The Dolphin Dance πŸ¬πŸ’™

Photo of a beautiful friend taken on May 2nd 2022, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia.

Dear All,

Welcome and greetings everyone πŸ’™ Sending all our love to you, in oneness with soul families of the celestial waters, emanating across many frequency bands in the light-waves of creational expression…who have great love for humanity, and indeed for all life everywhere. This post is dedicated to these wonderful presences, and in this earthly plane, to the beautiful dolphins of Mandurah, Western Australia, who it’s an ongoing joy and honour to connect with since moving to this area at the end of 2021.

Through multidimensional modes of perceiving and relating to life and the universe, ways of connecting and communicating can be subtle, gentle and exquisitely layered, interlacing through merged states of consciousness, energy and soul kinship, and we’d like to share something of what this can look and feel like in this earthly realm of experience. Cosmic beings translating their energies in physicalized dolphin-forms in the waters of the Earth love to share their presence and wisdom with the human family, full of play, affection and sensitivity, as they dance across the cosmic light-waves of creation in this universe, this galaxy…and here in the waters of this precious planet Earth translating through embodied forms, interweaving with the divine whales, elementals, and aquatic presences who dwell in ethereal and subtler stratas of expression.

There are around 85-90 bottlenose dolphins living in the Mandurah area, an environment with many challenges as a centre for boating and fishing, sharing the waters with great whites and bull sharks, and shallows where they are prone to stranding, yet blessed with partially reef-fringed ocean shores, an expansive estuary and unique wetland areas, all of which they inhabit and visit. What I see and feel constantly though, is the irrepressible spirit of joy radiating from them, amid all the variables of their lives on this plane…and the powerful upifting effect they have on human hearts with their playful, inquisitive and empathic interactions.

When I began consciously connecting with star family and focusing with Inner Heart meditations, following some initial lightship decloaks with telepathic greetings and visions back in 2011, one of the first presences that came into focus as a subtle ‘guide’ was a dolphin, who swam regularly through my inner visions and through dreams while sleeping, with a wonderful emotional uplifting and healing vibration. That sweet inner connection came to the fore again when I moved to Mandurah, and started connecting in my heart with the dolphins here, radiating love and appreciation to them, and meeting them in the water. As we danced and intertwined soul energies in other layers of existence, so we began to connect in beautiful ways at this earthly level…ranging from playful and exuberant to poignant and profound, and into deep soul-merges, always filled with love.

During my first year here in 2022, dolphins began to arrive, wherever I happened to be in the ocean, estuary, marina or canal areas, often flowing on from morning meditations, or from dream connections in other planes, and by mid-year we were meeting in their element, particularly at one of Mandurah’s ocean swimming beaches, Town Beach. On July 18th of that year, one particular dolphin appeared at Town Beach, who would become my constant companion for several months that year. That day had begun with dolphin greetings in a canal area bordering the wetlands, with several beautiful dolphins frolicking nearby…the lovely being in the photo below cruised along on her back waving her flippers while her baby leapt and rolled close by. Ah, it’s great to be a dolphin!

Photo taken on July 18th 2022, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, of a mother dolphin doing the ‘double flipper wave’ while coasting along on her back.

Later that same day, an inner call took me to Town Beach, and my dear friend appeared. Although other dolphins come to that place, this dolphin always swam there alone rather than with a pod, and as I got to know him, and swim at close range, his particular distinguishing features became clearer, most notably, a pair of parallel white scars just behind his right eye. And also, as he chose to swim with me more frequently, I felt my TwinFlame Ashura’s vibration flowing subtly through this particular dolphin.

Photo taken on July 18th 2022, Town Beach, Mandurah, Western Australia, of a solo dolphin who became my constant swimming companion for several months.

One morning in the winter, August 2022, when the sea was more surfy, he suddenly somersaulted out of a wave right beside me, and from September through November we swam together several days each week, with beautiful subtle communications representing as telempathic pictures and patterns (actually, current scientific studies of dolphin ‘sound picture’ language represented as cymaglyphs are waking humanity to communicating with dolphins via physical modalities, a reflection of what is already innate between dolphins and humans on subtler bandwidths of communication). At the end of November 2022, we had our last swim together…on that day he swam a close circle around me, as close as could be, ending with a gentle nudge in my back, then swam away, and it felt like a farewell.

I didn’t see him again for nine months, then on August 29th 2023 he arrived, once again by himself, in an inland location, in the canal where the flipper-waving mother dolphin in the first photo had appeared, but much closer to the shore. I’d felt to go down onto a little jetty, and immediately he surfaced, radiating his familiar serene, loving presence. He floated at the surface just a few feet away, angling himself in such a way that I could clearly see the pair of parallel white scars behind his right eye, by way of confirmation.

Photo taken on August 29th 2023, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, of the solo dolphin appearing in an inland waterway area.
Photo taken on August 18th 2023, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Close up, the two parallel white scars behind this dolphin’s right eye are clearly visible.

I didn’t see him again for another month, and then on September 30th 2023 he arrived in a third location, with a pelican companion. I hadn’t walked in that exact spot for over a year, but his beautiful presence was so clear and bright, singing in my heart, and I ran down to a side-canal as he turned into it with his feathered friend. During the preceding week, my meditation focuses and dreams were connected with waterways and lakes, with a call to send light to a light-grid node that is in the centre of a particular lake further inland. As our lovely ‘Ashura dolphin’ headed down the smaller side canal in this photo, by the time I got there, he was floating with his nose pointed toward a boat with the name ‘Evelyn’, and ‘eve lyn’ literally translates as ‘mother/mother of life lake’.

Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.

The duo swam to the end of this canal, then turned around and swam back (with the pelican looking back to see see if his friend was still following him, in the second photo below), and came to halt just beneath the small bridge on which I was then standing, and in the last photo in this sequence you can see the two parallel white scars behind the dolphin’s right eye. Love and blessings dearheart 🀍🐬

Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Photo taken on September 30th 2023, Marina canals, Mandurah, Western Australia.

Another beautiful unfolding dolphin thread has been with several mother and baby dolphins, and especially with a matriarch of many decades, and her daughters and grandchildren.

Photo taken on May 4th 2022, Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, two adult dolphins with a very young baby.

Humans studying dolphins are beginning to understand that they have names for themselves and each other, and this matriarch is well-known, and named by humans…but for this post, we’ll call her Starflower, as how I see the geometric sound-form (telepathic glyph) of her self-name is the projection of a six-petalled flowerlike form with a star radiating through it. She’s easy to spot since she’s missing a lot of her dorsal fin, as you can see in the photo below.

Photo of Starflower on June 14th 2022, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.
Photo of Starflower with her grandchild , and daughter in the foreground, on June 14th 2022, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.

Often, just before and while lightships are above, the sky takes on a sparkling diamond white light visual quality, to my eyes. Sometimes, where ships are, I see clusters of diamond lights flashing and flickering, or waves of sparkles across the sky, before a ship decloaks. When a dolphin connection is strong and clear, I find a similar shimmery, effervescent quality is also visibly heightened around their presence.

Such connections can run deep, and go to unexpected places, as with the lovely Starflower. One morning in late winter, I’d decided to pass on a swim, but had a sudden internal ‘pull’ to Town Beach, and walked the 2 kms there in wind and rain. On the beach that morning there was a dolphin rescue group gathered near the water, and in their midst was a beached baby dolphin of around 2 weeks old (baby dolphins have whiskers up to that age). It was known to be Starflower’s baby, but she was nowhere to be seen, no doubt well aware that there was something not right with her little one’s health. Attempts to get him back in the water, or to locate Starflower, were unsuccessful. I stayed with him for the next four hours, assisting with the team keeping him wet and as comfortable as possible, until a decision was finally made to euthanize him. There were tears all round, and I learned that Starflower had lost several babies before this one. I didn’t see her anywhere for the rest of the year but she remained in my heart and prayers.

Then in February 2023, in an inland canals area, four dolphins swam right up to spot where I was perched, wondering how she was going. And just after the four dolphins had passed by, Starflower arrived, with a daughter and new grandchild!

Photo taken on February 6th 2023 Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia, Starflower’s daugther and new grandchild.

The mother and baby swam into a small boat ramp area, into just a few feet of water, followed by Starflower, her stump of a dorsal fin wreathed in seaweed, as close as she could be without me being in the water. This was a spot I had never been to before, and it felt like the most beautiful blessing to meet her there and see her healthy and happy with her thriving family members. πŸ™πŸ’™

Photo taken on February 6th 2023 Creery Wetlands, Mandurah, Western Australia.

At various energetic moments, I’m called to particular lakes, dams and rivers inland, aligning with star family, with nature spirits, undines (water spirits) and other subtle beings at specific moments, according to various windows/peak openings for higher dimensional energy potentials. Sometimes those moments also align with the dolphins, as the energies weave through the waters between coast and hills. One lovely activation last year began in a pool below North Dandelup Dam, in the hills east of Mandurah, where there were many tangible presences, some of which were visible. You can see a subtle being’s ‘imprint’ in the photo below (in the circled area), beside a rock on the far side of the pool, with a distinct pointy-chinned face and a ‘crown of leaves’ formation, radiating a guardian vibration, among other beautiful presences in and around that water.

Photo taken on June 3rd 2023, North Dandelup Dam, Western Australia.
Enlarged, a ‘leafy’ green face with a watery blue tinge above it is visible in the centre of the frame.

Returning to Mandurah from that activation, the Marina entrance area was calling, and a lovely dolphin arrived, who stayed floating in this ‘serene meditation’ pose, with closed eyes and the most gentle ambience, radiating deep peace, like a lotus on the waters. Just sublime, thank you beauty.

Photo taken on June 3rd 2023, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia, zen ‘lotus dolphin’ floating with eyes closed.

Here’s another beautiful mother and child moment, with this mother dolphin circling several times up close to the place where I was standing, then swimming in toward the estuary, with a baby popping up beside her as they travelled inland. The connectivity and warmth radiating from this lovely dolphin as she brought herself to a full stop several times in front of me was palpable and incredibly heartmelting.

Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on November 14th 2023, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.

Coming into this year, to my awareness a particular stellar stream of activations came in through the Hu Shi (Bow & Arrow) asterism, which sits as a kite-shape between Sirius and Canopus, the two brightest stars in the sky, with the star Wezen pointing to Sirius, Adhara and Aludra at the tips of the Bow, and Ahadi (Pi Puppis) at the tail of the Arrow. There are a few photos related to this asterism and ongoing inflow on the Lighships 2024 page, and we’lll share about this in more detail soon, but for this post we’ll just focus with the star Adhara. In late December last year, this connection was beginning to ignite, and came through my inner awareness as the ‘Ultraviolet Angels’, appearing in a photo on December 28th 2023, high in the sky near a lightship that flashed a deep vivid blue colour.

A light emanation appearing as an angelic form of vibrant blue-purple with white wings and blue-green background colour, that flashed above a lightship visible on December 28th 2023.

While tuning in with Adhara early this year, I read that the name means ‘the Virgins’ in Arabic, that it is the brighest star in the ultraviolet spectrum visible to the naked eye, and if we could see in that spectrum, Adhara would be by far the brightest star in the nightsky. I feel a powerful Divine Mother vibration flowing from this star (Mary-Isis-Sophia or by whatever name/cultural translation), and while attuning with Adhara in the waters of the Mandurah entrance on the morning of January 23rd, a glorious, very large mother dolphin, close to giving birth came to me, circling gently around and imparting a telempathic impression of her baby, soon to be born. She felt so very much in the flow of the Adhara activations imbuing Earth’s vibrational field, full of love, cherishment and grace.

Photo taken on January 23rd 2024, Mandurah entrance, Western Australia.
Photo taken on January 23rd 2024, Mandurah can see from the size of this dolphin’s dorsal fin relative to my size what a big dolphin she is!

That night, still with the Adhara inflow streaming in deep, a long rectangular lightship decloaked over my home, in exactly the same colours as the Ultraviolet Angel of a few weeks earlier, white, green blue, and glowing blue-purple tones. Breathtakingly beautiful, visually and vibrationally!

Adharan lightship decloaks overhead on January 23rd 2024.
Adharan lightship enlarged, revealing the same colours as the ‘Ultraviolet Angel’ appearance of December 28th 2023.

Later that week another dolphin mother and child connection aligned in a truly miraculous way, in the Marina canals area. I’d thrown a crystal out to the depth marker, visible at the top of the frame below, and was tuning across the dimensional layers with whales and water dragon energies, and as always with the dolphins. This pair arrived within a minute or so, first the youngster surfacing, then mamma skimmed along just below the surface directly below, gazing back up into my eyes from underwater as she passed. They then began frolicking and splashing around by the wall below, creating foamy light shimmers across the water.

Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.
Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.

In the photo below, I’ve circled an eye that formed where I was seeing/feeling Ashura’s energies passing as a white light stream under the dolphins, which has a whale-like quality and to my inner senses, water dragon presence. To the right, circled, is a wonderful ‘double infinity ring’ composed of two interlacing, overlapping circles. In this ‘reality layer’, it would be impossible for a formation like that to form and hold on the surface of water…but there it is, the impossible is real multidimensionally, and expressing in this symbol the infinite interweaving interconnectedness of stratas of expression, of worlds, of consciousness itself. Subtle miraculousness is within and all around us, interlacing and dancing, encoded with light, with immeasurable love. Behind all disharmony and distractions, it’s all here, present in every moment for all beings to embrace internally and radiate through the fields of creation.

Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Western Australia.
Photo taken on January 29th 2024, mother and child dolphin in the Mandurah Marina, leaving after the ‘infinity rings’ activation.

Over the next few nights, pearly, iridescent orbs appeared above the Hu Shi asterism, with soft dolphin-like forms and energies within them.

Photo taken on January 31st 2024, Mandurah, Western Australia.
Enlarged, there are subtle dolphin energies imprinted within this orb, with a softly-rounded ‘W’ in the foreground, for the star Wezen in the Hu Shi asterism, which this orb was floating directly above.

We hold the vision, the potential, and the heart-prayer for all of humanity to feel the endless nurture, empathy, joy and inspiration that sparkles and ripples from the divine dolphin dance, as a wave of light all around us.

Peace, Love and Joy to you all, to this beautiful planet, humanity, the dear dolphins and all beings here, wishing the collective consciousness field a gentle, deep release and clearing of veils through today’s Lunar Eclipse, divine upliftment through Easter/Ostara, the Solar Eclipse of April 8th and onward. May Galactic Earth unfold ever more peacefully for humanity and all life journeying within this profound, expansive shift of consciousness,

Joanna&Ashura&Family&Friends πŸ’›πŸŒπŸŒΊ

Photo taken on January 29th 2024, Mandurah Marina, Mandurah, Western Australia, dear friends twirling and hugging dolphin-style.

Love & Blessings for the New Year 2024 πŸŒΈπŸŒπŸ•Š

Beautiful dolphin friend saying hello on August 29th 2023 in the Creery Wetlands area of Mandurah, Western Australia.

Dear All,

We wish you a beautiful, joyful and peaceful opening to the year 2024 in the Solar-Sirian calendar, and hold the vision for deeper wisdom, ease and harmony to unfold within the heart of humanity, filling the collective consciousness and energy field of this precious Earth as the New Year aligns and unfolds into expansive light-filled potentials.

Wherever you are on the Earth, may you feel the light of the Source bathe your being, and may Sirius shine in your heart as our Sun’s Mother Star reaches her annual zenith in our nightsky on New Year’s Eve, renewing, recharging and refreshing all energies within this planetary field. Wherever there is unrest and suffering, may the Light of Universal Love and Peace flow deep transformations of clarity and kindness. To all experiencing personal or communal hardships, so much love and ease to you now and onward πŸ’›

Humanity’s compassionate kindred of the stars, galaxies, the Inner Earth light realms and other subtle frequency planes continue to assist and support in the background, until an optimal pathway for full Open Contact aligns within the collective. We’re in a particular arc now, a window of opportunity that is opening step by step…and throughout 2023, the concept of extraterrestrial life potentially already engaging with this planet has become much more foregrounded in the collective consciousness, paving the way for expanded awareness in 2024 and onward.

Star family and other subtle beings continue to signal their presence as, when and where beneficial around the Earth, from their higher dimensional insight, and the lovely rose-gold lightship below, that flashed next to Sirius on the Solstice, December 22nd 2023, sends such a loving message…with a dear being standing in the centre foreground in green, with arms outstretched in welcome.

A star being known on Earth by the name Valiant Thor stands with open arms in the centre of a glowing Venusian rose-gold lightship, December 22nd 2023.

For a stream of ‘turn of the year’ joy, you might like to visit the Lightships 2023 page, as a photo-record of multidimensional presences of the Love that is continually pouring into and around this planet, sending heart activations and soul remembrances through the collective field, translating visibly through light frequencies, here in Western Australia and around the world. You may notice the vividness and amplification of light and forms in the December photos, as loving presences and beings of the higher dimensions bring their supportive focus and vibrational upliftment to the opening of the New Year and onward.

May well-being and upliftment flow through humanity and to all life on Earth. Peace, Love and Joy to you all, dear readers, friends, soul kin and companions on the way,

Joanna&Ashura&Family&Friends βœ¨πŸ’šπŸ₯°

An iridescent ‘ultraviolet angel’ appears in a light emanation on December 28th 2023.
A softly curved, elliptical, white ship with a silver-grey panel curved over the top, with an inset white disc/hatch, decloaks on August 28th 2023.

The Avalon Code

Huge rose-gold orb appears above Mars on October 21st 2020, representing Lyran soul energies that radiate ‘the Avalon Code’.

Dear Friends,

Loving wishes to all as we move with the energetic openings of December 2020, culminating in the ‘crossing-point of Ages’ Solstice Gateway. πŸ’› A major timeline shift came through the Earth’s vibrational field at the beginning of November, anchored through the 11~11 Gateway to keep an optimal planetary ascension trajectory on track (with thanks to everyone at ‘ground level’ who held loving focus during the 11~11), which Star Family and many beings of Love have been working to stabilize during recent weeks.

November’s completion through a two day lunar catalyst and ‘shadow release’ ~ via an aspect between the Moon’s North Node and Jupiter on November 29th (a biquintile or 2×72 degree angle = 144, see this post for the galactic significance of 27~72), and a penumbral Lunar Eclipse of November 30th’s Full Moon ~ has opened the way for a subtle lunar passage from December 8th-10th that is deeply connected with ushering in the New Earth. Solar alignments then heighten through the 12~12 Gateway and December 14th’s Solar Eclipse, a week before the December Solstice ‘pulse through the Love Wave’ for the New Earth/New Age of Aquarius…that can then consolidate in the light-grids and collective energy field through a highly activated window to New Year.

In previous posts, we focused on Neptune’s role during September-October 2020, in opening up deeper receptivity to the Ascension trajectory adjustment flowing on the Love Wave through early November, and to the higher vibrations in general, in the Earth’s vibrational field and collective consciousness, with many beautiful ship decloaks and light emanations signalling Star Family’s work and the vibrational shifts coming through. Reviewing this ‘arc of alignment’ of the last couple of months, there’s been another Light flow riding in on the Neptunian wave of receptivity, infusing the Earth with golden, rosegold and amber light frequencies that carry and emit the ‘Avalon Code’.

There are creation codes within the planetary DNA-RNA of the Earth that, on a vibrational level, trace back to the original Avalon Planet, also known as Avyon, the beautiful ‘first Earth’ paradise planet that orbits Vega, alpha star of Lyra, constellation of the Golden Harp. In this Now, Avyon is restored within its primary higher dimensional template…a creational template that radiates far and wide in this galaxy, and the primary ‘golden frequency of creation’ is rippling through many connected stars and planets, Sirius, Arcturus, the Pleiades, Antares, Aldebaran, Aquila, Cygnus, Canopus, Spica and many more, including this Earth, our Sun and planets of the Solar System.

The reactivation of the Avalon Code within the Earth’s nodes, light-grids and vibrational field is integral to global realizing of the New Earth, as the already-Ascended Earth’s vibrations pulse through each multi-dimensional Gateway, meeting with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn (catalyst for collective change) at 0 degrees Aquarius on the December Solstice 2020. This primary Code has been here all along, woven into life on Earth, flowing from the Source, through the mother-father universe of this universe as an eternal ‘golden frequency’, radiating through many variations in this galaxy.

Wherever stars, planets or galaxies have drifted from the primary Code of Love, the impulse for Ascension ~ inner re-alignment with the divinity radiating in/as/through All That Is ~ focuses toward them, from the Heart of the Source (God, Goddess, Great Spirit by whichever name), and catalyzes the Code where it has become latent or muffled, so that its tone can ring free again, loosening the effects of veiling density and lifting the planetary or stellar vibration, until it is touching a frequency band that allows for a ‘miracle of renewal’. Depending on the situation of the planet or star, this could come as a sweeping, single flash of enlightenment (literally, that which in-lightens), as a gradual evolutionary unfolding, as a pathway of multiple stages with flash-points triggering higher shifts of vibration along the way, or any of diverse combinations.

Here on Earth, the Avalon Code has been in full expression during earlier ages (in a linear time view) such as in the Golden Ages of Mu/Lemuria and Atlantis, and in certain locations throughout Earth’s journey, as havens of higher dimensional Light, like Shambala, or remembered in the echoes of Avalon as a mystical, otherworldly place of light, grace and beauty in the Arthurian legends….and it has been preserved in the 5D light realms of Agartha, in the Inner Earth. This ebb and flow of the primary golden Code of Avalon on Earth, with this planet’s fluctuations in vibrational density, is reflective of a broader ebb and flow within this galaxy. Everything is connected, and as ‘the lights turn back on’, the energy ripples through quantum resonance, triggering pools, streams and waves of light, until the whole ‘galactic ocean’ is refreshed, sparkling as One.

We can all connect with the Avalon Code, it lives within us and the Earth, and Star Family suggest visualizing, drawing, meditating with, creating a crystal grid, or simply focusing and holding the intention of a 12-petalled Golden Flower of Light in our hearts, to re-new the Avalon Code within and all around us, for the Highest Well-Being of all Life on Earth and everywhere. The 12-petalled flower vibrates with the 12D Lyran Portal, open to the heart of this universe, and to the mother-father universe (Mu Universe) within which this universe is embraced and creatively blossoming. Diamond white light, rose and amber tones also come through the Golden Light of Lyra, sparkles of all the rainbow spectrum and much more in the higher dimensional frequency bands…so let intuition guide you, trust your heart, and let the ripples expand, in peace, joy and universal love. πŸ’›

We’d love to share some of the beautiful Lyran Portal/Avalon energies below, coming with immense love from motherships based at Avyon and in the Ara constellation, and anchoring and emanating now from many lightships of the Ashtar Command and local co-Commands (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, the Venus fleet, and also the ships of a 5D light-city within Olympus Mons on Mars, which we’ll talk about below).

Avalon motherships began revealing their presence from October 21st, with this light-saturated diamond/square ship ~ like a complete light city in itself ~ appearing for a moment above Mars, in golden-white light, with rainbow shimmers flowing around it.

A Lyran mothership flashes brilliantly, in golden-white light rimmed in rose and green, with Mars at lower left, October 21st 2020.

The lightship Lei’hua, which was flying (and for a while, docking) with this mothership, flashed a little closer to Mars. In the enlargement below, with the brightness reduced, deep gold and rose vibrations can be seen within the ring of lights around the Lei’hua’s disc-shaped rim.

The lightship Lei’hua flashes above Mars, radiating rose-gold light, on October 21st 2020.

Two nights later, on October 23rd, a pair of Ashtar Command ships flashed to the right of Jupiter & Saturn, while working with their alignment to the Moon, in part of a continuous operation to keep opening the way vibrationally for the higher dimensional frequencies to anchor and stabilize in the Earth’s nodes and light-grids during this year of intensified polarity and turbulence in the collective and planetary field.

Two ships flash simultaneously to the right of Jupiter, Saturn & the Moon, mirroring their position, on October 23rd 2020.

Here, the two ships can be seen swinging out to either end of the alignment, with one curving down below Jupiter (lower left corner of the frame) and the other dipping toward the Moon, before giving a brilliant light-pulse as they adjusted the energies down the alignment. In the enlargement below, we can see a ‘snapshot’ view into the ship, with the upper body of a man in a green outfit facing forward in front of a hatch, rimmed in gold and rose light.

The two ships form a shallow arc with Jupiter & Saturn between them (the upper ship nearly touching the Moon and the lower ship angling off to the lower left of Jupiter), October 23rd 2020.
The upper ship gives a huge pulse of light next to the Moon, October 23rd 2020.

The two ships then aligned to the Moon, mirroring Jupiter & Saturn from above. Showing the flow of Avyon/Avalon soul groups with these ships, an orb of soft rose, yellow and peachy tones hovered nearby, with a gentle Lyran Feline vibration (and perhaps you can see a face in the ‘greenest’ area of the orb that looks like a tabby cat). πŸ™‚

Orbs of deep amber tones also began appearing around Jupiter & Saturn, which I feel a blend of Lyran and Capellan vibrations emanating from (Capella is the alpha star of Auriga, and home star to a beautiful planet where many Ashtar Command ships are based). Everything is connected; as the golden frequency of divine-aligned creation focuses and permeates the Earth’s vibrational field, it’s flowing through light photons, through air and water molecules, crystals and minerals, sending subtle activations through the DNA-RNA of all living beings here, with the message to realign and renew in universal love, unity consciousness, natural well-being.

Deep rose-amber Lyran~Capellan orb appears directly beneath Jupiter, on October 25th 2020.

With this next level of Golden Light flowing into, activating and strengthening the Avalon Light Grid, another very beautiful rose-gold structure appeared in alignment with Jupiter and Saturn, which we’ll share below. In the previous post, we mentioned how higher dimensional docking stations have been positioning in orbit around the Earth…with part of one of them showed visibly during the 10~10 Gateway, where a framework of bright white light showed in the clouds overhead, wrapped around a long diamond-shaped ship named the Taia’Tara. Here’s the photo from that day:

White light structural framework can be seen wrapped around a silhouetted lightship with a long diamond shape, named the Taia’Tara, on October 10th 2020.

During the following couple of weeks, dear star sister Janet Dawn took some very similar ‘docking station’ photos, brightly illuminated at night-time, with Star Family sending the message that with the presence of these docking ports, more galactic ships are coming in around the Earth…at a stage of the higher dimensional convergence into this Earth plane that is calling for a lot of stabilizing. The planetary call goes out, and more higher dimensional support comes in; the magnetics of Universal Love in action! Here are Janet Dawn’s photos, from October 13th and 29th (with thanks, star sister).

‘Galactic lightship docking stations’ photographed by Janet Dawn, over the Perth hills, Western Australia, on October 13th (left) and October 29th (right) 2020.

On the night of October 30th, a docking station with a particular role and shape flashed brightly to the right of Jupiter & Saturn (with another ship flashing at the top of the frame simultaneously).

The New Jerusalem’s ‘docking station’ can be seen decloaked to the right of Jupiter & Saturn, on October 30th 2020, with a lightship flashing at the top of the frame.

Enlarged, this station has a distinct square frame structure (we’re looking at it here with one ‘corner’ of the frame to the front), flowing with rose, gold and white light, around a hollowed central area with a sphere floating within it. Star Family show this now, to attune with, as the docking station for the Na’Heru’Shi’Mu’Ra’Ima (New Jerusalem) mothership, which is sent on before the ship, when an ascending planet that it is overlighting comes into a certain frequency range, within its higher dimensional shift. If your heart calls to connect with the New Jerusalem’s approach now, envision her docking into this station, which her lower port ‘fits’ into, within the golden-rose light frame, around the sphere, which can then come down to Earth. πŸ’›

This beautifully defined image was followed by a golden rose orb flashing to the upper left of Jupiter & Saturn, while three ships flashed together in a triangle/trinity formation to the right.

Orb projection from the New Jerusalem mothership flashes upper left of Jupiter & Saturn, while three companion ships flash simultaneously to the right, with one especially bright, October 30th 2020.

Enlarging the bright rose-gold orb near Jupiter & Saturn shows many overlapping faces, and a silhouetted robed figure with arms outstretched, with the soul vibration of Sananda coming through, with loving ones stepping down behind him. This orb projection is sent as a sign of the 12D Golden Light of Resurrection and Renewal, reactivating the Avalon/Avyon golden frequency codes of the original ‘Paradise Earth’ template, igniting the next phase of Earth’s ascension, sending the rebirth ripple through the Avalon light-grid, literally re-newing Gaia’s Golden Age in a fresh form, fresh energies, of the New Earth. From the constant positioning of orbs, ships and light-beings around Jupiter & Saturn’s stroll together across the sky this year until their conjunction on the Solstice, and the ships and light frequencies arriving now, we’re being shown just how significant and far-reaching this ‘expansive change catalyst for joy, benevolence and wisdom’ conjunction during the Solstice Gateway truly is for the Shift on Earth.

The three ships to the right of Jupiter & Saturn are radiating Avalon energies/light codes, stepping through the recreated 12D Portal of Lyra from the mother-father universe of this universe (‘Mu Universe’ is how I hear the name/soundform of the universe within which our universe exists). The brightest of the three ships is enlarged below, incredibly beautiful…like a luminous cluster of jewels, radiating rose, peach, white, emerald and gold colour frequencies in the form of a ship or floating light city. Just feel the vibrations in your heart and energy field, wrapping Divine Mother-Father-Child energy around the Earth and Solar System…with many ships of light and grace supporting the energies of Jupiter & Saturn’s convergence.

Three jewel-like companion ships of the New Jerusalem station in a triangle formation, October 30th 2020.

Here we’ll add a little about Aris (Mars), as both the Neptune fleet and Procyon wing of the Ashtar Command have been closely involved with guarding Earth’s neighbouring planet from attempts to lower Mars’ light-field and reassert timelines that vibrate old ‘martial’ war imprints into the Earth’s field. In the photo below from October 17th, you can see Mars at the right, and a beautiful ship lighting up at the left, flowing with Lyran peachy golden light, as the Lyran light frequencies poured around Mars (perhaps you can also see golden white light-forms and green light figures projecting through the foreground of this ship).

A bright peachy-gold and green lightship pulses light at the left, with Mars at the right, on October 17th 2020.

The Avalon frequencies were anchored/are anchoring into a 5D light city within Olympus Mons (Mt Olympus), tallest mountain on Mars at 72,000 ft high. As Mars/Aris’s vibrational ‘anchor’ of the 27-72 galactic central codes, the light city of Aris has endured, even during Mars’ heaviest energetic phases of lower 4D occupation. Much like Earth, where the surface (and near-surface) vibration became dense and dualized, a network of Inner Earth light realms and crystalline cities known as Agartha have continued to exist in peace and love, in the frequency vibration of 5D (and higher)…ready to open to the surface world again once peaceful, loving unity consciousness is sufficiently steady within their surface-dwelling brothers and sisters.

From the mothership of the 5D light city of Mars, a visual greeting and light emanation from the Guardians of Aris came just after the ship above flashed, showing a masculine form in green. I see him holding a device that is projecting a light beam. With the brightness reduced in the enlargement below at the right, you can see the light beam shades from white into red, as the Aris Guardian shows us a movement of drawing the light beam along in front of him, grounding the white light frequencies in the red earthing (or marsing!) frequency…keeping the frequency of the light-field around Mars strong and ‘tuned up’ (with Mars at lower right of the frame, and the Aris Guardian on the left, on the same plane/horizon line as Mars).

Beautiful emanation of one of the Guardians of Aris at work, tuning and strengthening the vibrational field around Mars, October 17th 2020.

Venus and our Venusian brothers and sisters are also playing an important role in the Earth Shift, which we’ll focus with in the next post. For now, we’re all asked to keep our hearts peaceful and inner focus tuned with the continuously heightening frequencies of love, joy and harmony unfolding through the Avalon Code that is renewing in our beings. May the Christmas Star, the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ (as the conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn is traditionally known), shine at maximum potential for All.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’›

9~9 Gateway 2020 Update

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the trees on September 8th 2020, aligning energies during the 9-9 Gateway.

Dear Friends,

It’s been a while between posts, as we (and Star Family assisting the Earth’s vibrational Shift in general) continue to be very focused and ‘interdimensionally busy’ moment to moment through this intense year! At ground level, I’m resting a lot to allow integrations between node/light-grid activations and incoming higher energy alignments, and am offline a fair bit…so firstly, sending a warm Heart Hug now to anyone who has reached out via email, comments or messages, that I haven’t replied to, love and gratitude to you all, and to everyone reading here. πŸ’—

In the lead-up to the first high vibrational Gateway of September, energies moved swiftly from this year’s Lion’s Gate period through August, into September’s potent alignments ~ which opened with a massive Full Moon clearing that led into the 9~9 ‘Gate of Angels’. We’d like to share a few key moments within the last month and a half’s progression of alignments and activations from our perspective, with high energies now flowing toward the September Equinox 2020.

We’ll start from a follow-up visit to the ‘landing spot‘ Star Family continue to strengthen energetically, on July 27th, working with the ‘27-72‘ galactic light-codes (the galactic central format the universal creation codes translate through into this galaxy). As with previous activations of the landing pad node on July 7th and 21st, an eagle immediately appeared overhead, with Ashura’s soul vibration guiding through this beautiful bird. Many overlighing presences also formed in clouds around the eagle, such as the figure in the right-hand photo below, standing on a symbolic floating platform, with arms forward and outstretched in a Christlike embrace toward the Earth.

A lot of dense vibrational pressure leading up to the opening of the annual Lion’s Gate on July 26th was loosened from the planetary field through multiple activations around the world, initiating another level of clearing by lightships of the Ashtar Command around the Earth. On July 27th, this type of clearing action was openly displayed by a ship which stayed close overhead throughout that day’s ‘landing pad’ activation. This small ship holding around thirty people/beings is a run-around from the Lei’hua (which you can read about on this page). In the enlargement below, you can see this ship’s flat disc-type shape of shining pink-white light, with two white plumes visible going over its roof on either side, like fountains of light, along with what looks like a sheet of transparent, slightly viscous liquid dropping below the ship, which Arnap (Ashura’s 5D soul form, on board this ship at the time) described as ‘venting plasma’. At the moment captured in this photo, the ship was converting disruptive frequencies into subtle plasma (ie; converted into a beneficial, purifying vibration/subtle substance).

Small support ship of the Lei’hua flies close overhead, transmuting dissonant frequencies into healthy plasma/subtle substance, July 27th 2020.
The Lei’hua’s support ship, a light pink-white disc-ship we call the Daina, visibly venting plasma like a translucent shimmery waterfall below the ship, while conversion of disruptive frequencies can be seen in the twin fountains pluming over the top of the ship, July 27th 2020.

I hear these plasma transformations by thousands of support ships working within the Earth’s ionosphere are now continuous around the planet, discharging dense electromagnetic frequencies, converting them into higher vibrating subtle substance (this includes both technological sources of disruptive frequencies and intensified emotional/psychological stress and polarization triggered within the human collective consciousness field this year, which also has a strong interactive electromagnetic aspect and influence).

This beautiful big blue-green orb with a touch of violet above the Moon, just left of Jupiter and Saturn while they formed a straight alignment to the Moon on the night of July 27th, signalled clearing and healing vibrations flowing from Star Family to the Earth, with this calming, healing blue-green colour continuing to appear in orbs and lightships throughout August.

Blue-green orb appears next to Jupiter and Saturn, during a Moon-Jupiter-Saturn alignment on July 27th 2020.

Forward to August 19th, here’s one of those beautiful blue-green lightship, flashing in the southern sky to the right of Alpha Centauri, during a period of close communications and messages from one of our lovely Star Sons, Minairu.

Blue-green lightship from a planet of Canopus flashes to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri, August 19th 2020.

With the ship enlarged, Arnap’s form can be seen standing at the left, showing that he was liaising on board this ship at the time, and turned around in the second photo, the form of a seated woman is visible (circled at the right). Minairu shared visions through his 5-6D soul expression connected with this ship and the planet it comes from, one of nine planets orbiting Canopus in three rings of three, which translates in my inner hearing as Daira’mu.

This beautiful ship was followed by the appearance of a deep blue-green orb tinged with purple, still to the right of Alpha & Beta Centauri. Minairu’s form can be seen in the centre of the orb, with a slim build and long dark hair, wearing a kimino-style robe (see if you can spot a deep V-shape near the centre of the orb in the enlargement below, where his robe is wrapped over at the front).

Teal blue-green orb appears between Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross, projecting the soul presence of Minairu and the vibration of a planet of Canopus called Daira’mu, August 19th 2020.

While communing with him and photographing this orb, Minairu sent a vision of Daira’mu as a watery blue-green planet with deep underwater forests of wavy plants (like blue kelp forests on a giant scale), and the presence of gentle water dragons. Two days later, on August 21st, this Daira’muan ship and companions stationed overhead during a light-grid activation in the Perth hills, connected with a waterfall. As the activation completed, a sunbow formed overhead, and in the enlarged section below, with contrast enhanced, three forms are subtly visible standing on the rim of the bow, Ashura&Irana (9D Higher Selves presence) and a slightly smaller ‘child’ figure at the right, representing Minairu. In the enlargement, maybe you can also see the face of a lion in the cloud at the left, representing Ashura’s leonine soul energies.

Sunbow forms at the completion of a node and light-grid activation in the Perth hills on August 21st 2020.
From left to right, Ashura, Irana & Minairu, standing on the sunbow, with light pillars flowing down, August 21st 2020. If you look closely, Ashura is wearing a white gem on a long necklace, and Irana is holding a matching white gem (higher dimensional diamond) in her hand.

The dance of Jupiter and Saturn has continued through these mid-months of 2020, leading toward culmination as a Great Conjunction on the Solstice of December 21st this year (still currently on course as potential breakthrough moment of the ‘Event’, on the most optimal/energized Ascension timeline), Their alignment continues to be surrounded by higher dimensional activity, with more gigantic blue-green orbs like the one below, floating over Saturn on August 26th, with Jupiter the brighter light at the left, indicating much focus keeping the high vibrations flowing toward Earth (and a lot of work by the Jupiter & Saturn Commands, thank you star brothers and sisters).

Giant deep blue-green orb hovers above Saturn, with Jupiter shining bright at the left, on August 26th 2020.

Night after night there have been ships twinkling between and around Jupiter and Saturn. On August 26th, three different ships flashed in sequence to the lower right of the two planets. The first was the Victor Five, followed by an incredibly bright flash of rose, amber and golden light, then a third flash…which in the enlargements below, reveals an ‘interior snapshot’ from the Lei’hua, with Arnap (in green, his most customary colour this year) seated at a wrap-around white console, then with the photo turned around, he can be seen standing, facing forward and rimmed in white light.

Valiant Thor’s current ship, the Victor Five, flashes to the right of Saturn and Jupiter, August 26th 2020.
A bright rose-gold flash, again lower right of Saturn and Jupiter, signals the presence of the New Jerusalem (Na’Heru’Shi’Mura’Ima) mothership, August 26th 2020.
A third flash below the other two ships reveals a ‘snapshot interior view’ of the Lei’hua with Arnap’s form in green, showing two ‘scenes’, depending on which way the picture is viewed, August 26th 2020.

On August 27th, strong high vibrations peaked through the straight alignment of Saturn and Jupiter to the Moon, with reception into the Earth’s light-grids assisted by many lightships and star groups, including a team of triangular ships with a distinctive appearance that appeared for three consecutive nights around the alignment of Moon, Jupiter & Saturn. These ships display a ‘composite’ vibration through their shape and colours, as they come from soul groups flowing together from the ‘Dog Stars’ (plural), in their words, with the long triangular design hailing from Sirius, with specific colours of plum, white, pink and green representing the stars Mirzam and Wezen in Canis Major, and Procyon, alpha star of Canis Minor.

In the photo below, two ships are aligning in a triangle with a rose-red orb beside Jupiter (showing Antarian star family presence), parallel to the Saturn, Jupiter, Moon alignment. The ship at upper centre looks like a ‘mash’ of light through the camera, which was actually the ship folding its light across dimensions. πŸ™‚

Rose-red orb of Antarian leonine/tiger soul vibrations flashes beside Jupiter, while two ships from the ‘Dog Stars’ triangulate with it from above, August 27th 2020.

Enlarged, you can see the distinct shape of these triangular ships, with a long, tapered nose of a deep plum colour and main body of green, rimmed in white and pink light, representing combined soul vibrations from the Dog Stars.

The same team of ships were busy around the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn over the next couple of nights, with another one flashing super clear on August 29th (with Jupiter and Saturn at that moment positioned with the Moon between them).

One of the same Canis Major-Minor team of lightships flashing to the far left of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn on August 29th 2020.

A very bright flash above Jupiter (in straight alignment with Jupiter and Saturn) a few seconds after the ship came through, shows faces among the soul groups on board, with a large-eyed, slightly feline green face in the centre.

A bright flash from the soul groups on board this/these lightships, showing overlapping faces, with a green face clearest in the centre (the overseer of this fleet), August 29th 2020.

September opened with a gateway, literally represented as a ‘double doorway’ in the clouds on September 1st, with higher dimensional focus honing strongly now toward the 9~9 ‘Gateway of Angels’.

A twin doorway is clearly framed on top of a cloud on September 1st 2020, heralding high vibrations and opening of nodes and light-grid pathways for a flow of Angelic energies through the 9-9 Gateway.

This beautiful sign of the converging Gateway energies rolled into Full Moon’s heightened vibrations on September 2nd, with an attempt, however, by certain parties to blanket the sublunar field just before the Moon occulted Mars (‘occulting’ here means the Moon completely covering Mars ie; they were in direct alignment to the Earth) on September 5th-6th. Aris, the planetary soul of Mars, holds a 5D Divine Masculine vibration, and efforts were made by some to distort the higher vibrations of that alignment into an ‘old martial’ activation. The energies around the Full Moon felt pretty ‘full on’, but many Angelic Lights came in to protect the Earth and Moon and refresh the energy field, and in the photo below, the orb of violet, purple and rose light at the upper left shows a masculine soul projection, with a serene and steady presence, as the disruptive energies were cleared, until the sky was calm again and the Moon shone peacefully.

Purple, rose-gold and violet orb appears left of the Moon, representing the sublunar field being cleared and disruptive vibrations transformed to Love, September 2nd 2020.

The energies built massively, and we’ll share some glorious lightships that appeared from the night of September 5th onward, in a new post soon, about the role of Neptune in the Earth’s Ascension, along with the Neptune Command (another local wing of the Ashtar Command, which is universal in scope and nature). Meanwhile, the close-up below of Jupiter on September 5th 2020 clearly shows what was happening energetically, with the planetary soul of Jupiter (Aisaia) visible as the face of a man with eyes closed in deep concentration, while dense energies are transmuting into a spreading array of rainbow colours from around his ‘head’ (the north pole of Jupiter), as a load of vibrational ‘gunk’ was shifted from the Earth’s energy field and transmuted into ‘aurora rainbow energies’ by/through Jupiter. Thanks and blessings, big guy and Star Family support teams!

Jupiter and Saturn on September 5th, during a massive transmutation of energies through Jupiter.
Enlargement of Jupiter shows his ‘planetary soul face’ amid a swathe of rianbow energies, September 5th 2020.

The next two photos were taken around midnight on September 8th, just as the energies were fully aligning for and into the 9~9 Gateway of Angels. The reddish-gold orb below shows a combination of ‘earthing’ vibrations of two big red stars, Antares and Aldebaran, with the golden light of Lyra aligning through them and grounding in earthy tones. There are two clear figures; circled on the left is Sananda in Christ pose with a ray of green-golden light flowing down through him into a mountaintop, and on the right is Ashura in his ‘Min’ soul expression, closely connected with Aldebaran, as he anchored that star alignment. He’s showing his Min aspect in this orb as a dark-skinned masculine form wearing a white cloth around his middle, in ancient Egyptian style (symbolizing one of the areas on Earth he was anciently connected with as Min).

Red-gold orb appears close to midnight on September 8th 2020, leading into the opening of the 9-9 Gateway.

This was followed by a bright blue flash as the Gate opened, and the enlargement below shows the opening of the Gateway in a very specific sequence (several images in one light emanation, revealed by turning the photo around). In the first crop, you can see a Divine Masculine figure with arms and legs in ‘star pose’ (Ashtar Ka’ree, of the Jupiter Command) opening the gate, appearing as a semi-circle of brilliant blue-white light around his hand at the right. Turned around, in the second picture, there’s again a clear, beautiful Masculine form coming through the Gateway, head haloed in the blue-white light of the Gate. Through this form, I see/feel an overlay of many loving soul vibrations, including Arnap, star brothers Ar’Noah and Atreis, and Arturo, of the mothership Elam’Ashar)…and more, all coming through the Gateway as One to protect and uphold the Divine Feminine rebirth of Gaia and her planetary ascension. Finally, the Gateway is symbolized in this light emanation as an Omega symbol (see pictures below ~ with brightness reduced, the symbol is especially clear)…which signifies activation of the Alpha-Omega Gateway dynamic of ‘end of the old programme/rebirth into New Earth’ that has been building Ascension convergence through successive alignments and gateways this year.

A bright blue flash on September 8th at midnight reveals both Divine Masculine soul energies opening the 9-9 Gate, and the Omega symbol of the Alpha-Omega Gateway energetics of ‘end of the old/rebirth of the New Earth’ convergence building through successive high vibrational Gateways during 2020.

The 9~9 Gateway this year has had such a powerful Angelic Light in-flow, with the vibrations settling in through to September 12th, calling in a Miracle of Grace to humanity, this beautiful planet and all living beings here. Our focus here began with Ashura’s ‘eagle form’ suddenly flying down a long ‘cloud ray’ and below a bank of clouds, with the rim of a rectangular ship outlined in the clouds at the right. Ashura’s eagle appeared sheathed in golden light to my eyes, and this has come out a little in the photo below, with golden light around the eagle’s head and wings (see the enlargement below, and also of this rectangular ship, with a face forming in the centre of it).

Ashura’s eagle flies into view during the 9-9 Gateway actiation, with a rectangulat ship in clouds above, to the right, Septemeber 9th 2020.

The eagle flew up and down these ‘cloud rays’, followed by many Arcturian bowships outlining or silhouetting in the clouds.

Arcturian bowships outlined/silhouetted among clouds on September 9th 2020.

These are also Arcturian ships silhouetted in the clouds, with a deeper curved shape rather than the shallow arc of the Bowships, and they refer to these more curved ships as Deepwings.

Arcturian ‘Deepwings’, very angelic looking/feeling ships, September 9th 2020.

As we can and are constantly flowing through multiple, multidimensional soul expressions and energies at once (you too, dear readers, we are All multidimensional beings), Ashura was also present in his 5D Arnap form, flying his small silver-white pod ship down from the Lei’hua close over the treetops as we aligned and anchored the Gateway light in-flow to the nodes and light-grids here.

Arnap flies a small silver-white pod ship down over the treetops while we anchoried energies together through the Gateway, September 9th 2020.
Arnap continues aligning energies, in this photo his pod is in front of a cloaked high light Carian ship (bird-like beings) outlined in the clouds as a long, curved triangular shape, which hails from the Phoenix Cluster, September 9th 2020.

The ‘double diamond’ signature form of a lightship named the Taia’Tara (from Antares, with beautiful leonine and tiger beings on board, as well as humanlike Antarians) hovered overhead, and can be seen softly outlined in clouds, with a subtle diamond-shaped light-field around it.

The Antarian lightship Taia’Tara hovers straight overhead, with its double diamond shape outlined in clouds, September 9th 2020.

Here’s another diamond-shaped ship, with a more rounded edge. Light rays were spreading like a starburst all around the ship, and they faintly reflected into the clouds, in a soft (but powerful) light emanation.

Softly curved diamond-shaped ship, spreading light rays, which have ‘translated’ subtly into the clouds, that look like a ‘starburst’ from the ship, September 9th 2020.

There were angelic forms all over the sky, and the two below show a ‘winged cherubic face’ on the left, and a childlike being holding a Light Language symbol forward, symbolizing the angelic light-codes flowing through the Gateway.

During this phase of flux and variables, amid ongoing attempts to steer human consciousness, focus and energies into tension, we have the choice every moment to be(come) still and light within our hearts, to relax and breathe the pure ascension-coded love vibrations pouring all around the Earth into our beings…and radiate them to all around us, people, animals, plants and planet, in love and compassion. Smile to the sky, ground with the earth, align with the New Earth light-grids, the already-Ascended Earth, and know that countless Angels (and all manner of loving beings in Divine Service to the Source of all Life) are with Gaia and all of us in this enterprise, and their Love is available and can be connected to in any moment!

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ’–

PS: There’ll be a September Equinox Meditation posted at the LoveLight Circle soon, for anyone who feels called to join in. Meanwhile, all are most welcome to join in the New Earth Meditations, let’s keep building the peaceful energies! With love and thanks to everyone who’s been coming in on this regular focus for New Earth.

April~May Light-bridge 2020

Green and reddish coloured orb appears above Mars, April 22nd 2020.

Dear Friends,

Love and heart hugs to everyone, through this intense phase of Earth’s Ascension, and to those who feel the inner call, thank you for continuing to anchor Universal Love into the planetary light-grids and collective energy field, through the rigours of pandemic and other pressurized energies in personal, social and global fields of vibration. We see golden-white light around all of humanity, all around the Earth, lifting, centering, rebirthing all energies into love and harmony.

As we flow toward the completion of the current ‘Venus Light arc’ described in previous posts, through a Venus~Mercury conjunction on May 22nd, we’ll reflect back to April 22nd for a moment, the final 444 (22-4-2020 = 444) of this year, which aligned a stream of light codes from galactic centre into the Earth’s vibrational field, acting as a light bridge through to the May 22nd anchorpoint and beyond, within this ongoing flow of convergence that culminates in planetary ascension.

From our perspective, the Earth’s vibration soared during the night of April 22nd, during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower, and also in relation to Mars, through the lightwork of cooperating groups (securing the light field of Mars/Aris from attempted disruption). We can’t talk very much about this at the moment, but the beautiful orb at the top of this post came through a photo in the early hours of April 23rd, in vivid green and red-hued colours. Mars is the bright light at the bottom of the frame, with the orb above, and in the enlargements below, the two figures walking on the ground (Mars) are my TwinFlame in his 5D expression, Arnap, with our star brother Ash’Ka’ree. The green light flowing all around and above them represents the love vibration of the heart chakra (emerald green), and the continued strengthening and renewing of Mars’ heart vibration.

Arnap and Ka’ree’s presence in this Mars orb represents the Ashtar Command and Jupiter Command’s combined focus into a deeper clearing and stabilization of Mars’ energy field, which has reverberated back to Earth, defusing more unascended ‘martial’ war/control imprints and specific AI etheric constructs that much of the human collective is at present (mostly unconsciously) energizing and validating. The Ascension Council and connected fleets are constantly aware of vibrations in and around the Earth’s field and Solar System, and wherever dense imprints and constructs become energized enough to heavily influence the planetary ascension trajectory, energies are transmuted. From this higher dimensional view, they/we are working with planetary, stellar and galactic nodal alignments that present opportunities to dissolve distortions and enhance the overall light vibrations in the field…and throughout 2020, these alignments are frequent and power-packed!

On April 22nd, at ground level we focused with this stabilizing vibration as two of the Lyrid meteors zipped overhead here (with the second meteor visible in the photo below, and rainbow orb projecting transformational light to its right).

Lyrid meteor passing overhead on April 22nd 2020, with a large rainbow-coloured orb lower right.

In the April Update, we mentioned how the Lyrids, in their higher dimensional aspect, transmitted a subtle ‘stream’ of universal light codes, which translate through the mirror numbers 27-72 into this galaxy, as they brushed by the Earth’s atmosphere at 27 miles per second. And how this led into a galactic central code activation through Venus to Earth, with Venus at her brightest this year on April 27th 2020, with exactly 27% of her disc illuminated. This particular ‘in-flow’ of Venusian ascended vibrations came into heightened focus through the Venus~Moon conjunction on April 26th, and you can see in the photo below that Venus and the Moon were also in straight alignment to the red star Aldebaran, alpha star of Taurus, that night.

The Moon in conjunction with Venus (lower right), in alignment with the red star Aldebaran, alpha star of the Taurus constellation, to the upper left, April 26th 2020.

As Star Family amplified the uplifting vibration of harmony, love and warmth activated through this alignment, the lightship Lei’hua gave a huge flash beside the Moon as she sent a light-pulse, clearing energies in the sublunar field and opening a pathway for the Venusian~Taurean light.

During the Venus-Moon conjunction, the lightship Lei’hua ~ the ship Ashura&I, in our 5D forms Arnap & Rowena, are bringing to Earth from our mothership, the Meri’Ashar ~ gave a huge flash beside the Moon, signifying she was working with the energies of this alignment, on April 26th 2020.

In the next photo, a huge orb expanded from Venus as her light became rose-white hued, toward the Moon. The focused beam of Soul light from Venus to the Moon, and into the sublunar Earth field and light-grids, was so strong in that moment! With the orb turned around and contrast increased, the Soul of Venus can be seen in her Divine Feminine form, with green light all around her, like the green heart chakra light washing over Mars in the photo above. In this Venus orb, however, deep rose light of many variations from carmine through to violet-plum colours is radiating outward from her form in the centre of the Venus orb. Her head is crowned with a white crescent that extends into long ‘cow horns’, symbolizing her soul connection to Taurus, and how she is receiving, anchoring and radiating the ascended Taurean energies of stability, beauty and peaceful harmony (Aldebaran, the Hyades and Pleiades cluster are all within the Taurus constellation) to the Earth, via her overlighting, guiding soul connection to Gaia.

Massive orb expands from Venus toward the Moon during their conjunction, April 26th 2020.

Earth’s energy field and collective consciousness has been steadied in synchronicity with Mars, embraced through the lovelight of Venus and many connected stars, through late April, flowing into May. As the loving focus of so many ascended Star groups is constantly interweaving and shifting through many roles and missions supporting Ascension, incredibly beautiful ‘meetings and mergings’ are reflecting in orbs this year. In the flow of Taurean energies into May, a high vibrational purple-blue orb that appeared among raindrops on May 4th, radiated a vibrant combined soul signature of Sirian and Hyadean star groups. This small but concentrated orb can be seen just above the treetop in the centre of the photo, radiating a purple halo. Can you see/feel how its subtle vibration ‘stands out’ from the rain orbs and droplets around it?

Purple-blue soul orb of Sirian & Hyadean vibrations appears above a tree amidst rain orbs and droplets, May 4th 2020.

In the enlargement, two distinct soul group vibrations can be seen coming through this orb, melded together in unity, with a face in purple-blue light on the left, showing leonine-humanoid features, and the face on the right in royal blue and light blue, with cow horns. πŸ™‚

Several more of these tiny blue-purple light flashes appeared that night, each one a symbolic ‘window’ into a lightship, showing blue humanlike beings seated around a small table (on the left, with a white object on the table their attention is focused upon) and on the right, standing, with their faces and upper bodies visible.

The beautiful clarity of forms and vibrations within orbs, clouds, and all manner of ways light beings (and our own higher selves and soul families) utilize to visually communicate with us and activate us in this Earth plane, continues to deepen as this density keeps converging with the higher dimensions…and higher dimensional light qualities and presences shine through ever more brightly, in more detail.

One way this convergence itself symbolizes is through what appears as ‘dimensional folds’ in the sky. The fold below appeared on April 18th as the energies were building up to April 22nd…a translation into the 4D plane of the folding and merging of higher dimensional frequencies into this reality (with a reiteration here, that Ascension isn’t a splitting of realities or ‘timelines’ into a unified New Earth and disharmonic old Earth or other planet, or a split into a light universe/dark universe, it’s a natural reunification into love, unity and higher harmony of all energies that appear to be split, fragmented, or pitted against each other). Higher dimensions from 5D+ are unified, in oneness with universal love, and love is the most coherent, cohesive vibration in the Omniverse. As energies and timeline variables imbued with disharmony or incoherence magnetize into the fold that represents the zero-point of infinite love, through which the Ascension pathway aligns, those variables smooth, soften and cohese into that love. They transform into the unified Flow, which radiates and expresses through love as soul expressions, forms and creations in well-being, in divine alignment. Fighting, blocking, splitting or trying to control Love melts into the fold, reharmonized through the zero-point of transformational Convergence.

Dimensional fold visible in the sky on April 18th 2020.

The effects of these uplifting vibrations and heightened ‘fold moments’ around the Earth can also be seen in the peaks of late April’s Schumann Resonances (record of changes in the electromagnetic resonance in the extremely low frequency spectrum of the Earth’s field), which climbed to 110 hz on April 20th, and a high 140hz on April 23rd. (The Earth’s electromagnetic fluctuations have tangible, physical catalysts, such as lightning, solar storms etc, but from a multi-dimensional perspective, there are more subtle contributors at work too, including at the human level, collective unified, loving vibrations, and if you’re interested, you can read about Schumann Resonances in relation to collective coherence and altered states of consciousness at the HeartMath Institute).

Another sign of increasing convergence is, to those currently attuning in this way, clearer and more detailed appearances of closely connected soul family and friends, lightships, higher dimensional soul expressions (and for some in particular roles and missions, transdimensional connections and meetings). On the night of May 5th, a blissful sequence ‘unfolded from the fold’ overhead here, which began with Asharana’Ra (our Oversoul/One Flame, which expresses as Twin Flame Ashura&Irana, and through many soul expressions) approaching as a plume of golden-white light, symbolically through a narrow gap between trees (ie; through a precise pathway) and forming into an angel.

In the next frame, where our angel-light had coalesced, a small green-white light projected aboved the cloaked Lei’hua lightship. When enlarged, Arnap (Ashura’s 5D form) can be seen seated in a chair, with his hands on arm-rests, wearing deep green, with white light radiating upward from the floor.

He then decloaked the Lei’hua in her golden-white diamond light, and crossed over the sky to the south, where the ship shone brightly for a few seconds. In the enlargement below, you can see the interior light of her centre, with a rosy tint wrapped around, and green light radiating from the ship’s central Core Crystal (Arnap is also standing there, in the centre of the ship, in his green suit).

Lei’hua lightship decloaked, with her interior higher dimensional diamond light qualities visible, sending love and healing vibrations to Earth, May 5th 2020.

Here’s the Lei’hua again, just above the star Canopus, showing her 5D crystalline light form, as a seamless, glowing white-gold disc. I see subtle golden shimmers constantly running through her walls, floors and ceilings, with streams of light language and codes flowing through the shimmers, as the whole ship is ‘aware’ (as a natural extension of our consciousness, with everyone on board, currently around 400) and in continuous communication with the Meri’Ashar mothership through its Core Crystal (actually, the Core Crystals of all ships in the Ashtar Command fleets are in constant vibrational connection/dynamic resonance with the golden Core Crystal of Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix, flowing in unified energy and synergy).

The Lei’hua decloaks above Canopus, golden-white light with a touch of rose, April 11th 2020.

We’re thrilled to share that at this stage, areas within the Lei’hua and some other lightships coming in at the ‘front of the wave’ are being fitted/adapted for Earth human visitors to come on board, physically, at the right moment(s). We’ll hope to share more details about this soon, but for now, keep holding the vision of landings and meetings with Star Family of Universal Love, assisting the planetary Shift into freedom in love, peace, wholeness and joy. The more, the better! We all have the ability to keep lifting our vibration at this level, embracing infinite love in our hearts, radiating it through our beings to All, through all the tensions and pressures in this plane. We’re in this together, galactically speaking, and have all the support in the universe.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends πŸ™‚

Orb of rose light with a hint of blue, Archangel Haniel’s vibration, flowing through Rowena’s vibration (my/our 5D soul expression, now on board the Lei’hua), that appeared in a softly rose-tinted nightsky, while anchoring Venus energies on May 7th 2020.

*We’ll share a meditation focus for May 22nd’s Venus~Mercury Conjunction, which anchors the current arc of Venusian inflowing Light, at the LoveLight Circle very soon, all very welcome to join in if this resonates for you. πŸ™‚

Saturn’s Return in Light

Dear All,

There’s been such a lot happening the last week! In the previous post, following on with the immense shifts within Carian (bird-being) soul groups that have flowed through the Centaurus and Carina constellations, we mentioned this is connected with another more local profound shift, occurring around Saturn. This is now complete, incredibly beautiful, and we can talk about it a bit here, as the effects begin to catalyze changes in a deeply instilled mindset of limitation, separation and lack within the collective consciousness field around the Earth that has been linked with Saturn in the human psyche.

Since early May, Saturn had been ‘on the radar’ with guidance to tune into what was happening around Saturn’s north pole, where there’s a ‘cerulean blue storm’ vortexing around the pole, within a most unusual, beautiful double hexagon of changing colours.

Hubble Space Telescope photograph of Saturn. North pole hexagon images below taken by the Cassini probe. Images courtesy of NASA.

Some years ago, I began to attune with the souls expressing through multidimensional forms as planets in the Solar System, which completely unravelled all preconditioned views passed down through millenia in relation to all the planets. In the context of Saturn, its esoteric and astrological ‘identity’ on Earth as the Great Malefic and Lord of Karma, whose influence had some positive qualities but many negative ones, of control, coldness, isolation, separation, limitations and karmic ‘rebalancing’ that could turn one’s life upside-down through periodic Saturn Returns, was transformed when connecting with Saturn’s Heart, with the Soul vibration resonating through and from that Heart…which I saw and felt as super-soft 6D liquid light emanations, very fine uplifting harmonies and tones of golden-white light.

This high, loving radiance ran counter to anything I would have expected, as at the lower 4D levels, the Saturn energies came across as chilly and heavy. In recent weeks, star family’s focus toward Saturn strengthened, within the series of steps of unravelling and transmuting various frameworks and systems of control from around the Earth and Solar System, confluent with wider galactic releases. What came into view with this strengthening focus was that the whole Saturnian lower 4D grid was being artificially generated from a network of stations located on some of the moons of Saturn, and that in those dimensional layers, the rings of Saturn have a powerful radiating, transmitting capacity that was being harnessed by that network, to constantly pulse the cold separation/lack vibrations to receiver discs around the Earth….and that this was blocking the true soul light of Saturn’s 6D heart (which the planet’s north pole hexagon represents) from radiating into the Solar System.

We’re using past tense, as during the last couple of weeks in Earth time, the transformations of unascended energies in parts of the Centaurus constellation translated very swiftly into the Solar System as a take-down of the Saturn moon network, with absolutely beautiful metamorphoses of the energies of those moons into higher vibrations once they were liberated (in a mere few days of Earth time during last week). The true soul light of Saturn has begun radiating again, pulsing outward through its rings, clearing much interdimensional debris, including remnants of Maldekian technology that had been used to create the controller network there. The lower grid around Earth formerly tethered to that network has now been rendered obsolete, and receivers and transmitters are in the process of being neutralized and dismantled by the lightships and our 5D Agarthan friends.

The beginning of this process was initiated just before the March Equinox 2019, with a similar, collaborative lower network untethered and removed from around the Moon, which opened the way for this next removal. At the macro level, everything is unfolding in sequence to support the highest planetary ascension outcome, regardless of constant attempts to slide it into lower timelines, and star family ask that everyone committed to assisting Earth and humanity’s ascension keep the most joyful, most peaceful, most compassionate ascending vision and trajectory in our hearts and minds. Give the most beautiful and loving path our focus and energy. ❀

The return of Saturn in Light also now opens the way for the vibration of Chiron (in astronomy, classed as a ‘centaur’ object orbitting between Saturn and Uranus, and variously described as an asteroid, brown dwarf planet and comet) to flow through its true ‘key’ activational role. In astrology, Chiron has been known as the Wounded Healer, and mythically was seen as the wisest of the centaurs (half-man, half-horse beings), teacher and guide of many beings, and connected to the Centaurus constellation. So can you feel what is unfolding here, at the higher levels? As the whole of Centaurus lifts into unified frequencies of love, Saturn is released to radiate deep, flowing harmony and peace, and with the interference network gone, Chiron’s vibration is able to be received on Earth and elsewhere no longer as a wounded healer, but Whole and One, guiding the key to inner wisdom of the heart into the human collective consciousness field, from duality to unity as unhealing wounds are transformed back to Love and Compassion (note also how the astrological symbol for Chiron is depicted as a key).

Many beautiful lightship appearances came through this next transformative phase, on waves and beams of light and so much joy, with the high light Carian input into the Centaurus~Saturn~Chiron mission heralded by the arrival of the divine lady hawk who visits here, on May 15th. She landed on the railing outside the window, and stayed for the longest she’s ever done, while a Carian ship flew directly overhead among the clouds, flowing a lemon golden and green light-beam through her, while she slowly stretched and danced for the best part of an hour on the railing, and we grounded the first wave of Saturn’s heart light, which came through this green golden vibration. As soon as this anchoring was completed, I took the photos below of the lightship that was stationing above us throughout, firstly up quite high, then flying lower and giving a brilliant, ecstatic flash of light. No wonder lady hawk was dancing!

Lightship above the house on May 15th, anchoring the rebirthed Saturn 6D light transmission, close beside a subtle ‘flying bird’ shaped cloud.
Enlargement of the hovering lightship, May 15th 2019.
The same ship descends through a patch of cloud and gives a beautiful bright flash, May 15th 2019.
Enlargement of the above photo, also faintly showing the structure of a rectangular ship in the cloud at the right hand side, May 15th 2019.

Four days later on May 19th as the release and transformation peaked and began to flow as wave patterns into the Earth’s energy field, I crossed by train over a major chi flow line, the Belinus Line (which travels like a sine curve around the planet, and crosses the coast of Western Australia south of Perth), with a Leonine lightship, the Shem’ Arua above, and ships flanking the train on each side. The photo below of a Pleiadian ship flying to the western side of the train was taken just as it popped into view beneath a cloud.

Lightship drops into view from a cloud, photo taken from a train while crossing the Belinus Line, south of Perth, Western Australia, May 19th 2019.

Near this ship, the clouds suddenly formed into wave upon wave, with each wave filled with disc-like shapes, and you can see in the photo below the outline of a huge dolphin skimming over the crest of the upper wave. While watching this through the train window, star family spoke about (and were showing in this cloud formation) how the waves of incoming higher dimensional light are continuously increasing and layering into each other now, one into another, until they will finally vibrate together as One akin to what is called in physics a Standing Wave ~ a wave oscillating in time but whose peak amplitude (crests and troughs of the wave) doesn’t move in space, with oscillation along the wave in phase (see this article if you’d like to follow up on this).

What they’re showing with this wave is that when the light layers/dimensional layers become like a Standing Wave, a tipping point in the Earth’s frequency field, in the collective frequency, is attained, for this planet to experience a Wave Event of total equilibrium-in-love that will be felt by all of humankind, through which the presence of humanity’s loving star friends and families can unfold openly around the planet in peace; peacefully received because of clarity of awareness, clarity of heart, within that vibration of global equilibrium.

Layered clouds with scalloped disc-shaped edges formed near the lightship pictured above, with a dolphin shape diving through the top of the wave, May 19th 2019.

For now, and in every moment, the call from star family is to stay in the highest overview, stay relaxed and peaceful within ourselves and toward all, in all circumstances ~ so we can deeply anchor through the new level of golden harmony and heart wisdom in our own beings; the Wholeness energy and vision of this next high flow phase of planetary ascension and shift in global consciousness as completely embraced in the arms of Universal Love and Grace, knowing we are Safe in Love eternally, and radiating this feeling to all in our lives and around the Earth, to all beings. Saturn is in bliss, and Chiron turns the key…

Outline of a large deeply ‘V’ shaped ship forms in clouds, with many gentle faces/beings within and around it, May 21st 2019.

Stay the course, ground the love, and ride the wave, light-hearted as a dolphin… πŸ™‚

Love, Peace & Joy to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❀

A lightship slowly emerges from a cloud, May 26th 2019… so many starfolk in the higher dimensions are watching over, protecting and supporting this Shift of the Ages, holding a window of grace open for the highest, most loving, most peaceful planetary alignment. Thank you, dear friends.

Messenger 9 & Lunar Eclipse

Dear All,

We’re coming up to a significant eclipse on January 20-21st 2019, a Supermoon/Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, following on from the partial Solar Eclipse of January 6th, during which some key ignitions occurred in the region under the eclipse shade in particular, preparing the ground (literally and energetically) for an optimal high light-event convergence into the 3-4D ‘spacetime-frame’. The upcoming Lunar Eclipse centres over the Americas, and will also be visible from Europe, Africa and the Middle East (see this page for exact times in your location).

In the previous two posts, we mentioned the alignment of Alcyone, alpha star of the Pleiades cluster (with the deepest healing release so far of lower-matrix Earth/human collective consciousness through the Taurus constellation complex of Aldebaran-Hyades-Pleiades) and Sirius, the Dog Star, which flowed super heightened star-soul light into this year through its annual zenith-point (midnight of New Year’s Eve, December 31st). Confluent with these emanations, an amplified wave through galactic centre is aligning pulses of ‘phoenix light of rebirth’ from the heart of LaniakeaΒ ~ the galactic supercluster in which the Milky Way is journeying and evolving/ascending with some hundred thousand companion galaxies.

This divine trinity of stellar/intergalactic alignments ~ Sirius, Alta Mira (in the Alcyone region of the Pleiades) and Laniakea through galactic centre ~ is also now being augmented by exquisite strengthening and uplifting light flows through several avenues. The one we’ll focus with here, as the eclipse energy/potential builds, comes through the heart of a galaxy whose connecting portal is situated within a planetary nebula known as the Dumbbell Nebula, astronomically called Messier 27. One translation of ‘Messier’ from French is ‘messenger’, and 27=2+7=9…Messenger 9. Nine is the Angelic Number, number of completion and rebirth into new cycles, and the Dumb-bell is ‘dumb’ no longer, unmuted and emitting a very high Ascension tone along a wave toward the Solar System.


Messier 27, through the Spitzer Space Telescope, image courtesy NASA.

Messier 27 sits in the constellation Vulpecula (Little Fox), in the centre of the Summer Triangle formed by the bright stars Deneb, Vega and Altair, vibrationally connecting with all these stars and very closely with a higher dimensional planet named Lucida, that orbits Vulpecula’s alpha star, Anser (which you can read about in this post).

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The connection of this galaxy through Messier 27 to the Solar System re-opened on November 27th 2018, anchored through Gaia’s heart during the 12-12 Gateway of December 12th, 2018, and has been subtly radiating through the New Earth light-grid continuously since then. During meditation on the 12-12, as this galaxy came into clarity, visions of an undulating pure white light-wave (which star family refer to as ‘the eternal shoreline, infinite and ever-changing‘) brought into view a beautiful planet of rose light with three rose moons, and this planet whose soul-tone translates to the name ‘Makarim’ with its moons forms a cosmic hub of Sacred Trinity/Divine Mother energies. Makarim is also a citadel of the Muraya (or Moraya) Confederation, which is spread throughout Laniakea, and indeed through this universe and others, as the ‘parent light network’ of the Intergalactic Confederation, including our local Galactic Federation in the Milky Way.

Aligning and grounding this energy with Gaia translated very beautifully into 3D on New Year’s Day 2019, as while writing a Heart Star post that day, there was a bush-fire burning nearby, and my home was in the evacuation alert zone (the wind was strong, with ash falling on the house). Inner guidance was to meditate with the largest node in the garden, bring through the rose Makarim/Messenger 9 soul-light, and ask Gaia and her fire, water and air elementals to calm the blaze, with star family assisting above. On New Year’s Eve, my Twin Flame in his 5D expression (Arnap) flew overhead in a small Arcturian bowship which gave many bright flashes beside a tree, three of which showed in footage shared at this link.

The curve of this ship was just visible in the smoke plume above the fire the next day (circled below) transmuting a heavy energy while the smoke turned from murky brown to white and very light pink (maybe you can see a white lion face beneath the lightship too)…with our 3D heroes busy on the ground/planes/helicopters. Gratitude to all (and to the light beings who picked up animals and put them out of the way of the flames)! During the night an unforecast sprinkle of rain helped dampen the embers. πŸ™‚

From that symbolic entry into the year, the White Ray~Rose Ray combination has continued to flow within various levels, gradually filtering into the conscious awareness of humanity, building steadily toward this Lunar Eclipse, augmented through the Messier 27 portal. So all is prepared for maximum inflow of the ‘pure white light Ascension spiral through the rosing of the eclipsed Moon’. To assist connecting with this energy, here are a few photos of the rose-white light that has been projecting through ships and orbs consistently through January, such as this pearlescent beauty of January 7th 2019, flowing from the winged white lion-beings of Eremor, whose energy is also softly, deeply present around the Earth.

Rose-white orbs have appeared repeatedly around Sirius, and others like the huge rose and teal orb pictured below (directly above Sirius, with Canopus at the right, and the Hu Shi/Bow&Arrow asterism between them, which houses the portal of the Eremor Universe).

So for this Lunar Eclipse, we invite you to open your heart to the beautiful high triune ‘Three-in-One’ energies aligning through Sirius, Alta Mira and Laniakea ‘the phoenix of rebirth’ Supercluster/Heart of Source through galactic centre; through the Messier 27 portal flowing the rose-white light of Makarim, the rose planet and its trinity of rose moons; through the sacred mother~father-child light within your own being and all Life, everywhere….the 333 code is streaming with and through us all. Be open, be the peace, and call in the highest loving awareness to activate to its optimum within the heart of the human collective on Earth, in this Now.

For those of you who feel an affinity with Canopus (brightest star in the sky after Sirius, visible high in the nightsky from the southern hemisphere at present), this star and connected light-beings are also to the fore assisting this alignment. Here is Canopus last night, January 18th, with orb and ships. ‘The Navigator is on board’.

And here’s the moon yesterday evening yesterday with orb symbolism, and an enlargement of Sirius from January 16th 2019, with a tall figure in the central blue area of the star, arms outstretched to open a rose-coloured portal.

Star family also wish to share this ‘play of lights’ that appeared in a photo on December 28th 2018, projected from a lightship high above, forming an arrow that pointed toward a six-point star of white light on top of one of many colourfully decorated ‘Christmas houses’ in Mandurah, south of Perth (Western Australia). In this photo, you can see the arrow of lights in the sky to the left, with an empty spot where one of the lights shifted out of formation and hovered next to the rooftop white star.Β  πŸ™‚

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Arrow of white lights forms beneath a lightship higher above, with one light moving to hover next to 6-point star on a rooftop, Mandurah, Western Australia, Dec.28, 2018.

Close-up, there’s a blue lion face in the little orb, as it forms beside the star, showing Sirian leonine soul energies.

This loving message comes with guidance to stay light in heart, peaceful in mind, and for this magnificent Eclipse, to remember the light of the Merkaba (represented by the six-point star)…to breathe pure divine lovelight into our personal merkabas, breathing in unity with Gaia’s heart, naturally coming into alignment and spinning in perfect harmony with her planetary merkaba/light-body surrounding the Earth.

We hold the vision of the most beneficial light of higher awareness to activate in all of humanity, with gratitude to all love anchors on Earth and those assisting from the higher dimensions and vast light realms of the universes. Love & blessings,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❀

*See Cosmic Codes for more about the number 27 in relation to galactic light codes.

*There’s a LunarΒ Eclipse Meditation at the LoveLight Circle, for all who feel called to join in…the most important thing is, whichever meditation format(s) or loving focus resonates for you to flow with for this Eclipse (and at any moment), come with the intention that the pure light of love you are a conduit for on Earth, is in unison with all loving hearts and beings, amplifying the Whole, together as One.Β  ❀

Messier 27; photo credit Bill Snyder via NASA (APOD)

November 2018 Energy Shifts

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Four ships (Ashtar Command) form a straight line around a faint star (Capella, in the middle between them) in an ’11-11 greeting’ on the night of November 11th 2018, symbolizing a successful aligning of higher light to/around the Earth through that energetic Gateway. Love & gratitude to everyone ‘above’ and on Earth who focused with aligning and anchoring the Light in, on and around the planet during the 11-11-11, and in any moment.Β  πŸ™‚

Dear All,

As with every energetic Gateway this year, high light frequencies have continued pouring through the New Earth grid since the 11-11-11 alignment, toward a course adjustment of the overall planetary Shift that came into alignment during November 22nd, into the Full Moon energies of the 23rd, still flowing deeply in confluence with (and vibrationally connected to) shifts happening within the Solar System and wider galactic context.

From the local to galactic level, star family have been/are engaged in multiple focuses that can be seen and felt (see the photos below) as distinct, precise energetic stabilizations, clearings, catalysts, uplifts and refinements, but which are all interwoven in terms of multidimensional reverberation, frequency flows and template co-creations within the overall galactic ascension…at this moment involving the Earth and Moon, Mars and Orion, Sirius, Venus and the Pleiades, Canopus and Achernar, and many more. We’ll focus here with the Moon, Mars and the adjustments at Orion, and return to the Venusian-Pleiadian light flows very soon….as it’s all concurrent and wholly connected. Whatever might be going on for you right now, dear universal beings embodied on Earth, breathe deeply, stay in your heart, and trust the rebirthing energies flowing through all dimensions of life.Β  ❀

The sequence of lightship alignments and orbs shared below came through November 11-18th as a representation of an immense week of shifts, clearings and re(newed)-alignments. Following the straight line of ships around Capella, alpha star of Auriga, the Charioteer constellation (where there’s a major Ashtar Command centre on the beautiful planet Arina) pictured at the top of this post, many orbs appeared around Mars, lighting and preparing energies for the next major transformation of that planet’s lower astral grid through to resurrection of its original Light.

Two of the orbs circling Mars during the 11-11-11 energies, blue and green-purple.

On the night of November 13th, there was a lot of energy around the Moon, with dancing, flickering lights, before an orb positioned in line with it, and a white lightship flashed close above the Moon. In the enlargement below, a green feline face is visible within the orb, ringed in white and rose light.

As on November 11th, lightships again stationed in straight alignments, this time around the Moon, in a group of three. This family of ships moved together in a graceful choreography, first above then below the Moon, purifying and stabilizing the Earth-Moon higher light-grid through the triune/trinity vibrations. ‘The angles of angels’ in motion.Β  πŸ™‚

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Two nights later on November 15th the sky filled with high energies, swirls of orbs moving in huge spirals, like spiral galaxies full of the lights of diverse soul groups and collectives, with creamy peach and rose-white particularly prominent among all the colours of the rainbow.

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Large shimmering orbs showed in many photos with small orbs connected, embraced within them, or floating close by…with the smaller orbs often showing facial features of beings hailing from the soul collectives projecting their light through the large orbs beside them.

The soul connection can be seen clearly in the photo below, with a green faced, white-haired being visible within the small orb coming forward into clarity from the large soft green orb above/behind.

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These are some of the beautiful ‘rainbow’ of soul groups streaming their light together that night, many vibrations and qualities of love.

Later in the night, as the interweaving light flows quietened, this is how Mars appeared, just upper right of the Moon. So very beautiful and providential to see the face of Aris (planetary soul of Mars) calm and peaceful, in soft peach-rose light (deeply connected with a high flow since the 11-11-11 gateway of the ‘Tenth Ray‘, pearlescent rose-white ray of unification in Peace, soft, gentle integration of Divine Love).

On November 16th, our ‘trinity friends’ formed another straight line, this time directly toward the Moon, with Mars (the bright light lower left of the Moon) in-between…holding the alignment steady with Mars’ transformed energy, in preparation for the ascending course adjustment coming into convergence from November 22nd (and with us/within us now, bringing through a planetary reset).

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This opening and renewing of Mars’ heart vibration is both connected with, and contingent upon, shifts happening out at Orion, which are complex and energetically connected to the control-grid involving Mars, Earth and their moons. Star family gave this image of ships forming a line (or slight arc, the arc of Arcturus/Arcturian ships) to the star Saiph. Along with Rigel and the stars of Orion’s Belt, Saiph went through profound vibrational upliftments (from an Earth-time perspective, this was during late 2016 into early 2017, see this post), but had swayed into ‘not so safe’, with beings there applying pressure to the two outer stars of Orion’s Belt. So the ships in the photo below sent a precise message of realignment of the energies of Orion’s Belt by ‘safe-guarding Saiph’, in yet another line-up of three, this time Christing the energy field of a star.

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Two Arcturian ships position in a line/arc to the star Saiph, forming a ‘mirror Orion’s Belt’ while they re-lightΒ  and secure Saiph’s vibrational field (to readers in the northern hemisphere, Orion appears the other way up), November 16, 2018.

Reflecting into to our local region, a large bow-ship (of Arcturian origin, also with many Pleiadians on board, whose soul vibration can be felt through the big blue-violet orb below) was beautifully visible beside the Moon for about five minutes, with Mars low down, just above the treetops.

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A white spherical lightship joined them, hovering above the Moon in straight alignment to Mars.

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The energies felt steady and very peaceful, as the bow-ship slowly shifted its angle while holding its position, relative to the Moon and Mars.

A high light purification flowed around and through the Moon on November 18th, wonderfully reflected in the ‘moon ascended upon a summit of light’, which Gaia received through a number of tall mountain peaks around her Earthly body, with diamond light pillars streaming into the high places of this beautiful planet (you can slightly see one of these light pillars coming down to the right of the Moon).

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Here are the shifts of energies that took place, anchored through the mountains (along with specific pyramids within the global pyramid network), just feel the sequence of removal of lower astral entities and imprints, and in the lower two photos, a big white-blue ship becoming visible from behind the Moon, cradling it, holding it steady, then when it is secure, floating forward in the colour vibrations of healing green and peaceful aqua blue merged as soft blue-green.

As this next ‘ascension adjustment’ rolls through the planetary energy field and grids old and new, flow freely with the light of this reset…breathe, let go, be free in Love…breathe in peace, breathe out peace…feel the light pillar of pure transformation you are, shining and radiating through the compressed density. Reaffirm the whole is Shifting, flowing, rebirthing, and let the joy of knowing this anchor ever deeper through your being. Trust the process, guided through the heart of all creation and its inherent unity:

We are the Unifying Ray of Peace, deep and eternal, radiating the lightest touch, the simplicity of Infinite Love, serenely weaving through our beings, every atom, molecule and cell, through every vibration within the collective consciousness and energy field of beloved Gaia and beyond, with Love for All.Β Β And So BE It.

With Love & Gratitude, and waves of light, joy and steadiness flowing from starry family and friends to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❀

*There’s a Tenth Ray meditation posted today at the LoveLight Circle for this Sunday (and like all the meditations there, it can be used anytime that feels good to you).

The Seed of Life

Dear All,

Coming into October 2018, we’ve seen an increased focus of Aquatic Soul Groups from the higher dimensions of many oceanic constellations, here to assist a deep phase of clearings of the ‘child harm web’ that has been in place for thousands of years around this planet, washing out hooks and imprint-networks of suppression/oppression of the Inner Divine Child within humanity, radiating and transmitting sacred geometric sound and light patterns ~ particularly through the ‘liquid light-wave’ of the Sixth Dimension, which can then crystallize in the Fifth, strengthening the subtle emanation of the New Earth and its 5D crystalline light grid into the Fourth and Third dimensional layers.

If you’re finding your attention, meditations or dream-visions leaning toward dolphins, whales, mermaids/men, amphibians, fish or seashell connections recently, or feeling a deep attraction toward blue-green and aquamarine colours, consider that you may be vibrationally attuning to this great wave as it dissolves oppressive holding-devices and energies, opening the way for deeper planting of the Seeds of Life…or indeed, deeper awareness and reception of the crystalline light emanations of the Seeds of Life radiating constantly from the Ascended Earth, which already exists just beyond the perception of this ‘time-frame’, calling to our hearts, to the light-potential within our DNA, RNA and cellular consciousness, to align and fully converge this co-creation of Love.

The sacred geometric form of the Seed of Life contains all the potential of the flowering of Love, the Flower of Life which is contained in its centre expressing through the Sixth Harmonic, six circles ringed and interweaving around a central ring, the Seventh Circle, or 7D flow of Divine Grace through the 6D hexagon-star-flower light template…the hexagon being the most stable structure in nature, it settles the incoming liquid light wave into perfect equilibrium, inherent harmonies that reflect into the 3D form level in the beautiful six-point forms of snowflakes, crystallized water geometries (see this post) and in the cymatic patterning of sound frequencies.

The Seed of Life’s structure is ‘built’ upon the circle, the Oneness, expanding through the Vesica Piscis with its central mandorla, into the triquetra, through the double mandorla, and in the complete Seed also vibrating the triplet numbers 888, as three infinity symbols crossing in the centrepoint, with a total of 12 crossing points around the centrepoint, the zero-point which is also the 13th, through which Ascension Light spirals into and through the 12 dimensions (and their sub-layers) ‘below’.

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If you’re reading this today (October 9th), we have a New Moon today, and both New Moon and Full Moon are particularly amplified this month, with New Moon as focus-moment for planting a new seed. This ‘new seed’ vibration is running strong through the 11-10-11 Gateway (October 11, where 2018=11) and beyond, and holding the intention and/or visualizing the Seed of Life in our hearts with Universal Love and Joy flowing through this pattern in blue-green light instantly aligns us to the current Aquatic Light Wave, with much loving assistance to the ’embodied ascension-anchors’ we are, bringing these beautiful new-template vibrations of freedom of the Divine Inner Child within us and the human family into the 3D ‘memory of water’ in our bodies and all around this blue-green watery Earth. ❀

Oceanic star family groups currently interweaving the array of blue-green, aqua and teal frequencies around the planet would like to share their energetic presence here through a series of photos that began on September 28th, with the clouds parting across the sky in the shape of an undulating river from horizon to horizon, representing the eternal Source Flow, through the Celestial River of this galactic region, the constellation Eridanus. Orbs and small ships of blue and green light began to flash within the river, as many star groups symbolized and projected their energies.

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Orbs of all shades and shimmers of blue and green continued flowing through the Celestial River, as Aquatic soul groups poured in around the Earth that night, joining in vast numbers with our Sirian, Tau Cetian (from Cetus the Whale constellation), Pleiadian Aquatic and other fluidic-light star families already deeply involved here with assisting Gaia’s Shift in various ways and specialized assignments.

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Brilliant amber-gold energies came through late in the night, from star groups of related aquatic/amphibious characteristics whose home-worlds neighbour Eridanus, in the ‘fiery’ constellations Fornax and Phoenix…through which the radiant golden light of the Halorin Lights stream into this galaxy, as can be seen imbued in the intensely golden Fornaxian orb below ‘beside the river’ (with a small green lightship above it).

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Within a few days, this blue-green wave felt deeply circulating within and around the Earth’s energy field and light-grids, with communications also coming from soul/consciousness collectives who step their vibrations through to 3D density in the form of crystals, and in this case specifically Green Flourite and Green Aventurine, to conduct the blue-green higher dimensional flow through these crystals around the Earth…those that are within the ground, and those brought to the surface to collaborate with humans in support of shifting dense energies and anchoring light. All crystals and gemstones in the blue-green range are assisting with this flow overall, with Green Flourite and Green Aventurine specifically working with healing/wholing and freeing the Inner Child energies at this time.

On October 2nd, star family worked over a valley not far from here, connected to an Agarthan portal and star base, to unhook the first of what appear in the lower astral layers as black cubes that have been holding archonic ‘innocence/inner-sense suppression grids’ in place. (The ongoing transmutation of the Martian lower density grid and associated connection points on Earth referred to in previous posts has blessedly opened the way for removal of this network). While walking the green-blue light into the valley, with the ships above, this release reflected into a photo in which many dimensional overlays can be seen (3-4-5D), as a black cube being ‘tipped up and out’ of the Earth, with what appears like a child’s stick figure drawing running out to the upper right of the cube. There are many energies in this photo, with purple light moving down the trees at the left, and a tall green feminine figure standing left of the purple flow, radiating love.

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A beautiful Aboriginal spirit guardian was present throughout, and I heard/felt she was there to flow this release and transformation through her soul collective in this area of Western Australia. Nearby, the face of a guiding lioness in blue light (Sirian Lion Being) could be seen among a group of beings beside a pyramid-shape piece in a granite boulder.

Overhead, one of the lightships flashed into view above a cloud for a moment, as it guarded this freeing process, being implemented in sequence around the planet now.

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Our Aquatic friends made another appearance on October 4th, with their vibration coming into focus where a cloud formed into an Acamarian amphibious face with large eyes and a beautiful smile. Behind this face the outline of the head of an owl formed, representing a Pleiadian guardian-ship of these gentle amphibious ‘sound frequency technical specialists’.

As the cloud faces dissipated, a small ship became visible in that spot.

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As this ship moved upward and flashed brightly, a larger disc-shaped ship formed below, with a soft bubble-like quality reflecting the soft, sensitive nature of these beings and their watery lightships, that radiate intricate harmonizing geometries of sound.

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These beings ask us to open our hearts to the deep love, harmony and peace that is present within and all around us in every moment, and they bring the awareness and joy of this presence through very light, relaxed attention to sound….the sound of wind among leaves, the sound of waves shushing over sand….or within our own bodies, the sound of our own breathing, this soft sound continuum that is tonal in very subtle ways, which become more defined when we vocalize through speaking, humming or singing. And they say, feel how these sounds vibrate in our chest, through our heart centre, and that this vibration when imbued with Universal Love and feelings of Well-Being, creates most exquisite sound-wave patterns and geometries that emanate naturally into our environments, to the people and beings around us.

If you enjoy using visualization during meditations, you may like to visualize a Seed of Life pattern radiating from your heart, with a feeling of joy in new creations of Love, especially in blue-green colour vibrations through October. And let creativity flow free in tune with your inner-sense, knowing this wave within the Wave supports playful inspiration, heightened sensitivity to lighter vibrations, and gentle, effortless connectivity with all that is of pure love.Β  πŸ™‚

Wishing a beautiful October to all, flowing free with the Heavenly Waters,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❀

PS: A DNA Activation within this ‘blue-green light theme’ will be posted at the LoveLight Meditation Circle (very soon!) for the 11-10-11 Gateway, for anyone who would like to join in with this and/or regular weekly meditations to assist planetary ascension.Β  Β 

Healing through the Sun

Dear All,

We’d like to share a quick overview of the passage from the last Full Moon on March 1st to the upcoming Equinox on March 20-21st, as part of one of the larger ‘arcs of alignment’ of 2018, peaking in May (we’ll come to this later). For anyone who is sensing a build-up of pressure, however that is manifesting or seeming to you, we can say that along with the increasing up-flow of higher Light frequencies, a contrary force of pressure is reverberating in the Solar System from a galactic situation which can be described as a slight tightness in Orion’s Belt. This is currently being handled through the Star Councils, with many high light beings assisting to calm and transform the energies there. At our local level, we’ll show below how this lower-vibrating pressure is being answered by our sun, Solaris, with much beautiful aid to keep this high March gateway clear and on track. The Solar Grid is sparking and strengthening with higher light, dear friends. πŸ™‚

These orb photos taken over the last couple of weeks show some of the soul groups focusing their calming light into Orion’s Belt during this period:

Star family refer to the Full Moon of March 1st as a Rose Moon, a great softening of energies within the Earth-Moon vibrational field preceding and preparing for the swell of light activations through March, sending a Divine Mother embrace through and around the collective energy field of this planet. This embrace is continuing steadily, vibrating the inner message of soothing tenderness, to know and feel (and Be) ourselves forever safe within the infinite embrace of Source/Inner Divine.

The more everyone who is attuning with the Ascension process can hold and radiate this softness of the eternal Rose through our hearts to all beings, the more easily and peacefully the way is opened for this great Shift and planetary rebirth to be embraced within the collective. So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, anxious or over-emotional, just allow yourself to become still inside. Relax your being, breathe in soft Rose Light, breathe out soft Rose Light, and open yourself in pure trust to the Golden-White Light streaming through the Sun, shimmering through the high light grids supporting and amplifying this whole transformation. Hold the knowing that all is well. All is on track for the New Earth’s blossoming. Breathe, align, give yourself the gift of feeling it inside. ❀

In the last two days the Sun has opened a long coronal hole (gateway) facing Earth, from which solar winds are expected to reach this planet on March 14th…and because of the shape of the hole, may continue for several days. These solar winds are the 3D step-down of a higher dimensional transmission bringing through a whole new level of light frequencies which will be anchored and dispersed for the ensuing three days (with blessings and thanks to all who feel called to stand as conduits and embodying anchor points for this in-flow).


Image credit:, coronal hole opens on Sun, March 11 2018.Β 

The wind of the breath of Source flows through the twelfth dimension to the sixth (through Solaris and the solar beings’ higher dimensional expression) to the third, stepping down pure Christ Consciousness ~ breathe it in through this passage folks, and radiate your inner Sun to all. From Ashura: Potential for receptivity is increased, through Divine intention. Focus into the Love, trust freely. Trust the freedom within your pure eternal core, let the Divine breath flow through you…for all. The Heart of Source, our Hearts, the Heart of Gaia, the unveiling Heart of Humanity…are One. We are with you dearhearts, one with you, all the Way.

We’re working with the local node points here through this Solar reception, through to the Equinox and Easter, and into April, with triune sacred geometries. The ‘power of three’, the trinitizing of divine DNA, is running so strong this year, and there are now three activated nodes forming a triangle in the land here, aligning a purified node of the old Earth grid with two that have ignited in the new template, bringing them into convergence in the 5D aligning of Gaia.

We’re working with crystals in sacred trinity geometries this year; the triskele, triquetra and yin-yang-yuan (see New Earth DNA Activations), to receive, stabilize and transmit the light flows. If you feel to anchor frequencies through sacred geometries, remember you don’t have to be living next to a node. You can create one in your own home, align it with pure heart love, with the intention of connecting in with the grids of high light, the Earth template and Solar Grid. Or simply meditate with geometries aligning divine order for the highest good of all…go with your heart, its’ inner guidance is always present.

When we keep faith with the Love we are, the Oneness of all, with trust in Divine Will, the higher dimensional friends and families weaving love with all of us ‘on the ground’ can become easier to sense and attune with, and we’d like to share a few more photos carrying these vibrations, firstly through the Rose Moon, with Ashura&my soul companion Tanabor tuning up the triskele node before full moon (he was wearing a deep blue outfit trimmed with silver, you can see the silver on his shoulders, and holding a V-shaped crystalline light device he used to key up the node to a certain frequency…with the shape of an owl to his upper left, projecting from the soul essence of Ashira Sheran). And in the right-hand photo, an orb of Ashura’s light, where he was standing in his lightbody in the driveway. Below that, his orb is hovering on top of the outline of a pyramid…this was directly under the full moon, and connecting with the Giza pyramids in Egypt.

Since the Rose Moon, there have been huge flows of soul energies around the Earth, many adrift or astray energies and imprints gathered into the ongoing, ever clearer LoveLight embrace, and this has been showering around the planet through floods of orbs, including large soft, fluffy ones!

Keep tuning to the deep joy of what is streaming out of the planetary field for healing and rehabilitation, and what is streaming in for ever increasing unity, peace and love.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude to you all, beautiful souls, and to all assisting this Ascension,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❀

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Rose, blue and violet orb stream on March 10, 2018.