The Wheel of Time Opens

Dear All,

Following on from the previous post about the planetary alignment upcoming on May 28th, let’s look at the alignment positions. Firstly, Sun-Mercury-Saturn aligned on a trajectory that passes between the Earth and its Moon.

Image is a still from Ditrianum Media youtube video simulation of planetary positions May 28 2015.

Image from Ditrianum Media video simulation of planetary positions May 28 2015.

Secondly, while that alignment is in place, Venus-Mercury-Neptune align at a right angle to Sun-Mercury-Saturn, forming a cross, an ‘X’, with Mercury, the catalyst, at its centre.

Venus (in front of the Sun) aligned to Mercury and Neptune; image from Ditrianum Media.

Venus (in front of the Sun) aligned to Mercury and Neptune; image from Ditrianum Media.

You can see in the above picture a direct Venus-Sun-Uranus alignment, but we’ll focus here on the Cross formed by the first and second alignments, and what its fusion of energies means in the process of Earth’s shift into higher frequencies. In the last post, we spoke of the Schumann Resonance, the background frequency of Earth, as 8hz, and how expansions of this frequency – higher ‘octaves’ of it, such as the 432hz, are recognized and used in music now for harmonizing one’s body/emotions/mind with the Earth’s natural Tone. 432hz is 54×8, and 54 (as a 9) is Angelic, a frequency of completion of cycles). To show you how converged energies flow across dimensions, I took the screen shot below of the site stats after publishing that post.

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As you can see, the top two numbers were 54 and 8. 🙂  This comment on 54’s connection to Venus energies comes from our star brother Bareld: “When we flow with the 8, the infinite number, true center, the unending core flow, which only lies within our hearts and flow with the golden frequency, 432 Hz, or one of its fractals, we will also see Venus, its number 54, as the multiplying factor, the catalyst. 8 times 54 is 432 Hz. The Mayans made many calculations on this number, 52 (sometimes 54). Quetzalcoatl or Kukumatz was known to be linked to Venus, the Rose, the Virginal energies of the Ceres fruit basket. The number of the golden cycle of the Earth is the 432 HZ, (432 is connected as a fractal of the radius of the Sun, which is 432,000 miles (695,000 km’s), the number of the precession cycle (wobble of Earth), which is 2160 years approximately, which is then connected to the radius of Earth to the Moon, 216,000 miles,The moon measures about 2160 miles (3476 km) across. So with 432,000/216000 = 2. This number signifies the unity between masculine (sun) and feminine (moon), ergo, the divine unity, twin flames, being harmonious as one. Also, 54 divided by 2, is 27, 2+7 making the 9 again. Angelical and divine connection. So the Rose is the catalyst for Love.”

Do you feel how everything is in its perfect place? Source’s expression through various frequency layers is all connected, always. Only the view focused into the play of separation doesn’t see or feel the innate unity and equilibrium of creation, and becomes mesmerized by the illusion of chaos, the void,  the synthetic control of chaos. The Rose is the catalyst for Love, the Rose is the infinite spiral. That is why we say be the Rose, put a rose in every chakra, breathe rose into the spirals of your DNA, intimately echoing the Love Spiral of creation within you, which helps you open to the light of Source. (If visualization isn’t your thing, imagine breathing in the scent of a rose, or just hold the loving intention to bring rose energy into your being and anchor it there).

Okay, returning to the alignments of Mercury and Venus, with a few words Ashtar gave: “The Wheel of Time is evident. The Mark is Set. The Phase is On.” Look again at the first picture, along the line of Sun-Mercury-Saturn. Here, Saturn’s Rings represent the ‘wheel of time’, Saturn being Chronos in the Greek mythology, meaning Time, and the ‘Lord of Karma’ in astrology – that which binds energies into the wheel of Time. Thoth, the soul aspect of Ashtar who was incarnate on Earth in Atlantis, Egypt and Central/South America, was called a master of balance, equilibrium, who knew the measurements of time. The Greeks called Thoth by the name of Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice-great Hermes, known by the Romans as Mercury, the winged messenger.

Everything is perfectly placed, when viewed through sacred math and geometry. Alignments are streams of energy, windows for consciousness and actions of like energies. Sun-Mercury-Saturn I feel as a ‘higher dimensional bio-feedback’ where Mercury and Venus cataylze the rings of Saturn – the Wheel of Time – to open to a flow of higher Light (Source, through the Sun) which is angled between the Earth and the Moon, to dislodge what we could call a karmic binding energy from the Earth, the ‘death cycle/mortality energy’. If you read the last post about the reuniting of the Mother-Daughter energies (Demeter/Persephone) and the ‘agreement’ that was made for the stolen daughter energy to be reunited with the mother once each year in Spring, but returning to her role as queen of the underworld/realm of the dead under the dominion of Hades, I spoke of this time beginning a full reunification of the Feminine – that the daughter would no longer go ‘back to the dead’.

This is the completion of a cycle, a release from the Wheel of Time, expressed through the alignments of energies we call planets (much more than 3D spheres), and assisted by our star family. This cycle will culminate in September with the Harvest Moon, completion of the tetrad of blood moons in the Hebrew calendar, which we’ll speak more of later. The current stage of this release is reunion of the Feminine energy on Earth, so she can come whole into reunion with her Divine Masculine as One. Ashtar – his projected energy in ‘green Thoth’ aspect – appeared here on May 13, number of the Divine Feminine, as a large green Orb angled to Venus. This is a sign of the coming Divine Masculine-Feminine reunion in the healing heart energy of green, renewal of life, regeneration and balance, at one with Gaia (for more about this see The Green Man, the White Stag, and the Rebirth of Gaia’s Divine Masculine).

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Ashtar’s green ‘Thoth’ orb upper right of Venus, May 13, 2015.


While I was feeling into the energies of this Orb a few days ago, this beautiful photo was taken by Harry Perton in the Netherlands, near the city of Groningen.

Photo taken by Harry Perton, near Groningen, May 20, 2015.

Photo taken by Harry Perton, near Groningen, May 20, 2015.

Can you feel the likeness of the energy, and how it’s also connected with the Shem Arua, Arcturian green-blue light rings and the spiral energy of the Rose? This green light near Groningen with a tail of golden light symbolizes to me the opening of the ‘wheel of time’, the rings of Saturn, during this alignment, allowing in a shaft of the golden Christ light…at this moment initiating resurrection of the daughter energy from the ‘underworld’.

The Shem Arua, October 14, 2014.

The Shem Arua, October 14, 2014.

Isis and Ashtar were on Earth together as Twin Flames, remembered in Egyptian myths as Horus the Elder and his wife Isis (the Osiris-Isis twin soul connection came later). While feeling into Venus as the numeric frequency 54, and also 52 (in Mayan numbering), a post crossed my path, with a link to the work of the artist below, Lily Moses, and specifically, her painting portraying Isis as the Feminine Hermes, angelic, holding the caduceus wand, here tipped with a pine cone.

There’s a lot of symbolism in this painting, but here we’ll focus on the pine cone (linked to the pineal chakra) which – if you look down on a pine cone’s tip – has two counter-rotating spirals, 8 running clockwise, 13 running counter-clockwise. The ratio 8:13 is the Phi ratio, the Golden Mean, and is reflected in other multiples in the Fibonacci sequence in nautilus shells, sunflowers, daisies, and is embedded in our DNA helix. 8 is the base resonance of the Earth’s frequency and 13 is the goddess/divine feminine frequency, which multiplies twice to 26, and four times to 52, the Venus vibration. ‘Four is Love’, I’ve heard from Sananda, and feel this within the ‘twinned twinned’ flow of the tetracross or four-petalled Rose Cross.

Rose Cross double infinity sacred circle in my garden.

Rose Cross double infinity sacred circle in my garden.

So indeed, the Mark is Set, the Crossbar is lifting, the Phase is ON….or as I hear it, the Phase Ison > the Phase I-Son > the Faes’ Son > the Phase Isis-On. The 9, 54, brings the completion of this stage, full reactivation of the feminine energy in the spiral of Life, on Earth. This is a cycle within the flow of ascending energies that began with seeding (Comet Ison) and completes with harvest.

If we flow with them too, we take the golden light IN with ease, as naturally as breathing, into the new rose dawn, a higher dimension of the spiral. With love and thanks to all holding, anchoring and steering the Light, to Isis and Ashtar, all family and friends on the ships and on the planet, to Gaia and all moving with her, including the elemental beings of fire, water, earth and air. Love and thanks also to my beloved Twin Flame, Ashura, for all you are and do. Asking now that the effects of these alignments on a planetary level be as smoothed as possible, and the Earth’s magnetic field be well supported. We can all help, by holding Gaia, and ourselves, in joy and love.

This Rose Chakra exercise comes from Isis:

Breathe golden light into your heart centre and expand it as a golden apple around your auric field. Open your chakras, base, sacral, solar plexus, sacred heart, heart, higher  heart, throat, brow and crown. Visualize/intend a deep pink-red rose in your base chakra, and see/feel this rose open there, enveloping the whole chakra. Now visualize a pink rose, slightly lighter, in the sacral chakra, open it there, let it envelop the chakra. Keep doing this, for each chakra, lightening the colour of the rose a little in each one. As you reach your heart centre chakra (remember the sacred heart chakra is between the heart and solar plexus, and higher heart between heart and throat chakras), the rose here is a mid light pink. As you reach your pineal chakra, the rose is white, with a pale pink centre, And your crown chakra is within a white rose. So you now have a whole spectrum from deep red-pink in your base to white at your crown. Relax, and let this whole spectrum of the vibration of Rose pervade your whole being. Now let this Rose energy ripple out softly around the whole Earth. Feel the deep, beautiful and sacred Love that you are, aligned with Source, serving Source, expressing Source as a pure eternal spark. I/we bow to your Essence. We are One.


Joanna&Ashura. ❤

* Previous posts about Comet Ison can be found here and about Isis here.

PS: Adding something that just came into my Inbox; a crowdfunding request for an anthology of fantasy/SF stories. The title of this anthology will be ‘Clockwork Phoenix 5’. I saw this and laughed – as Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix, is directing this golden light Infusion through the opened ‘clockwork’, the Wheel of Time, in this 5th month of the year… 5D, fifth dimension, coming through….. 🙂 Here’s the cover art for this anthology:

CP5_cover_mockup_small (1)

The symbolism depicts the reunion of the Mother (solar divine feminine of the harvest, Ceres/Demeter) and the stolen Daughter (forced ‘queen’ of the underworld, Persephone). On the Mother side is golden light, the living Tree of Life, guarded by the deer (energetically, deer represent angels). On the Daughter side is moonlight in darkness, the dead Tree (of brambles, covered in thorns) guarded by the blackened dragon, yet among its thorns roses and butterflies are appearing – signs of the ascending Soul, the feminine energy, the symbols of Venus being reborn. Between them is the Phoenix bird within a wheel, the opening Wheel of Time, and above them is the number 5, May, the 5th month, and 5D coming IN. Source is with(in) us, dear friends, always, all the way. Every living thing is a ‘hub of convergence’. In Lak’ech A’la Kin. ‘I am another you’. We are One.  ❤

10 thoughts on “The Wheel of Time Opens

    • Thank you dear Star Sister, much Love to you, and thank you for the light of love you bring and share. When the root is healed, known as sacred, then the foundation is indeed crystalline, clear, and filled with Grace. Namaste! ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Reblogged this on The World is Shifting and commented:
    ANOTHER AMAZING MESSAGE FROM Heart Star EXCERPT : …”Do you feel how everything is in its perfect place? Source’s expression into form, through frequencies, is all connected, always. Only the view from the pretend game of separation doesn’t see/feel the miraculous innate unity, balance and equilibrium of creation, and becomes mesmerized by the illusion of chaos, the darkness of the void, and synthetic control of chaos. So the Rose is the catalyst for Love, the Rose is the infinite spiral. That is why we say, BE the Rose, put a rose in every chakra, breathe rose into the spirals of your DNA, because it is intimately echoing the Love Spiral of creation within you, which helps you open to the light of Source. (If visualization isn’t your thing, imagine breathing in the scent of a rose, or just hold the intention to bring rose energy into your being and anchor it there). ” … Read More

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Heart Star, I truly connected with this amazing post again…and the meditation with the rose on our chakras is fantastic for me. It hapenned automatically as I was reading it…it changed my vibration. You are a true inspiration and a high vibrational sistar. I am sooo grateful to read you. Each time I am serching to uplift my vibration you’re the number one that comes mind to read about. You have that love …that rare high and refine energy . I have tears of heart/healing/love/joy. I feel a shift…a movement…reunited with my heart and my galactic family. What a blessing you are. Did you ever think of making videos of your fantastic meditations…you could guide us with your voice , music,images etc… ❤ ❤ ❤ ^_^ ❤ ❤ ❤ I often think/hope for that to happen. Know that you would have me as a video follower ❤ ^_^ ❤ With my best thoughts & gratitude… Much LoVe To Your Dear Heart ((( ❤ )))

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dearest Lucie/Messagia, it really makes my heart smile to hear that the Rose practice works so well for you, and you feel its instant transformation. It is perfect for healing the ‘hurt daughter’ energy of old and reuniting the Feminine as one, in original innocence – with big thanks to the wise guidance of Isis, who knows this energy well. ❤ ❤ ❤
      I will feel into putting some meditations 'out there' on video, and how to go about it. Thanks for your love and encouragement, and much back to you too. Much Love and Heart Hugs coming your way ((( ❤ ))) 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you dear Bareld, and yes, with Love from our Venusian aspects comes the remembering of the Rose Spiral, and the Butterfly of transformation.

    Peace, Love, Joy we Are! ❤ ❤


  4. Pingback: The Wheel of Time Opens | Kristallijnenpoort

  5. You write here, that 13 May is number of Divine Feminine?
    What is a source for that?
    It is particulary interesting for me, because my Love (..) was born 13 May (Eve)
    – mine is 8.8 (August 8)

    best regards!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Marat, in my understanding, the number 13 is connected with the Divine Feminine. You have a beautiful birthday date too, 8-8, the Lion’s Gate! Love & Blessings, Joanna. 💖

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