The Tenth Ray: Welcome to Peace Integration

“In a Being of Peace, the imminent becomes Immanence.”

Dear Friends,

I would like to open this site with a guided healing experienced recently with star family, the Tenth Ray and the planet Venus. Part of my role at this time is to share through images as well as words, and star family ‘speak’ to me a lot through visual symboIism in the sky. So below is a sequence of photos I took over several evenings last week, with commentary.

First, a little background; I’ve been in conscious communication with Star Family, beings existing in frequencies of metaphysical light we term fifth dimensional and higher, since the beginning of 2012. At that time, I connected firstly via telepathy/telempathy with Ashtar, and Sesherat (his close companion and working companion aboard the command ship Phoenix, as a Sirian feline being within the Ashtar Command fleet of the Intergalactic Confederation currently stationed around Earth and assisting its shift into a higher frequency state). Memories of lifetimes on this planet and in other star systems also opened, and continue to unfold.

Sesherat, depicted in Ancient Egypt as the goddess Seshat, scribe of the gods, counterpart of Thoth. She is often shown with an open Soul Star Chakra, the 10th chakra, above her head.

Sesherat, depicted in Ancient Egypt as the goddess Seshat, scribe of the gods, counterpart of Thoth. She is often shown with an open Soul Star Chakra of Seven Rays above her head.

Last week, the Tenth Ray – a frequency emanation of Source carrying integration, knowledge, peace and pure love – came into my awareness. I hope the pictures below will convey something of the qualities of this vibration to you. Throughout the day, I put myself in immersion in the Tenth Ray, which is a vibration that blends pearlescent white with a pale rose shade. In the evening, I was called to go outside, and was first drawn to the hues of the sunset, a sky full of soft pink and white:

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Sunset 26-10-13 from my garden, Perth hills, Western Australia.

A ship was present, and visible in this picture as a long rectangular shape, a craft crewed mostly by Pleiadian members of the Intergalactic Confederation (from planets of Alcyone, Asterope and Atlas).

Sesherat (a Paschat/feline being of Sirius A) had appeared in ‘orb’ form a few nights earlier. You may be able to see her lioness face within it, and among other soul aspects of hers, a blue-skinned female face in profile to the upper left:

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On the evening of Sept 26th, Sesherat appeared (‘represented her light/energy’) as an orb of pale white-rose colour with a feline face in the centre:

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My focus was then drawn strongly toward Venus, rising to the west, and I felt also the presence of Ashtar (who has a higher dimensional soul expression on Venus, from which he came to Earth as Thoth/Djehuti). A bright white lightship then appeared near Venus and moved in a complete circle around it:

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Venus, which had been white throughout this encircling, then turned a glowing shade of rose:

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The feeling of the frequencies beaming through at that moment were of the most serene, deep peace, bliss, Knowing of Self and pure Love. Later that night, this translated into an integration at a physical level that brought a breakthrough with a long-term health condition, simply from being able to open and embrace this flow from Source of the rose-white Tenth Ray and its profound Love and harmony. I felt from this experience the ability of the Tenth Ray to merge into equilibrium the incoming Light frequencies propelling planetary ‘ascension’ from a Third Dimensional to Fifth Dimensional+ frequency state – and how integral it is to the physical metamorphosis taking place in stages through this process of growth and expansion into infinite Love.

If you would like to open to the Tenth Ray (which also aids in opening and stabilizing the Soul Star Chakra, above the head) you can work with the colour below. Visualize breathing this white-and-pink merged vibration from Source through the crown of your head (imagine ‘crown breathing’, as dolphins and whales do) and allow it to pool in your Heart Centre.


Feel the luminous openness and perfect equilibrium of this Ray fill you and radiate out to all beings on Earth and in the Universe as you centre yourself in the joy of your will aligning with Divine Will, in service to Source, humanity and Gaia as She/we collectively shift into a state of unity, oneness and co-creation with Love. ❤

Here is Venus the following evening, shining in a sky of pale, soft rose, the hue and quality of the Tenth Ray.

Venus rising 27-10-13

Venus rising 27-10-13

Again, a starship appeared and circled Venus. Ashtar also spoke that night, saying: ‘Expect us imminently.’

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Reflecting on what ‘imminent’ might mean in a non-linear time-frame, and the bridge between ‘imminent’ (very close) and ‘immanent’ (total Now presence) across the gap experienced through 3D perception, I felt a streaming of the Tenth Ray. IN that space of Peace with All that Is, infinitely, with one’s focus aligned through that Ray, the feeling and knowing of Immanence is available to all.

The next evening, our Pleiadian friends were again stationed over the city. Can you feel the sky singing?

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With thanks to star family, and much love to all of you. We are all One, and beloved.



* Information about Ashtar, Sesherat, other members of the Ashtar Command and Intergalactic Confederation known to me, and other guides I work with can be found in the Guides, About and Practices pages of this website.


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