Lightships 2023

Welcome lovely readers to the 2023 page for lightships that appear in the skies here in Western Australia, particularly over Mandurah, a small coastal city 72 kms south of Perth where I now live. Photos and footage shared here are part of a continuous stream of multidimensional ”visual messaging” from those I connect with as family & friends of the stars (along with more ”local” presences), flowing on from images collected on the Lightships 2022 and previous Lightships pages going back to 2014.

To my perception and experience, the ships, beings and luminous emanations signalling their presence around this planet, and in the skies here, are stepping their energies across many dimensional frequency bands to connect with humanity on Earth. The loving beings presencing themselves through these photos flow as the Ashtar Command (and associated interweaving light beings and realms) which is universal in nature and scope, and radiates here through the Intergalactic Confederation, our local Galactic Federation and co-Commands based within the Solar System, continuing to support, uphold and assist an evolving collective Shift into higher consciousness on this planet and beyond. This year on Earth has come in with fairly high intensity, and our friends in the skies (and seas) are busy, and also sending plenty of visual messages and affirmations of their presence through photos to share publically. Thanks also go to assisting ones of the 5D Inner Earth realms, who also have an integral role in this planetary Shift, as disclosure of extraterrestrial/interdimensional presence continues to unfold both officially and informally, leading toward collective Open Contact.

Star family here in love (our multidimensional soul expressions among them, along with potentially many of your cosmic expressions, dear readers) are assisting each phase of this vibrational transition of humanity and all life on Earth, in such deep ways, helping the Galactic New Earth align and unfold within and from collective consciousness, holding dedicated focus with each stage of this planetary shift into a galactic civilization based in unconditional love, unity and peace, consciously aware and connecting harmoniously within our wider galactic community. Deepest love & gratitude go to all star family groups and loving beings whose presences grace this page, this planet, and to all beings flowing pure Love here and throughout the omniverse. 

Loving ones around the planet reveal themselves and ships when and where appropriate according to their overview, often giving bright flashes or stationing near stars and constellations of particular relevance to missions and focuses they’re involved in moment to moment. I’m grateful for loving connections with ‘ground crew’ friends around the world and here in Western Australia embracing star family contact and experiences, to share in ‘ship-watching’ together and commune with our higher dimensional selves and brothers and sisters….kindred to all of humanity in the infinite frequency fields of creation. I’m also grateful for anyone open-minded or just curious who finds their way to these pages, and hope you find inspiration and resonance in these visual sharings that radiate many oversoul and soul group frequencies.


Lightships of 2023

This year has swept in with a lot of activity focused around the stars Sirius and Canopus, the two brightest stars in the nightsky. The ship and orb below flashed in an alignment toward Sirius on January 2nd, with some clear symbolism in the greenish orb, of a tall tree that looks like a fir tree/Christmas tree next to a small building, with a defined doorway just to the right of the tree. This symbolic scene is part of a particular focus from loving beings that has come through many photos (and dreams, meditations and other experiences) flowing from December 25th 2022 through to February 2023. Blessings bright ones 💚

This was followed by another orb appearing close to the Belt of Orion (of which two stars are visible), just clipping the lower edge of the frame. Enlarged, there are figures softly formed as if in a watercolour, with one clearer feminine form at the lower left. She can be seen as clothed in a deep blue dress with a white apron over it, and she’s holding something white and round under her arm on the left side (her right arm). There’s soft golden light around her head, I feel her as an emanation of Mother Mary, with another figure in the background to her left.

This theme continued around Sirius and Canopus the next night on January 3rd. Firstly, a golden orb flashed between the two bright stars, close to the Hu Shi asterism, with faces visible when enlarged.

Closely followed by a little blue-green orb above the two bright stars.

Enlarged, in the upper half of the orb, there’s a big blue beaming face (reminds me of Shrek!), with the centre and lower half of the orb overlaid with rows of figures, with the clearest in the lower foreground.

The circled figure in the lower foreground radiates as an emanation of Sananda, with his face in profile also gently formed in the right side of the orb (facing to the right).

A beautiful rainbow orb appeared next, high above Sirius. Following the orb, a ship flashed very close to Canopus, revealing a being in green seated or cupped in bright white light.

The next few nights through to January 8th, massive energies were still vibrating from Sirius and Canopus, and just as visible with orbs and ships. This first photo, however, is of Sirius itself (in soft focus) and I’ve never seen such clear imagery emanating from this star, with a letter T, and what looks like a white stone to the left of the T, standing on a rounded hilltop.

Orbs and ships can be seen aligning between Sirius and Canopus again.

Before one light flashed above the stars, forming a triangle to them, while a ship flashed simultaneously from just below Sirius. Enlarged, the light aligning down to the two stars appears as a green doorway, with white light flowing through it.

On January 20th, Sirius in soft focus again transmitted a visual message, with a T most obvious, and many more letters, symbols, and beings visible (with a capital J below the T, a V further along the lower rim, and figures further left).

A ship then decloaked, again very close to the Hu Shi asterism, between Sirius and Canopus, but this time visible as an orange-red light that gave three quick flashes, then flew toward Sirius before winking out. On enlarging this photo, the ship could be seen as a luminous red triangle, hailing as the Terebinth (from the Tara Fleet which, to my understanding, combines Antarian, Lyran and Aran beings/star groups).

The night of January 24th began with a ship appearing to flash straight out of the star Canopus, then scoop downward below the Hu Shi asterism (Bow&Arrow), then lift back up toward Sirius. It was visible for 30 seconds or more, finally winking out east of Sirius. Enlarged, it can be seen as a luminous golden-white disc, then appearing more sphere-like while flying past Sirius. This ship has appeared many times over the last few years, known to me as the Lei’hua.

This large orb appeared just below Sirius during the ship’s flight.

This was followed by a line-up of orbs between Sirius and Canopus, with red orbs between the two stars, and a green orb to the right of Canopus. Enlarged, there are figures visible in the green light emanation, quite clear with the contrast increased.

During the morning of January 27th, the sky was busy, firstly with a ship (a golden-white disc again) flashing into view in front of a plane. The plane was visually clear, but in the photo to my surprise looked more like a smudgy dark blue bird shape. Higher overhead, a pair of military jets were passing back and forth, with a helicopter below, it was petty hectic for half an hour or so.

In clouds to the east, a subtle doorway shape formed with the rim of a disc just upper left of it.

Then the first ship decloaked briefly, flashing lights at either side of its rim, but in the photo the ship isn’t visible, except as a sort of swirly energy patch between/around the two bright white lights.

The same disc-shaped ship was again visible for a moment above the house on January 29th, with my TwinFlame’s presence coming through strongly (in his 5D soul form Arnap).

There were beautiful orbs that night, centered around Sirius and Canopus, and culminating in a ship flash right beside Sirius. The orbs danced in a wonderful counterpoint in gold and white, with the golden orbs next to Sirius and pearly white orbs next to Canopus, one after another in sequence. Here are some of them, beginning with a golden-white orb above the two stars, closer to Sirius.

Interspersed among this stellar choreography, smaller, focused light emanations flashed around the same area, with forms visible within them.

This green orb also appeared above the star Rigel in Orion, with Orion’s Belt in the lower centre frame, then you can see green orbs sweeping up through Orion’s Belt toward Sirius. At the completion of this starry focus, a green ship winked next to Sirius, then all was still.

On the afternoon of February 9th, a nudge came to go outside, and this beautiful sequence unfolded, from subtle to openly ”transmitting love”. Firstly, there’s the faint outline of the upper part of a large disc rim, followed by a ”windowed” shape. Then a heart shape opened low down (ie; close to the Earth) in the largest cloud, and Arnap flashed his pod-ship inside the heart, flying through it toward me. We’ll share more about this in a more detailed post, but just know that multidimensional soul expressions, family, friends and countless loving beings are working continuously with the collective vibration, optimizing uplifting, positive ”vibrational waves” around the planet. The next mass-scale love focus in (parts of) the collective consciousness is Valentine’s Day, so loving ones of the stars and Inner Earth are already supporting that collective focus on Love, and indeed all individual and collective loving energies and overviews, ongoing as an aspect of supporting the stabilization and real-ization of the Galactic Earth.

That night, the lightship Terebinth (which flew over decloaked on January 20th around Canopus and Sirius as a luminous red triangle) appeared visibly again. The Terebinth gave three bright flashes, once again close to the stars of the Hu Shi asterism, between Sirius and Canopus, before giving one last flash closer to Orion. The ship came out in this photo in her familiar triangle form, this time with her distinctive red hue shading into green.

On the night of February 13th, flowing in the Mother Mary & Sananda/Jesus theme coming into this year energetically and therefore through orbs and light emanations, a beautiful orb appeared yet again near Sirius (the bright star to the orb’s left, with the Hu Shi asterism above). In the following frame, the orb has brightened and focused more clearly, with various forms and shapes within it, but most clearly in the lower foreground, there’s a lovely dark-skinned lady with black hair in a pink dress, with a golden cross laying in her lap. Such clear and present symbolism. 💛

The ship below appeared on February 23rd as a bright flash extremely close to the star Canopus, for about 2 seconds. On enlarging the photo, it has come through as an intense aqua light (Sirius is the bright light at the right).

This orb then flashed above Canopus and Sirius, forming a triangle with the two stars, with forms subtly visible within orb.

This light emanation flashed directly above Sirius on February 27th, with two forms in the background, one in red on the left, and one in golden-yellow on the right, behind the green-white foreground light.

More orbs/light emanations appeared that night containing subtle forms; this one flashed on an alignment to the Alpha Centauri and Southern Cross constellations. The clearest silhouetted being is circled in the enlargement below.

In this orb of the same night, appearing below Canopus and Sirius, there’s a clear form standing on a curving earth-coloured pathway, casting a shadow on the ground that indicates a light source flowing from behind this figure.

The next day, on February 28th, a beautiful ship flashed into view for a second, as a bright white light. When this shipappeared (which I know as an Andromedan ship that translates as the Serenity), the cloud directly below it morphed instantly into a diamond-like shape, before dissipating.

On March 7th, a beautiful stream of orbs flowed upward past Alpha & Beta Centauri and the Southern Cross, in a colour sequence from earthy reddish hues to greenish-blue, then appearing together, and finally with those colours merged in a single orb, in which there’s the form of a semi-solid looking pyramid in the left foreground, with a smaller object to its right…a sphinx, perhaps? 😊

On March 15th, a familiar visitor semi-decloaked for a few seconds, subtly visible hovering near a power line.

On the night of March 17th, this emanation came from within a ship, above the star Canopus (Canopus and Sirius are the two bright stars at lower frame) with two dark green objects in the foreground, and a couple standing at the right behind them, facing forward, in lighter green clothing.

The night of March 21st, while connecting with the Lei’hua lightship overhead and asking if she could decloak, the ship gave a huge light flash from just above Canopus, in her signature peachy rosegold colour, incredibly bright and sending rays outward. Then after a few minutes the Lei’hua gave this smaller flash over near Orion, still in golden-white peach tones, and in the photo you can see golden light above and rose light below, rimming the ship’s disc shape.

On March 28th, this gorgeous ruby orb appeared while I was attuning with a lightship, the Taia’Tara, that flows through ruby and gold light (just after talking with a lovely friend who is connected specifically with that ship and the Ruby Ray). The ruby orb was followed by a sequence of photos in which smaller orbs appeared, with discernible figures within them. In the first there are two small forms in the foreground, with a taller pair to their side and behind them, with their arms around the smaller folk (the bright white light at left is the arm of a tall being at left). In the second, there’s a pale sphere/moon above quite a crowd of the smaller beings, who appear dark skinned and haired, coming forward to say hello. Their presence came with a download about Saturn’s largest moon Titan, and their connection to that moon, which holds a ”galactic central code” relationship to our Sun.

Coming into April, I began to see diamond white light sparkles in the sky in a different way. Over the last few years, diamond light shimmers and flashes have become more noticeable and ongoing, to my physical vision, often clustered thickly in an area of sky where a ship is present, sometimes just before it decloaks/shows its presence. Recently, I’ve seen diamond light sparks streaming upward from clouds before a ship flashes into view, and on April 4th this came with a pre-Easter greeting from Arnap, beside a paddock of horses and kangaroos. Diamond light flashes were rising from clouds banked just over the background treeline, then his pod-ship appeared, and hovered in that spot, just above the clouds, for a few moments.

By way of cosmic humour, this quirky creation was in the next paddock while driving north (this was in the Australind area, some 90 kms south of where I live), and included here as Ashura in his Arnap soul expression has vibrational connections with the star Arneb (from Arabic Arnab, meaning hare/rabbit) in the Lepus (hare/rabbit) constellation, and I jokingly call him my ”bunny man”. I’d travelled around 200 kms that day, and he chose to decloak over this spot. What can I say? 🐰🛸✨

On April 15th, again there were diamond light flashes streaming upward from clouds, this time with a subtle impression of the Terebinth/Tara’bi’nahu’s presence (which appears as a ruby red diamond or triangle shaped ship, sometimes with green or gold light with the red, as shared earlier on this page). Straight overhead, the edge of a diamond-within-a-diamond shape formed in the clouds.

The diamond shape seemed to open or unfold, down toward the Earth, and Ashura’s form gradually took shape within the smaller central diamond as the outer rim unfolded, radiating through what I understand as a 6-7D soul emanation, in which he was on board the Terebinth at the time.

The ship’s outline dissolved as the clouds moved, until just the central diamond was visible.

About half an hour later, after integrating the ”download” that came with that ”unfolding of the frame” from the Terebinth, I was called out again, and my focus drawn to a strong magnetic sensation where a distinct portal shape formed within a cloud, again straight overhead.

Seconds later, the Terebinth flashed into view beneath it, for the first time in daylight 🔸

Enlarged, she appears soft pink-red, with her ”cloak” unveiling/sliding to the right, in a double curved sort of shape that feels symbolic of how/the direction in which the ship ”unfolds” (and infolds). With thanks to Tayitha, who guides this ship, thanks to Ashura, and all on board.

Through a filter, the Terebinth’s rosy glow is more easily visible.

For reference, here’s the Terebinth/Tara’bi’nahu in diamond format at night-time late last year, on December 9th, with sister-ship the Taia’Tara ”downloading” golden light to the right.

Throughout this whole sequence, an ibis stood on the TV aerial, honking loudly and continuously, which I’ve never heard one do before as they’re usually quiet birds! Receiving loud and clear, starry friends.

The Terebinth’s ”double diamond” rim outlined in a small cloud again on April 20th. Turned around, the ship frame morphs into a face giving a feline impression (there’s a galactic feline connection with the star Antares, as well as the stars of Lyra and Ara, flowing through the Tara ships) 🐯

The Terebinth then showed in my mind’s eye how ships of the fifth dimension and upward infold and unfold themselves energetically, using the image of a butterfly unfolding its wings, then folding them again…and the ship’s cloud outline morphed from a diamond shape into a triangle. 🔶🔺🔶

Over two frames, they showed the ship’s presence as ”not just a cloud”, as the triangle perfectly held its form while the clouds moved to the left, revealing the whole triangle.

On April 23rd, she appeared for a moment to the right of Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross, again in a triangular appearance, but doubled, with a ”visual echo” behind the bright foreground triangle…with, as they put it metaphorically, the butterfly’s wings just beginning to open.

There was a beautiful Venus-Moon conjunction that night, and following its flash from near the Southern Cross, the Terebinth then gave an interior flash, from just below Venus and the Moon, in which they’re showing distinct ”swirly circles” above a floor of white light, in a space within the ship.

On May 5th, with a lot of higher dimensional focus coming through the Lunar Eclipse of that night, there were again some beautiful ship appearances, firstly with one crossing in front of the Moon like a golden streak of light. Leading up to the Eclipse, the Terebinth’s long diamond form appeared subtly in clouds under the Moon, followed by an interior light emanation appearing as an orb to the right of the Moon. Enlarged, there’s a silhouetted figure with arm upraised, waving, in the foreground, with the Terebinth’s signature rose-red and green tones behind him.

This greeting was closely followed by an orb that aligned itself to the two bright stars of Libra, to the lower right of the Moon. This emanation revealed an elegant male face in profile facing to the right, green-skinned with a small dark beard and moustache, and wearing a tall head-dress/hat (the bright green disc/ball/pompom is over his ear).

The ship this lovely soul presence was emanating from then flashed for a moment in a triangulation to the Libra stars.

Spica, the alpha star of Virgo, was to the left of the Moon that night; there were several small lightship flickers around the star, with three blue-green orbs holding a triangle formation above it. Enlarged, the orb closest to Spica shows a representation of an open portal, with the Moon shining white above the edge of the ”frame of a doorway” to the lower left, and the smallest of the three orbs has a clear figure within it.

Finally, this beautiful, glowing blue orb/ship emanation near the Moon reveals a small blue being with a large head, with a golden sphere floating at their right.

Flowing along the Moon Portal theme, on May 8th this light emanation shows a disc-shaped ship flying through the Lunar Portal, with the Moon inside the portal, represented as an open doorway, and the ship at the moment of ”crossing the frame” ie; making an interdimensional/interplanetary hop into the Earth’s energetic field. 🐰🌕

Directly under the Moon, an egg-shaped orb formed just above tree-fronds, as if sitting in a nest, with a figure standing and waving his arm (just like the waving figure silhouetted in the light emanation from with the Terebinth lightship on May 5th, and indeed vibrating/communication as the same being, whose name I hear as Yuthi), symbolically having ”landed in the earth-nest”. At his left is a pillar that is slightly taller than his head height, and seems to be intricately designed, which he describes as a ”portal-opening key”.

Throughout the day on May 9th, ships kept forming clear details of their cloud-cloaked presences. Here’s one, where two curved windows within a dome shape indicate the presence of a bowl/bell-shaped ship.

And again on May 10th, following this beautiful ”hint of a portal” in a sunbeam. Just prior to photographing this, I had been visibly seeing streams of diamond white light sparkles all around this area of the sky and flowing down the sunrays to the treetops.

Coming into May 15th, I woke from a ”dream” of streams of energy flowing to the Earth that felt beautiful and supportive, and pathways being cleared to allow them to ”land” in various points/nodes around the planet. Later that day, on being called outside, this unique looking cloud formation banded the sky, with a lightship flashing just near its tip. The ship appeared in several frames, before another extremely bright lightship flashed higher up, moving slowly, across several frames. The spiralling pillar-like cloud then aligned vertically, straight above the aerial on the roof, and a bird plummeted vertically down the cloud spiral before flying away. The sense of energies anchoring felt complete at that moment…and from then, the clouds dissipated and no more ships appeared visibly that day.

A disc-shaped ship appeared quite clearly for a moment on May 17th, after a pair of eagles flew close overhead at a local wetland. I was drawn to a particular small cloud after the birds flew by, and watched as a circular rim-like shape protuded from the cloud, and a ship gradually brightened within the cloud below. It then moved upward and became a soft circular shape, before becoming crystal clear for a moment, with a shining white rim around a globular interior shape, with ”protrusions” above (possibly attached smaller pod ships).

A green light emanation appeared that night, with several overlays of beings and faces within it, notably a kind-looking humanlike face framed in wavy dark hair.

On June 1st, while tuning in with ships, this small cloud formed above Silver Sands Beach in Mandurah, which looked like a ”flying carpet” with a bright white rectangular light container on top of it at the left, with another smaller light-cube at the far left, and a figure at the right.

On June 3rd, our focus was inland from Mandurah, still with water, at the North Dandelup Dam. On arriving, several ships flashed briefly, and where one of the ships was stationed, a row of windows formed in clouds over the dam.

Among the trees and shrubbery on the far bank of this emerald green watercourse at the foot of the dam, there were tangible star beings and nature spirits/guardian presences connecting with us, and you can see a defined face in this photo, and an impression of a white lion face over the rock to its right. Thank you lovely ones. 🙏

Back at home, on June 9th a portal opened overhead (reflected/echoed in the cloud below) among streams of brilliant white light codes flowing across the sky, before a disc-shaped support ship of the Meri’Ashar zipped through the portal, appearing in the photo below ”sideways”, as if tipped on one end.

Skipping into July, a beautiful subtle ship representation emanated from the Lei’hua lightship on July 3rd, as a ”fuzzy” reforming presence at that time, but showing enough to see window shapes in a disc-type form, symbolically in a ”ray of light”, with a white cross on top of the left side of the ship.

On July 7th (flowing through the 7-7-7 gateway vibration), a bow-shaped ship outlined in clouds to the lower left of an open portal, with a being standing there, looking through.

Later that month, on July 29th, Ashura appeared on a cloud over the city centre of Perth, while I was walking over the top of the freeway. A ship flashed a few times above the city, then he formed quite clearly from head to waist, and you can see he’s in a kimino style of clothing with a wrap-over front, symbolic of our higher dimensional focus at that time.

Two nights later on August 1st, Ashura appeared again in an emanation close to the red star Antares visible in the photo below. In the light emanation, he’s wearing green and seated in what appears to be an enclave within a ”thick hedge-like fence of light” around it (and representing, to my understanding, an Inner Earth 5D light realm.

The Full Moon appeared that night with many orbs around it, with the clearest and most detailed orbs appearing where a ship flashed next to Alpha Centauri.

Enlarged, there are figures visible, most clear in the upper part of the orb, as if standing on a balcony.

The orb grew larger as it floated closer to Alpha Centauri, with many overlaid forms and faces, with a rosy-red feminine face forming in the left area of the orb.

On August 8th, a ”solid, chunky-looking citadel” formed on top of a cloud in the afternoon, and the nightsky was busy with orbs. In the enlarged orb below, there are several figures visible in the right hand lower area, who appear tall, dark and slender, in long robes of a soft red colour. They communicated about themselves as hailing from the Cygnus (Swan/Northern Cross) constellation.

A few more orbs from that night with discernible forms; the upper left orb shows figures in front of and to either side of a small black diamond shape, representing the containment and removal of a lower 4D device from the Earth, the upper right orb shows a face in the lower foreground with several figures behind it; the lower left represents an open interdimensional portal; and in the lower right orb there’s a figure leaning back into the left-hand frame of the orb, looking toward a tall pyramid outlined in white light, with a vertical light beam flowing into/from its apex.

The following day, on August 9th, a beautiful subtle sequence emanated through clouds over a nearby wetland area in Mandurah, following a couple of brief ship flashes high above. In the first formation, a diamond shape rimmed in white light formed softly in the lower foreground, with two figures in an opening just above this signalling of the diamond-shaped lightship Terebinth’s presence.

This scene then morphed into a house-like structure, with a white roof (or could be seen as a white pyramid) and windows visible, with a white rectangle at the lower right foreground, in front of the structure, ”landing the light”, so to speak.

On August 11th, a beautiful ” duo orb choreography” unfolded, beginning with one large blue-violet orb floating to the upper left of Alpha and Beta Centauri.

An orb pair then danced their way around the two stars, before hovering close to Antares, holding a linear alignment in relation to that star.

The next day, on August 12th, a ship represented its presence through a cloud-form, confluent with a lot of dream and telepathic communication with a particular star brother named Ka’ree, who first came into my conscious awareness in 2019. Here’s the ship he decloaked on June 6th 2019, and below is the cloud-formed ship presence of that same ship on August 12th this year (it appears on a larger scale now, and he said ”we’ve been doing some renovations”). 😋

The Lei’hua lightship flashed brilliantly above the Moon and Antares on August 24th, then flashed below the Moon, with some definition, in ruby and green-gold tones, before shifting into rose, white and green light before recloaking.

This orb followed on from the Lei’hua’s appearance, and reveals a figure in the lower right foreground, and another ”enclosure/enclave” type area in the upper central area. The enclosure is open at the near end, with a ”golden egg” (or ship) represented within it, just inside the opening.

On August 28th, a ship flashed silver-white above the Moon, and appeared in the three photos below, with the second frame showing a soft focus interior emanation (with a being subtly present in the centre of the ship), and coming into close focus in the third frame, revealing a bright white elliptical shape with a curved silver-grey panel wrapped over its ”roof”, and a white ”hatch” in the centre of the silver panel. This smallish vessel I see/feel as connected with Ka’ree’s larger ”renovated” ship that showed its presence in cloud-form on August 12th. Thanks lovely one(s) 💖

The next morning, on August 29th, while attuning with the Terebinth lightship of the Tara fleet above the coast at Hall’s Head in Mandurah, a ruby beam flashed downward, and can be seen ”landing” among limestone outcrops as an intensely bright red-white vertical light beam (visible for only a second, but recorded at the moment of grounding into the earth in the photo below, circled at the foot of the frame).

The (beings aboard the) white oval ship with the silver wrapped upper connected more closely through late August into early September, and were visible overhead on several more occasions. Following on these beautiful visits and attunements, a less friendly visitation came on September 9th in the form of a rather unusual helicopter, matte black all over without any visible windows or doors, making an unusual sound, much louder and deeper than a normal helicopter. It hovered in one spot over the road next to my house without moving, for about five minutes, until a bow-shaped lightship radiating white light formed in the clouds directly above it (a ship I’ve seen and connected with for several years, that was introduced to me as the Radiant 1, a specialized type of ”timeship”). The black helicopter then instantly moved away. Thanks loving ones up top 🙏

On September 14th, a ship which has beenconsistently present in the sky and photos through this year, the Terebinth, appeared in a subtle form, outlined sitting on top of a small ”bird-beaked” cloud as if ”wrapped” over it, with her distinctive diamond within a diamond within a diamond signature shape softly sculpted.

This lovely ”window-view” into a lightship that appeared for a few seconds flying by the Moon on September 24th reveals several forms; clearest is our star brother Yuthi in the centre (under the white light upper centre of this emanation/interior view), with some of his family members at right (appearing to me as a lady, with a small girl in front of her), easier to see with heightened contrast in the second enlargment below.

This small bluish coloured orb hovering above the Moon on September 28th shows a clear face, round and with large round eyes, within a triangular frame in the lower centre part of the orb when enlarged.

This orb was followed by a bright light flash to the right of the Moon, from a ship that shows a distinct rectangular frame in the photo below.

On October 3rd, a familiar diamond shape outline partially formed in a cloud overhead, this time with a row of ”window shapes” along its upper side.

Since the beginning of October, another star family group have been foregrounding their presence here, recognisable by their signature ”bubble cluster” type ship formations. These beings introduced themselves back in 2017 as hailing from planets of the star Polaris (with various groups naming themselves as aquatic beings, Polarins, Rokadians and Rosarins). They brought through these bubble shapes cohesing in soft disc-shaped or wreath-shaped formations on August 26th 2017.

Here they are again now, on the night of October 5th, with their ”bubble cluster ships” this time in a triangular formation, then morphing into a softly undulating light-form, with their bubbles more subtly presenced across the top of the ”craft”.

They then sent this beautiful triangular interior view, showing several seated people, with two in pink attire clearest at the lower right.

This greeting from our (humanity’s) Polarin soul family was interspersed with a decloaked flyover by the Lei’hua, flashing rose-gold light firstly to the north (playing on Polaris as the Earth’s North Star), then flying decloaked past Antares to the west and curving around to the east, sending a few golden light pulses from beside a star, framed by Polarin orbs on either side. Her domed-shape disc form clarified for a moment before one last huge flash of golden light, before disappearing from view.

The next night, on October 6th, this lovely light emanation appeared, for a third time, above my house. This ”house-of-light” first appeared last year, and each time with this distinct representation – with a peach-gold floor, emerald green interior, and white roof with a pink rim. Here it is on October 6th, and below are the previous two appearances, on August 18th and 24th 2022.

This beautiful orb appeared close to a lightship flash, like an ”angelic shield” in form, on October 13th.

On the night of October 17th, my focus was drawn to a triangle of stars overhead, and particularly to a faint star closest to the centre of the triangle. A golden-white orb floated into the triangle, and went a deep ruby colour as it hovered in front of/around that central star.

The Lei’hua lightship then flashed brightly a few times, next to the star at the bottom left of the triangle (Achernar, alpha star of Eridanus, the Celestial River constellation), and sent this lovely interior view, with several forms within a ”cosy” space.

On October 24th, folllowing another brilliant flash from the Lei’hua, this bright orb appeared in alignment with the Moon and Saturn, then resolved into a softly luminous ship-form, with a large green Buddha-like figure (I see/feel this as a ”Green Tara” emanation) haloed in white light defined within it.

On October 29th, a single ship flashed for a moment, immensely bright, and as its light muted, it became a beautiful, clear form, in a circular or ring-like form, with light panels around its rim, looking like a kind of ”light temple”.

Following this detailed emanation, an orb sat itself symbolically atop a ”beam to the Full Moon and Jupiter” represented in cloud form, then another orb appeared above the Moon with a large eye in its centre. If you look closely, that eye is positioned atop several light panels ie; a visual signal that the orb is emanating from the ”light temple ship”.

This exquisite emanation appeared on November 1st, in confluence with subtle information and visions coming through about a planet in another star system that is going through a vibrational shift just as the Earth is at this time, and that the two planets are in step with each other, vibrating to each other their shift-steps and stages along the way (physicists would call this ”quantum-entangled”). In this emanation, the planet (I hear as Yve), glowing in pink-white light with a being in its centre, is wrapped in a golden-yellow and green light field travelling with it, that vibrates to me as angelic, that is supportive and guiding the planet through its Shift, as it ”shadow veils” keep thinning and loosening and dissolving into light, much like the unfolding Shift of our beautiful Earth and the consciousness field here.

This emanation appeared to the lower left of Yve, in connection with its people and their journey.

This beautiful orb sequence came through on November 15th, beginning with a pair of orbs aligning to Jupiter, then aligning to the star Achernar, followed by a triangular formation (within the triangle of stars mentioned previously with Achernar as the lower left star) with one brilliant aqua orb to their right.

The orb pair then floated over Achernar at the left, and a ship that flashed briefly to the right.

With the smaller orb brightening then above Achernar, and becoming more defined, with forms visible within it.

A large planet-like orb then appeared between Achernar and the upper star of the triangle, followed by a gorgeous emanation from a ship, with the distinct shapes of two aqua-green butterflies in its foreground.

Through November, this has continued to be the most active part of the nightsky here, with many flashes from lightships, often around Achernar or aligning with the two central stars within the triangle, such as this ship sitting to their right.

On November 23rd, this shimmery rainbow orb above Achernar was followed by several smaller orbs/ships flashing simultaneously in a shallow arc connected with the two central stars of the triangle.

This brilliant deep blue orblike emanation reveals an aquatic blue being with large eyes and a gentle presence.

Two ship emanations then radiated with beautiful detail, flowing between the two central stars; in the first, Ashura appears in his 5D form Arnap, seated in the lower foreground, with bright white light glowing on his chest, and several smaller green beings around and behind him, the clearest standing at the right, drawing up a stream of murky red energy, which it is transmuting back to clearer frequencies/vibrations.

In the second, Arnap is again present, sitting behind a long rectangular ”tablet”, with another large being overviewing from the left (which I’ve turned around below and circled, you can see this being is in a mint-green colour, with a plum-coloured head). This being and the blue being above both give a greeting from the Andromeda Galaxy. 💙

November 30th was busy in the skies both day and night, with visible diamond light flashes and sparkles across the sky, while several planes flew overhead. I was seeing/feeling an energy clearing going on around these planes, and a dark cylinder shape can be seen tailing the plane below, before Arnap flashed his pod-ship – small, spherical white lightship – above the plane and cylinder, and the cylinder disappeared (was removed) from behind the plane. He flashed again, brilliant diamond-white light, for a moment lower down between the trees, and you can see etheric shadowy energy congealing around his ship, which he was drawing in and transmuting back to light.

That night there were orbs and ships moving between the stars Canopus and Achernar in particular, flickering around and between them, with a few brighter flashes. Here’s one, showing an interior scene, with a golden-white sphere on a pale gold area, with clear structural shapes or ‘walls with windows’ in the background. This ship showed its exterior shape in one photo, as rectangular, with a pinkish coloured emanation (or magnetized spherical ship) on/from its underside. A beautiful golden orb then flashed right next to Canopus, followed by a blueish orb abive Achernar.

Our higher dimensional soul expressions, families and friends (yours too, dear readers) flow as naturally as breathing through symbolism of all kinds to communicate and signal to aspects of consciousness holding ‘humanly-embodied’ focus in this earthly plane. On December 4th, while driving by the magnificent red blossoming tree pictured below, my focus was drawn straight above it, to where several lightships flashed for a couple of seconds, and higher above them, a clear diamond/double triangle shape was outlined, emerging from a cloud, representing the familiar presence of the Terebinth, which radiates through the Ruby Tara Light.

On December 7th, Arnap sent a strong, tangible loving greeting from within a small cloud (the only cloud in the sky at the time, lol), then popped out above it and decloaked for a moment, shining bright white.

Once again on December 9th, plenty of ship flashes were visible between Canopus and Achernar, with some beautiful interior snapshots sent through the photos. Here’s the sequence that night, with a few enlargements revealing many forms and beings.

My attention was then called/turned from south to east, to Arneb, alpha star of Lepus (the Hare/Rabbit constellation), and Arnap flashed his ship brilliantly twice just below that star. 🐰

Moments later a shimmery white orb with rainbow hues flashed where one of the Canopus-Achernar ships had been, above those two stars, filled with angelic presence.

The next night, on December 10th, a ship flashed equidistant on either side of Achernar simultaneously. On enlarging the photo below, the ship on the left has two spheres/pods on its ‘roof’, one gold, one red.

The particular shade of blue orbs tinged with purple continued to appear above or beside the star Achernar throughout the following week. Here’s one that appeared on December 14th in two frames above Achernar, along with constant twinkles from ships around that star.

During the next week, star family’s visual signalling moved from Achernar to Canopus to Sirius, culminating in a couple of beautiful clear appearances close by Sirius on the Solstice, December 22nd. The first photo shows a lovely rose-gold lightship to the left of Sirius, with a single figure in green standing in the centre (a greeting from Val Thor, aboard a ship in the Venus fleet).

The Meri’Ashar then gave a brilliant flash, a little lower down, still at the left of Sirius, and sent down a blue light download/lightcode stream, with a large letter W visible, circled below (and as I hear, standing for the star Wezen, third brightest star in the Canis Major constellation, of which Sirius is the alpha star.

On December 24th, Christmas Eve, another bright flash to the left of Sirius revealed a pyramid-shaped ship literally folding itself across dimensions as it approached, radiating Lyran-Sirian-Wezen vibrations.

During the Full Moon of December 26-27th, I was seeing numerous tiny flashes and twinkles around the Moon, with the Venusian rose-gold ship of December 22nd appearing again, this time close to the Moon, and about two-thirds visible (its lower right area still cloaked).

An emanation from within the ship revealed a man in green in the lower left foreground (with several smaller forms/children subtly presenced in front of him), facing forward, with a large dense bundle of energies to his upper right, representing ‘war’ energies being taken up from the earth field and transmuted (within/by that ship, and many other assisting ones).

My focus was then drawn to a lightship that flashed above Sirius before stationing itself directly in front of the star, coming through this photo in beautiful aqua and white tones.

As the ship rose again above Sirius, it morphed into a figure standing within the ship, with one arm outstretched and a sphere floating above their hand, symbolizing the Earth being uplifted vibrationally by many ‘helping hands’ from the higher dimensions…and in high alignment now, by our Sirian star families and friends, as Sirius comes toward its zenith in the nightsky at midnight on New Year’s Eve in the solar calendar.

On December 28th, the December themes continued, with this small dome-shaped ship flashing above an Achernarian blue-purple orb.

With ‘Sirian Blue’ powering through…

…followed by this unusual emanation of a ‘light platform’ with what looks like large rocks or boulders on top of it (described by those above as metaphorically ‘moving mountains’ to keep and support the highest potentials for 2024 available and aligned for/within the collective consciousness on Earth, amid turbulence and inflamed tensions in the 3-4D plane).

Along with this beautiful representation of angelic overlighting of this beloved planet, and its gradually unfolding lighter and more expansive pathway.

Finally, on the pyramid theme, this red-gold orb appeared in two photos at midnight on December 30th, above Sirius in the first frame, then dipping down low over Canopus in the second.

In the first frame, several figures are visible inside the orb, and in the second, there are three pyramids outlined in golden light in the lower foreground, with the face of a lady in profile (facing toward the right) above them, with the Lyran-Wezen star vibrations flowing through her, with a beautiful warm Mother presence.

What a lovely energy to complete this year on! May the most benevolent, peaceful, uplifting and optimal energy potentials align and unfold for humanity and all life on Earth in 2024 💛


We hope you feel uplifted by these photographic sharings, with a closer sense of connection to the presence of loving light beings of the higher dimensions, who continue to quietly assist us and this planet in the background of Earth’s current, ongoing shift in consciousness and vibration.

We hold the vision of more open sightings and love-based connections with our star brothers, sisters and friends all around the Earth, in love, peace, joy, wisdom and growing awareness. If your heart calls, please join us in holding this vision and intention, for the highest well-being of All.

If your heart calls to connect with star family, we recommend reading this post: Tips for Ship-watching and Star Family Contact

NBPosts and pages at Heart Star are welcome to be shared freely, providing they are reposted unaltered and linked back to this site. If you wish to use individual photographs please ask first via email