Lights in the Sky Part 5: The Ahura’Tua

Dear Friends,

This post is about a ship that first made its presence known in February, 2015, presenting itself to my understanding as an Arcturian sister ship of the Shem Arua.  I referred to it in the previous Lights in the Sky post Fire and Rain, if you’d like to read more about the context of that first sighting and inner connection. This is how the ship first appeared to me, on February 2nd 2015, above a brilliant lightning flash during a thunderstorm. Firstly, a cloud-hole formed in the shape of a wide ‘V’.


As the storm moved closer, the ship appeared directly below the cloud V, lit up by the next lightning strike.

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Here’s the same photo, with the ship circled, crescent-shaped with a round disc in the centre, like a winged disc.

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The presence of orbs can be ‘lit up’ by camera flashes (orbs meaning light representations of beings/consciousnesses, rather than dust, rain or other particulates in the air), and I’ve realised that lightning can have the same effect, acting like a giant flash bulb. In the photo above, the winged disc crescent/bow shape of the ship is clear, a distinctive shape of ships of the Arcturian angelic and angelic-human peoples, and other visitors here who describe themselves as their close kin, Alectians (of the star Alcor in the constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear).

In the last two weeks, I’ve attuned closer with this ship and the people on board, in communication with a couple whose names come through as Shem’Ash and Aya. To feel their soul vibration and how they connect with this planet, let’s first look at the ship’s name, Ahura’Tua. There are common root sounds across the Light Languages of Leonines, Angels, and Carians/High Dragon beings (as I hear them via this human ‘translation format’); ‘HU’, the sound of creation, is the vibration of the ‘primary sound/tone’ of life, and ‘RA’ is light, pure Source Light, that reflects and streams from Source through universes, galaxies, stars, the centre-points of planets, cells, particles, atoms, ions, as the imperishable light/fire of life. ‘A’ as I hear it from the leonine language Arua is ‘I’; the I that is Source Self (in Arua, lower case ‘a’ stands for the ‘small self’ or personal identity). So A-Hu-Ra means literally ‘I-in-Oneness-Sound-Create-Light’ (I Create in Oneness with the Sound & Light of Source). ‘Tua’: TU I hear as the sound of holding, embracing, and lower case ‘a’ is the soul’s focus into a particular aspect or expression, so its vibration feels like a baby being held in the arms of its mother, completely relaxed in well-being, pure love, encircled and embraced. As a whole, Ahura’Tua reads as ‘I Create (with) Divine Light-Sound within and through the loving embrace of Source (bow/arc/crescent of the mother)’. We can feel it also as a vibration of those who fly through the Sun (higher dimensional solar portal), as Ahu can stand for BEing of the Sun, so Ahu’Ra is also Sun Being of the Divine Light…the Ahura as souls who come from or through the Galactic Central Sun.

On asking how Ahura’Tua would translate as an Earth word, Shem’Ash and Aya gave the word ‘Ararat’. I first saw an image of Mt. Ararat, upon which, in biblical stories, Noah’s Ark came to rest (if you feel the relation of Ark > arc > Ark Angels). Ararat is also a region, in the current era spanning from Turkey into Iran, in ancient times known as Urartu. One of Urartu’s ‘Sun gods’ was named Shivini, which was rendered as Shamash in Assyrian, and his consort was the goddess Aya. Aya means ‘dawn’ and Shamash means ‘the rising sun’ (refer back to this previous post about Syria and Japan as lands of the rising sun, to see the connecting threads). Shamash was identified with the quality of justice, and specifically with bringing hidden injustices to light – a peaking energy at this time on planet Earth.

Shamash, stone frieze, Palmyra, Syria.

Shamash, stone frieze, Palmyra, Syria.

Life in balance: masculine and feminine water the Tree of Life, stone frieze, Urartu.

Life in balance: masculine and feminine water the Tree of Life, helmet engraving, Urartu.

‘Shem’ in Arua (leonine language) means Light, as in sacred/divine Light – and Shamash was also sometimes depicted as a lion. ‘Ash’ has many layers of meaning, but here we’ll focus on Asha as it was understood in the time of the Ahuras (the good/virtuous angels/gods in the ancient Middle East). The Zoroastrian texts of ancient Persia spoke of ‘Asha’ as ‘that which is Truth’, the truth of God (which they named Ahura Mazda, a merge of masculine Ahura ‘god’ and feminine Mazda ‘wise’), the first principle of creation, and also as reality, in the sense of that which is true being real (ie; the higher the truth, the higher the degree of reality). ‘Ahura’ dates back to about 2000BC in the Middle East, along with a counter energy, ‘daeva’, which were seen as ‘gods of lies’, beings who gave false counsel, to be avoided. These words have the same etymology as ‘asura’ and ‘deva’ in the Indian Rig Veda; in the oldest layer of the Rig, dating 1300-1200BC, asura meant all gods. Later on, in a reverse polarity of the older Iranian/Middle Eastern and early Rig Veda views, ‘deva’ became good gods and the ‘asura’ became negative gods/demons. This reversal spread through Asia – to go into the deeper meaning/history of this is beyond the scope of this post, but see this related post.

Shem’Ash & Aya and family come through as angelic beings with a leonine blending, in the vibration/energy of new beginnings, dawn of truth, era of ethics, the rising Light of Ra: A Hu Ra. Asha can also stand for the Prime Angelic Oversoul, interweaving with the Prime Leonine Oversoul, the Ara, radiating as One, and lifting many galactic ‘houses’ beyond conflict/duality vibrations, unified within the Intergalactic Confederation, within this local group of galaxies the Milky Way belongs to, and more widely among the local galactic superclusters. Here are the most recent photos of the Ahura’Tua, from Sunday, October 11, 2015. I felt/saw/heard them to the north, and to look for a ‘V’ shape in the clouds, which the ship was near.

'V' shapes in upper and lower clouds, ship lower left, Oct. 11, 2015.

‘V’ shapes in upper and lower clouds, ship lower left, Oct. 11, 2015.

The Ahura’Tua is in the lower left cloud, partially behind the clouds with its right wingtip uncovered. Below, I’ve shown the angle of the cloud ‘V’s and the ship, which I’ll return to in a post about higher vibrational geometries.

Angles of the 'V's and ship's placement shown.

Angles of the ‘V’s and ship’s placement shown.

In close-up, the shape of the Ahura’Tua is visible, despite the ship being ‘cloaked’ (it’s uncloaked appearance is bright silver with a golden disc on the ‘roof’). It’s wonderful that they are able to reveal themselves to at least this extent now. The dawn is opening.🌞

Ship close-up.

Ship close-up.

Ahura'Tua cloaked close-up 11-10-15 - Copy

Extreme close-up, showing ship’s bow shape, pointed tips and slight dip at the centre front (prow).

The Ahura’Tua then moved south, and appeared in this photo behind a cloud which formed into a perfect semi-circle and crossbar shape, bird in flight, or bow & arrow.

Ahura'Tua behind cloud to the left of 'bow and arrow' shape in the clouds.

Ahura’Tua behind cloud to the left of ‘bow and arrow’ shape in the clouds.

Ship's position marked.

Ship’s position marked.

The Arrow through the Bow: “I create with Light-Sound within and through the encircling Arch.” And so it is.

By the way, very similar bow/arc shaped ships were seen and documented by American pilot, Kenneth Arnold, over Mt Rainier in the USA in 1947. Accurate pictures of the ships, based on his descriptions, were published in newspaper articles at the time. In the opening image of the video below, the ship on the left, silver with a gold central disc and slightly dipped front, is exactly like the Ahura’Tua (not so subtle hint).

Welcome to the dawning of re-freshed co=creation with Gaia, soul brothers, sisters and cousins. With thanks to our assisting star families, Inner Earth people of love and goodwill, human anchors on the ground, elementals of this planet, dolphins and whale beings, and all who devote themselves to birthing and uplifting together in this Now. I just read the lines below in another post, and will leave them with you…though in Truth, there is no ‘leaving’.

Love, Light and Peace to you all. ❤

The world is round so that friendship may encircle it. We are one, after all, you and I. Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world…
Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.

~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Star of Shamash (in the Temple of Shamash, Sippar, Iraq, 860-840BC.

The Star of Shamash (in the Temple of Shamash, Sippar, Iraq, 860-840BC.

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