
Dear All,

Firstly, warm thanks to those of you who’ve sent in email messages and photos in the last few weeks/months. I reply as much as possible, but if you haven’t heard back yet, please know that I do appreciate people reaching out and connecting, and send love to you all.  ❤ For this post, we’ll focus on recent questions from readers, then reflect on multidimensionality through a series of photos that express something of what it is to be multidimensional beings, and how this state of being is constantly fluidly interconnecting across multiple dimensions.

For questions about the Earth’s Ascension (this planet’s shift to a higher vibrational state) into a 5D rather than 4D ‘landing place’, we’d like to address this in relation to multidimensional convergence. At a primary level, Gaia (planetary soul of Earth) has chosen a 5D vibrational platform for her ‘ascension’. She hasn’t made this determination in isolation though; it comes with the counsel, guidance and support of the Galactic Council through to completion and ‘New Earth’ rebirth, riding on the broader momentum of a galaxy-wide rise in vibration. Every soul with an embodied form on Earth at this time is in full awareness of this shift before incarnating, and has chosen to focus an aspect of their energy and light through 3D physicality here to experience and assist this process.

For the soul, it’s well understood that once embodied under a dense grid/veil of forgetfulness, a few will retain full awareness and remembrance, some will regain it along the way, while some might not remember throughout their lifetime, and identify with the programming of lower vibrational grids based in fear and lack. From the soul’s viewpoint, there’s no judgement, only compassion for self and others. The soul has no doubt at all, only love and the wish to flow love in optimal ways for the highest well-being of All. It could seem logical that a 3D planet ascending its frequency would shift to 4D, rather than from 3 to 5. However, the Earth is already in predominantly 3 and 4D vibrational properties, and sits in its own localized 4D spacetime field, through which a collective 3D experience is projecting and expressing (see this post for Einstein’s recently proven 4D local spacetime hypothesis).

3D and 4D are close counterparts, the first vibrating a more ‘physical-seeming’ density, the second a more etheric-astral-plasmatic density. 1D and 2D are also complimentary counterparts, expressing as line and plane, whereas 3D and 4D express mathematically as cube and hypercube (also called the 4D tesseract). 4D is characterized by the attribute of vortex energy; the zero point within wormholes, black holes (which require space and time to exist), the ‘still point in the storm’, and is based on spiral motion dynamics, which can be seen in the counter-rotation effect of the ‘cube within a cube’ (within a cube, within a cube, into infinity).

The zero-point is where 4D exists in the unity, oneness, wholeness that flows harmoniously and in infinite variety in 5D and higher, but the vortex dynamic has been open to influence by less loving beings, which has pulled aspects of 4D (our localized 4D around the Earth, for instance) into heavy fluctuation. This is one of the reasons, when people awaken to higher dimensional awareness, they can experience feelings of increased polarization (emotional, mental, physical imbalances) until their alignment to the steady, serene unity vibrations of 5D+ becomes more deeply anchored and integrated.

While in the process of releasing lower grid programming (fear conditioning, ego-based wants etc), the higher, harmonious Love-in-Oneness flows into the opened heart centre, but scatters/refracts to some extent into the spiral energy flowing from and to the zero-point instead of radiating evenly; like a straw stirred in water that breaks the surface into ‘random ripples’, rather than the Love flow smoothly anchoring into the physical level and converging its frequency with the planetary ascension. In this 4D vibration, it can feel as though fears as well as joys are being amplified in the ‘spin cycle’, magnified highs and lows, and control-oriented beings attempt to steer people ‘into the spin’ as they begin to lift in vibration, to settle for a ‘4D ascension’ where polarization still holds sway. Those beings, however, are not able to see the ‘Whole’ picture, or its overall unfoldment.

5D attributes are somewhat alluded to mathematically by the amplituhedron, if you imagine the crystalline light lattice of 5D creational structure infinitely unfolding, as ‘particle and wave’ simultaneously.

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This state of expression is beyond polarity ‘this or that’, to unity ‘this and that and more’ in every moment, and is by nature infinitely expansive. (All creation is infinitely expansive, polarity fields just give a convincing illusion of ‘this or that’, separation, when experienced under a veil of forgetfulness of the Source/Soul connectedness that is truly always present). Gaia’s shift into a 5D frequency band (with her ascending travellers; humans, animals, plants, elemental beings and more) takes the planet beyond the influence of that illusion, into authentic loving wholeness, sharing and cooperation, that also aligns with the wider interplanetary and galactic community based in 5D+ vibrations (5D and 6D are also closely twined, the ever-blooming crystalline light lattice and the liquid light wave that supports it…the wave forms in the amplituhedron being reminiscent of pliable fluid 6D light-waves).

With the photos below, from the night of August 6th 2018, we’d like to share in a ‘personal’ way how higher dimensions overlap, merge, and shift effortlessly through form and energy representations as various frequency signatures come into focus moment to moment within and across realms of pure Love, trans-dimensionally. The first sequence shows Ashura’s energy in orb form where he stood in his light-body in the driveway, first quite subtle and fuzzy, appearing under the bough of a tree where we have an interdimensional portal, then becoming very bright as he walked toward me. He was standing a few metres away at that moment, and his energy was very tangible as his ‘light orb’ (projection of his soul light) came to a standstill there.

Here he is, orb still ‘tracking’ precisely as he walked up onto the grassy bank beside the driveway.

His/our 5D soul light was radiating through the orb as it hovered just above the ground, with a merge of our feminine and masculine energies in 5D frequencies appearing softly within the orb (see enlargements below). The orb settled on the ground as we ‘landed’ our 5D energies, then rose higher and shifted more into 7-9D soul light, feminine and masculine energies still merged in one form.

Close-up, in the 5D emanation (with the contrast heightened on the right) our soul light is representing as human male/female in form (with long white hair, and a v-waisted garment). In the two lower photos, a single figure is standing in the top of the orb, on a sphere/moon/planet, emanating from our angelic soul expression.

In the next orb, our masculine and feminine energies are representing as two distinct figures, male and female, with a bright light radiating through the background. (There’s also a very faint outline of a third figure to our right, of a close soul family member focusing with us at that moment). In this orb, there is still the same colour range of light rose-violet with silvery-white and aqua blue as in the previous orbs, as it’s still the same ‘thread’ of soul energies, but with a golden tinge in the foreground, as we were sending golden light into the grids at the time.

Following this, many orbs began pouring through the portal (with orbs of Ashura and our dear soul companion Tanabor on the grassy bank, supervising and anchoring).

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The orbs/soul family energies flowed forward over the driveway, flying lower and closer.

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Then they all settled on the ground together, flowing and anchoring higher dimensional light into the earth in unison. The energy around them felt really beautiful, gentle and peaceful. 🙂

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In the orb below, I’ve enlarged the upper part of the orb, where there’s a light goldish-green face outlined in dark hair showing through, and with a v-necked top slightly visible (with more faces to the left, but not so clear). Thanks, star brothers/sisters. Below is a little blue face on the left, and a large ‘baby face’ on the right, with an eye especially visible near the centre of the orb. Each soul imprint is unique, yet interweaving and completely unified, while expressing through several dimensions simultaneously.

To everyone reading, we are all multidimensional beings living in a multidimensional universe/omniverse, and we hope these photos make what can seem like a nebulous abstract concept a little more tangible. Multidimensional awareness begins with centering in the heart chakra, seat of the soul; universal love opens the door, crosses dimensions, and is woven through every soul thread expressing from your Oversoul…which is ‘metadimensional’, co-creating through the infinite attributes of multiple dimensions in wondrous diversity and cohesion.

During this planetary shift into higher dimensional expression, all 3-4D lower grid facets that are out of alignment with the New Earth vibration are gradually converging (with much assistance from higher dimensions) into the primary ascension energy stream and attributes (through 3-4D, this would translate as a ‘primary timeline’). As they converge, whatever is non-aligned is thrown into focus, during this process of clearing, transformation and transcendence, which can appear from 3D as though the world is falling deeper into polarity extremes, as though it is splitting and dividing more. But behind the drama, it’s all coming together through the impetus of ascension ~ while distortions are continuously exposed, ultimately for personal and collective release through forgiveness, compassion and unconditional love. Particles fluctuating in the illusion are always realigned to the original eternal Wave during these shift processes. It’s the nature of Love.

Currently, there are massive changes happening around Mars/in the Mars lower grids, and the flow-on effect to Earth is rising. More on that soon, but for now we’d like to share a beautiful recent film from Melissa of, which radiates specific star family energies that she held an inspiring ‘visual communication’ with, across the dimensions. Thank you & blessings, star sister.  🙂

With much Love to you all,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor   ❤