The Twelfth Hour

Dear All,

Star family missions have been running thick and fast across various dimensional layers, ever increasing this year, so firstly, to those who have sent emails or messages that haven’t yet received a reply, heartfelt thanks for reaching out and sharing the love! ❤ To everyone dedicated to anchoring Universal Love on Earth through this year, assisting the ‘golden light over 2020’ to stabilize the highest trajectory for this planetary shift through increasing vibrational accelerations, always know that ongoing love, strength and supportive background actions are constantly flowing from the higher dimensions. Pause and breathe in that high vibrational refreshment, the embrace of love all around the Earth, whenever you feel over-busy or depleted, re-centre in your inner divinity and unity with the realms of pure love.

We’d like to talk here about what star family refer to as the ‘Twelfth Hour of Gaia’s arc of ascension’, which her planetary body has been flowing within for a few months of local time now. From star family, the Earth shifted into the ‘Eleventh Hour’ on the 11-11-11 Gateway (11th day of the 11th month in 2011) with another very significant shift into the Twelfth Hour on the June Solstice 2019. They symbolize the stage of planetary ascension we’re currently in, as it translates into the Earth plane through the local space-time frame, as a clock with both hands pointing to 12 (ascension’s ‘true north’, so to speak) and to think of a clock striking 12, chiming 12 times within this moment of the Twelfth Hour as it translates through this earthly time expression…with each chime layering in another level of higher dimensional Light.

From our perspective, the Twelfth Hour is what many call The Event ~ we are in it Now, as it progresses through the 12 chimes until the 12th stroke of the 12th hour (much accelerated from the 11th hour), at which moment the Event as a vibrational moment of planetwide collective clarity in heart-opening-awareness will become tangible, visible, palpable around the Earth, in relation to what some call a ‘flashpoint’ or ‘solar flash’, also described by star family metaphorically as a ‘standing wave event‘, when all the layerings of light frequencies come into a particular harmonic format ready to receive the ascension pulse from Galactic Centre in full coherence. From that moment, Earth’s natural ascension unfoldment/blossoming is completely unshakeable, beyond the influence or reach of any energies of a distorted vibration.

Feel each chime of the Twelfth Hour like a tap on a bell; there’s the initial ringing tone, then the reverberation of that tone as it expands from the bell (diinnngggg), and that each of these chimes doesn’t diminish, but widens and softens, settling into the Earth’s energy field, orienting the planet and collective’s vibrational field into incrementally strengthened harmonic coherence, each chime building on the previous one. So, in this building sequence, the second chime came through the peak of the Lion’s Gate on the 8~8 (August 8th), the third through the 9~9 Gateway, with short integration phases between them, and now a longer integration phase through to December while a major (distorted red) energy removal mission is underway through to the 11~11 Gateway.

Once that energy is lifted from the planetary field and taken Home into Love, the way will be clear for the fourth chime of this Twelfth Hour, initiating through the 12~12, peaking into the December Solstice on the 21st Dec 2019, then culminating into January 12, 2020. This trinary ’12’ sequence will be heightened through two particular planetary conjunctions on December 12th and January 12th (Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and Saturn-Pluto conjunction respectively, wrapped around the Solstice alignment ~ see previous posts about the higher transformations of Saturn and Pluto). So 2020 (=4) will flow in on the vibration of the fourth chime. (For cultures on Earth with different calendars, the Galactic Light-pulses flow through different numeric translations, but the sequence base is the same behind all ‘earth clocks’, stepping down the 27-72 central creation code of this galaxy).

We’ll focus on the 11~11 Gateway (November 11th 2019) in the next post, which coincides with a transit of Mercury, igniting a powerful alignment of the Silver Flame of Transcendence into the planetary field and grids. For now, here are a few beautiful moments with star family from the last few weeks, beginning with September 20th 2019 ~ with an unexpected ‘call from on high’ to go into Perth city and walk with the local climate march that was part of a global climate action. I was guided to connect with Gaia’s emerald light rising from the Earth’s crystalline heart, while anchoring the light of a beautiful ship named the Victor Five flying above the march, which radiates from an emerald Core Crystal, throughout this walk.

Many lightships of the Ashtar Command were present (cloaked), with a number of Arcturian bowships outlining subtly in the clouds overhead, like the one at the upper left of this photo.

Arcturian bowships outline as crescents in the clouds over the Perth Climate Action March on September 20th 2019, Perth city, Western Australia.

At one point, the crowd of around 10,000 sat down along the length of a city street and observed a silence for the Earth. Through the mixture of vibrations ~ fear, anger at corporations and governments, and a rising ground-swell of love for the Earth ~ as everyone sat on the ground, I saw/felt a huge pulse of green light from Gaia’s heart, coming to meet this mass love and care, rising up through the earth chakra/base chakra of every person, sending emerald green light up into their heart chakras, in a wave of connectedness with the planetary soul.

This heart pulse from the soul of Earth was so beautiful, it moved through all the fragmentary, discordant vibrations to touch hearts with love for this planet, love for humanity, love for all life here. No matter what views about causes of climate change resonate for you, from the overview, know that there is an awakening in progress, of a global priority to live gently on the planet and transcend forms of energy, agriculture and land development that damage the environment….and that this collective impulse is in flow with the overall Shift in Consciousness that will open the way to becoming an interplanetary and galactic civilization, within a wider, high-functioning community of love and cooperation.

Toward the end of the march, just after a streetfull of people had waved to the police helicopter in the photo below, Ashura (my Twin Flame) flashed the tiny white pod ship he was flying overhead (look slightly upper right of the helicopter in the photo below, in a gap between the clouds). 🙂

Ashura’s pod ship was visible for a moment, upper right of a helicopter, September 20th 2019.

There was a lot of energy and activity over these buildings where the march ended, with ships clearing disturbed vibrations, keeping the energies high. The silhouette of a wide-angled Sirian-Procyon triangular ship can be seen in the circled area below.

Triangular Sirian-Procyon merged ship can be seen clearing energies over the city of Perth, September 20th 2019.

A few days later, as the light frequencies soared into the September Equinox, a group of ground crew/love anchors here in the Perth area aligned the ‘Equinox light of equilibrium’ through four nodes, with our final destination at Serpentine Falls in the southern hills east of the city.

Serpentine Falls, Darling Range, Western Australia, on the September Equinox 2019.

As we connected with the node there (a node is an amplified subtle energy crossing point of two or more planetary chi flow lines), a perfect triangle formed in clouds low over the Falls, anchoring a projection of ‘trinity light codes’ from the New Jerusalem golden light mothership stationed high above.

‘Cloud triangle’ forms close above Serpentine Falls, aligning light codes from the mothership New Jerusalem, September 23rd 2019.

Where this triangle formed, the clouds thickened into a tall pyramid that gradually morphed into a massive angelic figure holding an upright sword (in the first photo, a hawk or eagle can be seen flying up toward the angel’s forming face). Merged soul vibrations of Archangels Michael and Gabriel were flowing through this angel form, and the upright sword has a spiralling energy, if you look closely at the second picture below…representing the in-flowing Ascension Light Spiral being directed/pillared into the node below while our group anchored the energies.

This was such a blissful occasion, as we’ve done a lot on unblocking and clearing of the Serpentine Falls node over the last couple of years (this node sits on the Belinus Line, which has been mapped as a ley line in Britain, however this is actually a planetwide chi line that flows like a huge sine wave around the Earth, passing through Western Australia in the southernmost curve of its energy flow). To feel the vibrations at the Falls so light and free now is such a joy, and an excellent indicator of how much the Earth’s crystalline light-grid has stabilized this year! 🙂 From here, we sent green-blue light to forests burning in various parts of the planet at that time (Amazon, Siberia, Alaska, Africa, eastern Australia) and many beautiful symbolic ‘light arcs and pillars’ formed over and flowing into trees around the rim of the Falls.

We’d like to add here for clarity, where burning of forests around the world is sometimes interpreted as a spiritual cleanse coming from the planetary soul; Gaia cleanses with the water element, and clearings only ever become destructive of life where a planet/collective consciousness is being influenced by a dense, manipulated polarity vibration. True higher vibrational ‘clearing with fire’ naturally transforms distorted energies into peace and light, rather than ‘cleansing through destruction‘, which expresses from a dualized matrix. Clearing within Universal Love always flows from and with compassion, grace and upliftment.

Here in Australia, trees and bushland have an adaptive resilience to fire, but the level of wildfires occurring now (especially in the eastern states, connected with the misuse/imbalance of a string of 4D vortexes) goes beyond nature’s adaptations. However, as the higher light waves keep reorganizing distorted energies more deeply through the higher chimes of the activated Twelfth Hour, these imbalances will ease through all the planetary vibrational field’s manifest reflections ~ environmental, social, political, personal, spiritual ~ until true harmonic coherence is aligned and anchored into this Shift. From Ashura: Breathe, relax, be the peaceful waters, be the steady flame of love that calms all misdirected fires into the pure, gentle radiance of shining divine light.

Some of this distorted red fire energy has been transmuted and lifted out through actual water nodes around the planet; in the location below, a group of ground crew anchored the Rose Ray and Ruby Ray (ruby-rose light reorganizes disturbed red vibrations into natural higher harmony) into an underwater node, flowing from the Ruby Core Crystal of a beautiful Antarian lightship, the Taia’Tara (Antarian ships often vibrate through the ‘ascended red’ spectrum, balanced with emerald green light; see this post for more about them).

The silhouette of an Arcturian bowship can be seen in a cloud that formed over a node during a clearing and activation in the Canning River, Perth. Western Australia, September 30th 2019.

A long straight ‘corridor’ opened up as clouds thickened overhead, with many beautiful beings forming inside this symbolic passageway. Whale shapes appeared as if swimming across the clouds, slowly filling the corridor. Then feline and whale energies rippled down a ‘sky bridge’ as a whale’s eye and soft feline face formed above it, with these gentle, loving Sirian and Cetian soul groups sending light codes ‘down the bridge’ into the river node.

As you tune into the unconditional love, the deep wisdom flowing through the gaze of this beautiful galactic whale, let this overview of immense light, compassion and gentle strength fill your heart and refresh you. Bless the waters everywhere around the Earth and in your body, in the air, the plants and animals, oceans and waterways, in the soil and springs welling from the ground. Let your inner visions of the New Earth flow like water, as you bathe them in the light of joy and sweetness, shower them in love. Let these soul visions guide your actions, knowing that as we do this together in unison around the world, Ascended Earth is converging through us, with us, guided and assisted by countless loving beings. We are all One Love.

Love, Joy & Peace to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❤

*This month’s DNA Activation meditation for October 21st 2019 can be found at the LoveLight Circle, if this resonates for you, all are very welcome to join in. ❤

June 2019 Light Update

Dear All,

Following the June Solstice of 2019, the Earth is vibrationally now within a two week ‘deep solar window’ through to an upcoming Solar Eclipse on July 2nd-3rd. This is a powerful, very well supported window in which to breathe deeply into our hearts, to open and anchor the next level of higher dimensional light that has been stepping up the planetary frequency to a new level of freedom of flow through the light-grids during the first three weeks of June. Through the Solstice focus, the continuous incoming Light has secured another vital step toward the interdimensional ‘Standing Wave Event’ which star family gave a clear photographic representation of at the end of the previous post, Saturn’s Return in Light.

This particular step has been fulfilled as the planetary energy flow-lines came into global cohesion of flow in mid-June, from a light-thread here and a thread there, that then became an area here, a region there, and finally now with the planet as a whole experiencing clear higher vibrational light flows through the New Earth light-grid as a unified network.  🙂

Having all the major meridians/flow-lines of the Earth open and ‘breathing’ naturally again, subtly yet profoundly affects all living beings and the human collective consciousness field around this planet…vibrating the unity and freedom that is inherent within us and all life, throughout the Earth’s energy field. Among the raft of higher effects of stabilized freedom of flow through the meridians and planetary light-grids as a Whole is that wherever there are attempts to reassert control constructs or lower vibrational holding points, the denser 3-4D grid layers are now being organically purified in a gentle ongoing frequency radiance from the Ascended 5D Earth (that already exists) through the New Earth grid, and those control constructs will continue to fade away within the coherence of the higher vibration.

There have been attempts to fracture this cohesion in certain pressure points on the planet recently, and to open passages into the Solar System from another galactic quadrant to send through reinforcements for those seeking to cling to control of the 3-4D plane; many lightships and ground crew light-anchors have worked to defuse and transmute those attempts, and will keep doing so as necessary…and star famly reaffirm that all is well, and in alignment for a ‘high beam’ transmission through the imminent Solar Eclipse, which is coming through the Galactic Central Sun.

To give a picture of this Freedom-in-Love Ignition that came into completion through the Solstice, and is settling into the Earth’s energy field now in readiness for the Solar Eclipse, star family gave some beautiful, symbolic photos, starting with the Moon on June 15th. Just a couple of days before Full Moon, clouds formed in a curved pillar below the Moon, with many beautiful faces showing through. This cloud pillar cupped the Moon, like an arm holding the Moon upward, toward a tiny cloud that appeared upper right of the Moon in the shape of a comet with a pluming tail, diving into the Moon as it was uplifted.

The ship appearing clearly in front of the clouds to the left of the Moon is the Meri’Ashar, and in the second picture, you can see a second ship (circled) in close beside the Moon; this is the Sophia, also called the White Phoenix, which radiates the eternal Mother Rose vibration from its white and rose core crystal. Above the Sophia, there’s a face (circled) reminiscent of a meerkat, symbolizing feline energies and deep loving heart energy (meer/mir in light language is the soundform of ’emerald green’, the heart chakra light vibration).

In the next frame, the cloud can be seen curving up around the Moon, as if softly cradling it in peachy rose light, forming a deep crescent or bowl of light, like a chalice in which the Moon is nestled.

Finally, the ‘Chalice of the Moon’ floated free, literally ascending as it appeared to lift from the clouds, with Jupiter below (the bright light at the bottom of the frame)…and Jupiter has been very active at the higher vibrational level with this whole uplifting process through June 2019, with star family focus groups within and around Jupiter and liberated Saturn in deep preparation now for the coming Solar Eclipse-Great Central Sun alignment, and the following partial lunar eclipse in mid-July. Everything’s moving very fast in the Light Wave’s momentum, folks!

This soft yet powerful ignition waxed through the Full Moon on June 17th, then rose into the full vibrational alignment of the Solstice on June 21st. Here in the south, this Winter Sosltice was blessed with a fine, sunny day between rain storms. Our ships were busy holding the light-grids steady in various parts of the world, with the Meri’Ashar working over Syria, neutralizing attempts to open fissures across the grids. The light-anchoring reflected here in a specific connected way; I was guided to place a ‘blue butterfly’ labradorite crystal and lemon topaz on a nearby hill, and while connecting with the Meri’Ashar, Arnap (5D soul expression of my Twin Flame, Ashura) brought a little white pod ship through a triangular portal he opened in the sky directly over the crystals, and sent light through them into the Earth. In the enlargement below, you can see the triangle shape of the portal quite clearly right behind the ship.

He then guided me to walk down the hill, toward a rock with an unusual curved fissure through its centre. Again, he flew his pod ship in a direct alignment over this rock, and from a higher dimensional view, a beam of white-gold light came from the ship that began to spiral as it neared the ground, flowing in a spiralling curve through the fissure in the rock, in unison with white and golden light being sent by the Meri’Ashar and Phoenix and accompanying ships into etheric fissures in a few ‘pressure points’ in the Middle East, filling them with light and smoothing them back into the harmonic flow of the high vibrational interweaving grids.

This higher flow of Freedom in Love, freedom of circulation and cohesion of the light-grids is part of, and assisted/activated by, ongoing interplanetary shifts and transformations within and around the planets, moons and asteroid companions travelling and vibrationally interacting within the Solar System. From the soul reawakening of Mars in 2018 (see Transformations July-Aug 2018 and Mars Mission Update) to the complete dismantling of the control grid around Saturn that has freed the transmission of its beautiful 6D heart light, with the rings of Saturn currently being recoded into what star family are showing as harmonic frequencies blossoming like a flower instead of being tethered as bands of constriction, to the true deep wisdom of the heart emanations of Chiron as Key to Wholeness…this all now opens the way for the higher frequencies of beautiful Uranus and its moons to radiate and be received in the Earth field.

The planet Uranus, photo by Erich Karkoshka, University of Arizona/NASA.

Uranus is vibrating 7th dimensional frequencies, amplified through it sixteen golden rings (16=1+6=7). Coming into 2019, star family called this year a bridging year, the ‘Year of the Golden Circle‘, which has multiple layers of meaning; the golden rings of Uranus are one aspect of this circle of completion and part of the bridging energy activating through the middle of this year. Uranus radiates Freedom through the integration of Grace, that comes with opening to and allowing Unconditional Loving Unity and Compassion for self and all. With Saturn transmitting its high heart light again, the soul radiance of Uranus can also be felt on Earth and in the human collective consciousness undistorted, as pure Freedom in Love&Unity rather than ego-motivated ‘free-wheeling into chaos’ or ‘free will at the expense of other people or life-forms’. This shift will come through subtly, but its effects will be deep, huge and wonderful in the collective energy field and consciousness.

June 27th is the midway point between the Solstice and the upcoming Solar Eclipse on July 2-3rd. It’s also an incredibly beautiful activation point for Freedom in Love, Freedom of the Divine Feminine in women, men and all life on Earth, as the very high Rose Light vibrations of Makarim, the Rose Planet, that flows through Messier 27 (see this post) aligns and anchors to a whole new level in the Solar System, into its natural holding points, the 27 moons of Uranus.

This activation will be flowing into specific nodes in the New Earth light-grid, and to anyone reading this, who feels called in your heart to anchor this Rose Light flow as it integrates into the lunar network of Uranus and reflects to our Moon and Earth, just open your heart, connect in Love with Gaia’s heart, and breathe in the Rose vibrations in unity with the (vision and intention of) planetary ascension blossoming as peacefully as possible within its highest trajectory. If you resonate with crystals and/or enjoy working with them, rose quartz crystals all around and within the planet are ready and willing to receive and hold the ’27’ Rose Light flow, for the highest good of all.

With much love and gratitude, rose light, peace and joy to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor   ❤