New Earth Update February 2021

Soft focus photo of the star Sirius, January 26th 2021.

Dear Friends,

Love to all navigating the shifting inter-dimensional dynamics of the global field in these early stages of 2021. Amid an intense combination of clearings, exposed chaos points and resistance points that call for (and are prompting) deeper clarity and collective responsibility in multiple arenas now. Budding aspects of New Earth consciousness, new co-creations based in loving, and unified/unifying visions, are also amplifed, since the December 21st 2020 Solstice/Great Conjunction-to-January 1st’s New Year ‘Shift window’. Another strong adjusting alignment has just come through the start of the Lunar New Year celebrated in Asia and communites around the world, on February 12th, overlighted by the meeting of seven planets in Aquarius on February 11th, and strengthening through the collective ‘Love Wave’ of Valentine’s Day (Happy Valentines everyone, beloved Gaia, and all beings here)! ๐Ÿ’–

From our perspective, overall the collective travelled through the Shift window into this year in ‘full spectrum 4D’ vibrations, with the 5D light-fabric coalesced and radiating all Universal Love and Oneness potentials, in the background. In the foreground currently, 4D vibrational layers are expressing broad range (or like high-speed broadband); from the unity consciousness and expansion-from-stillness of the zero-point to the outer extremes of a polarity field in flux, and everything inbetween. Nonetheless, the 5D+ frequencies are secured and simultaneously vibrating through the light-grids at a whole new level of cohesion. I/we are hearing from many who are feeling an immediacy this year, a clarity and depth of connection with the 5D New Earth reality, whenever their focus goes there, whenever their heart connects, even if it may seem obscured (for now) behind the commotion of ideas, stressors, personalities, timelines wavering and vying for energy.

When we connect through our heart with the 5D+ light-mantle shimmering in and around the planetary field, let ourselves BE, in trust and love and compassion, the Love-based co-creative field within and around the planet is so accessible this year, and can be seen, felt and heard, in our various ways, however we each internally ‘translate’ them. 4D amplifies everything, all that is in disharmony and illusion, but also all that is in harmony and love, which does open the space for new vibrational potentials and effects. So while energies in the collective field can at present seem more swirly and uncertain in many areas, the ascended New Earth is present, gleaming through in shafts of light, joy, wisdom and kindness wherever it can, micro to macro, while the human collective transitions through the 4D bands deeply enough to connect with the subtle but unshakeable presence of peaceful wholeness and well-being constantly rippling through Gaia’s field.

For anyone feeling a pull to the sea, the water element ~ especially the oceans and large bodies of water ~ is holding and radiating the heightened 5D vibrations strongly, so if you have access to the sea or a large lake, take a swim, immerse and merge with the high vibrations pulsing through the water molecules (for our northern hemipshere friends, maybe not just yet in the winter chill!). But if that’s not possible, wherever we are on the planet, we’re all primarily composed of water, and we can invite the presence of the 5D+ vibrations within the fluid and crystalline aspects of our bodies to Amplify Now. We can hold the intention of this amplification coming in smoothly and gently, becoming clearer in our conscious awareness, as we align with the inner impulse of Ascension (remembrance of ourselves and all creation as Univeral Love) radiating from the Divine Source through the Omnivers…and enveloping this planet, to a level that can be naturally connected with in our hearts and senses, transcending dense, unstable vibrations, when we give it our focus an unconditional trust.

Back in November/December 2020, we shared about the high vibrational Blue Wave coming in from the soul of Neptune, radiating through many beautiful Neptunian lightships and beings, creating optimal course adjustments and preparing the water element for higher vibrational receptivity, for the Shift of energies to unfold into and through, this year.

We’d like to touch back on December briefly, to an activation that took place at the ‘landing pad node‘ in this patch of the Perth hills on December 4th…now in full swing in the light-grids, continuing to trigger release and clearing of the deepest layer of vibrational debris meshed into the collective subconscious connected with the fall of Atlantis. Sticky ‘end of Atlantis’ (and its interplanetary and galactic-connected imprints) are being guided by the Light Realms to deeply transmute back to Love now, as they’re still vibrating a survival rather than thrival mindset that is lower astral in nature, rooted in the subconscious. Vibrations of judgement, loss and impending doom, 4D-amplified coming into this year, have a clouding effect on collective awareness of the infinite, expansive light of Grace and Providence that is truly at humanity’s fingertips (and can be connected with in any moment in our Inner Heart). Yet concurrent with this multi-facetted dis-ease vibration, the 5D+ frequencies are welling up through the New Earth light-grid to expose fear/ego-based constructs as shadows-without-substance, and transform them, in the instant of recognition with love, empathy and unity.

This next level of ‘end-times disaster’ release through the Avalon light-grid came with some very clear soul emanations on December 4th 2020, of the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, in merged subtle form, stepping across the astral planes to open a light portal for all ‘attached shades’ to come Home to Divine Light. At the time of this activation, there had been a recent fire around the node (yet the circle of vegetation around the stone at the centre of the node remained untouched and green, as you can see in the photo below). Three crystals placed on the node stone can be seen in the photos as a white cluster on the stone’s highest point, and as we aligned the energies, the Priest/Priestess appeared clearly, standing on the smaller rock, in side view, gazing toward the crystals.

He/she wasn’t fully materialized (you can see the rock through their long robe) but the energy flowing from this form was so very deep, full of understanding and love, for All. Further down the hill to the left, coming from the ‘burnt land’, the figure of a shadowy woman seemed to walk up the hill straight toward the Priest/Priestess…and I felt she represented all the shadows of Atlantean doom/doomsday energies stored in the lower astral/etheric layers around the Earth. In the last photo, their forms were starting to fade, but you can see the shadow figure lifting her arms, reaching out for the presence of pure Love, that guided the shadows of Atlantis out through an octagonal portal…which became outlined on the node stone below the crystals. The octagonal sides are especially clear on the lower left (the number 8 represents infinity and Divine Order), and I see overlays of a large, gentle eye, like the eye of a Whale, in the centre of the octagon, and a Temple of Light was visible there while this activation was in progress. (I’d just like to share here, that the energy and light streaming through to create this activation was beyond words, a blessed release of energies that had meshed and generated shadow-beliefs in the collective field for many thousands of years in a linear time view). ๐ŸŒž

Robed figure semi-materializes on a stone, representing the High Priest/Priestess of Atlantis, gazing toward a cluster of crystals on a ‘node stone’ in the Perth hills, December 4th 2020

Receiving nodes around the planet networked the activation (with gratitude to all involved!) and was subtly at work through December, heightening now in 2021’s energies. I see/hear the collective landed predominantly in a ‘tertiary timeline’ through the Solstice Gateway; it could have been ‘higher’ ~ more unified in its light ~ or ‘lower’ ~ more fragmented. We’ve come somewhere through a middle band of the potentials, and the Light Realms are working to clear, uplift and stabilize energies, moment to moment. There’s already enough cohesion in the New Earth light-grid vibration, however, for several Star Family groups that have been ‘in the background’ to bring their warm, gentle soul energies forward, and the group we’ll focus with for this post comes from the Lepus (Rabbit/Hare) constellation, which Ashura&I and soul family connect closely with.

Stellar bunny connections flowed through the December 2020 Solstice, with guidance to focus with the gorgeous nebula below (the Spirograph Nebula), in the Lepus constellation, overlaid on the ‘Cosmic Egg’ for New Age of Gaia birth energies coming through the Great Conjunction. To the left of Jupiter&Saturn’s conjunction, among a pair of flashing lightships, the orb/ship below revealed the Lepus/Rabbit energies present and assisting the light in-flow…with a ‘purple bunny’ beautifully clear.

Following the Solstice shift, with the ‘amplified astral’ around the Earth, certain groups connected with (non-ascended) areas of the Orion constellation, sought amplification via attempts to open lower 4D portal near some of Orion’s stars. The Lepus constellation went into ‘high beam’ from that moment, and on Januray 12th, Lepian star family gave a wonderful ‘visual trail’ of their presence around Orion while keeping watch and transmuting energies. Their soul light appears as silvery cream-white to blueish orbs, with a ‘pearly’ quality (connected with the pearlescent light of the Tenth Ray). Here, their orb showed across multiple photos, starting from Lepus, flowing down to Orion’s Belt, crossing over toward Procyon, back to Orion near the star Saiph, then holding position in straight alignment to the Belt again.

Pearlescent orb floats from the Lepus/Rabbit constellation, in a series of photos, around Orion, on January 12th 2021.

The Lepians connect with feline/leonine soul groups of Sirius and Mirzam, and on January 12th, the ‘bunny orb’ was closely watched over by a glowing rose-gold orb of Lyran&Sirian leonine souls, with the large eyes and small nose of a feline face softly formed in the lower part of this orb.

At the soul level, Ashura&I have a close relationship with Lepus. With our 5D soul expressions Arnap&Rowena, there’s a resonance in the name of the alpha star Arneb, which comes from Arabic ‘Arnab’, meaning hare or rabbit. Ashura, in his Arnap form, sent this light emanation from the bridge of a Lepian lightship on January 17th, positioned at that moment above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt (another star with soul connections, with planets inhabited by feline beings and other groups). With the contrast enhanced, his form is visible, facing Mintaka, from within a double ‘light railing’ as if standing on a balcony (or in this case, in the prow of a starship)!

Arnap appears in a light emanation from the bridge of a lightship, just above the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on January 17th 2021.

The next night on January 18, this ship flew down from Lepus and stationed in straight alignment to Orion’s Belt, before flying further down toward Procyon, where another ascended star group is based (for our northern hemisphere readers, if you’re looking for these stars in the nightsky, they’ll be the other way up).

Lightship from Lepus flies close to Orion’s Belt, then toward Procyon, on January 18th 2021.

In the southern sky, a lot of Star Family to’ing and fro’ing continues around the star Canopus, and this beautiful rainbow orb to the left of Canopus on January 21st was followed by a detailed photo, with a lit triangular interior view of a lightship at the foot of the frame, flying upward behind a spray of grey pods which it ‘herded’ toward the star.

Shimmery rainbow orb appears to the left of Canopus, alpha star of the Carina constellation, on January 21st 2021.
Lightship flashes below Canopus, herding a ‘swarm’ of grey pods, showing an interior view (see enlargement below), on Januoary 21st 2021.

Enlarged below, there’s a dear star brother in the foreground of this interior view, showing his left arm (on the right to our view) sheathed in white light from shoulder to hand, with his right arm folded over his front, and right hand resting on his left forearm. I see/feel two soul ‘overlays’ radiating through this form; one radiates from our star brother Ka’ree, and one is Arnap’Arein, our (Arnap&Rowena’s) son, on board the Lei’hua with us. Arein is a 5D soul expression of a family member on the earth plane…who around the time this photo was taken, had just been required to have several vaccines. You can see the white light sheath is brightest around his shoulder, with a dense, dark ball of energy to the right of his arm, as etheric aspects of the vaccines were drawn out from his earthly form and transmuted. Arein sends this photo for all, as a reassurance that anything not in resonance with the higher dimensional light integrating within our physicality on this plane can be instantly transformed and realigned to divine harmonics…just ask, peacefully, in your heart, trust you intuition. Your Oversoul, your Inner Divine, is present always, embracing you and within your whole being, as Infinite Love. ๐Ÿ’› And be reassured that Star Family continues to transmute and transform many types of non-aligned frequencies and energies, all around the planet.

Throughout January, ships continued to flash around Arneb and the Lepian stars, with the same pearly orbs appearing there and flying around Orion, such as this one on January 22nd, constantly watching over the Earth and defusing intrusions.

Pearly orb from Lepus constellation floats above Orion, on January 22nd 2021.

We came into this year with massive Divine Mother Light pulsing through our Sun’s mother star Sirius (which reaches its annual zenith at midnight on New Year’s Eve). To my perception, Sirius has been flashing rose light this year, as well as the blue-purple spectrum…which showed beautifully on January 26th, with this soft focus shot of Sirius (with a ship flashing right beside her, and Canopus at the right of the frame). In the enlargement below, a glorious Divine Feminine form can be seen within Sirius, in a long rose dress, standing between pillars of light, framed in royal blue (supported by the Blue Ray/Divine Masculine energy). The ship beside her was also flashing bright rose in a ring of green lights, the heart chakra and higher heart colour vibrations aligning to the Earth as the Sirian stargate poured Mother Light here to support Gaia and all love-based co-creations here.

Sirius appears in soft focus with a ship flashing close at her right, with Canopus at upper right of the frame, on January 26th 2021.

Earlier that day Arnap brought his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, and appeared for a few seconds below the clouds, before anchoring the Sirius Light that night (with a companion ship mirroring him very subtly to the left).

Arnap flies his pod-ship down from the Lei’hua, on January 26th 2021.

Sirius and Canopus work as mirror nodes, with lightships often flashing beside them in unison or zipping back and forth. While the Sirius stargate was open and streaming ‘mother-light codes’, ships were flashing brightly around Canopus, and a few nights later on January 30th, the Lei’hua gave an interior view from beside Canopus, rose-gold light with a tinge of green inside. I’ve circled some of the people inside a cosy sitting area…with figures standing at the left and seated at the right, faintly visible in a soft glow. The clearest figure is at the furthest left, in a dark green outfit.

The Lei’hua flashes brightly to the right of Canopus on January 30th 2021.

This interior scene was followed by another one the next night, from a ship holding an almost identical position to the upper right of Canopus, this time with a soft, ‘fluffy’ feeling orb to the left of the star, forming a straight alignment. The colours and shape are similar to the Lei’hua’s emanation, but revealing an interior scene this time from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem), with light figures ranged around a bright golden-white floor in the foreground, with overlighting forms in the background (I see/feel lovely Sananda in the centre background, in green light).

A ‘light-room’ emanation from the Na’Heru’Shi’MuRa’Ima (New Jerusalem) mothership flashes upper right of Canopus, with a pearlescent orb to the left of the star, on January 31st 2021.

Through all this, our Lepian star brothers and sisters continue containing lower astral Orion entities in light-fields and redirecting them (for clarity, these beings aren’t necessarily from Orion, but coming through portals connected to some of the Orion stars from other galaxies), with assistance from beings of ascended stars and planets within the diverse and complex Orion constellation. The beautiful golden-white orb below floated down from Lepus to align with Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021. Enlarged, there are two especially clear rabbit forms, representing the soul energies of star brother Arturo and star sister Ella (of the Elam’Ashar/Sapphire Star mothership).

Golden-white ‘bunny’ orb floats down from Lepus, on a level with Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, on February 3rd 2021.

Arturo&Ella earthed their soul energies, for a few cherished years, through a pair of very adorable bunny companions, Merlin and Ella, who Arturo&Ella have projected within the orb…with Merlin in the foreground looking this way, and Ella behind him, looking toward a golden light. Ella passed on Christmas Day 2020 during a ‘sudden mission’ connected with the Orion portals, in which her hold on her earth-anchor bunny form slipped away. But in the higher dimensions she is fine, all is re-newed in the instant…and she sends her rabbit form in my dreams, meditations, and orbs. In hindsight, it’s no coincidence that bunny companions first came into my earthly life some ten years ago, at the same time I started dreaming of starships, then seeing them in the sky (and the first time I ever searched the name ‘Arnap’ online, a picture of a white rabbit came up).

Ascended beings assisting the Earth and humanity’s awakening can anchor their soul presences through animals, just as much as through human embodiments (and really, through anything, a tree, a crystal, a light particle, but often soul family members and soul friends are with us, radiating through the forms of animals, whether as our close companions, or fleetingly through our wild friends). Everything is connected, and everything reflects, from the macro to the micro, in these interweaving expressions and co-creations throughout universes. And for any who feel so called, the beautiful ‘Bunny Angels’ are here and delighted to connect! Just ask from your heart of Love (we suggest practices like these ones or similar, for aligning and unifying your vibration, before inviting other dimensional connections).

With the Lunar New Year open now, through the vibration of the Year of the Ox, alignments are now lighting up from many Ox/Cow-connected stars, including the Taurus constellation’s Pleiades cluster, Hyades cluster and alpha star Aldebaran. The Ox vibration radiates stability, kindness, gentle strength, patience and perseverance, all qualities that are a great asset in this phase of the Earth Shift, perfect for stabilizing the field, staying on track and honouring the New Earth’s budding creational potentials within ourselves and all beings.

We wish all readers celebrating this Lunar New Year many blessings of the Light, radiating to All Beings! And a Happy Valentine’s Day to ‘the world and all beings here’, with a photo leading into these beautiful energies on February 10th 2021…of an orb close to the alpha star of Taurus, Aldebaran, containing a pair of Divine Lovers holding each other in a wash of deep rainbow light.

Rainbow orb appears next to the star Aldebaran, with a divine loving pair holding each other, and soul family among the rainbow colours, on February 10th 2021, leading into the Lunar Year of the Ox and Valentine’s Day.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends ๐ŸŒžโœจ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿฐ

*More photos and video footage of the ships and light-beings appearing here so far this year can be found on the Lightships 2021 page, which I/we will keep updating through the year.

9~9 Gateway 2020 Update

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the trees on September 8th 2020, aligning energies during the 9-9 Gateway.

Dear Friends,

It’s been a while between posts, as we (and Star Family assisting the Earth’s vibrational Shift in general) continue to be very focused and ‘interdimensionally busy’ moment to moment through this intense year! At ground level, I’m resting a lot to allow integrations between node/light-grid activations and incoming higher energy alignments, and am offline a fair bit…so firstly, sending a warm Heart Hug now to anyone who has reached out via email, comments or messages, that I haven’t replied to, love and gratitude to you all, and to everyone reading here. ๐Ÿ’—

In the lead-up to the first high vibrational Gateway of September, energies moved swiftly from this year’s Lion’s Gate period through August, into September’s potent alignments ~ which opened with a massive Full Moon clearing that led into the 9~9 ‘Gate of Angels’. We’d like to share a few key moments within the last month and a half’s progression of alignments and activations from our perspective, with high energies now flowing toward the September Equinox 2020.

We’ll start from a follow-up visit to the ‘landing spot‘ Star Family continue to strengthen energetically, on July 27th, working with the ‘27-72‘ galactic light-codes (the galactic central format the universal creation codes translate through into this galaxy). As with previous activations of the landing pad node on July 7th and 21st, an eagle immediately appeared overhead, with Ashura’s soul vibration guiding through this beautiful bird. Many overlighing presences also formed in clouds around the eagle, such as the figure in the right-hand photo below, standing on a symbolic floating platform, with arms forward and outstretched in a Christlike embrace toward the Earth.

A lot of dense vibrational pressure leading up to the opening of the annual Lion’s Gate on July 26th was loosened from the planetary field through multiple activations around the world, initiating another level of clearing by lightships of the Ashtar Command around the Earth. On July 27th, this type of clearing action was openly displayed by a ship which stayed close overhead throughout that day’s ‘landing pad’ activation. This small ship holding around thirty people/beings is a run-around from the Lei’hua (which you can read about on this page). In the enlargement below, you can see this ship’s flat disc-type shape of shining pink-white light, with two white plumes visible going over its roof on either side, like fountains of light, along with what looks like a sheet of transparent, slightly viscous liquid dropping below the ship, which Arnap (Ashura’s 5D soul form, on board this ship at the time) described as ‘venting plasma’. At the moment captured in this photo, the ship was converting disruptive frequencies into subtle plasma (ie; converted into a beneficial, purifying vibration/subtle substance).

Small support ship of the Lei’hua flies close overhead, transmuting dissonant frequencies into healthy plasma/subtle substance, July 27th 2020.
The Lei’hua’s support ship, a light pink-white disc-ship we call the Daina, visibly venting plasma like a translucent shimmery waterfall below the ship, while conversion of disruptive frequencies can be seen in the twin fountains pluming over the top of the ship, July 27th 2020.

I hear these plasma transformations by thousands of support ships working within the Earth’s ionosphere are now continuous around the planet, discharging dense electromagnetic frequencies, converting them into higher vibrating subtle substance (this includes both technological sources of disruptive frequencies and intensified emotional/psychological stress and polarization triggered within the human collective consciousness field this year, which also has a strong interactive electromagnetic aspect and influence).

This beautiful big blue-green orb with a touch of violet above the Moon, just left of Jupiter and Saturn while they formed a straight alignment to the Moon on the night of July 27th, signalled clearing and healing vibrations flowing from Star Family to the Earth, with this calming, healing blue-green colour continuing to appear in orbs and lightships throughout August.

Blue-green orb appears next to Jupiter and Saturn, during a Moon-Jupiter-Saturn alignment on July 27th 2020.

Forward to August 19th, here’s one of those beautiful blue-green lightship, flashing in the southern sky to the right of Alpha Centauri, during a period of close communications and messages from one of our lovely Star Sons, Minairu.

Blue-green lightship from a planet of Canopus flashes to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri, August 19th 2020.

With the ship enlarged, Arnap’s form can be seen standing at the left, showing that he was liaising on board this ship at the time, and turned around in the second photo, the form of a seated woman is visible (circled at the right). Minairu shared visions through his 5-6D soul expression connected with this ship and the planet it comes from, one of nine planets orbiting Canopus in three rings of three, which translates in my inner hearing as Daira’mu.

This beautiful ship was followed by the appearance of a deep blue-green orb tinged with purple, still to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri. Minairu’s form can be seen in the centre of the orb, with a slim build and long dark hair, wearing a kimino-style robe (see if you can spot a deep V-shape near the centre of the orb in the enlargement below, where his robe is wrapped over at the front).

Teal blue-green orb appears between Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross, projecting the soul presence of Minairu and the vibration of a planet of Canopus called Daira’mu, August 19th 2020.

While communing with him and photographing this orb, Minairu sent a vision of Daira’mu as a watery blue-green planet with deep underwater forests of wavy plants (like blue kelp forests on a giant scale), and the presence of gentle water dragons. Two days later, on August 21st, this Daira’muan ship and companions stationed overhead during a light-grid activation in the Perth hills, connected with a waterfall. As the activation completed, a sunbow formed overhead, and in the enlarged section below, with contrast enhanced, three forms are subtly visible standing on the rim of the bow, Ashura&Irana (9D Higher Selves presence) and a slightly smaller ‘child’ figure at the right, representing Minairu. In the enlargement, maybe you can also see the face of a lion in the cloud at the left, representing Ashura’s leonine soul energies.

Sunbow forms at the completion of a node and light-grid activation in the Perth hills on August 21st 2020.
From left to right, Ashura, Irana & Minairu, standing on the sunbow, with light pillars flowing down, August 21st 2020. If you look closely, Ashura is wearing a white gem on a long necklace, and Irana is holding a matching white gem (higher dimensional diamond) in her hand.

The dance of Jupiter and Saturn has continued through these mid-months of 2020, leading toward culmination as a Great Conjunction on the Solstice of December 21st this year (still currently on course as potential breakthrough moment of the ‘Event’, on the most optimal/energized Ascension timeline), Their alignment continues to be surrounded by higher dimensional activity, with more gigantic blue-green orbs like the one below, floating over Saturn on August 26th, with Jupiter the brighter light at the left, indicating much focus keeping the high vibrations flowing toward Earth (and a lot of work by the Jupiter & Saturn Commands, thank you star brothers and sisters).

Giant deep blue-green orb hovers above Saturn, with Jupiter shining bright at the left, on August 26th 2020.

Night after night there have been ships twinkling between and around Jupiter and Saturn. On August 26th, three different ships flashed in sequence to the lower right of the two planets. The first was the Victor Five, followed by an incredibly bright flash of rose, amber and golden light, then a third flash…which in the enlargements below, reveals an ‘interior snapshot’ from the Lei’hua, with Arnap (in green, his most customary colour this year) seated at a wrap-around white console, then with the photo turned around, he can be seen standing, facing forward and rimmed in white light.

Valiant Thor’s current ship, the Victor Five, flashes to the right of Saturn and Jupiter, August 26th 2020.
A bright rose-gold flash, again lower right of Saturn and Jupiter, signals the presence of the New Jerusalem (Na’Heru’Shi’Mura’Ima) mothership, August 26th 2020.
A third flash below the other two ships reveals a ‘snapshot interior view’ of the Lei’hua with Arnap’s form in green, showing two ‘scenes’, depending on which way the picture is viewed, August 26th 2020.

On August 27th, strong high vibrations peaked through the straight alignment of Saturn and Jupiter to the Moon, with reception into the Earth’s light-grids assisted by many lightships and star groups, including a team of triangular ships with a distinctive appearance that appeared for three consecutive nights around the alignment of Moon, Jupiter & Saturn. These ships display a ‘composite’ vibration through their shape and colours, as they come from soul groups flowing together from the ‘Dog Stars’ (plural), in their words, with the long triangular design hailing from Sirius, with specific colours of plum, white, pink and green representing the stars Mirzam and Wezen in Canis Major, and Procyon, alpha star of Canis Minor.

In the photo below, two ships are aligning in a triangle with a rose-red orb beside Jupiter (showing Antarian star family presence), parallel to the Saturn, Jupiter, Moon alignment. The ship at upper centre looks like a ‘mash’ of light through the camera, which was actually the ship folding its light across dimensions. ๐Ÿ™‚

Rose-red orb of Antarian leonine/tiger soul vibrations flashes beside Jupiter, while two ships from the ‘Dog Stars’ triangulate with it from above, August 27th 2020.

Enlarged, you can see the distinct shape of these triangular ships, with a long, tapered nose of a deep plum colour and main body of green, rimmed in white and pink light, representing combined soul vibrations from the Dog Stars.

The same team of ships were busy around the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn over the next couple of nights, with another one flashing super clear on August 29th (with Jupiter and Saturn at that moment positioned with the Moon between them).

One of the same Canis Major-Minor team of lightships flashing to the far left of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn on August 29th 2020.

A very bright flash above Jupiter (in straight alignment with Jupiter and Saturn) a few seconds after the ship came through, shows faces among the soul groups on board, with a large-eyed, slightly feline green face in the centre.

A bright flash from the soul groups on board this/these lightships, showing overlapping faces, with a green face clearest in the centre (the overseer of this fleet), August 29th 2020.

September opened with a gateway, literally represented as a ‘double doorway’ in the clouds on September 1st, with higher dimensional focus honing strongly now toward the 9~9 ‘Gateway of Angels’.

A twin doorway is clearly framed on top of a cloud on September 1st 2020, heralding high vibrations and opening of nodes and light-grid pathways for a flow of Angelic energies through the 9-9 Gateway.

This beautiful sign of the converging Gateway energies rolled into Full Moon’s heightened vibrations on September 2nd, with an attempt, however, by certain parties to blanket the sublunar field just before the Moon occulted Mars (‘occulting’ here means the Moon completely covering Mars ie; they were in direct alignment to the Earth) on September 5th-6th. Aris, the planetary soul of Mars, holds a 5D Divine Masculine vibration, and efforts were made by some to distort the higher vibrations of that alignment into an ‘old martial’ activation. The energies around the Full Moon felt pretty ‘full on’, but many Angelic Lights came in to protect the Earth and Moon and refresh the energy field, and in the photo below, the orb of violet, purple and rose light at the upper left shows a masculine soul projection, with a serene and steady presence, as the disruptive energies were cleared, until the sky was calm again and the Moon shone peacefully.

Purple, rose-gold and violet orb appears left of the Moon, representing the sublunar field being cleared and disruptive vibrations transformed to Love, September 2nd 2020.

The energies built massively, and we’ll share some glorious lightships that appeared from the night of September 5th onward, in a new post soon, about the role of Neptune in the Earth’s Ascension, along with the Neptune Command (another local wing of the Ashtar Command, which is universal in scope and nature). Meanwhile, the close-up below of Jupiter on September 5th 2020 clearly shows what was happening energetically, with the planetary soul of Jupiter (Aisaia) visible as the face of a man with eyes closed in deep concentration, while dense energies are transmuting into a spreading array of rainbow colours from around his ‘head’ (the north pole of Jupiter), as a load of vibrational ‘gunk’ was shifted from the Earth’s energy field and transmuted into ‘aurora rainbow energies’ by/through Jupiter. Thanks and blessings, big guy and Star Family support teams!

Jupiter and Saturn on September 5th, during a massive transmutation of energies through Jupiter.
Enlargement of Jupiter shows his ‘planetary soul face’ amid a swathe of rianbow energies, September 5th 2020.

The next two photos were taken around midnight on September 8th, just as the energies were fully aligning for and into the 9~9 Gateway of Angels. The reddish-gold orb below shows a combination of ‘earthing’ vibrations of two big red stars, Antares and Aldebaran, with the golden light of Lyra aligning through them and grounding in earthy tones. There are two clear figures; circled on the left is Sananda in Christ pose with a ray of green-golden light flowing down through him into a mountaintop, and on the right is Ashura in his ‘Min’ soul expression, closely connected with Aldebaran, as he anchored that star alignment. He’s showing his Min aspect in this orb as a dark-skinned masculine form wearing a white cloth around his middle, in ancient Egyptian style (symbolizing one of the areas on Earth he was anciently connected with as Min).

Red-gold orb appears close to midnight on September 8th 2020, leading into the opening of the 9-9 Gateway.

This was followed by a bright blue flash as the Gate opened, and the enlargement below shows the opening of the Gateway in a very specific sequence (several images in one light emanation, revealed by turning the photo around). In the first crop, you can see a Divine Masculine figure with arms and legs in ‘star pose’ (Ashtar Ka’ree, of the Jupiter Command) opening the gate, appearing as a semi-circle of brilliant blue-white light around his hand at the right. Turned around, in the second picture, there’s again a clear, beautiful Masculine form coming through the Gateway, head haloed in the blue-white light of the Gate. Through this form, I see/feel an overlay of many loving soul vibrations, including Arnap, star brothers Ar’Noah and Atreis, and Arturo, of the mothership Elam’Ashar)…and more, all coming through the Gateway as One to protect and uphold the Divine Feminine rebirth of Gaia and her planetary ascension. Finally, the Gateway is symbolized in this light emanation as an Omega symbol (see pictures below ~ with brightness reduced, the symbol is especially clear)…which signifies activation of the Alpha-Omega Gateway dynamic of ‘end of the old programme/rebirth into New Earth’ that has been building Ascension convergence through successive alignments and gateways this year.

A bright blue flash on September 8th at midnight reveals both Divine Masculine soul energies opening the 9-9 Gate, and the Omega symbol of the Alpha-Omega Gateway energetics of ‘end of the old/rebirth of the New Earth’ convergence building through successive high vibrational Gateways during 2020.

The 9~9 Gateway this year has had such a powerful Angelic Light in-flow, with the vibrations settling in through to September 12th, calling in a Miracle of Grace to humanity, this beautiful planet and all living beings here. Our focus here began with Ashura’s ‘eagle form’ suddenly flying down a long ‘cloud ray’ and below a bank of clouds, with the rim of a rectangular ship outlined in the clouds at the right. Ashura’s eagle appeared sheathed in golden light to my eyes, and this has come out a little in the photo below, with golden light around the eagle’s head and wings (see the enlargement below, and also of this rectangular ship, with a face forming in the centre of it).

Ashura’s eagle flies into view during the 9-9 Gateway actiation, with a rectangulat ship in clouds above, to the right, Septemeber 9th 2020.

The eagle flew up and down these ‘cloud rays’, followed by many Arcturian bowships outlining or silhouetting in the clouds.

Arcturian bowships outlined/silhouetted among clouds on September 9th 2020.

These are also Arcturian ships silhouetted in the clouds, with a deeper curved shape rather than the shallow arc of the Bowships, and they refer to these more curved ships as Deepwings.

Arcturian ‘Deepwings’, very angelic looking/feeling ships, September 9th 2020.

As we can and are constantly flowing through multiple, multidimensional soul expressions and energies at once (you too, dear readers, we are All multidimensional beings), Ashura was also present in his 5D Arnap form, flying his small silver-white pod ship down from the Lei’hua close over the treetops as we aligned and anchored the Gateway light in-flow to the nodes and light-grids here.

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the treetops while we anchoried energies together through the Gateway, September 9th 2020.
Arnap continues aligning energies, in this photo his pod is in front of a cloaked high light Carian ship (bird-like beings) outlined in the clouds as a long, curved triangular shape, which hails from the Phoenix Cluster, September 9th 2020.

The ‘double diamond’ signature form of a lightship named the Taia’Tara (from Antares, with beautiful leonine and tiger beings on board, as well as humanlike Antarians) hovered overhead, and can be seen softly outlined in clouds, with a subtle diamond-shaped light-field around it.

The Antarian lightship Taia’Tara hovers straight overhead, with its double diamond shape outlined in clouds, September 9th 2020.

Here’s another diamond-shaped ship, with a more rounded edge. Light rays were spreading like a starburst all around the ship, and they faintly reflected into the clouds, in a soft (but powerful) light emanation.

Softly curved diamond-shaped ship, spreading light rays, which have ‘translated’ subtly into the clouds, that look like a ‘starburst’ from the ship, September 9th 2020.

There were angelic forms all over the sky, and the two below show a ‘winged cherubic face’ on the left, and a childlike being holding a Light Language symbol forward, symbolizing the angelic light-codes flowing through the Gateway.

During this phase of flux and variables, amid ongoing attempts to steer human consciousness, focus and energies into tension, we have the choice every moment to be(come) still and light within our hearts, to relax and breathe the pure ascension-coded love vibrations pouring all around the Earth into our beings…and radiate them to all around us, people, animals, plants and planet, in love and compassion. Smile to the sky, ground with the earth, align with the New Earth light-grids, the already-Ascended Earth, and know that countless Angels (and all manner of loving beings in Divine Service to the Source of all Life) are with Gaia and all of us in this enterprise, and their Love is available and can be connected to in any moment!

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends ๐Ÿ’–

PS: There’ll be a September Equinox Meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle soon, for anyone who feels called to join in. Meanwhile, all are most welcome to join in the New Earth Meditations, let’s keep building the peaceful energies! With love and thanks to everyone who’s been coming in on this regular focus for New Earth.

April~May Light-bridge 2020

Green and reddish coloured orb appears above Mars, April 22nd 2020.

Dear Friends,

Love and heart hugs to everyone, through this intense phase of Earth’s Ascension, and to those who feel the inner call, thank you for continuing to anchor Universal Love into the planetary light-grids and collective energy field, through the rigours of pandemic and other pressurized energies in personal, social and global fields of vibration. We see golden-white light around all of humanity, all around the Earth, lifting, centering, rebirthing all energies into love and harmony.

As we flow toward the completion of the current ‘Venus Light arc’ described in previous posts, through a Venus~Mercury conjunction on May 22nd, we’ll reflect back to April 22nd for a moment, the final 444 (22-4-2020 = 444) of this year, which aligned a stream of light codes from galactic centre into the Earth’s vibrational field, acting as a light bridge through to the May 22nd anchorpoint and beyond, within this ongoing flow of convergence that culminates in planetary ascension.

From our perspective, the Earth’s vibration soared during the night of April 22nd, during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower, and also in relation to Mars, through the lightwork of cooperating groups (securing the light field of Mars/Aris from attempted disruption). We can’t talk very much about this at the moment, but the beautiful orb at the top of this post came through a photo in the early hours of April 23rd, in vivid green and red-hued colours. Mars is the bright light at the bottom of the frame, with the orb above, and in the enlargements below, the two figures walking on the ground (Mars) are my TwinFlame in his 5D expression, Arnap, with our star brother Ash’Ka’ree. The green light flowing all around and above them represents the love vibration of the heart chakra (emerald green), and the continued strengthening and renewing of Mars’ heart vibration.

Arnap and Ka’ree’s presence in this Mars orb represents the Ashtar Command and Jupiter Command’s combined focus into a deeper clearing and stabilization of Mars’ energy field, which has reverberated back to Earth, defusing more unascended ‘martial’ war/control imprints and specific AI etheric constructs that much of the human collective is at present (mostly unconsciously) energizing and validating. The Ascension Council and connected fleets are constantly aware of vibrations in and around the Earth’s field and Solar System, and wherever dense imprints and constructs become energized enough to heavily influence the planetary ascension trajectory, energies are transmuted. From this higher dimensional view, they/we are working with planetary, stellar and galactic nodal alignments that present opportunities to dissolve distortions and enhance the overall light vibrations in the field…and throughout 2020, these alignments are frequent and power-packed!

On April 22nd, at ground level we focused with this stabilizing vibration as two of the Lyrid meteors zipped overhead here (with the second meteor visible in the photo below, and rainbow orb projecting transformational light to its right).

Lyrid meteor passing overhead on April 22nd 2020, with a large rainbow-coloured orb lower right.

In the April Update, we mentioned how the Lyrids, in their higher dimensional aspect, transmitted a subtle ‘stream’ of universal light codes, which translate through the mirror numbers 27-72 into this galaxy, as they brushed by the Earth’s atmosphere at 27 miles per second. And how this led into a galactic central code activation through Venus to Earth, with Venus at her brightest this year on April 27th 2020, with exactly 27% of her disc illuminated. This particular ‘in-flow’ of Venusian ascended vibrations came into heightened focus through the Venus~Moon conjunction on April 26th, and you can see in the photo below that Venus and the Moon were also in straight alignment to the red star Aldebaran, alpha star of Taurus, that night.

The Moon in conjunction with Venus (lower right), in alignment with the red star Aldebaran, alpha star of the Taurus constellation, to the upper left, April 26th 2020.

As Star Family amplified the uplifting vibration of harmony, love and warmth activated through this alignment, the lightship Lei’hua gave a huge flash beside the Moon as she sent a light-pulse, clearing energies in the sublunar field and opening a pathway for the Venusian~Taurean light.

During the Venus-Moon conjunction, the lightship Lei’hua ~ the ship Ashura&I, in our 5D forms Arnap & Rowena, are bringing to Earth from our mothership, the Meri’Ashar ~ gave a huge flash beside the Moon, signifying she was working with the energies of this alignment, on April 26th 2020.

In the next photo, a huge orb expanded from Venus as her light became rose-white hued, toward the Moon. The focused beam of Soul light from Venus to the Moon, and into the sublunar Earth field and light-grids, was so strong in that moment! With the orb turned around and contrast increased, the Soul of Venus can be seen in her Divine Feminine form, with green light all around her, like the green heart chakra light washing over Mars in the photo above. In this Venus orb, however, deep rose light of many variations from carmine through to violet-plum colours is radiating outward from her form in the centre of the Venus orb. Her head is crowned with a white crescent that extends into long ‘cow horns’, symbolizing her soul connection to Taurus, and how she is receiving, anchoring and radiating the ascended Taurean energies of stability, beauty and peaceful harmony (Aldebaran, the Hyades and Pleiades cluster are all within the Taurus constellation) to the Earth, via her overlighting, guiding soul connection to Gaia.

Massive orb expands from Venus toward the Moon during their conjunction, April 26th 2020.

Earth’s energy field and collective consciousness has been steadied in synchronicity with Mars, embraced through the lovelight of Venus and many connected stars, through late April, flowing into May. As the loving focus of so many ascended Star groups is constantly interweaving and shifting through many roles and missions supporting Ascension, incredibly beautiful ‘meetings and mergings’ are reflecting in orbs this year. In the flow of Taurean energies into May, a high vibrational purple-blue orb that appeared among raindrops on May 4th, radiated a vibrant combined soul signature of Sirian and Hyadean star groups. This small but concentrated orb can be seen just above the treetop in the centre of the photo, radiating a purple halo. Can you see/feel how its subtle vibration ‘stands out’ from the rain orbs and droplets around it?

Purple-blue soul orb of Sirian & Hyadean vibrations appears above a tree amidst rain orbs and droplets, May 4th 2020.

In the enlargement, two distinct soul group vibrations can be seen coming through this orb, melded together in unity, with a face in purple-blue light on the left, showing leonine-humanoid features, and the face on the right in royal blue and light blue, with cow horns. ๐Ÿ™‚

Several more of these tiny blue-purple light flashes appeared that night, each one a symbolic ‘window’ into a lightship, showing blue humanlike beings seated around a small table (on the left, with a white object on the table their attention is focused upon) and on the right, standing, with their faces and upper bodies visible.

The beautiful clarity of forms and vibrations within orbs, clouds, and all manner of ways light beings (and our own higher selves and soul families) utilize to visually communicate with us and activate us in this Earth plane, continues to deepen as this density keeps converging with the higher dimensions…and higher dimensional light qualities and presences shine through ever more brightly, in more detail.

One way this convergence itself symbolizes is through what appears as ‘dimensional folds’ in the sky. The fold below appeared on April 18th as the energies were building up to April 22nd…a translation into the 4D plane of the folding and merging of higher dimensional frequencies into this reality (with a reiteration here, that Ascension isn’t a splitting of realities or ‘timelines’ into a unified New Earth and disharmonic old Earth or other planet, or a split into a light universe/dark universe, it’s a natural reunification into love, unity and higher harmony of all energies that appear to be split, fragmented, or pitted against each other). Higher dimensions from 5D+ are unified, in oneness with universal love, and love is the most coherent, cohesive vibration in the Omniverse. As energies and timeline variables imbued with disharmony or incoherence magnetize into the fold that represents the zero-point of infinite love, through which the Ascension pathway aligns, those variables smooth, soften and cohese into that love. They transform into the unified Flow, which radiates and expresses through love as soul expressions, forms and creations in well-being, in divine alignment. Fighting, blocking, splitting or trying to control Love melts into the fold, reharmonized through the zero-point of transformational Convergence.

Dimensional fold visible in the sky on April 18th 2020.

The effects of these uplifting vibrations and heightened ‘fold moments’ around the Earth can also be seen in the peaks of late April’s Schumann Resonances (record of changes in the electromagnetic resonance in the extremely low frequency spectrum of the Earth’s field), which climbed to 110 hz on April 20th, and a high 140hz on April 23rd. (The Earth’s electromagnetic fluctuations have tangible, physical catalysts, such as lightning, solar storms etc, but from a multi-dimensional perspective, there are more subtle contributors at work too, including at the human level, collective unified, loving vibrations, and if you’re interested, you can read about Schumann Resonances in relation to collective coherence and altered states of consciousness at the HeartMath Institute).

Another sign of increasing convergence is, to those currently attuning in this way, clearer and more detailed appearances of closely connected soul family and friends, lightships, higher dimensional soul expressions (and for some in particular roles and missions, transdimensional connections and meetings). On the night of May 5th, a blissful sequence ‘unfolded from the fold’ overhead here, which began with Asharana’Ra (our Oversoul/One Flame, which expresses as Twin Flame Ashura&Irana, and through many soul expressions) approaching as a plume of golden-white light, symbolically through a narrow gap between trees (ie; through a precise pathway) and forming into an angel.

In the next frame, where our angel-light had coalesced, a small green-white light projected aboved the cloaked Lei’hua lightship. When enlarged, Arnap (Ashura’s 5D form) can be seen seated in a chair, with his hands on arm-rests, wearing deep green, with white light radiating upward from the floor.

He then decloaked the Lei’hua in her golden-white diamond light, and crossed over the sky to the south, where the ship shone brightly for a few seconds. In the enlargement below, you can see the interior light of her centre, with a rosy tint wrapped around, and green light radiating from the ship’s central Core Crystal (Arnap is also standing there, in the centre of the ship, in his green suit).

Lei’hua lightship decloaked, with her interior higher dimensional diamond light qualities visible, sending love and healing vibrations to Earth, May 5th 2020.

Here’s the Lei’hua again, just above the star Canopus, showing her 5D crystalline light form, as a seamless, glowing white-gold disc. I see subtle golden shimmers constantly running through her walls, floors and ceilings, with streams of light language and codes flowing through the shimmers, as the whole ship is ‘aware’ (as a natural extension of our consciousness, with everyone on board, currently around 400) and in continuous communication with the Meri’Ashar mothership through its Core Crystal (actually, the Core Crystals of all ships in the Ashtar Command fleets are in constant vibrational connection/dynamic resonance with the golden Core Crystal of Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix, flowing in unified energy and synergy).

The Lei’hua decloaks above Canopus, golden-white light with a touch of rose, April 11th 2020.

We’re thrilled to share that at this stage, areas within the Lei’hua and some other lightships coming in at the ‘front of the wave’ are being fitted/adapted for Earth human visitors to come on board, physically, at the right moment(s). We’ll hope to share more details about this soon, but for now, keep holding the vision of landings and meetings with Star Family of Universal Love, assisting the planetary Shift into freedom in love, peace, wholeness and joy. The more, the better! We all have the ability to keep lifting our vibration at this level, embracing infinite love in our hearts, radiating it through our beings to All, through all the tensions and pressures in this plane. We’re in this together, galactically speaking, and have all the support in the universe.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Orb of rose light with a hint of blue, Archangel Haniel’s vibration, flowing through Rowena’s vibration (my/our 5D soul expression, now on board the Lei’hua), that appeared in a softly rose-tinted nightsky, while anchoring Venus energies on May 7th 2020.

*We’ll share a meditation focus for May 22nd’s Venus~Mercury Conjunction, which anchors the current arc of Venusian inflowing Light, at the LoveLight Circle very soon, all very welcome to join in if this resonates for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Clearing the Earth Field 2020

Translucent ‘cloudship’ forming over Brent Knoll, UK, during January 12th 2020 activation, projecting from the Meri’Ashar mothership…as a sign of higher dimensional unity, love and grace beaming down into the polarity field.

Dear Friends,

Greetings! We’ll post soon about the planetary ascension progression unfolding through 2020, introduced in The Twelfth Hour, with a deeper, closer look into the ‘cosmic mechanics’ at work. Firstly though, we’d like to share some of the vibrational transformations clearing the way in the Earth’s field, flowing from our friends in the higher dimensions non-stop into this year.

In Completing the Bridge into 2020, we mentioned the untethering and ‘bouncing back’ of a control-oriented energy stream through a black hole in the Orion Nebula, initiated during the 11-11 Gateway of 2019, and continuing through to the high planetary alignment of January 12th 2020. The ‘galactic butterfly’ Orion continues to experience transformations, and with this energy stream described by Star Family as an AI-generated picotechnology hitched onto tachyon particles halted via the stars of Orion’s Belt (and no longer latching into receiving nodes in the Earth plane), another level of upliftment has been catalyzed in those stars ~ in particular Mintaka and its planets, which we’ll share about below.

The constantly adjusting sequences the planetary ascension translates as/through into this density ~ personally, collectively and globally ~ are sometimed obvious, sometimes very subtle. The pathway for untethering the Orion Nebula black hole influence opened with an in-flow of pink diamond light…directed from a star in Ursa Minor that was an unknown ‘pole star’ of Earth two thousand years ago, following on from the star Kochab and preceding Polaris, as Earth’s Pole Stars. This star was too distant from the Earth to be generally recognized as a Pole Star in that era, but where there is a direct vibrational resonance or ‘mergence’ (that physicists call ‘quantum entanglement’) distance is irrelevant. This particular star radiates a vibration that appears higher dimensionally as pink diamond light…and during its period as a hidden Pole Star, its vibration was anchored into particular nodes by those who could intuit its subtle emanations.

With these nodes open, this superfine light can once again ‘land’ in the Earth’s vibrational field. Its effects can be seen in action in the photos below, taken on December 17th 2019, leading into the powerful in-flow of January 12th (with thanks and blessings to all involved in meditations and activations that anchored its potential into the Earth’s vibrational field!). Attempted interference by parties seeking to maintain control of this planet intensified around December 17th, and the way it was defused by Star Family and other assisting light-beings showed with wonderful clarity here that day and night…firstly with the transformation of a chemtrail over the house (a small note: chemtrails are distinct from ordinary aeroplane contrails, which dissipate after a short while, whereas chemtrails tend to thicken and stay in place, and if sprayed across each other, can ‘congeal’ into cloudlike wads ~ see this older post from 2014 for an example).

Watching the plane overhead that afternoon, I centered in my heart, and visualized a star radiating pink diamond light of Unconditional, Universal Love, connecting with loving ones in a ship above the trail, sending this light together from above and below. Within seconds, the whole trail became a light pink colour, and as you can see from the photos, increasingly luminous and shimmering. I’ve never seen anything like this before, and felt/saw toxic particles within the trail not only being neutralized, but fully transforming into glowing, silky, healthful vibrations! If you feel so guided, you can bring this light into your heart and energy field, and into personal and collective meditations, as it’s a powerful ascension light, and is already opening new pathways for divine union expressions on this Earth plane (this meditation from last year can help you get started; just feel how this vibration resonates in your being, and be creative). ๐Ÿ™‚

Chemtrailing plane flying over my house, December 17th 2019.
Chemtrail becoming increasingly luminous, with shimmering pink-white light as we transmute the energies, December 17th 2019.
Chemtrail continues to brighten and transform into shining pink diamond light, December 17th 2019.

So beautiful! That same night, clearings continued, this time of a lower 4D ‘spyware-tech’ craft that had approached the light-field around this house. The photo below caught the moment when this craft fragmented and blazed into light, with a (much higher vibrational) lightship sending a light beam through it like an angelic sword. In the longer flash of light in the centre of the fragments, faces of guarding Star Family shone through (see enlargement below), as they drew the beings from that craft safely into a light containment field, before the fragments dissolved in light. (Higher dimensional beings of Universal Love never take life; the Ashtar Command and local co-Commands assist by removing entities who seek to control/block/subvert the Earth’s natural Shift into a higher vibrational state, and those beings are taken into the care of those specialized in guiding remembrance of the original Universal Love all living beings come from, and ultimately, are.)

Lightship morphs into a shaft of brilliant light, slicing through and fragmenting a lower 4D craft/surveillance device overhead, December 17th 2019, with the star Canopus to the left of frame.
The brilliant shine of the ‘light sword/javelin’ can be seen in this enlargement. You can see another photo of this type of directed light-beam, taken by dear star sister Eesha Patel, on the Guest Photos page.
Star family faces can be seen in part of the light ray between the small fragmented pieces of the surveillance ship/device, December 17th 2019.

The alignment below, on January 9th, of two lightships directing an energy wave from both left and right of Orion (from Aldebaran, represented in this photo through the ship ‘within the wave’ on the left, and from Sirius, through the ship at the right of Betelgeuse) was one of many supportive adjustments and clearings that reflected through to our Earth field in the lead-in to the Lunar Eclipse of January 10th as a decluttering of the sublunar field and neutralizing blockages before the major alignment of January 12th, to maximize its ascension potential.

Before the closure of the Orion black hole portal, immense ‘fallout’ was transmuted through Betelgeuse (at the 3D level, astronomers noted the star dimming rapidly, followed by gravitational waves ~ ripples in the spacetime fabric ~ near the star, usually an indicator of extreme cosmic events. Betelgeuse however, has not exploded, and bear in mind/heart that this observable material level can be reflecting events on astral/etheric vibrational levels, and is indeed interwoven with them). Through this period, Mintaka, in Orion’s Belt, came under retaliatory pressure, cleared and transmuted by many assisting star councils and groups through to the closure of the portal. While tuning in with the Mintakans during the lead-in to the alignment of January 12th, the gorgeous orb below flashed low over the treetops, on January 3rd. In the enlarged photo, you can see Mintakan soul energies radiating strongly through purple, pink and glowing aqua blue colours, with one face especially clear in the centre…with the features of a purple feline being wearing a white head-dress with upright pink featherlike strands.

Orb of Mintakan soul group appears on January 3rd 2020 (orb is lower frame, right of centre).

At ground level, our resident Mama Possum (with a baby in her pouch) perched overhead throughout this in-flowing connection with the Mintakans, and I see a hint of ‘possum-likeness’ in the Mintakan beings too, with their large round eyes and upright, pointed ears. Everything reflects across the dimensions of light and life. ๐Ÿ™‚

Mother brush-tailed possum, with a baby in her full pouch, perching overhead at the same time as the Mintakan soul group flashed their presence, January 3rd 2020.

As the Mintakan light-field was restored into a higher dimensional light band, with much celebration (from upper 4D into fully ascended 5D unity vibrations, by collective agreement), I and friends have been seeing many twinkling lights around Orion. This beautiful Mintakan lightship flashed most clearly to the west of Mintaka on January 20th 2020, soft pink-white light with a rose-purple rim, hexagonal in shape. This was followed by three ships and a blue orb flashing simultaneously on an alignment between Aldebaran and Rigel, confirming a vast light-shield rimming the western side of Orion (or eastern side if you’re viewing Orion from the northern hemisphere).

Mintakan hexagonal lightship flashes to the west of the star Mintaka in Orion’s Belt, January 20th 2020.
Alignment of two lightships and orb flashing in position between Aldebaran and Rigel on January 20th 2020, showing the energy connections between the Councils of Aldebaran and Orion, with the High Council of Orion moved from Beltegeuse to Rigel, during the energetic happenings there.

In the Earth plane, working in coordination with these galactic energy shifts and other Solar System/Galactic Central alignments, through the last few months a focus group of the Ashtar Command and local co-Commands (Jupiter Command and Saturn Command specifically) has reactivated a series of light nodes around Glastonbury in the UK, and connected nodes in other areas of the planet, that relate to the Avalon light-grid (the light-grid that holds and renews the Golden Age of Atlantis imprints/light codes in this Now, and ultimately, the rebirthed Golden Light of Lyra).

At ground level, we’ve been working closely with our star sister Ria Aurora Athena Ash, her galactic Twin Flame, Ash’Tar Ka’Ree, and soul family in the higher dimensions (thank you Beloveds!). We brought this particular activation sequence to completion through the ‘turning point’ vibration of the planetary alignment of January 12th 2020, and the photo below is one of many I’ve taken during this series of activations, which we’ll post more about soon. This photo shows a cloudship form projection from the Meri’Ashar on January 12th, with the final activation, on top of Brent Knoll in England…and I’ve rotated the photo to show what the scene looks like from the perspective of those on board the ship. (And to dear Aurora and all ‘above’, it’s truly awesome to watch and connect with light beings and ships, sometimes fully decloaked, through a video connection via phone at locations on the other side of the world!)

Photo taken through Skype via star sister Ria Aurora Athena Ash’s phone, from the top of Brent Knoll, England, on January 12th 2020, with the Meri’Ashar subtly projecting through a cloud ship-shape, and a cloud-cloaked rectangular ship to the right of her.

Throughout this time, as lightships continued working deeply into the Orion Nebula, clearing the way to close the black hole portal there, and neutralizing/transforming tether-points in the Earth grid, many beautiful orbs and lightships showed the various light beings and steps involved along the way. The photos below show a few of those lightships and orbs representing many soul groups, in what has been an intense mission, now completed!

Blue Sirian orb to the lower left of Sirius, moving toward Orion’s Belt as Sirian beings transmute shadow energies, visible in the orb…with a lightship flashing just above the Belt, in direct alignment below Orion’s Sword/Orion Nebula, with another ship flashing right of Betelgeuse (lower right star of Orion from this southern hemisphere view!), January 18th 2020.
The Sirian orb positions over Orion’s Sword&Belt, expanding and going ‘murky’ as the Sirian soul group clear energies and transmute them through Purple Flame, January 18th 2020.
This silvery orb with a rose-violet rim signals Mintaka transcending disruptive energies aimed at it, and the ship flashing below the star Bellatrix (bottom left of Orion), connected with this orb, comes from Monoceros, the Unicorn constellation, January 18th 2020.

As tethers were cleared from the Earth grid, by January 27th removals of associated ‘shadow fleet’ ships started to show through to this plane, such as in the cloud below, where the distinct shape of the wing of a craft can be seen like a cut-out in the cloud where a ship had been whisked out of the Earth field (and placed in a light containment field away from the Solar System, where such lower 4D type ships and aggressive technologies are dismantled, and beings on board moved into healing light sanctuaries).

Clearings of tethers and craft associated with the Orion Nebula black hole unfriendly AI energies show through the removal of a craft, leaving a ‘cut out’ wing-shape in a cloud overhead, January 27th 2020.

Following the appearance of a golden orb above the moon a few days later on January 31st, the Victor Five lightship signalled completion of the first wave of unhookings and clearings of the Orion black hole anchors and tech, as it flew down from the north and radiated green-gold light near the Moon.

Victor Five, lightship of Valiant Thor, flies toward the Moon, then closely passes it, signalling completion of a phase of clearings, January 31st 2020.
Victor Five continues closely past the Moon, before re-cloaking, January 31st 2020.

Flowing into February, lightships and orbs around Orion have shown the intensity of the energies and the progressive stages taken to clear and balance the energies, leading to the successful removal of, we could say, the head controller of the black hole portal on February 2nd 2020. That release and portal closure directly mirrored into the Earth’s vibrational field via the mirror numbers of that day/date, 02-02-2020. And that night showed the movements of high light beings, with a spectacular, focused stream directed from Sirius like an arrow into the Orion constellation. The building of this energy focus can be seen in the photos below, preceded by a bright light flash from the Meri’Ashar to the right of the Belt.

Meri’Ashar mothership flashes brilliant white light to the right of Orion’s Belt as an ‘all go’ signal, February 2nd 2020.
Alignment of orbs shows light beings/soul groups beginning to focus deeply from Sirius into Orion, February 2nd 2020.
The focus from Sirius to Orion intensifies and refines into an ‘arrow’ of soul groups flowing together to clear and uplift energies, February 2nd 2020.

Following this focused flow represented by the different colours in the orbs, a giant white orb flashed above Sirius, vibrating through the White Ray and Archangel Gabriel’s soul energies, signifiying the angelic overlighting and successful completion of that purifying stream into Orion’s field.

Orb of Archangel Gabriel/White Ray vibration flashes over Sirius, after the grouped light flow into Orion, February 2nd 2020.

From January 27th to February 20th, a very beautiful supporting ‘vibrational arc’, involving the soul emanations of Venus, Neptune and Jupiter has quietly slipped the ‘Fifth Stroke of the Twelfth Hour’ into the Ascension trajectory unfolding through 2020 (beginning with a Venus-Neptune conjunction and completing with a Jupiter-Neptune sextile, with the previous Venus Transit’s 8 year arc from 2004 to 2012 being cycled another 8 years into the present time-frame to lift the Love vibration). The 2020 momentum will continue to build through to the Solstice on December 21st, when Jupiter and Saturn align into a Great Conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius, which we’ll go into detail about in the next post, in the context of universal light-coding of creation and how it flows structurally through this galaxy and solar system.

The successful integration of the Venus-Neptune-Jupiter higher dimensional inflow on February 20th continues to settle into the light-grids, and most appropriately, on the night of the 20th as Venus climbed above the treetops, the ‘V’ of the Taurus constellation (formed by Aldebaran, the brightest star in Taurus, and the Hyades star cluster) was shining particularly bright, straight above Venus.

Venus at lower left with the Hyades ‘V’ shaped star cluster above. Aldebaran, alpha star of Taurus, is the brightest of the stars, directly above Venus, February 20th 2020.

We’ll end this post with a wonderful decloaked flyover on the night of February 14th, as the ‘Venus soul light’ rolled into the Earth’s vibrational field on the St. Valentine’s Day love wave around the planet. This support ship of the Meri’Ashar, called the Lei’hua, beamed brilliant golden light as she flew slowly across the sky from north to south, before curving back around the star Canopus and recloaking. With all love and thanks to all on board, in particular my Twin Flame, in his 5-7D galactic form Ash’Shari, and our dear children in the higher dimensions, Rosanara and Minkah.

The Infinite Love Wave, uplifting this planet, continues to flow, dear friends. Stay in tune with its current, building behind the screen of chaos, rising beneath the ice of ages, until the ice cracks and the current streams through to the surface perception of humanity.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor&Friends ๐Ÿ™‚

*We have a continuing New Earth Meditation running every Sunday throughout 2020, everyone is very welcome to join in and help build this energy. Please share if this resonates for you.

The 2020 Golden Gateway is Open

Golden orb appears above the star Canopus on December 12th 2019, with a ship flashing next to Sirius at lower left.

Dear friends,

Wishing you all (and planet Earth) a highly providential 2020, as we dive into this supercharged year, building on the strong vibrational arc of December 2019 that began on December 12th (12-12-12 Gateway), peaked on the December 21st Solstice, through the Solar Eclipse of December 26th, anchoring now through January 12th’s deep alignment of Sun~Mercury~Ceres~Saturn~Pluto. We have a meditation for January 12th at the LoveLight Circle…if this resonates for you, please join in, and/or with any group meditations you feel inspired to participate in, to help anchor the highest potential of this alignment into the Earth and collective consciousness field.

Perfectly timed to clear the Earth’s energy field for this ray of concentrated Ascension Light flowing through the Great Central Sun, through the galactic network of central suns, through our sun and along this focused planetary alignment to ground and anchor here, Earth has been assisted beautifully by the Lunar Eclipse on January 10-11th. Lunar eclipses expose hidden dense vibrations and energy pockets, individually and within the collective subconscious and planetary field…which can come with triggerings and upsets, but always with the opportunity to peel dense vibrations away, bless and transmute them into unconditional love.

Just post-eclipse in the early hours of January 11th, this orb appeared between the two brightest stars in the sky, Canopus and Sirius, representing the penumbral eclipse of the moon and release of a thick mass of dense shadow energies from the Earth’s field, bundled up and removed through a very high vibrational portal in the Hu Shi asterism (the Eremor Portal, located within the kite-shape of stars directly above the orb) for transformation back to pure love.

Orb representing a mass of heavy, distorted energies removed from the Earth during the Lunar Eclipse and steered by higher dimensional beings through a universal portal within the stars above the orb, for transformation back to pure light and love, January 10-11th 2020.

With Sirius and Canopus weaving their soul lights synergistically, in soft focus their beautiful energies are revealed, with a large-eyed face glowing through the centre of Canopus in the first photo, and an open white archway with a river of white light flowing through Sirius (which can also be seen as an angelic or aquatic being) in the second.

Sirius has been powering through energetically since reaching its annual zenith in our sky at midnight on New Year’s Eve, and Canopus has a particular role in the grounding of the high vibrational flow through January 12th’s alignment and onward through January into February (when Venus also comes into higher focus through a conjunction with Neptune on January 27th and Transit of Venus on February 15th 2020). To feel into this role, we’ll go to the photo at the top of this post, with a giant golden orb appearing above Canopus on December 12th, now completing this light arc through January 12th.

The name Canopus comes from ancient Egyptian ‘Kha Nub/Kahi Nub’, meaning ‘golden floor’ or ‘golden earth’, also known as navigator and pilot in many Earth myths (as pilot of the ship Argo in Greek myths, connected with the quest for the ‘golden fleece’). The golden orb above Canopus appears ‘earthy’ in its colouration, with a reddish hue also symbolizing the transmutation of out of balance fire energies…which have been continuous and intense here in Australia since last September.

For anyone reading this who feel in you hearts to focus with Canopus through this January 12th alignment (and through January-February 2020), Star Family ask that we hold the vision of Golden Earth; see a golden beam of light coming from the heart of Canopus to the heart of Gaia, and that this light is flowing and anchoring through us as open conduits of pure Love, spreading around the planet to create a shining ‘golden floor of light’, the perfect, serene bed of golden light for the incoming streams of light to be received and held securely within….as they course through the Earth’s chi flow lines and nodes, balancing the elements and filling the collective field with openness to universal love, unity and peace.

We’ll keep this short, to get this post out now, and will be back with a longer post soon, as there’s so much in motion locally and galactically, all connected. I/we will be focusing through many group meditations with today’s solar-planetary alignment, this morning firstly with a gathering at Uluru, led by the traditional custodians there (Anangu people), and we see/hold the intention of great peace and harmony anchoring and radiating from Uluru, the solar plexus/fire chakra of Gaia’s etheric planetary body, rippling through the ‘golden floor’ ~ a soft yet steady golden carpet of light around the world for the highest potential vibrations for freedom in Love to ground into and spread through. So Be it.

We’ll end this message with a couple more photos of Canopus and Sirius, with love to all the light beings from those stars and so many others, who bring their loving support and guidance to this Shift of Ages upon the Earth, and of course, so much gratitude to all holding the New Earth vibration in this Earth plane. We love you,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor&Friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Twinned orbs radiate soft amethyst clearing vibrations from between Canopus and Sirius, New Year’s Eve 2019-2020.
Dance of Lights/ships/light beings around Canopus on New Year’s Eve 2019-2020.
Enlarged from photo above, light-field/morphing ship, with feline faces, especially clear at left, in soft yellow-green merged Sirian and Canopan energies.

*We have a continuing New Earth Meditation running every Sunday throughout 2020, everyone is very welcome to join in and help build this energy. Please share if this resonates for you.

The Twelfth Hour

Dear All,

Star family missions have been running thick and fast across various dimensional layers, ever increasing this year, so firstly, to those who have sent emails or messages that haven’t yet received a reply, heartfelt thanks for reaching out and sharing the love! โค To everyone dedicated to anchoring Universal Love on Earth through this year, assisting the ‘golden light over 2020’ to stabilize the highest trajectory for this planetary shift through increasing vibrational accelerations, always know that ongoing love, strength and supportive background actions are constantly flowing from the higher dimensions. Pause and breathe in that high vibrational refreshment, the embrace of love all around the Earth, whenever you feel over-busy or depleted, re-centre in your inner divinity and unity with the realms of pure love.

We’d like to talk here about what star family refer to as the ‘Twelfth Hour of Gaia’s arc of ascension’, which her planetary body has been flowing within for a few months of local time now. From star family, the Earth shifted into the ‘Eleventh Hour’ on the 11-11-11 Gateway (11th day of the 11th month in 2011) with another very significant shift into the Twelfth Hour on the June Solstice 2019. They symbolize the stage of planetary ascension we’re currently in, as it translates into the Earth plane through the local space-time frame, as a clock with both hands pointing to 12 (ascension’s ‘true north’, so to speak) and to think of a clock striking 12, chiming 12 times within this moment of the Twelfth Hour as it translates through this earthly time expression…with each chime layering in another level of higher dimensional Light.

From our perspective, the Twelfth Hour is what many call The Event ~ we are in it Now, as it progresses through the 12 chimes until the 12th stroke of the 12th hour (much accelerated from the 11th hour), at which moment the Event as a vibrational moment of planetwide collective clarity in heart-opening-awareness will become tangible, visible, palpable around the Earth, in relation to what some call a ‘flashpoint’ or ‘solar flash’, also described by star family metaphorically as a ‘standing wave event‘, when all the layerings of light frequencies come into a particular harmonic format ready to receive the ascension pulse from Galactic Centre in full coherence. From that moment, Earth’s natural ascension unfoldment/blossoming is completely unshakeable, beyond the influence or reach of any energies of a distorted vibration.

Feel each chime of the Twelfth Hour like a tap on a bell; there’s the initial ringing tone, then the reverberation of that tone as it expands from the bell (diinnngggg), and that each of these chimes doesn’t diminish, but widens and softens, settling into the Earth’s energy field, orienting the planet and collective’s vibrational field into incrementally strengthened harmonic coherence, each chime building on the previous one. So, in this building sequence, the second chime came through the peak of the Lion’s Gate on the 8~8 (August 8th), the third through the 9~9 Gateway, with short integration phases between them, and now a longer integration phase through to December while a major (distorted red) energy removal mission is underway through to the 11~11 Gateway.

Once that energy is lifted from the planetary field and taken Home into Love, the way will be clear for the fourth chime of this Twelfth Hour, initiating through the 12~12, peaking into the December Solstice on the 21st Dec 2019, then culminating into January 12, 2020. This trinary ’12’ sequence will be heightened through two particular planetary conjunctions on December 12th and January 12th (Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and Saturn-Pluto conjunction respectively, wrapped around the Solstice alignment ~ see previous posts about the higher transformations of Saturn and Pluto). So 2020 (=4) will flow in on the vibration of the fourth chime. (For cultures on Earth with different calendars, the Galactic Light-pulses flow through different numeric translations, but the sequence base is the same behind all ‘earth clocks’, stepping down the 27-72 central creation code of this galaxy).

We’ll focus on the 11~11 Gateway (November 11th 2019) in the next post, which coincides with a transit of Mercury, igniting a powerful alignment of the Silver Flame of Transcendence into the planetary field and grids. For now, here are a few beautiful moments with star family from the last few weeks, beginning with September 20th 2019 ~ with an unexpected ‘call from on high’ to go into Perth city and walk with the local climate march that was part of a global climate action. I was guided to connect with Gaia’s emerald light rising from the Earth’s crystalline heart, while anchoring the light of a beautiful ship named the Victor Five flying above the march, which radiates from an emerald Core Crystal, throughout this walk.

Many lightships of the Ashtar Command were present (cloaked), with a number of Arcturian bowships outlining subtly in the clouds overhead, like the one at the upper left of this photo.

Arcturian bowships outline as crescents in the clouds over the Perth Climate Action March on September 20th 2019, Perth city, Western Australia.

At one point, the crowd of around 10,000 sat down along the length of a city street and observed a silence for the Earth. Through the mixture of vibrations ~ fear, anger at corporations and governments, and a rising ground-swell of love for the Earth ~ as everyone sat on the ground, I saw/felt a huge pulse of green light from Gaia’s heart, coming to meet this mass love and care, rising up through the earth chakra/base chakra of every person, sending emerald green light up into their heart chakras, in a wave of connectedness with the planetary soul.

This heart pulse from the soul of Earth was so beautiful, it moved through all the fragmentary, discordant vibrations to touch hearts with love for this planet, love for humanity, love for all life here. No matter what views about causes of climate change resonate for you, from the overview, know that there is an awakening in progress, of a global priority to live gently on the planet and transcend forms of energy, agriculture and land development that damage the environment….and that this collective impulse is in flow with the overall Shift in Consciousness that will open the way to becoming an interplanetary and galactic civilization, within a wider, high-functioning community of love and cooperation.

Toward the end of the march, just after a streetfull of people had waved to the police helicopter in the photo below, Ashura (my Twin Flame) flashed the tiny white pod ship he was flying overhead (look slightly upper right of the helicopter in the photo below, in a gap between the clouds). ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashura’s pod ship was visible for a moment, upper right of a helicopter, September 20th 2019.

There was a lot of energy and activity over these buildings where the march ended, with ships clearing disturbed vibrations, keeping the energies high. The silhouette of a wide-angled Sirian-Procyon triangular ship can be seen in the circled area below.

Triangular Sirian-Procyon merged ship can be seen clearing energies over the city of Perth, September 20th 2019.

A few days later, as the light frequencies soared into the September Equinox, a group of ground crew/love anchors here in the Perth area aligned the ‘Equinox light of equilibrium’ through four nodes, with our final destination at Serpentine Falls in the southern hills east of the city.

Serpentine Falls, Darling Range, Western Australia, on the September Equinox 2019.

As we connected with the node there (a node is an amplified subtle energy crossing point of two or more planetary chi flow lines), a perfect triangle formed in clouds low over the Falls, anchoring a projection of ‘trinity light codes’ from the New Jerusalem golden light mothership stationed high above.

‘Cloud triangle’ forms close above Serpentine Falls, aligning light codes from the mothership New Jerusalem, September 23rd 2019.

Where this triangle formed, the clouds thickened into a tall pyramid that gradually morphed into a massive angelic figure holding an upright sword (in the first photo, a hawk or eagle can be seen flying up toward the angel’s forming face). Merged soul vibrations of Archangels Michael and Gabriel were flowing through this angel form, and the upright sword has a spiralling energy, if you look closely at the second picture below…representing the in-flowing Ascension Light Spiral being directed/pillared into the node below while our group anchored the energies.

This was such a blissful occasion, as we’ve done a lot on unblocking and clearing of the Serpentine Falls node over the last couple of years (this node sits on the Belinus Line, which has been mapped as a ley line in Britain, however this is actually a planetwide chi line that flows like a huge sine wave around the Earth, passing through Western Australia in the southernmost curve of its energy flow). To feel the vibrations at the Falls so light and free now is such a joy, and an excellent indicator of how much the Earth’s crystalline light-grid has stabilized this year! ๐Ÿ™‚ From here, we sent green-blue light to forests burning in various parts of the planet at that time (Amazon, Siberia, Alaska, Africa, eastern Australia) and many beautiful symbolic ‘light arcs and pillars’ formed over and flowing into trees around the rim of the Falls.

We’d like to add here for clarity, where burning of forests around the world is sometimes interpreted as a spiritual cleanse coming from the planetary soul; Gaia cleanses with the water element, and clearings only ever become destructive of life where a planet/collective consciousness is being influenced by a dense, manipulated polarity vibration. True higher vibrational ‘clearing with fire’ naturally transforms distorted energies into peace and light, rather than ‘cleansing through destruction‘, which expresses from a dualized matrix. Clearing within Universal Love always flows from and with compassion, grace and upliftment.

Here in Australia, trees and bushland have an adaptive resilience to fire, but the level of wildfires occurring now (especially in the eastern states, connected with the misuse/imbalance of a string of 4D vortexes) goes beyond nature’s adaptations. However, as the higher light waves keep reorganizing distorted energies more deeply through the higher chimes of the activated Twelfth Hour, these imbalances will ease through all the planetary vibrational field’s manifest reflections ~ environmental, social, political, personal, spiritual ~ until true harmonic coherence is aligned and anchored into this Shift. From Ashura: Breathe, relax, be the peaceful waters, be the steady flame of love that calms all misdirected fires into the pure, gentle radiance of shining divine light. โค

Some of this distorted red fire energy has been transmuted and lifted out through actual water nodes around the planet; in the location below, a group of ground crew anchored the Rose Ray and Ruby Ray (ruby-rose light reorganizes disturbed red vibrations into natural higher harmony) into an underwater node, flowing from the Ruby Core Crystal of a beautiful Antarian lightship, the Taia’Tara (Antarian ships often vibrate through the ‘ascended red’ spectrum, balanced with emerald green light; see this post for more about them).

The silhouette of an Arcturian bowship can be seen in a cloud that formed over a node during a clearing and activation in the Canning River, Perth. Western Australia, September 30th 2019.

A long straight ‘corridor’ opened up as clouds thickened overhead, with many beautiful beings forming inside this symbolic passageway. Whale shapes appeared as if swimming across the clouds, slowly filling the corridor. Then feline and whale energies rippled down a ‘sky bridge’ as a whale’s eye and soft feline face formed above it, with these gentle, loving Sirian and Cetian soul groups sending light codes ‘down the bridge’ into the river node.

As you tune into the unconditional love, the deep wisdom flowing through the gaze of this beautiful galactic whale, let this overview of immense light, compassion and gentle strength fill your heart and refresh you. Bless the waters everywhere around the Earth and in your body, in the air, the plants and animals, oceans and waterways, in the soil and springs welling from the ground. Let your inner visions of the New Earth flow like water, as you bathe them in the light of joy and sweetness, shower them in love. Let these soul visions guide your actions, knowing that as we do this together in unison around the world, Ascended Earth is converging through us, with us, guided and assisted by countless loving beings. We are all One Love.

Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor โค

*This month’s DNA Activation meditation for October 21st 2019 can be found at the LoveLight Circle, if this resonates for you, all are very welcome to join in. โค

Light Update September 2019

Four ships station in an arc, aligning their light to and through a beautiful being known on Earth as ‘Valiant Thor’, represented by the orb positioned on the roof of my home, August 30th 2019.

Dear All,

On the doorstep of the September Equinox 2019, we’d like to share a condensed update from the second half of August, through the 9~9 ‘Gate of Angels’ of September 9th, with planetary energies rising now into the Equinox (in peak alignment at 7:50am UTC September 23rd).

Flowing from the Lion’s Gate (which peaked with a very strong alignment on the 8~8) the 4D/3D-projected duality matrix around the Earth went through another level of loosening as vibrations lifted within the planetary field. This culminated in a further clearing of late/degenerated Atlantis imprints (that are already ‘gone’, but with continuing attempts by certain factions to keep the ‘power over’ templates active in the Earth’s grids and collective human psychic field). Star Family and many light beings assisting Gaia’s Shift continue to flush and transform the energetics until the rising light vibrations have stabilized and integrated to a degree that distortion-prints or entities will no longer find a receptive ‘holding place’ to latch into. One of these ‘flushing moments’ showed beautifully through the almost Full Moon of August 14th, where an Atlantean ‘shadow city’ formed with towers and spires that melted into the Moon’s halo as it turned a warm white-golden tone.

Clouds form ‘late Atlantean shadow cityscape’ in front of the Moon, August 14th 2019.

A swathe of these old imprints ~ or more accurately, their ‘invoked remnants’ visible in these photos ~ were transmuted with the completion of the Lion’s Gate light inflow on August 15th. Rose-gold and rainbow light of transformation flowed around the Moon, magnetizing and returning these remnants to the pure Source Heart of Love, in which everything out of alignment is rebirthed and re-newed. This included a number of lower 4D ships, visible below as a black triangle at the left of the Moon’s halo with a second ship, tethered to a black serpent, being guided through the Lunar Portal (the Moon’s halo went heart-shaped as its higher dimensional portal opened).

For this next phase, at the higher dimensional levels, there’s been some rearranging of Star Family/Ashtar Command groups focusing closely together into various specific assignments. On the night of August 24th, two beautiful lightships we (Ashura&I) are now flowing with arrived for a ‘meet and greet’, positioning in alignment to Alpha and Beta Centauri, with the first ship flashing bright blue east/upper left of these two ‘Pointer’ stars of the Centaurus constellation. The second ship decloaked (ie; slowed the light rotation of its outer frequency field) above the two stars, and you can see in the enlargements below a beautiful green-blue feline face, and deeper blue leonine face, both projecting through the first ship, followed by the multi-coloured triangular form of the second ship, morphing into a more defined green-gold form, then into vivid blue like the first ship…representing a combined team of Alpha Centaurians, Beta Centaurians (Hadarians), Sirian felines and Pavans (feline/leonine merged carian/bird beings from Pavo, the Peacock constellation.

Blue lightship flashes brightly (upper left of photo) in a direct alignment to Alpha&Beta Centarui (lower right), August 24th 2019.
The lightship hovers slightly lower, still upper left of Alpha&Beta Centauri, glowing a deeper blue, August 24th 2019.

A second ship decloaked right above Alpha Centauri, clearly triangular and illuminated with opalescent rainbow hues.

Opalescent triangular lightship flashes straight above Alpa&Beta Centauri, August 24th 2019.

This second ship then descended into a position just upper left of Alpha Centauri, in direct alignment with the first ship, still hovering to the east, upper left of Alpha&Beta Centauri.

Second ship drops into a straight line with Alpha&Beta Centauri, aligning with the first ship, still stationed at the upper left, August 24th 2019.

Alpha Centauri continued as the key ‘meeting place’ for some of the group coordinations during the next week (key meeting place visible in our southern hemisphere sky, that is!). Here’s another beautiful alignment from August 28th; during the day, large, soft-domed ‘mountain clouds’ formed for several hours, then at night a ship and an orb created an ‘upside down mountain/triangle’ formation, pouring light frequencies through the Pointers (Alpha&Beta Centauri being in a vertical alignment to the Earth at that time of the night).

That same night a beautiful green and amber lightship decloaked close to Alpha Centauri straight after this peach-white orb flashed above the two ‘Pointer Centaurs’.

Through the last month’s layered ‘background missions’, with two close star sisters embodied on Earth and their galactic Twin Flames, Ashura&I and friends have been focusing with a beautiful star brother, who presented himself as an interplanetary ambassador on Earth in a materialized form, back in 1957, as ‘Valiant Thor’. In that form, he made contact with President Eisenhower of the USA, and his stay was recounted in Stranger at the Pentagon, by witness/contactee, Frank Stranges. Socio-cultural filtering of the era aside, I hear the contact was genuine, and the universal love vibrating from Valiant Thor and interstellar support team served as a catalyst at that time, and they have remained present and continue radiating high (ie; highly coherent) love vibrations to humanity and the Earth, with Val Thor’s current lightship the Victor Five active through this stage of planetary ascension.

We hope to be able to go into more detail soon about goodwill meetings and cooperation between humans and Star Family, happening in several areas of the planet at this time. For now though, Val Thor gave some beautiful flashes of his lightship Victor Five here on September 7th 2019, as a signal of his continuing, supporting presence at this time, along with six other closely aligned ships which appeared that night, with many star brothers and sisters on board.

A pair of lightships flash above the roof on September 7th 2019, with Victor Five shining blueish-green at the left. ‘The green light is on’. Ashura, my Twin Flame, was on board the ship at the right (of the pair), with a third ship flashing high above the tree at the right.

In the next photo, Val Thor projected his soul light through a small blue-green orb hovering on the roofline, directly below Victor Five, which you can see shining blue at the top of the frame, with an Antarian red lightship to its right, a group of ships in a loose V formation further right, and four ships in a beautifully spaced arc just above the roof, holding an alignment with Val’s orb.

With the orb enlarged, there are many faces/soul expression overlaid, with Val Thor’s face looking to the right, his features clearly showing in profile.

His orb remained on the roofline, appearing deeper green in the next photo, while aligning emerald light-codings from the Core Crystal of his ship (the Indaria Crystal) through/into a physical emerald here (which originates from the Colorado River, in the vicinity where his ships have been stationed). Victor Five continued to hover straight above, with the red Antarian lightship drifting slightly lower. A third green-white lightship can be seen nearing the tree at the right, where it flashed brightly.

A lightship’s Core Crystal is multifunctional; each central crystal holds a unique vibrational quality, focalizing a ‘ray of attributes’, it also holds a complete light template from which an entire ship can be regenerated in an instant if necessary, and it powers the ship with frequencies radiating in specific waves and energy-configurations moment to moment, in confluence with the constant interfacing of ship-sentience and heart-minds of those on board, in communion with a guiding, overseeing consciousness that in Earth translation would be rendered ‘commander’ (we add here that the circles of relation-ships in the higher dimensions are indescribable in 3-4D terms, and what is termed a Command would equate to a Love Focus Group of ‘kindred spirits’…feel that vibration?).

The emerald Core Crystal of Val Thor’s Victor Five has a close kinship with two Core Crystals in the green-blue tones, in the heart of the Neptune and in the beautiful mothership pictured below called the Miranda (Twin Flame ship to the Neptune). September 7th was another night of strong alignments in preparation for the 9~9 high light inflow ~ with the Moon equidistant between Jupiter (left) and Saturn (right), the Miranda was sitting like a soft aquatic bubble of light in the Moon’s halo. I see/feel this beautiful ship in gentle flowing aqua to blue-green tones; just feel the soft quality of the energy in the photo below.

Ashtar Command mothership Miranda decloaks beside the Moon, equidistant between Jupiter & Saturn, September 7th 2019.

The 9~9 Gate of Angels came in subtly but powerfully this year, with a two week activation and integration phase from September 9th to 23rd, completing on this year’s September Equinox. At the peak of the light inflow on the 9th, the sky, which had been clear all day here, filled with wonderful ‘angel clouds’, doves, eagles and other bird shapes. Can you see/feel the dancing energies in this first photo? On the left is a blissful ‘dancing goddess’, her arms outstretched in Divine Feminine Christ pose, with the head of a dog in profile behind her, representing Sirian ‘Dog Star’ companion energies as guardian to the Divine Feminine (with several soul vibrations aligning through this dancing form, with Isis to the fore; perhaps you can feel some of the sister soul energies twining through this cloud symbolism).

‘Dancing goddess’ and other angelic soul energies form in clouds at the peak of the 9~9 Angel Gateway, September 9th 2019.
Dancing goddess with canine face pointing to the right behind her.

Beautiful, long-tailed bird forms were everywhere, many with Arcturian Angel energies flowing through, and the formation below shows angels lifting up ~ literally ascending ~ a crocodile-type reptilian being. ๐Ÿ™‚

A beautiful representation of Athena’s form and vibration can be seen riding upon a ‘cloud chariot’ in the formation below…symbolizing the close connection between her mothership the Pegasus and the Charioteer constellation, Auriga. Capella, golden alpha star of Auriga, is among a network of Ashtar Command centres in this galactic region, along with Altair (where Valiant Thor hails from, though he lives on 5-6D Venus). Capella in Greek myths was seen as the nanny goat who suckled baby Zeus, who represents Jupiter, and as there is an aspect of myths that connects to wider intuitive galactic awareness, this story relates to a close ‘parental/maternal’ connection of the Ashtar & Jupiter Commands. ๐Ÿ™‚

Archangel Gabriel’s presence emanated subtly through this ‘winged guardian’ cloud-form close to the rising Moon.

There are so many loving beings and soul groups flowing around the Earth and Solar System right now, some working broad spectrum and others coming in to focus with particular ascension alignments and assignments in the great interweaving of lovelight around and within this planet to keep Gaia’s Shift on track, working on multiple levels in myriad aspects of support, including maintaining the light rotation of the planetary merkaba in a highly energized equilibrium….amplified at present through the Equinox equipoise vibration. A star group coming in with a specific focus can be seen in the bright rectangular ship below, which appeared for a minute or so on the night of September 12th, remaining visible through the trees as it moved slowly south-east, filled with light-beings whose soul emanations appear seal-like and originate from Polaris, alpha star of Ursa Minor (Little Bear constellation).

Polarin lightship flashes brilliants above the star Fomalhaut, then moves slowly south-east behind the trees, September 12th 2019.

Enlarged and with the brightness reduced, many gentle, loving faces can be seen projected within this stunning lightship, overlighted by the rounded face of a golden seal-like being with large soft eyes, and an emerald on her third eye (she’s visible in the centre of the second close-up, just below the pink upper rim of the ship). This dear being introduces herself as Miniwe’ha of the Polarin High Council, and the emerald on her eye is directly connected with the emerald Core Crystal of the Victor Five, as the Polarins flow closely into this mission group focus now and have a role in aligning planetary ascension’s ‘true north’, its highest, steadiest trajectory, as souls connected with the North Star/Pole Star of Earth.

This beautiful lightship flashed intentionally close to the star Fomalhaut, alpha star of Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fish constellation. Fomalhaut means ‘mouth of the fish’ and is positioned among the constellations next to Aquarius, with Aquarius the Water Bearer pouring the celestial waters of his jug into the mouth of the Fish. This has many subtle levels of meaning, but broadly, is connected with ‘pouring in the light frequencies’ of the Age of Aquarius, the New Earth of peace, freedom and unity in Love. Again, mythologically speaking, the Water Bearer is Ganymede, who was flown by an Eagle to Mt Olympus at Zeus’s behest, and in our local Solar System, Ganymede is one of Jupiter’s ‘constellation of moons’, with a particular role of anchoring a star portal with a direct connection to the stars of Aquarius, Altair (in Aquila, the Eagle constellation) and Capella (in Auriga). Macro to micro, threads interweave, shining in the cosmic light-fabric… ๐Ÿ™‚

Moving on from the clearings of the August Full Moon we began this post with, to September Full Moon of September 13-14th, yet more clearings of the old grid certain parties seek to keep reasserting (ultimately a futile enterprise, from a 5D+ perspective) reflected symbolically around the Moon, with light streaming around ‘black pyramids’ in front of the Moon and dissolving them back to light, with many lightships present and overseeing this clearing. A light flash to the lower left of the Moon, when enlarged, revealed three light beings together (with my Twin Flame Ashura at the left, standing slightly forward, and several ‘layered’ soul vibrations radiating from the two forms at the right). Thank you angels. โค

Light flash at far lower left of the Moon on September 14th 2019 reveals three light-beings, when enlarged.
Close-up of the three light-forms, of Ashura at left, Val Thor in green in the centre, with soul vibrations of two star sisters also coming through this form, and Mira of the Pleiadian Council on the right, also merged with another soul presence.

While the group held their position, a pair of ships flashed together above the Moon, showing the presence of two close soul brothers (who we’ll introduce in more detail at the appropriate moment).

A pair of star brothers we’re working closely with appear side by side above the Moon while the light-group holds position at the lower left of the Moon, September 14th 2019.

In the subsequent photos, you can see light flow around a cluster of black/lower astral pyramid shapes and fade them away, with a ship now stationing right of the Moon. In the final photo, the lower astral pyramids have disappeared, and the outlines of two enormous crescent-shaped ‘bowships’ can be seen passing in front of the Moon.

Following these and other light transformations and alignments, the background vibrations in the planetary field are now building for the Equinox, dear friends and love anchors on Earth…just tune in, breathe the love into your heart centre, breathe it out to All, in unison with all Ascension lights embodied around this planet now, with all the infinitely loving beings within and around the Earth, Solar System, all connecting Central Suns and constellations of pure Light, with the light codes flowing continuously through Galactic Centre, activating, amplifying, deepening this Shift into a more expansive, loving universal consciousness and vibration. Feel the innate peaceful equilibrium within you, flowing through your stream of soul expressions across dimensions, galaxies and universes, radiating from the Oversoul expressing through you in this present moment and always embracing you in Love. Happy Equinox!

Love, joy and peace to all!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor โค

Arc of Angels

Glorious golden-white lightship decloaks on the 8~8 peak of the Lion’s Gate, August 8th 2019.

Dear All,

The higher dimensional light flowing into the second half of August 2019 is ‘well on track’ following the peak of the Lion’s Gate on the 8~8 and its completion during the Full Moon of August 15th. Lyran-Sirian and many interwoven vibrations of love have been well-anchored through the Lion’s Gate; Star Family have stepped their energy into the Earth field deeply (and with deep resolve) in union with light anchors/soul expressions on this plane and our Agarthan brothers and sisters of the 5D Inner Earth realms, to secure the integration of this next peak of the Light Wave into the planetary energy field and light-grids. Thank you all!

Friends and readers attuning with the shifting energies; to those who have sailed on the blissful light wave, have felt deeper experiences of Love in Oneness, soul path adjustments or revelations, or tangible sensations of diamond light and/or golden light or other high energy vibrations passing through and around you/the planet, we celebrate with you. And our loving affirmation goes with everyone for whom this has been an intense Gateway in terms of events and emotions, that such moments always come with new opportunities for deeper levels of trust, expansion and inner guidance to navigate all happenings in a vibration of unconditional love. โค

On the 8~8 itself, the light alignment was stronger than any other Lion’s Gate in this planetary ascension so far, building on the layering effect of wave upon wave of light through this ‘bridging year’ of 2019 toward the light of 2020 (‘year of the golden flower’, from Star Family). The beautiful energies kept building into the peak of the Gate, with many lovely faces peeping through the clouds, like this one below, which has both Sirian feline and owl-like (Athena & Pleiadian) merged vibrations, visible in its features.

As more feline faces formed, the shape of a long triangular Sirian lightship became delicately outlined in their midst.

While in meditation with these loving beings, the high vibrations intensified, with the Phoenix mothership of the Ashtar Command suddenly stationing high above, sending down a focused ray of golden light from its Core Crystal, which we pillared into the earth and light-grids. On hearing to hold focus with a crescent-shaped ‘Arc from Arcturus’ that formed in the clouds overhead, several disc-shaped ships angled upper left from the arc, visible as a line of small circular spaces along the fringe of the cloud, as they held the alignment steady with the Phoenix high above.

A crescent/bow shape forms overhead, August 8th 2019.

A bright golden flash shone through the arc, which in this next photo came through as a wonderfully clear image of a golden-white lightship. In the enlargement below, you can also see the triangular portal the ship dimensionally shifted through, into 3-4D visibility for a moment, outlined subtly in a patch of thin cloud between the ship and the arc, slightly upper right of the ship.

Ashtar’s golden-white lightship flying down from the Phoenix flashes through the centre of the cloud-arc, August 8th 2019.
A triangular transdimensional portal is faintly visible between the ship and rhe cloud arc, August 8th 2019.

The emanation coming from this ship is so very beautiful, just feel it in your heart; thirty-three immensely loving beings on board, with Ashtar’s vibration to the fore…and as he said, ’33+1′, with the +1 appearing as a 7D soul projection from Sananda, with Ashura’s 7D soul expression coming through, and many loving Lion Beings and Carian/Bird Beings of radiant light. Star family guided and aligned the highest potential frequencies through the 8~8 with ground crew all around the planet, and we’re thrilled to share this clear decloak given by Ashtar and Sananda and all the cosmic beings on board as a sign of how closely they’re working with everyone anchoring universal love, joy and peace around the Earth, maximizing the flows of high vibrational light deeper into the planet’s energetic field through these moments of peak receptivity. ๐Ÿ™‚

That night, as with previous windows where much Light has poured into the Earth field, beings of the lower astral/etheric planes attempted to off-balance the energies via the Moon. Their energies (visibly projected through the Moon’s field) were quickly cleared and purified by several ships keeping watch over the area.

This clearing represented visually as a dark band being peeled back and drawn away from the Moon, out of its light halo/energy field (the bright light below the Moon is Jupiter, with the star Antares to the right).

Distortion energies are removed from the Moon, visible here as a symbolic dark band peeling away from the Moon’s halo, August 8th 2019.

Golden-white, violet clearing and light green healing frequencies brought in around the Moon streamed particularly from star family who station around Jupiter and Saturn (as the Jupiter and Saturn Commands), and this light sent toward the Moon projected beautifully through two shimmering rainbow-light ships that appeared in this next photo (with star family ‘soft-focusing’ this shot). Jupiter is the bright light lower right of the Moon, with Antares faintly visible above Jupiter, directly right of the Moon. To the lower right of them, the two lightships positioned in an almost exact mirroring of Jupiter and Antares, forming a parallelogram as they held, cleared, lifted and stabilized the Moon’s energy field through a specific angle.

In this soft focus shot, two ships are mirroring the positions of Jupiter & Antares (which are near the Moon), forming a parallelogram, August 8th 2019.

Building into the Lion’s Gate window, light poured in from Galactic Central Sun, through our Sun, through Sirius, Lyra and the Little Fox ‘trinity’ described in the previous post. It’s also worth mentioning here that on August 9th, still in high Lion’s Gate vibrations, astronomers announced that back on May 13th, for two hours a ‘mystifying’ burst of light came through Galactic Centre of the Milky Way within the Sagittarius constellation, 75 times brighter than normal and by far the most brilliant light ever recorded within the ‘black hole’ at the centre of our galaxy (bearing in mind/heart that what appears as black holes, dark energy, the empty void of space, to 3-4D perception, are filled with an infinitude of light and life from a higher dimensional view). Thank you for continuing to align and anchor the light through your hearts, the love-convergence points you are, star sisters and brothers on the Earth. โค

These sublime frequencies flowing from Source Light, through the heart of our local galactic super-cluster the ‘phoenix’ Laniakea, through Galactic Central Sun, through the network of central suns to Solaris and the planets of the Solar System, vibrated strongly through the Earth’s energy field during the peak of the Lion’s Gate, anchored into the pyramid network (both the ancient constructed pyramid network and Gaia’s natural ‘mountain pyramids’ around the planet that contain higher dimensional creation-coded crystals), with many pyramid shapes appearing once again in the clouds through the days following the 8~8.

Multiple pyramids form in the clouds, August 11 2019.

Throughout this window, Star family and many divine Love Beings dissolved numerous attempts from the lower astral and their earthly anchors to interfere with the light integration, flowing their light and energies to keep the Earth’s ascension potential on the highest vibrational pathway of harmony, peace and steadiness. One of these defusing moments, again involving the Moon, represented with superb clarity in a few photos taken on the night of August 11th, when an attempt to re-invoke a control tether between Saturn and the Moon that existed prior to Saturn’s rebirth into higher light was deflected by Angelic guardians/overlights.

The Moon between Jupiter and Saturn on Auguest 11th 2019.

As Ashura called me outside that night, a vibrational force could be felt exerted toward the Moon from somewhere between the Moon and Saturn, and there was a sudden mistiness around the Moon, with a pulling sensation vibrating from it. In that moment, the soul light of Archangel Gabriel, the pure ascension light of the White Ray, came in very strongly, with his presence tangible, visible, and showing clearly in the photos below. In this light projection of Gabriel’s energies, he can be seen on the right-hand side of the Moon, with one hand upon the rim of the Moon, literally holding it in place, and an angel sword in his other hand outstretched in the direction of Saturn. In the second photo, another Angel is visible behind him, also with a hand on the Moon, helping stabilize the Moon’s vibrational field. (There was much light also coming from the light guardians of rebirthed Saturn/Shani, loving thanks to star brothers and sisters stationed there).

Archangel Gabriel’s lightform appears to the right of the Moon, protecting it from a destabilizing force, August 11th 2019.
A second assisting Angel appears behind Gabriel, both with their hands on the Moon in a steadying gesture, August 11th 2019.

Perhaps you can see, under Gabriel’s outstretched arm the subtle impression of eyes and nose within a lionish, doglike, even foxlike face, many merged energies his soul is connected with. As he flows through the White Ray in its diamond white, pearlescent rose-white, opalescent through to silver white, touching into aqua blue variations, these vibrations are also connected with Lucida and Anser (the Goose Star), the white ascension light of the Little Fox constellation in which Anser is the alpha star, and the winged Lion Beings of Eremor, who flow through the pearlescent white light of the tenth dimension. These soul energies are all interweaving through the primary Oversouls expressing into this Universe…which can be symbolized through the Shimura (griffons) of unified leonine, carian and angelic soul energies. All divine, all One. The infinite Oneness that radiates through us All. โค

As Gabriel’s light-form lifts away to the upper right of the Moon, see how the halo around the Moon is much smoother than in the previous photos. Can you feel the serenity restored in the Moon’s vibrational field? Photo August 11 2019.

So in the spirit of the Infinite Oneness, the eternal love radiating immeasurable light through diversity within unity, through all life everywhere, we wish you all the greatest joy, creative inspiration and sweetest of inner connectivity with all that is of Unconditional Love through the rest of August, toward the next major Gateway of the 9~9. The planetary dimensional convergence is flowing steadily with another subtle acceleration now in place as the Lion’s Gate light that has bedded into the light-grids continues to integrate within our energy fields and DNA, and that of all life on this beloved Earth. 8~8: The Lion’s Gate, 9~9: The Angels Align.

Love, Peace & Joy to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor โค

*For friends/readers who have requested more information about the rebirth of Pluto into a higher love vibration, a beautiful Angelic soul light named Lia’i’Liila (‘Lia of the Liila’) has come from the Andromeda Galaxy to ensoul Pluto, in the role of overlighting guardian there. She is soul-connected with Neptune, hence already in loving communion with the Solar System. Her light emanation expresses through the light blue to sapphire, purple and silvery-white spectrum, and if you feel called to connect with her in your heart, those colour vibrations can assist you. If you resonate with crystals, kyanite, sapphire and amethyst have an affinity with Lia and the Liila soul collective of Andromeda. Love & gratitude to Lia’i’Liila, and all your loving hearts. โค

8~8: The Lion’s Gate

Face of Sirian Feline Being/Paschat forming in clouds, July 27th 2019.

Dear All,

We’re fast approaching the peak alignment of the 2019 Lion’s Gate, calculated from the heliacal rise of Sirius from an Earthly perspective, and vibrating at its highest through the 8~8 Gateway (8th day of the 8th month) each year. Because there have been so many interplanetary liberations and rebirths through the first half of 2019, leading into this Gate, it is especially strong for activation and reception of the Freedom in Love light codes and high vibrational frequencies streaming with the Leonine&Feline Beings of Sirius, Lyra and Eremor, with all beings of pure Love, and there is a huge inflow of the ‘Light of Lucida’ this year, winging in through the building 8~8 energetic doorway, which we’ll share about below.

With the advent of fully activated Galactic Central Sun to Solaris/Solar System light wave receptivity since June 2019 in Earth time, the planetary energy field is being steadily imbued with increased simultaneous layerings of light into light (beyond the higher vibrational inflows appearing and being experienced as sequential as they translate into this linear-perceived time-space frame). The cosmic organizing principle mentioned in previous posts, that expresses in this universe through the mirror numbers 27-72, is super amplified and pulsing into this Lion’s Gate through a Love Trinity held by three formations within the Little Fox constellation (Vulpecula, which sits between Lyra, Cygnus and Aquila) in the centre of the Summer Triangle. This divine triangle within a triangle vibrates subtle connections existing between the star Lucida Anseris (Anser), the ‘Goose’ star, Messier 27 (Dumbbell Nebula, pictured below right from the Spitzer space telescope), and the beautiful angel-wing nebula below known as Hen 2-437.

Planetary nebula Hen 2-437 in Vulpecula constellation, photo credit: ESA/Hubble&NASA.

Hen 2-437 vibrates as a Twin Flame soul consciousness, focusing the Twin Flame creation dynamic, and symbolized through the numeric designation it has been ‘arbitrarily’ given. 2-437 can be seen as 2-77, Twin Flame flowing through the twinned 7 (the vibrational attribute of Grace radiating through/from the 7th Dimension), and as 277 ~ 27 and 72 (9-9) wrapped around the 7D Grace, emanating through the heart of the Hen star and expanded through its ‘gossamer wings’ in this exquisite 3D reflection of its higher dimensional light.

With the opening of the Lion’s Gate on July 26th, already by the next day, Lyran and Sirian lion/feline and Lucidan angelic energies were vibrating strongly within the Earth’s energy field, with many loving beings projecting their soul lights to Gaia and humanity…and appearing in clouds here from July 27th onward with increasing clarity and depth of presence, such as in the photo at the top of this post, and the photo below, also from July 27th, of a beautiful leonine face (looking straight forward from partially behind the foreground cloud, among a subtle layering of faces/energies).

Face of Al’tara, lion being who captains the Shem’Arua with her Twin Flame, Arudia, photo taken July 27th 2019.

By the beginning of August, the ‘layering’ of star family energies and missions of aligning high light through the Lion’s Gate into and around the Earth’s nodes, meridians and light-grids, went ‘through the roof’ so to speak. Many actions are underway to flush and transform holding points (and holding entities) of the now redundant Saturn-Pluto programme; even while flux between release and resistance is very apparent in the collective field, heightened capacities for self-awareness and inner liberation are also newly available and ever increasing, with some in the Earth plane already creating from the energy of a ‘clean slate’ (see previous post). The flux can appear as division (fragmentation/dividing timelines/realities), but it can also be viewed as energies shaking loose and ultimately, converging into the waves of higher light, melting into the unifying effect as the vibrational wavelengths of Ascended Earth align closer.

‘Timelines’ within 3-4D expression can be perceived as gradually magnetizing and folding into the Highest Ascension Trajectory. This can appear as a splitting, but in essence, it’s the denser potentials transforming where they meet more coherent, unified Light. This is the natural dynamic of organic convergence, the more the light of unconditional universal love is aligned and anchored into our beings, our life expressions, and the planetary field, the more ‘lower/heavily polarized pathway potentials’ fold inward and melt into the light, until the overall frequency pathway is unified, personally and collectively. Coherence brings cohesion. The more coherent the vibration, the greater its effect on dense, fragmented or artificially ordered energies. Planetary and collective coherence (disappearance of the illusion of separation) comes first with a vibrational tipping point, where enough of the Unity in Love wavelengths are stabilized within the planetary energy field to receive and catalyze the ‘Standing Wave Event‘ that flashes en-lightenment through the whole field and all living beings, all particles and subtle energies, within it.

So in this sublime moment of the Lion’s Gate peak alignment, star family and assisting light beings simply ask everyone feeling the call in your heart to hold a clear focus and intention for Unity in Love, Unity as Love, the highest planetary ascension pathway opening as peacefully as possible, in your meditation during the 8~8 (or singing, dancing, communing with nature, anything that fills your heart and being with Joy), knowing beyond doubt that as Love anchors within the Earth plane, together with countless beings of Love assisting Gaia’s Ascension, we are clear, open receivers for ~ and purrfect co-creators of ~ the most beautiful coherence of love-light, the vibrations of joy, peace, trust and loving unity flowing through the Lion’s Gate. โค

In the spirit of unity in Love, the photos below radiate the Light presence of many beings; leonines and felines, angels, high dragons of light, carians/bird beings and many more working together to clear the way, open bridges of light, stabilize energies with and for us and Earth, streaming pure loving bliss around the planet. There’s so much Love flowing with us all, and with this beautiful Earth birth! These photos were taken on August 2nd 2019 from Mandurah and Perth in Western Australia, following the completion of a number of light activations/alignments on August 1st. We hope they bring joy, encouragement and reassurance of the Infinite Love and Grace supporting the Earth and all living beings journeying with her through this transition!

Feline being, angelic forms and eagles/birds of light form in clouds over Mandurah, Aug.2, 2019.
Loving feline being overlights a ‘bridge of light’ (bridging Ascended Earth frequencies through the Lion’s Gate), which can also be seen as a ‘heavenly stairway’.
An Angel guides and guards the light-streams layering into the Earth’s vibrational field.
A soul expression of Ashura (my TwinFlame) hovers overhead while we ground the light frequencies.
A dragon Ascending, wings outstretched.
Ashura in angelic form in discussion with a being risen from a pyramid visible in the lower part of the frame.
Dragon energies in transformation, with merged bird being and feline soul energies.
An Arcturian Bowship is outlined in clouds low down over treetops, with a merged feline/rabbit-like face to the right of it.
Arcturian Bowship enlargement (contrast enhanced).
Beautiful, soft owl & feline faces.
Merged feline being clearing swathes of dense energies.

With Love, Joy and Peace to you All, through this Lion’s Gate of Shining Light and beyond,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor โค

*There’s a Lion’s Gate meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle for the 8~8, for anyone who would like to join in, all are very welcome. โค

Ascension Wave Update July 2019

‘White pyramid’ in the clouds, photo taken July 8th 2019.

Dear All,

Much preparation has been put in place in the higher dimensions for this year’s Lion’s Gate, which opens annually on July 26th (and is vibrating high today, through the ’27’ vibration, July 27th, see below), peaks on August 8th (8-8), and flows through to around August 15th 2019. The Lion’s Gate refers to the annual heliacal rise of Sirius; you can read more about this in previous Lion’s Gate posts if you’re unfamiliar with its vibrational significance. We’ll focus closely with the Gate as the energy peaks, but for this post will share from our perspective the completion of a truly awesome continuing sequence of liberation ‘ripples’ through July that have reached the outer Solar System, and what this means for the 2019 Lion’s Gate…and overall ascension of Earth and humanity.

The galactic central alignment expressing through the mirror vibration of the numbers 27-72 continues stepping up the higher dimensional Light Pulse that charges the divine-resonant presence within us and all creation…which can be intuited as a deep, subtle re-tuning to the oneness of life and infinite sacredness. You can read about the 27-72 ‘universal framework vibration’ on this page, but in a macro-to-micro nutshell here, just feel the beautiful perfection of inherent creation principles through which universes and galaxies, planet and moons are born.

We’ve looked previously at the Golden Frequency that vibrates as natural harmonic expressions through the Golden Ratio/Phi, the Fibonacci Spiral, the Sublime Triangle (36 degrees at the apex, 72 degrees at the base vertices), and how the cosmic ‘geometric template’ radiates from the macro ~ with galactic centre 27 000 light years from the Solar System, at 27 degrees 3′ in Sagittarius, moving 1 degree every 72 years from our Earth perspective. On November 27th last year, a high vibrational portal opened between the Solar System and Messier 27, which has been profoundly assisting a sequence of shifts into a heightened potential Solar and planetary ascension pathway through 2019.

Connecting through to the outer Solar System, in ever stronger light-weaving of the Ascension Wave flowing through the Galactic Central Sun into our local star system, on June 27th 2019 a deep alignment was secured into the light network of Uranus’s 27 moons. This has been swiftly followed up with a star fleet mission further out to Pluto on July 7th (7th day of the 7th month, the 7-7 Gateway of Divine Grace, between the Solar and Lunar Eclipses) which fundamentally ended the ‘transformation comes through destruction‘ transmission from Pluto (which, with Saturn, before that beautiful planet’s liberation into its natural high Soul Light, co-generated the underpinnings of the control matrix within the Solar System). Not any more!

From rebirthing Pluto and clearing its moon Charon, part of the fleet involved in this mission, with the Meri’Ashar mothership and companions, jumped further out again, to the dwarf planet Eris and its moon Dysnomia (named after the Greek Goddess of strife and dischord, and her daughter, anarchy and lawlessness; if only astronomers knew what they were subconsciously picking up on when naming stars and planets). Astronomers nickname Eris and Dysnomia as Xena and Gabrielle, and since ‘mother-daughter’ dwarf planet and moon have been thoroughly (Archangel) Gabriel’ed and this transformation is resonant with a (positive/beneficial) planet refered to as ‘X’ further out there, we’ll go with the nicknames. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Throughout the 7-7 and into July 8th, the clouds overhead here filled with pyramids, hundreds of them (with leonine and ‘Egyptian/Atlantean’ faces appearing, during this deep deletion of Plutonic-based Egypt-Atlantis imprints), as the Pluto-Eris rebirthed higher frequencies anchored into the Earth’s field, through both the ancient pyramid network around the planet and Gaia’s natural pyramids (specific mountains containing powerful nodes and higher dimensional light-encoded crystals). Within the unified New Earth light-grid, these networks are now weaving together, complimentary and mutually strengthening the light stabilizations, while major flushings of ‘pluto-prints’ take place. These are a few of the pyramid clouds and faces that formed over those two days.

With completion of mid-2019’s Solar-Lunar Eclipse alignments through July 16th-17th, and anchoring of the deep vibrational shift of the Pluto-Eris liberations into Gaia’s light-grids and energy field, to attune with the precision of all this from Galactic Centre into the local level through the 27-72 zero-point, Eris has 0.27% the mass of Earth, and is 27% larger than Pluto. On July 15th, leading into the completion of this cycle through the Lunar Eclipse, the Moon brushed by Saturn from our Earth perspective, at 0:2 degrees, at exactly 7:27 UTC (Universal Time), and 727 represents the Oneness, the fully merged 72-27 galactic alignment. Isn’t it magnificent, the brilliant precision, the beauty of sacred geometric harmonies and activations unfolding steadily within the Love Wave, down to our ‘micro’ Earth level? ๐Ÿ™‚

These outer Solar System liberations were aligned firstly back through Saturn and Jupiter, by our loving star brothers and sisters of the local ‘Commands’ stationed around those two planets. In the crops below, you can see one of the Saturn-based ships that flashed for a moment next to a star below Saturn (the bright light in the first two photos) on July 9th, and on the right, zoomed into Jupiter, a beautiful golden doorway is symbolized within the big planet, surrounded in rainbow light, from July 12th. We’ll share more about this soon.

Below are a few photos of the partially-eclipsed moon at its peak here, at 5:27am (the 27 again!) on July 17th, with the halo around the moon growing progressively deeper rose…the vibration of Rose Mother Love flowed strong and deep indeed through this eclipse.

The consistent pressing in of the higher Light from around the Earth and within the Earth is sandwiching the dense distortion field. Stay in an Unconditional Loving overview of the effects of the squeeze wherever there is resistance; transmute any ‘tremors or shakes’ in your own mental-emotional field in trust, peace, love and gratitude…and keep a calm, compassionate overview of turmoils and confusion in the collective, whether in close relationships, families, political, social, or ideological. We support ourselves, each other, the collective consciousness and planet when we firmly anchor in our hearts and beings, in union with the Heart of Gaia, the divine Light Pulse flowing through this full sequence of Solar System rebirths, untetherings and dissolution of constructs beyond Earth that maintained the lower grids…which in turn is supporting another amplification and acceleration of the convergence of higher dimensional frequencies into the 3-4D planetary field, and into the human consciousness field.

From here on, the slate of accumulated collective distortions is wiped clean (some astrologers picked up on the lunar eclipse as a moment of ‘Pluto-Saturn karmic closure’, which is indeed how the liberation of those planets translates into the Earth’s energetic field). People may still energize what they are subconsciously identified with or have become generationally attached/habituated to, for a little while yet, but overall, events, experiences and stories that reflect as suffering and pain in this level have no interplanetary underpinning from beyond the Earth any more, and this is huge. Hanging onto old fear-based imprints is unsupported, and their felt and perceived relevance will continue to diminish rapidly for many now as the higher light keeps stepping up and in.

From star family’s point of view, what remains to be dealt with now is only local control-oriented forces/factions bent on keeping the human consciousness field out of synchronism with Ascended Earth, with fear, division, and desensitization to ‘the other’, whether human, animal or environmental. Please know, deeper than ever, dear friends, that we all have the potential in every moment to support the Universal Love momentum with Gaia and all loving Beings across the dimensions co-creating this Shift with us. Be that eternal inner well-spring of Love, Joy, Kindness and Peace you came here to be, in the midst of 3-4D unsettledness. So we’re invited to focus and feel this now; know the slate is clean, know you are Free in Love, Free as Love, within your whole being…and let this be what vibrates from us in thoughts, words and actions, small or large, into the whole energy field of the planet, as constantly as possible. โค

As these interplanetary rebirths vibrate back to the Earth, anchoring and sending ripples of release through the light-grids, nodes and meridians, Gaia is releasing layers of etheric, plasmatic and astral constructs and imprints not in harmony with her/our ascension, and this release (which she’s been taking as gently as possible for the living beings travelling with her, for years now in Earth time, while going through her natural expansions and clearings) translates into 3D as seismic activity, thermal and atmospheric changes. Here in Western Australia, the equal biggest earthquake on record triggered off the northwest coast on July 12th, and another in the ocean floor between northern Australia and Indonesia, at the southern rim of the ‘Ring of Fire’. The quakes centered deep, and caused minimal damage and no tsunamis. Remember we can all support Gaia’s and our own upliftment by staying fully present in love and choosing to energize the most ease-full potential Shift rather than ‘impending doom and disaster scenarios’.

To my view, fleets of lightships led by the Neptune are at present assisting along the ocean floors throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Attempts to turn the Earth’s movements and adjustments into crisis situations are continually being defused, and nuclear waste cannisters dumped on the sea floors have been neutralized (especially those close to tectonically vibrating areas) east of the Asian mainland ~ in a literal 3D reflection of the transformations of the death/destruction grid of ‘old-programme’ Pluto vibrating through the physical Earth plane as transmutation/detoxification of plutonium. Stabilizing of the volcanic chain within Japan has been guided by the beautiful 5D Agarthan people of that Inner Earth area, who symbolize themselves as the ‘People of the Butterfly’ (their emblem is the white butterfly of light, and you can hold this in your heart if you feel called to connect with them).

Thanks go to the many love anchors all around the planet holding and radiating the intention and vision of full alignment of the New Earth for the planet and all living beings, along the highest ascension trajectory. Blessings to those embodied in 3D and across the dimensions of light who have been clearing and grounding through the western Americas too, around the eastern rim of the Ring of Fire. Your presence is loved and felt. โค

We’d like to share some photos now, of Ashura (my Twin Flame) as he appeared in his 5D expression Arnap, from the night of July 21st, during a highly energized phase of clearings by lightships along the ocean floors. The night was still, softly raining, as we aligned energies through the nodes/light-grid here, he appeared very clearly in his 5D human-shaped lightbody, shining brightly in the driveway, love pouring through him like a river! Where he was standing on a patch of gravel, the camera caught a large orb floating above and then touching the gravel.

I asked if he could show his 5D form in a photo; the next frame blurred, which I took as a ‘not yet’, however on downloading the photo, found his form was faintly visible, and that he had subtly shown his motion from standing on the gravel facing me, to turning sideways as he stepped up the bank, to facing forward again at the far right (standing directly above the rubbish bin, symbolically, as we were literally ‘getting on top of the trash’ on the ocean floor at that moment!). ๐Ÿ™‚ In 5D, we’re not ‘in time’ as such (though we can intersect with it, and move in and out it) so he was able to show what would appear in linear 3D time as a sequence of movements, in a single frame. Hopefully, you can make out, or feel the vibration of, his subtle presence and form within the three areas I’ve circled in blue. The fourth circled area in the background also has a figure standing in it; a soul embodied on Earth with whom we are now in contact, and he translocated with Arnap through the portal, by way of a first greeting.

In the crop below, to see Arnap’s form within the right hand circle, the easiest part of his body to see is probably his lower leg, which is forward, at the right, appearing as a slightly darker ‘leg-shape’ over the foreground grass. With our friend in the background, his feet are most visible on the grass, and the outline of his head and shoulder at the right-hand side.

An astounding orb appeared just before Arnap and our Earth contact came through, with a super clear Infinity symbol that looks almost as though it’s floating upon the surface of the orb, with an opened portal beside it. Two faces are visible within the portal; the upper face has a feline shape and energy….signifying the Lion’s Gate opening, and peaking into the 8-8 (double infinity) alignment/light activation (which we’ll post about closer to the peak, with a Lion’s Gate meditation). Many faces showed through surrounding orbs, but I’ve never seen anything like this Infinity Gate symbolism in an orb before. Powerful openings this Lion’s Gate, dear friends! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚

Love, Peace, Joy of the Lion’s Gate to you all, and of course to this beautiful Earth, as the blissful Sirian~Lyran Light flows in,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor โค

*See The Winged Lion of Eremor and From the Lion Beings for more information about our leonine and feline star families โค