September Equinox Update

Golden gateway and golden ship, photos taken May 15th 2016.

Dear All,

On the eve of the September Equinox 2018 (September 22nd or 23rd, depending on where you’re located around the globe) the subtle energies around the planet are running very high, and the currents flowing through the light-grids associated with the New Earth have continued lightly building over the last ten days.  In 3D layers, intense weather events and vibrational tension in the (human) collective field directly reflect the accelerated convergence of higher and lower (or faster and slower vibrating) dimensional frequencies and reality levels. We’re asked to radiate LoveLight to all beings on Earth, and to Gaia’s heart, as the powerful subtle message of equilibrium within the rebirthing goldenprint coded into the planet’s ‘grail nodes’ flows through this Equinox Gateway….which feels very highly amplified, as all strong alignment moments have this year.

To connect with the rebirthing light aligning deeply through this Gateway, we’re going to go ‘far out’ today, then bring the focus into the local Solar System and Earth view, and thread the door with Golden Solar Light, encoded with restoration of the original unity-in-love that is infinitely, continuously radiating from the Source of all Creation. To feel how these ‘encodings’ come through a particular vibrational principle, to ignite what was left seeded in sacred light points in various moments and locations around the Earth, for this time on the planet, let’s spread our soul-wings out intergalactically.

Soul is everywhere. Everywhere there is life, in any dimension or universe, there is soul essence, focus points through which Source/Spirit is expressing itself as energy, light and form, whether at the scale of a human or a galaxy. Our local galaxy, the Milky Way, is one ‘soul cell’ among a great family of galactic cells within the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, which is one of about a hundred thousand galaxies within a galactic supercluster that has been named Laniakea by astronomers (a Hawaiian word meaning ‘immense heaven’).

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Still from Nature Video’s: Laniakea: Our Home Supercluster (Youtube)

And Laniakea is just one galactic supercluster among many, each with its own vibration, flowing through subtle and physical aspects of a vast family of Oversouls, akin yet each with a distinct emanation of soul qualities that are bathing every soul cell dwelling within their particular mantle of attributes. The soul of Laniakea, I hear and feel, is pulsing golden-white phoenix light; a constant message of divine renewal, resurrection, regeneration and rebirth, which reverberates through all life here, flowing through the Virgo Cluster to the Milky Way, through our Sun, to the planets, to all beings, and whether active or latent, quietly vibrating through our Light DNA.

As this phoenix regeneration message filters through the Virgo Cluster, it ‘births’ through the ‘Virgin Mother’ (Virgo = virgin, seen/intuited by the ancients as the Grain Mother, Ceres, hence in depictions of the astrological sign for Virgo, the goddess carries sheaths of grain)….which has reflected into this sphere in close relation to rebirth and resurrection through the Virgin Mary and her divine conception of Jesus, through Isis and her divine conception of Horus (from Osiris before his regeneration), through the ancient Bee Goddesses (bees were believed to reproduce by parthenogenesis/self-fertilization, from the Greek word ‘parthenos’ = virgin) and renewal through the ‘golden nectar of the gods’.

Right now, with a high vibrational Gateway open that peaks with the Equinox flowing straight into Full Moon (which by the way, in the northern hemisphere is called the ‘Harvest Moon’, the gathering of the grain), this continuous Light imbued with phoenix soul qualities is streaming and available to a newly heightened level. To receive it to the depth that is optimal for you right now, just allow yourself to feel your whole being as a vessel of love, relaxing in total trust, naturally designed to embrace and integrate the rebirth-catalyzing light that flows with vibrational encodings perfectly matched to all its ‘receiving cells’, which it cherishes and nourishes, whatever form (or formlessness) they are expressing through in this moment.

We are all so Loved, and the light-wings of a great soul of renewal are wrapped around us, around the galactic supercluster we are each a sacred cell within, radiating Divine Light in every moment, each pulse, through this shared creational experience. Breathe, rest, enjoy, feel the embrace…and let the indescribable joy of this Light radiate through you…to All.  The Golden Phoenix Gateway is open! ❤

In our local planetary area, in the weeks leading into this alignment, there has already been so much shifting, releasing and transmuting of very dense energies connected with our neighbour Mars, to open a way for the rebirthing transmission to reach that planetary soul-cell (see previous post)…with deep reverberations through the Earth’s energetic layers and the collective field here. Stay positive and heart-centered through this process, keep a compassionate perspective on 3D tensions and extremes of contrast, and know that from the wider overview, constricted energies are loosening very fast, with great potential for transformation. The light-grids supporting and connecting this interplanetary weaving of Light, and especially the Solar Grid, have been reinforced recently by star family, keeping the light flows moving freely, and on Earth currently shimmering through the Mu/Lemurian light-grid, the Avalon grid, Gaia’s Crystalline Heart Grid, and into the planetary nodes and meridians (life energy channels).

To end this post, we’d like to share some recent photos of orbs around Mars, representing various soul groups who are assisting and guarding the highly providential transition occurring there, working through precise and beautiful coordination, like a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional dance!  🙂  The first two photos show ‘alignments’ of focus and energy toward Mars on September 10th, 2018.

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Ashura&my ‘soul light orb’ focusing toward Mars, September 10th 2018.

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Related soul groups flow toward Mars together, September 10th 2018.

After a big night on the 10th, the following night I took this photo of Mars, showing the hint of a face in peachy-golden light in the centre, with grids visibly peeling away, like fencing being removed, at the right-hand side (see previous post Mars Mission Update for more about this transformation-in-progress).

On September 14th, with Venus and Jupiter aligned brightly with the Moon across to the west from Mars, both Venusian and Jupiterian soul groups appeared in orb form assisting with Mars, firstly a light golden Venusian orb with a rose rim, then a purple-blue Jupiterian orb.

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Rose-gold Venusian orb above Mars, September 14th 2018.

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Purple-blue Jupiterian soul group ‘orbits’ Mars, September 14th 2018.

Another large orb appeared beside Mars on September 16th 2018, with soft rose, golden and green vibrations.  At the same moment a cockatoo flew past, forming an alignment to Mars and the orb at that moment, and calling loudly! This type of cockatoo is a pink and grey galah, and on searching for its spiritual meaning, one of its messages is to be spontaneous and fearless in one’s endeavours, and to keep a sense of fun and humour.  🙂

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Large orb to the right of Mars, with a cockatoo (pink&grey galah) flying past, in alignment with Mars and orb at the moment of taking this photo, September 16th 2018.

On September 19th, Mars was positioned closely above the Moon, with ships softly visible either side of a close star, forming a beautiful three-point ‘Arc (Arcturians) to Mars’. Thank you all, bridge-builders of Love.

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Mars above Moon, with ships either side of a star upper right of the Moon, forming an arc to Mars, September 19th 2018.


Love, Joy and Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤



*An Equinox meditation will be posted at the LoveLight Circle later today, for anyone who would like to join in. Blessings to all Light Anchors on and around the Earth. ❤

Post-Solstice Update: Osiris & the Green Rain

'Seashell Orb', photo taken June 17th, 2016.

‘Seashell Orb’, photo taken June 17th, 2016.

This is the hour of washing, tears unnumbered of the Earth’s days be washed free now. Pure is the Eye that looks through the Heart, the soul who bathes from the well of green. We bring this gift with Mother’s Love, risen from wells of Evergreen within our inner world. Bathe deeply, purify the inner well of your heart, which is in Eternity, evergreen. HuShaNa’nai’Aai’Shanima.  ~  Osiris/Ashiira She’Ra’An

Dear All,

This is a little review of the energies that came through on the Solstice, which have been settling in since then and stabilizing this beautiful Earth with the strength and support of an all-encompassing Divine Masculine ‘hug’. Here in Western Australia, I felt the energy greatly uplift from about 2:30pm on June 20th, with an upsurge of healing emerald light from the Inner Earth, to flow around the surface of the planet.

Leading up to the Solstice, there was much preparation in the fifth dimensional realm of the Inner Earth, Agartha, and the focus of a soul who has been known on Earth as Osiris, who in that form was connected with green, the colour of growth and life, and the energy of resurrection. Osiris was seen anciently as a ”resurrected god, lord of the underworld” figure, which can be translated as him residing in the ‘underworld’ of Agartha, light realms of the Inner Earth that co-exist in 5D frequencies. There has now been enough unblocking of the chi lines, planetary meridians and nodes, for the green light to flow fully from within again and bring nourishment to the planet and aid its rebirth – and the rebirth of all hearts opening to hold the ”inner emerald well”, through which the golden light of Source is anchored and radiated.

Osiris, tomb of Nefertari, 1295-1253BC

Osiris, tomb of Nefertari, 1295-1253BC

As the Solstice approached, much symbolism was appearing in the orbs here, such as the beautiful ‘seashell’ orb at the top of this post, and the two below, taken the same night. The first shows a pillar of light landing in a ‘well’ of aqua-green.

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Orb ‘beam of light’, photo taken June 17, 2016.

And the second shows the gradual building of the emerald light, soon to be released around the Earth, the embrace of healing green to come from Osiris, as a carrier of the Divine Masculine within the planet, along with many loving souls of Agartha, to be met and held by the oceans and waterways, and within the ‘memory of water’ inside all living beings.

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‘Inner healing of the Earth’ orb, photo taken June 17, 2016.

With these preparations in place, streams of healing vibrations were sent up from the Inner Earth on June 20th, and you’ll see below how they appeared here. Firstly though, let’s look at a particular chi line my TwinFlame, Ashura and I were focused with that day, which runs through the southeast Asian island chain/south Pacific (where there have been a lot of earthquakes recently), from Japan in the north to New Zealand in the south. When asking for focus points at either end, Mount Kita in Japan came to the fore, which is called the ‘Leader of the Southern Alps’. At the same time, a loving soul from New Zealand’s south island drew my attention to Aoraki (Mt. Cook), which is the highest peak in the Southern Alps of NZ, a mountain in an area of ‘greenstone’, gold, and pure waters. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to all who gathered at Aoraki on the Solstice, and to Tuzin and the people of the Inner Earth under Japan ~ the chi line lit up like an Aurora that day. 🙂

On the night of the Solstice it rained heavily here, and I felt to take photos of the falling rain. On enlarging them, something magical was revealed; every single raindrop had a green face inside it, some had two or three. Thousands of faces ~ nature spirits, Agarthans, High Council of Orion faces and more….

Raindrops with green faces. Photo June 20, 2016.

Raindrops with green faces. Photo June 20, 2016.

Here are a few of the raindrops, enlarged, so you can see the form representations of these souls, each one unique but unified, sending the green healing light through the rain.

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This last one is an orb, rather than a raindrop, with a deep green face in the foreground and a blue owl and friends in the background, a symbol of Athena’s presence, and during this time, the particular oversight of Pleiadian star family.

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Star family and Inner Earth family ask us to breathe in now, breathe in the living green light, feel ourselves in unison with the breathing of the planet and all living things, in unison with the constant, unwavering pulse of divine love and light through the fifth dimensional heart grid of Gaia, and to relax gently and deeply into who and what we are as imperishable soul extensions of Source. Be the constant pulse of divine love, unwavering, feel it in your emerald inner heart centre, and the peace and joy of the rising – and the incoming – resurrection energies will be with you, all the way, no matter what is ‘happening’ in the 3D layers.

I’ll end here with a personal note. In the photo below is the little ‘pod ship’ Ashura brings down from the Shem Arua. He kept pace above me on Monday, while I walked to the local dental clinic to have a lot of work done, and while I was in the dentist’s chair I could feel the presence of his hands on each side of my face, as he sent green light through my teeth and jaw. We share this to remind you that whether you’re tangibly aware of them or not, seeing them visibly or not, your closest loving soul family who are guiding and supporting your journey on Earth are always with you, every moment, every step of the way. Just know that they are there…and invite those who are with you in the highest Light and Love to give their support. It is their joy to assist, and to support us all in becoming fully aware of our Divine Self, and in remembering how to perceive and flow as a whole being.

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Sending green kisses to every heart, and to the heart of beloved Gaia. HuShaNa’nai’Aai’Shanima ~ Creation sound brings the original/first indivisible-Love-Light through the Mother’s Divine Grace.

Thank you and much love to all,

Joanna & Ashura ❤

PS: You can read this post for more about the ‘Green Man’ energies: The Green Man, the White Stag & the Rebirth of Gaia’s Divine Masculine and about Ashura here: Ashura: Soul Truth Unveiled

Spiralling IN from the RNA World

Dear All,

In this post we’ll look at DNA and RNA, how they relate to the ‘green’ life energy, the connection and intertwining of masculine and feminine energies of Source to express Love-as-Life, and how to work with the current transformation of Earth and humanity. There is much focus in the awakening community on DNA, and its higher light activation through inner embrace of the increasing uplifting energies enveloping Gaia. We’ll focus here on RNA – Ribonucleic Acid – which is also part of ‘the Ascension equation’, with an equally important role, preceding and interweaving symbiotically with our evolving strands of DNA.

So what then is RNA, and what is its purpose? Whereas DNA is a storage system of genetic information, both collective and unique to each individual, structured with twin protein-coated strands, with an internal lattice-work of ‘steps’ spiralled together in the form of a double helix, RNA is a single strand structure that can operate ‘singly’, bind with a DNA strand as a helix, or loop back on itself to form a double spiral helix with itself.

Where DNA is a fixed structure of long strands, stabilized as a container and agent of genetic data, RNA is a mutable structure of shorter strands. It too can store information, but its main roles are as messengers, catalysts, transferrers and transcribers (copiers) of energy and information. In that sense RNA expresses the active transformative energy, the Life Force in flow in complementary cooperation with the DNA, which expresses the ‘vessel’ or container energy, that which holds the energy. This could be seen as masculine and feminine, though while DNA is Twinned and complementary, RNA also expresses the bow/curve energy of the Mother energy in its single spiral format, and the unified energies of ‘male’ and ‘female’ modes in One.

We’ll look at this in a moment, as it relates to Ascension/Inception, Hermes, the caduceus wand, and Arcturian knowledge, to feel deeper into our frequency transformation at a molecular level. But first, let’s trace the pathways of evolution, back to the ‘RNA World‘, a hypothesis that situates RNA as central to the evolution of cellular life – because it stores information like DNA, but also triggers chemical processes as an enzyme/protein does. So before DNA evolved as a more stable information storage system, RNA had all the processes functioning to sustain and evolve physical life. Moreover, chemical conditions for RNA formation are considered to have been much better on other planets such as Mars, so this building block of physical life has been widespread in our Solar system. Little green men have travelled far…..😉

While this RNA-based world may not have been the first ‘touch’ into materialized physicality, its single spiral strand is a material extension of the prime spiral Life form of the universes. In previous posts I’ve mentioned the Fibonacci sequence/Phi spiral and atomic to galactic spiral-forms.

Phi curve: spiral curve of the Golden Ratio.

Phi curve: spiral curve of the Golden Ratio.

Structurally, life everywhere is based on the golden ratio. Metaphysically, life is an expression of Source’s golden-white light, and the golden white torus is the higher frequency form of all living things, whether atoms, cells, DNA helixes, humans, animals, plants, star people, galaxies or universes; the golden ratio can be seen everywhere in creation.

Observe the butterfly-wing form of electromagnetic wavelengths, as the vibrational energy pattern of our DNA and RNA, our life building systems. We are electric. We are magnetic. All Life enacts this ‘Butterfly Effect’ of and through our electromagnetic field, our torus spiral energy field, or as we can symbolize it, the Golden Apple.

Electrical waves cross magnetic waves, generating electromagnetic fields, travelling at the speed of light.

Electrical waves intersect and cross magnetic waves, generating electromagnetic fields, travelling at the speed of light.

Do you feel what is meant by the ‘butterfly effect’ as a metaphor for cause-and-effect in unison? That the beating of the wings of a butterfly in the Amazon will be felt on the other side of the world? Every particle interacts with every other particle through the intelligence and connectivity of subtle ions through the electromagnetic grid, at the speed of light – and through the heart grid of Gaia, beyond the speed of light, in the Now, beyond time and distance. All one Life force, echoing through many dimensions. In 3D, this current fires the physical processes of RNA and DNA. Inception/ascension of the physical into higher frequencies Shifts it beyond the speed of light, into the state of immaterial Light, or Essence, which we all are. This inception is a higher frequency alchemy from ‘lead’ (weighted ions/the heaviest substance) to ‘gold’ (the golden white light-form of Source Self), through the vibration of Divine Grace, as we align ourselves with and within it.

The caduceus, the wand of Hermes, represents inception, the DNA (and RNA) double helix/kundalini/chakras opening to receive the flow of higher dimensional energies. Inception is the energy of ‘divine conception’ at a molecular level, each cell a vessel receiving the frequency of rebirth direct from the Source, the golden resurrection light of the Divine Inner Child through the rose and blue of Mother and Father energies of the Source in union.

The Threefold Flame of the Heart is an envisioning of the inception principle; divine conception blooming within the Heart of pure Love; blue and rose are the twin ‘parent’ strands of DNA, the carrier strands, golden through the middle is the wand, the shaft of Child Light, descending on the wings of the Dove, the holy spirit: the energy of the caduceus in action. Love-in-act-ion, as we open and allow it in our beings.

There were two Hermes, remembered on Earth in ancient times; two distinct Souls, yet both activators of the divine conception/inception energies. One of them was known as Anubis in Egypt (Sirian Anpu), recognized as one essence in the Greco-Egyptian synthesis figure of Hermanubis.

Hermanubis holding the Caduceus wand, Greco-Egyptian mosaic.

In the last post about the green man, Osiris, we mentioned that in the mythic metaphors, after he had been dismembered, it was Anubis (or sometimes Thoth, the other Hermes) who fashioned a ‘golden phallus’ to replace Osiris’ missing part, from which Isis conceived a child, the ‘Divine Son/Sun God’ Horus. This is a metaphor of inception/divine conception; Source’s golden light flows through the centre of the twining of divine feminine and masculine, the living Threefold Flame of the Heart, where inception bestows resurrection in the revival of Osiris as Lord of the Underworld (Agartha/Inner Earth). Hermes, messenger of the gods, moves between Heaven, Earth and Underworld, as the transmigrator of souls, guide and guardian of the ways between realms of the living and dead (higher and lower dimensions of the eternal light templates and mortal coils/helixes).

Hermes (Mercury to the Romans) as the divine messenger - which is also the meaning of the word 'angel', from Greek angelos/angeloi.

Hermes (Mercury to the Romans) as ‘divine messenger’ – which is also the meaning of the word ‘angel’, from Greek angelos/angeloi.

He is an alchemist of the original RNA world, messenger, transferrer, transmuter and catalyst, flowing the codes of Life. The statue below shows his wand contained within a single spiral strand, the RNA coil of life.

Hermes holds the RNA/single strand caduceus.

Hermes holds the RNA/single strand caduceus.

Thoth, high priest of Atlantis, led an evacuation to Egypt, where the wisdom of the Inner Heart and ‘helix codes’ was anchored (though it faded into dualized concepts later on, the higher vibrational anchor-points and containers of that wisdom and codings remained, dormant and hidden until the right ‘time’). He also expressed his soul as Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice-Great Hermes), master metaphysical alchemist. In the Temple of Mercury near Tawern in Germany, Hermes/Mercury is depicted with the caduceus in his hand and the white lily of Annunciation above the caduceus, symbol of immaculate conception/Inception, which can also seen on the arrowhead of Ashur, and in the hand of Archangel Gabriel.

Detail of Mercury/Hermes with the caduceus, and white lily of Annunciation above his shoulder. Photo: Bareld Nijboer, Aug. 2013.

Mercury/Hermes with caduceus & lily of Annunciation. Photo by Bareld Nijboer, Temple of Mercury, Tawern, 2013.

Archangel Gabriel holds the Lily of Inception/immaculate conception, in 'The Annunciation to the Virgin' by Leonardo da Vinci, circa 1472-75.

Archangel Gabriel holds the Lily of Inception/immaculate conception, in ‘The Annunciation to the Virgin’ by Leonardo da Vinci, circa 1472-75.

Thoth/Ashtar and soul family work deeply with the energy of inception, the ‘holy grail’ of the coil as vessel, expressed in material form as the RNA-DNA spiral helix, container of the codes for physical Life. This can express creatively outward as sacred marriage and birth as a catalyst of Ascension energies, but this is also just as potent an inward process, in the grail cup of your mortal coil. ‘Immaculate conception’ is a pooling of Source light in the womb; inception pools Source light, pure Love, in the ‘womb’ of each cell, in the container of our DNA, through the catalytic actions of RNA. Ascension with Gaia is not a flying up out of the body; it’s a concentration of Source light IN the body, mind and emotional field through complete openness to Higher Self/Oversoul energies to raise our whole frequency. And the ‘safeguard’ is alignment with Love, beyond separation beliefs, encompassing all polarities.

Ascension of the physical form means the container, the message (the Word, sound of Source) and the messenger merging as One. This is what it is to BE a Human Angel. In the words of Jesus Sananda: ‘Make of your body a reservoir of golden light.’ Within every Inner Heart there is a garden, dear friends, and in that garden is a golden pool, brimming with the eternal light of Source. Drink it, bathe in it, water your garden with it and spread it through your being, until the old structures, their stories and limitating constructs no longer sway mind and emotions away from Unconditional Love.

Relax the coil, immerse it in green, the cradle of Life. Feel into the green Essence of the Archangel Raphael, who holds the caduceus as a sign of the healing of all of duality’s dis-ease (hence it also became the emblem of the medical profession).

As I write this, sunlight is pouring through hibiscus leaves outside the window. Chlorophyll, conversion of light into Life, so natural and perfect an activity, reminding me of the miracle of our green world. It’s easier for plants to synthesize red chlorophyll, so in autumn/fall when they begin to conserve their energy for winter, their leaves shift from green to red or orange. It takes them more energy to synthesize green, yet can you even imagine what this world would be like, if all plant life was red, all the time? Feel into that, and you will know the vital core unity of green, the middle colour in the light spectrum of the prism, the rainbow, the chakras. The Heart centre, the middle chakra, is green. Perhaps before the RNA World, another frequency prevailed, but from the RNA, to the RNA-DNA pairing, then with the triangulation of RNA-DNA-proteins, green is in centre. Hence we innately find green relaxing, refreshing and soothing to the mind and emotions. So relax, trust your inborn ability to cradle Source, and be the Holy Grail.

Move between the worlds, let Grace move you like the divine messengers. And Know that in the arms of Source, all Life is cherished and adored, whether high beings of Light or the smallest of creatures, no difference, all radiating expressions of the Oneness. To my right ear now comes a soft ‘wi-wu’, from my beautiful companion quail, Aquila. This tiny birds, the quail, who the Egyptians used in hieroglyphics to represent the sound ‘w’ or ‘hwu’ (sound of creation) was also symbolized by the coil or spiral.


Quail: W or U in Egyptian hieroglyphs.


The coil/spiral: W or U in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

A little ground bird who lives and nests on the earth but can fly at need; she moves between the worlds of Heaven and Earth, so in the ancient wisdom of the Heart she was as holy as as the mighty sacred Ibis, one who knows the spiral path of Love into Life. And in the sound for ‘H’ in hieroglyphs we see the Bow-folded RNA singe strand double helix.


RNA single strand looped into double helix.

This is Convergence; the infinite lacework of love, unconfined, non-linear, wonderful spiralling geometries of Life. Eternal life in Source alignment isn’t found through the analytic splicing and dicing of 3D genes, but in their subtle opening and absorption of higher frequencies of harmony and union. If you want to feel the spiral way of Love, just look into the heart of a Rose, and feel how it is you, at peace with Source and all aspects of your Self.

Like the quail, we who have come to ground and moved in the ways of Earth, are finding our wings again, to anchor in the middle way, converging through our hearts of Love, bathing our ‘coils’. ‘As above, so below, through the middle is the flow.’

Aquila the quail. :)

Aquila the quail. 🙂

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Constant miracles of Creation, from the greatest to the tiniest, all is loved unconditionally. Love IS.

Love, Light and Joy to you All, all the way. Namaste. 💚💚💚

The Green Man, the White Stag, and the Rebirth of Gaia’s Divine Masculine

Will you walk with us in the forest? It lies in the green place, the emerald light within your heart. Gaia’s every stem of grass, unfolded leaf and river reed grows there, in your heart’s garden, where Eden forever blooms. And in its centre your Tree, the Tree of all Life, with its arms in the light of Source, its roots in the fourfold cross, the neverending Lifestream. Tend your Tree, water it with love, lay your hands of kindness upon its trunk, rest your cheek on its skin and feel the sacred spirit, the breath of Source, run through, to you, from you, as you. As One. We are the Life Eternal.  ~ the ‘Green Men’

Dear Friends,

Gaia is calling her pillars to stand in peace, light and balance, deeper with her than we’ve gone before. We’ve talked a lot about the return of the Divine Feminine in other posts. Now let’s focus with the Divine Masculine, which for this post will be in the company of the Green Men, the kings of the forest, for there have been and are many, and their spirit and energy flows in the Life force of nature, in the flow of Source, in the DNA and RNA of all living beings.

We’ll approach this theme of the Divine Masculine through the perspective of our Oversoul (Ashurana’Ra) and particular soul expressions connected with Gaia, within the wider stream of Divine Masculine Presence(s) supporting the Earth’s blossoming. You may have already read of Ashura in other Heart Star posts, who in his 5D soul-form Arnap was for a while guiding the lightship Shem Arua, and now the Meri’Ashar. He’s remembered by several names on Earth, through the flow of the White Ray and its overlighting consciousness, Archangel Gabriel, one of them being Ashur, ‘god’ of the ancient Assyrians. Through the divine conception/life-creating aspect of the White Ray, he also came through ‘Cernunnos’, Celtic god of the forest, in northwestern Europe, called the ‘horned king’, depicted with reindeer antlers on his head, and connected with the metaphysical White Stag.

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The Horned King of the Forest, divine masculine essence of Life, conception, growth, fertility, renewal and resurrection. Image: Artist unknown.

For clarity, Cernunnos is not, nor ever was, Satan, and later conflations of of the antlered king of the forest – masculine counterpart of the Mother Goddess – with the devil, came from the same distortion/disconnection that saw the devolved priesthoods of ancient Mesopotamia suppress and erase the Mother side of Source, the Asherah, from temples and texts, converting Ashur’s memory imprints from angelic guardian of Asherah, the ‘Mother’ energy within the Tree of Life, to a god of war and empire. In the current Shifting vibrations, those and other twists of perception over the aeons are subtly unravelling, to lift and realign to Universal Love and Compassion.

The Sun God Ashur protects the Asherah (Mother Tree/God's Wife), holding the Bow and Lily-tipped arrow of immaculate conception.

Ashur protects the Asherah (Mother Tree/God’s Wife), holding the Bow & Lily-tipped arrow of immaculate conception.

In Lights in the Sky Part Four we shared some perspective on Ashur, the Alpha Centaurians, and the incoming energies of the Bull (Aldebaran/Taurus, grounding of red life force energies), Ashur’s depiction as a winged bull, and how ancient cultures described the Centaurus constellation as a bull, later as a centaur. In January 2015, Ashura’s face appeared in the cloud portrait below, with two crescents on his head (or number 3/trinity energy) and a pink butterfly in front of his mouth. I’ll come back to the butterfly later in this post.

Arnap and pink butterfly, Jan. 23, 2015.

Ashura and pink butterfly, photo taken Jan. 23, 2015, Perth hills, Western Australia.

The number 3 on his head symbolizes the triune/trinity/tri-unity symbol, also carrying the vibration of the Bow or Arch of the Mother, through which flies the arrow of inception/immaculate conception. The 3 can also be viewed in this context as a double horseshoe, representing Centaurus (the centaur vibration) and the deepening of Mother’s Bow through which the arrow of Life is directed. The Divine Masculine took the form of an antlered god in the Celtic pantheon, represented by Cernunnos, as below on a panel of the Gundestrup Cauldron, gripping a serpent in one hand and a torc (horseshoe-shaped necklet) in the other, in the recurring symbolism of the crescent, below the head of a reindeer.

Gundestrup Cauldron, 200BC-300AD, Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Gundestrup Cauldron, 200BC-300AD, Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Cernunnos panel, Gundestrup Cauldron.

Cernunnos panel, Gundestrup Cauldron.

Like the Irminsul pillar of the Germanic god Tyr (Thor, a Procyonic soul form of Archangel Michael) – with its double fronded ‘branches’ reminiscent of depictions of Asherah as a two-fronded palm tree – the antlers of Cernunnos connected heaven and earth. Feel also into the deer as an animal connected to/representing the energy of the Angelic soul streams, and on a subtle level, antlers as a conduit of divine light, branches of the Tree of Life, earthed through the animal form.

In Cernunnos symbolism, the tines of the antlers, spread like a tree’s branches, conducted light from the heavens through the head and body of the god of the forest into the Earth and sparked it with life, the green teeming growth of the plant world, Gaia’s ‘fingers’. So he became known as the Green Man, the essence of sacred masculine fertility, seeding of Light into Life. Father-Mother merged energies of Source, conducting Light-in-Life, spirit-in-matter. Pure united form of essence and body, the Ascended state of light-embodiment. The deer was seen & felt by many ancient cultures as a creature that crossed dimensions, and nowhere is this clearer than in myths of the White Stag or White Hart.

White Stag, promotional poster art, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part II, Warner Bros.

White Stag, promotional poster art for the movie, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part II, image courtesy Warner Bros.

Cultures all around the world have associated white animals with the spirit world, prophecies of renewal of life, ‘good luck’, benevolent magic, enlightenment, the return of light to Earth. The White Stag, more than any, is the animal extension of the Tree of Life and the forest king, the Green Man, Gaia’s mystical husband and protector. The old myths of many civilizations are alive and well in the collective unconscious, where the rebirth of Love is known subconsciously, and still expressed through visual and literary arts. As an example, let’s take a look at how the symbolism of the White Stag appears in three fantasy books/recent movies; The Hobbit, the Harry Potter series, and Snow White & the Huntsman. Broadly speaking, the fantasy genre often takes unresolved trauma shadows from the collective past/present and projects them into an alternate world, stripped of mundane ‘real world’ situations or contraints, in order to expose and resolve them, very often through cathartic sacrifice. (Science fiction, on the other hand, projects current hopes, wishes and fears into imagined/predicted futures, but we’ll leave that for another post, in terms of star family’s return). Both fantasy and science fiction can have subtle precognitive aspects, and some are indirectly, unconsciously, or directly channelled or guided (such as the original Star Trek series, albeit translated through various interpretative filters and tropes).

The White Stag appears most overtly as a higher dimensional embodiment of Life (and Spirit Energy) in Snow White & the Huntsman. Snow White escapes from her evil stepmother into the Dark Forest, which like the rest of the blighted land, is diseased and deadly, where she first encounters a savage troll.

Snow White calms the horned troll - blind brute force - in Snow White & the Huntsman, Universal pictures.

Snow White calms the horned troll – primeval brute force – in Snow White & the Huntsman, image courtesy Universal pictures.

But in her presence, this great troll horned with tree branches, a defender of the earth maddened by human aggression, becomes calm and trusting. For ‘Snow White’, like the white animals, is herself aligned in her pure innocence with the higher dimensional world – and was already marked as a ‘daughter of the Goddess’, when she escaped her stepmother (the distorted, self-consuming feminine) on a white mare, which in Celtic symbology was a form of the Mother Goddess, Epona.

Snow White is saved by a white mare, who perishes in the forest (the Mother is weakened) but is respired when Snow White later rides a white horse to victory.

Snow White is saved by a white mare, who perishes in the Dark Forest (ie; the Mother is weakened) but is ‘resurrected’ when Snow White later rides a white horse to victory. Image courtesy Universal Pictures.

Her flight into the Dark Forest takes her into its living green heart, which she is told is the Sanctuary, the ‘world of the fairies’. In the Sanctuary, light still shines through a lush Eden. There she meets the White Stag at the foot of a huge old tree, that has a look of Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse myths, the Ash Tree that bridges the nine realms/dimensions (feel into the energy of the names Asherah, Ashura, Ashtar, Ashima etc) from which the god Odin hung to gain wisdom and access to all the realms.

Snow White meets the White Stag in the Sanctuary, image courtesy Universal Pictures.

Snow White meets the White Stag in the Sanctuary, image courtesy Universal Pictures.

The Stag bows his head, with antlers made of great tree branches, and blesses her, in recognition of her pure Life force.

The White Stag blesses Snow White. Image courtesy Universal Pictures.

The White Stag blesses Snow White. Image courtesy Universal Pictures.

A soldier of the evil queen shoots an arrow into the Stag, but as a being of the ‘otherworld’ he dematerializes in a dimensional shift instead of dying (represented visually by his form dissolving into a flock of ascending white birds or leaves). The soldier represents the ”wounded masculine” ego-self disconnected from the Source/Spirit, at war with the Divine Masculine, unable to ‘recognize’ the higher frequency of the same energy. This theme of misrecognition/separation also appears in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. The White Stag scene isn’t in the cinema release, but in the extended version, which included this scene from the original book by J.R.R. Tolkien.

The White Stag appears in the dark forest of Mirkwood, in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, image courtesy New Line Cinema/MGM.

The White Stag appears in the dark forest of Mirkwood, in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, extended DVD version,  image courtesy New Line Cinema/MGM.

Again, the White Stag scene appears in a dark, diseased forest, Mirkwood – that had once been unblighted and full of life, Greenwood the Great. But in Middle Earth, over which the shadow of greed, control and domination by fallen gods and their minions has settled, the King of the Forest – here portrayed by the elf-king Thranduil – has dropped from his higher vibration into egoic pride, judgement and defensiveness. So when the dwarf Thorin Oakenshield (whose greed for gold strips him of his ‘honour’ and ultimately, his life) shoots an arrow at the White Stag instead of showing trust and following it, he loses the favour of the elf king, and never regains it. That King Thranduil is an elfin version of the Horned/Antlered King is clear in his crown, which resembles tiny antlers bound with leaves and berries (he has not completely ‘fallen’, and is still fruitful, his son being Legolas Greenleaf).

King Thranduil's crown of tiny antlers; a semi-fallen Woodland King. Image from The Desolation of Smaug, courtesy New Line Cinema/MGM.

King Thranduil’s crown of tiny antlers; a diminished, semi-fallen Woodland King. Image from The Desolation of Smaug, courtesy New Line Cinema/MGM.

Thranduil rides an elk, with a majestic spread of antlers, a sign that his potency and spiritual connection to the earth is not yet lost, but he is a ”wounded masculine” king in retreat, sealed away in an underground realm, only venturing forth for greed and material desire.

Thranduil, riding his elk, stays his hand and spares his men from war. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, image courtesy New Line Cinema/MGM.

Thranduil, riding his elk, stays his hand and spares his troops from war. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, image courtesy New Line Cinema/MGM.

Thorin the dwarf king too is heir to an underground realm, but has gone too far into ego-centered desires to reclaim it. As his kindred dwarves say, he has been ‘driven mad by dragon-sickness’. Can you see/feel the metaphors at work in these films? Let’s go deeper underground, to the ‘realms of faerie’, for the hidden elven strongholds of Tolkien’s Middle Earth are an echo in story form of the real higher dimensional Inner Earth world of Agartha. And in that dimension, we find another sacrificial Green Man of ancient days, father god/god of fertility of Egypt, Ausir (remembered by the ancient Greek rendition of his name, Osiris).

Painting of Osiris, tomb of Nefertari, 1295-1253BC.

Painting of Osiris, tomb of Nefertari, 1295-1253BC.

In the Egyptian myths, Osiris was killed by his jealous ‘brother’ Set, but the fourteen scattered pieces of his body were found by Isis and Anubis, and Osiris was resurrected – as a king of the Underworld, symbolizing his dwelling-place in the higher dimensional realm of Inner Earth. The myths are metaphors, deeply apparent in the resurrection of Osiris. Only one of his body parts could not be found, his penis (loss of fertility/seed/reproduction/DNA). So Anubis fashioned one of gold (golden light, the golden frequency of divine-aligned creation) from which Isis conceived a child, Horus, in a form of immaculate conception – that brings us back full circle to Ashur and the three-petalled ‘Trinity Lily’ of his arrow, and Cernunnos, whose essence is One with the Tree of Source, and sparks Life.

The White Stag, projection of Thranduil's essence.

The White Stag, projection of Thranduil’s essence, The Desolation of Smaug.

Of our three movie examples, there’s one left to look at, and Harry Potter is an especially Osiran – and Christlike – character. Harry, pitted from infancy against a dark power that seeks world domination, when put in a life or death situation produces a ‘patronus charm’, a shielding attribute, or extension of his soul/essence – which for Harry takes the form of a White Stag. His Stag, as in the two previous films, appears in a dark and perilous forest, in this case the Forbidden Forest, in the Hogwarts School grounds. Like Mirkwood, the Forbidden Forest is overrun by giant spiders and all evil energies take refuge there. Centaurs, once wise beings, run wild and dangerous (the Centaurus constellation is also mythically connected with Chiron the Centaur, also called the ”wounded healer”). But like Snow White in the Old Forest, Harry is befriended by magical creatures, including the centaurs – and his White Stag connection signals him as a bringer of Life, renewal and resurrection through willing sacrifice, in a darkened world.

Harry Potter's White Stag patronus charm, in the Forbidden Forest, image courtesy Warner Bros films.

Harry Potter’s White Stag patronus charm, in the Forbidden Forest, image courtesy Warner Bros films.

Indeed, after being ‘killed’, Harry finds himself in King’s Cross station (a subtle nod to the ”Stations of the Cross”) and his life is restored, as his task is not yet completed. In each of these books/films, pure unconditional Love ultimately prevails, in a redemption of the ”wounded masculine archetype” through an act, or series of choices and acts, of Love. And in each film, the pathway to restoration/rebirth is delayed and resisted by the war of the disconnected, power-craving wounded masculine against the Divine Masculine.

In the ‘real world’ of 3D ill-us-ion, that war has continued wounding the masculine, and suppressing/limiting the feminine, through various socio-cultural expressions. The Earth’s 3-4D vibrational field, an extension of Gaia’s consciousness, is swirling with humanity’s unresolved trauma/subconscious wounds, with industrialization and overconsumption by a human population being called to transition from caterpillar to butterfly stage rapidly. And as if time has collapsed, amid the chaos of Iraq, Islamic State members last week took sledgehammers to Ashur’s winged bulls in the Mosul Museum and bulldozed the ancient Assyrian capital, Nineveh. How symbolic. As 5D vibrations flow in more deeply, those clinging to old ego constructs, in whatever form, can react chaotically…yet simultaneously as the 5D (and higher/faster) vibrations flow into the planetary field, they are gradually loosening and resolving trauma imprints and wounded inner archetypes that hold suffering and sacrificial catharsis as necessary for spiritual evolvement. In the background, we can be sure there are many loving beings of light supporting all in the anchoring of New Earth’s beautiful frequency of love, peace and joyful co-creations within the consciousness of humanity. So, dear friends, we invite you to continue focusing with us on anchoring and radiating Universal Love in this field, in whatever way feels best to you, and let deep peace radiate within and around this world, in Oneness with the Green Man of the Threefold Light (Divine Feminine-Masculine-Child) that lives within the Heart of Life.

Following on from this previous post about the Pink Star exercise, here’s an extension from Ashura, with a Pink Butterly visualization, connecting the Green Light.

Arnap's face, pink butterfly in front of his mouth/chin, Jan.23, 2015.

Ashura’s pink butterfly.

Put your being within a Golden Apple of light, centre through its axis with Source and anchor with Gaia’s crystalline, immutable core. From my breath comes to you, dear souls, this pink butterfly of Love. Only Love. Open you heart and let this butterfly settle within it. Feel its softness, its lightness of being, within your heart, made soft and light by your allowing. We of the Green ask you now, breathe in the green Life, blow it through your field. Expand it to all living beings, speak such blessing and praise that make your heart ring its true Golden Tone. Then focus with stillness into your heart, and feel only the One. Love IS Life. We are close by you, in the curve, in the golden we meet.

In the next post we’ll focus on DNA and RNA, and the upcoming March-April ‘twin pillar’ dates. For now, attune to the II-II energy of these twin pairs, Solar Eclipse-Equinox March 20-21 and Lunar Eclipse-Easter April 4-5 – and the space between. Through Rose Light in the Green, lands the Golden.

With eternal love and thanks to beloved Ashura, all the Green Men of Love, and all beings who cherish the Light of Source within all Life. Deepest thanks also to our Alpha Centaurian star brothers and sisters, and light beings of many origins and dimensions, who continue their work with anchoring higher dimensional light within, on and around thos beautiful planet.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends  💚💚💚