Lights in the Sky Part 4: Fire and Rain

Dear friends,

We’ve had a fortnight of extreme weather here in south-western Australia, which I’ll speak of now in relation to connecting with our galactic family, and inviting them to act. As I experienced it, these weeks exactly symbolized energies that have been laid in throughout 2014 – culminating at the close of this Chinese Year of the Horse and opening the Year of the Sheep/Goat.

I’ll recap briefly here the energy that built through the last year, and the stage of the Shift we’re in now, which asks and offers deeper centering, peace and heart-connection to all anchoring Love within themselves. A couple of years ago I had a dream, in which a crowd of people in a field looked up at the sky, and Sananda (in his Jesus form) stood in the air between the two words ‘Alpha’ and ‘Tau’, written either side of him (the Hebrew alphabet began with Alpha and ended with Tau; three extra letters were added to the Greek alphabet, ending with Omega). This was followed by dreams of a planet of Tau Ceti, in the Whale (Cetus) constellation. and I was guided to focus on Alpha Ceti also, and the red/orange star moving between them – Mira ‘the Wonderful’ (Omicron Ceti), which forms a beautiful ‘bow’ of light and a 13 light-year blue-white tail.

Mira, red star/seed within the shielding bow, with a blue-white 13 light year tail.

Mira, red star/seed within the shielding bow, with a blue-white 13 light year tail. Image: NASA.

13 is the Feminine/Mother energy of Source, the wrap of the petals of the Flower of Life. The Seed of Life, the Masculine energy, came through with the blue-white comet ISON and the higher dimensional biosphere (egg) from Cygnus, the Swan constellation, ‘wrapping’ it.

Sky sign Jan.22, 2015: The Swan flies to the south while the Shem Arua was behind me, to the north. 'The South Gate is open.'

Sky sign Jan.22, 2015: The Swan flies to the south while the Shem Arua (starship) was behind me, to the north. ‘The Gates are open.’ Circle of the Northern Cross-Southern Cross is unified.

The next stage, the flowering, has stepped through several stages to lever the gate open into 2015, taking the cycle of Ascension seed>flower>fruit up another vibrational notch. From Mira’s bow, grounding of the new life force energies begins to flower.

Feel this in your heart; between the Alpha and the Tau, beginning and end, the divine child/rebirthing energy/resurrection shoots through the Mother’s Bow. Cellular ‘grails’, receptive DNA strands, soak up the new energy, elixir of Life. Gaia is anchoring the same energy, which has been pressed through, slipped under the magnetic/chemical/astral fence, by our friends of another binary star system, the Alpha Centaurians ~ Alpha and Beta Centauri flowing the balance of blue-white/feminine and red ‘bull’ energies, as spoken of in previous posts (Alpha Centauri was seen/felt as a Bull in the ancient middle east, then as Centaurus ~ Cen-Taurus ~ meaning ‘new bull’).

Alpha and Beta Centauri (Proxima Centauri marked in the red circle, nearest star to Earth, after our sun)

Alpha and Beta Centauri (Proxima Centauri marked in the red circle, nearest star to Earth, after our sun) Image: NASA

Je’errne’on, my Alpha Centaurian contact, sends a message of thanks to all on Earth who have persevered, pillaring and anchoring the Light into the heart grid ~ which allows star family to take deeper steps in. Aldebaran (alpha star of Taurus) and Capella, were once the twin pole stars of Earth, thousands of years ago, before the planet’s axis shifted toward Polaris…and have a similar vibrational relationship to Alpha & Beta Centauri.

Aldebaran, Alpha star of Taurus, with the Hyades cluster, lower right.

Aldebaran, Alpha star of Taurus, with the Hyades cluster, lower right. Image: wikipedia.

Feel this function of the Alpha Centaurians’ light spheres, being anchored in/around the Earth, and ushering in the light of Aldebaran now ~ as a ‘guest layer’ securing and holding the 5D unity grid until it is firmly in place here, simulating, activating, enacting and equalizing the higher frequencies as a proto-template with Gaia, while humanity adjusts UP enough collectively to maintain it autonomously. And feel how the Bull brings through the Divine Feminine, crowned in her ‘crescent’ horns.

Returning to the start of this post, and the weather, the incoming Light puts pressure on resistant old energies ~ individually, collectively and planetary. Here, the ‘friction’ has ignited intense fires ~ the biggest bushfires ever recorded in Western Australia’s southwest (with much courage from firefighters and evacuated communities). Smoke is heavy in the air as I write, and I’m asking Gaia, the sylphs and undines for another cleanse, after rain came last week. The first ‘friction firing’ started on January 10th at Bullsbrook (note the name) north of Perth. As it happened, it was my son’s birthday, and we went to a restaurant on the 33rd floor of a building in the city, from which we had an incredibly clear view of the fire. From our arrival there, I felt the Shem Arua close by over the city, and sent a request to Ashura (its captain at the time, in his 5D form Arnap) and crew to help with the fire as much as possible.

I took this series of photos of the fire a few minutes later, with the Shem Arua above the ignition point of the blaze, at Bullsbrook. You can see the ship in 3D, uncloaked as a bright silver-white disc, and a white pillar of light grounding into the dense part of the fire.

Photo taken Jan. 10, 2015, from the C Restaurant, Perth.

Photo taken Jan. 10, 2015, from Perth city.

Close-up, Shem Arua and light pillar.

Close-up, Shem Arua and light pillar.

Shem Arua uncloaked in 3D above Bullsbrook, 42 kms distance from where I took the photo.

Shem Arua above Bullsbrook, 42 kms away.

I had seen the Shem Arua once before, while driving down from the hills where I live toward Perth. It decloaked right to left, revealing the same silver-white disc shape as in these photos, then recloaking left to right (which simply means, bending the ultraviolet wave-forms around the ship).

Shem Arua angling slightly, before heading slowly west. A friend who lives west of the fire site said later, she felt a clear message that the area she lived in was safe and there was no need to flee. The fire got into pine plantations but was stopped before reaching the major residential area.

Shem Arua heading slowly west. A friend who lives west of the fire site said later, she felt a clear message that the area she lived in was safe. The fire got into pine plantations but was stopped before reaching the major residential area.

Shem Arua, heading west over the fire.

Shem Arua, heading slowly west over the fire.

In the last photo, the ship was ‘recloaking’ (ie; modulating the frequencies of its light-field), with half the disc still exposed. It was visible for several minutes (for anyone wondering, this wasn’t a dust speck or light flare on the window, as the restaurant was revolving, and I took these photos through three windows at different angles to the sun).

I saw the Shem Arua hovering about 300-400ft above Perth in early December, 2014, while driving down from the hills east of the city. The ship decloaked and recloaked as seen in this photo taken Jan. 10, 2015.

I saw the Shem Arua hovering about 300-400ft above Perth in early December, 2014, while driving down from the hills east of the city. The ship decloaked and recloaked exactly as seen in this photo taken Jan. 10, 2015.

The Bullsbrook fire was contained, but during 5 days of massive thunderstorms, many fires ignited from lightning strikes. At one stage, while standing outside I watched lightning flash every 1-2 seconds for half an hour, before witnessing a mighty ‘light pillar download’ followed by drenching rain that kept the eastern hills area safe. In the photo below, you may be able to discern the form of a ship, above and slightly to the left of the ‘download’, as a winged disc shape, or crescent with a central ring – an Arcturian form – just underneath a giant V in the clouds.

Photo take Feb.2, 2015, crescent/bow-shaped ship just above the light column, slightly to the left.

Photo take Feb.2, 2015, crescent/bow-shaped ship just above the light column, slightly to the left.

Close-up of crescent/bow-shaped ship, with disc in centre.

Close-up of crescent/bow/winged disc-shaped ship.

Large open 'V' in the clouds form which the bow-ship descended. V stands for Vega and the Ashtar Command.

Massive open ‘V’ or boomerang shape in the clouds from which the bow-ship descended. V stands for Vega and the Ashtar Command.

Crescent/bow ship with centre disc, as reported by Kenneth Arnold: see Bareld's post for details.

Crescent/bow ship with central disc, as reported by Kenneth Arnold in 1947.

By the next day, a town south of Perth had been declared indefensible from the fires and its people evacuated. The fire department stated it could burn all summer, then that night unforecast heavy rain fell, miraculously, and fire squads were able to contain the blaze. I know many souls would have been praying for rain, rain-dancing, calling on Gaia and the elementals, to bring about this downpour. Thanks go to all your hearts, and to all reading this, please work with Gaia in your hearts, and know you can call on the elemental beings and our star families too – invite them to act. Whether or not you can see their ships or light-forms, or have conscious contact with them or not, they are well aware of us, and feel all thoughts put forth for the highest good, for Love. Above all, they are very glad to help!

Currently, I see many ‘horseshoe’ ships around the Shem Arua, like petals around a sun, in a beautiful union of leonine and angelic, human and ascended carian-human souls of the ‘New Bull’ constellation, for a common mission, steering in love. Ashura’s 5D name ‘Arnap’ translates as ‘One who steers (through) the Bow‘. ‘Steer’ has a double meaning, both guidance, and as another word for ‘bull’. Feel the steering in of the Cetian, Centaurian and Taurean star family flows.

If you’re finding the incoming flow over-intense, shaking your centre or ‘firing you up’ (anger/friction/headaches/dizziness/restlessness/emotional imbalance etc) we recommend visualizing an ‘individual size’ light sphere, Alpha Centaurian style, with red/grounding light in the base and white ascension light in the upper half. Put this around you, breathe deeply into your Heart, let a pink star radiate from your heart and infuse your light sphere, until the red base light turns a rose colour, in peaceful union with Gaia’s Rose Heart balancing the chi/red life force and folding in the white light of Ascension. This is you. A perfect container and conduit of grounded, anchored high frequency Light, each cell in your body a grail cup, each ion a well of golden merkaba spinning light of Love. Breathe. Relax. BE it.

Peace and Love to you all,

Joanna&Ashura&Friends  💛✨

 * A page about the Shem Arua can be found here.

2 thoughts on “Lights in the Sky Part 4: Fire and Rain

  1. Reblogged this on The World is Changing and commented:
    EXCERPT: “Feel this in your heart: between the Alpha and the Tau, beginning and end, the divine child/rebirthing energy/resurrection shoots through the Mother’s Bow. Cellular ‘grails’, receptive DNA strands, soak up the new energy, elixir of Life, for that is what it IS. Gaia is anchoring the same energy, which has been ‘pressed through’, slipped under the magnetic/chemical/astral fence, by the people of another binary star system, the Alpha Centaurians – Alpha and Beta Centauri flowing the balance of blue-white/feminine and red ‘bull’ energies, as spoken of in previous posts (Alpha Centauri was seen/felt as a Bull in the ancient middle east, then as a Centaur, which means ‘new bull’).
    Alpha and Beta Centauri (Proxima Centauri marked in the red circle, nearest star to Earth, after our sun)”

    Liked by 1 person

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