Healing through the Sun

Dear All,

We’d like to share a quick overview of the passage from the last Full Moon on March 1st to the upcoming Equinox on March 20-21st, as part of one of the larger ‘arcs of alignment’ of 2018, peaking in May (we’ll come to this later). For anyone who is sensing a build-up of pressure, however that is manifesting or seeming to you, we can say that along with the increasing up-flow of higher Light frequencies, a contrary force of pressure is reverberating in the Solar System from a galactic situation which can be described as a slight tightness in Orion’s Belt. This is currently being handled through the Star Councils, with many high light beings assisting to calm and transform the energies there. At our local level, we’ll show below how this lower-vibrating pressure is being answered by our sun, Solaris, with much beautiful aid to keep this high March gateway clear and on track. The Solar Grid is sparking and strengthening with higher light, dear friends. 🙂

These orb photos taken over the last couple of weeks show some of the soul groups focusing their calming light into Orion’s Belt during this period:

Star family refer to the Full Moon of March 1st as a Rose Moon, a great softening of energies within the Earth-Moon vibrational field preceding and preparing for the swell of light activations through March, sending a Divine Mother embrace through and around the collective energy field of this planet. This embrace is continuing steadily, vibrating the inner message of soothing tenderness, to know and feel (and Be) ourselves forever safe within the infinite embrace of Source/Inner Divine.

The more everyone who is attuning with the Ascension process can hold and radiate this softness of the eternal Rose through our hearts to all beings, the more easily and peacefully the way is opened for this great Shift and planetary rebirth to be embraced within the collective. So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, anxious or over-emotional, just allow yourself to become still inside. Relax your being, breathe in soft Rose Light, breathe out soft Rose Light, and open yourself in pure trust to the Golden-White Light streaming through the Sun, shimmering through the high light grids supporting and amplifying this whole transformation. Hold the knowing that all is well. All is on track for the New Earth’s blossoming. Breathe, align, give yourself the gift of feeling it inside. ❤

In the last two days the Sun has opened a long coronal hole (gateway) facing Earth, from which solar winds are expected to reach this planet on March 14th…and because of the shape of the hole, may continue for several days. These solar winds are the 3D step-down of a higher dimensional transmission bringing through a whole new level of light frequencies which will be anchored and dispersed for the ensuing three days (with blessings and thanks to all who feel called to stand as conduits and embodying anchor points for this in-flow).


Image credit: spaceweatherlive.com, coronal hole opens on Sun, March 11 2018. 

The wind of the breath of Source flows through the twelfth dimension to the sixth (through Solaris and the solar beings’ higher dimensional expression) to the third, stepping down pure Christ Consciousness ~ breathe it in through this passage folks, and radiate your inner Sun to all. From Ashura: Potential for receptivity is increased, through Divine intention. Focus into the Love, trust freely. Trust the freedom within your pure eternal core, let the Divine breath flow through you…for all. The Heart of Source, our Hearts, the Heart of Gaia, the unveiling Heart of Humanity…are One. We are with you dearhearts, one with you, all the Way.

We’re working with the local node points here through this Solar reception, through to the Equinox and Easter, and into April, with triune sacred geometries. The ‘power of three’, the trinitizing of divine DNA, is running so strong this year, and there are now three activated nodes forming a triangle in the land here, aligning a purified node of the old Earth grid with two that have ignited in the new template, bringing them into convergence in the 5D aligning of Gaia.

We’re working with crystals in sacred trinity geometries this year; the triskele, triquetra and yin-yang-yuan (see New Earth DNA Activations), to receive, stabilize and transmit the light flows. If you feel to anchor frequencies through sacred geometries, remember you don’t have to be living next to a node. You can create one in your own home, align it with pure heart love, with the intention of connecting in with the grids of high light, the Earth template and Solar Grid. Or simply meditate with geometries aligning divine order for the highest good of all…go with your heart, its’ inner guidance is always present.

When we keep faith with the Love we are, the Oneness of all, with trust in Divine Will, the higher dimensional friends and families weaving love with all of us ‘on the ground’ can become easier to sense and attune with, and we’d like to share a few more photos carrying these vibrations, firstly through the Rose Moon, with Ashura&my soul companion Tanabor tuning up the triskele node before full moon (he was wearing a deep blue outfit trimmed with silver, you can see the silver on his shoulders, and holding a V-shaped crystalline light device he used to key up the node to a certain frequency…with the shape of an owl to his upper left, projecting from the soul essence of Ashira Sheran). And in the right-hand photo, an orb of Ashura’s light, where he was standing in his lightbody in the driveway. Below that, his orb is hovering on top of the outline of a pyramid…this was directly under the full moon, and connecting with the Giza pyramids in Egypt.

Since the Rose Moon, there have been huge flows of soul energies around the Earth, many adrift or astray energies and imprints gathered into the ongoing, ever clearer LoveLight embrace, and this has been showering around the planet through floods of orbs, including large soft, fluffy ones!

Keep tuning to the deep joy of what is streaming out of the planetary field for healing and rehabilitation, and what is streaming in for ever increasing unity, peace and love.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude to you all, beautiful souls, and to all assisting this Ascension,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

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Rose, blue and violet orb stream on March 10, 2018.

New Earth DNA Activations

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Dear All,

Through this year, we’ll be sharing DNA activations for the 11th day of each month (2018 = 11), so in this post we’ll introduce the potential for 3-strand DNA activation which is crystallizing in the collective energy field, continuing to increase its vibrational imprint as the New Earth template aligns more strongly ~ as the ascended 5D Earth and 3D Earth layers harmonize and unify. The embrace is continuous from 5D ~ from Gaia’s heart and many loving beings holding the alignment steady ~ as the 3D grid and consciousness elevates to meet in the middle, and blossom into the unity-in-love energy of the New Earth, which already exists in the eternal Now.

The 11 ‘divine union and partnership’ vibration resonating through the collective consciousness this year is a great facilitator for these two layers coming into more tangible convergence in true sacred space, the meeting held steady ‘between the pillars’, within the door-frame of the zero-point gateway. (There are many higher dimensional stratas, energies and beings flowing around the Earth and Solar System, and this universe, supporting, creating, aligning and harmonizing, but we’ll focus with the 5D New Earth here, as this is the ‘vibrational platform’ currently in focus with Gaia). This is true for and within each of us; willingness to shed reactions, beliefs (including self-beliefs) and attachments that act like a holding pattern of old, limited ways of being opens the sacred space within, and allows us to stand with a crystal clear energy within the supporting Light pillars in partnership with our Inner Divine, the merged soul-self. In this space, we are in the miraculous zone beyond ‘either or’, ‘this or that’, aligning the sacred creational energy of three…and this is indeed where ‘miracles’ happen (continuously).

To anchor this Love Trinity within, through the subtle bodies into the physical, specific colour vibrations, geometric forms and symbols ‘speak’ to the consciousness expressing through our bodies, within our genetic structures, DNA, RNA strands and epigenomes. Feel how the forms and colours in the images below resonate together, and resonate within you, beginning with the Threefold Flame of the Heart,

The consciousness and energy of Divine Father and Divine Mother eternally and infinitely creating a third energy, Divine Child, in the middle….the golden-yellow Christing Light flowing through the merge of rose and blue, beautifully symbolized in the Threefold Flame, which resides within the ‘tiny cave’, sometimes called the secret chamber, in every heart centre…the imperishable spark of continuous creation that exists and expresses through all Life. The Shift in energy and consciousness we are collectively moving with(in) is perfectly depicted as an inner re-alignment from Yin-Yang (duality) to Yin-Yang-Yuan (trinity) vibration:

‘Yuan’ means ’round’ or ‘circle’ ~ the unifying vibration of the Whole. From seeing and expressing through black & white contrast, we’re shifting to expressing through the whole spectrum of light, the rainbow light body, in constant creation of new and renewing energies (the Child within) through the experience of holistic ‘lightness of being’. Pink is actually a lightened vibration of red, so you can see in both the Threefold Flame of the Heart and the Yin-Yang-Yuan vortex of creation, or triple spiral, the three primary colours within our (3D-perceived) colour spectrum, red, yellow and blue. In colour mixing, all other colours ~ the secondary colours green, orange and purple, and the array of tertiary colours created from blending the primary and secondary colours ~ all originate from red, yellow and blue in various combinations….the entire rainbow of the colour wheel. And all those colours exist within white light (which ‘triangulates’ through the centre of the the Yin-Yang-Yuan spiral) and when refracted or radiated, appears through prisms of rainbow colours.

Yin-Yang represents the path or way of balancing contrasting energies. Yin-Yang-Yuan represents the way of merging radiating energies. At the start of last year I heard to shift focus and consciousness from balancing energies to merging energies, that when complimentary energies are merged in unity, they naturally come into balance. Duality-based beliefs that have been used to frame and define the nature of existence fade as the structuring vibration of expression and creativity shifts into unity, when true inner merge is aligned. Concepts such as ‘Only through darkness do we come to the light,’ become redundant in the trinary perspective and experience, which encompasses reciprocity and keeps expanding, the harmony and stability of the triangle radiating through the circle.

The prime creational vibration of three has been intuited throughout human history and various cultures, represented in the sacred geometries of the triskele, triquetra, sacred triangle, trinity, trine, threefold flame and yin-yang-yuan, to name but a few, and in different periods named as Triple Goddess, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, the Three Fates, Three Graces and through many pantheons of deities with a central trinity of gods/goddesses. Meditating with these threefold symbols can help release ingrained habits of seeing/thinking/speaking/acting; just feel how they resonate within your heart, eternal and infinite possibilities of creation radiating from the beautiful harmonious core.

We’re sharing these symbols in teal blue to aqua, as this particular colour vibration (from very light aqua to deep teal blue, the merge of blue and green) facilitates the threefold flame~yin-yang-yuan activation of the DNA-RNA level, in soft and easy harmony, connecting these vibrational geometries ~ the divine cosmic template they express ~ through the water element within our bodies (both physical memory of water and the higher dimensional liquid light state).

Assisting this activation and integration process are a star family group of loving, gentle beings from the star Achernar in the constellation Eridanus (the Great River, which mythologically has been seen as the celestial river being poured from the jug of the Water-bearer, Aquarius) who are amphibious, living in the ‘liquid light waves’. The Achernarian soul light represented in photos through last year as teal blue orbs, and one has now stepped forward as an ambassador to Earth, who gave this photo of himself…with a remarkable resemblance to Kermit the Frog! 🙂


Aqua-teal orb above the star Achernar, December 13, 2017 – see enlargement below, the smiling face of our friend Ig’an’uwe-Irikanga…or Kermy for short. 🙂

Just as butterflies transition through a three-phase metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar to butterfly/moth, our Earthly frogs pass through a three phase transformation from egg to tadpole to frog. Their path is via the water element…and their celestial counterparts of the light-waves radiate rainbow light embodiment, vibrating through, and holding within, the memory-capacity of water in every cell in our bodies.

For February, we’ll share a more focused practice for triple-strand DNA activation through this year, but in January, if the above resonates for you, simply begin activating this potential that exists within your being by holding the intention in your heart to initiate the third phase of Ascension, the inbuilt ability for ‘lightness of being’, crystalline light embodiment….and visualize bathing in aqua-teal blue light, immersing in this colour, bathing in peace, love and joy. Relax deeply in your heart, and let strands of the silver light of transcendence and golden light of resurrection flow through the teal blue, as if moonlight and sunlight are blending into it, spiralling gently through you.

The quality of the Moon’s vibration shifted significantly during the last Full Moon, coming into this year on January 1st-2nd, and we’ll turn to this in more depth before the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse (of the second Full Moon of 2018, on January 31st) as it is connected with the rise of the Threefold Flame of inner divinity through all life on Earth. Focusing creatively with the triune symbols ~ visualizing them in meditation, drawing them, patterning them with crystals, whatever you feel moved to do ~ will enhance this ongoing phase of activation and alignment. Just do what sings to your heart, and attune in peace to this next beautiful expansion through the collective energy field. (As I write, there’s a frog choir singing their ‘communal love song’ in the garden, how appropriate!) 🙂

With Love and Blessings to All,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

*If you work with Inner Heart meditations, you might like to create an aqua-teal blue bathing pond in there. Creative visualization within/through your Inner Heart realm moves and transforms energies. For an introduction to the Inner Heart, see this page.

*For more about the Threefold Flame of the Heart, and Sacred Flame meditations, see this page.

Convergence: All-Time is of the Essence

Dear friends,

My perceptions of ‘time’ have been going through some shifts recently, and it feels fitting to share about this on the Equinox, the twice-yearly point of equipoise of day/night in our planet’s annual ‘time cycle’, and from these shifts, address the topic of timelines, time spirals and a certain ‘Event’.

We experience the passage of time while incarnate on Earth, at least in the Age we’re in the process of Shifting, through a combining of the masculine Source energy of the line (arrow) and the feminine Source energy of the circle (bow, arch, that which wraps the arrow). We identify with ‘moving through time’ in a physical body as a line ~ in 3D a finite line from start to finish/birth to death ~ that is propelled through a series of circles; from the minute (a circle of seconds), a day (a circle of hours) to a week, to a month, to a season, to a year, to a decade, and so on.

The line and the circle are blended in our lived experience; the line progresses forward, merged with the rhythm of circles/cycles, and the merging of the two, the ‘forward projecting motion’ of the cycle along a line, forms a spiral (the 4D structure, the time spiral). Just as our Sun is moving through-and-with the movement of the Milky Way galaxy with its spiralling family of planets, so the ‘linear circling’ form is ever-present in the double helix strands of our DNA.

When we focus our energies into timelines or time cycles separately, we align to one or other of the masculine or feminine motion of Source flow, rather than the unified Whole, and reinforce not only our connection to the 3D duality template and 2-strand DNA, but to its continuance at a collective level. By the way, 3-strand DNA has already been observed in human babies, such as this child born in Manchester, England in 2011. His third strand of DNA was only ‘discovered’ because doctors were trying to find the cause of disabilities he was born with. Unless there is a reason like this to look at the DNA of a baby, it would go unnoticed, so there could potentially be many souls arriving now with a third strand active, slipping in unnoticed. 🙂

A very important experiment by NASA slipped under the radar of mainstream media, also in 2011, which proved Einstein’s theory that the Earth (and by extension, all planets) sits in its own localized fourth dimensional fold of time-space. The understanding that our planet exists in its own local 4D ‘pillow’ (follow this link to read the original article) is as huge a time-space paradigm breakthrough as humanity graduating from the flat earth to round Earth concept. It is a profound ‘shifter’, to say the least; imagine if the whole of humanity was aware of itself existing in fourth dimension, projecting the illusion of a third dimensional template. Changes the mental/emotional ‘hold’ of 3D as the only reality, doesn’t it?

Artist's impression of the 4D spacetime fold around the Earth, NASA archives.

Artist’s impression of the 4D spacetime fold around the Earth, NASA archives.

Higher dimensional beings of 5D+ frequency waves exist beyond the time-space framework as understood on Earth, and can express themselves through ‘All-Time’ at will. In other words, they can (and do) reach through to our awareness by, as my soul aspect Rowena has been explaining to me, modulating the wave form of time. She says all energies exist as wave forms, whether light, sound, time etc. We are interacting with and modulating them every moment, according to the projected vibrations of our consciousness, mostly unconsciously. Star family of higher dimensions interact consciously, in alignment with the whole Source flow, and literally curve space and time to move lightships, and themselves, across dimensions (more on this soon) in order to be visible to us.

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First photo I took showing the arc/bow (spacetime bend) of a lightship (the Phoenix) crossing dimensions, May 5th, 2013.

violet arc enhanced

Contrast enhanced, shows clearly the ‘pull’ of the Convergence/wave modulation, in the clouds at lower left, sucked up in a vacuum effect toward the ‘arc’ or curve of space and time the ship passed through.

Higher frequency beings express through Convergence of energies that alter their relative ‘angles’ in relation to our time-space focal points, and when we are connected to/merged with our own higher dimensional soul aspects, we too Shift into streams of Convergence. I notice this as a feeling of ‘time standing still’ or of ‘time racing’ in great disappearing chunks, with accompanying converging strings of numbers. Last week, the last numbers I saw on the computer screen at night were 14 degrees C at 11:14. The same happens in the car, such as leaving home in a temperature of 10 degrees C at 10:10 am and driving back into the carport in 11 degrees C at 11:11 am, so I’m seeing 10:10:10 on the screen, then 11:11:11. The more fully in heart centre I AM, looking/feeling through higher frequencies, the longer and more frequent the numeric strings. (The drafts of this post saved at 11:12:13, and 1:44:41)

To feel star family’s ‘relative position’ to you/us, imagine or visualize a right angle, for instance, a V-shape, with its ‘arms’ facing to the Earth/3-4D. If it touches the Earth, it forms a triangle or pyramid, with Earth as the base of the triangle. The energy of Convergence meets in the centre, the heart of the pyramid, and merges in that zero-point of All-Time. This is precisely the meeting in the middle between Earth humanity and Galactics that precipitates the ‘Event’ of mass awakening on this planet.

The Event as a ‘love flash moment’ we are helping to focus through our beings and into this Earth plane, a breakthrough moment of the old template into the new, doesn’t hinge on certain dates and times, it hinges on a Convergence of frequencies. As a personal experience, it aligns and real-izes through our open, loving Hearts. As a collective experience, the constantly in-flowing Love Wave that catalyzes and guides planetary ascension is amplified into a momentary ‘light bulb flash of love awareness’ that sends a transformative vibration through the Whole.

In a sense, this Event is already in progress, and potentially moving toward a culmination flash point. It’s already in motion as souls on Earth come into their heart centres/soul alignments, and experience moments of connection (that can include sightings of higher dimensional lightships, orbs, inner communications, higher-self awareness/mergence and more). These moments can become more continuous as we clear blockages and stabilize more deeply, providing anchors with our multidimensional soul expressions, soul families and friends within the star fleets of Universal Love, the light realms of Inner Earth, and so forth. Small groups have started to form, and larger groups will follow, of people able to hold their centre in the Converged frequencies of Inner Heart. The overall Convergence point of the Event as a ‘light bulb moment’ peaking within the ascension love wave is already in potential, and building vibrationally, meeting the loving intention within humanity, meeting Gaia’s ascension-intention, flowing from the Source, encoded through the Galactic Central Sun, through our Sun, to Earth.

Enjoy the equipoise balance point of this September 2014 Equinox, dear Hearts, flow peacefully and with kindness to yourself and others when it comes to all old releasing energies. Focus into your equal-IB-rium, the IB, the Heart of your Being, in the centre of Convergence that you/we all are, beloved of Source!

Namaste! Love & Joy to All.  💖