The Twelfth Hour

Dear All,

Star family missions have been running thick and fast across various dimensional layers, ever increasing this year, so firstly, to those who have sent emails or messages that haven’t yet received a reply, heartfelt thanks for reaching out and sharing the love! ❤ To everyone dedicated to anchoring Universal Love on Earth through this year, assisting the ‘golden light over 2020’ to stabilize the highest trajectory for this planetary shift through increasing vibrational accelerations, always know that ongoing love, strength and supportive background actions are constantly flowing from the higher dimensions. Pause and breathe in that high vibrational refreshment, the embrace of love all around the Earth, whenever you feel over-busy or depleted, re-centre in your inner divinity and unity with the realms of pure love.

We’d like to talk here about what star family refer to as the ‘Twelfth Hour of Gaia’s arc of ascension’, which her planetary body has been flowing within for a few months of local time now. From star family, the Earth shifted into the ‘Eleventh Hour’ on the 11-11-11 Gateway (11th day of the 11th month in 2011) with another very significant shift into the Twelfth Hour on the June Solstice 2019. They symbolize the stage of planetary ascension we’re currently in, as it translates into the Earth plane through the local space-time frame, as a clock with both hands pointing to 12 (ascension’s ‘true north’, so to speak) and to think of a clock striking 12, chiming 12 times within this moment of the Twelfth Hour as it translates through this earthly time expression…with each chime layering in another level of higher dimensional Light.

From our perspective, the Twelfth Hour is what many call The Event ~ we are in it Now, as it progresses through the 12 chimes until the 12th stroke of the 12th hour (much accelerated from the 11th hour), at which moment the Event as a vibrational moment of planetwide collective clarity in heart-opening-awareness will become tangible, visible, palpable around the Earth, in relation to what some call a ‘flashpoint’ or ‘solar flash’, also described by star family metaphorically as a ‘standing wave event‘, when all the layerings of light frequencies come into a particular harmonic format ready to receive the ascension pulse from Galactic Centre in full coherence. From that moment, Earth’s natural ascension unfoldment/blossoming is completely unshakeable, beyond the influence or reach of any energies of a distorted vibration.

Feel each chime of the Twelfth Hour like a tap on a bell; there’s the initial ringing tone, then the reverberation of that tone as it expands from the bell (diinnngggg), and that each of these chimes doesn’t diminish, but widens and softens, settling into the Earth’s energy field, orienting the planet and collective’s vibrational field into incrementally strengthened harmonic coherence, each chime building on the previous one. So, in this building sequence, the second chime came through the peak of the Lion’s Gate on the 8~8 (August 8th), the third through the 9~9 Gateway, with short integration phases between them, and now a longer integration phase through to December while a major (distorted red) energy removal mission is underway through to the 11~11 Gateway.

Once that energy is lifted from the planetary field and taken Home into Love, the way will be clear for the fourth chime of this Twelfth Hour, initiating through the 12~12, peaking into the December Solstice on the 21st Dec 2019, then culminating into January 12, 2020. This trinary ’12’ sequence will be heightened through two particular planetary conjunctions on December 12th and January 12th (Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and Saturn-Pluto conjunction respectively, wrapped around the Solstice alignment ~ see previous posts about the higher transformations of Saturn and Pluto). So 2020 (=4) will flow in on the vibration of the fourth chime. (For cultures on Earth with different calendars, the Galactic Light-pulses flow through different numeric translations, but the sequence base is the same behind all ‘earth clocks’, stepping down the 27-72 central creation code of this galaxy).

We’ll focus on the 11~11 Gateway (November 11th 2019) in the next post, which coincides with a transit of Mercury, igniting a powerful alignment of the Silver Flame of Transcendence into the planetary field and grids. For now, here are a few beautiful moments with star family from the last few weeks, beginning with September 20th 2019 ~ with an unexpected ‘call from on high’ to go into Perth city and walk with the local climate march that was part of a global climate action. I was guided to connect with Gaia’s emerald light rising from the Earth’s crystalline heart, while anchoring the light of a beautiful ship named the Victor Five flying above the march, which radiates from an emerald Core Crystal, throughout this walk.

Many lightships of the Ashtar Command were present (cloaked), with a number of Arcturian bowships outlining subtly in the clouds overhead, like the one at the upper left of this photo.

Arcturian bowships outline as crescents in the clouds over the Perth Climate Action March on September 20th 2019, Perth city, Western Australia.

At one point, the crowd of around 10,000 sat down along the length of a city street and observed a silence for the Earth. Through the mixture of vibrations ~ fear, anger at corporations and governments, and a rising ground-swell of love for the Earth ~ as everyone sat on the ground, I saw/felt a huge pulse of green light from Gaia’s heart, coming to meet this mass love and care, rising up through the earth chakra/base chakra of every person, sending emerald green light up into their heart chakras, in a wave of connectedness with the planetary soul.

This heart pulse from the soul of Earth was so beautiful, it moved through all the fragmentary, discordant vibrations to touch hearts with love for this planet, love for humanity, love for all life here. No matter what views about causes of climate change resonate for you, from the overview, know that there is an awakening in progress, of a global priority to live gently on the planet and transcend forms of energy, agriculture and land development that damage the environment….and that this collective impulse is in flow with the overall Shift in Consciousness that will open the way to becoming an interplanetary and galactic civilization, within a wider, high-functioning community of love and cooperation.

Toward the end of the march, just after a streetfull of people had waved to the police helicopter in the photo below, Ashura (my Twin Flame) flashed the tiny white pod ship he was flying overhead (look slightly upper right of the helicopter in the photo below, in a gap between the clouds). 🙂

Ashura’s pod ship was visible for a moment, upper right of a helicopter, September 20th 2019.

There was a lot of energy and activity over these buildings where the march ended, with ships clearing disturbed vibrations, keeping the energies high. The silhouette of a wide-angled Sirian-Procyon triangular ship can be seen in the circled area below.

Triangular Sirian-Procyon merged ship can be seen clearing energies over the city of Perth, September 20th 2019.

A few days later, as the light frequencies soared into the September Equinox, a group of ground crew/love anchors here in the Perth area aligned the ‘Equinox light of equilibrium’ through four nodes, with our final destination at Serpentine Falls in the southern hills east of the city.

Serpentine Falls, Darling Range, Western Australia, on the September Equinox 2019.

As we connected with the node there (a node is an amplified subtle energy crossing point of two or more planetary chi flow lines), a perfect triangle formed in clouds low over the Falls, anchoring a projection of ‘trinity light codes’ from the New Jerusalem golden light mothership stationed high above.

‘Cloud triangle’ forms close above Serpentine Falls, aligning light codes from the mothership New Jerusalem, September 23rd 2019.

Where this triangle formed, the clouds thickened into a tall pyramid that gradually morphed into a massive angelic figure holding an upright sword (in the first photo, a hawk or eagle can be seen flying up toward the angel’s forming face). Merged soul vibrations of Archangels Michael and Gabriel were flowing through this angel form, and the upright sword has a spiralling energy, if you look closely at the second picture below…representing the in-flowing Ascension Light Spiral being directed/pillared into the node below while our group anchored the energies.

This was such a blissful occasion, as we’ve done a lot on unblocking and clearing of the Serpentine Falls node over the last couple of years (this node sits on the Belinus Line, which has been mapped as a ley line in Britain, however this is actually a planetwide chi line that flows like a huge sine wave around the Earth, passing through Western Australia in the southernmost curve of its energy flow). To feel the vibrations at the Falls so light and free now is such a joy, and an excellent indicator of how much the Earth’s crystalline light-grid has stabilized this year! 🙂 From here, we sent green-blue light to forests burning in various parts of the planet at that time (Amazon, Siberia, Alaska, Africa, eastern Australia) and many beautiful symbolic ‘light arcs and pillars’ formed over and flowing into trees around the rim of the Falls.

We’d like to add here for clarity, where burning of forests around the world is sometimes interpreted as a spiritual cleanse coming from the planetary soul; Gaia cleanses with the water element, and clearings only ever become destructive of life where a planet/collective consciousness is being influenced by a dense, manipulated polarity vibration. True higher vibrational ‘clearing with fire’ naturally transforms distorted energies into peace and light, rather than ‘cleansing through destruction‘, which expresses from a dualized matrix. Clearing within Universal Love always flows from and with compassion, grace and upliftment.

Here in Australia, trees and bushland have an adaptive resilience to fire, but the level of wildfires occurring now (especially in the eastern states, connected with the misuse/imbalance of a string of 4D vortexes) goes beyond nature’s adaptations. However, as the higher light waves keep reorganizing distorted energies more deeply through the higher chimes of the activated Twelfth Hour, these imbalances will ease through all the planetary vibrational field’s manifest reflections ~ environmental, social, political, personal, spiritual ~ until true harmonic coherence is aligned and anchored into this Shift. From Ashura: Breathe, relax, be the peaceful waters, be the steady flame of love that calms all misdirected fires into the pure, gentle radiance of shining divine light.

Some of this distorted red fire energy has been transmuted and lifted out through actual water nodes around the planet; in the location below, a group of ground crew anchored the Rose Ray and Ruby Ray (ruby-rose light reorganizes disturbed red vibrations into natural higher harmony) into an underwater node, flowing from the Ruby Core Crystal of a beautiful Antarian lightship, the Taia’Tara (Antarian ships often vibrate through the ‘ascended red’ spectrum, balanced with emerald green light; see this post for more about them).

The silhouette of an Arcturian bowship can be seen in a cloud that formed over a node during a clearing and activation in the Canning River, Perth. Western Australia, September 30th 2019.

A long straight ‘corridor’ opened up as clouds thickened overhead, with many beautiful beings forming inside this symbolic passageway. Whale shapes appeared as if swimming across the clouds, slowly filling the corridor. Then feline and whale energies rippled down a ‘sky bridge’ as a whale’s eye and soft feline face formed above it, with these gentle, loving Sirian and Cetian soul groups sending light codes ‘down the bridge’ into the river node.

As you tune into the unconditional love, the deep wisdom flowing through the gaze of this beautiful galactic whale, let this overview of immense light, compassion and gentle strength fill your heart and refresh you. Bless the waters everywhere around the Earth and in your body, in the air, the plants and animals, oceans and waterways, in the soil and springs welling from the ground. Let your inner visions of the New Earth flow like water, as you bathe them in the light of joy and sweetness, shower them in love. Let these soul visions guide your actions, knowing that as we do this together in unison around the world, Ascended Earth is converging through us, with us, guided and assisted by countless loving beings. We are all One Love.

Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

*This month’s DNA Activation meditation for October 21st 2019 can be found at the LoveLight Circle, if this resonates for you, all are very welcome to join in. ❤

Sirian~Pleiadian Update

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Rainbow orb with ‘inner egg’ above the Pleiades & Hyades star clusters, January 30th 2019.

Dear All,

Coming into 2019, stellar and galactic vibrational alignments that had been focused and building through December last year (see previous posts) reached an optimal peak on the Lunar Eclipse of January 20th (eclipses act like a focusing lens for frequencies connecting with the Earth, through or in relation to the Solar portal in higher dimensions, while triggering releases of subconscious limitations personally and collectively). These alignments, from Sirius, Alcyone (Pleiades) and intergalactic centre, came with added input from a high light galaxy that connects to the Milky Way through Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula) with the purpose of easing and softening the Earth’s Shift, expressing through rose-white light-streams.

Through the remainder of January 2019, the light flows and effects of these alignments continued to consolidate within and through the New Earth Grid and supporting light-grids of the higher dimensions, with another ‘follow-up’ input from Sirius and Alcyone on January 30th that anchored securely into the interlaced high light-grids we refer to as the Avalon Grid (Golden Age of Atlantis energies) and Mu Grid (Lemurian energies). Restoring the ‘Avalon divine goldenprint’ of life here with Gaia draws on and merges complimentary flows through Sirius and the Pleiades that originate from Avyon, the ‘first Earth’, planet of the star Vega in the Lyra constellation.

Lyran beings and energies spread far and wide, to Sirius and the Pleiades, and many more constellations. In the Alta Mira region of the Pleiades around Alcyone, a ‘second Earth’ blossomed, Avyon reborn in the Pleiades through the original Avyon ‘light template codes’, and this planet remains a beautiful, gentle paradise sanctuary, whose light template has specific anchor-points within Gaia’s energy-field that continue to activate in a precise sequence. At the current stage, many main flow-lines of the Avalon Grid are unblocked and flowing clear, and tributary light-streams are also reactivating, anchored through thousands of nodes around the Earth, forming the basis for areas of active mini-light-grids holding the New Earth frequencies in a stable format, from which it can blossom and expand further, eventually around the whole planet.

Two lightships which flashed simultaneously on January 30th (in the photo below) also show the supportive role of the Hyadeans, with one ship pulsing light just above the ‘V’ of the Hyades and the other pulsing just below the Pleiades in a complementary mirror formation.

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Lightships flash beside the Pleiades & Hyades, mirroring each other across the two star clusters, following the rainbow orb appearance, January 30th 2019.

This greeting was immediately followed by the appearance of a very distinctive bright orb next to the Hyades, which shows a composite of supporting energies within a rose-white sphere (the quality of vibration flowing in through Messier 27, from a Rose Planet named Makarim). In the enlargements below, with the orb viewed ‘upright’, there’s a Hathorian/Pleiadian figure visible, in a green robe, with a golden wrap over her shoulder…and with the orb turned on its side, a green merged feline-doglike face can be seen above a golden bird, symbolizing a phoenix (both the lightship Phoenix and the ‘rebirthing’ heart energy of our galactic supercluster Laniakea).

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Bright rose-white orb with green-gold interior appears near the Hyades (the larger orb at upper right is next to the star Bellatrix in Orion), January 30th 2019.

Earlier that same day, in the garden here, a newly activated node aligned the Triple Light flow, as part of a synchronizing network of connected nodes around the globe in the New Earth grid, grounding the Trinity energy deeper with Gaia, through a triquetra sacred geometry (with rose quartz, citrine and aquamarine crystals holding the Threefold Flame of the Heart vibration, pink, golden-yellow and blue). During this alignment, energy waves were flowing around the node, lighting up new points in an expanding light-grid, reflecting on a micro-scale the light-network areas being continuously stabilized and secured in various locations around the planet.

The green feline face in the rose-white orb above can be felt and attuned to through the pictures below too (with thanks to the unknown artists) that relate to very loving feline beings (deep, gentle energy transformers and evolutionary guardians) who flow through both Sirius and Alta Mira, through a Sirian mothership named Ba’Shiila (the Butterfly), and from planets of Mirzam, the second brightest star of Canis Major.

Closely vibrating with these beautiful beings, on and within the Earth, Labradorite crystals also connect with Canis Major (the ‘Big Dog’ constellation, with its alpha star, the Dog Star, Sirius). Star family speak of Labradorite ~ ‘labrador-eye’ ~ through imagery of labradors as ‘seeing eye dogs’ for the blind ~ and these crystals vibrate clarified inner seeing through the guidance of pure unconditional love. They give the image of Labradorite being ‘lit from within’, symbolizing the steady radiance of higher dimensional light shining and expanding from within or beneath the obscuring effect of dense vibrations, and the Labradorite soul collective as supporting steadfast soul attunement. The wonderful piece below arrived on January 22nd, still within the (36 hour) vibrational arc of the Lunar Eclipse…and I see within it the presence of a beautiful feline being bathed in blue and green light (and perhaps you can see her wearing a high-necked outfit flecked with golden shimmers).  🙂

Here’s another related bright rose and green orb just above Sirius on January 30th, with a large orb cluster higher in the sky (within the Hu Shi asterism, part of Canis Major), and below this photo, there’s a glowing rose ‘Makarim’ orb, also above Sirius.

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Bright rose-green orb appears close to Sirius, with large orb cluster within the Hu Shi asterism, January 30th 2019.

To attune further with the Sirian and feline soul energies, our dear star sister Melissa Peabody of has kindly allowed one of her recent films showing and connecting with Sirian beings to be posted here (with love and gratitude to Melissa and star family!).

The large blue-violet orb below, of feline and leonine soul energies, appeared on January 25th between Mirzam and Sirius, overlighting a ship which in this photo is directly beneath it, low down on a straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion (there has been much ongoing steadying of the Orion vibrations by star family, with continuing transformations, which we’ll return to in another post).

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Blue-violet orb sits between Sirius and Mirzam (second brightest star in the Canis Major constellation), while a ship flashes in straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion, January 25th 2019.

Finally, coming into February, a most unusual two-toned orb appeared beside the Pleiades, and star family speak of it as a ‘sunrise orb’, a message of rebirth of the Light transmitting from the second Avyon of Alta Mira, showing rose-gold light rising from below (within stars and planets, within humanity and all life) and radiating through all shadows the crystalline light codes of regeneration, wholeness and joy.

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‘Sunrise orb’ to the left of the Pleiades, February 2nd 2019.

As we’re coming into a new year in the Chinese calendar, we wish very happy festivities to our friends and readers celebrating Chinese New Year! The energies are auspicious coming into this February, and we can all consciously breathe in and radiate the all-embracing, softening effect of the Sunrise Rose Light, and hold the vision that ‘pigs can fly’ in this ‘Year of the Pig’.  🙂

Love, Joy and Peace to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤


While anchoring the Makarim ‘Rose Planet’ energies, this ‘Mother’s Love’ rose bloomed on the Eclipse in a beautifully symbolic ‘trinity tower’ of three pink-white roses, January 20th 2019. 

*If you’re interested in exploring the vibrational qualities of colours, and meditating with them, you may like to visit this page: The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations

*For more information about attuning with crystals, see The Crystal Connection

*For an overview of the high vibrational light-grids around the Earth, see Light-grids & Gridwork

*You can find out more about Melissa and her work with star family in Love’s Lens: An Interview with Melissa Peabody, and at her website

Messenger 9 & Lunar Eclipse

Dear All,

We’re coming up to a significant eclipse on January 20-21st 2019, a Supermoon/Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, following on from the partial Solar Eclipse of January 6th, during which some key ignitions occurred in the region under the eclipse shade in particular, preparing the ground (literally and energetically) for an optimal high light-event convergence into the 3-4D ‘spacetime-frame’. The upcoming Lunar Eclipse centres over the Americas, and will also be visible from Europe, Africa and the Middle East (see this page for exact times in your location).

In the previous two posts, we mentioned the alignment of Alcyone, alpha star of the Pleiades cluster (with the deepest healing release so far of lower-matrix Earth/human collective consciousness through the Taurus constellation complex of Aldebaran-Hyades-Pleiades) and Sirius, the Dog Star, which flowed super heightened star-soul light into this year through its annual zenith-point (midnight of New Year’s Eve, December 31st). Confluent with these emanations, an amplified wave through galactic centre is aligning pulses of ‘phoenix light of rebirth’ from the heart of Laniakea ~ the galactic supercluster in which the Milky Way is journeying and evolving/ascending with some hundred thousand companion galaxies.

This divine trinity of stellar/intergalactic alignments ~ Sirius, Alta Mira (in the Alcyone region of the Pleiades) and Laniakea through galactic centre ~ is also now being augmented by exquisite strengthening and uplifting light flows through several avenues. The one we’ll focus with here, as the eclipse energy/potential builds, comes through the heart of a galaxy whose connecting portal is situated within a planetary nebula known as the Dumbbell Nebula, astronomically called Messier 27. One translation of ‘Messier’ from French is ‘messenger’, and 27=2+7=9…Messenger 9. Nine is the Angelic Number, number of completion and rebirth into new cycles, and the Dumb-bell is ‘dumb’ no longer, unmuted and emitting a very high Ascension tone along a wave toward the Solar System.


Messier 27, through the Spitzer Space Telescope, image courtesy NASA.

Messier 27 sits in the constellation Vulpecula (Little Fox), in the centre of the Summer Triangle formed by the bright stars Deneb, Vega and Altair, vibrationally connecting with all these stars and very closely with a higher dimensional planet named Lucida, that orbits Vulpecula’s alpha star, Anser (which you can read about in this post).

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The connection of this galaxy through Messier 27 to the Solar System re-opened on November 27th 2018, anchored through Gaia’s heart during the 12-12 Gateway of December 12th, 2018, and has been subtly radiating through the New Earth light-grid continuously since then. During meditation on the 12-12, as this galaxy came into clarity, visions of an undulating pure white light-wave (which star family refer to as ‘the eternal shoreline, infinite and ever-changing‘) brought into view a beautiful planet of rose light with three rose moons, and this planet whose soul-tone translates to the name ‘Makarim’ with its moons forms a cosmic hub of Sacred Trinity/Divine Mother energies. Makarim is also a citadel of the Muraya (or Moraya) Confederation, which is spread throughout Laniakea, and indeed through this universe and others, as the ‘parent light network’ of the Intergalactic Confederation, including our local Galactic Federation in the Milky Way.

Aligning and grounding this energy with Gaia translated very beautifully into 3D on New Year’s Day 2019, as while writing a Heart Star post that day, there was a bush-fire burning nearby, and my home was in the evacuation alert zone (the wind was strong, with ash falling on the house). Inner guidance was to meditate with the largest node in the garden, bring through the rose Makarim/Messenger 9 soul-light, and ask Gaia and her fire, water and air elementals to calm the blaze, with star family assisting above. On New Year’s Eve, my Twin Flame in his 5D expression (Arnap) flew overhead in a small Arcturian bowship which gave many bright flashes beside a tree, three of which showed in footage shared at this link.

The curve of this ship was just visible in the smoke plume above the fire the next day (circled below) transmuting a heavy energy while the smoke turned from murky brown to white and very light pink (maybe you can see a white lion face beneath the lightship too)…with our 3D heroes busy on the ground/planes/helicopters. Gratitude to all (and to the light beings who picked up animals and put them out of the way of the flames)! During the night an unforecast sprinkle of rain helped dampen the embers. 🙂

From that symbolic entry into the year, the White Ray~Rose Ray combination has continued to flow within various levels, gradually filtering into the conscious awareness of humanity, building steadily toward this Lunar Eclipse, augmented through the Messier 27 portal. So all is prepared for maximum inflow of the ‘pure white light Ascension spiral through the rosing of the eclipsed Moon’. To assist connecting with this energy, here are a few photos of the rose-white light that has been projecting through ships and orbs consistently through January, such as this pearlescent beauty of January 7th 2019, flowing from the winged white lion-beings of Eremor, whose energy is also softly, deeply present around the Earth.

Rose-white orbs have appeared repeatedly around Sirius, and others like the huge rose and teal orb pictured below (directly above Sirius, with Canopus at the right, and the Hu Shi/Bow&Arrow asterism between them, which houses the portal of the Eremor Universe).

So for this Lunar Eclipse, we invite you to open your heart to the beautiful high triune ‘Three-in-One’ energies aligning through Sirius, Alta Mira and Laniakea ‘the phoenix of rebirth’ Supercluster/Heart of Source through galactic centre; through the Messier 27 portal flowing the rose-white light of Makarim, the rose planet and its trinity of rose moons; through the sacred mother~father-child light within your own being and all Life, everywhere….the 333 code is streaming with and through us all. Be open, be the peace, and call in the highest loving awareness to activate to its optimum within the heart of the human collective on Earth, in this Now.

For those of you who feel an affinity with Canopus (brightest star in the sky after Sirius, visible high in the nightsky from the southern hemisphere at present), this star and connected light-beings are also to the fore assisting this alignment. Here is Canopus last night, January 18th, with orb and ships. ‘The Navigator is on board’.

And here’s the moon yesterday evening yesterday with orb symbolism, and an enlargement of Sirius from January 16th 2019, with a tall figure in the central blue area of the star, arms outstretched to open a rose-coloured portal.

Star family also wish to share this ‘play of lights’ that appeared in a photo on December 28th 2018, projected from a lightship high above, forming an arrow that pointed toward a six-point star of white light on top of one of many colourfully decorated ‘Christmas houses’ in Mandurah, south of Perth (Western Australia). In this photo, you can see the arrow of lights in the sky to the left, with an empty spot where one of the lights shifted out of formation and hovered next to the rooftop white star.  🙂

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Arrow of white lights forms beneath a lightship higher above, with one light moving to hover next to 6-point star on a rooftop, Mandurah, Western Australia, Dec.28, 2018.

Close-up, there’s a blue lion face in the little orb, as it forms beside the star, showing Sirian leonine soul energies.

This loving message comes with guidance to stay light in heart, peaceful in mind, and for this magnificent Eclipse, to remember the light of the Merkaba (represented by the six-point star)…to breathe pure divine lovelight into our personal merkabas, breathing in unity with Gaia’s heart, naturally coming into alignment and spinning in perfect harmony with her planetary merkaba/light-body surrounding the Earth.

We hold the vision of the most beneficial light of higher awareness to activate in all of humanity, with gratitude to all love anchors on Earth and those assisting from the higher dimensions and vast light realms of the universes. Love & blessings,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*See Cosmic Codes for more about the number 27 in relation to galactic light codes.

*There’s a Lunar Eclipse Meditation at the LoveLight Circle, for all who feel called to join in…the most important thing is, whichever meditation format(s) or loving focus resonates for you to flow with for this Eclipse (and at any moment), come with the intention that the pure light of love you are a conduit for on Earth, is in unison with all loving hearts and beings, amplifying the Whole, together as One. 

Messier 27; photo credit Bill Snyder via NASA (APOD)

November 2018 Energy Shifts

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Four ships (Ashtar Command) form a straight line around a faint star (Capella, in the middle between them) in an ’11-11 greeting’ on the night of November 11th 2018, symbolizing a successful aligning of higher light to/around the Earth through that energetic Gateway. Love & gratitude to everyone ‘above’ and on Earth who focused with aligning and anchoring the Light in, on and around the planet during the 11-11-11, and in any moment.  🙂

Dear All,

As with every energetic Gateway this year, high light frequencies have continued pouring through the New Earth grid since the 11-11-11 alignment, toward a course adjustment of the overall planetary Shift that came into alignment during November 22nd, into the Full Moon energies of the 23rd, still flowing deeply in confluence with (and vibrationally connected to) shifts happening within the Solar System and wider galactic context.

From the local to galactic level, star family have been/are engaged in multiple focuses that can be seen and felt (see the photos below) as distinct, precise energetic stabilizations, clearings, catalysts, uplifts and refinements, but which are all interwoven in terms of multidimensional reverberation, frequency flows and template co-creations within the overall galactic ascension…at this moment involving the Earth and Moon, Mars and Orion, Sirius, Venus and the Pleiades, Canopus and Achernar, and many more. We’ll focus here with the Moon, Mars and the adjustments at Orion, and return to the Venusian-Pleiadian light flows very soon….as it’s all concurrent and wholly connected. Whatever might be going on for you right now, dear universal beings embodied on Earth, breathe deeply, stay in your heart, and trust the rebirthing energies flowing through all dimensions of life.  ❤

The sequence of lightship alignments and orbs shared below came through November 11-18th as a representation of an immense week of shifts, clearings and re(newed)-alignments. Following the straight line of ships around Capella, alpha star of Auriga, the Charioteer constellation (where there’s a major Ashtar Command centre on the beautiful planet Arina) pictured at the top of this post, many orbs appeared around Mars, lighting and preparing energies for the next major transformation of that planet’s lower astral grid through to resurrection of its original Light.

Two of the orbs circling Mars during the 11-11-11 energies, blue and green-purple.

On the night of November 13th, there was a lot of energy around the Moon, with dancing, flickering lights, before an orb positioned in line with it, and a white lightship flashed close above the Moon. In the enlargement below, a green feline face is visible within the orb, ringed in white and rose light.

As on November 11th, lightships again stationed in straight alignments, this time around the Moon, in a group of three. This family of ships moved together in a graceful choreography, first above then below the Moon, purifying and stabilizing the Earth-Moon higher light-grid through the triune/trinity vibrations. ‘The angles of angels’ in motion.  🙂

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Two nights later on November 15th the sky filled with high energies, swirls of orbs moving in huge spirals, like spiral galaxies full of the lights of diverse soul groups and collectives, with creamy peach and rose-white particularly prominent among all the colours of the rainbow.

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Large shimmering orbs showed in many photos with small orbs connected, embraced within them, or floating close by…with the smaller orbs often showing facial features of beings hailing from the soul collectives projecting their light through the large orbs beside them.

The soul connection can be seen clearly in the photo below, with a green faced, white-haired being visible within the small orb coming forward into clarity from the large soft green orb above/behind.

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These are some of the beautiful ‘rainbow’ of soul groups streaming their light together that night, many vibrations and qualities of love.

Later in the night, as the interweaving light flows quietened, this is how Mars appeared, just upper right of the Moon. So very beautiful and providential to see the face of Aris (planetary soul of Mars) calm and peaceful, in soft peach-rose light (deeply connected with a high flow since the 11-11-11 gateway of the ‘Tenth Ray‘, pearlescent rose-white ray of unification in Peace, soft, gentle integration of Divine Love).

On November 16th, our ‘trinity friends’ formed another straight line, this time directly toward the Moon, with Mars (the bright light lower left of the Moon) in-between…holding the alignment steady with Mars’ transformed energy, in preparation for the ascending course adjustment coming into convergence from November 22nd (and with us/within us now, bringing through a planetary reset).

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This opening and renewing of Mars’ heart vibration is both connected with, and contingent upon, shifts happening out at Orion, which are complex and energetically connected to the control-grid involving Mars, Earth and their moons. Star family gave this image of ships forming a line (or slight arc, the arc of Arcturus/Arcturian ships) to the star Saiph. Along with Rigel and the stars of Orion’s Belt, Saiph went through profound vibrational upliftments (from an Earth-time perspective, this was during late 2016 into early 2017, see this post), but had swayed into ‘not so safe’, with beings there applying pressure to the two outer stars of Orion’s Belt. So the ships in the photo below sent a precise message of realignment of the energies of Orion’s Belt by ‘safe-guarding Saiph’, in yet another line-up of three, this time Christing the energy field of a star.

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Two Arcturian ships position in a line/arc to the star Saiph, forming a ‘mirror Orion’s Belt’ while they re-light  and secure Saiph’s vibrational field (to readers in the northern hemisphere, Orion appears the other way up), November 16, 2018.

Reflecting into to our local region, a large bow-ship (of Arcturian origin, also with many Pleiadians on board, whose soul vibration can be felt through the big blue-violet orb below) was beautifully visible beside the Moon for about five minutes, with Mars low down, just above the treetops.

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A white spherical lightship joined them, hovering above the Moon in straight alignment to Mars.

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The energies felt steady and very peaceful, as the bow-ship slowly shifted its angle while holding its position, relative to the Moon and Mars.

A high light purification flowed around and through the Moon on November 18th, wonderfully reflected in the ‘moon ascended upon a summit of light’, which Gaia received through a number of tall mountain peaks around her Earthly body, with diamond light pillars streaming into the high places of this beautiful planet (you can slightly see one of these light pillars coming down to the right of the Moon).

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Here are the shifts of energies that took place, anchored through the mountains (along with specific pyramids within the global pyramid network), just feel the sequence of removal of lower astral entities and imprints, and in the lower two photos, a big white-blue ship becoming visible from behind the Moon, cradling it, holding it steady, then when it is secure, floating forward in the colour vibrations of healing green and peaceful aqua blue merged as soft blue-green.

As this next ‘ascension adjustment’ rolls through the planetary energy field and grids old and new, flow freely with the light of this reset…breathe, let go, be free in Love…breathe in peace, breathe out peace…feel the light pillar of pure transformation you are, shining and radiating through the compressed density. Reaffirm the whole is Shifting, flowing, rebirthing, and let the joy of knowing this anchor ever deeper through your being. Trust the process, guided through the heart of all creation and its inherent unity:

We are the Unifying Ray of Peace, deep and eternal, radiating the lightest touch, the simplicity of Infinite Love, serenely weaving through our beings, every atom, molecule and cell, through every vibration within the collective consciousness and energy field of beloved Gaia and beyond, with Love for All.  And So BE It.

With Love & Gratitude, and waves of light, joy and steadiness flowing from starry family and friends to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*There’s a Tenth Ray meditation posted today at the LoveLight Circle for this Sunday (and like all the meditations there, it can be used anytime that feels good to you).

The Equinox: Anchoring 5D in our life experience

Dear friends,

Today I’d like to share with you one of the ways I’m experiencing the anchoring of 5D energies, with star family, as part of a more general ‘shifting IN’ of frequencies and beings who reside in 5D (or higher/faster vibration, but Gaia’s current focus-level is 5D, to get it stabilized with humanity).

Late last year I spoke of INception, the descension of Higher Self meeting and merging with the ascending vibration of our small ego selves, to create our ‘New Human’ existence. While some souls have established this fusion and are beginning to explore and express it joyfully now, I also hear and see many souls describe a sense of limbo, being caught in a holding pattern, a sort of ‘lost in translation’ feeling, or big up and down fluctuations. Star family have a message about this below, but first I’ll take you for a walk into ‘the grove’.

If you’re not familiar with the opening of the node in the beech grove here, you can read February’s posts about the connection of beech trees with Thoth and Seshat (Ashtar and Sesherat) and the making of a sacred circle in the centre of the grove, based on the four-petalled rose/double infinity symbol with the numeric values of 2,4,8,18,36,72,144 to the power of Infinity. Here is the circle in daylight, showing its relative position in the grove.


Since moving to this property, and setting up the circle, people/beings in higher dimensions have been walking around parts of the house and garden, mostly human, angelic and leonine. Among various soul aspects of my ‘self’, I have contact with ‘Rowena’ on board the Phoenix (Ashtar’s ship), and ‘see through her eyes’ when focused into her. She aligns the Rose/Pink Ray, and leading into the Equinox energies the last couple of weeks, which I feel as a doorway of potential for the Rose Ray, we’ve been merging deeply.

As we merge, deeper anchoring with the fleet occurs. Below are photos of semi-materialized star family members taken over the past few weeks. They’re inside a ship, which I feel ‘layered’ over the land here at present…..the ‘inner hub’ (living conscious Core) of the ship cups into the circle in the grove, anchoring with the node and sending light frequencies to ‘hold’ it open, and purify its flow. The first two pictures I’ve posted before; they’re relevant here as they represent the activation of the node. In the first photo, Ashtar’s head and shoulders, and sash across his chest, are visible in semi-materialized form just to the upper right of the sacred circle. In the second, his projected ‘orb’ form is sitting in the centre of the circle.

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Since then, many people have been visible to my inner eye, and the camera is picking up some of their presence. To explain a little, it’s like being inside a projected hologram….a living hologram imbued with Essences, both individual as well as collective, along with the collective vibration of the ship. So far, the presence of the people is clearer than the ship. I felt into this with Rowena, and she said, ‘What does your heart call to?’ So….I’m seeing who she/I feel most closely among family and friends. By focusing that same love to the ship (which is interconnected with the collective heart-mind) it becomes clear also.

In the photo below, there’s an orb hovering above the circle, faintly in the background to the right. Figures can be seen at the far left, to the left of the brightly lit tree trunk, just above the lit twigs. My Twin Flame, Ashura (Arnap), is standing with his hand over the tip of a small translucent pyramid, on top of another pyramid, a piece of higher dimensional technology.


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In the next photo, the orb has shifted slightly further right above the circle.


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The orb that appears in every photo over or near the circle/hub is stabilizing/counter balancing certain energies, holding the 3D-5D interface.

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I feel the Equinox much like this node; an anchorpoint portal vibration, allowing 5D to settle more into 3D, like ‘folding’ into it and ‘wrapping around’ it, simultaneously. The more the human collective heart is in resonance with Divine Love, the deeper the settling. This is true as an overall Shift, yet this Equinox provides a special equipoise not only in relation to 3D seasonal midpoints, but between dimensions (many dimensions, not just 3 and 5, much overlapping, although Fifth is the current focus for aligning with New Earth).

From Star Family: ‘Learn the language of the Heart. Heart of Light. Soul of Love. Open, as the rose opens, wide to receive. Release, relax, allow the influx. Overwhelm is only of small viewing, Heart Knowing flows on the Wave, in peace. Nothing is ever lost, in translation. Heart is your metascribe, Eye is your lantern, piercing the shadows. No thing is lost; all potential blooms from the vanishing point, where the form realm ‘disappears’. We are with you all, holding the ways steady. For Love, we hold, closer than you know. Remember, imagine, create. As One, we create the grid of the new.’

Breathe in the Rose Ray, and fill your heart with the true magic of your Divinity.

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Love to you All. Namaste.

Nesting the Rose: an update on the Rose Ray

“Feather your nest with petals of the Rose, stand in the hub of your circle. Where the temple is, within your Heart, open wide your true embrace, Divine Self anchored for One and for All, in the balance-point of Spring and Fall. Feel the bliss of Mother’s new day, victory in the dawning light. It is yours, for All to imbibe, its prelude written in the book of the Scribe. Stroke the petals of your inner heart Rose, tune your ear to its pure Source Tone, radiant in equipoise, fitted to Love’s purpose.”  ~ Rowena

'Mother's Love' Rose opening, March 10, 2014

‘Mother’s Love’ Rose opening, March 10, 2014

As we approach the March 21st Equinox, I feel to speak about the Rose (or Pink) Ray, an emanation of the Divine Mother aspect of Source.  

What is the frequency of the Rose Ray? It is the Sacred Feminine vibration of pure Unconditional Love – softness, tenderness, devotion, nurture for Self and ALL, in the bliss of knowing Self IS Source. It is the vibration of opening to the embrace of the Divine Masculine god aspect of Source, of complete self worth that knows it is Love, and therefore can trust and allow all beauty, power and loving creation to flow in, unimpeded by any limited, judged concept of small self. 

Can you feel the importance of this Ray at this present stage of the Shift? How it helps open the door in the heart to receive fully your own Essence, which is your Source expression, and *create consciously from that place of full integration*?

The energies are building rapidly Now toward the Equinox portal, and I feel many souls quietly anchoring the Rose in their Beings, connecting with the Rose at our Mother Gaia’s Core, her heart, to bring through the 5D unity frequency of the New Earth. An ‘Equi-nox’ is a point of equalizing energy, perfect balance: feel it within you and use it well!

'Mother's Love' in full bloom

‘Mother’s Love’ in full bloom

If you feel unable to access this Ray, or that there are any blockages/resistant old energies attached to the limited 3D idea of self, then remember the Purple Flame of Compassion, and hold it daily, often, in your heart centre….because true compassion and mercy for your whole self, every ‘bit’ of it, puts in place a welcoming ‘nesting place’ for the Rose Ray. (A Purple Flame Activation exercise can be found in the Practices section of this site).

As the Rose/Pink frequencies build (or any other higher frequencies that you are focusing your attention on) take note of the exquisite reflections in your ‘reality’. Appreciation is a powerful energy, and at a deep level settles and dissolves negative ‘stories’. So observe and enjoy every spark of beauty in and around your Self. After all, You are co-creating it!

Photo taken March 6, 2014: Twin Rose Flame sprays the sky.

Photo taken March 6, 2014: Twin Rose Flame sprays the sky.

Allow all Love IN, dear friends. It is here Now, and streaming in ever higher. Smile at life’s play of contrasts, hold the extremes of the duality drama, whether personal or collective, in an envelope of compassion and love, knowing that peace IS accessible. Trust your Self, trust in Source, ride the Wave, and allow Love to stream through the Equinox into the nest you have prepared in your heart. 

I love you All. Namaste!

PS: Having started writing this post, this beautiful gift, outside my front door this morning, put such a smile in my heart. :))

DSCF1319Here are a few more ‘pinks’ from my garden, blooming miraculously in drought conditions at the end of a long dry summer here in southwestern Australia. Let’s see the planet surrounded by the Rose Ray, every heart opening to its energy.

Pink Azalea

Pink Azalea

Pink Geranium

Pink Geranium

Balsam with deep pink heart

Balsam with deep pink heart

Watermelon pink Geranium

Watermelon pink Geranium