Love’s Lens; An Interview with Melissa Peabody

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Dear All,

It’s a total joy to share an interview with Melissa Peabody, a lovely ‘star sister’ living in San Francisco in the USA, who has been taking wonderful video footage of lightships, orbs, energies and other multidimensional phenomena and posting them as short documentaries at her website, When Melissa contacted me in 2017, I felt a close affinity with many of the ships, beings and energies vibrating through her films, and deeply appreciate and enjoy her approach, her openness and courage, in what she is sharing with the world.


Melissa, welcome and thank you so much for joining us today. Would you like to share a bit about your background, and your inspiration for starting

Absolutely, Joanna! It is a joy for me to have the chance to describe my project to you, and its unusual roots. Thank you. First of all, I am a documentary filmmaker and journalist by trade, a storyteller by nature. Through my company, Living World Films, I mostly make films about the environment, nature, and wildlife. With, I’m simply pointing my camera in a different direction, up at the skies, and documenting the riveting unfolding cosmic story I’m finding there. And in my view, what arrives in our skies also becomes a part of our “living world,” as seen from a greatly expanded perspective different to the norm.

I started because I was invited to—by Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleet, which right now has millions of starships stationed in our skies, to assist us in any way that they can, as we attempt to restore the health of this planet.

How I found Ashtar is a bit humorous. In 2016, I began to experience the strongest urge to meditate, which I had never done, and with crystals! At the time, I knew no one who did this, but I did it anyway, and really enjoyed it. I believe it also started raising my vibrational frequency, and directly impacted my perceptions of light and energy. For instance, I started seeing long exquisite rays of light coming out of headlights and streetlamps, filtering through the leaves of trees, their long slender shafts banded with rainbow colors. I sometimes felt energy downloads into my crown chakra, into my heart chakra. So I began searching the internet in earnest for clues as to what this could possibly mean—and found Ashtar, who talked about light, energy, and raising our frequencies. I was able to have a channeled session with him through Susan Leland, of Ashtar On The Road. And the joy and relief of that call!  I asked him if he thought I might have eye damage, and he said no, that I was experiencing a “transformational transmutation”—that my third eye, or “wisdom eye,” had opened, and was translating what it perceived into my physical body and eyes.

Just 6 weeks later, I saw my first ships. In great synchronicity, I had another session with Ashtar the next day. He was very excited when I told him, because it reflected evolutionary progress on my part. But he also saw this as a wonderful new opportunity to create a service project, offering people everywhere the chance to see the lightships through my films, to hang out with them, and in his words, to “create heart connections” with them. Because they are presented without fear, just with the excitement and delight that I feel when I see them, film them, engage with them.

It is for this reason, that Ashtar encouraged me to make personal-style films of my experiences, like short journal entries, because people can connect with these more strongly, through the heart. It was also his idea that we have a SUBMISSIONS page on the website, to create a global community of “skywatchers” who explore together and support each other. (Thank you Joanna, for being an early submitter of ship photos to this page!!!). Ashtar continues to partner with me in this project to this day, giving me feedback and support. For my part, this film-journal format allows me to explore all kinds of fascinating metaphysical ideas that the ships and light beings give rise to in me.

This is fascinating and heart-warming, thank you Melissa, and akin to my experiences, from taking up meditation and connecting with Ashtar, to initial sightings, changes in visible light and ‘creating heart connections’ with our galactic family. You obviously have a lot of lightships, higher dimensional beings and phenomena appearing around you, in an observable and recordable way. Can you talk about the way you experience these light beings and presences, and when you first became aware of them?

The first time I saw lightships was on March 17, 2017. I was having a terrible time falling asleep, so finally I just got up and wandered out to my living room. Out the window, I saw 2 huge glowing red spheres of light hanging high above San Francisco’s downtown. I had no idea what they were, so I grabbed my cell phone and took some photos and videos.

Early the next day, I checked my phone. Sure enough, there were big red UFOs in my skies! And outside my window now were what looked like little round orbs bobbing about, and I took videos of them too. Finally, the next night, I filmed what looked like 2 joined, red half spheres, with a complex patterning on their skin. Then, the UFO just rolled into the black sky and disappeared. These experiences officially launched my project, and became “FILM 1.”

It was so surprising! After a lifetime of seeing no UFOs, no orbs, no light beings, I was starting to see them often, and this has continued ever since. Do they actually wake me up somehow? Maybe! They are often outside my window when I wake up at night, so I am somehow becoming aware of their presence at a deep level. My experience of them is joyful, sometime hilarious. Sometimes I feel a blast of what can only be described as “love energy” in the area of my heart. And they definitely demonstrate that they want to interact, they want to connect. And so do I.

Yes, the beautiful ‘love energy’! One of the aspects I really love about your way of showing connection and communication with star family/galactic beings through your interaction with them is the development of a form of visual dialogue (beautifully portrayed in the sequence of three films posted below, where you’re asking questions to those within the ships and they respond visually). This is familiar to me, as I often find myself talking (internally or aloud) with our starry friends while looking up at the sky. What sparked this approach for you, and how have you seen and felt this developing so far?

Well, first of all, my film storytelling format already involves me talking as I record, describing what I’m seeing, feeling, experiencing. Actually starting to talk to the ships and light beings just grew out of that approach. And second, it almost felt rude, or too coldly observational to film them for long minutes and say nothing, to not be sociable! So I started talking to them, and then I had an early experience of saying to an orb above my hill: “You look like you just moved.” And then it just zoomed down toward me so quickly! And I thought: “This orb heard me!”

So I started to experiment with that, talking to whoever appeared in my skies, asking them to move in various ways, to confirm once again that they heard me. And they moved. And that led me inevitably to the idea of—telepathy.

This idea came to me strongly while filming a ship during a rainstorm. It was definitely interacting with me, broadcasting its light in answer to my questions. But there I was, inside my house behind a pane of glass, and there it was out there in the howling wind and the rain. It was not possible that it “heard” my physical voice. It was communicating with me telepathically. As one of my favorite Sherlock Holmes quotes says: “Once you’ve eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

I think this is a wonderful approach to all interactions with UFOs, light beings, and orbs.

‘So do we!’ (from Ashura, smiling).  Much gratitude to you, Melissa and star family, for this sequence of three films, which eloquently show the presence of telepathic/telempathic awareness and communication, within a focus of gentle, loving connection and relationship across dimensions.

In a more recent film (posted below),  a fantastic visible shift in light comes through, around the ship you’re focusing with, like waves of light washing through the air. This theme of light and energy changing, heightening, sometimes tangibly so, comes through many of your films. Could you share with us your sense of what is happening in these moments?

This is a really interesting evolution in this project for me. I have only begun to film all kinds of energy in the skies around me this year, in 2018. And the energy presentations are becoming more and more complex. I’ve filmed different colors and densities of light energy pouring down through the sky, intricate patterns and designs of energy that look like light “codes” of some kind. Why are they here? What is their function? I have come to see them as the energetic building blocks of all life on the planet, because of course all life is made of energy.

These tides of energy visibly wash through our skies in much greater abundance during the major cosmic gateways, of Solstice and Equinox for instance. Each of these gateways appears to have its own “energy palette”—colored light energies that are ascendant. We also know each of our chakras vibrates at a different frequency, and each frequency is associated with what we perceive as a different color of light. My questions are these, among others—does each gateway energy palette minister to particular chakras, more so than others? Do we pick and choose / attract the colored light energies to our own chakra systems, according to our personal needs at the time.

But most important it seems to me, is that these frequencies / energies are “released” to us all, it is available to us all to use in our lives. It is visible. It can be filmed and documented. It is love energy, in my view, according to how it feels to me physically, energetically. Right now, for instance, San Francisco has had the dubious distinction of having the worst air quality on the planet, because of the nearby fires. And think of all those people who lost their homes—their very lives!

And yet the energy still comes through, cuts through the smoke and the flames. So I see these washes of beautiful colored light energy as deep messages of love and comfort, of sustenance and support. The energy is there for us, as a gift. It penetrates our world and our skies, no matter where we live, no matter what’s happening around us. And we can avail ourselves of it.

This ‘curtain of light’ is such a clear presentation, as a wave of golden light, followed by or shifting into a wave of purple/rose light. It has a profoundly immersive quality, so peaceful yet full of vibrancy, glowing with life. 

Do you have a particular vision or purpose, in offering these experiences of direct connection through your films, or do you feel it as an evolving inner journey, or both…or more?

Both—and more! This topic has been “fringe-ified” for decades if not longer, and many people continue to be “triggered” by it because of that. I believe this has been consciously engineered, by Hollywood films that mostly present terrifying narratives around “aliens,” and by government programs like Project Blue Book. This was a program of the U.S. Air Force in the 1940s through the 1960s that collected citizens’ UFO sightings, creating a “silo effect” by putting the sighting accounts in classified files and by interviewing these people’s friends, family, and employers about their characters. Were they unreliable, did they exaggerate, did they have local law enforcement files on them, were they loyal Americans? Who would ever report another sighting again, under such scary and risky circumstances? Who would ask anyone else if they had had similar experiences? So bringing this topic into the mainstream—removing the fear trigger of this experience, countering the contrived and controlled “alien invasion” narrative—is a major goal.

Creating the beginnings of a global “skywatcher” community feels lovely. In the process, we are building an open, free, global archive of what we see in our skies, teaching and sharing with each other what is real for us. It is the very opposite of Project Blue Book. And I especially love that in doing this, we are essentially creating a citizens’ disclosure movement. I believe many at the higher levels in our governments are also aware of the ships in our skies. But they don’t tell us. At least not yet. So we are doing “Full Disclosure” on our own, from the ground up. I love this grassroots approach!

And finally, the personal growth I’ve experienced doing this project can’t be quantified, and I want to keep evolving along this fascinating path. The changes and expansions in my perceptions of the metaphysical reality around me have completely opened my mind to new possibilities of life itself. And my profound gratitude to Ashtar, for asking me to do this project—it is beyond words.

Yes! There’s a ground-swell of joy and expansion in this ‘disclosure from the grassroots’, from the ground up, worldwide. Is there any advice you would like to give, from your loving relation-ship (‘they’ just came through with ‘ship of loving relations’), to anyone who wishes to connect with beings and light frequencies vibrating in/from higher dimensions?

Oh yes! I would say, open your heart to them, first of all. Call in the ships of “the light,” the “beings of the light,” meaning the evolved beings that want to help us. They want relationship, with people around the globe. I have seen this, filmed this. I have felt this.

Start by calling them in, maybe chat with them—get comfortable with the feel of that, so you don’t feel self-conscious about it. Use your cameras and cell phones to try to film them. And perhaps most of all, start trying to raise your vibration, your frequency—by meditating, dancing, singing, painting, laughing, creative writing, walking out among the trees and the animals—whatever raises your “spirits.” And then keep looking up at the skies, in conscious invitation. Enjoy!

Melissa, the energies are zinging! I notice your most recent film, Film 32, presents (and projects) some beautiful, detailed vibrational patterns as light waves wash through. This light really is a gift, as you say, of love energy ~ to the planet, humanity, and all life here.

May the joy and expansion continue to sing through you and touch many hearts, sister skywatcher across the globe! We love and thank you, and hold the focus with you of growing a global, flourishing, heart-centered community, sharing experiences and insights freely, expansive and kind, raising vibrations, and grounding connections with humanity’s vast loving family and friends of the stars, 

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor   ❤

*You can view more of Melissa’s films at, and check out the Submissions page for guest photos and videos.  🙂

** Since this interview, Melissa has passed away, but as of updating this post, her website is still online, with all her beautiful footage. Blessings, love & deepest thanks across the dimensions of light, lovely Star Sister, for your work and the light you anchored here while in earthly form. Our love is with you always.  💛🌟

Lights in the Sky Part 5: The Ahura’Tua

Dear Friends,

This post is about a ship that first made its presence known in February, 2015, presenting itself to my understanding as an Arcturian sister ship of the Shem Arua.  I referred to it in the previous Lights in the Sky post Fire and Rain, if you’d like to read more about the context of that first sighting and inner connection. This is how the ship first appeared to me, on February 2nd 2015, above a brilliant lightning flash during a thunderstorm. Firstly, a cloud-hole formed in the shape of a wide ‘V’.


As the storm moved closer, the ship appeared directly below the cloud V, lit up by the next lightning strike.

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Here’s the same photo, with the ship circled, crescent-shaped with a round disc in the centre, like a winged disc.

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The presence of orbs can be ‘lit up’ by camera flashes (orbs meaning light representations of beings/consciousnesses, rather than dust, rain or other particulates in the air), and I’ve realised that lightning can have the same effect, acting like a giant flash bulb. In the photo above, the winged disc crescent/bow shape of the ship is clear, a distinctive shape of ships of the Arcturian angelic and angelic-human peoples, and other visitors here who describe themselves as their close kin, Alectians (of the star Alcor in the constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear).

In the last two weeks, I’ve attuned closer with this ship and the people on board, in communication with a couple whose names come through as Shem’Ash and Aya. To feel their soul vibration and how they connect with this planet, let’s first look at the ship’s name, Ahura’Tua. There are common root sounds across the Light Languages of Leonines, Angels, and Carians/High Dragon beings (as I hear them via this human ‘translation format’); ‘HU’, the sound of creation, is the vibration of the ‘primary sound/tone’ of life, and ‘RA’ is light, pure Source Light, that reflects and streams from Source through universes, galaxies, stars, the centre-points of planets, cells, particles, atoms, ions, as the imperishable light/fire of life. ‘A’ as I hear it from the leonine language Arua is ‘I’; the I that is Source Self (in Arua, lower case ‘a’ stands for the ‘small self’ or personal identity). So A-Hu-Ra means literally ‘I-in-Oneness-Sound-Create-Light’ (I Create in Oneness with the Sound & Light of Source). ‘Tua’: TU I hear as the sound of holding, embracing, and lower case ‘a’ is the soul’s focus into a particular aspect or expression, so its vibration feels like a baby being held in the arms of its mother, completely relaxed in well-being, pure love, encircled and embraced. As a whole, Ahura’Tua reads as ‘I Create (with) Divine Light-Sound within and through the loving embrace of Source (bow/arc/crescent of the mother)’. We can feel it also as a vibration of those who fly through the Sun (higher dimensional solar portal), as Ahu can stand for BEing of the Sun, so Ahu’Ra is also Sun Being of the Divine Light…the Ahura as souls who come from or through the Galactic Central Sun.

On asking how Ahura’Tua would translate as an Earth word, Shem’Ash and Aya gave the word ‘Ararat’. I first saw an image of Mt. Ararat, upon which, in biblical stories, Noah’s Ark came to rest (if you feel the relation of Ark > arc > Ark Angels). Ararat is also a region, in the current era spanning from Turkey into Iran, in ancient times known as Urartu. One of Urartu’s ‘Sun gods’ was named Shivini, which was rendered as Shamash in Assyrian, and his consort was the goddess Aya. Aya means ‘dawn’ and Shamash means ‘the rising sun’ (refer back to this previous post about Syria and Japan as lands of the rising sun, to see the connecting threads). Shamash was identified with the quality of justice, and specifically with bringing hidden injustices to light – a peaking energy at this time on planet Earth.

Shamash, stone frieze, Palmyra, Syria.

Shamash, stone frieze, Palmyra, Syria.

Life in balance: masculine and feminine water the Tree of Life, stone frieze, Urartu.

Life in balance: masculine and feminine water the Tree of Life, helmet engraving, Urartu.

‘Shem’ in Arua (leonine language) means Light, as in sacred/divine Light – and Shamash was also sometimes depicted as a lion. ‘Ash’ has many layers of meaning, but here we’ll focus on Asha as it was understood in the time of the Ahuras (the good/virtuous angels/gods in the ancient Middle East). The Zoroastrian texts of ancient Persia spoke of ‘Asha’ as ‘that which is Truth’, the truth of God (which they named Ahura Mazda, a merge of masculine Ahura ‘god’ and feminine Mazda ‘wise’), the first principle of creation, and also as reality, in the sense of that which is true being real (ie; the higher the truth, the higher the degree of reality). ‘Ahura’ dates back to about 2000BC in the Middle East, along with a counter energy, ‘daeva’, which were seen as ‘gods of lies’, beings who gave false counsel, to be avoided. These words have the same etymology as ‘asura’ and ‘deva’ in the Indian Rig Veda; in the oldest layer of the Rig, dating 1300-1200BC, asura meant all gods. Later on, in a reverse polarity of the older Iranian/Middle Eastern and early Rig Veda views, ‘deva’ became good gods and the ‘asura’ became negative gods/demons. This reversal spread through Asia – to go into the deeper meaning/history of this is beyond the scope of this post, but see this related post.

Shem’Ash & Aya and family come through as angelic beings with a leonine blending, in the vibration/energy of new beginnings, dawn of truth, era of ethics, the rising Light of Ra: A Hu Ra. Asha can also stand for the Prime Angelic Oversoul, interweaving with the Prime Leonine Oversoul, the Ara, radiating as One, and lifting many galactic ‘houses’ beyond conflict/duality vibrations, unified within the Intergalactic Confederation, within this local group of galaxies the Milky Way belongs to, and more widely among the local galactic superclusters. Here are the most recent photos of the Ahura’Tua, from Sunday, October 11, 2015. I felt/saw/heard them to the north, and to look for a ‘V’ shape in the clouds, which the ship was near.

'V' shapes in upper and lower clouds, ship lower left, Oct. 11, 2015.

‘V’ shapes in upper and lower clouds, ship lower left, Oct. 11, 2015.

The Ahura’Tua is in the lower left cloud, partially behind the clouds with its right wingtip uncovered. Below, I’ve shown the angle of the cloud ‘V’s and the ship, which I’ll return to in a post about higher vibrational geometries.

Angles of the 'V's and ship's placement shown.

Angles of the ‘V’s and ship’s placement shown.

In close-up, the shape of the Ahura’Tua is visible, despite the ship being ‘cloaked’ (it’s uncloaked appearance is bright silver with a golden disc on the ‘roof’). It’s wonderful that they are able to reveal themselves to at least this extent now. The dawn is opening.🌞

Ship close-up.

Ship close-up.

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Extreme close-up, showing ship’s bow shape, pointed tips and slight dip at the centre front (prow).

The Ahura’Tua then moved south, and appeared in this photo behind a cloud which formed into a perfect semi-circle and crossbar shape, bird in flight, or bow & arrow.

Ahura'Tua behind cloud to the left of 'bow and arrow' shape in the clouds.

Ahura’Tua behind cloud to the left of ‘bow and arrow’ shape in the clouds.

Ship's position marked.

Ship’s position marked.

The Arrow through the Bow: “I create with Light-Sound within and through the encircling Arch.” And so it is.

By the way, very similar bow/arc shaped ships were seen and documented by American pilot, Kenneth Arnold, over Mt Rainier in the USA in 1947. Accurate pictures of the ships, based on his descriptions, were published in newspaper articles at the time. In the opening image of the video below, the ship on the left, silver with a gold central disc and slightly dipped front, is exactly like the Ahura’Tua (not so subtle hint).

Welcome to the dawning of re-freshed co=creation with Gaia, soul brothers, sisters and cousins. With thanks to our assisting star families, Inner Earth people of love and goodwill, human anchors on the ground, elementals of this planet, dolphins and whale beings, and all who devote themselves to birthing and uplifting together in this Now. I just read the lines below in another post, and will leave them with you…though in Truth, there is no ‘leaving’.

Love, Light and Peace to you all. ❤

The world is round so that friendship may encircle it. We are one, after all, you and I. Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world…
Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.

~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The Star of Shamash (in the Temple of Shamash, Sippar, Iraq, 860-840BC.

The Star of Shamash (in the Temple of Shamash, Sippar, Iraq, 860-840BC.

The Moon, the Gate, and the Veil.

Dear Friends,

Today’s post is about the heart’s gaze. About straight, clear seeing and feeling through ‘the veil’ that surrounds this planet. I’d like to open with some photographs Bareld and I took just over a month ago while he (my twin soul) visited here, when we had an opportunity to ‘moongaze’ leading up to the Blue Moon at the end of July, 2015.

While focussing on writing a post about ‘the veil’, the moon gave a perfect illustration of it that night…and how to see through the veil. What we were shown was the moon with a large, complete halo. Inside this halo, all around the moon was a clear night sky filled with stars, and orbs and lightships flew through this ‘portal’ of the halo ring. All beyond that halo, the entire night-sky was covered in mist, through and within which nothing could be seen, not a single star or any other object.

Photo by Bareld, showing part of the halo around the moon, July 27th, 2015, with a ship visible within the halo 'gateway'.

Photo by Bareld Nijboer, showing part of the halo around the moon, July 27th, 2015, with an orb just appearing within the halo ‘gateway’.

It looked as if a thick veil had been dropped over the whole sky. We could see through to the ‘Life’ of stars and higher dimensions, and feel and perceive our connection with those higher dimensions and the beings dwelling and moving within them while keeping our focus through the open gateway, rather than into the surrounding mist veil. I’ve never seen a sky like it before, with this perfect representation of ‘Life beyond the veil around Earth’, which can be seen, felt and connected to, when we entrain our focus into the Light…on this night symbolised by the moon, reflector of the light of the Sun, which is a portal for the light of Sirius (the Lion’s Gate period, when the energy of Sirius is felt most strongly, was open and flowing in July/August) and the Sun’s Suns back to galactic centre.

The Moon-gate streamed with Sirian leonine presence that night. In the next photo of Bareld’s, their energy was wrapped around a ship that showed as paired lights.

Ship appears as paired lights held within leonine energy in Bareld's photo, 27th July, 2015.

Lightship as paired lights held within leonine energy in Bareld’s photo, with other ships passing through the ‘gate’, 27th July, 2015.

Lightship close-up.

Lightship close-up.

I took photos of orbs arranging themselves in triangular formations (a sign of Sirian presence) around the moon.

One 'leading' orb with two smaller companions form a triangle above the moon, July 27th, 2015.

One leading orb with two smaller companions form a triangle above the moon, July 27th, 2015.

Within the largest orb, many faces can be seen, the largest being a lioness face in the lower left side, who we now know to be Bareld’s Twin Flame, Tee’nah.

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Orb close-up, left side.

Orb close-up, left side.

Here’s the orb with an outline drawn around her face. There are many more in there too, feline, human, birdlike and others, but with Tee’nah’s guiding/overseeing leonine presence.

Beautiful leonine face.

Beautiful leonine face.

Following this, a small Sirian ship again triangulated with two orbs above the moon.



Sharing these photos reminds me of the Hubble telescope being trained on areas of space that appear from Earth to be no more than a dark, empty void, only to find that through the Hubble’s ‘Ultra Deep Field gaze’, these areas contain thousands of galaxies.


Even 3D telescopes now show humanity that this universe is teeming with light and life beyond previous knowledge of the current collective mind. When humans see and feel in and through dimensions beyond 3D, and connect to the life existing in and across them, the illusion of the ‘void’ is unmasked. When the veil peels away, it reveals infinite Light and Life, Love’s ever-expanding creation and vitality. The ‘void’, which is a projection of/within the veil around the Earth, loses its hold on the mind, and disappears. Time is non-linear. Space transforms, folds and unfolds like rose.

The construct of the veil as a ‘synthetic membrane’ inserted between the third and fourth dimensions, from 4D appears like a dense fog. From 3D it’s like an all-encompassing screen, on which ‘movies’ are projected that captivate the mind. These movies are designed to keep the mind attuned to the screen instead of into and through the gate of Light – where the mind cannot go, until it is prepared to let go of control, of all its defining ‘stories’ that come from the screen, under the fog of the veil, and let itself align with the inner heart. This is why we speak so often of living in your heart, going into your inner heart chamber, seat of your soul, your inner portal that has the natural divine capability to connect with the infinite network of the Tree of Life, the creation we are all part of and contributing to as eternal, multi-dimensional BEing.

We always are connected, in our core, otherwise we would not exist. It is only the mind that separates – and in its separated state is enchanted by the web of theatrics on the screen (which can include ‘information’ spread through alternate avenues as much as mainstream). If your focus remains on/into the light of Source, of which a pure spark lives in your inner heart, then your being is connected with the network of Life, of Love, and its emanating Light. You see and feel through your inner portal, into and through the network of portals – just like the ringing halo around the light of the moon in the photos above, where the Life of higher dimensions can be seen. This doesn’t mean being oblivious to what is occurring in the material (and psychospiritual) world, but that you are not subject to being influenced by lesser truths, part truths and distorted energies of the polarity strata. Many speak of opening the pineal chakra/third eye, yet if the heart centre has blockages, however subtle or subconscious, then the pineal gaze cannot discern between the projections of the veil and higher truths. They can look identical, until we have centered, anchored in, and fully cleared the heart. Actually, as we focus into and through the heart, the star centre/pineal chakra automatically opens, but in balance with, and aligned to, the heart’s seeing/feeling.

I’ll end today with a few more photos. The next one is how the green-lighted ship in Bareld’s pictures appeared in my camera shots, as paired lights, visible on the left.


A small ship came here on August 25th, flashing again as paired lights (signalling that it is of the same origin) down low between two trees, before passing behind the trees and showing itself more clearly just above/beyond the treetops, not far away.

Ship between two trees, August 25th, 2015.

Small ship between two trees at the lower right, appearing firstly as paired lights, with an orb above it, August 25th, 2015.

Ship decloaks just beyond the treeline, August 25th, 2015.

The ship flew behind the trees and decloaked just beyond the treeline, August 25th, 2015.

I’ll write about this new contact soon, from humans of part of the Orion system, who themselves went through much before the Ascension of their planets, and are here as part of the Intergalactic Confederation, to support us now.

For now, with deepest thanks to all our family and friends in the skies and on the ground, we love you all,


I Know What I Saw: The Momentum of Disclosure

Dear All,

Disclosure of extraterrestrial presence around Earth is gaining momentum. I Know What I Saw, from director James Fox, is the latest documentary film to be released that assembles evidence from a range of witnesses, from civilian to military, and offers a good introduction of the subject to people who are as yet unaware or disbelieving of the reality of ETs.

From UFOTV: “Director James Fox brings together the testimony of Air Force generals, astronauts, military and commercial pilots, government and FAA officials from seven countries; their accounts reveal the reasons those involved at the highest levels have chosen government secrecy over public disclosure in I Know What I Saw.”

Dr. Edgar Mitchell, former Apollo astronaut, describes this film as “The most compelling film on the subject to date.”

If you don’t know of it, a focused action for formal government Disclosure is currently underway in the US, led by Steve Bassett of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure. DVDs of witness testimonies given at the National Press Club in Washington DC in April/May 2013 have now been sent to every member of the US Congress, with the call for a congressional hearing on extraterrestrial presence on/around Earth. In the Disclosure movement, there’s a widely held view that if a congressional hearing takes place (the first in the US since 1968, on the topic of ETs) then the ‘truth veto’ will be impossible to maintain, and global Disclosure by governments will swiftly follow.

From Steve Bassett: “The evidence for an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race is now massive, and polls show over half of the American people are convinced this presence is real. It is long past time for the U.S. Congress to hold comprehensive hearings and assert its investigative and oversight responsibilities.”

The Intergalactic Confederation has been sending emissaries to Earth’s governments since the 1950s, if not earlier, and as many of you know, if they had not been rejected we ‘d be living in a very different world right now. The galactics have upheld, and continue to uphold, the vibrational choices of humanity – while human and non-human powers behind governments strive to preserve plutocratic rule under the guise of democracy. Please know that in this situation, every bit of genuine disclosure, from all angles – official, civilian, large or seemingly tiny – helps.

Photo I took of two V-shaped/chevron ships of the Ashtar Command, which flew through the halo of the moon, dec 4, 2014.

Photo I took on December 4, 2014, of two V-shaped ships of the Ashtar Command, which flew through the halo of the moon.

Every connection made with the loving beings watching over and assisting Earth’s evolutionary Shift establishes another conduit of light, and when I look around the higher dimensional heart grid of this planet, lights are ‘switching on’ all over it. Disclosure is the prelude to massive transformations and, despite extreme confusion at present about ‘who is who and what is what’, through a plethora of contradictory beliefs, it is happening.

Keep steady through this process. Listen to your heart’s inner voice, rather than be swayed by messages and stories that have been ‘interfered with’ by the 4D matrix. Whether looking at ‘hard facts’ or disinformation/hoaxes, channellings or research, whatever it is, the mind works in clarity when it is fully aligned with your inner heart, the seat of your soul ~ a peaceful heart is a clear light through which to see and feel.

We are experiencing a period of intensified light, and intensified resistance where old template energies have not yet been cleared, both of which express individually in our psyches and bodies, collectively in harsh events and increased levels of distraction and stress – and in movements for freedom, respect, compassion and equity. Love your Self and all beings,all Life, like never before, lift it further, and the veil of lower energies disappears. Then ‘disclosure’, on all levels, simply IS!

Colours of Love: rainbow orbs, photo taken December 6, 2014.

Colours of Love: rainbow orbs, photo taken December 6, 2014.


Namaste. ❤


PS: Another facet of Disclosure is represented in the work of Robert Hastings, who for more than forty years has been researching the phenomenon of UFOs hovering over nuclear missile launch sites and storage facilities and deactivating weapons, around the world. He has interviewed over 150 former missile site technicians and personnel in the US, and is also seeking financial assistance from the public to complete an upcoming documentary about UFOs and nuclear weapons. The following interview with him is in English,  after an intro in Spanish:


PPS: My Disclosure Petition is still running. If you’d like to sign & share, please do.

PPPS: The following update was just posted regarding Steve Bassett’s Congressional Hearing Initiative:

The social media campaign to ensure the DVDs are reviewed by congressional staff is moving forward rapidly. The number of tweets and Facebook messages with hashtag #disclosure since Oct. 31 is over 600,000. The campaign is being run from three web site locations:,, The Disclosure Lobby (Facebook).

Please continue to tweet, email, post and share, to keep the energy high for this Disclosure effort. ❤