, as well as humanlike Antarians) hovered overhead, and can be seen softly outlined in clouds, with a subtle diamond-shaped light-field around it.

The Antarian lightship Taia’Tara hovers straight overhead, with its double diamond shape outlined in clouds, September 9th 2020.

Here’s another diamond-shaped ship, with a more rounded edge. Light rays were spreading like a starburst all around the ship, and they faintly reflected into the clouds, in a soft (but powerful) light emanation.

Softly curved diamond-shaped ship, spreading light rays, which have ‘translated’ subtly into the clouds, that look like a ‘starburst’ from the ship, September 9th 2020.

There were angelic forms all over the sky, and the two below show a ‘winged cherubic face’ on the left, and a childlike being holding a Light Language symbol forward, symbolizing the angelic light-codes flowing through the Gateway.

During this phase of flux and variables, amid ongoing attempts to steer human consciousness, focus and energies into tension, we have the choice every moment to be(come) still and light within our hearts, to relax and breathe the pure ascension-coded love vibrations pouring all around the Earth into our beings…and radiate them to all around us, people, animals, plants and planet, in love and compassion. Smile to the sky, ground with the earth, align with the New Earth light-grids, the already-Ascended Earth, and know that countless Angels (and all manner of loving beings in Divine Service to the Source of all Life) are with Gaia and all of us in this enterprise, and their Love is available and can be connected to in any moment!

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’–

PS: There’ll be a September Equinox Meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle soon, for anyone who feels called to join in. Meanwhile, all are most welcome to join in the New Earth Meditations, let’s keep building the peaceful energies! With love and thanks to everyone who’s been coming in on this regular focus for New Earth.

Birds Fly Over The Rainbow

Rainbow-coloured sunbow, with light beings and crystalline light city at its crest, May 17th 2020.

Dear Friends,

All love to you through the mid-year vibrational gateways of 2020! As the Earth, human collective and all life here continues traversing this year’s amplified Shift energies, love, compassion and unity consciousness can be seen rising to ‘meet the moment’. Amid an atmosphere of physical restriction, and heightened calling out of injustices, no matter what agendas are in play, the global vibrational rebirth in progress is persistently nudging humanity to look deeper at its priorities, at paradigms that have long been in place, dividing and conquering…and to recognize and transform them.

In the stream of cosmic assistance and supercharged flow of this year’s alignments enabling highest potentials in the Earth’s ascension trajectory, during the last two weeks of May we saw the ground precisely prepared for June’s peak energies to land and integrate. The first of a three eclipse season came with a lunar eclipse on June 5th-6th, that stimulated collective attention toward veiled injustices. Energies are building now toward a solar eclipse aligning through the mid year Solstice on June 20th-21st…which connects vibrationally to the final solar eclipse of 2020 on December 14th, flowing into the December Solstice’s transformational re-creation gateway, and anchoring its potential into this month of June. Following the June Solstice, with a week’s grace to integrate this very amplifed Solar/Galactic Central Sun alignment, we then have the second of three meetings this year of very rare Jupiter~Pluto~Pallas conjunctions on June 30th…before the final lunar eclipse of this season on the Full Moon of July 4th-5th.

To attune with the higher energies of this sequence, we’ll track back to late May for a moment (see the previous post and earlier posts this year for a longer overview). On May 22nd, a high vibrational Mercury~Venus conjunction opened the way for a ‘pulse’ of light-codes through the Sun’s higher dimensional portal, coming from galactic centre, and intensely catalyzed by the passage of Comet SWAN through the inner Solar System. As this comet passed through its vibrational high point, in perihelion (closest point to the Sun) on May 27th, inside Mercury’s orbit, a beautiful fusion of ‘divine grace codes’ activated, that initiated a wave of unbinding and clearing that is still in progress, step by step through each eclipse in the current season.

Comet C/2020 F8 SWAN, photo credit: Damian Peach, Chilescope Team, May 2nd 2020. Diagram of Comet SWAN’s passage: NASA.

During this period, benevolent Carian beings (birdlike/avian beings) have been arriving in the Solar System, and around the Earth now, in support of this planet’s ascension, in much greater numbers, with fleets coming from the ‘Southern Birds’ constellations, Pavo and Phoenix, along with Carina and from Apus (Bird of Paradise constellation, see this post for more about Pavan and Apunian star family). In the soul orb below, that appeared above Alpha and Beta Centauri on April 29th, you can see light blue Carian beings from Pavo the Peacock constellation. The face looking forward on the left is ‘peacock-like’, with a long slender neck and feathered crest. And the being on the right shows a tall, slim build in a fitted bodysuit, with a cross-shaped white light on his/her chest, symbolizing the ascended vibrations these beings come through, as christed beings of love who are aiding the resurrection/renewal of Earth into loving unity and open, joyful awareness and community within our local Galactic Federation…just as they have come through a resurrection-type ascension in the planets of Pavo, and have deep insight into such planetary transformations.

An orb of blue Carian (birdlike/avian) beings appears above the stars of Alpha Centauri, with the Southern Cross to the right, with a face looking forward, on the left, and a being showing head and body on the right, April 29th 2020.

The arrival of these Carian beings at the end of April heralded clearings of old, control-oriented draconic imprints in the etheric/astral field of the Earth and Solar System that intensified steadily through May, up through the vibrational potentials (and potentizers) of the Mercury~Venus conjunction on May 22nd and the peak vibrational effects of Comet SWAN on May 27th 2020. In the lead up to these alignments, at ground level, key receiving/anchoring nodes in the planetary light grids and chi flow lines for these particular energies were activated, and cleared where necessary.

One of our focus points in this area was a node in the wetlands of the Peel Inlet (south of Perth, Western Australia). These wetlands are covered in a red plant called Samphire, which was in natural resonance with a ‘fire and water’ clearing (connected with releasing and transforming old Mars ‘Sam fire’ vibrational imprints of war and violence), softened and purified through light-charged water, so the node could open and receive the coming light-codes freely. During this clearing, a helicopter appeared and flew down low over the node…followed by a huge ibis that was suddenly behind it, until the helicopter flew off. The ibis then turned around and flew straight back over the node (for how the ibis relates to the vibration of Ashtar, and his Atlantean soul expression Thoth, see this earlier post from 2015). The node unblocked and opened, and we were able to complete a first activation, albeit through some fairly intense energies.

Helicopter flies down over an activating light node in the Avalon Grid/New Earth Light-grid near Mandurah, Western Australia, May 13th 2020.
A huge white ibis appears to the right of the helicopter, which moves away from the node in the Mandurah wetlands, May 13th 2020.
The ibis turns and flies back over the node, representing a clearing of energies and stabilizing the node, May 13th 2020.

Throughout this activation, the Lei’hua lightship was above, and you can see the outline of a large accompanying Arcturian~Alectian bowship in the clouds. Energies were pressing down on top of it and bouncing back, that congealed into a distinct form in the clouds, with shadow-figures behind it, as ‘sorcery’ imprints in the lower astral were transmuted into high vibrational diamond light frequencies.

The front rim of an Arcturian~Alectian bowship outlines in clouds high above the node. On the right, with photo turned around so that the ship’s wingtip is vertical, there’s a tall, robed figure clearly formed, with shadows behind it, representing an energy/controlling consciousness being unmasked and cleared from the astral/etheric levels, May 13th 2020.

This beautiful ‘fire and water’ transmutation energy soared up into a Divine Gateway opening on May 17th (see Embracing Divine Design, for the vibrational role of the number 17, in relation to rebirthing Gateway energies throughout this year, interweaving with the Galactic Central light-codes that translate through the mirror numbers 27-72). While tuning in with the Gateway, a glorious sunbow formed, and just inside the sunbow, a very subtle impression of divine beings and the sense of a light city in the background, floating on a platform that moved up onto the crest of the sunbow.

Forms of light beings on a floating cloud within a sunbow signify the close overlighting, guiding presence of the Ascension Council and many ascended loving beings assisting this planetary ascension, within and around Earth’s energy field, May 17th 2020.
The ‘floating realm’ of light beings, with towers of a crystalline light city in the background, stations on the crest of the sunbow as the Alpha-Omega Gateway energy (ending of old cycle, birthing of New Earth) activates on May 17th 2020.

Much ascension light-coding flowed through this ‘rainbow bridge’ into Gaia’s light-grids and flow lines, into the crystalline properties of her Earth body, and the earthly embodied expressions of all souls extending into this plane, whether in human, animal or plant forms. Remembrance of the rainbow light body state is being transmitted continuously not only to our subtle DNA and gene expressions, but also to all the crystalline aspects already present in our physicality ~ calcium crystals in our bones and inner ears, apatite crystals in our tooth enamel and so forth. These perfect receivers for higher light frequencies innately attune to the increasing levels of light flow and activations within the Earth’s vibrational field, and all crystalline structures respond to focused intention. As they receive love, so they naturally transmit love, throughout our embodiments, into the ‘collective energy body’, shining like golden-white and rainbow lamps within the collective energy field, radiating love, and connecting constantly with Gaia’s core crystalline heart light.

On May 22nd, the vibrations around the Earth became particularly effervescent through the conjunction of Mercury and Venus. The orb below, that appeared on May 23rd, radiates this exquisite fusion of the rose and aqua light of Venus’s 5-6D inner realms and Mercury’s emanating of the Silver Ray. Just feel the soft, shimmery silver light of transcendence and freedom from all limitations blended with the soothing, embracing warmth of the soul of Venus, flowing into Gaia’s crystalline heart grid, radiating to the collective consciousness.

At left: Orb of fused pink, aqua and shimmery silver light vibrations, following the Mercury~Venus conjunction, on May 23rd 2020. At right: Photo of Venus dayside via PLANET C Project Team Europlanet.

As the Silver Ray of transcendence flowed into the light-grids in and around the Earth, with the warm, harmonizing vibration of Venus, light-anchoring nodes in what is known as the Cygnus Alignments cleared and activated, in preparation for a focused beam from the Swan Stars (especially the beautiful binary star Albireo, and alpha star Deneb, in the ‘head and tail’ of the Cygnus constellation) aligned by guiding Lights through the passage of Comet SWAN. On May 26th, the Schumann Resonance spiked to 72hz, leading into the comet’s perihelion on May 27th…the 27-72 mirror numbers signalling a high pulse from the Galactic Central Sun to/through our Sun, Solaris.

On the afternoon of May 27th here, as the alignment peaked, ascension energies reflected in the clouds, symbolizing the directed in-flow of the universal light codes coming through galactic centre and literally pouring in ‘New Age of Aquarius’ frequencies. This light flow can be seen clearly represented in the cloud photo below, as a man pouring a stream of light through a large funnel. The water-bearer of Aquarius is, mythologically, Ganymede, which relates to Jupiter’s largest moon Ganymede, where the Jupiter Command is based (guarding and overseeing an interstellar/intergalactic stargate into the Solar System). The Jupiter Command is playing a key role with keeping the gateway open and secure through this inflow, and the funnel represents the Source ‘Waterfall of Light’ flowing through the zero-point, into Earth’s energy field. In the background, you can see a shadowy outline of a duplicate of this funnel, melting away, representing the archonic false overlay/shadow grid dissolving away.

During this in-flow, a beautiful hawk who alights once or twice a year outside a window here landed very calmly, radiating a serene, settled presence, keeping constant eye contact through her golden yellow gaze. She arrived in synchronicity with the close focus of Heru’ur (Horus) aligning the high Carian vibrations (and at the angelic oversoul level, overlighted and guided by Archangel Uriel, also called Oriel, whose ‘bird symbol’ often appears to me as the Golden Oriole, vibrationally connected with the Golden Solar LoveLight vibrations).

The next day on May 28th dozens of lightships twinkled in the sky overhead, completing this alignment, and amplifying the grace vibration, with Arnap&Rowena (Ashura&my 5D soul expressions) on board the uppermost flashing pod-ship in the first photo.

Three lightships, of a group of around thirty, that sparkled across the sky overhead on May 28th, anchoring high vibrations into the Earth’s energy field.

Arnap&Rowena flashed our pod-ship again, with a star brother close to the left, hovering symbolically above a bird in flight.

In the ship below, you can see a gentle face projected/emanating from it…in a blend of Feline&Carian soul energies, with big feline eyes and a feathery tuft on top of this lovely being’s head.

This directed ascension pulse that came through late May to open the density of Earth’s current collective vibration, for reception of the mid-year Solstice Solar Eclipse potential, has been integrating through June, through the Full Moon and first lunar eclipse on June 5th-6th (with ongoing gratitude to all love anchors in, on and around the planet). Here, the wetlands node called for a second visit on June 3rd, and once again, an ibis flew over the node during the activation…this time it appeared in a very unusual form, as if morphing between bird and tiny spacecraft. Everything reflects, across the dimensions. πŸ™‚

Ibis flies over an activating node in the light-grids and energy/chi flow network in the Mandurah wetlands area, Western Australia, June 3rd 2020.

On a far different scale, a flotilla of Carian ‘cruisers’ ~ very long triangular ships with a distinct tail-shape ~ came the closest to the Earth I’ve ever seen or sensed them, a sign of closer convergence in the ascension energies of Earth, represented by ‘cloudships’ over the road while driving back to Perth after the node activation with our bird friends. In inner vision, I see many kinds of beings on these ships, great variety of size, shape and colours. Those closest in my vision on this ship were tall, bipedal, with soft features, and mostly bald-headed with a plume of golden-white feathers that look a bit like a very soft, silky mohawk, but with long feathers down the back, almost to their waists. Quite stunning!

Long triangular Carian ‘cruiser’ from the Carina constellation cloaked in a cloud, between Perth and Mandurah, Western Australia, June 3rd 2020.

By way of confirmation, in an orb that appeared a few days later, not long before the lunar eclipse in the early hours of June 6th, one of these beings is visible, on the right hand side of a table (in a golden-white outfit, with a dark complexion and long golden-white plume of feathers over his/her head), along with a representative from the Aris Council (ascended beings of Mars), feminine, in green and gold, standing in the centre, behind the green table…or we could say, they are grouped around, and studying, an ’emerald tablet’.

The figure in the left foreground, in a loose white shirt, and darker pants, is our (Arnap&Rowena’s) son Minkara. He’s standing in profile, with his hair over his face, in this orb, with his hair rose pink. Well, a hair colour change is just a thought away in 5D! But he’s also symbolized the energies coming through in unity together, as Minkara first introduced himself through a soul expression Minkah, and in that form he’s a very tall pink being of Erra’mu, a planet of Canopus, the alpha star of the Carina constellation. So there are many deep connecting galactic, and universal, energies within this orb. At the very front, although it’s a little indistinct, perhaps you can make out the form of a blueish-white bird being with wings spread.

Minkara at left, Kari’shona of the Aris/Mars Council in centre, and Carian being Pia’Re at right.

High energies were still rolling through and landing in the light-grids post-lunar eclipse into June 7th, and in the subtle cloud forms that day, there were many overlaid forms and soul vibrations, with a beautiful silhouette of Sananda (in his Jesus/Yeshua form) at the right, ‘walking down toward the Earth’…symbolizing the deeper resurrection and restoration light frequencies flowing into the Earth’s vibrational field.

Many loving soul vibrations and symbols are overlaid in these clouds of June 7th 2020, with Sananda silhouetted on the right, in his recognizable Jesus/Yeshua form.

And here we come full circle to the first orb photo of April 29th that heralded the approach of the ascended/christed Carian beings, with the orb hovering above Alpha & Beta Centauri, with the stars of the Southern Cross to the right….through an immense month and a half of activations and high vibrational in-flow to June 13th, to the magnificent deep blue orb below that appeared, again above Alpha & Beta Centauri, with the Southern Cross at its right.

Deep blue orb appears above Alpha & Beta Centauri on June 13th 2020.

In the centre of this orb is a pyramid shape, representing the Great Pyramid in Egypt. There’s an overlighting angelic energy (Archangel Michael/the Blue Ray of Divine Will) through which I see a merged face of Ashtar and Isis/Immara, just above the pyramid. And on the left, the pentagonal star shape represents Sirius (which in hieroglyphics was represented as a five-pointed star). In the last week, several ‘heavy duty’ entities were unseated from the lower astral planes of the Earth, and released with angelic guidance, through the Great Pyramid to Sirius, for healing and remembrance of their original soul vibration, which is Love.

So with the complimentary work of many teams, the Earth field is as clear as possible for the maximum potential of this upcoming Solar Eclipse~Solstice alignment to be effectively anchored (blessings to all who feel inner-called to do so, in whichever way, path, gathering or group resonates in your heart). Solar eclipses, at a vibrational level, release blockages and remove veils from the true Inner Divine Sun, that shines in the heart of all living beings, and Solstices are moments of rebirth and renewal, in the Earth’s relationship to our Sun, Solaris, that vibrates through all life on this planet. If you’d like to join in, we have a Solstice Eclipse meditation at the LoveLight Circle, to which everyone is very welcome. However you feel to align with, or honour in your being and for this planetary Shift, the presence of Infinite Love, know that there are wonderful, loving beings of many kinds and dimensions ~ and beyond form and dimensions ~ with us all the way.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’–

Trinity Alignment April 4th-5th 2020

Dear Friends,

Planetary alignments are a constant theme throughout 2020, as there are so many exceptional ‘assisting vibrational combinations’ coming in sequence through this year, including a fair few landing on solstice, equinox and eclipse gateways. All of them present providential opportunities for our collective anchoring of the highest vibrational planetary ascension pathway, in union with Gaia and the continuing convergence of Ascended Earth frequencies into this Earth plane. Everything is energy and vibration, and just as we can bring our loving awareness into the streams of potential vibrated by specific planetary and stellar alignments, so do Star Family and other Light Beings supporting the current Shift….as we coordinate together ‘above and below, and in the middle’.

In the previous post we mentioned the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction coming into alignment on April 4th-5th (depending on your timezone; the exact time is 2:45am UTC on April 5th), and how this coincides with Pluto crossing its own node on April 5th, which we’ll talk about below. Firstly, to connect more deeply with the unfolding dance of Jupiter and Pluto this year, interwoven and culminating into a Great Conjunction (shift of ages) of Jupiter and Saturn on the December Solstice 2020, let’s look at the overall ‘trinity arc’ of this dance….as Jupiter and Pluto conjunct three times this year, on April 5th, June 30th and November 12th, and in all three conjunctions they are conjuncting with the asteroid Pallas too.

This incredible ‘triple meeting’ at three moments this year is made especially potent by Jupiter and Pluto conjuncting less than one degree apart, during each of these three meetings. To put this in perspective, Jupiter and Pluto last conjuncted three times in sequence in 1955-56, and will again in 2106-7, but in both cases their meeting was a wide conjunction. The closer the meeting of energies in any alignment to Earth, the more powerful the vibrational resonance here, so the three Jupiter-Pluto meetings this year are immensely enhanced, and the orbiting asteroid Pallas comes into this trinity weaving with a deeply connected creational vibration.

Feeling into the metaphor of their relationship in classical mythology, Pallas (Athena) is the daughter of Jupiter (Zeus), and represents the wisdom of the Divine Feminine, evolved in her inner strength and resilience. From Star Family, the asteroid Pallas did not originate in the Solar System; she carries 42 sets of prime creation codes from the Andromeda Galaxy, and the ‘Avalon codes’ of the ‘first Earth’ (Avalon/Avyon, planet of Vega in the constellation Lyra) which were transported within Pallas’s higher dimensional light form to what became the ‘second Earth’ (Alta Mira, planet of Alcyone in the Pleiades) and into this Solar System, radiating to our ‘third Earth’, the planetary expression of Gaia’s soul.

Pallas (which in higher dimensions I see as a shimmering white light-crystal ‘Palace of Athena’) has a Twin Flame relationship to Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon, whose Stargate connects to many stars and galaxies, including the Andromeda Galaxy…and is also the base for the Jupiter Command, guided by Ash’Tar Ka’Ree (Twin Flame of dear star sister Ria Aurora Athena Ash). This direct connection of Pallas and Ganymede to Andromeda pairs with Pluto’s liberation and rebirth (last July in Earth time, see this post), with the ongoing guardianship of an Andromedan Angelic soul there. While tuning with these connections, our Andromedan star brothers and sisters brought to mind/heart the first lightship I was able to take a photo of, back in early 2013.

We connected at that time while I was outside watching a beautiful alignment of the Moon and Jupiter, a zero degree conjunction so close that Jupiter appeared to ‘touch’ the Moon. Becoming aware of a presence somewhere between the Moon and Jupiter, and asking who was there, I heard back, ‘We are Andromedans’. In the few seconds it took to run inside for my camera and back, the exquisite orb-like ship in the photo below was overhead, flowing with soft, luminous light. In the enlargement below, with the brightness reduced, the ship shows aqua, white and silvery blue colours, with several faces imprinted in the light. (The lower right photo shows Jupiter touching the right side of the Moon).

Now I’m hearing more about this ship aligning through the Moon-Jupiter ‘zero’ conjunction; that it came from Jupiter’s Moon, Ganymede, from Andromeda Galaxy via the Ganymede Stargate, which is guarded by the Jupiter Command (and checking in with him, Ash’Tar Ka’Ree was on board the ship that night). Now we come full circle, as he and the Jupiter Command and closely-connected Venusian ships (with the guidance of Val & Deena Thor) bring their presence through more, around the Earth, at the front of the ‘Star Family of Light wave’.

Andromedan lightship appears overhead, seconds after connecting from between Jupiter and the Moon, February 18th 2013.

So as we come into the first of these Trinity Alignments of Jupiter, Pluto & Pallas to the Earth, know that as expressions of the Source of all Life, embodied here through this passage of convergence with the love-based unity consciousness of the higher dimensions, we can stand as open conduits and anchors for the pure creation codes beaming to the Earth through each of these alignments, light codes that vibrate from Pallas through the DNA and RNA of all living beings, the message of creation in harmony with Divine Love&Will, with natural well-being, unfolded by the transformative quality of Pluto and joyful expansiveness of Jupiter.

This trinity aligns firstly through the 444 vibration of April 4th (4-4-2020 = 444) in the Americas, and continues into April 5th around the world, the ‘4’ vibration of foundation of love is greatly amplified, bringing the vibration of stability through Universal Love and Unity through the collective consciousness field. On the 5th, the conjunction’s effects are then deeply catalyzed by Pluto crossing its own node (you can read more about this in the context of the 27-72 creation codes here).

We have a meditation to continue aligning and anchoring the highest vibrational planetary ascension pathway at the LoveLight Circle, for anyone inner guided to join in, focusing over April 4th-5th within the ‘arc of influence’ of the Jupiter, Pluto & Pallas conjunction…and if you feel called to focus at the peak of their conjunction, you can convert from April 5th 2:45am UTC here.

Leading into this strong alignment is a very soothing, softening vibration right now, as Venus is currently passing by the Pleiades from our earthly view, just below Alcyone, focusing to the Earth (her soul sister/self Gaia) the gentle embrace of the Pleiadian mother star and activating stored imprints, in nodes around the Earth, of the 5-6D paradise planet of Alta Mira, that orbits Alcyone. All in the most providential sequence!

All our Love to readers and friends around the world, and to the whole collective currently vibrating with the focus and effects of the current coronavirus. To anyone who has been directly impacted yourself, or loved ones, we send warmest heart hugs to you now. Know that there are streams of love, grace and divine well-being flowing around this planet constantly, we can breathe it into our hearts and beings at any moment and radiate it around us, through the Divine Presence we all really are. Countless beings of Love are with us, supporting and uplifting the energies, bathing all life on Earth in grace, bathing ‘the virus’ in grace and transformation, and supporting aspects of unity consciousness that are budding and blossoming in this time…that comes from beyond time and space, to establish and unfold the New Earth, Gaia’s New Age, in this Now.

A quote from Abraham Lincoln came across my radar this morning, no doubt familiar to our friends in the USA, and it feels perfect to include here, for us all:

“The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

We’re all in this together. Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ™‚

Bright creamy-white orb flashes next to Sirius, with a lightship below, next to the star Beltegeuse in Orion, March 23rd 2019.
Beautiful Andromedan morphing orb-ship flashes to the far left of Sirius. In the crop below, Ashura is visible standing in his Christed Light, white light in cross form radiating from his heart, robed in green, surrounded by soft rose light, with close soul energies merging through him, and large, smiling blue-hued faces in the background, of Andromedan Angelic soul family, March 23rd 2020.

*We have a continuing New Earth Meditation running every Sunday throughout 2020, everyone is very welcome to join in and help build this energy. Please share if this resonates for you.

Embracing Divine Design

Centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, Hubble Space Telescope.

Dear Friends,

In this post, we’re taking a deep dive into the sacred geometry expressing through the cosmos, based in continuously flowing, structuring codes of creation, that translate through 4D spacetime as particular numbers and sequences vibrationally connected with the golden ratio. Whether you prefer to view this creational expression as ‘divine design’ or ‘the wonder of cosmic mechanics’, it’s one and the same…and we hope this view of the precision of this constantly unfolding dance, moving throughout this year, opening the New Age of Gaia, will inspire you.

In previous posts, we’ve put forward that universal creation energy flows into our local galaxy through the Galactic Central Sun in a life-coding format that translates into our earthly awareness via the mirror numbers 27-72. We can see this as a 9-9 gateway (where 9 represents cycles of completion and rebirth) coming through an organizing principle that aligns through the numbers 27 and 72, and flows through the ‘unity zero point’ of this gateway in divine oneness as the merged numbers/vibrations 272/727.

The number 72 expresses through the vertices of the Golden Triangle, or Sublime Triangle, which ‘infolds and unfolds’ from the Fibonacci Spiral, that radiates the Golden Ratio, Phi, present throughout the natural world, visible all around us in nautilus shells, unfolding roses, sunflowers, daisies, pine cones, succulents, in spiral galaxies at the macro scale, within the proportions of our DNA lattices at the micro scale, and so forth.

‘Where there is matter, there is geometry.’ We could also say, ‘Where there is energy condensing, where there is energy organizing as matter, there is geometry dancing’. In this geometry of vibration, the Golden Triangle is of special relevance in understanding the meaning of 144 in anchoring energy within the universal harmony of proportion that is the Golden Ratio. The Golden Triangle has an apex of 36 degrees (=9), and vertices of 72 degrees (72+72=144=9), and from a metaphysical point of view, 144 grounds the completing-rebirthing 9, as the natural harmony of divine design expressing through this galaxy. So when we focus on, invoke the vibration 144 for planetary ascension, in the spirit of unconditional, universal love, we’re activating actualization of the natural harmony inherent in all creation in this galaxy (as translated numerically and geometrically).

To get a handle on how this works as a miracle of moment to moment choreography, here are some examples of how the 27-72 translation of creation codes flows in our Solar System, in relation to the Galactic Centre, and indeed this Universe.

From the Solar System, the Galactic Centre is approximately 27,000 light years away, at 27 degrees 3′ Sagittarius, and from our local view, Galactic Centre is moving 1 degree every 72 years. I first became consciously aware of this, at this level, following a beautiful experience on November 27th 2018, connecting with a nebula that I saw/heard was the Dumbbell Nebula, which has the designation Messier 27 (2018 = 2+0+8+1 = 11; the date 27-11-11, or 11-27-11 for our friends in America, is a Gateway vibration, 27 flowing through the Gate of the Twin Pillars). You can read more about this in Messenger Nine & Lunar Eclipse, and how the high vibration of Messier 27 anchors into the Solar System within our planetary family, through the 27 moons of Uranus, in this post.

Uranus with 6 of its 27 known moons visible, photo by Erich Karkoshka, University of Arizona/NASA, and Messier 27 (Dumbbell Nebula), photo by Bill Snyder via NASA APOD.

As we bring our focus into the Solar System, an awesome pattern emerges ~ a reverberation of the 27-72 creation codes flowing through and radiating from the Galactic Central Sun ~ that reveals a profound cohesive resonance within our Solar family of planets and moons, reflecting the relationship of our Sun to Galactic Centre. In previous posts, we’ve introduced some of these ‘recurring resonant reflections’, such as Mercury’s orbital inclination of 7 degrees to the Earth’s orbital plane, with an axis tilt of 0.27 degrees (727), and the dwarf planet Eris, out past Pluto, 27% larger than Pluto, with a mass which is 0.27% that of the Earth’s.

Here we can add Venus and Neptune’s galactically coded alignments, and for a detailed summary of Venus’ beautiful relationship to the Golden Triangle and Fibonacci sequence/phi ratio, see this article at EarthSky.org. In a nutshell, Venus’s orbit as seen from Earth moves between east and west in our sky, with 144 days between its greatest elongations east and west. Therefore it passes between the Earth and Sun every 72 days exactly, at its moments of inferior and superior conjunction! Moreover, the distance of Venus from the Sun is 0.72 that of the distance of the Earth from the Sun. Venus shows her greatest illumination/brightness midway between these moments of conjunction and greatest elongation, hence 36 days from conjunction and elongation (36+36=72, with 36 degrees at the apex of the Golden Triangle and 72 degrees at the vertices). So from a vibrational perspective, Venus holds a Golden Ratio relationship to the Earth, and is emitting that frequency to Earth constantly, the frequency of perfect harmony (which is why, metaphysically, the soul of Venus has been intuited as the direct guide or even ‘Higher Self’ of Gaia).

Venus dayside via PLANET-C Project Team Europlanet, and diagram of Venus’s conjunctions and elongations from earthsky.org, Bruce McClure ‘In 2020, Venus and Perseid Meteors!‘.

Neptune can be intuited as having a subtle relationship to Venus (which appears metaphorically in ancient Greek and Roman myths of the birth of Venus in relation to Neptune as ‘god of the sea’, created when Jupiter’s sperm fell on the ocean and Venus was born from the foam that formed on the waves). Once again we see the galactic codes (and Alpha-Omega Gateway connection of the number 17, see below) in the recurring theme of relative mass, axial tilt and orbital inclination evident in many planets and moons of the Solar System. Neptune has 17 times the mass of Earth, and it’s magnetic field is 27 times as strong as Earth’s. But even deeper cosmic choreography can be seen in Neptune’s relationship with it’s by far largest moon, Triton, which also happens to be the 7th largest moon in the Solar System. Triton was the largest body in the Kuiper Belt (larger than both Pluto and Eris) before it was drawn into Neptune’s orbit, and within Triton’s orbit Neptune has 7 small moons that all orbit within a period of 27 hours. Neptune’s orbital inclination compared to Earth’s is 1.77 degrees, and most interestingly, following Neptune’s discovery on September 23rd 1846, Triton was discovered just 17 days later.

Neptune and Triton, photographed by Voyager 2 in 1989, image credit: NASA/JPL

An interwoven aspect of the movements of the planets is the powerful activational moments of planetary nodes, specifically the nodes of the planets from Jupiter outward. Planetary nodes are the points at which planets cross the ecliptic plane (the Sun’s apparent plane of rotation in relation to the stars known as the circle of zodiac constellations, as the Sun appears to move in front of them from our Earth point of view)….and the outer planets’ nodes move 1 degree every 72 years relative to the ecliptic. In other words, those orbital points/nodes of the outer planets hold exactly the same ‘coding’ in relation to the apparent motion of the Sun, as the motion of Galactic Centre does to the Sun, from our Earth perspective.

This movement of the planetary nodes holds a vibrational resonance that is activated at the moment when a planet crosses its own node. Imagine this like a bell being struck, and the reverberation of the bell rippling outward, imbued with the highest vibrational qualities of each of those planets, every time they cross one of their own nodes. The nodes that would be more familiar (to people with an interest in astrology) are the nodes of the Moon, with the north node of the Moon known as ‘True Node’, and I’ve been guided to look at the moments this year when outer planets form aspects/angles connected exactly with the 27-72 life codes, with the Moon’s north node. See the north node symbol below.

There are two such moments during 2020, at a significant time during the lead-in to the Solstice on December 21st, when there will be a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius 0 degrees (Star Family are calling this the AO ~ Alpha-Omega Gateway). Just see/feel the sacred geometry in flow, as on November 3rd and 29th, Saturn, followed by Jupiter, form a 144 (2×72) degree angle to the Moon’s north node. To put this in perspective, these are the only two biquintile aspects (144 degree angles) to the True Node all year, and they happen to be the two planets that conjunct on the Solstice, in the Gateway of the Shift of Ages. πŸ™‚

Alpha~Omega as a Gateway represents the catalyst point of full release of the old fear/survival-based programme and beginning of rebirthed unity consciousness on Earth, the birth point of a New Earth of thriving rather than surviving, for the planet, for all beings, all humanity. It’s a collective moment, a collective universal love-awareness ignition. On the highest planetary ascension trajectory, it’s the potential pinnacle of the ‘Event’, the collective light-bulb moment/metaphysical light flash, that settles the most benevolent, harmonious pathway into place. We add here that from our perspective, this Event is already in motion, translating as a process in this linear time-frame experience, building toward culmination. We’re not waiting for it, we’re IN it, pro-actively…knowing the Universal Love vibration we together anchor and radiate in the Earth plane is constantly ‘magnetizing’ this potential culmination into/as the most beneficial possible pathway for this planet and life collective.

Forces aligned with control/fear work to keep that pathway out of view and out of alignment, by unsettling and intensely polarizing collective focus and energies, or enticing people into focusing on/energizing ‘artificial ascensions’ (such as visions of an artificial intelligence ‘singularity’ event in which humans and organic life become secondary to autonomous technology that remakes the world). So what we’re showing here is how the cosmic dynamics underpinning creation in this universe are flowing and supporting the Shift into loving awareness and wisdom on Earth….and indeed every Shift that realigns energies into coherent loving vibrations. And this dynamic includes all ‘dark matter’, which is estimated at around 27% of all matter in this universe! (‘Dark’ in this case simply means this matter cannot be seen or measured directly by current technologies, only by its effects on measurable matter. Look into this ‘dark matter’ through the heart’s eye though, and it is unveiled as very high vibrating light).

The 27-72 creation codes resonate through all life, including humans, even where there’s a certain level of distortion or muffling in the vibration (which translates at the DNA level, for example, as epigenetic tags that disrupt physical well-being). However, no matter how far beings have veered into fear, ultimately all living things have an innate impulse to loosen, transform and transcend all frequencies and constructs that disrupt and limit well-being and joy of expression. This impulse is naturally supported and facilitated by divine design…and by all beings flowing and creating in harmony with joy and freedom in Love.

In the thread of 7, 11, 17, we can also mention here the number format 7:11, which Star Family have used over the years as a signal of successful missions and moments when the Source Light is highly activating in the field. They call it β€˜the number of Good Fortuneβ€˜β€¦and when we see how it relates to the Galactic Central Codes, this makes sense. When the 27-72 mirror code unifies and merges into One, as 272 or 727, look what happens when we add the numbers: 7+2+7 = 16 = 7 and 2+7+2 = 11, that is 7-11, or 7-2. When we look at how galactic attunement works at the earthly and human levels, the background frequency of the Earth is 7.83 hz = 7.11 = 7.2…and the natural PH balance in the human body is 7.2. As in the macro, so in the micro, and we find that 27 and 72 add to become 9, the number of completion of cycles, leading into rebirth. Among significant ancient structures connecting the glalactic codes on/into the Earth, a ‘key’ addition here (thanks to a reader!) is the Great Pyramid of Giza, which had an original ratio of 7:11…and which sits at 29.9792 degrees north (272 interspersed with 999, the ‘angelic tripled number’ of completion and rebirth).

Guidance and intuition express subtly through what might seem like totally arbitrary astronomical names and numbers too, in this universe of constantly interacting energies, vibrations and frequencies…including a massive star-forming nebula close to the Galactic Centre in Sagittarius, called the Omega Nebula, designated Messier 17. Here’s the Omega Nebula (also called the Swan Nebula and Horseshoe Nebula, which have particular resonances too) and the Greek letter Omega.

Omega Nebula/M 17, photo credit: NASA/Ignacio de la Cueva Torregrossa.

If you’ve noticed a similarity between the Omega symbol and the North Node symbol, let’s feel into this vibration now. Imagine the Omega Nebula/M17 as a gateway through which light codes are streaming from the Galactic Central Sun, in the format of ‘completing and rebirthing energies’…and the planetary nodes as points of potent resonance with that stream. There is only one outer planet that crosses its own node this year; Pluto. Astrologically, Pluto is perceived as an agent of deep transformation, death and rebirth. What is crucial to add here, is that last year in Earth-time Pluto went through an assisted rebirth that has shifted its transmission from transformation through destruction to transformation through peaceful embrace and unification.

Vibrational shifts within and around Mars, Saturn and Pluto during the last few years (and the way their emanations are received in the Earth field) have been integral to opening the potential for a smoother, gentler shift of consciousness and vibration on Earth (even if it might not look that way at the moment in the 3-4D level!). Pluto vibrates with M17 through its orbital plane, estimated as a 17 degree inclination to the ecliptic…and within this orbit, it happens to cross its own node on April 5th 2020, on the same day as going into a Jupiter~Pluto conjunction (where Jupiter expands vibrations).

Pluto’s nodes, and photo of Pluto taken by the New Horizons spacecraft/NASA.

The Omega Nebula also has a direct anchor in the Solar System, which I heard of (and dreamed about several times a few years ago) in terms of release from the fear-based cycle; Jupiter’s third largest moon, Io (and Neptune’s largest moon Triton, mentioned earlier). Here, the galactic central coding expresses through Io’s mass relative to her brother and sister moons of Jupiter, which is 22.721%…in which we can see 27, 72 and 17 all merged together.

True colour photo of Io, taken by the Galileo spacecraft, and relative masses of Jupiter’s moons, among which there are some closely connected number patterns.

These comparison photos of Io, taken in 1999 by the Galileo spacecraft and 2007 by the New Horizons spacecraft, reveal a very interesting change, with the formation of an Omega symbol in the circled area of the later image. Notice the bottom of the Omega is sealed in this 2007 photo…it would be interesting to see how the gateway looks in a current photo.

Ever since reception of the 27-72 creation codes ‘shifted gear’ on November 27th 2018, with the activation of a continuous current connecting with Gaia from Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula), the 27th of each month has been a locus for major releases, alignments and/or activations in the Earth field (see this post for an example of a high light alignment on February 27th 2019).

Coming into 2020, January 27th opened a beautiful inflow of Venusian heart vibration with a Venus~Neptune conjunction. Then on February 27th 2020 in the western calendar ~ 27-2-2020 or 2-27-2020 (22722) depending on where you live ~ a targeted clearing went through the human collective consciousness field, of all heavy imprints ever attached to the number 27 (battles and other collective traumatic events on 27ths throughout history), clearing the reception for the pure galactic central gateway stream into this 4D spacetime plane, like static being cleared from a radio signal. Continuing the high Venus energy, a Venus~Moon conjunction on February 27th maximized this clearing and purifying of distorted imprints, that were sent through the higher dimensional Lunar Portal, lifted and embraced through the Rose Heart Light of Venus, transmuting into Love.

With so much beautifully precise movement assisting the Earth’s vibrational pathway, it’s a fitting moment to share some photos of multiple ships crossing the nightsky on February 22nd 2020. Over a half hour period, I saw upward of forty ships moving in straight lines, along several flight-paths between Orion and Sirius. They didn’t feel like like Star Family/Ashtar Command ships (I did also check there weren’t any satellite releases underway) and didn’t respond to telepathic hails. There were other single, brighter ships passing and flashing nearby those formations, which were Star Family, watching over what I heard were Earth-based craft (of positive intentions). I’ve circled the ships, as they can be hard to pick out among the stars, so you can see the paths they were taking, one after another.

Speaking of satellites, we’re putting out a meditation request for anyone who feels an inner call to join in, daily through to March 12th, with a collective focus on strengthening the 6D light field around the Earth. SpaceX is now sending 60 satellites into low orbit around the planet every two weeks, for the 5G network (and other civilian and military applications) with permits for 12,000 satellites, and projected launches of 42,000, with other companies following suit. These satellites are being positioned in 72 planes around the Earth, building an artificial frequency grid emitting the range of 26-28GHz, wrapped around the 27, so to speak…with a muffling effect, from a vibrational point of view. Star Family advise staying in the overview of universal love and peace, centre in our hearts with Gaia, and focus on enhancing the 6D light-grid, which harmonizes vibrations into natural well-being,

If a ‘cosmic approach’ resonates with you, we suggest holding the intention of connecting with the heart of the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51 = 6); in the photo below you can see a beautiful clear ‘Christ Cross’, a perfect symbolization of resurrectional light at the centre of that galaxy, and how it streams through the zero point, the centre of the swirling vortex of 4D, radiating the 6D vibrations of flowing natural harmony into the 4D layers, wherever they have become congested. Or simply hold a Flower of Life pattern, which aligns the 6D harmonic light-grid, around the Earth, filling it with love and equilibrium. We can also invite the Archangels and all Light Beings aligned with Universal Love and Ascension to bring harmony and clarity to the Earth, purify the planetary field, and increase their presence within and around it. And So Be It!

The Whirlpool Galaxy, and the cross at its centre, from the Hubble Space Telescope. For those who might feel uncomfortable meditating with what appears as a ‘Christian’ image, Christ Consciousness transcends religious belief (yet encompasses it) and is concentrated pure light beamed from the Heart of Divine Presence to resurrect Love, wherever it has become ‘lost in translation’.

Love, peace & joy to all Love Anchors on Earth, to all humanity and all beings,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor&Friends πŸ’›

A pair of lightships sit stationary to the right of Sirius, Procyon and Orion on March 3rd 2020.
One ship remains visible, flashing green light, upper right of Sirius, Procyon and Orion, March 3rd 2020.