The Dolphin Dance πŸ¬πŸ’™

Photo of a beautiful friend taken on May 2nd 2022, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia.

Dear All,

Welcome and greetings everyone πŸ’™ Sending all our love to you, in oneness with soul families of the celestial waters, emanating across many frequency bands in the light-waves of creational expression…who have great love for humanity, and indeed for all life everywhere. This post is dedicated to these wonderful presences, and in this earthly plane, to the beautiful dolphins of Mandurah, Western Australia, who it’s an ongoing joy and honour to connect with since moving to this area at the end of 2021.

Through multidimensional modes of perceiving and relating to life and the universe, ways of connecting and communicating can be subtle, gentle and exquisitely layered, interlacing through merged states of consciousness, energy and soul kinship, and we’d like to share something of what this can look and feel like in this earthly realm of experience. Cosmic beings translating their energies in physicalized dolphin-forms in the waters of the Earth love to share their presence and wisdom with the human family, full of play, affection and sensitivity, as they dance across the cosmic light-waves of creation in this universe, this galaxy…and here in the waters of this precious planet Earth translating through embodied forms, interweaving with the divine whales, elementals, and aquatic presences who dwell in ethereal and subtler stratas of expression.

There are around 85-90 bottlenose dolphins living in the Mandurah area, an environment with many challenges as a centre for boating and fishing, sharing the waters with great whites and bull sharks, and shallows where they are prone to stranding, yet blessed with partially reef-fringed ocean shores, an expansive estuary and unique wetland areas, all of which they inhabit and visit. What I see and feel constantly though, is the irrepressible spirit of joy radiating from them, amid all the variables of their lives on this plane…and the powerful upifting effect they have on human hearts with their playful, inquisitive and empathic interactions.

When I began consciously connecting with star family and focusing with Inner Heart meditations, following some initial lightship decloaks with telepathic greetings and visions back in 2011, one of the first presences that came into focus as a subtle ‘guide’ was a dolphin, who swam regularly through my inner visions and through dreams while sleeping, with a wonderful emotional uplifting and healing vibration. That sweet inner connection came to the fore again when I moved to Mandurah, and started connecting in my heart with the dolphins here, radiating love and appreciation to them, and meeting them in the water. As we danced and intertwined soul energies in other layers of existence, so we began to connect in beautiful ways at this earthly level…ranging from playful and exuberant to poignant and profound, and into deep soul-merges, always filled with love.

During my first year here in 2022, dolphins began to arrive, wherever I happened to be in the ocean, estuary, marina or canal areas, often flowing on from morning meditations, or from dream connections in other planes, and by mid-year we were meeting in their element, particularly at one of Mandurah’s ocean swimming beaches, Town Beach. On July 18th of that year, one particular dolphin appeared at Town Beach, who would become my constant companion for several months that year. That day had begun with dolphin greetings in a canal area bordering the wetlands, with several beautiful dolphins frolicking nearby…the lovely being in the photo below cruised along on her back waving her flippers while her baby leapt and rolled close by. Ah, it’s great to be a dolphin!

Photo taken on July 18th 2022, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, of a mother dolphin doing the ‘double flipper wave’ while coasting along on her back.

Later that same day, an inner call took me to Town Beach, and my dear friend appeared. Although other dolphins come to that place, this dolphin always swam there alone rather than with a pod, and as I got to know him, and swim at close range, his particular distinguishing features became clearer, most notably, a pair of parallel white scars just behind his right eye. And also, as he chose to swim with me more frequently, I felt my TwinFlame Ashura’s vibration flowing subtly through this particular dolphin.

Photo taken on July 18th 2022, Town Beach, Mandurah, Western Australia, of a solo dolphin who became my constant swimming companion for several months.

One morning in the winter, August 2022, when the sea was more surfy, he suddenly somersaulted out of a wave right beside me, and from September through November we swam together several days each week, with beautiful subtle communications representing as telempathic pictures and patterns (actually, current scientific studies of dolphin ‘sound picture’ language represented as cymaglyphs are waking humanity to communicating with dolphins via physical modalities, a reflection of what is already innate between dolphins and humans on subtler bandwidths of communication). At the end of November 2022, we had our last swim together…on that day he swam a close circle around me, as close as could be, ending with a gentle nudge in my back, then swam away, and it felt like a farewell.

I didn’t see him again for nine months, then on August 29th 2023 he arrived, once again by himself, in an inland location, in the canal where the flipper-waving mother dolphin in the first photo had appeared, but much closer to the shore. I’d felt to go down onto a little jetty, and immediately he surfaced, radiating his familiar serene, loving presence. He floated at the surface just a few feet away, angling himself in such a way that I could clearly see the pair of parallel white scars behind his right eye, by way of confirmation.

Photo taken on August 29th 2023, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, of the solo dolphin appearing in an inland waterway area.
Photo taken on August 18th 2023, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Close up, the two parallel white scars behind this dolphin’s right eye are clearly visible.

I didn’t see him again for another month, and then on September 30th 2023 he arrived in a third location, with a pelican companion. I hadn’t walked in that exact spot for over a year, but his beautiful presence was so clear and bright, singing in my heart, and I ran down to a side-canal as he turned into it with his feathered friend. During the preceding week, my meditation focuses and dreams were connected with waterways and lakes, with a call to send light to a light-grid node that is in the centre of a particular lake further inland. As our lovely ‘Ashura dolphin’ headed down the smaller side canal in this photo, by the time I got there, he was floating with his nose pointed toward a boat with the name ‘Evelyn’, and ‘eve lyn’ literally translates as ‘mother/mother of life lake’.

Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.

The duo swam to the end of this canal, then turned around and swam back (with the pelican looking back to see see if his friend was still following him, in the second photo below), and came to halt just beneath the small bridge on which I was then standing, and in the last photo in this sequence you can see the two parallel white scars behind the dolphin’s right eye. Love and blessings dearheart 🀍🐬

Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.

Another beautiful unfolding dolphin thread has been with several mother and baby dolphins, and especially with a matriarch of many decades, and her daughters and grandchildren.

Photo taken on May 4th 2022, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, two adult dolphins with a very young baby.

Humans studying dolphins are beginning to understand that they have names for themselves and each other, and this matriarch is well-known, and named by humans…but for this post, we’ll call her Starflower, as how I see the geometric sound-form (telepathic glyph) of her self-name is the projection of a six-petalled flowerlike form with a star radiating through it. She’s easy to spot since she’s missing a lot of her dorsal fin, as you can see in the photo below.

Photo of Starflower on June 14th 2022, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.
Photo of Starflower with her grandchild , and daughter in the foreground, on June 14th 2022, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.

Often, just before and while lightships are above, the sky takes on a sparkling diamond white light visual quality, to my eyes. Sometimes, where ships are, I see clusters of diamond lights flashing and flickering, or waves of sparkles across the sky, before a ship decloaks. When a dolphin connection is strong and clear, I find a similar shimmery, effervescent quality is also visibly heightened around their presence.

Such connections can run deep, and go to unexpected places, as with the lovely Starflower. One morning in late winter, I’d decided to pass on a swim, but had a sudden internal ‘pull’ to Town Beach, and walked the 2 kms there in wind and rain. On the beach that morning there was a dolphin rescue group gathered near the water, and in their midst was a beached baby dolphin of around 2 weeks old (baby dolphins have whiskers up to that age). It was known to be Starflower’s baby, but she was nowhere to be seen, no doubt well aware that there was something not right with her little one’s health. Attempts to get him back in the water, or to locate Starflower, were unsuccessful. I stayed with him for the next four hours, assisting with the team keeping him wet and as comfortable as possible, until a decision was finally made to euthanize him. There were tears all round, and I learned that Starflower had lost several babies before this one. I didn’t see her anywhere for the rest of the year but she remained in my heart and prayers.

Then in February 2023, in an inland canals area, four dolphins swam right up to spot where I was perched, wondering how she was going. And just after the four dolphins had passed by, Starflower arrived, with a daughter and new grandchild!

Photo taken on February 6th 2023 Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, Starflower’s daugther and new grandchild.

The mother and baby swam into a small boat ramp area, into just a few feet of water, followed by Starflower, her stump of a dorsal fin wreathed in seaweed, as close as she could be without me being in the water. This was a spot I had never been to before, and it felt like the most beautiful blessing to meet her there and see her healthy and happy with her thriving family members. πŸ™πŸ’™

Photo taken on February 6th 2023 Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia.

At various energetic moments, I’m called to particular lakes, dams and rivers inland, aligning with star family, with nature spirits, undines (water spirits) and other subtle beings at specific moments, according to various windows/peak openings for higher dimensional energy potentials. Sometimes those moments also align with the dolphins, as the energies weave through the waters between coast and hills. One lovely activation last year began in a pool below North Dandelup Dam, in the hills east of Mandurah, where there were many tangible presences, some of which were visible. You can see a subtle being’s ‘imprint’ in the photo below (in the circled area), beside a rock on the far side of the pool, with a distinct pointy-chinned face and a ‘crown of leaves’ formation, radiating a guardian vibration, among other beautiful presences in and around that water.

Photo taken on June 3rd 2023, North Dandelup Dam, Western Australia.
Enlarged, a ‘leafy’ green face with a watery blue tinge above it is visible in the centre of the frame.

Returning to Mandurah from that activation, the Marina entrance area was calling, and a lovely dolphin arrived, who stayed floating in this ‘serene meditation’ pose, with closed eyes and the most gentle ambience, radiating deep peace, like a lotus on the waters. Just sublime, thank you beauty.

Photo taken on June 3rd 2023, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia, zen ‘lotus dolphin’ floating with eyes closed.

Here’s another beautiful mother and child moment, with this mother dolphin circling several times up close to the place where I was standing, then swimming in toward the estuary, with a baby popping up beside her as they travelled inland. The connectivity and warmth radiating from this lovely dolphin as she brought herself to a full stop several times in front of me was palpable and incredibly heartmelting.

Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.

Coming into this year, to my awareness a particular stellar stream of activations came in through the Hu Shi (Bow & Arrow) asterism, which sits as a kite-shape between Sirius and Canopus, the two brightest stars in the sky, with the star Wezen pointing to Sirius, Adhara and Aludra at the tips of the Bow, and Ahadi (Pi Puppis) at the tail of the Arrow. There are a few photos related to this asterism and ongoing inflow on the Lighships 2024 page, and we’lll share about this in more detail soon, but for this post we’ll just focus with the star Adhara. In late December last year, this connection was beginning to ignite, and came through my inner awareness as the ‘Ultraviolet Angels’, appearing in a photo on December 28th 2023, high in the sky near a lightship that flashed a deep vivid blue colour.

A light emanation appearing as an angelic form of vibrant blue-purple with white wings and blue-green background colour, that flashed above a lightship visible on December 28th 2023.

While tuning in with Adhara early this year, I read that the name means ‘the Virgins’ in Arabic, that it is the brighest star in the ultraviolet spectrum visible to the naked eye, and if we could see in that spectrum, Adhara would be by far the brightest star in the nightsky. I feel a powerful Divine Mother vibration flowing from this star (Mary-Isis-Sophia or by whatever name/cultural translation), and while attuning with Adhara in the waters of the Mandurah entrance on the morning of January 23rd, a glorious, very large mother dolphin, close to giving birth came to me, circling gently around and imparting a telempathic impression of her baby, soon to be born. She felt so very much in the flow of the Adhara activations imbuing Earth’s vibrational field, full of love, cherishment and grace.

Photo taken on January 23rd 2024, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on January 23rd 2024, Mandurah can see from the size of this dolphin’s dorsal fin relative to my size what a big dolphin she is!

That night, still with the Adhara inflow streaming in deep, a long rectangular lightship decloaked over my home, in exactly the same colours as the Ultraviolet Angel of a few weeks earlier, white, green blue, and glowing blue-purple tones. Breathtakingly beautiful, visually and vibrationally!

Adharan lightship decloaks overhead on January 23rd 2024.
Adharan lightship enlarged, revealing the same colours as the ‘Ultraviolet Angel’ appearance of December 28th 2023.

Later that week another dolphin mother and child connection aligned in a truly miraculous way, in the Marina canals area. I’d thrown a crystal out to the depth marker, visible at the top of the frame below, and was tuning across the dimensional layers with whales and water dragon energies, and as always with the dolphins. This pair arrived within a minute or so, first the youngster surfacing, then mamma skimmed along just below the surface directly below, gazing back up into my eyes from underwater as she passed. They then began frolicking and splashing around by the wall below, creating foamy light shimmers across the water.

Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.
Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.

In the photo below, I’ve circled an eye that formed where I was seeing/feeling Ashura’s energies passing as a white light stream under the dolphins, which has a whale-like quality and to my inner senses, water dragon presence. To the right, circled, is a wonderful ‘double infinity ring’ composed of two interlacing, overlapping circles. In this ‘reality layer’, it would be impossible for a formation like that to form and hold on the surface of water…but there it is, the impossible is real multidimensionally, and expressing in this symbol the infinite interweaving interconnectedness of stratas of expression, of worlds, of consciousness itself. Subtle miraculousness is within and all around us, interlacing and dancing, encoded with light, with immeasurable love. Behind all disharmony and distractions, it’s all here, present in every moment for all beings to embrace internally and radiate through the fields of creation.

Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.
Photo taken on January 29th 2024, mother and child dolphin in the Mandurah Marina, leaving after the ‘infinity rings’ activation.

Over the next few nights, pearly, iridescent orbs appeared above the Hu Shi asterism, with soft dolphin-like forms and energies within them.

Photo taken on January 31st 2024, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Enlarged, there are subtle dolphin energies imprinted within this orb, with a softly-rounded ‘W’ in the foreground, for the star Wezen in the Hu Shi asterism, which this orb was floating directly above.

We hold the vision, the potential, and the heart-prayer for all of humanity to feel the endless nurture, empathy, joy and inspiration that sparkles and ripples from the divine dolphin dance, as a wave of light all around us.

Peace, Love and Joy to you all, to this beautiful planet, humanity, the dear dolphins and all beings here, wishing the collective consciousness field a gentle, deep release and clearing of veils through today’s Lunar Eclipse, divine upliftment through Easter/Ostara, the Solar Eclipse of April 8th and onward. May Galactic Earth unfold ever more peacefully for humanity and all life journeying within this profound, expansive shift of consciousness,

Joanna&Ashura&Family&Friends πŸ’›πŸŒπŸŒΊ

Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Mandurah, Western Australia, dear friends twirling and hugging dolphin-style.

Love & Blessings for the New Year 2024 πŸŒΈπŸŒπŸ•Š

Beautiful dolphin friend saying hello on August 29th 2023 in the Creery Wetlands area of Mandurah, Western Australia.

Dear All,

We wish you a beautiful, joyful and peaceful opening to the year 2024 in the Solar-Sirian calendar, and hold the vision for deeper wisdom, ease and harmony to unfold within the heart of humanity, filling the collective consciousness and energy field of this precious Earth as the New Year aligns and unfolds into expansive light-filled potentials.

Wherever you are on the Earth, may you feel the light of the Source bathe your being, and may Sirius shine in your heart as our Sun’s Mother Star reaches her annual zenith in our nightsky on New Year’s Eve, renewing, recharging and refreshing all energies within this planetary field. Wherever there is unrest and suffering, may the Light of Universal Love and Peace flow deep transformations of clarity and kindness. To all experiencing personal or communal hardships, so much love and ease to you now and onward πŸ’›

Humanity’s compassionate kindred of the stars, galaxies, the Inner Earth light realms and other subtle frequency planes continue to assist and support in the background, until an optimal pathway for full Open Contact aligns within the collective. We’re in a particular arc now, a window of opportunity that is opening step by step…and throughout 2023, the concept of extraterrestrial life potentially already engaging with this planet has become much more foregrounded in the collective consciousness, paving the way for expanded awareness in 2024 and onward.

Star family and other subtle beings continue to signal their presence as, when and where beneficial around the Earth, from their higher dimensional insight, and the lovely rose-gold lightship below, that flashed next to Sirius on the Solstice, December 22nd 2023, sends such a loving message…with a dear being standing in the centre foreground in green, with arms outstretched in welcome.

A star being known on Earth by the name Valiant Thor stands with open arms in the centre of a glowing Venusian rose-gold lightship, December 22nd 2023.

For a stream of ‘turn of the year’ joy, you might like to visit the Lightships 2023 page, as a photo-record of multidimensional presences of the Love that is continually pouring into and around this planet, sending heart activations and soul remembrances through the collective field, translating visibly through light frequencies, here in Western Australia and around the world. You may notice the vividness and amplification of light and forms in the December photos, as loving presences and beings of the higher dimensions bring their supportive focus and vibrational upliftment to the opening of the New Year and onward.

May well-being and upliftment flow through humanity and to all life on Earth. Peace, Love and Joy to you all, dear readers, friends, soul kin and companions on the way,

Joanna&Ashura&Family&Friends βœ¨πŸ’šπŸ₯°

An iridescent ‘ultraviolet angel’ appears in a light emanation on December 28th 2023.
A softly curved, elliptical, white ship with a silver-grey panel curved over the top, with an inset white disc/hatch, decloaks on August 28th 2023.

Tara Light

A ruby-red orb appears close to the star Canopus, March 28th 2023

Greetings lovely people βœ¨πŸ’›

This year has been skipping by for us, so firstly, many thanks to all who have sent messages this year. Answering mail isn’t always doable, but I do read everything, and send love and gratitude for your sharings, your kind hearts, and to those reaching out for assistance who I haven’t responded to yet, wishing you much ease, light and upliftment in your pathways. And as always, deepest appreciation to everyone continuing to hold focus for the peaceful flourishment of this planet and all life here, thank you for the loving beings you are. πŸ™πŸŒ

For this post we’ll focus with a particular lightship and fleet that first appeared in visible form in my nightsky in 2016, following a detailed vivid ”dream” of going on board a beautiful lightship, followed by orb visitations. Through late 2015 into 2016 a succession of large red orbs hovered above the house I lived in at the time, and appeared in photos that lead into this ship revealing its presence in early 2016. I hear the ship’s name/sound vibration as Tara’bi’nahu, or Terebinth in ”Earth translation”, and connected with her first specifically as an Antarian lightship. Down the track, however, it became clear that several interconnected stellar groups flow through the Terebinth and wider Tara fleet, and they’ve been in heightened focus since a series of communications accompanied by frequent decloaked appearances during late 2022 into 2023.

In my experience, ”high contact” moments or sequences ~ within wider connections with the lightbeings and ships whose presence vibrates around this planet with universal love ~ can come with both internal activations and transmissions of high-coherence frequencies into the nodes, light-grids and meridians/chi streams of the Earth…along with activational frequencies that reverberate subtly through the human collective consciousness field and to all life on this planet. The current phase in the global opening for galactic, multidimensional awareness is well in motion now, translating in this density as increasing sightings and contact experiences for some, and through a step by step collective acclimatization for the presence of extraterrestrial/interdimensional/Inner Earth beings and intelligences of a compassionate nature that have been and are flowing alongside and interacting with humanity in/on/around this planet and beyond (as well as understanding that there have been a few less compassionate groups involved with this planet along the way, in order to clear those imprints and flow vibrationally beyond them).

This collective path can be seen unfolding with further momentum this year and, while complex given the many factors in play, the ”inner lotus bud” of the heart of humanity is steadily supported and assisted to open multidimensionally ~ individually and ultimately on a worldwide scale ~ as the already-activated Galactic Earth continues unfurling her ”lotus lovelight” of expanded consciousness. From many of your messages, dear readers, this subtle unfurling is being felt all around the planet. Within a global energy field layered with tensions and pressures, synergistic openings still continue to integrate and radiate through the planetary light-grids, through peaceful presence, and through pathways of expression aligned with love and kindness within the Whole.

Our starfriends and many subtle beings connected with this planet and beyond continue flowing their energies for upliftment of the Whole, and those flowing through the Terebinth lightship have given a wonderful visual representation of how contact can develop and evolve, offered during this stage of collective preparation for a positive Open Contact experience being brought to fruition from multiple angles, with the input of multiple groups, earthly, inner earthly and otherworldly (hence the topic of UFO/UAP has come to the fore in the collective awareness now and going forward).

The ruby-red frequency that radiates through the Terebinth, and the Tara Fleet more widely, is connected with the grounding of energies, hence red was intuited as the colour of the base/root chakra is Eastern spiritual traditions, connected with vital life force. Following this ruby strand with the Terebinth, the photo series below flows from star family of the big red star Antares and the constellations of Lyra and Ara as a loving signal of what is right on the brink of collective awareness and delicately aligning across the wavelengths of infinite light, nudging at the rim of humanity’s current frame of reference, beliefs and ideations of what is ”real”.

Let’s begin with the Terebinth as she appeared close overhead on January 18th 2016, following the ”arrival” of many large red orbs along with her initial decloak detailed in this post. At that time, I’d had a dream encounter with a lady introducing herself as Tayitha, who guided me on board the ship she called Tara’bi’nahu, translating to me asTerebinth in the dream (and appearing in the nightsky the following night). In the dream, the Terebinth appeared as a triangular-shaped ship running with rainbow shimmers, completely transparent from the inside other than those wavy shimmers defining its shape. The people on board were all dressed in vivid red bodysuits, appearing pale to deep olive-skinned with long dark hair and about 8-9 feet tall relative to my ”Earth human size”. On January 18th, I had a sudden ”inner call” to go outside and stand in the driveway facing north, and the Terebinth became visible over the treetops, as a ruby-coloured triangular craft with emerald green side panels, silently rotating and sending down a single pulse of bright white light before disappearing/recloaking.

The Terebinth lightship first decloaks (lower right of frame), January 18th 2016
The Terebinth pulses bright white light from its underside, January 18th 2016.

Over the years since then, whenever the Terebinth has been close and we’re focusing together, a signature large ruby-red orb has appeared, visibly and/or in photos, while attuning with Tayitha and those on board. Gradually, a more rounded picture has formed of the fleet the Terebinth radiates from, coming through as the Tara fleet (Ta’Ra, where the Ta soundform expresses the vibration of land/ground/base and the Ra soundform vibrates the One Light of Source/Infinite Consciousness, literally ”landing the light”). In dream greetings and more recent communications, golden, amber and orange tones have been more prominent, blended with the rose and ruby tones of the Tara ships. This fuller spectrum of colour frequencies was beautifully affirmed on December 9th 2022 by a sister ship of the Terebinth known to me as the Taia’Tara. The Taia’Tara flashed brilliantly just above the Moon, and in the photo below, a wave of bright golden light can be seen pouring down from her distinct diamond-shaped form.

Golden light pours down from the ruby lightship Taia’Tara above the Moon, December 9th 2022.

This golden light flow came through with imagery and frequencies star family had previously associated with several constellations in our local galactic area, Lyra, Ara, the Phoenix constellation…in the Tara fleet, merged with the rose to ruby red tones. Among the Tara lightships, the Terebinth is the only one I’ve known to radiate through a red and green frequency signature, a visual signal of some other galactic associations, in particular with Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters, whose ships have generally appeared to me as red or green, or both (the particular group of Alpha Centauris I connect with appear as green-skinned and green-haired). On that night of December 9th 2022, the Terebinth flashed a little higher in the sky just after the Taia’Tara’s ”golden download”, also in a diamond-like form, semi-translucent with green and gold above and rose light below.

The Terebinth flashes close to the Taia’Tara’s position, with ruby-pink light below, gold and green above, December 9th 2022.

Coming into 2023, on January 20th the Terebinth flew overhead in her longest decloaked flight to date, as a glowing red triangle, becoming visible next to the star Canopus and flying slowly to Sirius before recloaking. In this photo, Sirius is the bright star at the left, Canopus at the right, and the Terebinth is passing close by the stars of the Hu Shi (Bow & Arrow) asterism between them.

The Terebinth appears as a luminous red triangle next to a star in the Hu Shi asterism, between Sirius and Canopus, January 20th 2023.

And on February 9th, she flew again along a trajectory from Canopus to Sirius, then down toward Orion’s Belt before recloaking. This time, her triangular form appeared as bands of red and green light.

The Terebinth flies from Canopus toward Sirius, again in triangular format, in red and green light bands, February 9th 2023.

She continued to flicker and flash overhead often through the next month, sometimes in triangular form, sometimes in diamond-shaped form, overtly or more subtly as in this photo from March 27th, where a small triangle can be seen moving toward a portal reflected in the clouds as an outlined oval-shaped opening.

The Terebinth signals her presence subtly in triangular form, angling toward a portal symbolically represented in the cloud to her right, March 27th 2023.

The following night our Tara friends flashed this beautiful rose-red orb below Canopus, floating toward Sirius (passing across the area where the Terebinth had appeared next to the Hu Shi stars, circled below), indicating their presence and contined movements through that area between the two brightest stars in the Earth’s nightsky.

A ruby-red orb floats between Canopus and Sirius on March 28th 2023, close to the area where the Terebinth had flown on January 20th 2023 (the circled area is where she flashed next to the Hu Shi asterism).

The Tara energies kept building toward April 15th, when the Terebinth entered through a portal and decloaked in daylight for a few seconds. Transdimensional preparation for her translation from a 5-7D frequency format into a ”solid-seeming” appearance in the 3-4D frequency field was visually signalled in a cloud straight overhead, where the edge of the cloud morphed into the outline of a double-diamond (diamond within a diamond) shape.

A double diamond outline forms in clouds directly overhead, marking the Terebinth’s position, April 15th 2023.

As the double diamond formed, it’s ”floor” appeared to stretch downward and open toward the Earth, with the faint form of a robed figure standing in the centre of the inner diamond.

A small square space then opened in the edge of the cloud below, signifying the opening of a portal (I’ve seen this type of vibrational translation in clouds many times before a ship hops visibly into broad daylight).

A square-shaped portal forms in a cloud overhead, April 15th 2023.

The Terebinth jumped into view in a patch of open sky below the clouds, in a muted rose shade rimmed in soft white light, with a sleek, elongated diamond form, appearing as though a veil/cloak is sliding off her to the right, with a visual suggestion of the ship opening, or having been open, at her left foreground side.

The Terebinth appears in open sky below the ”cloud portal” in diamond form, April 15th 2023.

Tayitha sent the image of a butterfly with closed wings, opening its wings, closing its wings, opening its wings, triangle, diamond, triangle, diamond…or a bird opening and folding its wings, unfolding the ship, infolding the ship, on a thought, the ship as a thoughtform, an extension of consciousness as light frequencies patterned according to inherent soul expressivity, seamlessly morphing and moving across dimensionally-patterned wavelengths, as naturally as breathing in and out. πŸ”ΊπŸ¦‹πŸ”Ά

Speaking of birds, my attention is often drawn ”upward” by feathered friends who appear before ships start to flash or decloak, and on a few occasions birds, most often an eagle, have literally appeared out of thin air (which some of you, from your sharings, have also experienced). Once earlier this year, a large white bird that didn’t look quite like any species I know, hung suspended in the air for about five seconds, as if ”frozen in (or out of) time”…in relation to what I felt/heard from star family as a high frequency ”pulse” rippling through the Earth’s spacetime field. Every time the ibis in the photo below has perched on the rooftop aerial, diamond light flashes, orbs and sometimes lightships have appeared above. During the Terebinth’s appearance on April 15th, this wouldn’t all fit in one frame (lol), but the cloud portal and the ship itself were directly above the ibis. Everything is connected.

An ibis sitting on the rooftop aerial, directly below the spot where the Terebinth appeared, April 15th 2023. Noting here than whenever an ibis has perched on the aerial (symbolizing incoming transmissions), lightships have flashed above it and/or sparkles of diamond white light have filled the sky. Ibis was remembered symbolically as Thoth/Tehuti by the ancient Egyptians, to my understanding an expression of Ashtar, who also comes through eagle and phoenix ”wavelengths”, Ash’Ta’Ra more fully…and therein is a Ta’Ra/Tara connection.

Here’s the Terebinth’s double diamond outline ”condensing” again in the edge of a cloud on April 20th, and when turned around there’s a hint of a tigerlike feline face in that outline.

The Terebinth’s double diamond shape outlines in a small cloud again, April 20th 2023.

The double diamond ”cloud” then morphed into a triangle that held its shape and position while the foreground cloud moved across it, until its whole form was visible, showing all three corners.

The Terebinth gives a cloud-cloaked demonstration of folding from diamond into triangle format, staying stationary and holding her shape as the clouds pass in front of her and peel away to her left, April 20th 2023.

With this ongoing diamond-triangle sequence, the Terebinth (and Taia’Tara) are visually symbolizing fifth dimensional dynamics, which have also been represented mathematically as a geometric construct called an amplituhedron; there’s the centrepoint within the infinite field of light, which all the spectrum of potentials is continuously radiating from and into, generating waves of expressivity…simultaneously infolding and unfolding, like a butterfly folding and unfolding its wings, creating a ”butterfly effect” of vibrational ripples that are naturally infinitely expansive while infinitely present in the centre. In 5D real-ization, particle and wave are One and perceived as One, the centre is infinitely unfolding through an open ”frequency format”.

The amplituhedron, a geometric form designed to represent theoretical 5D and higher dimensions.

The subtle shift from fouth dimensional to fifth dimensional dynamics and expression can be represented in a simplified form in the visual transition from the 4D hypercube (cube within a cube within a cube ad infinitum), based in zero-point vortex motion and expression, to the 5D+ hypercube, based in zero-point infinite radiant wave-motion and expression, from an enfolded vibrational format to an open vibrational format.

A 4D hypercube or tesseract, a geometric representation of 4D spacetime, and how it generates vortex motion. Einstein hypthesized that the Earth sits in a localized ”dimple” of 4D spacetime, which was elegantly demonstrated in a NASA experiment in 2011.

On the night of April 23rd, the Terebinth again flashed overhead, appearing triangular, and on enlarging the photo below there’s an ”echo” of the triangle form, like a double image or after-image, poised to unfold as a diamond, and Tayitha communicated this representation as aligning a ”phase shift” from being energetically and visibly ”angled” into a 4D-enfolded spacetime format up/out into an ”open-winged 5D butterfly” vibrational presence.

The Terebinth appears in triangular format, as a doubled triangle, about to morph into a diamond, April 23rd 2023.

An orb/light emanation then winked below the Moon conjuncting Venus that night, from within the Terebinth, and showing a crystallized interior view of the ship, with a floor of bright white light and circular panels in rose and green floating above it.

An ”interior view” emanates from the Terebinth, to the lower right of the conjuncting Moon and Venus, April 23rd 2023.

Flowing on from a Solar Eclipse on April 20th which was visible and highly energetic in this part of the world (its path of totality passed over the northwestern tip of Western Australia), the Terebinth again signalled her presence leading into the following penumbral Lunar Eclipse on May 5-6th. Her elongated diamond outline is subtly visible below the Moon, slightly to the left, in the first frame. And in the second, another interior emanation flashed to the right of the Moon. In the enlargement below, there’s a silhouetted figure with arm upraised waving, in the foreground, with the Terebinth’s signature ruby-rose and green tones in the background.

Leading into a Lunar Eclipse, the Terebinth’s presence subtly outlines as a long diamond-shaped space in a cloud below the Moon, May 5th 2023.
An interior view emanates from the Terebinth before the Eclipse, with a waving figure silhouetted in the foreground, with the Terebinth’s familiar ruby-rose and green hues behind the figure, May 5th 2023.

Often, when a higher dimensional being comes through a photo as a silhouette, the inner connection (on my part) isn’t wholly in focus at that moment, and when it’s really ”honed”, light-being presences and forms translate into visibility, and into photos, in more detail. With this emanation, the name Yuthi was coming through, along with a 5D humanlike form, and ”around” or overlighting that form and name, a Lyran-Antarian tiger presence was emanating (and still does), with the soundforms Yu’Ti’Rua (a tiger-being had appeared in dreams and meditations for a couple of days prior to that, as often happens when a soul connection is coming forward into conscious awareness and mutual ”mission focus”).

As this connection with the Terebinth and Tara fleet, and with Yuthi/Yu’TΓ­’Rua (Tayitha’s TwinFlame), continued unfolding onward from the Lunar Eclipse, the daytime skies were filled with thick clusters of diamond white light sparkles, and at times I was seeing vertical streams of diamond light rising from the clouds, then from expanses of water in our local estuary. Three nights after the Eclipse on May 8th, this portal emanation flashed brightly in the shape of an open doorway, with the Full Moon within the upper part of the doorway and a ship passing through below the Moon, crossing the right side ”door jamb” (passing through the open higher dimensional Lunar Portal).

An interdimensional portal, represented as a rectangular doorway in the sky, appears with the Moon depicted as a white sphere in the upper part of the doorway, with a ship crossing through the portal at the lower right, May 8th 2023.

The Moon itself was behind clouds, but following this portal crossing, a faint egg-shaped orb formed below the Moon, as if sitting in a nest of tree-fronds (”new energies landing, ready to birth”), and Yuthi appeared as an etheric form, again with his arm raised, waving, with a tall pillar at his left, which he described as a ”portal-key”, with similarities to the objects depicted as djed pillars in ancient Egyptian art. For 2-3 seconds, he was standing fully materialized in an earthly male form ~ a soul expression of Yuthi/Yu’Ti’Rua currently embodied on Earth in an area of the planet Ashura&I, soul family&friends have been putting some clearing and activational focus into recently via the light-grids, nodes and chi/energy streams, integrating with Yuthi&Tayitha there now. Blessings and greetings lovely star brother, in this and all dimensions you/we are radiating and interweaving our energies through. πŸ‘‹βœ¨

Waving figure forms inside and egg-shaped orb on a treetop, with a pillar to his left, below the Moon, May 8th 2023.

For anyone reading this who might be feeling doubtful that the Earth (and humanity) can ”make it” to a vibrational place where this planet can unfold like a butterfly within its wider galactic community, be assured that this entire transition phase continues to be deeply supported and overlighted (and underlighted from other dimensional realms of this beautiful Earth) by love beyond measure. Rippling subtly through all densities are creational frequency waves, fields of waves that we interpret as higher dimensions, in harmonic resonance with the pure primary creational impulse, continuously infolding and unfolding, radiating throughout this Universe and within and around this planet.

In this galaxy, we see a particular ”code” flowing through galactic centre that translates numerically as 27-72 (see this page) that vibrates, holds and transmits that primary impulse streaming as universal love, joy and well-being. In the general ”public disclosure” discourse in motion now, the year 2027 in the western/solar/Sirian calendar has started to appear, and we’d like to say here that from our perspective, there’s a particular window of potential open up to and into 2027, and much is in motion behind the scenes to bring an authentic, integrous, peaceful disclosure of extraterrestrial/ultraterrestrial/interdimensional presences in/on/around the Earth in a graceful way for the human collective and all involved, during this window, leading toward Open Contact…and all that will flow thereon, as human consciousness lifts, expands and matures…

Love, Peace & Gratitude to you all lovely souls, and to all loving beings and intelligences flowing with, assisting and supporting the unfolding of the petals of Galactic Earth,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends βœ¨πŸ’›βœ¨

A cloud pillar aligns vertically through the ”rooftop aerial” following many lightship flashes all around it, with a bird plummeting down the pillar just as I took this photo, May 15th 2023.

* For more about the lightships, orbs and light emanations/beings appearing here (and in other places), see the Lightships 2023 page and previous Lightships pages πŸ›ΈπŸ’›

Happy New Year 2023 πŸ’›πŸŒ

‘Veils peel away from the Light’, photo of sun over dissolving clouds taken on September 27th 2022.

Greetings dear friends 🌞

What a year it has been on planet Earth! Although it hasn’t been the appropriate moment to share in detail about star family’s focuses and movements very much this year, our love is with each one of you, and all humanity, through the current intensity of collective energies and beyond. Star family’s overview and activities continue to flow behind the scenes, always in support of aligning and clearing the path for Open Contact with humanity on Earth in an optimal, eased and peaceful way. We would like to reaffirm here that the steps toward our galactic kindred, friends and countless loving soul expressions coming into the collective view of humanity are well in progress…and have continued calmly progressing, in the background of the amplified polarization within this global energetic phase.

Our hearts go out to all experiencing turbulent life situations, and we hold the vision of deeper cosmic awareness, deeper empathy for one another and all life on Earth, heartfelt cooperation, collective peace and well-being to unfold collectively in the embrace of the universal love, grace, harmony and gentle calm bathing this beautiful planet every moment.

Wishing you and all life on Earth a truly beautiful, revitalizing and joyful New Year of the Solar-Sirian calendar, as the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, reaches its zenith at midnight of New Year’s Eve. Blessings to all in 2023, rebirthing in the golden light of infinite renewal, flowing easefully in the white light of infinite creation, unfolding and radiating through the rainbow spectrum of free-flowing inspiration and endless creativity!

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends βœ¨πŸ€πŸŒπŸ’›πŸ›Έ

Arnap flying a small white ship over the roof on June 30th 2022, see Meraia’s Star for more about him and this ship.
The Lei’hua lightship, from which the small ship in the above photo emanates, radiating her familiar peachy-gold tones on November 3rd 2022.

Two lovely light emanations of Sananda, sitting in meditation pose in rose-gold light on the left, photographed on October 22nd 2022, and as a baby wrapped in a blanket of golden-white light in the arms of his Mother on the right, on December 27th 2022. See the Lightships 2022 page for more details and for an overview of some of the ships, orbs and beings who have beamed their love through the skies here this year. More to come in 2023 we’re sure, with gratitude and love always to those of various soul families, realms and dimensional expressions radiating the light of love here and everywhere. πŸ™πŸ₯°

Lightships, Portals & the Consciousness Field

Photo showing many beings/forms within and around a portal of white light, June 18th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Greetings and much love to you all.πŸ’› The months since the last Heart Star post have been full and ‘on the wing’, as star family of love and goodwill continue to work toward Open Contact, encompassing many variables within the global and collective trajectory, quietly anchoring Galactic New Earth with all willing hearts, within this year’s turbulence. Continued heartfelt gratitude to everyone holding peaceful focus with Universal Love and Compassion within the collective field during this amplified phase in the shifting, unfolding planetary rebirth.

For this post, we’ll share a little ‘snapshot’ of some of the lightships, beautiful emanations and energies aligning here during the last three months, that peaked through the Solstice and this year’s Lion’s Gate during August with another great influx of high cosmic vibrations flowing as shifts within the Shift. Star family are continuously active around the planet supporting this phase of unity consciousness budding amid confusion and disarray, and we’ll focus here with a few particular days/nights when loving ones were revealing their ships and forms most clearly, beginning on the night of June 8th with multiple transmissions.

The first lightship emanation that night came through a spectrum of soft amethyst, purple, violet and rose hues, which can be seen in the rim of a giant orb that just clipped the top left of the photo below, with the ship flashing brightly beneath it on an alignment between the orb and Alpha and Beta Centauri. You can see one corner of this triangular ship brilliantly lit, with two more corner lights dimly visible. A curvature of the brightest lit corner gives the impression of the ship spinning around (or it could be a curved ship). The rim of the giant orb, when enlarged, reveals numerous figures, transmitting purple, violet and rose light, the colour vibrations of compassion, clearing and transformation, with rose light activating the higher heart in humanity, kindness, empathy, and divine love embracing all.

A triangular ship appears to be rotating below a vast purple orb (its rim is just in the upper frame) on June 8th 2021.
One corner of the ship flashes bright golden-white light in this photo, June 8th 2021
Many figures can be seen standing along the rim of this orb, in purple and rose light, June 8th 2021.
In this curved triangular ship, two of its corner lights are dimly marked in the sky, June 8th 2021.

This beautiful transmission was anchored through Alpha and Beta Centaurian ships, with two of them (the two lights at the left of the frame below) flashing simultaneously with an orb to the right, close to Alpha and Beta Centauri. There’s a softly formed green face in the orb, with gentle eyes and slightly elongated head. The orb has a watercolour quality, symbolizing their origin from a watery planet. You can see the two ships have a long triangular shape, in watery blues and greens. The brighter of the two ships almost looks like a spiral seashell, and was indeed spiralling at that moment, drawing in dense, dissonant energies and transmuting them through its light (and sound, the lightships use sound frequencies, harmonics and geometries to rearrange and realign chaotic energies).

A pair of green-blue ships flash to the left of a soft green orb above Alpha Centauri on June 8th 2021.

Another Centaurian ship can be see in the top right of the next photo, with a large green-reddish orb between it and Beta Centauri at the lower left. I had a sense of this ship energetically untangling a heavy astral-etheric mesh and transmuting it. Thanks starry friends. ✨

A large reddish-green orb hovers between Beta Centauri and another Centaurian ship (with the vibration of Hadarian/Beta Centaurian beings) on June 8th 2021.

This beautiful coordination was followed on June 18th by a spectular light sequence from the Meri’Ashar mothership, also in the southern nightsky, beginning in a similar position to the triangular lightship on the 8th, then moving in a gradual curve across the sky before stationing to the west, recorded in a series of nine photos. Firstly, this beautiful light aqua, gold and rose orb projected from the Meri’Ashar, then several brilliant flashes from the ship’s interior, with a feminine form emerging from bright white light toward the right.

This bright orb of aqua and rose light, with a golden sheen, flashed where I sensed the presence of the Meri’Ashar mothership on June 18th 2021.
The orb resolves into a light-saturated rectangular ‘portal’ radiating from/within/through the Meri’Ashar on June 18th 2021.

In the following photo, with the brightness reduced, Ashura can be seen standing at the left of what was now an opened light portal through the ship, in a guarding position, in the appearance of a knight in armour, holding a beam of aqua light across his front, toward the left, with more forms subtly visible within the portal.

The next frame shows the photo at the top of this post, and below I’ve reduced the brightness further, so the forms within the portal can be seen more easily. Ashura is still standing at the left, but now clearly in the form of his 5D soul expression Arnap, in an emerald green long sleeved top over dark green pants, with many loving beings gathered and ushering arrivals who can be seen as small grey beings in the foreground of the portal.

Here, a grey orb at lower left is heading toward the mothership-portal, with another grey orb ‘docked’ at the right side of it. In recent months, waves of beings from the denser 4D frequency layers around the Earth have continued moving away from control-oriented groups they’ve been involved with, and reaching out to the Ashtar Command for amnesty and safe passage. We’ll reiterate here that these beings are received with love, and guided back into love, peace and respect for all life, from various states of veiling and (self)deception. It’s not only humanity that’s in a process of inner remembering and reconnection, within this Shift….and in the second photo below you can see how the grey orb started to take on rainbow colours as it neared the mothership’s open light portal. Deep transformations. 😊

This major release and clearing continued into June 19th, reflected in the clouds and in the movements of a pair of hawks, who danced and spiralled around a ‘cloud cliff’ which a subtly outlined portal reflected through as they flew.

A pair of hawks fly around a cliff-like shelf of cloud on June 19th 2021.

With one of the hawks almost in front of the ‘doorway’, a black object (which I read as a remotely controlled device) popped into view. With a feline face peeping between the clouds above, the hawk pair then hovered below the portal as the device aligned directly with it, was drawn through it, and vanished.

The birds then passed across the portal in unison, and as they flew away, the clouds dissolved.

Coming into July, we focused closely with the 7~7 Gateway (celebrated in China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam as the festival of the divine lovers, Vega and Altair, alpha stars of Lyra and Aquila, on the 7th day of the 7th month each year), starting with a light activation at the ‘landing pad node’ on July 3rd (see this post for last year’s 7~7 alignment at the landing pad). The crystal pattern on the node-stone is connected with this crop circle, reported on June 28th in Wiltshire UK, with 11 crystals around a central round quartz and an outer circle, oriented to the north. Crop circles can have many layers of symbolism, and with this geometry we were aligning with the symbolism of a parent universe wrapped around this universe and 11 sibling universes.

Quartz, rose quartz, amethyst and opals on our local node-stone on July 3rd 2021.

On July 7th, this beautiful aqua, teal and violet orb appeared above Alpha & Beta Centauri, with presences subtly forming within it, especially a feminine form (circled below), with the face of a lion in blue to her left. I feel the vibration of the parent universe, which I hear as the Mu Universe, emanating through this orb and forms.

Unusual and beautiful aqua-violet orb above Alpha & Beta Centauri on July 7th 2021.

The next few nights were full of activity (light flashes and orbs) around Alpha Centauri, again in massive clearing mode, with a vivid green ship flash on July 11 below Alpha Centauri-Southern Cross. Enlarged, there’s a being with an intense stare looking out from this ship as it left (was escorted out of) the Earth’s vibrational field. With the photo turned around, this being re-forms as a ‘classic UFO image’ of a saucer-shaped ship with a beam of light flooding from beneath it, and we’ll just say here, those particular beings (engaged in abductions and experimentation) are departing now, as the vibrational Shift of the Earth continues into a Disclosure and pre-Open Contact phase…with those who are here with deeper love, empathy and respect for all life-forms. βœ¨πŸ’›

A ship flashes while flying below Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross on July 11th 2021.

In the vibration of this pre-Open Contact phase, we’ll go back for a moment to March, and a brilliant golden light emanation from Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix. This was in the nightsky to the north during the March Equinox, high above the golden star Capella, flashing for an instant like a golden rainbow prism, during an attunement with Capella (see the photo at the top of this post from 2018), a star with which the Ashtar Command is closely connected.

The Phoenix mothership sends out a brilliant golden light emanation high above the star Capella on the Equinox, March 20th 2021. ‘Through the Blue comes the Gold’

Turned around, there are beings in many colours along the front of this visual transmission from the Phoenix, with a masculine face in the background in blue hues, representing the overlighting focus of Archangel Michael, the guiding light of the Blue Ray, of which Ashtar is a soul emanation focusing into 5-6D, aligning the golden frequency of primary harmonic creation, radiating through the ‘goldenprint’ of the Phoenix and countless loving beings.

I’m feeling to share here that when I first visibly sighted lightships in late 2011 and began connecting intuitively with star family, and with Ashtar, his first counsel to me was to let go of every belief and every thought I had ever used to structure my reality, to let it all go, to centre in my heart, and stand upon a clean slate, so to speak, of infinite, unboundaried pure white light, and from that place of deep stillness and simplicity, just see what landed on that slate, in that light, authentically and gracefully. Over the years since then, as deeper subconscious layers surfaced along the way, I returned to that clean slate several times, jettisoned everything, and stayed present to seeing and feeling what landed there, as more submerged beliefs and constructs (personal and collective) surfaced, to be released with love into the light. Each time I’ve done this, my perception has shifted and expanded, and if I feel an inner nudge to clean slate my perceptions again, I choose to be open to more expansion, more fine-tuning, just flowing and open to the Love that is within and all around.

When we experience catalyzed awareness of a wider vista than the collective consensus reality of the day, it’s easy to overlook the most deeply entrained responses, socially and philosophically conditioned outlooks, and dualized ideological, political, practical and spiritual models that have become ingrained in humanity’s concepts of life (and death), the world, purpose, and the nature of evolution…that act as mental and emotional filters imbuing human perceptions. Being in a human body has built-in sensory formats through which we interpret energies, information and vibrations via the specific ‘reception bandwidths’ of our physical senses and subtle senses, which align connectivity through a collective field of consciousness filled with imprints in the etheric, plasmatic and astral planes, radiating from the collective psyche of humanity and various associated entities…some loving and kind, coming from vast overviews, radiating warmth, grace and clarity, some more focused on power, oriented to control, some who study, collate and observe, which could be for their own gain, or for benevolent purposes, depending on their state of consciousness.

Spiritual, philosophical and psychological paradigms arise from states of consciousness that tend to attach to them as fundamental truths…until frequencies in a field shift, and ideations of ‘the real’ begin to shift, open and transform. We’re in such a shift on and with the Earth now, in a phase which feels pressurized while many still hold onto and energize (with beliefs and emotions) disaster catharsis dynamics in the collective field, filtering the shift through conceptual filters as though they are real, when duality is just one among numerous energy formats, that opens naturally into unity in the presence of universal love. To crystallize this a little, we’ll bring a slightly different perspective to some concepts currently energized in the Earth field and in spiritual discourses, by posing a few ‘what if’s’ (you don’t have to agree, lovely readers, we just ask you to consider, with these few examples, that what can appear as fundamental, universal truths may be imprinted with projections and ideations within the collective psyche’s vibrational field, and can benefit from a little clearing):

What if: Earth is not a school. That it is not, and never was, in its primary vibration, about learning lessons, passing tests, striving through adversity, overcoming obstacles, ‘growing’ through pain, struggles, battles or suffering, winning or losing, in a no pain-no gain paradigm. What if: experiencing, via extension of soul expressions into vibrational planes of contrast, is not about dualism, learning to balance opposites, or veiling our consciousness under amnesia in order to grow and evolve, as a quest of the Infinite Source to learn about itself and expand through learning about itself as countless fractals.

What if: The Infinite Source already, always knows itself infinitely, unconditionally, omnisciently, from macro to micro, from omniverse to picoparticle, intimately and limitlessly…and that its primary impulse for expressing itself through an infinitude of waves, dimensions, forms and focus-points of its consciousness is simply the motion of the joy of Infinite Consciousness, Infinite Awareness, expressing itself, everywhere and everywhen, as a radiance of pure creativity…that is flowing, shaping, unshaping, reshaping, as naturally as breathing in, breathing out, beloved of itself in every emanation, without ‘hierarchies’ of itself, simply emanating as minutely focused through to vastly expansive expressions of its consciousness and awareness.

What if: emanations within the expressive field of the Source that have forgotten or veiled the primary impulse of creating for the joy of creating, funnelling the primary impulse through dualized ideations, tests, battles, pain and struggle, are experiencing and ideating through a secondary frequency that acts like static noise in a radio signal…where the signal itself is continuously transmitting, but the clarity of the transmission is slightly (or heavily) masked by the static crackle.

What if: the Source, in its infinite awareness and infinite presence in and as every creative emanation, is sending shimmering pulses through its primary transmission, that activate its expressions to transcend the static ~ not by imposing control, which would restrict and stagnate the waves of expression, nor by judging or destroying its own expressions ~ but by continuously emitting stronger pulses through the primary impulse of creation, into every field, plane and dimension of expression, activating the primary impulse another frequency notch, encompassing all emanations, that emanations focusing through third and fourth dimensional/density waves translate as unveiling, remembering who/what they are, connecting with universal consciousness, experiencing or reactivating a blissful sense of oneness with Source and all life.

And what if: when we let go and let ourselves immerse in the Source, in the transmission, within the primary impulse of joy of expression, the consciousness field of humanity and many beings becomes visible, tangible, sensible to us. An interweaving telepathic field of sounds, telempathic field of feelings, psychic field of presences, collective projections and realms, that the ‘static blurring the signal’ shapes into specific constructs that we believe to be the nature of reality, identifying, acting and reacting to them…until we embrace the shimmering pulses of the Source flowing to and through us, and the stickiness of the static and connected constructs wanes, ultimately dissolving back into the Infinite Love that frees the motion of all energies, creating through natural harmonics in infinite, free-flowing variations.

From this view, dualism dissolves, karma concepts dissolve, contrast becomes an experience of diverse range rather than oppositions. The telepathic, psychic, telempathic field clarifies, becomes transparent, the static recedes, no longer strongly flavouring and colouring the view, and eventually not at all. ‘Blue pills and red pills’ dissolve, the hold of either/or choices dissolves as the infinite infolding, unfolding, ascending, inscending, transcending, love-sending dynamics of creation unfurl and vibrate within our living awareness. In this awareness, we are free to interpret our experiences as journeying, as learning, or teaching, guiding or healing, testing our mettle, if that gives us joy…but we’ll be aware of this as an interpretation, for the joy of it, rather than projecting and identifying with constructs that arise from a ‘secondary programme’ in the froth of the static that appears as reality in slower frequency dimensional bands. If this perspective resonates for you, tune into how it feels in your heart, your mind, your body …and enJoy! And if it doesn’t, align your inner well-spring of love and joy through what does resonate for you clearly in this moment!

From our view, shimmering pulses are constantly streaming and pillaring into this Earth plane, charging and strengthening Galactic New Earth light-grids, profound shifts in consciousness, love for all beings and peaceful expansive awareness. In the words of the Dalai Lama, ‘External disarmament depends on internal disarmament.’ There’s a primary impulse for Universal Love innately present within ourselves and every living being, and when we attune to it with deep trust and inner peace, we radiate it through the collective consciousness of humanity, the Earth field and beyond, for the well-being of all beings, as naturally as breathing.

While focusing with the mothership Meri’Ashar on August 18th 2021, diamond white light pouring down from her ‘translated’ through the clouds as a wide vertical pillar, over an inner suburb area of Perth, Western Australia. Higher dimensonal light is literally pouring down, and radiating from within the Earth at subtle levels, all around the planet.

Wishing you well, beautiful souls. Love, Joy and Peace to All on Earth & Everywhere,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›βœ¨πŸŒž

New Earth Update April~May 2021

‘Cosmic solar gnomes’ anchor golden light, subtly outlined in front of a tree trunk, on May 1st 2021 at Kalamunda National Park, Western Australia.

Dear Friends,

Greetings! Firstly, many thanks to those who have reached out to ‘check in’, with Heart Star posts being fewer and farther between so far in 2021. All is fine, there’s just so much in motion this year multidimensionally that ‘doesn’t fit’ into words, ongoing integrations requiring inner quietness, as well as shifting my focus in ‘ground-based creations and assignments’ in various ways. I’m sure some of you will be nodding in agreement/recognition! If I haven’t answered your emails, love and gratitude are winging to you now, and I/we wish you joy and ease in your unfolding pathways. πŸ’—πŸŒŸ

Energies continue to accelerate Galactic New Earth into closer alignment, with tangible shifts through every high vibrational gateway this year, with a deep triune energetic arc upcoming through the total lunar eclipse on May 26th 2021, into the solar eclipse of June 10th, culminating through the midyear Solstice of June 20-21st. With this May-June dynamic initiating now, we’d like to share a light-grid activation we worked with here during the May 5th (5-5-5) Gateway, building into this eclipse to Solstice wave (with heartfelt thanks to everyone who anchored high vibrations through the 5-5-5 and ongoing).

Leading up to the May 5th Gateway, Sirian, Lyran and Procyon energies, light beings and ships were especially to the fore here, with triangular and pyramid-shaped ships appearing and outlining constantly in the clouds from April 21st through to May 5th, with ‘arched doorways’ also appearing (see lower right photo below, from April 23rd).

Beautiful emanations of light beings and ships came through this period (see the Lightships 2021 page), with a brilliant light flash to the right of the star Procyon on April 30th showing a layered composite of soul groups and energies (with my TwinFlame in his galactic 5D soul-form Arnap the most clearly formed figure, as the anchorpoint for my focus into this combination of energies, shimmering crystalline multi-coloured light). In the enlargement below, I’ve circed his form, visible from head to waist, clothed in green, golden-haired, with his arm out to the side.

A beautiful, complex light emanation flashed to the right of the star Procyon on April 30th 2021.
My TwinFlame in his 5D form Arnap circled within the light emanation, visible form head to waist, in green clothing, April 30th 2021.

This emanation morphed into a downward-radiating layered projection; Arnap is circled at the top left, head and shoulders, with many beings subtly visible, as the rainbow rays of pulsing light-codes were angled down toward the Earth.

The light emanation morphs, with rainbow light shimmers flowing downward and forms becoming subtly visible throughout, April 30th 2021.

The energies felt heightened and vibrant, with a lot of activation vibrating into etheric domains that humans describe and perceive as faery, elven, nature spirits and elemental beings, in connection with the Agarthan 5D Inner Earth light realms, with shadow imprints within the etheric layers of the collective field sweeping clear on waves of clarifying light, freeing ancient gateways and conduits, clearing the ‘etheric sinuses’ of the planet…and radiating that clearing through to denser physical layers of expression (helpful when it comes to transforming viruses, among other global benefits).

On May 5th, up on the hilltop we’ve dubbed ‘the landing pad‘, my focus was guided to the crescent moon, and throughout the entire activation that day, lightships appeared close or aligned to the moon, with Arnap showing first in the photo below, to the right of the moon. Enlarged, his ship is beautifully visible at the moment of crossing through a portal, which translates visually here as a small deep blue opening in the sky at the right of his ship. The white light band is flashing from the front of the ship, with a diamond-shaped translucent field enveloping it, and a subtle pink hue to the lower right. I see/feel another dear star brother in the ship with Arnap, side by side and seated, facing forward. The lightfield (in this instance an Arcturian Diamond) around the ship is showing here how a higher dimensional vessel is held and stabilized while translating interdimensionally/folding spacetime.

Arnap brings his small ship (down from the Lei’hua lightship) through an interdimensional portal to the right of the moon on May 5th 2021.

At ground level, I placed three crystals and a piece of pyrite that has had many magical adventures on the ‘anchor stone’ (a particular rock on a nodal point/chi flow line crossing point that the light-grid in this area radiates from; see this post for another example of an activation with this stone), and was asked to stand on top of the node stone, with the crystals between my feet. The energies were tangible and incredibly beautiful, with Agarthan and fairy energies rising through the cleft in the stone, as a 5D Inner Earth flow-gate opening in that moment (there’s an Agarthan light city beneath the hills here, which I know by the name Aran, some also hear it as Kai).

The ‘anchor stone’ that sits on a node, with crystals and pyrite placed on top for the 5-5-5 activation, May 5th 2021.

Visually, tiny bright stars appeared to be spiralling up from this gateway; one of them landed on the pyrite, and in the photo below you can see how its rays curved into the stone, as though wrapping and embedding into it, and in the photo on the right, the stream of shining fairy stars is just visible as a mass of soft, fuzzy white balls, with the cloud overhead parting around them, reflecting the energetic opening. πŸ₯°

A faery star lands on the pyrite, its rays wrapping around the stone, while a ‘flock of fairies’ circles directly above, with a portal reflected as a round opening in the clouds above, May 5th 2021.

For a blissful moment, Arnap landed his little ship down around the anchor stone. I had to put the camera down and focus with him to hold this interdimensional meeting; not a full materialization but he and the ship were transdimensionally present in a translucent state, like the diamond light field in the photo of it appearing through the portal, and beloved Arnap’s presence was very tangible. 🌸 On a note about alignments flowing through even everything down to the tiniest details when we’re open to deeper guidance, two of the four stones/crystals I’d felt to bring into the activation that day are a unique type of opal that came into my awareness a couple of years ago, originating in the Winton opalfield, Queensland, on the other side of Australia. In previous posts, I’ve mentioned a 7D soul expression of my TwinFlame, vibrating through the name/sound Min, and back at home later that afternoon, he guided me to look up a phenomenon called the Min Min Lights ~ accounts of mysterious ethereal balls of light, first reported in the early 20th Century in the locality of Min Min, that turns out to be next to the Winton opalfield. Faery lights indeed!

As Arnap took his ship up into a hover, four cockatoos flew overhead, in the direction of the moon. As they passed right in front of its crescent, there were multiple light flashes, and on examining the photo below, nine ships showed in this one frame (nine is the number of completion and beginning of new cycles, the angelic number), in three groups of three, forming three triangles (circled below).

Four Carnaby Cockatoos fly in the direction of the crescent moon, May 5th 2021.
Three groups of lightships form triangles, two groups above the cockatoos and one group higher, to the left, May 5th 2021.
The two groups of ships above the cockatoos, enlarged, May 5th 2021.

By the next frame, they had all winked out/recloaked apart from Arnap’s ship, close above the cockatoos, moving with them.

Arnap’s small ship remains visible above the cockatoos, the rest have recloaked, May 5th 2021.

He remained visible, on a horizontal alignment to the moon, for two more frames (to the right of the moon).

Arnap holds his position, horizontal to the moon, to its right, May 5th 2021.
Arnap’s ship in the same position in this frame, right of the moon, May 5th 2021.

As he disappeared, an eagle suddenly flew low down over the trees, from the opposite direction (many times over the years, he has symbolized his presence with an eagle, as does Ashtar), hovering stationary and facing toward me, drawing my attention from north-west to south-east.

An eagle suddenly flies in low over the treetops, upper left of frame, May 5th 2021.
The eagle stays in the same position over the treetops, facing toward me, May 5th 2021.

To the right of the eagle, another ship flashed above the trees, low over the hilltop. I felt Arnap on board (having translocated across to this second ship, where the presence of my 5D soul expression Rowena was also radiating), and you can see in the enlargement below it has a bell-shaped form, with white light emanating from below/within the bell, and a subtle lavender-hued cap.

Another lightships flashes brightly above the trees, in the upper centre of this frame, May 5th 2021.
Enlargement of the ship above, showing a very distinct bell shape, with white light radiating from within/below and a subtle lavender coloured upper part of the ‘bell’, ringing beautiful love tones to the Earth, May 5th 2021.

Arnap returned to the ship he had arrived in, and paused in front of a small cloud formation, that then drifted apart, with a bow-shaped ship clearly outlining in the upper portion and a beautiful loveheart in the lower right (circled below).

Arnap hovering in front of a small cloud, May 5th 2021.
As the cloud drifts apart, a clear bow shape forms in the upper left, and a loveheart in the lower right, circled in this photo, May 5th 2021.

He hovered over the loveheart, his ship can be seen flashing brightly over it in the photo below.

Arnap flashes his ship directly above the loveheart in the clouds, May 5th 2021. πŸ₯°

Immediately after this loving assurance, a ship of a lower 4D vibration was flushed out from the clouds, appearing as a smudgy grey chevron-shaped craft, with a ‘flat’ vibrational signature to my inner sensing, very different to the singing vibrations that flow from the higher dimensional lightships and beings. I was barely aware of this presence at the time, enveloped in a blissful light bubble, but on tuning later into what had occurred at that moment, both Earth humans and a group of grey beings were on board. I hear the humans were delivered back to where they came from, with a bit of counsel on making higher vibe life choices. The grey beings were tranferred to a room on board the Lei’hua lightship where, as Arnap put it, ‘They can be in the light and warmth for a while, and contemplate the Universe.’ πŸ˜‰

A ‘gunmetal grey’ chevron shaped ship darts out of the cloud cover; I heard this was a surveillance craft with not so friendly capabilities that was removed instantly by Arnap and assisting star family, and placed in a containment field, May 5th 2021.

We would just add here that there is potential for inner shift in all beings, all consciousness, within a Shifting planetary vibrational field. Among grey groups, there are ‘many shades of grey’, some more evolved than others, some more receptive to the rising unity in love vibrations permeating the Solar System and Earth’s field. Since 2020, I’ve been aware of defections from control-oriented groups, some have come to the Ashtar Command/Galactic Federation seeking amnesty. Also, to readers who have asked about ‘the state of the galactic war’; for clarity, we reiterate here that the AC/GF are not at war with anyone (that type of view is filtered through lower astral imprints, implants or personal projections). Beings seeking to stall or interfere with the natural upward shift of vibration and consciousness of the Earth collective (or any other) are simply surrounded in containment fields, removed from the Earth, and taken to their perfect healing places…just like those who were on board the ship above.

While that craft was moved out of this spacetime frame, so to speak, star brothers and sisters continued to clear energies, with another triangle of lightships showing in the next photo, to the right of a disc-shaped curve in the clouds…then passing across it, visible to the left of the disc curve in the second photo. Truly an awesome Gateway, with many light realms and beings interweaving their energies to clarify the field (happening all around the Earth, this account is just one example of a much larger coordination to keep up the momentum for beautiful, peaceful vibrations and loving presence to blossom from within and around the planet), with deepest thanks as always to those assisting multidimensionally, above, below and on the ground!

Another triangle formation of lightships flashes to the right of a subtle curve (disc-rim) in the clouds, May 5th 2021.
Staying in triangular formation, the three ships fly across the curve in the clouds and continue flying to the left of it, May 5th 2021.

With this next level of higher vibrations and lightcodes flowing through the lightgrids, planetary field, through Gaia’s chi flow lines and nodes, the network of pyramids of light, and all beings open to receive, dualized energies have erupted in global pressure points (please continually see all areas in conflict and unrest encompassed in the light of Universal Love and Peace, without judgement)…yet we’re also seeing the first steps toward an authentic, positive public disclosure of extraterrestrial presence on and around the Earth unfold into mainstream discourse, which will ultimately transform this world, on so many levels.

With decades of suppression and subsequent distortions embedded into this topic (in both mainstream and alternative narratives), it’s a delicate and somewhat convoluted process, but with honourable people on the ground (and above) assisting and paving the way for humanity’s collective contact with true beings of love and goodwill…as the vibration that is New Earth, connected within our local Galactic Federation and beyond, continues to amplify, stabilize, and crystallize in the collective consciousness field.

Here, signalling the next stage of the opening of the way, the Lei’hua gave a fully decloaked flyover on the night of May 8th, from the star Canopus to Sirius, appearing clearly in the footage below (complete with raucous kookaburras and neighbours in their garden, saying ‘What the hell’, and ‘Beautiful’). πŸ˜„

In the still shot below, the Lei’hua can be seen to the lower right, with Sirius at the left, and another bright light emanation above Sirius. In the enlargement below, on the right the Lei’hua is projecting a square window, with beings subtly present, looking through toward the Earth, and at left, the light emanation above Sirius, with Sananda in green light, holding his hands out in a blessing gesture, with close ones on either side of him.

The Lei’hua flashing at lower right of Sirius, with a simultaneous light emantion above the star, May 8th 2021.

The Lei’hua gave another beautiful clear flyover on May 11th, this time starting from Sirius and flying slowly north-east across the sky, past Procyon. I tracked her in the three videos below, and in the last one a plane came into the frame above her, its lights flashing, in contrast to the steady, unblinking light of the Lei’hua…as if saying, ‘See, we’re not a plane.’ πŸ˜‰

In this still shot of her to the upper right of Procyon, her soft rose-gold light is visible, and in the enlargement below, you can see her dome-shaped upper on a pronounced circular rim.

The Lei’hua’s rosegold hue can be seen in this photo, as she passes above the star Procyon (at lower left, Lei’hua upper right), on May 11th 2021.
Enlarged, her dome-shaped exterior is visible, May 11th 2021.

Jumping a week, the Meri’Ashar (the mothership the Lei’hua expresses/extends from, energetically) gave the most brilliant flash I’ve yet seen from her, in a massive light download…after a plane that had been circling the house went on its way. In the photo below, the plane is the light at the bottom of the frame, with Arnap hovering high above it in a small ship, next to the Southern Cross. In the second frame, he had moved slightly west of the Southern Cross, the plane was gone, and a huge light flash came from the Meri’Ashar on a straight horizontal alignment to Arnap’s position.

In the third frame, the image of the mothership coalesced into a front view of her rim (she’s a large disc-shaped ship, with at present around 77,000 beings on board, to my inner perception). The purple star on her roof was radiating brightly, and a great pulse of light flowed below (with the star Alpha Centauri at her right). Just breathe deeply into your heart, and open to receive the lightcodes, if you feel so guided (the Meri’Ashar is an Arcturian ship, but with many assisting beings on board, from Sirius, Lyra, the Pleiades, Andromeda, Canopus, Centaurus and many ascended star systems, which you can connect with vibrationally through this photo, according to what resonates for you at a soul level). ✨🌺

Arnap stations his small ship above the Southern Cross constellation, watching over as a plane flies below, on May 18th 2021.
A huge flash pulses from the Meri’Ashar mothership, in direct alignment with Arnap’s ship (circled at right), May 18th 2021.
The light flash clarifies into a massive downward/earthward pulse of light from the Meri’Ashar, May 18th 2021.

However you feel called to focus in your earthly journey, we radiate Love, Peace & Joy with you all, beautiful people, for this world, humanity and all life here! Keep breathing in Love, breathing out Love with Gaia, for the well-being of all beings,

Joanna&Ashura/Arnap&Friends πŸ’›πŸŒπŸ’œ

*A meditation for the May 26th Supermoon Lunar Eclipse will be posted shortly at the LoveLight Circle, all very welcome to join in if you feel so guided. πŸ₯°πŸ™

Triangular ship hailing from Procyon, rimmed in golden light, with a beautiful, luminescent spherical pod-ship magnetized to the ship’s underside, March 19th 2021.

Zeroing In with Love

Light-being radiating multiple merged soul energies, standing beside an open, circular portal, as reflected in the clouds on February 24th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Phew, before March completely flies away, sending a Light Hug around the world, with Love to all of you! Each day and week this year, much is subtly shifting and aligning, toward open awareness of the presence of our families and friends from the stars supporting humanity, the planet and all life here through this collective passage. This opening of energies is warm, light and expansive, so present, and always available as and when we attune to the Infinite Love behind all of this Shift and its complexities, flowing through the uplifting frequencies in which the Earth and Solar System ~ and at a larger scale, this Universe ~ is immersed in.

Moment to moment, we always have the opportunity to flow with this realigning Wave, anchoring our love here with the Ascended Earth’s vibrational real-ization and shimmering light, with willing hearts and peaceful minds, attuning from an overview that is self-transcendent. Triangular energies, trinitized energies, have been symbolizing so strong and clear in the planetary field and through our photos the last month, which we’ll come to below…and while feeling into how to write about self-transcendence right now, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs popped into focus, in a ‘new’ way.

Abraham Maslow developed his Hierarchy of Needs concept in the 1940s and it became widely used in the field of behavioural psychology, represented as a triangle or pyramid of ascending levels, with the understanding that when each level was met within an individual, the next above it would develop, starting from basic physical survival needs to the pinnacle of self-actualization, the fulfillment apex of personal growth. This hierarchy has been widely embraced, and ‘self-actualization’ has become foundational in the work of many current thought leaders and spiritual teachers.

Less widely known is that in his later years, Maslow felt this picture was incomplete, and reflection led him to consider another level beyond self-actualization at the top of the pyramid, which he termed ‘self-transcendence’. The impulse of transcendence has been spoken of and aspired to in religious and spiritual pathways for thousands of years, interpreted through each tradition’s belief framework in regard to approaching or becoming One with the Infinite. Before he passed, Maslow started to touch on Oneness as the pinnacle of the journey of self, which he saw as beyond self-actualized creativity or fulfillment, using examples such as a mother feeling completely One with her baby.

From this picture, let’s now imagine the Oneness. Does it actually sit above the triangle? Or is Oneness all around the triangle, encompassing it…and flowing through it, through every zone of life experience, every ‘dimensional bandwidth’, in creation? What we perceive from a duality paradigm as ‘transcendent’ and experience as beyond the triangle ~ Oneness with(in) the Universe, with(in) the Source of all Life, as consciousness within and of the infinite field of the Source, is truly all-encompassing, and non-hierarchical. Self-actualized perspective is represented as ‘I Am’, and self-transcended perspective is simply the ‘Am’…the infinite presence that every focus-point of ‘I Am’ arises within and from. So transcendent presence then, is that Wholeness state of viewing, thinking, feeling and co-creating not as ‘one or the other’, but as the Oneness flowing and focusing through each perceiving-experiencing-creating point of creation…cohesively and coherently. So while the Unity Consciousness that builds harmonious, loving civilizations and worlds can be perceived as the joining as One of many ‘I Am’s’ through the ‘local focus-points’ we’re expressing as in the creational fields, its background and overarching Oneness is a radiance of the Am, the infinitely conscious field of the Source.

From the ‘Am’ state of awareness, hierarchy dissolves. The Am is all around and everywhere, in relation to creational expressions. Concepts of personal growth hierarchies, spiritual hierarchies, angelic hierarchies, and all projected earthly hierachies arise from the ‘I Am’ experiencing itself as separate from the Oneness and interpreting in a ‘top down’ vertical format. But when the ‘I Am’ is known and felt as flowing from the Am state of consiousness, then everything in creation, every experience, every soul expression, is naturally encompassed, attuned with and felt ‘within and all around’…in infinitely expansive energies, to focused energies, to minutely focused energies (whether as a human being, an animal, a plant, a grain of sand, a guardian angel or a fairy, or all at once, and more). So with Maslow’s triangle as pictured above, imagine coming to it from all around, imagine the embrace of the Oneness, the Source, from every ‘corner’ and ‘side’ and from ‘within’…and notice how, when triangulating from the ‘trinity points’ of the corners and sides, that the band in the centre of Maslow’s diagram is Love. 😊

We could draw analogies with the chakra system, with the Love focus-point of the heart chakra in the centre, with three chakras above and three below, or with the Three Centres ~ Star centre, Heart centre, Earth centre ~ with one above and one below, in our ‘vertical human format’, or in Maslows’ triangle, two above and two below. Love is always in the centre, always focusing and flowing through the zero-point, the ‘tiny cave’ within the inner heart, radiating through our beings and beyond, from the within that is also all around, infinitely.

Star Family and the Angelic Realms have brought through some very particular alignments so far this year, to share through photos, showing triangulated activations that send immensely focused Light-waves to the Earth, from macro to micro scale in the creational field. One of the clearest this year was on the night of February 17th (see Cosmic Codes for the significance of the number 17).

While connecting with the stars Sirius and Canopus, a brilliant golden light flashed above them. Star Family have previously described and symbolized Sirius and Canopus as ‘mirror nodes’, holding a strong energetic connection to the Earth’s Ascension. For a week or so beforehand, within the angelic field, Archangel Uriel had come to the fore in my meditations and dreams, with imagery connecting him and his TwinFlame Archangel Khemiel to the colours yellow and gold…as we aligned those colour frequencies, the Yellow Ray and the Golden Ray, into the New Earth light-grid and through the planetary field. On February 17th, Uriel&Khemiel as OneFlame brought this life-filled light through a concentrated beam, forming a huge triangle in the nightsky with Sirius and Canopus.

In the enlargement below, you can see how their merged yellow-golden light-form came through, beautifully warm and clear, with shining white light radiating through the yellow-gold. They’re also holding out a staff of blue light, the guiding beam of the Blue Ray that aligns all energies with Divine Love&Will…and as the stargates within Sirius and Canopus opened in unison with that directed Ray, the whole triangle activated, sending a wave of light frequencies, concentrating and pooling through the centre (creating a fourth point, an open 4D zero-point, for the higher light vibrations and codings to flow through, into the 4D spacetime, etheric, astral, and 3D-projected ‘solid physical’ appearing frequency bands in, on and around the Earth).

Golden-yellow light flowing through the focus of Archangels Uriel&Khemiel flashes brilliantly above Sirius and Canopus, holding a triangle formation, on February 17th 2021.
With the photo enlarged, Uriel~Khemiel can be seen holding out a staff or wand of blue light, representing the guiding focus of the Blue Ray.

While the light was flowing through this heavenly triangle, imagery and information flowed with it from a Light Council overlighted by Uriel&Khemiel through this golden-yellow sunflower frequency, streaming from another galaxy that connects with this one through the Canopus portal/stargate. They call themselves the Council of Yve, for anyone that name might resonate with, and are guiding a planet also in an Ascension journey, but in an ‘earlier’ phase than Earth…so connecting with the Earth’s current phase is helpful to that planet…just as connecting to a planet of Canopus (Erra’mu) as it restored its 5D vibration has been directly helpful for Earth.

On February 28th, this connecting of the Yve beings crystallized through the Canopus stargate, with a soul expression of the Uriel~Khemiel Oversoul stepping in, literally, through 5-6-7D frequency bands, giving the name Haram’ura, and a clear light-form from within an Yvian lightship, above Canopus. Haram’ura’s graceful form is facing forward, in a long golden-white robe, and in this merged dimensional emanation, the blue light staff has become a bright blue light device at Haram’ura’s side (which I hear translated approximately as an ‘interphasic regulator’).

A golden-white light-being named Haram’ura shone forth from within a lightship as it flew moved slowly above Canopus, on February 28th 2021.

The Yvian ship with Haram’ura on board revealed its light, in the same soft mid-blue tones, as it moved slowly above Canopus, twinkling faintly. Here, I was asked to use the zoom on the camera, so their ship would be visible in its shape and colour.

The Yvian lightship of soft blue light tones decloaks above Canopus, on February 28th 2021.

Another triangulation to Sirius and Canopus came through on March 22nd, this time from our mothership, the Meri’Ashar/Mary’s Star. The stars are in reversed position as this was taken later at night than on February 17th, with them moving across the nightsky from east, to overhead, to west. There was also a blue orb moving between Sirius and Canopus, which you can see in the photo below, directly under the Hu Shi asterism (location of the Eremor Portal). The Meri’Ashar has appeared before, very high up as a tiny point of light, so it’s not only thrilling (yay!) but as she and other motherships reveal their presence in more detail, closer to the Earth (including the Phoenix recently, lead-ship of the Ashtar Command, which we’ll share in another post), it’s a signal of energies shifting toward open contact and the next phase of the overall ‘disclosure process’.

In the enlargement below, the Meri’Ashar’s shimmery disc shape of white light, infused with aqua and rimmed in rose-violet light is softly defined, with two ships docked beneath. In the circled areas, there’s a large rectangular ship, attached by a ‘ramp’ of light beams to the underside of the mothership, with a smaller white round ship stationed to its left.

The mothership Meri’Ashar decloaks while triangulating with Canopus and Sirius, on March 22nd 2021.

Since reconnecting consciously with the Meri’Ashar in 2016, having been aboard in the dreamstate/astral projection and more recently by physical translocation, I’ve seen her shift and downscale in size, or upscale…like gently breathing in and out…and at present, with a couple of ‘extra’ expanded rings and around 77,000 loving beings travelling within her, of many different kinds and starhomes, sending their light to Earth constantly…and focused on March 22nd through this powerful triangulation/triune vibration with Canopus and Sirius, with the souls of those stars and those living on the higher dimensional planets around them.

Returning to February 28th when Haram’ura flowed through with the blue lightship from Yve, multiple streams of light-codes were anchoring that night, and we’ll also focus here with the Lei’hua (support ship from the Meri’Ashar, which we, as Rowena&Arnap in 5D soul expression, have been bringing into the Earth’s field the last two years). On February 28th, the Lei’hua stationed overhead and sent down a light-beam, which came out with amazing clarity in the photo below, as the ray literally grounded into the Earth, flowing a sequence of energies from the ship. The clearest energetic imprint can be seen as a ‘bubble’ floating down the light-beam. With the brightness reduced, a circle of figures is visible within the bubble, at a round-table meeting.

A brilliant light-beam descends and ‘earths’, from the Lei’hua lightship, with a ‘bubble scene’ floating down within it, on February 28th 2021.

I’ve circled a few of the figures silhouetted in the light, and at the right you can see most clearly a feminine form standing, with her arm extended as she spoke to those gathered. We can say now that she’s a delegate/representative from Earth, and political leader of an Earth country (visiting while physically asleep, in her astral body). Many positive connections are opening and in progress this year, and quite a number of people are visiting the lightships assisting around the Earth, some in full physical translocation, most in astral form while asleep. While maybe just a few are consciously remembering these visits in their waking state at this time, they’re connecting with close soul families and groups, or merging with their soul expressions on board lightships in various dimensional frequency bands, activating ascended light encodements in their DNA, RNA, cells and subtle bodies, and anchoring those encodements into this earthly plane.

On February 17th, a lovely interior view came from the Lei’hua, showing several figures. Circled at the right in the enlargement below is my ‘Rowena-self’, in a long white-gold dress, standing slightly in the background. The clearest form also circled, in the foreground, I see as a girl in a side-on view, wearing a dark-coloured pinafore over a long-sleeved white blouse. She was dancing (yes, there’s a dancefloor on the ship, lol) and so joyful. She had also appeared in my dreams a couple of nights earlier, and we have a close soul connection. So beautiful to see this dear soul ~ and no doubt many more to come ~ dancing through a ship-photo!

Coming toward mid-March, strong alignments were building with the lunar cycle to send specific clearing frequencies through the sublunar field, and activate seed-energies in the New Earth light-grid. On March 9th, while staying at a coastal area south of Perth, a small companion ship of the Lei’hua flashed low down over the ocean at dusk, just as a tern flew by…signalling a ‘tern-ing point’ in the energies!

A small companion ship of the Lei’hua flashes for a couple of seconds over the ocean at Mandurah, Western Australia, with a tern flying overhead, on March 9th 2021.

While I was swimming and communing with the ocean the next day, Ashira Sheran, guiding light of the Neptune Command, was nearby and connecting closely. One of the Neptune Command ships had decloaked very low to the water at the same time as the Lei’hua’s companion ship flashed. Then on March 11th, a beautiful Night Heron came very close, in this physical plane. He felt deeply connected in that moment with Ashira, who appears symbolically through the waterbird heron and flows from the soul level through many Divine Masculine emanations with aquatic connections. I had never seen a Night Heron before, and it wasn’t night, but there he was! πŸ’™

A wonderful Night Heron ‘close encounter’ at South Yunderup, Western Australia, on March 11th 2021.

One of Ashira’s soul expressions (connecting with the Earth’s Ascension) is an Alpha Centaurian named Je’errne’on, and on the following day, Je’errne’on’s presence vibrated overhead as he decloaked a silver horseshoe-shaped Alpha Centauri ship, sending light and preparing the energy field for an inflow that night, coming from a very high (fast frequency) multidimensional overlay through an array of Divine Masculine emanations, to stabilize and strengthen the New Earth field….releasing dense ‘old programme’ masculine energies and constructs and grounding the new masculine of Univeral Love, in step with the blossoming of the rebirthed feminine energies of Gaia and within all beings here.

Je’errne’on (a 5D soul expression of Ashira’s Oversoul) decloaks an Alpha Centaurian silver horseshoe shaped ship on March 12th 2021.
The silver ship, viewed from the near side of its ‘horseshoe’ shaped curve.

Here’s how the emanation visualized from the higher dimensions that night, aligned to the Southern Cross (an intergalactic portal with Christic/resurrection symbolism), with the stars Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri below….appearing as a platform of brilliant white light infused with light pink and blue, with two structures on top of the platform that looked like twin mountains or twin pyramids (connecting with mountain nodes and pyramid nodes in the light-grids around the planet that New Moon night), once again showing triangulations of light energies, this time in the blue and purple spectrum, and ‘landing them through a light base’ (symbolically, and literally, a particular light-base on the Earth).

A brilliant light platform with twin mountains/pyramids (triune-twin format) flashed in alignment with the Southern Cross (resurrection symbolism), above Alpha & Beta Centauri, on March 12th 2021.

As the energies continued to amplify up to the Equinox of March 20th 2021, awesome light-imagery came through, and we’ll end this post with this sparkling emanation on the Equinox, of a higher dimensional city/citadel of diamond white light upon a floating island of emerald green, connected with Arcturus and the Angelic Realms, but also with the Agarthan light cities of the 5D Inner Earth frequency bands, and ultimately, with ‘future’ cities of the Ascended Earth…which already Are fully existent, we’re just taking a few (patient) steps and stages for full convergence of the dimensional ‘bandwidths’.

A white light citadel on an emerald island ‘floats’ high in the nightsky on the Equinox, March 20th 2021.

Keep holding and visioning the most love-filled, peaceful, joyful and unified New Earth in your present moment, every day, lovely friends. The more who do this, in harmony and unconditionally for All beings on Earth, the more the rebirthed energies can vibrate, unfold and fulfill their unlimited potential around this beloved planet!

Be aware of where you may be holding and storing any fears or worries, or where you might be projecting fears or negavity through the present ‘into the future’, via whatever personal or collective narratives, beliefs and viewpoints. And if you feel so called and inspired, please continue to hold the present and ‘future’, in any detail you focus into as well as overall, in the Highest Light, in Love’s boundless Grace and Providence for All. All the Love in the Omniverse is always with us, we’re never apart from it, as from that transcendent view, everything is One…and Love is realigning and re-newing everything.

Love, Peace & Joy to All, and a blessed Easter ~ Ostara ~ Oestre to all celebrating the energies of birth, rebirth and resurrection, restoration of the Golden Frequency of Creation,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends ✨πŸ₯°πŸ’›

*For anyone feeling unsettled or overwhelmed at this time, know that your Inner Divine Light is always there inside, and that you are embraced by the Light all around you and within. Even when it seems clouded or unreachable, it’s always there, in the Forever Love. Your inner guidance comes from that Light, and if you could do with some assistance connecting with its presence, we suggest visiting the Four Foundational Heart Practices page and The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations. They may resonate for you as they are, or they may help to catalyze your own inner inspiration, connection and knowing…which is our greatest wish for All… πŸ’— Offered with Love 🌺

*If you’re new to concepts of multiple dimensions, you might like to read this post; Multidimensionality

New Earth Update February 2021

Soft focus photo of the star Sirius, January 26th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Love to all navigating the shifting inter-dimensional dynamics of the global field in these early stages of 2021. Amid an intense combination of clearings, exposed chaos points and resistance points that call for (and are prompting) deeper clarity and collective responsibility in multiple arenas now. Budding aspects of New Earth consciousness, new co-creations based in loving, and unified/unifying visions, are also amplifed, since the December 21st 2020 Solstice/Great Conjunction-to-January 1st’s New Year ‘Shift window’. Another strong adjusting alignment has just come through the start of the Lunar New Year celebrated in Asia and communites around the world, on February 12th, overlighted by the meeting of seven planets in Aquarius on February 11th, and strengthening through the collective ‘Love Wave’ of Valentine’s Day (Happy Valentines everyone, beloved Gaia, and all beings here)! πŸ’–

From our perspective, overall the collective travelled through the Shift window into this year in ‘full spectrum 4D’ vibrations, with the 5D light-fabric coalesced and radiating all Universal Love and Oneness potentials, in the background. In the foreground currently, 4D vibrational layers are expressing broad range (or like high-speed broadband); from the unity consciousness and expansion-from-stillness of the zero-point to the outer extremes of a polarity field in flux, and everything inbetween. Nonetheless, the 5D+ frequencies are secured and simultaneously vibrating through the light-grids at a whole new level of cohesion. I/we are hearing from many who are feeling an immediacy this year, a clarity and depth of connection with the 5D New Earth reality, whenever their focus goes there, whenever their heart connects, even if it may seem obscured (for now) behind the commotion of ideas, stressors, personalities, timelines wavering and vying for energy.

When we connect through our heart with the 5D+ light-mantle shimmering in and around the planetary field, let ourselves BE, in trust and love and compassion, the Love-based co-creative field within and around the planet is so accessible this year, and can be seen, felt and heard, in our various ways, however we each internally ‘translate’ them. 4D amplifies everything, all that is in disharmony and illusion, but also all that is in harmony and love, which does open the space for new vibrational potentials and effects. So while energies in the collective field can at present seem more swirly and uncertain in many areas, the ascended New Earth is present, gleaming through in shafts of light, joy, wisdom and kindness wherever it can, micro to macro, while the human collective transitions through the 4D bands deeply enough to connect with the subtle but unshakeable presence of peaceful wholeness and well-being constantly rippling through Gaia’s field.

For anyone feeling a pull to the sea, the water element ~ especially the oceans and large bodies of water ~ is holding and radiating the heightened 5D vibrations strongly, so if you have access to the sea or a large lake, take a swim, immerse and merge with the high vibrations pulsing through the water molecules (for our northern hemipshere friends, maybe not just yet in the winter chill!). But if that’s not possible, wherever we are on the planet, we’re all primarily composed of water, and we can invite the presence of the 5D+ vibrations within the fluid and crystalline aspects of our bodies to Amplify Now. We can hold the intention of this amplification coming in smoothly and gently, becoming clearer in our conscious awareness, as we align with the inner impulse of Ascension (remembrance of ourselves and all creation as Univeral Love) radiating from the Divine Source through the Omnivers…and enveloping this planet, to a level that can be naturally connected with in our hearts and senses, transcending dense, unstable vibrations, when we give it our focus an unconditional trust.

Back in November/December 2020, we shared about the high vibrational Blue Wave coming in from the soul of Neptune, radiating through many beautiful Neptunian lightships and beings, creating optimal course adjustments and preparing the water element for higher vibrational receptivity, for the Shift of energies to unfold into and through, this year.

We’d like to touch back on December briefly, to an activation that took place at the ‘landing pad node‘ in this patch of the Perth hills on December 4th…now in full swing in the light-grids, continuing to trigger release and clearing of the deepest layer of vibrational debris meshed into the collective subconscious connected with the fall of Atlantis. Sticky ‘end of Atlantis’ (and its interplanetary and galactic-connected imprints) are being guided by the Light Realms to deeply transmute back to Love now, as they’re still vibrating a survival rather than thrival mindset that is lower astral in nature, rooted in the subconscious. Vibrations of judgement, loss and impending doom, 4D-amplified coming into this year, have a clouding effect on collective awareness of the infinite, expansive light of Grace and Providence that is truly at humanity’s fingertips (and can be connected with in any moment in our Inner Heart). Yet concurrent with this multi-facetted dis-ease vibration, the 5D+ frequencies are welling up through the New Earth light-grid to expose fear/ego-based constructs as shadows-without-substance, and transform them, in the instant of recognition with love, empathy and unity.

This next level of ‘end-times disaster’ release through the Avalon light-grid came with some very clear soul emanations on December 4th 2020, of the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, in merged subtle form, stepping across the astral planes to open a light portal for all ‘attached shades’ to come Home to Divine Light. At the time of this activation, there had been a recent fire around the node (yet the circle of vegetation around the stone at the centre of the node remained untouched and green, as you can see in the photo below). Three crystals placed on the node stone can be seen in the photos as a white cluster on the stone’s highest point, and as we aligned the energies, the Priest/Priestess appeared clearly, standing on the smaller rock, in side view, gazing toward the crystals.

He/she wasn’t fully materialized (you can see the rock through their long robe) but the energy flowing from this form was so very deep, full of understanding and love, for All. Further down the hill to the left, coming from the ‘burnt land’, the figure of a shadowy woman seemed to walk up the hill straight toward the Priest/Priestess…and I felt she represented all the shadows of Atlantean doom/doomsday energies stored in the lower astral/etheric layers around the Earth. In the last photo, their forms were starting to fade, but you can see the shadow figure lifting her arms, reaching out for the presence of pure Love, that guided the shadows of Atlantis out through an octagonal portal…which became outlined on the node stone below the crystals. The octagonal sides are especially clear on the lower left (the number 8 represents infinity and Divine Order), and I see overlays of a large, gentle eye, like the eye of a Whale, in the centre of the octagon, and a Temple of Light was visible there while this activation was in progress. (I’d just like to share here, that the energy and light streaming through to create this activation was beyond words, a blessed release of energies that had meshed and generated shadow-beliefs in the collective field for many thousands of years in a linear time view). 🌞

Robed figure semi-materializes on a stone, representing the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, gazing toward a cluster of crystals on a ‘node stone’ in the Perth hills, December 4th 2020

Receiving nodes around the planet networked the activation (with gratitude to all involved!) and was subtly at work through December, heightening now in 2021’s energies. I see/hear the collective landed predominantly in a ‘tertiary timeline’ through the Solstice Gateway; it could have been ‘higher’ ~ more unified in its light ~ or ‘lower’ ~ more fragmented. We’ve come somewhere through a middle band of the potentials, and the Light Realms are working to clear, uplift and stabilize energies, moment to moment. There’s already enough cohesion in the New Earth light-grid vibration, however, for several Star Family groups that have been ‘in the background’ to bring their warm, gentle soul energies forward, and the group we’ll focus with for this post comes from the Lepus (Rabbit/Hare) constellation, which Ashura&I and soul family connect closely with.

Stellar bunny connections flowed through the December 2020 Solstice, with guidance to focus with the gorgeous nebula below (the Spirograph Nebula), in the Lepus constellation, overlaid on the ‘Cosmic Egg’ for New Age of Gaia birth energies coming through the Great Conjunction. To the left of Jupiter&Saturn’s conjunction, among a pair of flashing lightships, the orb/ship below revealed the Lepus/Rabbit energies present and assisting the light in-flow…with a ‘purple bunny’ beautifully clear.

Following the Solstice shift, with the ‘amplified astral’ around the Earth, certain groups connected with (non-ascended) areas of the Orion constellation, sought amplification via attempts to open lower 4D portal near some of Orion’s stars. The Lepus constellation went into ‘high beam’ from that moment, and on Januray 12th, Lepian star family gave a wonderful ‘visual trail’ of their presence around Orion while keeping watch and transmuting energies. Their soul light appears as silvery cream-white to blueish orbs, with a ‘pearly’ quality (connected with the pearlescent light of the Tenth Ray). Here, their orb showed across multiple photos, starting from Lepus, flowing down to Orion’s Belt, crossing over toward Procyon, back to Orion near the star Saiph, then holding position in straight alignment to the Belt again.

Pearlescent orb floats from the Lepus/Rabbit constellation, in a series of photos, around Orion, on January 12th 2021.

The Lepians connect with feline/leonine soul groups of Sirius and Mirzam, and on January 12th, the ‘bunny orb’ was closely watched over by a glowing rose-gold orb of Lyran&Sirian leonine souls, with the large eyes and small nose of a feline face softly formed in the lower part of this orb.

At the soul level, Ashura&I have a close relationship with Lepus. With our 5D soul expressions Arnap&Rowena, there’s a resonance in the name of the alpha star Arneb, which comes from Arabic ‘Arnab’, meaning hare or rabbit. Ashura, in his Arnap form, sent this light emanation from the bridge of a Lepian lightship on January 17th, positioned at that moment above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt (another star with soul connections, with planets inhabited by feline beings and other groups). With the contrast enhanced, his form is visible, facing Mintaka, from within a double ‘light railing’ as if standing on a balcony (or in this case, in the prow of a starship)!

Arnap appears in a light emanation from the bridge of a lightship, just above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on January 17th 2021.

The next night on January 18, this ship flew down from Lepus and stationed in straight alignment to Orion’s Belt, before flying further down toward Procyon, where another ascended star group is based (for our northern hemisphere readers, if you’re looking for these stars in the nightsky, they’ll be the other way up).

Lightship from Lepus flies close to Orion’s Belt, then toward Procyon, on January 18th 2021.

In the southern sky, a lot of Star Family to’ing and fro’ing continues around the star Canopus, and this beautiful rainbow orb to the left of Canopus on January 21st was followed by a detailed photo, with a lit triangular interior view of a lightship at the foot of the frame, flying upward behind a spray of grey pods which it ‘herded’ toward the star.

Shimmery rainbow orb appears to the left of Canopus, alpha star of the Carina constellation, on January 21st 2021.
Lightship flashes below Canopus, herding a ‘swarm’ of grey pods, showing an interior view (see enlargement below), on Januoary 21st 2021.

Enlarged below, there’s a dear star brother in the foreground of this interior view, showing his left arm (on the right to our view) sheathed in white light from shoulder to hand, with his right arm folded over his front, and right hand resting on his left forearm. I see/feel two soul ‘overlays’ radiating through this form; one radiates from our star brother Ka’ree, and one is Arnap’Arein, our (Arnap&Rowena’s) son, on board the Lei’hua with us. Arein is a 5D soul expression of a family member on the earth plane…who around the time this photo was taken, had just been required to have several vaccines. You can see the white light sheath is brightest around his shoulder, with a dense, dark ball of energy to the right of his arm, as etheric aspects of the vaccines were drawn out from his earthly form and transmuted. Arein sends this photo for all, as a reassurance that anything not in resonance with the higher dimensional light integrating within our physicality on this plane can be instantly transformed and realigned to divine harmonics…just ask, peacefully, in your heart, trust you intuition. Your Oversoul, your Inner Divine, is present always, embracing you and within your whole being, as Infinite Love. πŸ’› And be reassured that Star Family continues to transmute and transform many types of non-aligned frequencies and energies, all around the planet.

Throughout January, ships continued to flash around Arneb and the Lepian stars, with the same pearly orbs appearing there and flying around Orion, such as this one on January 22nd, constantly watching over the Earth and defusing intrusions.

Pearly orb from Lepus constellation floats above Orion, on January 22nd 2021.

We came into this year with massive Divine Mother Light pulsing through our Sun’s mother star Sirius (which reaches its annual zenith at midnight on New Year’s Eve). To my perception, Sirius has been flashing rose light this year, as well as the blue-purple spectrum…which showed beautifully on January 26th, with this soft focus shot of Sirius (with a ship flashing right beside her, and Canopus at the right of the frame). In the enlargement below, a glorious Divine Feminine form can be seen within Sirius, in a long rose dress, standing between pillars of light, framed in royal blue (supported by the Blue Ray/Divine Masculine energy). The ship beside her was also flashing bright rose in a ring of green lights, the heart chakra and higher heart colour vibrations aligning to the Earth as the Sirian stargate poured Mother Light here to support Gaia and all love-based co-creations here.

Sirius appears in soft focus with a ship flashing close at her right, with Canopus at upper right of the frame, on January 26th 2021.

Earlier that day Arnap brought his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, and appeared for a few seconds below the clouds, before anchoring the Sirius Light that night (with a companion ship mirroring him very subtly to the left).

Arnap flies his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, on January 26th 2021.

Sirius and Canopus work as mirror nodes, with lightships often flashing beside them in unison or zipping back and forth. While the Sirius stargate was open and streaming ‘mother-light codes’, ships were flashing brightly around Canopus, and a few nights later on January 30th, the Lei’hua gave an interior view from beside Canopus, rose-gold light with a tinge of green inside. I’ve circled some of the people inside a cosy sitting area…with figures standing at the left and seated at the right, faintly visible in a soft glow. The clearest figure is at the furthest left, in a dark green outfit.

The Lei’hua flashes brightly to the right of Canopus on January 30th 2021.

This interior scene was followed by another one the next night, from a ship holding an almost identical position to the upper right of Canopus, this time with a soft, ‘fluffy’ feeling orb to the left of the star, forming a straight alignment. The colours and shape are similar to the Lei’hua’s emanation, but revealing an interior scene this time from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem), with light figures ranged around a bright golden-white floor in the foreground, with overlighting forms in the background (I see/feel lovely Sananda in the centre background, in green light).

A ‘light-room’ emanation from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem) mothership flashes upper right of Canopus, with a pearlescent orb to the left of the star, on January 31st 2021.

Through all this, our Lepian star brothers and sisters continue containing lower astral Orion entities in light-fields and redirecting them (for clarity, these beings aren’t necessarily from Orion, but coming through portals connected to some of the Orion stars from other galaxies), with assistance from beings of ascended stars and planets within the diverse and complex Orion constellation. The beautiful golden-white orb below floated down from Lepus to align with Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021. Enlarged, there are two especially clear rabbit forms, representing the soul energies of star brother Arturo and star sister Ella (of the Elam’Ashar/Sapphire Star mothership).

Golden-white ‘bunny’ orb floats down from Lepus, on a level with Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021.

Arturo&Ella earthed their soul energies, for a few cherished years, through a pair of very adorable bunny companions, Merlin and Ella, who Arturo&Ella have projected within the orb…with Merlin in the foreground looking this way, and Ella behind him, looking toward a golden light. Ella passed on Christmas Day 2020 during a ‘sudden mission’ connected with the Orion portals, in which her hold on her earth-anchor bunny form slipped away. But in the higher dimensions she is fine, all is re-newed in the instant…and she sends her rabbit form in my dreams, meditations, and orbs. In hindsight, it’s no coincidence that bunny companions first came into my earthly life some ten years ago, at the same time I started dreaming of starships, then seeing them in the sky (and the first time I ever searched the name ‘Arnap’ online, a picture of a white rabbit came up).

Ascended beings assisting the Earth and humanity’s awakening can anchor their soul presences through animals, just as much as through human embodiments (and really, through anything, a tree, a crystal, a light particle, but often soul family members and soul friends are with us, radiating through the forms of animals, whether as our close companions, or fleetingly through our wild friends). Everything is connected, and everything reflects, from the macro to the micro, in these interweaving expressions and co-creations throughout universes. And for any who feel so called, the beautiful ‘Bunny Angels’ are here and delighted to connect! Just ask from your heart of Love (we suggest practices like these ones or similar, for aligning and unifying your vibration, before inviting other dimensional connections).

With the Lunar New Year open now, through the vibration of the Year of the Ox, alignments are now lighting up from many Ox/Cow-connected stars, including the Taurus constellation’s Pleiades cluster, Hyades cluster and alpha star Aldebaran. The Ox vibration radiates stability, kindness, gentle strength, patience and perseverance, all qualities that are a great asset in this phase of the Earth Shift, perfect for stabilizing the field, staying on track and honouring the New Earth’s budding creational potentials within ourselves and all beings.

We wish all readers celebrating this Lunar New Year many blessings of the Light, radiating to All Beings! And a Happy Valentine’s Day to ‘the world and all beings here’, with a photo leading into these beautiful energies on February 10th 2021…of an orb close to the alpha star of Taurus, Aldebaran, containing a pair of Divine Lovers holding each other in a wash of deep rainbow light.

Rainbow orb appears next to the star Aldebaran, with a divine loving pair holding each other, and soul family among the rainbow colours, on February 10th 2021, leading into the Lunar Year of the Ox and Valentine’s Day.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸŒžβœ¨πŸ’›πŸ°

*More photos and video footage of the ships and light-beings appearing here so far this year can be found on the Lightships 2021 page, which I/we will keep updating through the year.

Happy New Year 2021!

Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! Wishing all of you so much love, joy, inspiration and well-being as we come into 2021, from the turning-point of this planetary Shift of Ages with the magnificent Solstice Great Conjunction of December 21st, opening into the newly (re)birthed New Age of Gaia through the vibration of the constellation Aquarius, and many, many beautiful stars of Light.

Deepest gratitude to everyone who felt called to focus in meditation, prayer, or in any way that sang to your heart, during the Solstice Gateway; the frequency shift potential aligning through the Great Conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius anchored successfully into the Earth’s nodes, into the New Earth light-grid, catalyzing and activating its blossoming. Even though this Love Pulse has had to land through increased turbulence and dualism in the collective energy field, it is already triggering clearings, amplifying through December Full Moon and into the New Year…and has initiated the higher dimensional process of complete unravelling of the duality matrix from this planet, that will allow New Earth to grow and flourish as a peaceful, kind and enlightened community, consciously aware and connected with the wider galactic community based in Universal Love (of which the Earth is a natural and beloved family member).

To those who have sent messages, comments or emails in recent months, many thanks and blessings all. This has been a phenomenally busy year for me/us multidimensionally speaking, and I’ve been guided to pace my energies, with plenty of quiet offline time connecting with nature, the planet, and subtle energies. So if you haven’t received a reply, please know you are deeply loved and appreciated by me/us. Heart hugs all round, we’ll see what 2021 brings, in the realms of converging potentials and energies! πŸ’›πŸŒŸ

We’d love to share some photos of the Great Conjunction, which was beautifully visible here. I saw/felt golden pulses of light coming through to the Earth plane from December 20th, building up through the Solstice to the peak of the Conjunction of Jupiter&Saturn, flowing onward through Christmas, Full Moon and powering now with the annual zenith of Sirius (when the star reaches its highest point in the nightsky) at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Within the intense combination of the Shift ‘shifting gears’, through the flash-point of the Solstice Light Pulse, and deeper duality matrix untetherings now, if you’re feeling a lot of personal reverberation, or are transmuting energies for the bud of New Earth to open freely, we suggest connecting with soft rose and white light of the Divine Feminine, which is embracing all emotional energies in tenderness, and aqua light for calming and harmonizing physical and subtle bodies…or however you feel inner-guided to assist yourself in staying light and open to the rebirthed Ascension frequencies. The planetary and the personal are One!

Here’s how the conjunction of Jupiter&Saturn appeared from a high vantage point by the Swan River in Perth, Western Australia. The energies felt soft and peaceful at the peak of the Conjunction, with ships flanking the planets from either side in a precise triangulation of the energies, from the Jupiter Command and Saturn Command (local wings of the Ashtar Command in the Solar System).

Another lightship appeared upper left of the Conjunction, and in the enlargement below, there’s an open ramp visible coming down in front of it. This ship hails from the Lepus constellation, symbolized by the Rabbit or Hare, beautifully confirmed in a light emanation from the ship, with a bunny in violet light at the upper left in the photo below. πŸ₯°

This glowing violet-blue orb also represented the ‘Galactic Bunny Angels’ aligning much clearing light (Violet Flame) around the Conjunction, for the reception of its vibration of benevolent collective change within the Earth’s field.

For those of you who joined in the Solstice meditation at the LoveLight Circle, the ‘Cosmic Egg’ nebula posted there (the Spirograph Nebula) is in the Lepus constellation, and this energy aligned to Earth through the Solstice gateway, clearing the way for the Golden Frequency of rebirth, renewal and resurrection. The Lepus connection is still vibrating softly around the Earth, and if you feel the ‘earthing’ symbolism of rabbits, our Lepan star friends are assisting with grounding and spreading the ‘Shift vibration’ through the New Earth light-grid and faerie realms of nature spirits and elemental beings.

From there I went into the city centre, where there were many ships and light-beings holding the Light, and photographed a lot of orbs and beautiful light emanations. In this one, perfectly positioned symbolically beside and angel light, there’s a Divine Feminine form with long dark hair, over a purple robe, holding what looks like a puppy, or a bunny, in her arms. I feel many soul overlays in this form, Isis, Kwan Yin, Chang’e (the Chinese moon goddess) and more.

The Divine Mother energies of the Source are embracing the Earth through this New Age of Gaia birth and ‘newborn’ phase, transmuting so much congested and heavy collective vibration through the purifying softness of rose-white light. This supersoft Feminine orb hovered symbolically above the moon on the afternoon of December 22nd.

Followed by many huge pink orbs, leading up to Full Moon’s amplified clearing of the emotional and subconscious collective field. Here’s one near Sirius (our Sun’s Mother Star) on December 23rd, showing shadows being transmuted through the rose light.

At this earthly level, I’ve felt the energies moving in waves since the Solstice…a wave of clearing and releasing collective density, then a wave of immense blissful light, clearing the field, then a wave of light…with a wonderful visual reminder on December 24th from our star brothers and sisters to stay centered in the high vibes, keep opening our hearts to the bliss and joy and love converged through the zero-point. This complete convergence is continuous now, behind the density and turmoil in this plane, filtering into and through it, lifting, clearing and stabilizing, until all energies come into one unified love-based Flow. Greetings come from our galactic ‘joyriders’, zipping in here over the star Achernar in this photo, helping the beautiful uplift of the Earth’s vibrational field simply by radiating unconditional Joy! In the second photo, you can see that as their ship flew down under Achernar, a gorgeous rainbow orb flashed above them…such a happy, uplifting vibration! There are three lovely beings visible, in red, gold and green, and it looks to me like they’re riding in on a giant ‘bodyboard’ of white light. 🀩

Still on the ‘riding the light-wave’ theme, from December 28th, here’s my TwinFlame in his 7-8D soul-form Min, coming in like a ray of light ~ or rather, standing on the front of a ray of light. Surf’s Up, apparently! (This was above the Moon, near Orion, with much focus by Star Family to defuse Earth-focused energies coming through a portal in a non-Ascended part of the Orion constellation, with many ships also creating a light-shield around the Earth).

And here’s the Moon that night, coming up to full, with much Light being focused to it from an Ascension Light Tower in the Carina constellation…symbolizing through a ‘trinity stack’ of small clouds above the Moon. Aldebaran is the star at the upper left of the frame, sending assistance (Ashura’s Min aspect is connected with Star Family of the planets of Aldebaran, alpha star of the Taurus constellation).

Star Family of Achernar have also been assisting greatly with clearing energies, particularly those connected with old Mars ‘timeline remnants’ still active in the Earth field, taking many energy imprints out through the constellation of the Celestial River, Eridanus, of which Achernar is the alpha star. In this photo from December 27th, an Achernarian ship flashes green light above an arch of orbs over Achernar.

This is just a small selection of massive ongoing fleet and light-being activities, to give an idea of how our star brothers and sisters are maximizing the vibrational turning-point of the Sosltice Conjunction, through Christmas (where also much was happening), through Full Moon, up to the zenith of the Sirius Mother Star at midnight New Year’s Eve…at the ‘turning-point’ of the Western calendar year. And onward, their support and light and infinite love is with humanity, with the Earth, the animals, plant world and all subtle beings as the New Earth vibrations build, settle, stabilize, and radiate ever more deeply into the collective field.

I’m seeing nightly flyovers post-Solstice Gateway (and feel to add here that Star Family are now utilizing the cover of satellites to move around visibly in greater numbers in lower orbit, until the right moment for a collective decloaking of their presence, to greet their human brothers and sisters of Earth. So some of the lights passing across the global nightskies that look like satellites may be something more).

We wish you all (and all the world, all beings here) a truly miraculous New Year, filled with love, joy, peace, kindness and the blossoming of the highest well-being for All, and a year of blessed opportunities for our Family of the Stars present in love and divine service to connect with humanity. See you all in 2021, lovely friends!

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

PS: For a review of the lightships that have been appearing most clearly here this year, see the Lightships 2020 page. It’s been a wonderful year for increasing clarity of ‘forms and faces’ as well as ships, as the higher dimensional convergence has aligned closer. Shared with Love. πŸ’–βœ¨

Solstice Blessings πŸ’›βœ¨

Dear Friends,

A quick note to wish you all a very beautiful Solstice on December 21st, aligned with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn, that has been building energetically throughout 2020 toward this convergence point at zero degrees Aquarius, through the Solstice Gateway!

There’s a meditation at the LoveLight Circle, for anyone who feels inner guided to focus with us: Great Conjunction Solstice Meditation December 21st 2020.

At this turning point Gateway for the New Earth, the opening of the New Age of Gaia, wherever you are, and however you feel called to align and anchor the optimal Planetary Ascension pathway personally and within the collective consciousness field, for all Life on Earth, please hold the Convergence of Love, Peace and Oneness in your heart, for the highest well-being of All. And for the well-being of All, please hold in your heart and loving intention, the way for a miracle of alignment and connection, for humanity to be at ease and ready for open contact with the many beings of Pure Love across the dimensions of light who are here assisting the Earth in Universal Love and Divine Service.

Love, Peace & Joy to you all, divine beings, and all life travelling with the Shift of this beautiful planet Earth,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›πŸŒžβ­

The lightship Lei’hua shining bright on December 13th 2020, with support structures below (see enlargment below) ~ in Arnap’s words, ‘getting her landing gear sorted’. ☺