Ascension Council Update

Dear All,

Greetings! Today we’re focusing with a ‘planetary ascension overview’, the current energetic stage of the Earth’s shift-in-progress, with a request from the Ascension Council, the focus group of the Galactic Council with the role of overseeing higher vibrational shifts of planets and stars in this galaxy, which connects with the Earth Council beings of Love (who on Earth are often referred to as Ascended Masters & Lady Masters, Elders, Earth Guardians, the Light-keepers of Agartha, Shambhala and many sacred nodes), Gaia’s close network through this process.

On February 15th, the first eclipse phase of 2018 completed with a partial solar eclipse that shaded Antarctica and transmuted several layers of ‘war trauma’ vibrations imprinted in the Earth’s energy field, as a ‘plug was pulled’ from the South Polar region in the etheric/astral bands of the fourth dimension. Many beautiful Lights moved around the planet at that moment, gathering and transforming those energies as they unhooked from the Earth grid. This is how the flurry of light beings and released energies projected overhead here, a couple of hours before the peak of the eclipse (about 4am here), while divine rays of Light were held through the eclipse alignment. Just glorious! 🙂

We use the word ‘flurry’ in relation to the swirl of duality energies in 4D becoming more noticeable…which has appeared here with slippages of cloaking of control-oriented beings, and reflects in 3D as deeper recognition of control-based programmes and constructs at individual and collective levels. To stay in true alignment with the inflow of Ascension, the key is to anchor through our beings the constant overview of the Soul/Higher Self/Inner Divine, from the unity in universal love and peace that streams through the Fifth Dimension and higher.

To feel how duality expresses distinctly in the third and fourth dimensions, in 3D it’s easy to recognize as tensions between thought structures, social and ideological constructs. In 4D, duality expresses through the contrast of standing, seeing and feeling through the inner zero-point of pure Being, in relation to contrasting swirls in the 4D space-time spiralling energy motion. This can feel chaotic until re-aligning to inner centre, the steady ‘still point in the storm’ while the 3-4D shakedown and shake loose of meshed dense energies is in progress. The fluctuation of personal energies many feel at this time is a reflection of that shifting back and forth, in and out of centre. If this is how you’re feeling, breathe deeply, love and trust yourself to re-align, knowing you can, knowing the inner guiding light is always there and comes into focus when you’re able to settle in gentle kindness to yourself and others, to all beings.

Your inner guiding light is a concentrated beam shining from the unity in universal love and peace that is the primary vibration of the higher dimensions and realms of Light, where Divine Love flows unfiltered by limiting constructs. Seeing and sensing from this expansive overview is beautifully symbolized in the flight of eagles and hawks in the 3D world; when a storm approaches, rather than seeking shelter as most birds and animals do, they fly upward and over the top of the storm, into the serenity of the overview (hence our star brothers and sisters have been connected symbolically with eagles, and will reflect their energies through these birds when giving a message of holding the overview of universal love). This overview constantly guides us into and through centre, into the still point within that is uninfluenced by the storm, freely soaring on the ‘divine winds of change’.

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An eagle flies in front of a brewing storm on May 12th 2017, keeping its course calm and steady as it rises (the eagle’s appearance was preceded by the lightship in the photo below).

A ‘push-pull’ effect has been occurring recently in 4D, through the energizing of contrasting timelines. Time is a property of the fourth dimension, and to appreciate why alignments of Sun-Earth-Moon (eclipses) ~ and the placement of the Moon in general ~ has an effect that can be amplified by beings of Love, it helps to know that the Earth sits in its own localized ‘dimple’ in 4D space-time…which was theorized by Albert Einstein, and proven in 2011.

The current 4D tension has various inputs, but is also being added to by two groups on and around Earth. One (ascension-oriented) group is holding focus on a division into two Earths as part of the planetary ascension process via a timeline split, leaving only the highest primary timeline of the New Earth aligned. The other (control-oriented) group is holding focus on splitting time(lines) to amplify fragmentation in the 4-3D fields. Actually, in 4D frequency bands, what is conceived of as linear time in 3D is simply parts of the vortex (spiralling time) that come into and out of view depending on one’s focus, and what we’re individually and collectively energizing/magnetizing within the vortex. This feels more amplified, intensified, as we/our energies converge closer to the zero-point, because of the acceleration of the spiral motion into and radiating from centre.

Ascension, however, is a unifying process/event/moment where all potentials and probabilities converge and transform into true alignment, pure Oneness, wholeness…from the inner guiding light of the overview always existing (beyond time) in universal love and peace which, when focused through the 4D zero point, and anchored into this 3D vibrational field, brings transformation into wholeness. An ascending planet or star doesn’t split itself into potentials across space-time, it unifies itself from a state that is already split, or at least, appears to be split. As energized potentialities converge, the higher vibrating alignment always transforms lower vibrating potentials, because the more coherent vibration always transmits the stronger frequency. The closer a distorted energy comes into convergence with a higher Light, the more it reorganizes back to the natural harmonic of Love. Feel this oneness state in your Heart, and you will feel Gaia’s Ascension of her planetary body ~ all its layers that have been veiled off from each other ~ into pure loving reunion, with all of us.

From the Council: We ask those of you holding visions of division as Ascension to release them now, beloved ones, and hold the convergence of all into Love, for Love is the great Oneness. The Earth is reunifying, and you are all anchoring this reunification as you focus yourselves into the oneness of your inner light and perceive it within all life. Ascension is for all life travelling here with beloved Gaia; this is the agreement of all beings in (y)our high light centre. Trust the Divine process. All who are awake in their hearts of Love will move (and are moving) through this transition in ease and joy. The many who have resistances yet are loving, will open and accelerate through the perfect Divine moment. Those who are deeply walled and distorted from Love may leave physical and receive assistance, realignment and healing. If they wish to return and co-create with the New Earth they will be free to do so, having remembered who and what they are, and returning in Love. Be the Oneness, in vision, thought, feeling and word, friends and loved ones of Earth. Thank you, we are with you. 

As part of this message, I’d like to share some exquisite sign language from a hawk who landed outside the window yesterday, February 23rd, while I was attuning to write this post and focusing on ‘overview’. While visions came of how our higher dimensional friends and soul expressions have responded to a request from Gaia to defuse the tension, strengthening and increasing the vibration of the high light grids around the Earth to create more stability, this lovely bird flew in and alighted on the veranda rail with its wings outstretched, the sunlight flowing golden through them. Then it preened and stretched out one foot, which it closed into a ball, as if holding onto something, before gently unrolling its toes and flying off.

And so we hear, ‘All is well. Dark threads are removed. The grids are holding.’

Shine your Inner Sun and radiate, dear friends on the journey. Thank you and love for all you are and do, and blessings to all the guiding Lights of this Ascension,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

Lunar Eclipse Peace Meditation

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Dear All,

In the lead-in to 2018’s first eclipse on January 31st, we’d like to share a meditation connecting this alignment of total eclipse of a Super Blue Moon (called a supermoon while at the closest point to Earth in its orbit, a blue moon as it’s the second full moon in a calendar month, and also a ‘Blood Moon’ as the total eclipse will give it a reddish hue). In this local cosmic dance, eclipses always align in pairs, and January’s lunar eclipse will be followed by a partial solar eclipse on February 15th, a day before the celebration of Chinese New Year.

At a higher level, the vibrational ‘stream’ of lunar to solar, white to gold, during this passage, will open another level of this year’s ’11’ Gateway energy…and as the Earth is poised between the ‘light pillars’ of Sun and Moon in these eclipse moments, the triune (three-in-one)/trinity vibration activates highly. Feel this as a potent moment of activation for the 3-strand DNA we spoke about in a previous post (which creates the ‘landing template’ for realization of 12 subtle light strand activation in 3×4 bundles). Total eclipses vibrate high potential for release of the old grid of limiting beliefs, structures and stored memories that weigh down personal and collective energy fields around the planet, and with an energetic theme through this year of deep release and transmutation of the war and associated trauma vibrations layered into the collective consciousness for millenia, this eclipse of a Super Blue ‘Blood Moon’ is a highly charged activator for aligning the flow of rebirth with Gaia, through the Earth Grid and planetary flow lines.

Many loving light beings around and within the Earth are assisting and amplifying this alignment, and leading into the eclipse I’ve been seeing lightships of gold, peach, red and white light, with many orbs appearing in photos in the light peachy-gold to cherry red spectrum…as the focus converges into transmuting misused ‘red life force’ energy converted to anger and violence through the peachy-golden radiance of the Sacred Heart vibration and the deep pure life energy of the Ruby Ray. Feel the transformative vibrations emanating through these orbs, from soul groups who radiate transmutation of misaligned red energy into divine peace and ascension.

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Red-gold orbs, with green and blue friends, spiral around the Diamond Cross, Jan. 23, 2018.

On January 23rd, these soul groups and friends/assistants spiralled around the Diamond Cross asterism (in the centre of the frame) through which a powerful beam of galactic Diamond Light is flowing and intensified coming into this lunar-solar eclipse period. The Diamond Cross has continued to be highly active, with these beautiful soft peachy orbs appearing over several nights:

Multiple ‘planet and moon’ pairs have also appeared, as the Ascension Light pouring through the Diamond Cross bathes the Solar System, Earth and Moon:

Flowing here into beautiful representations of the Earth and Moon in rotation, with Moon being eclipsed by the beautiful blue-green Earth:

And again, with a moon orb aglow with a rim of ‘new light’, rebirthed. The texture of the lunar orb in this photo reminds me of the Moon’s crater-marked 3D surface, scars of bombardments exposed and ‘lit up’, deeply symbolic of the eclipse effect on an energetic level as old hidden or avoided hurts are ‘highlighted’ in the small self, with the opportunity to bless them with compassion, release them in peace, and rebirth in joy.

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Earth and Moon orbs, January 28, 2018.

Around the Earth, Phoenix rebirthing energies are already amplifying and spiralling, diamond white and peachy-gold, and we invite you to join in anchoring this alignment in pure Divine Love, Peace and Unity (if you’d like to time your focus with the peak of the eclipse, it’s at 13:29:51 UTC ~ or if you prefer, just hold the intention to converge with the moment of Sun-Earth-Moon alignment).

Lunar Eclipse Peace Meditation

*This is shared as a visualization, but if visualizing doesn’t resonate for you, please feel free to read through and hold the intention below from and through your heart of Divine Love. 

Breathe into your heart centre, let a star of pure white light form there and radiate all around you. Feel the Love that you are, infinite and eternal, in unity with all the Lights of Love holding the focus of divine rebirth and ascension with Earth. In unity with all Lights of Love guiding and supporting this planet, and with all the high light grids and templates of renewal. Connect from your heart star with a beam of Love and Gratitude to the heart of Gaia and the heart of Source in the beautiful Oneness, and let your aura, your torus field, fill with golden light. Feel your whole being continuously bathed in this golden lovelight of Source, transforming any dense energies in your aura, any dense energies that come toward you, into the highest Love and Light. 

Visualize a soft White Diamond Light ray flowing through you from Source to the heart of Gaia (crystalline light core of the planet), then spiralling outward from the centre of the planet, expanding until this Light is moving around the whole Earth. Now visualize a Golden Light Ray flowing through you from Source, to the heart of Gaia, then spiralling outward in the other direction, crossing over the White Ray, creating a white and golden helix gently streaming around the Earth.

See a White Phoenix and a Golden Phoenix bird form within the two interweaving streams and guide them out further, the White Phoenix guiding the White Light out to and around the eclipsed Moon, the Golden Phoenix guiding the Golden Light out to and around the Sun, opening the Eclipse Gateway of maximum rebirth potential for all. Then see them returning along their spiral light streams to meet in the centre of the Earth and merge as One with Gaia’s heart. See a radiating light flow now in all directions from the centre of the Earth, peachy-golden and diamond-white. As this merged light moves through the planet, it dissolves layers of old war and trauma energies, releasing them in the freedom of sacred cherishing Love, transforming them into Peace. Feel a wave of love and joy igniting in this moment of release and rebirth, and know that its ripple will continue to vibrate and anchor deep within the collective energy field from here on. And So Be It.  

With love, gratitude and blessings to all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*For more insight into the Diamond Cross Ascension Light, read this post.

Antares & the Golden Light of Lyra

Dear All,

Today’s post will focus with the feline beings of Antares, a nearby constellation named Ara, and the restoration of the ‘golden light of Lyra’. Translating into a linear time perspective, during Lyra’s first Golden Age, leonine beings who had settled on Avyon, a planet of the star Vega, flourished. From their own subtle light-DNA they created feline sub-species, then humans, who spread to the planets Ruat and Veruna (also heard as Ruatia and Velonia by some tuning into the Lyran energies), and to a beautiful planet of the nearby star Lucida Anseris. The first Galactic Federation of star systems and planets in the Milky Way was formed, the Federation of Lyra, in an era of peaceful growth, unity and creation. As the polarity experience in this galactic region went into a heavier phase (where it ‘stretched’ into adversarial dualism), the Lyran planets were invaded and fell into an interdimensional war in which Avyon was destroyed, and the inhabitants of Avyon, Ruat and Veruna fled into other star systems.

Vega (Alpha Lyra), photo courtesy NASA.

Vega (Alpha Lyra), photo courtesy NASA.

Star chart with Lyra, Scorpius and Ara circled in green (Lyra north of celestial equator & Scorpius and Ara south).

Lyra, Scorpius & Ara circled (Lyra north of celestial equator & Scorpius and Ara south).

Many leonine and feline beings went to Sirius A, and the humans who followed them resettled on planets around Sirius B. Anla’ith, an Antarian tiger being I introduced in this post as the captain of the ship below, speaks of the scattering of the different groups from Lyra and Lucida Anseris as a ‘fanning of rays of the golden light of Lyra’. From upheaval came a spreading of the feline and human beings, and both Sirius and Antares proved to be fruitful havens (felines went to Antares, humans joined them later, from Sirius and the Pleiades) in which they could undertake new endeavours and creations, and eventually re-ascend their frequencies into 5D and higher/faster frequency fields.

The Antarian ship Meritahu, captained by Anla'ith, photo taken March 24, 2016.

Antarian ship Meretahu, captained by Anla’ith, photo taken March 24, 2016.

Some groups of tiger beings went into the constellation Dorado, while another leonine group ~ with tiger, panther and leopard-type beings ~ travelled to the Scorpius system, particularly its alpha star Antares, and the Cat’s Eyes. Humans also eventually settled on Antarian planets (my first Antarian contact was with a human female, Tayitha, on board a ship called the Terebinth, detailed in this post).

Antares (Alpha Scorpius), red supergiant 850 x radius of our sun.

Antares, red supergiant 850 x radius of our sun.

Since late 2015 when they first contacted me (& I attuned to their presence) the Antarians have continued to represent their energies and signal their presence with a single large red orb, a beautiful reflection of their star, such as the one below.

Antarian star family projecting their light energies as a red orb, with green Arcturian companions, Jan. 7, 2016.

Antarian star family projecting their light energies as a red orb, with green Arcturian companions, Jan. 7, 2016.

Recently, Antarian family have been appearing in red orbs with a golden-amber light inside, such as this one on March 30, 2016, golden inside a red rim, symbolizing their Lyran origins.

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In this orb, many faces are layered over each other, with feline, leonine, human and doglike features (there are also dog-like beings in Antares ~ all the dog beings are sub-groups from the feline DNA, very close kin, friends and companions, not as humans tend to see their reflections on Earth in a ‘cat versus dog’ way). 🙂

DSC03024 - golden orb - Copy - Copy - Copy In the enlargement below you may be able to see the face of an eagle, with high vibrational Carian (bird being) energies merged in with Leonine, canine and human faces, all interweaving and unified in the golden light.

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As I was feeling into this golden light and the gathering of beings within it, Anla’ith guided me to go further than Scorpius, and directed me to a constellation near the Cat’s Eyes (the two stars in the ‘tail of the scorpion’) called Ara. In Latin, ‘ara’ means ‘altar’. In the root universal sound forms, A-Ra is ‘I’ (Divine I)+ ‘Light’ (of Source)…I am the Light of the Source. As meanings are multi-layered (and multidimensional) in the universal sounds, and light languages that radiate from them, we also have Ar-a: ‘Lion being’ + ‘I’ (small self I), Ar in Archangel Ariel and in the name Arnap, where Ar is both the presence of Lion soul light, and the energy of guiding or steering, as in the path of an ar-row in flight, the masculine energy in motion. When its motion is in alignment with the Divine, steering from/with Source, the feminine energy wraps around it, and unfurls from it, like a flower, or like the golden cloth on the altar, and the altar and cloth are one. (We all have feminine & masculine within us ~ feel the wholeness inside).

The beautiful Westerlund 1 golden cluster in the Ara constellation.

The beautiful Westerlund 1 golden cluster in the Ara constellation. Image courtesy NASA.

In Chinese myths, the star Vega is the ‘Weaving Maiden’, which we’ll focus into more deeply later this year. For now, feel how the cloth of golden light woven around Vega and its planets in its Golden Age flew out as golden rays, scattering to many stars, taking with it many divine creational strands. The greater cloth from which forms rise lays over the altar, and is beautifully represented in the image above of a golden star cluster in the heart of the Ara constellation.

The Greek myth of Ara holds another pearl of truth, for they saw Ara (located close to the heart of the Milky Way galaxy) as the altar upon which the gods first made offerings and formed an alliance, in order to defeat Cronus and the Titans. Cronus was identified with Time (Chronus, named Saturn by the Romans ~ Lord of Time/Karma), and this myth is a story of the re-ascension of the ‘children who had fallen into time’ (Cronus eating his children = linear time devours all/mortality) by aligning their energies together, in an alliance of different paths and expressions through many galactic ‘houses’ as one unified family. And it is unity consciousness, love and cooperation, that brings about collective ascensions. Hence tales of immortal ‘gods’, dwelling on the heights of Mt Olympus and drinking golden ambrosia, the elixir of eternal youth. Not all who regained the heights (lifted their vibration back into higher dimensional frequency fields) remained in unity consciousness and Source alignment…there have been many shifts of energies along the way.

On Earth, this can be seen in reversals of concepts of the nature of ‘reality’ in ancient times. We’ll mention just a few here, so you can see/feel the pattern of shifts in polarity, starting with maya, which is now commonly used to denote the ‘illusion of the material world’, with a negative connotation of an illusion which entraps, like a deception or enticement that obscures spirit, to which souls become attached and caught in the wheel of karma. However, in the earliest texts of the Rig Veda (Hindu scriptures), where maya was first described, it was seen as a magical power or attribute of the gods/divine creator beings, their creational shaping of energy into form, aligned with Parama Purusa, the supreme being (Source), very different to its current meaning ~ which was already present in the later Rig Veda texts.

Similarly, the word demiurge as creator being went through a deep reversal. To Plato and the Neoplatonists, the demiurge was the craftsman of the realm of form, and the forms were emulations of pure, eternal Ideas ~ so for instance, behind the myriad variations of form of every tree, there is an ideal of ‘Tree’ that has or is an immutable essence. In the Platonic view, the demiurge was benevolent, and the level of form intrinsically connected to the essences it emulated. Later, the Gnostics and other groups viewing creation through the gaze of dualism, saw the non-material realm as ‘good’ and the material realm as separate and ‘evil’. Therefore the creator of forms, the demiurge, was viewed as a malevolent being, and matter as death, to be escaped from. So demiurge went through the same kind of reversal as maya. This represents shifts of lighter to denser frequencies on/around Earth, and the (illusion of) split/disconnected frequencies the human view has fixed on, through numerous phases.

Connected with the shifts of maya and demiurge is the word ahura from ancient Persia, which became asura in India. Ahura in the Gathas (Zoroastrian scriptures) were creator gods, angelic beings protecting, guiding and helping humans back toward love in divine light. Other beings called divs were to be avoided, as entities that would lead humans astray with false words. In India’s Vedas, once again like maya in the earlier texts and in line with the Gathas, the asura were benevolent creator gods, while the devas were mischievous or malign entities to be avoided (div and deva being the origins of the modern word devil). Yet in later texts, the two were reversed, with the deva seen as benevolent gods and the asura as demons. Can you see and feel the pattern of energies and reversals, a sign of the veiling of unity/unified consciousness which fuels the dividing split gaze? It is this shift away from unity-of-seeing, from wholeness in harmony with Source, that gives a sense of (or belief in) ‘loss of innocence’. The innocence of wholeness and harmony is the dwelling place of inner sense. Where unity is veiled or obscured, the divine, innate inner sense ~ from which wisdom and clarity arise ~ is fragmented (and dimmed light, fractured energies, can slip through the cracks).

From Ashura, my Twin Flame:   “Maya, in true essence, is the Mother Song, Ma Ya. It is the singing. Sounding-of-light into forms. It is prime motion of shaping, cupping, wrapping energy into form. It is the threads of ‘hu’ wrapped and merged within the centre of the Ara, as A-Hu-Ra, the sacred I moving sound through light in One motion, Source’s shaping quality. This is true within all dimensions, as you call them. Sound-shaping of energy, the creational expressing. Inpressing light, expressing forms. Forms of density within slower bands, forms of hwae* in swifter bands. (*Note from J: there isn’t a literal translation for hwae – picture it as the shimmering, radiant light quality of how forms appear in higher dimensions).

It is the cloth around the altar, which holds all the ‘golden-prints’ of creation within its weave. Does the cloth of forms appear dark to you, obscuring the altar? Does it appear as translucent gold, its shining threads arising from the Love which is its bedrock, supporting it, and through which you can see the altar itself? What is the altar? It is the offering of Life, from Source’s Heart. Countless bowls and chalices, candles and platters lay upon this altar, arisen from the cloth…stars and constellations they are, galaxies and the many bright universes in dimensional bands, and all life thriving within them. The cloth of golden connects them all, they all rest upon it, nor can they be removed from it. The illusion of the veil of forgetting can be swathed around them ~ the shadow maya, yet this takes much control, for it is a discord to the hu (creation sound). 

Control requires energy. Thus those who seek to control fuel their beings on the energy released when souls engaging in the shadow maya as their reality react to the polarity within it. Reacting to the shadow cloth fuels and magnetizes those seeking control. This is why we say, ‘Be in Peace, or be in pieces.’ In true Peace, deep unconditional peace, every soul in existence can see the altar through the cloth, be-hold the grace of the offering, shape in harmony of tones the energy of the offering within the weave as Source’s co-creators and sub-creators. Creating with Love, unconditional love, we are aligned with the Providence of Source, the offering that provides all potentials in all dimensions. Feel this in your heart, create within your inner heart, and the shadow relinquishes its hold. All alignments are revealed to you, for wise creating….and wise creating reveals alignments.”

When we focus our beings, or an aspect of our being, into the shadow maya, we can get transfixed by death, endings, losses, life fading from vitality through linear time. Reacting through that focus holds the shadow to and within our ego selves and emotional fields. Yet in any moment we can turn our focus to the life behind the cloth, which tunes our focus to the golden threads within us and all forms. Here’s another enlargement from the golden Antarian orb above.

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In the centre is a pyramid, with many beings around it, which was also reflected in the energy of two beautiful ships that appeared high overhead on April 7th. You can see one of them in the very top left corner of the photo below.

Photo taken April 7, 2016.

Photo taken April 7, 2016.

Here it is enlarged, a pyramid-ship with a base of golden light, and green, violet and white light above, with the second ship below.

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These are Procyon ships…and I would add in the context of this post, that as you look at these ships, feel the rays of the Golden Light of Lyra that spread through star systems (the origin of this pyramid light-form), including to the ‘Dog’ systems, Canis Major (of which Sirius is the alpha star) and Canis Minor (with Procyon the alpha star), and re-ascended in/with those star systems and many more.

I’ll end this post with a meditation I did a few years ago, with Ashtar guiding. This is especially for those whose focus goes to death-wish, feelings of loss, hurt or despair. Just feel into this, and the true eternal energy of life, which changes forms, but never ends, is always flowing through the Tree of Source. At the time of this meditation, I was struggling to heal the energies of a lifetime in Atlantis where I had ‘lost my mind’, gone into dark ways, and ended my life by jumping off a cliff. Ashtar met me in my Inner Heart* and stood facing me, hands touching. We joined inner eye to inner eye and he asked me to ‘walk into his eye’, so what I visualized was a tiny me walking over a bridge from my inner eye into his. IN there, we stood side by side on the ledge of a great waterfall in space, with the water falling endlessly into a bottomless abyss, a void of blackness. Ashtar said to look into the void, and asked what did I see? As soon as I looked over the edge, the seemingly endless darkness was filled with shimmers of light, moving here and there, rainbow lights, golden lights, white lights, it was literally teeming with the infinite energy of Love, with infinite potentials of Life, and I realized in that moment that the void was an illusion. Now, I perceive it as the background of the shadow maya, seen from the focus of separated/veiled ‘self’. Then I looked out across the infinite playing, dancing field of light, and saw stars and constellations beyond counting. Beside me, Ashtar’s gaze was turned to them, and seeing through his Eye, his ‘I’, I felt very deeply his knowing of each one of them, and his love for them all. Which helped me greatly, from the sad focus point I was ‘in’, to remember and see and feel once again the wholeness of Life, and the pure innocence of my soul, within and beholding the All, in the light of creation. Then the golden light could open within me again, and blossom. It could merge my awareness and inner sense into my multi-dimensional whole again…and touch that lightness through to ‘3-4D self’.

In hindsight, I know I was’ weaving my way’ back from the hold of the shadow maya into the golden rays of Source, specifically along the ‘Lyran Ray’, when I wove the tapestry below, of Orpheus and his Angel returning to Light from the underworld. (Orpheus’s lyre became the constellation Lyra in the Greek myths).


It is said that at the tiniest level, the nucleus of every atom is a black hole, and black holes consume light. Yet what is beyond the event horizon, dear friends, what is beyond time, and (the appearance of) ’empty’ dark space? If you look further, into the heart of Source’s offering, which lives in your own Inner Heart, you will find so much more…..and that is your adventure, within this vast shared weaving of us all. 🙂

Finally, a gift from last night ~ a beautiful Lyran light gold orb, with many dear ones within it.

Lyran orb, photo taken April 15, 2016.

Lyran orb, photo taken April 15, 2016.

In this enlargement, maybe you can see in the upper area, Ashura’s energy, represented as the face and antlers of a stag.

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And his white light shining…with more friends close by.

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Love and Joy to you all, and with deepest love and thanks to Ashtar & all our family of the stars,

Joanna & Ashura. 💛

*If you’re unfamiliar with ‘going into your Inner Heart’ please read this page.

*If you haven’t read previous posts, you can read more about Ashura here, and on the Shem Arua and Mary’s Star pages.

INception Part II: Tree of the Twins

We Are the blessed flower, arrayed masculine power, We Are the bright fruit, feminine deep root, We Are the crown, high Kether’s gold, We Are Malkuth, the earth to hold, We Are the sweetness of Love’s sap, Tending the flow from Source’s tap, Dwelling in the invisible sphere, Indivisible, near and dear, Walk with us INside the Garden, Live the Eternal in this year.  ~ The Twins

Dear friends, following the previous post about INception/Immaculate Conception, more understanding has come through about the process of ascension (raising of the vibration of our 3D physical/emotional/mental being) and descension (inflow and containing of Higher Self vibration in the 3D-4D vessel), and their fusion to create a 5D crystalline-based light physical expression.

In the following week, Orbs clustered around the same tree (visible in photos of the previous post, with a Dove of white light flying to the tree and an Orb ‘nesting’ in it).

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The nesting Orb continued to appear over several nights. Here it is on Jan 2, 2014.

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As the Orbs continued drawing my attention to the tree, its significance deepened with the appearance of a white light Eagle (this is one of the forms I see Ashtar’s Essence projecting through) over two nights, along with communications about the Tree of the Sephiroth and a particular ‘realm’ within it, which I’ll speak of below.

Ashtar: Essence projected in Eagle form, Jan 4, 2014

Ashtar: Essence projected in Eagle form, Jan 4, 2014

Firstly, this ‘tree’ is really two trees twined together. The taller is a red bottlebrush, native to Western Australia, and the smaller is a pomegranate tree. When I attuned to this pair of trees, the energy of Twins, Twin Souls, pure union of sacred masculine and feminine energies, enveloped me. The bottlebrush has long feathery red flowers, and the pomegranate has red crown-like blooms that form into round red fruit, laden inside with red juice and seeds. You can see their masculine and feminine ‘plant signature’ in these photos, and how they compliment each other.

Bottlebrush flowers

Bottlebrush flowers

Pomegranate fruit

Pomegranate fruit

Red is the colour vibration of the base or root chakra (at the base of spine/perineum), the foundation of physical embodiment. The message of these trees, their celebration, coming into this year, is the importance of anchoring our merged inner feminine/masculine energies very deeply, so they can transform the physical level with the high frequencies of INception. Source Light flows through the crown, fills our forms to the base, and roots deep with the Core of Mother Earth…then the higher frequency ‘realm’, both personal and collective, IS our reality.

As they flower, bottlebrushes often hang down toward the earth – think of the red pillar of light pointing coreward – and pomegranate has a long association with the ‘underworld’ (a metaphor for both the subconscious mind/memory – going through layers of mind to the hidden Core – and the 5D inner world of Agartha) and cycles of consciousness, as seen in its association with stories of Isis and Osiris, Ishtar and Persephone, also with Dionysus, and King Solomon in Judaic lore. (Guided to read of its ancient history, I note with a smile that pomegranate was known to be in ancient Egypt as one was found in the tomb of Djehuti, servant to Queen Hatshepsut. Djehuti/Tehuti were also names of Thoth, one of Ashtar’s incarnations on Earth. A beautiful example of how the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ converge constantly in higher frequencies, mirroring in the material world.)

Another post could be devoted to the pomegranate and bottlebrush; for the moment, Know bottlebrush as a symbol/energy holder of masculine beauty, strength and resilience, a conduit of life-force from Source to Core, and pomegranate as the waters of life contained within the sacred (crowned) vessel, where the Core of the apple (pome) is seeded (granata) with divine life. Feel these Twinned energies merging within you, and your life force, your substance, vibrate in complete balance with divine female and male energies.

Relax, open and embrace the energies now available from the ‘ship’ (or sphere) that travelled under ISON’s cloaking from Cygnus and is now stationed with Earth, transmitting high Love, seeding IN high magic to the New Earth grid (also known as Source synchronization). 🙂

With thanks to the beloved brother, wise guide, who flies as Dove – Eagle – Ibis – across our skies, and all star family and galactics here as part of a vast cooperative effort to wake the sleeping and raise our hearts to the most joyful of all reunions.

This message from AA Michael through Celia Fenn feels synchronized. The ‘Spirit of the Forest’ lives in the true Tree of Spirit-into-form expressing and through each of us.

Much Love to All. Namaste,

Joanna. ❤