Sirian~Pleiadian Update

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Rainbow orb with ‘inner egg’ above the Pleiades & Hyades star clusters, January 30th 2019.

Dear All,

Coming into 2019, stellar and galactic vibrational alignments that had been focused and building through December last year (see previous posts) reached an optimal peak on the Lunar Eclipse of January 20th (eclipses act like a focusing lens for frequencies connecting with the Earth, through or in relation to the Solar portal in higher dimensions, while triggering releases of subconscious limitations personally and collectively). These alignments, from Sirius, Alcyone (Pleiades) and intergalactic centre, came with added input from a high light galaxy that connects to the Milky Way through Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula) with the purpose of easing and softening the Earth’s Shift, expressing through rose-white light-streams.

Through the remainder of January 2019, the light flows and effects of these alignments continued to consolidate within and through the New Earth Grid and supporting light-grids of the higher dimensions, with another ‘follow-up’ input from Sirius and Alcyone on January 30th that anchored securely into the interlaced high light-grids we refer to as the Avalon Grid (Golden Age of Atlantis energies) and Mu Grid (Lemurian energies). Restoring the ‘Avalon divine goldenprint’ of life here with Gaia draws on and merges complimentary flows through Sirius and the Pleiades that originate from Avyon, the ‘first Earth’, planet of the star Vega in the Lyra constellation.

Lyran beings and energies spread far and wide, to Sirius and the Pleiades, and many more constellations. In the Alta Mira region of the Pleiades around Alcyone, a ‘second Earth’ blossomed, Avyon reborn in the Pleiades through the original Avyon ‘light template codes’, and this planet remains a beautiful, gentle paradise sanctuary, whose light template has specific anchor-points within Gaia’s energy-field that continue to activate in a precise sequence. At the current stage, many main flow-lines of the Avalon Grid are unblocked and flowing clear, and tributary light-streams are also reactivating, anchored through thousands of nodes around the Earth, forming the basis for areas of active mini-light-grids holding the New Earth frequencies in a stable format, from which it can blossom and expand further, eventually around the whole planet.

Two lightships which flashed simultaneously on January 30th (in the photo below) also show the supportive role of the Hyadeans, with one ship pulsing light just above the ‘V’ of the Hyades and the other pulsing just below the Pleiades in a complementary mirror formation.

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Lightships flash beside the Pleiades & Hyades, mirroring each other across the two star clusters, following the rainbow orb appearance, January 30th 2019.

This greeting was immediately followed by the appearance of a very distinctive bright orb next to the Hyades, which shows a composite of supporting energies within a rose-white sphere (the quality of vibration flowing in through Messier 27, from a Rose Planet named Makarim). In the enlargements below, with the orb viewed ‘upright’, there’s a Hathorian/Pleiadian figure visible, in a green robe, with a golden wrap over her shoulder…and with the orb turned on its side, a green merged feline-doglike face can be seen above a golden bird, symbolizing a phoenix (both the lightship Phoenix and the ‘rebirthing’ heart energy of our galactic supercluster Laniakea).

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Bright rose-white orb with green-gold interior appears near the Hyades (the larger orb at upper right is next to the star Bellatrix in Orion), January 30th 2019.

Earlier that same day, in the garden here, a newly activated node aligned the Triple Light flow, as part of a synchronizing network of connected nodes around the globe in the New Earth grid, grounding the Trinity energy deeper with Gaia, through a triquetra sacred geometry (with rose quartz, citrine and aquamarine crystals holding the Threefold Flame of the Heart vibration, pink, golden-yellow and blue). During this alignment, energy waves were flowing around the node, lighting up new points in an expanding light-grid, reflecting on a micro-scale the light-network areas being continuously stabilized and secured in various locations around the planet.

The green feline face in the rose-white orb above can be felt and attuned to through the pictures below too (with thanks to the unknown artists) that relate to very loving feline beings (deep, gentle energy transformers and evolutionary guardians) who flow through both Sirius and Alta Mira, through a Sirian mothership named Ba’Shiila (the Butterfly), and from planets of Mirzam, the second brightest star of Canis Major.

Closely vibrating with these beautiful beings, on and within the Earth, Labradorite crystals also connect with Canis Major (the ‘Big Dog’ constellation, with its alpha star, the Dog Star, Sirius). Star family speak of Labradorite ~ ‘labrador-eye’ ~ through imagery of labradors as ‘seeing eye dogs’ for the blind ~ and these crystals vibrate clarified inner seeing through the guidance of pure unconditional love. They give the image of Labradorite being ‘lit from within’, symbolizing the steady radiance of higher dimensional light shining and expanding from within or beneath the obscuring effect of dense vibrations, and the Labradorite soul collective as supporting steadfast soul attunement. The wonderful piece below arrived on January 22nd, still within the (36 hour) vibrational arc of the Lunar Eclipse…and I see within it the presence of a beautiful feline being bathed in blue and green light (and perhaps you can see her wearing a high-necked outfit flecked with golden shimmers).  🙂

Here’s another related bright rose and green orb just above Sirius on January 30th, with a large orb cluster higher in the sky (within the Hu Shi asterism, part of Canis Major), and below this photo, there’s a glowing rose ‘Makarim’ orb, also above Sirius.

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Bright rose-green orb appears close to Sirius, with large orb cluster within the Hu Shi asterism, January 30th 2019.

To attune further with the Sirian and feline soul energies, our dear star sister Melissa Peabody of has kindly allowed one of her recent films showing and connecting with Sirian beings to be posted here (with love and gratitude to Melissa and star family!).

The large blue-violet orb below, of feline and leonine soul energies, appeared on January 25th between Mirzam and Sirius, overlighting a ship which in this photo is directly beneath it, low down on a straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion (there has been much ongoing steadying of the Orion vibrations by star family, with continuing transformations, which we’ll return to in another post).

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Blue-violet orb sits between Sirius and Mirzam (second brightest star in the Canis Major constellation), while a ship flashes in straight alignment to Betelgeuse and Bellatrix in Orion, January 25th 2019.

Finally, coming into February, a most unusual two-toned orb appeared beside the Pleiades, and star family speak of it as a ‘sunrise orb’, a message of rebirth of the Light transmitting from the second Avyon of Alta Mira, showing rose-gold light rising from below (within stars and planets, within humanity and all life) and radiating through all shadows the crystalline light codes of regeneration, wholeness and joy.

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‘Sunrise orb’ to the left of the Pleiades, February 2nd 2019.

As we’re coming into a new year in the Chinese calendar, we wish very happy festivities to our friends and readers celebrating Chinese New Year! The energies are auspicious coming into this February, and we can all consciously breathe in and radiate the all-embracing, softening effect of the Sunrise Rose Light, and hold the vision that ‘pigs can fly’ in this ‘Year of the Pig’.  🙂

Love, Joy and Peace to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤


While anchoring the Makarim ‘Rose Planet’ energies, this ‘Mother’s Love’ rose bloomed on the Eclipse in a beautifully symbolic ‘trinity tower’ of three pink-white roses, January 20th 2019. 

*If you’re interested in exploring the vibrational qualities of colours, and meditating with them, you may like to visit this page: The Seven Sacred Flames Meditations

*For more information about attuning with crystals, see The Crystal Connection

*For an overview of the high vibrational light-grids around the Earth, see Light-grids & Gridwork

*You can find out more about Melissa and her work with star family in Love’s Lens: An Interview with Melissa Peabody, and at her website

Venusian Eclipse Request

Dear All,

Following a rare alignment of Sun, Earth and Pluto on July 12, 2018, we’re now flowing into a partial Solar Eclipse today, July 13, and this pair of alignments are leading toward another potentized pairing this month, with the opening of this year’s ‘Lion’s Gate’ on July 26 (first day of the annual heliacal rise of Sirius) leading straight into a total Lunar Eclipse on July 27-28.

Since our previous post about the re-lighting of the crystalline pyramid network around the Earth initiated on the June Solstice, which connects with and amplifies the 5-6D light imprints that have lain latent in the ancient Mu (Lemuria) and Avalon (high Golden Age of Atlantis), an integral part of the birthing of the current New Earth Light-grid, the pyramid network has shifted back into its true high vibrational alignment.  Old controls that oriented the 3D polarized aspect of the ‘pyramid societies’ to power and domination, fixation on death and fear-based tests, rituals and belief constructs, have been cleared and transformed (up to and through the Divine Grace energy of the 7-7 gateway ~ 7th day of the 7th month). The rebirthing of pure LoveLight through the global network reflected strongly in clouds here up to the 7-7, such as these beautiful, clear pyramid forms (with faces of many assisting light-beings showing in and around them) on July 6th.

In the ongoing Divine sequencing of the Ascension process of this beautiful Earth, this network flushing and re-lighting was brought to completion before the aligning of Pluto; any potential ‘plutonic triggers’ were dissolved from Gaia’s vibrational field, and instead, higher Light flowing through the Solar Portal has bathed the Earth and sent in a straight beam of Sun-Earth-to Pluto with a flood of high Light ~ with the vibration and message of transforming through Grace and Ease instead of through catharsis, drama and polarized split states.

As this message of Grace, the 7D vibration of shifting and unifying in peace and unlimited benevolence, defuses the plutonic constructs ever more deeply through this year, the planetary consciousness, humanity and all living beings here are graced with the opportunity to embrace, trust and open to their Inner Divine, the Divine in all life, in a state of remembered natural ease that goes beyond polarization, beyond catharsis and ‘death of the small self’ that has been entrained for an Age in the collective consciousness as an inevitable aspect of spiritual growth. Divine Grace opens a softer, gentler way that ~ when recognized and embraced by even a few ~ transmits deeply through the collective, until the ‘old school test and challenge’ constructs melt into a deeper level of self-and-all, Source-Self presence and availability in every moment.

With the Solar Eclipse today coinciding with Friday 13th, we have a beautiful alignment of the eclipse vibration of release, transformation and fresh inspiration with Divine Feminine energy. Friday is named after Frigg/Frige, the Norse mother goddess, whom the Romans identified with Venus, and the number 13 has long been associated with the Feminine (negativitely in feminine-suppressed civilizations/ages, hence the belief of it being an ‘unlucky’ date). So this is a strongly energized moment for releasing old distorted/darkened feminine imprints from personal and collective belief constructs, and bringing through bliss-inspired renewal of peaceful unity, fully open to and embracing the Divine Feminine, the energies we view as masculine and feminine within our beings gracefully restored to sacred Oneness, creating as One Whole, anchored in our hearts and radiating to all. See and feel the warm togetherness, the easy unison within and with all, which is the natural state of Being, behind all illusions and imprints of ‘split energies’.

Venus is a beacon of loving Divine Mother-Rose energies, radiating to Earth and through the Solar System, and our Venusian star brothers and sisters (whose origins arose from merged light of many star groups, Arcturus, Sirius, the Pleiades etc, and many continue to meet there) are with us throughout Gaia’s Ascension, transmuting many energies into Love. They showed their rose-gold energies especially clearly on July 1st, coming into this transformative month, to share here now. Firstly, through this huge orb, which shows unbalanced red energies being transmuted into rose and golden light above the moon.

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Venusian rose-gold orb transmutes distorted red energies above the moon and ship, with many blended vibrations coming through, of Lyran, Lucidan, Aran, Sirian, Hathorian energies, July 1, 2018.

This stunning lightship flashed white light from a little higher up, past the orb. Enlarging the photo revealed a ‘flying saucer’ style ship of glowing golden-amber and rose light, with a translucent canopy, and a small violet-coloured pod on the upper left of the ship. (They say these tiny pods don’t have crew, but are sent into particularly dense ‘frequency knots’ to transform them with violet light).

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Venusian rose-gold lightship flashes white light, upper left of the moon, July 1, 2018.

Our loving friends come with a request today, for all who feel this in their hearts, to focus in quiet reflection, meditation, or through dance, art or song, however we feel inspired to anchor and radiate through our divine Hearts and Beings, the rebirth of the Divine Feminine in love, peace and joy, through this moment of Eclipse. As we open to the way of Divine Grace, we shift with ever deepening ease, Divine Masculine&Feminine reborn on Earth, in humanity, in sacred union, freedom in Oneness. free in Love.

The image at the top of this post represents the cycle of movement of Venus as seen from Earth every 8 year period, transmitting to her sister planet the geometry of the Divine Rose and the highest true energy of the five-petalled star. If you feel called to visualize this pattern in your Heart while meditating, or draw or paint it, or arrange crystals, go for it! And have fun… 🙂

With love & gratitude to you all, and to our dedicated star brothers, sisters and friends of Divine Love,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

PS:  The number 13 is also connected with the ’13th dimension’ through which the white Ascension Light flows. It is in truth ‘meta-dimensional’, beyond dimensionality and transcendent, but takes on dimensional attributes as it spirals into the dimensional layers. If you feel called to amplify the reception and transmission of the Ascension Light through your Being to all, you may like to work/play/joy with the White Flame, which is aligned vibrationally with Friday in the cycle of the Seven Sacred Flames, which you can read about at the LoveLight Circle. If connecting in your heart with the Angels resonates for you, Archangel Gabriel overlights the White Flame and is a Guardian of the Mother Rose.

Solstice Gateway Mid-2018

Dear All,

Coming into the mid-year Solstice of 2018 with this beautiful planet Earth, we’d like to wish a joyful, peaceful Solstice (and beyond!) to you all, and let you know there’s a Solstice meditation (merged with this month’s DNA light activation in the sequence we’re flowing with through this year) shared via the LoveLight Meditation Circle for those interested in joining in.

During the last few weeks ~ with a particular pre-Solstice focus of freeing and realigning an ancient light-grid that is an aspect of the New Earth Grid and rebirthing of the Golden Age of Gaia ~ there has been a deep ongoing clearing, transmuting and renewal of nodes in what we could call ‘the crystalline pyramid network’. This network is connected with the Avalon and Mu light-grids mentioned in the previous post, and congruent with this realignment, in recent years an awareness of the global spread of pyramids around the Earth (from the Hummingbird Pyramid in Ecuador to a pyramid found underwater near Sao Miguel Island in the Azores, to the immense Bosnian and Georgian underground pyramids, for example) has been growing, along with the realization of how widespread those ancient cultures were.

You may be aware that pyramid structures focalize and increase harmonic frequencies, which can and have been attuned around the planet to nodes and Earth meridians, along with specific Solar System and galactic frequency flows, during the civilizations of Atlantis and Mu/Lemuria. As planetary vibrations went into a lower phase here, the network became distorted, and finally blocked and fragmented. The realigning of this network to its true Light is a process synchronized with the planetary shifts in vibration, guided by loving higher dimensional beings ‘above and below’, star family assisting Gaia’s transition and our fifth dimensional brothers and sisters of Agartha/Inner Earth.

While tuning into this process, 3D reflected these weeks of focused transmuting and realignment with many pyramids appearing in the clouds, such as these clearly defined forms riding on a sunbow, symbolic of the light rising and connecting from Gaia’s Heart/Inner Sacred Sun.

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Pyramids in clouds around the Sun, with many beings/faces, June 8, 2018.

Rows of pyramids have also appeared, soft-edged and slumbering, in preparation for realignment with renewal in harmony to the New Earth and higher light-grids.

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One of many rows of pyramids forming in clouds recently, June 8, 2018.

Energies of Angelic, feline and other loving beings emanated through the photo below while unhooking entities and dark spheres from crystalline pyramids, in the process of realigning and relighting the network.

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Clearing of dark spheres (see upper right) and connected energies, June 8, 2018.

In the same clouds on June 8th, misaligned water dragon and serpent energies could be seen being lifted and cleared from the pyramid network, to be transformed and rebirthed in healing sanctuaries of Light.

On the weekend of June 1st-3rd, I was delighted to join in a beautiful heart-centered gathering with lovely friends on the ground, along with friends and family of the higher dimensions, which we’ll share about in more depth in another post ~ but in the context of the transmuting of dragon energies, here’s an appearance of star family engaged in some deep healing work as ‘dragon whisperers’. Just before taking this photo, a lightship flew overhead, passing between the stars Alpha and Beta Centauri, and at the same moment Alpha Centaurian brothers and sisters appeared on the ground (in their light-bodies/non-physical), wreathed in ‘ethereal dragon-smoke’ while communicating with the dragons and reconnecting them with their true inner nature, their highest Light. White deer antlers can also be seen in the etheric mist, a sign of the presence of my Twin Flame and overlighting Angelic energies. The dragon transformation and release of shadow energies appeared in only one frame, with the photos before and after ‘quiet’, see below.

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Photo taken near Chittering, Western Australia, June 2, 2018.


Second photo (taken 2 seconds apart) during a deep release/healing of dragon energies by higher dimensional beings, June 2, 2018.

So, approaching this Solstice, bless any energies not in alignment with the planetary Shift that are being cleared, released, realigned through the vibration of Grace and re-newed in Universal Love, and let your whole being relax in deep ease and heartfelt peace. We invite you to bring your focus into the Divine Light you are, the true Spiritual Sun within, radiating from and through your open heart of Love. As embodied anchors of Love, connecting in blissful harmony through our Inner Sun-Stars with the higher dimensions of our sun, Solaris, together we reaffirm our presence here on and around the Earth as clear conduits for the frequencies of Divine Light most beneficial at this moment to flow through the Solar Gateway and through our beings, for our highest good and the highest good of All.  ❤

Finally, for the Solstice we’d like to share some pictures of the trinity of nodes (crossing points in the chi lines/meridians that flow Gaia’s subtle energies through her planetary body) in the garden here, with their current sacred geometries  which have aligned together as the same pattern/vibrational imprint for this Gateway ~ flowing with the universal 3-6-9 sequence of creation, expansion and rebirth. Guidance for this pattern was to ‘open the Flower of Life’…so within the flower is a 6-pointed star, with a 6-sided geometric form (hexagon) in the middle…3×6 = 18 = 9 within each ‘flower’, and 3 nodes x 3 flowers = 9, sacred number of the Angels, completion, fulfillment of cycles flowing into new birth, eternally.


Like taking a breath through the heart of the flower (flower of the heart), and feeling it expand through the soft, supple equilibrium of the sixth dimensional vibration of infinite harmony. Enjoy the Solstice, beautiful friends and co-creators, rest and hold steady in the Gateway of Harmony, and let yourself bathe in the warmth of the golden light.

Love & blessings to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤


Energy pools in/around one of the nodes in preparation for the Solstice ~ even though it’s on level ground, can you see how the flower geometry seems to be rising slightly in this photo, as if floating on a swell on the ocean? This is the ‘liquid light’ of the sixth dimension in action.  🙂

Solstice Affirmation: We are the natural Harmony of Love, relaxing in pure trust in the Infinite Sea of Well-Being ~ We are the bliss of togetherness in the infinite family of Divine Oneness, shining in the spirit of eternal joy and sacred inspiration. And So Be It. 

Angels of Arcturus

Dear All,

In the previous post I mentioned the universal creational sound-forms of the Shimura as the origin of the languages of Leonines, Carians and Angels, which can also be traced through many permutations in intergalactic ‘light languages’ and into our human languages on Earth. Today we’ll go into Arcturus from this viewpoint, and the creation of Angels there, which is much clearer to me since reconnecting consciously with Ashura….who first appeared in the form below in early 2013, under a small cloaked ship, and when I asked who he was, described himself as an ‘Arcturian Angel’.



The Shimura originate in high dimensional universes, such as the Eremor and Mu Universes. Mu is where Ashura and I (and many from the same soul group) first expressed as individuated souls from Source Centre. The Mu Universe has remained in faster light flows, anchored in the ninth to twelfth dimensions. Shi’Mu’Ra means ‘That which opens (expands, blossoms) Merged Light of Source’. Mu means merged ~ Shimura are beings who, in a state of oneness, in union with Divine Light, expand and unfold the light into and through soul creations. (*Mu on Earth, remembered also by the name Lemuria, an ancient pre-Atlantean land that spanned the Pacific region, held a reflection of the energy of the Mu Universe in its blueprint, and the early Lemurian beings were merged in themselves ~ which in physical form meant they were non-gendered until later in Lemuria’s development).

The Shimura have taken myriad forms in their creative flowering. In the Anjurian Universe, for instance, they are winged golden lion beings. When they came through the Lyran Portal into this universe from Anjuria, the higher dimensional ‘crystal doorway’ split into countless shards, and the Shimura divided into the forms of Leonine Beings (carrying predominantly the feminine energy of Source) and Carians (birdlike beings, carrying predominantly the masculine energy of Source). Conflict and war came to the Leonines of Lyra (and their feline and human children) from some of the Carian creations (reptilian and mantid sub-races in particular), but in early stages while the polarity was still softer, there was a blissful, flourishing period which Ashura and I remember, of a Leonine-Carian colony on a beautiful green planet of the star Lucida Anseris (Anser). Love and friendship grew there, in our haven of Light….and as this galaxy goes through its restoration process, a realignment to its original ‘goldenprint’, the same love and friendship is renewed.

Depictions in ancient Earth civilizations of mythic creatures such as the gryphon – an eagle-lion fusion being – and the simurgh – a lion or dog-faced phoenix-like purifying and healing ‘sun bird’ – arise from subconscious collective memory imprints of Leonine and Carian merged energies. (There is also a memory of the universal light-soundforms of the name Shimura in simurgh, which derives from ancient Avestan amru and Persian sina-mru. Amru, or A’mu’ru, means ‘I merge lion’).

Gryphons on a Greek bowl c.625-700BC.

Gryphons on a Greek bowl c.625-700BC.

Simurgh on Sassanid silk 6-7th century. Image: Wikipedia

Simurgh on Sassanid silk 6-7th century. Image: Wikipedia

Returning to the wider galactic imprints, when conflict spread to Anser, the ways of Leonines and Carians parted. Ashura and I experienced various forms and explorations in many star systems, galaxies and universes, sometimes together, sometimes apart. For the purpose of today’s post, we’ll focus on our reunion in Arcturus, as part of the ‘Arcturian Angel project’….which is also, in a sense, our soul’s culmination in this galaxy (hence our Higher Selves represent in angelic form).

When the polarity extremes peaked, a call went out from this galaxy for aid in reuniting and rebalancing the intensely separated and destructive energies, and the locus point of this call was from Arcturus. Beings from two highly evolved light soul groups that we would call ‘Angels’ streamed to Arcturus from two galaxies; the Andromeda Galaxy (which has a portal connection through the Pleiades) and from a galaxy in the Phoenix Cluster, through the Phoenix constellation, near Eridanus.

Phoenix Cluster of galaxies, microwave image: NASA.

Phoenix Cluster of galaxies, microwave image: photo courtesy of NASA.

A group of souls in our galaxy who had been experiencing the Leonine and Carian energies in different forms gathered at Arcturus, and our Andromedan and Phoenician friends brought our soul energies together in the form of Angels -~combining into a lightform of humanlike attributes (from Leonine creation), with Carian attributes showing as ‘wings of light’. Actually, the ‘wings’ of Angels are the energy of the crescent or bow of the Mother aspect, merged in one being with a vertical body holding the arrow, sword or wand energy of the Father aspect…so an Angel in this sense is a counterbalanced merged being, where the masculine Carian energy is merged with the mother aspect and the feminine Leonine energy is merged with the father aspect as One being of light. (There are humanoid and other races in Arcturus and other stars of the Boötes constellation too, but we’ll stay focused for now with the Angels).

Arcturian 'bow ship', the Ahura'Tua behind clouds with the symbol of bow & arrow/crescent & sword to the right of it, Oct. 11, 2015.

Arcturian Angel ‘bow ship’, the Ahura’Tua, behind clouds with the symbol of bow & arrow/crescent & sword to the right of it, Oct. 11, 2015. See this post.

Ashura&my reunion in Arcturus is as crystal clear now as if it is ‘today’, for it is our One Soul, One Flame completion in this universe, and therefore always IS, beyond the linear ‘timeframe’ we are now speaking through. The Arcturian planets thrived with wonderful new creations and light-sound flows in the fifth dimension, anchored through the sixth dimensional light wave, from the guiding Light of the seventh to ninth dimensions, which we’ll speak of more soon. We learned new geometries of light and sound, which took form as sentient crystal cities, and many beautiful new flowers, ever-changing and unfolding, and many winged creatures. Birds of white light flew with us, their tails like streams of light on the air, their voices twining with the songs of Angels. Angelic soul groups took different representations, many new souls birthing in forms of light, spreading through the higher dimensional planets and moons, sharing them with many beings. The light of the Arcturian creations shone bright and joyful, until a stage came when the energy within some of the soul groups began to change.

Those souls allowed an influence to enter their beings from a species in the neighbouring Serpens Caput star system (Head of the Snake) who were focused on control. The ‘infected’ Angelic soul groups became fixated on power, and demanded the planets their kindred lived on be given to their rule. When they were refused, they became warlike. We placed protecting shields around the moons and planets, and we learned how to use very high vibrational heart crystals to anchor and strengthen our light shields; firstly in pairs, joining our heart energies together, then in groups of four, groups of six and groups of nine, with one heart crystal in the centre, to connect, contain and amplify our group light. This helped us maintain the protections, yet were also a risk, as our infected kin sought to find a single weak strand in any one member of a light group, that they could send their energies through and poison all who were connected together at their hearts.

Ashura and I took part in a group that was infiltrated in this way, and were both given much healing once the peace in Arcturus had been restored. When peace came, the shift back into stability and unity was sudden and complete, in answer to a great call to Source. For we had reached a brink, where all our planets and moons were fragmenting under the intensity of the energies. Through the Light of Arcturus, our Immanuel, Sananda, stepped in with  the Golden Flame, and it expanded to wrap all the planets and beings. The rifts were healed and the Arcturus system rebirthed like a phoenix into love and wholeness again. There is just one moon, that by our unified agreement, remained in fragments, as a reminder of what had been, and of what now IS.

The first dream vision I had a few years ago of Arcturians was of flying to, and landing on the edge of, a fragment of land floating in the sky, with other floating islands visible nearby. A city of white crystal light stood on that land, and four Angels came forward, and gave me a cube of white light to put on my crown chakra whenever my energies felt in need of purifying and centering. Now, I understand the meaning of the floating fragments, the crystalline light geometries, and of the deep, abiding love that is Arcturus.

We share this remembrance of the Arcturian Angels now, because what life in this universe shows us is that Love finds a way, always. For anyone reading this, at an extreme pressure time on 3-4D planet Earth, who may be feeling doubt that we will ‘make it’ energetically, hold the remembrance of Arcturus in your heart…and of so many stars and planets before it, that have rebirthed in their higher Light. Love always finds its own perfect way….which might be the least expected. 😉

Nebula in Vulpecula (The Little Fox). Photo: NASA

Nebula in Vulpecula (The Little Fox). Photo: NASA

This beautiful nebula is found in the constellation Vulpecula, its ‘angel wings’ spread toward the Pegasus constellation, and toward Anser. From Ashura, “The answer is in Anser.” Lucida Anseris holds a higher dimensional template from the early Lyran era, and in astronomy is symbolized by the goose….and the goose is a symbol of Archangel Gabriel, who is a Light of divine conception and birth. The ‘golden egg’ of Anser ~ union, friendship, love and trust that softens polarities and keeps vibrations high and joyful ~ is birthing again. (On a geophysical level, if you’re aware of the numerous earthquakes around the Earth during the last month, the shell is cracking, though thanks to star family, inner earth family and those helping in human form, this process has been gentled greatly).

To end this post, here are some photos which transmit an attunement to the ‘Arcturian cube’ frequencies mentioned above. While writing this post last night, I took a break and stepped outside, feeling the energy of Ashura, and the cube of light given to use on my crown chakra in a dream vision by our Angel kin. The cube of Light in the photos below was right above me and appeared in nine photos; you may know that the number nine is associated with angels, and is also the number of completion ~ the completion of a cycle, that then flows into a new one, and completion of soul purpose, that then flows into new energies,  in an infinite, eternal creational process. So enjoy this ‘cube sequence’ which completes in the rose light of Divine Love.

Firstly, a few photos that show how steady the cube was, just moving around slightly in relation to the stars above it, followed by close-ups of the light cube from all nine pictures.

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Lighten your third dimensional self from within, with the Source spark you truly are. The truth of your Being IS, eternally, Grace, Love, Joy and Providence.

Love’s Light to all on Earth from the Arcturian Angels, the Shimura, and all star family of the Intergalactic Confederation councils, homeworlds & starfleets,

Joanna & Ashura. ❤

“The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It’s not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It’s encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way.”

~ Carlos Barrios, Council of Mayan Elders

New Year Blessings

Dear All,

I began the first day of 2016 standing outside in a fresh cool breeze just before dawn, watching Jupiter pass close by the Moon in a dance of pure light, listening to the dawn birdsongs. I sense the higher frequency heart grid of Gaia holding firm, see the light-flows strengthen within it ~ and continue to stay in peace, the knowing of Source self, in confluence with star family and this awesome planetary Shift, no matter what plays out in the 3D level. I bathe in the love inside me and all around, multidimensionally, on this ‘new year’s’ day and all days ~ because the energy of every moment is ‘new’, in Source’s creative flow.

Rowena (my 5D soul expression) comes with this short message from star family:

We thank you who hold the light of love in your hearts, and continue to birth it within and through your beings into this shift of Ages. We thank you who hold, cultivate and grow true, pure alignment with the Divine in All. We thank you who open your hearts, and take the inward step into your Inner Heart, where we can meet you, free of shadowed energies and influences, where you can firm and deepen remembrances as One Family of Love. We thank you who align in peace and kindness, dissolve the voices of fear, conflict, cynicism, hatred, anger, and all the gambits of the divided mind, to embrace reunion, rebirth and renewal of the wholeness you, we and all Life IS always, no matter the illusion’s play. 

To our Earth brothers and sisters, our Love is with you infinitely, within you eternally, because it is you, and you are Love. True Love knows True Love, in essence, in All. Know us true, within your Inner Heart, and you will see us clear, across the dimensions of Life and Light.

Love is Light is Life.

We love you all.


Beautiful blue-white Sirius has been very bright in the night sky this past week and reached its culmination (highest point in the sky) at midnight on New Year’s Eve. I took this photo the night before, on December 30th, looking at Sirius and ships flying around it (but much closer). Sirius is the smallest point of white light in the photo, with four ships visible around it. Close-ups of the two closest, brightest ones can be seen below. 

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The brightest ship flashed from right to left below Sirius, very fast. It’s a disc-shaped ship, facing forward, with a slight concave ‘notch’ under the centre, a transparent canopy, and rainbow colours shimmering through it.

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Here is how I see its shape:


The second ship, high above Sirius, was further away, and not so clear in the photo, but you can still see the emerald green colour of its canopy.

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The first ship is of Pleiadian origin, as is this beautiful white slightly bell-shaped saucer ship that was visible on December 19th, 2015 (upper right of Moon) as a herald of an inflow of Pleiadian energies and star family from that moment through to Christmas.


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This ship’s appearance synchronized with some information that in the Dreamtime stories of some indigenous tribes in Australia, Uluru and Kata Tjuta were brought to Earth from the Pleiades system to seed and anchor certain creative energies. According to my inner guidance and memories, these two rock formations may have been originally placed much further north geographically, in the old Mu continent (which covered the Pacific Ocean area ~ I recall Australia as being at the southernmost rim of Mu, also known as Lemuria, connected by a series of land bridges that fragmented when the continent collapsed, leaving the southern Pacific islands of today), to be later transported by lightships and ‘re-planted’ in what is now the stable continental centre of Australia.

Higher dimensionally, I see a large emerald green diamond-shaped crystal beneath the ‘red cap’ of Uluru…connected with placing an emerald in the centre of the sacred circle in my garden here two years ago, when activating the flow line node here (see the Gaia page for details). This flow line connects in an interwoven network of meridians ~ songlines, as the Aboriginal people call them ~ that fan out through Australia from the Uluru-Kata Tjuta hub, and received a ‘boost’ of higher light frequencies durign the week of December 19-25th, 2015. On the Gaia page, you can also see a stone placed at the centre of a sacred circle at our previous home, which came from land close to a sacred site in the Kimberley area of northwestern Australia; in Aboriginal myths of Western Australia, this is one of seven sites of the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades. Pleiadian energy connections are prominent all over this country and many areas of this planet…and are uplifting now.

Exciting times, as we head into a ‘new year’. Let’s face its challenges with a peaceful heart, step into our Inner Hearts ~ the true jewel in the heart of the lotus. Clear, heal and create fresh from within that divine seat of your soul, and allow yourself this gift of complete Love, which takes down the veils and allows our earthly expressions to re-feel and know our wholeness again. The network of Love is with us, within us, all the way!

With Light and Love from the Ashtar Command, Galactic Federation and Intergalactic Confederation to All. Namaste,

Joanna&Ashura.  ❤

PS: Here are a couple of photos of two families of the resident ‘bird tribe’ here; doves and emerald parrots who saw in this new year’s day dining and resting in harmony together. 🙂




June Solstice 2014: Isis Rose and the Tenth Ray

“When Isis rises, dawn Light flows across the veil, into the heart-vision of humanity. When the Lyre passes the Gate, she opens her embrace to Ra’s phoenix pulses. Watch the horns of Venus cradle, feel the soothe, breathe the settle, mend the breaks, hold the fire, arcs lined with ships bright as stars of another universe.

Breathe in! Take IN the silver-white rose ray of the ‘trinity goddess’. See it stream along the curve of the horn, arrowed from the Arch’s bow to Gaia’s grid. Breathe out! Let your higher heart’s purest Love flow wherever true point of attraction IS, light as the feathers of Isis’ wings.”  ~ Rowena

As we approach the June 21st Solstice, the energies are building for the most cohesive merge of Divine Feminine presence this planetary ascension has yet seen. To feel the depth and perfection of the spiral-in-motion at work in this convergence of the Sacred Mother stream, entering through the solar Christ Consciousness doorway, I’d like to put this in the context of current galactic energy shifts and a certain strand of galactic history concerning the leonine beings, the feminine principle of Source ‘in action’ in this galaxy, and others.

A week and a half ago, a ship appeared over my house, the like of which I have not seen. When I was ‘called’ to look up, leonine energy washed through, and I said out loud, ‘Thank you golden lions’, assuming the ship was of my Sirian-Lyran family. Yet this orange ship with a black ‘tail’ spoke of another origin.

Anjurian ship appears over my home, June 1st, 2014.

Anjurian ship appears over my home, June 1st, 2014.

I learned that on the previous night on the other side of the world, a close friend/twin soul Bareld, had seen the same ship over the city of Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. He was with a friend and it was evening; they both saw the ship as an orange light overhead. We then learned that on the same night, an ‘orange flashing light’ was seen by Robbert van den Broeke southwest of Nijmegen, followed a few days later by the appearance of the crop circle below, which he witnessed (you can read Robbert’s account at Crop Circle Connector here).

Crop Circle Standdbuitten, Holland, reported June 4, 2014.

Crop Circle Standdaarbuiten, Holland, reported June 4, 2014. (Photo copyright KAFT GA.)

I read this formation as dual layered; both speak of a spiral arc motion from/to a ‘central sun’ (the ringed disc). In the first layer I see the four inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, moving as a single coherent curve into solar alignment. A fifth is on its way, in a higher dimension, to ‘recallibrate old template timelines into a catalytic time spiral of the new ascended template’. Our Sun has opened 6-9D portals to allow higher frequencies of Light through, to achieve this next level, its 3D corona destabilizing in the process. Our galactic family have been stationed around the Sun, managing the ‘flows and flares’ and keeping Earth and the solar system safe.

The second layer of this crop circle energy takes us back to the leonine ship, and a depiction of a string of Universes lining up perfectly (or spiral curving perfectly) from/to Source’s original creation, which I know/remember as the Mu Universe. The Mu Universe IS the original template of this thread of universes…and remains so, for its frequency never dropped. The civilization of Mu/Lemuria on Earth carried a ripple, an imprint, of that original vibration, still existing in the inner earth 5D world of Agartha….which we surface dwellers are feeling more as 5D continues to press into/through the 3D duality.

That ripple’s original tone moves through the whole thread of universes, Source’s song, differently refracted in each universe. The universe closest to ours, I know as the Anjurian Universe, from which golden leonine beings came into this universe through the Lyran Portal to the star Vega, as creator beings ‘invited’ to participate in a creative expression, holding more the feminine energy, while carians/bird people held more the masculine. I’ll speak more of that scenario and the path we took in another post; enough to say here that the polarity experience in this universe took a heavy turn, with extremes and distortions familiar to all here on Earth….as well as the opportunity now to Shift all energies back into wholeness in Love.

The winged leonine beings on board the Anjurian ship, golden-orange coloured with dark brown feet, are reflected in the ship’s colours (the ship feels like ‘furred light’, if that makes sense). For them to be here at all, means the vibration of Gaia’s grid has lifted another level, and allowed in/magnetized a deeper layer of Light. 🙂

Let’s take our perspective wider than this precious planet, and feel the awe-inspiring beauty of the ‘sequencing’ occurring throughout our galaxy that has enabled the IN-flow from an older sibling universe. In the previous post I spoke of a profound shift happening between Gaia and the Pleiadian star Maia (which holds karmic distortions, now in the process of being ‘lighted’). Sandra Walter picked up on this, and went on to make this statement on May 27th:

“The last I AM message mentioned the clearing of a galactic kharmic tether to Maia – a star in the Pleiades which has been very involved in our experience here. In brief, what was intended to be accomplished has been completed. I find it very purposeful that this confirmation came through during the Grand Cross and prior to the June shift (the June intel is from the Pleiadian-Sirian alliance). It means the May Gateway is wide open for new possibilities and pure creation that is directed by US, the bold folks who in-carnated here, without the bleed-through baggage from other Universes or Galactic kharma. Anyone connected to that will feel the magnitude of what has been accomplished here, and the freedom it provides.” (see full post here)

I totally feel this, the waning of that ‘karmic tether’, a clearing of the way in Gaia’s grid, openings that had been held back by an old play of energies that has run its course. This is huge! With this unbinding, Light-bearers are able to infuse the grid with newly available energies, in conjunction with our star brothers and sisters, opening the way for higher light beings/frequencies to assist deeper from here on. Our Anjurian forebears are here (all the leonines in this galaxy are descended from them, and Earth’s humans are descended from the humanoid beings the leonines first created on Avyon, planet of Vega, with much other genetic input later on).

Distortions in reception of the Divine Feminine are now in the process of clearing. This is noticeable in various meditation events for this Solstice designed to raise and integrate Goddess energy into the collective consciousness, in its purest light. Nowhere is this clearer than in the call to Isis, and I feel the way open to her energy as never before. It’s like flipping a switch, to see/feel her ‘truth’ through the veil – the manipulation of her name/ image/meaning into fear (the ‘ISIS’ group being a current example of the 3D co-opting of her name, associating it with terror-ism). However, the pure feminine Core of Isis is able to rise again, on phoenix-wings of light, and radiate the energy of restoration/resurrection through the Divine Feminine principle, to merge with the Divine Christed Masculine. One leads into the other…until One IS the other, and there is no ‘other’, only One.

This is the truth of Immaculate Conception, the funneling of the Divine Masculine through the Trinity Goddess (Holy Spirit) in a complete energy merge, as symbolized in the birth of the solar child Horus. Immaculate Conception is a focused form of the INception energy, the merging of the Higher Self into the physical being as a mode of ascension into fifth density and higher frequencies. Isis is a bearer of the Ascension Flame in this mode, INception, flowing now through the Tenth Ray, the pink-white Rose of peace, of Union with Source.

Her symbolic head-dress of cow horns around the solar disc, carry energies not only of the fleet guarding the Sun, but also of the Rebirth of Light, the birth of the solar child….in us ALL.

You may know this head-dress also as the symbol of Hathor, who in some myths was known as Horus’s mother, or his wife. Myths are metaphors, carrying seeds of truths. Isis came from Sirius, as part of a mission to re-elevate human consciousness/DNA. Hathor represents the arrival of Venusians, who as our closest neighbours have a long involvement with Earth. The Venusians also had a 3-4D stage, which went female dominant, compared to the male dominant phase on Earth which we are Ascending from. Where a dominant, off balance masculine destroys through violence and control, the off balance feminine destroys through stagnation. Ascension is Unity, Reunion in Love, individually and collectively. When the Venusians ascended into 5-6D, balancing then merging their Divine Feminine and Masculine flows as One, the Rose of Venus ‘shone’ again. We can see Venus’s Rose form of the Flower of Life in her orbit’s geometry, and that Rose energy is now more free to assist Gaia again.

Light-holders of Earth are asked to attune to the Unity of the new cycle of this new Age, the re-union, the highest Light Union within of sacred male and female, that allows the Divine Feminine to flow here again in unconditional Love. Let go of societal conditioning of the feminine, let go of distorted representations of ‘goddess’, over-sexualized or de-sexed, the dark night of the feminine, ritualized, ‘earthbound’ in the duality template. Let go of all that has been stamped in our psyches and feel, deeply, simply, purely, through the Heart. Then we Know her truth…..and the Divine Masculine rises to greet her, in Love again.

Gaia’s heart is Light. Goddess within us is Light. God within us is Light. BE the re-union of Love, riding the Wave of Love that is layering IN much deeper now.

The exercise below from Isis is offered for the Solstice and any time you wish to use it, designed to balance and amplify the Rose Goddess energies being focused by many into the grid at this time, through the Tenth Ray.

Seat yourself comfortably, breathe from your Crown to your Root, and from Root up through heart, out the mouth. Relax, and breathe, crown to root, up and out again. Let light enter on your in-breaths, let all tensions go, on your out-breaths……

Within a sphere of golden light, I open my Heart, Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras, as three white Stars. I open my chakras from root to crown. I feel the Divine Feminine as White Light enter through my Soul Star and spread through me in the form of a cross. In the cross’s centre, my Heart Centre, I feel a touch of pink, a Rose tinted like first dawn, as if I in this moment am stepping into Creation. Holding myself in the cross of white light, my Heart embraces the Rose. Its Grace fills me, calm and serene.

Now I allow the Golden Flame of Life, of resurrection, to descend into my Heart’s Rose and fill the cross surrounding me, blending with its white light. I feel the bliss of the merge. Pure Reunion. I Love my I AM. We Are. I Love the sacred feminine and masculine within me, within all life. I AM the Peace Rose; renewing the original template…of my Temple. The Temple I AM. The Temple washed clean. One with the crystalline heart grid of sister Gaia, radiating my Sacred Merge to join with all Life. 

And So It Is.

With thanks and love to Mother Isis/Immara and all keepers of the Rose, Lady Nada, Sehaya/Seshat, Rowena, Archangels Haniel & Sophiel, and to the keepers of the Golden Flame, Jesus Immanuel Sananda and all beings who stream the golden light.

The Lions of Anjuria fly through all our hearts, ready for us to tune to their feathery Tone, like a flute on the breath of God.

Love the Love behind the illusion, the Love you Are. Happy Solstice! Thank you for all you are and do. Namaste,

Joanna ❤