Antarian Connection

Red is the base. Red is foundation. Life force circulates through your third dimension arteries, nourishing your body, carrying life. Out of balance, red is an energy of aggression, anger, and as was named, Ares, god of war. Balance the base with An-Ta-Re’s,  Source Light rays across and within all layers, sky to earth. Where foundations are shaky, highest light does not ground. Through the seeming storm, earth the lightning, the lightening of your base and all above, light-hearted BE. In lightness of Love, Antarians greet you, and give our support to hold firm the base. We are with you.  ~ Tayitha

Dear All,

Since late 2015 I’ve had a beautiful (re)connecting with people from Antares (alpha star of the constellation Scorpio), which has also been a learning on my part about assumptions regarding ‘contact’, which I’ll share here because it could be helpful to other direct contact experiencers, and those who will be in the near future…a number which will keep growing! Then we’ll share a practice that has come through for fine-tuning inner perception and sensing of energies/beings.

The first meeting with the Antarians came in a dream, with a ship on the ground and a tall lady standing outside it, hand raised in greeting. She was pale-skinned with long dark brown hair, and wearing a red bodysuit. In the dream I walked to meet her, and she introduced herself as Tayitha, and guided me on board the ship (which from previous encounters I interpreted as of Sirian origin), from the outside a long triangular craft that looked like it was made of bright crystal or glass, with shimmering rainbow colours constantly running through it. The feature that most caught my attention in the ”dream” was that from the inside, the ship was completely transparent, so you could see out in any direction, through ceiling, floor, sides, with only a faint shimmer of the rainbow lights showing its form. Tayitha named this ship as the Terebinth (in Earth language).

I woke from that dream feeling the Terebinth was overhead, and that night, went out and took the photos below. I’ve posted these before, but will show them here again, so you can view them in sequence up to the most recent decloaked shots from a few nights ago. Here are the original photos from the night of full moon on October 27th, 2015.

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Following this greeting, I first thought of Tayitha as a Pleiadian woman on board a Sirian ship. This was partly because after dreaming of Tayitha and the Terebinth, Pleiadian people came through the same dream, and I felt their likeness to Tayitha. Her features and the (red) colour of her clothing were signalling a different origin, but it was an origin I didn’t have a conscious reference for at that time, so settled on ‘Pleiadian’. However, from that time onward, a new type of orb started to appear which I hadn’t seen before, very large and bright red. Here’s the first clear photo of one of these big red orbs, from the night of the next full moon after the Terebinth’s first decloak, November 26th, 2015.

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This stunning large orb appeared as part of a group that made a ‘hook’ shape over the moon, while four smaller white-blue orbs (showing where ships were positioned) formed a straight line to the lower right of the moon.

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On feeling into this orb’s energy, the name Antares came to the fore. I saw humanoid people associated with it as being fair to olive-skinned, with long dark brown to black hair, worn waist to hip length, and between 8-9 feet tall. The Antarian humanoids have a close kinship to both the Pleiadian and Sirian humans, and live in communities closely connected with the Leonine, Leopard and Tiger Beings of Antares. They have continued to signal their presence with a large red ‘Antares Star’ orb.


On a third full moon in sequence, Christmas Night, December 25th 2015, their orb appeared in straight alignment to the moon, with the star Sirius in between. In the enlargement below, Sirius is the little point of white light below the Antares orb, depicting the star Antares’ relative size to Sirius.

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This Christmas Night orb beautifully symbolised the grounding of Christed Light through the white light of the Mother (full moon) via the conduit of the Mother Star Sirius. The sequence of its appearances during the three full moons following on from the Blood Moon of September 28, 2015, symbolizes trinity energy, the divine Mother-Father-Child flow of Source streaming through and grounding/landing/rooting into the Earth’s receiving nodes and light-grids.

The Antarians’ giant orb appeared most recently on January 7th, 2016, with a triangle of companion green orbs.

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Here again that night, with another green orb in the foreground.

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An orb from the same vibrational signature, shifting into a deep cherry red.

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And finally, the Terebinth, as she appeared with beautiful clarity as a red and green brightly lit triangular form in two frames on January 18th 2016, sending out a brilliant pulse of white light from her underside in the second photo, while directly overhead.

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As the Antarian beings and vibrations came more into view and conscious remembrance, it became clear my initial sensing of Tayitha wasn’t complete; that there is Pleiadian in her people, blended with Sirian humanlike qualities, but also with some other galactic traits that have combined to form their uniquely Antarian peoples. A gentle reminder of how we’re all individually and collectively in a fine-tuning process, to be flexible, open, and ready to adjust or expand our view as new input comes in. 💗

In ongoing love and self-care, it’s important we keep our own inner being and energy field vitalized on all levels, and as clear of pressuring influences as possible during this rather tumultuous stage of Gaia’s Shift, while healing and releasing any internal baggage and wobbles as we become aware of them. Centering in the inner heart, the seat of the soul, staying within the guiding flow of Higher Self/Oversoul, is key to connecting with the higher frequency realms/dmensional bandwifths in a direct, uninfluenced way. Shakiness in any part of our being can lead to denser energies/astral shadows seeping in that can affect our seeing and sensing. This is true for people just ‘waking up’ to higher dimensional realities to those more experienced. The practice below comes from my TwinFlame Ashura to help hold ‘inner seeing/hearing equipment’ steady and clear.

Blue Topaz, White Lotus, White Diamond

Centre in your heart first, align with Source, ground with Gaia. Take a few deep breaths, relax in calmness, feel a star of pure white light ignite in your heart chakra and spread out through your whole auric field. Hold this for at least 30 seconds. Now breathe in golden light to your heart and feel it fill and surround your entire aura/torus field.

Open all your chakras, starting from your base chakra (perineum). I like to visualize each chakra as a lotus opening its petals, in the colours of the chakras: red for the base, orange for the sacral, yellow for the navel, peach-gold for the sacred heart, green for the heart, pink for the higher heart, blue for the throat, violet for the pineal, white for the crown. Finally, I envision a pink peony rose in the Well of Dreams chakra (brainstem) and a sky blue light ball in the Pituitary chakra. For this practice, we’re going to add in the hypothalamus area of the brain, which sits just above the pituitary gland and to the fore/slightly beneath the pineal gland.


Now we’re going to add three forms, one on top of the other, to support and uplift these three areas together. Firstly, for the pituitary chakra, envision a light blue topaz filled with a mix of blue and white light (the pituitary chakra sits at the level of your physical eyes, deep within your brain).

Right above this, now sit a white lotus, for the hypothalamus.

And for the pineal chakra, seat a bright white diamond just above the lotus.

Let this merged blue and white light fill you and form a radiant column around you; feel the white light of purity and the blue light of clarity hold you in calm, steady alignment with Source. Red energy sits in your base, providing a solid foundation, grounding you with the earth ~ feel the steady strength of life force flowing and guided by a joyful heart and clear perception rather than flying about as anger, impatience, frustration, worry, aggression or rash actions.

Enjoy, breathe deep, feel your inner guidance and trust it. Beings of Infinite Love and Life Creation are with us, meeting us in the middle, all the way.

Love, Light & Joy to all,

Joanna&Ashura ❤

*For more about the Leonine&Feline Star Families of Antares, see Antares & the Golden Light of Lyra.

*For new visitors to Heart Star who would like to go deeper into Heart/chakra practices, we suggest visiting the Four Foundational Heart Practices, and the Inner Heart page.

6 thoughts on “Antarian Connection

  1. Wow! Soon loved this, thanks Heart Star Joanna!!
    Doing the blue sapphire, white lotus, blue white Diamond practice now! Love and all blessings to hound your family!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I knew what you meant. 😉
      Glad you’re finding this practice useful, I am too. Thanks also go to Ashtar for prompting me to focus on the blue topaz and its meaning/purpose for the pituitary chakra. ❤

      Lol, your last sentence made me laugh: 'Love and blessings to hound your family.' Haha, well blessings from the hound, ahem, Dog Star, are always happily received. 😉
      Love to you and yours too, Ilda. xxx


  2. Oh my oh my oh my…. Never did I ever think this would happen to me like this. I never thought this would be like this. I thought this was a fantasy from the imagination faculty of us humans. Wow I’m super happy I found your page and that I revisited my hunger and appetite for my search of Antarians and more. I have been writing a story and this whole time thought I was alone.

    Liked by 1 person

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