Four Foundational Heart Practices

The exercises below can assist with opening your heart within a clear, stable, light energy field, and activating and holding a peaceful, steady soul alignment as a ‘love anchor’ on the Earth. These practices work as a sequence, for heart centering and lifting your frequency (Heart Star); maintaining the integrity & clarity of your auric field as a ‘living energy transformer’ (Golden Apple); unifying your three main energy centres (The Three Whites); and keeping a steady alignment with your Soul’s Light & Purpose (Soul Alignment). We advise ‘settling in’ within your heart centre before using extra fine-tuning practices, such as activating new chakras. Put in a steady foundation, then build the house….and may you lovingly enjoy the process!  πŸ’—πŸŒΊ

With gratitude to the Loving Many who have contributed these practices, including our Oversoul Asharana’Ra via TwinFlame expressions Ashura&Irana, beloved Ashtar, Sananda&Nada, and our soul-friend on the Earth plane Bareld Nijboer, from whom the Heart Star & Golden Apple practices flowed into the formats we currently offer here. πŸ’—πŸŒΊ

One: The Heart Star

Start by relaxing your body, relaxing your focus, breathing gently and slowly. As you breathe, let your focus come into your heart centre. As you rest there, in the centre of your being, feel the warmth that resides in your inner heart, the innate radiance of the Source/Infinite Love that lives and flows through you and all life. In this inner warmth, there is a point of pure Light.

As you breathe in, feel this point of Light grow and build brighter, into sparkling Diamond White Light, and as you breathe out, let this Light expand, Diamond White Light particles shimmering through your body, through every atom and cell of your physical body, radiating out through all your energy layers, your subtle bodies, filling the aura of subtle energies around you.

From the centrepoint of Love in your heart, feel yourself as a radiant Star brimming with Diamond White Light, a Star of Love streaming out in every direction from the Infinite Source of Love. Know that you are this radiating Star, in every moment, an eternal, joyful Star of the Source. You are the Source, you are the Love, you are the Light. In this moment and always, let your Heart Star shine. 🀍🌟

*From Archangel Gabriel: While holding your Star Light expanded, you can strengthen and stabilize this energy by visualizing a cross of Diamond White Light, which crosses in your Heart Star, as steady bright beams of light radiating through your Star Light and beyond, into the Infinity that is Love, which is within you, and One with you. 

Two: The Golden Apple

There is a toroidal energy field flowing through and around you constantly. When this energy field is filled with Golden Light, it steadies the vibration and strengthens the integrity of your field, amid the swirl of energies in this Earth plane. Golden Light transforms energies into Unconditional Love, so when the field around you is in the golden frequency, it aligns energies within and around your field into the pure, high light of Unconditional Love. With your Golden Apple radiating around you, you are a ‘living transformer of energies into Love’ while in an earthly embodiment.

Relax, breathing slowly and calmly. When you feel ready, inhale three times. Inhale pure life energy in toward your Root Chakra. This will start to slowly spin your Merkaba. With each inhale gently invite the presence of your Higher Self  (Source Self) within your Heart, and feel this presence filling your Being. With each exhale relax, let go of all distracting thoughts, and Be in the Now.

With the fourth inhale, envision Source sending you a golden stream of light and inhale it into your Heart Star in your inner Heart space. Feel and know the Source of All That Is is One is your Inner Source. When you feel the golden energy warm inside your heart centre, visualize it expanding outward all around your body. Let it expand until it completely fills your Auric field, like a big torus filled with golden light. Envision this Golden Light Torus Field around you from above your Star Centre (Soul Star Chakra) above your head, to below your Earth Centre (Earth Star Chakra), beneath your feet.

To deeply align and activate Christed vibrations within your torus field (renewal, rebirth, transformation, restoration of pure Source Creation Light), visualize yourself standing within a cross of glowing golden light, radiating constantly and infinitely from your heart centre, touching your Soul Star above your head and Earth Star below your feet, with this affirmation: 

Within this Golden Cross of Light I am held in the highest vibration of pure Love throughout this day and night and in every moment. All energies within and around my field are continuously renewing and transforming into Unconditional Love, Light, Grace and Blessings. And so it is.

Visualizing a Golden Rose in the centre of your heart aligns and activates Divine Christed Feminine vibrations, with this affirmation;

With this Golden Rose of Light I am held in the highest vibration of pure Love throughout this day and night and in every moment. All energies within and around my field continuously renew and transform into Unconditional Love, Light, Grace and Blessings. And so it is. 

The Golden Rose can be combined with the Golden Cross, with the Rose in your Heart crossing-point/zero-point, vibrating the Christed Feminine Light through your energy field and beyond. We also suggest a Golden Butterfly within the Heart centre, radiating through your Golden Apple, which aligns and enhances the vibration of Transformation…and adjust the affirmation accordingly. Just feel what resonates for you, and of course, all three can be visualized in sequence, whatever sings for you in any moment, and the Golden Rose can be expanded through and around your torus field too. Trust your intuition/heart’s inner sense.

Now you can activate your three centers (see Exercise 3 below) and open all your chakras within this pure light field (see Practices page). Keep your Golden Apple bright day and night, to continuously hold and strengthen the integrity of your energy field, and re-affirm it whenever you feel to. The more often you do this the more effortless it becomes. 😊

Three: The Three Whites

This practice unifies your three main energy centres and fills them with pure Love. It dissolves lower energies, releases blockages, and calms and aligns the three centres in equilibrium, as a Whole. 

Relax, sit comfortably, take in some deep relaxed breaths, and see/feel a ball of light in your heart centre, filled with pure love. Send this ball down to the core of the Earth ~ Gaia’s crystalline 5D heart ~ and wait for the love to be returned to you. Feel the flow of it come up through your feet and body, into your heart, with loving gratitude. Now send this ball of light filled with love upward to the centre of Source ~ and wait for the love to return to you, with total trust. Feel the merged energy of deepest Love fill your being.

Now visualize a white water lily in your Sacral Chakra (Earth Centre), softly shining, bright and steady. Then visualize a rose of white light in your Heart Chakra (Heart Centre), full of peace and harmony. Then visualize a white diamond (or a white Star Merkaba, or white 13-pointed Star) in your Pineal Chakra (Star Centre), filled with pure steady clarity.

Hold all three, feel the balance of your three centres, flowing as one, whole and unified, in a white sphere of light expanding around you. When your three Centres are steady with the White Water Lily, White Rose and White Diamond or Star Merkaba, open your chakras fully, so they can inhale this pure high frequency white Light.

*To extend and deepen this unification of the three centres within your energy body as One, visualize/hold the intention of an Infinity Symbol flowing form your Heart to your Earth Centre, back up through your Heart to your Star Centre, back to your Heart and so on, infinitely flowing with Rainbow Crystal Light. Following this, you can also extend this infinity flow as a Golden Light flow  through your Heart Centre/Heart Star, Soul Star and Earth Star Chakras. (Soul Star is above your head,  Earth Star below your feet, see Practices page for complete chakra diagram).

Four: Soul Alignment

Following on from the Heart Star, Golden Apple and Three Whites, begin by visualizing a pillar of diamond white light from the Heart of Source to the Heart of Gaia (centre of the Earth), and that you are standing within this pillar streaming LoveLight between Source and Earth. Breathe into your heart and relax deeply within this flowing pillar of light, with this focused intention:

Throughout this day and night, and in every moment of personal and planetary Ascension, I Am a pure, steady, clear, free flowing conduit, pillar, anchor and vessel of Divine Love, Light, Grace and Providence flowing from the Heart of the Source, through my Heart Star, to the Heart of beloved Gaia, in union with all Beings of the highest Love and Light, immersed in the Oneness of Divine Love. And So Be It. 

Beautiful energies are flowing into and  around this planet now through the multidimensional crystalline heart grid of Gaia and supporting light grids, and are available to everyone. Now is the moment to release residual blockages and resistances, and keep our beings receptive to the clearest frequencies of Love, without taking in energies that do not serve our/the Highest Well-Being & Good of All, using the above practices, or in whatever way sings to your heart and intuition. Be authentic. Be inspired. Cherish being the Star of Love that you are, an imperishable, eternal spark of Source. Have fun and enjoy the journey!  πŸ™‚

Love, Peace & Joy to All,

Joanna/Irana&Ashura, & Friends πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

*You can find more practices to help support a high vibration on the Practices page.

Love Yourself ~ Love All ~ Love Source


12 thoughts on “Four Foundational Heart Practices

  1. Hi Joanna,
    I just did practice one. I hope I got it correct!. I emitted a heart generated light field for 3 minutes. I felt my injuries in my back heal up as i raised vibrations. At 3 minutes i had a blissful euphoria feeling all over me. This is powerful i loved it!! I will have to practice one for a time before i move on. I hope i am doing this correct.

    Love blissful blessings


    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Tombe, it’s lovely to ‘greet’ you here, and that is wonderful to hear you had such a direct and open experience with the Heart Star/Sun in the Heart practice, through to the level of physical healing. πŸ™‚
      As far as pace and timing of ‘layering in’ more practices/visualizations go, you’re wise to follow your inner sense. Actually, when I first began using the Heart Star visualization, I focused on it solely for at least a week, then brought the Golden Apple in as well, then gradually other practices. Now, I have a large ‘tool box’ – some of which are very specific for fine-tuning or balancing particular energies/states, others are more general and ‘foundational’. Five years on, I still use the Heart Star and Golden Apple every day, and go into Inner Heart…then use other practices if an aspect of my energy/emotional/mental layers feels ‘off’ or shaky, even slightly.

      So it is a very individual journey for each soul, yet there are some basic principles – and it’s great to hear this resonates so well for you. Thanks for sharing, Love and Blissful Blessings to you too,
      Joanna. ❀


  2. I love love love this… so much of everything on this beautiful site resonates with my heart… My first ever sojourn into Internet world many years ago, for example, asked me to create a name by which I would be known (my avatar/icon or whatever)… I chose SUNSTAR!

    The picture of the Toroidal field (golden apple) is what I have been using to visualise myself surrounded by as I expand into the Unity Field of Consciousness on a regular basis. Don’t even know where I found it!

    I have only just found you, Joanna, and I feel I’ve come home. I’ve written to you privately, as I felt the need to connect – even if just etherically, for now…

    Heartlight and Love, Jay xxx πŸ’–

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dearest Jay/SUNSTAR, big Heart-smile here, reading your words and feeling your energies flowing from your heart and soul. So glad you ‘found’ your way here, I’ve read your beautiful email and will reply soon. Just lovely to connect with you, Star Sister, as I know you Are. πŸ™‚ Love, Joy and heart hugs, Joanna (&Ashura, & family). ❀ xoxoxo


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