The Sun, the Moon, and the Arch of higher frequencies.

Dear friends,

I’d like to share some perceptions of the deeper aligning of higher dimensions on Earth during the period of August 31 to September 9, 2014 (and onward!) through a series of photos I took of the Sun (Aug 31) and Moon (full, on Sept 9), and the escalation, fusion and movement they ’embody’.

August 31 saw a tremendous cooperative work to balance the Sun’s magnetic field, with members of the galactic fleet and many higher beings of the Sun gathered to literally Tone the Sun’s field into stability. While feeling the vibration of this Toning, aligning with it deeply, I saw rainbows form around the Sun, partially visible in the clouds in the following photos. In the first photo, you may be able to see open-mouthed ‘singing’ faces in the rainbow areas, representing the frequencies of sound used to ‘hold’ the Sun’s field:


In this close-up, you can see a white lioness face in the clouds, looking upward, with the shape of an eagle behind/above her, with head and wing shapes visible, projections of Sehaya (Seshat/Sesherat) and Ashtar, overseeing the correction:

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The next photos show a ‘shadow angel form’ closing around the Sun, and the condensing energies of ‘its’ focus:

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Light beings (see the upper rainbow area) converged on the less light energies and, as it was expressed to me, ‘wrapped them in a cloud-ship’:

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The Sun’s magnetic field was corrected/lifted with Cube (6D stepping through 3D) frequencies, which visualized in the clouds as the Sun’s radiance becoming cube-shaped:


Since this rebalancing, there has been a continuous surge of higher light, which has been raising areas where release of pressure, rebalancing, healing and release of core wounds/divisions of the masculine/feminine wholeness, both individually and collectively, are needed, and in the planet shaking out old energies and releasing the ‘heat’ of the collective consciousness (I’ve been much aware of volcanic murmurings through the Western Pacific chain from New Zealand to Japan, with much activity of seafloor volcanoes up the Atlantic ridge, to Iceland).

With this surge, energies of the arch, the bow, the rainbow bridge have come to the forefront. This week, Horus came through in dreams and meditations, with recurring images of Nut, Egyptian depiction of the Mother energy of Source, the Arch of Life and nourishment of all Life:

Culminating with Full Moon on September 9, which appeared veiled in cloud amid a full rainBow spectrum, what the camera picked up was the golden tone in that spectrum, so the Moon in these photos appears within a soft Arch or cradle of solar golden light – the Solarized Moon:



Mother wraps Father (Nut arches over Geb), Father wraps Mother, Sun wraps Moon, merged as One, the child is birthed, guarded by the Arch-angels. In Horus’s mythic symbolism, the Moon was called his left eye, and the Sun his right eye…and the One Eye unites them. The meeting in the middle. Can you feel the Trinity energy of the eyes, physical and pineal? The photo below is an Orb of Horus, as he projected last year, with the white double arch of his wings rising around each side of the central ‘disc’:


Or again, the arch of wings in his hawk light form projection, like the wings of Mother Isis:


From Horus: Align the Heart’s Eye with the way of the Bow. Blessed is the Gate, safe is the cradle, be it in the Sun or stable. We bring reunion, Heaven’s Light, left and right, wing of the Lion, wing of the Dove, RE-meeting in the middle of eternal Love. 

The reunion and birth energies flowing into Gaia’s Shift are truly universal in essence, the fusion point of an ancient galactic drama reflected in the dualism on 3D Earth. Horus returns me to the image of the gryphon, or simurgh, which I hear as ShiMuRa: the pure harmony of Light and Love that once was, and always IS:

simurgh_church at Samtavisi

The Lion people and Bird people re-blend their energies once more, in this Now, in concert with the wholeness, the Mother-Father Oneness of Source, to and through us all. If we can open our hearts to receive it, the way is open to us, the dimensions are a flower – and a fruit – to our hand.

Last night before sleeping, I heard to the words, ‘Look to the Equinox,’ and to feel into the sacred geometry of Fruit of Life*, in which the Thirteenth Sign, or Sphere, of the Divine Feminine, sits in the heart of the Fruit (or heart Chakra, of twelve ‘petals’):

When the ‘Path of the Sun and the Path of the Moon become One’, this realigns the ‘Source Mother-Father wrap’ and the loosing of the arrow of Love, the ignition of Christ Consciousness, the return of the Son/Sun….the fruit birthing through the centre of the Flower of Life.

In the continuous flow of reflection, yesterday a flock of white Ibises flew over me (perhaps not the first Egyptian migrants to Australia). One landed beside my car, the afternoon sun lighting its crescent beak. Thoth’s bird, of the arch, the bow of the Mother, from which comes Thoth’s (and the Mother aspect of Source’s) association with the Moon. In ancient Egyptian, the word for the heart was IB; IB IS On, or is that IB I Son, the seed of Ison in its culmination path of unison through the Heart…


In this footage of an X-Class solar flare which has just reached Earth’s magnetic field in, have a look at the heart-shapes origin spot of the flare. The ‘heart of the Sun’ is open, light flows through the portal. Be ready to receive; heart open, in peace, relaxed, drink plenty of water, and take care of your own torus field, so excess flare energy flows around your being, in whatever way feels good to you.

May we all feel the beauty of the ‘golden end’ of the rainBow…or is it just the ‘beginning’?

Much love to you all. Namaste! ❤

PS: In the last two weeks here, the Sun has looked like the Moon, and last night over the hills here, the Moon looked like the Sun, not yellow or orange, but pure shining gold! Mergence is deepening, so focus on staying at ease with intense or extreme energies surfacing through you, release them with love, relax the busy mind into simplicity, to receive gracefully…and enjoy…. 🙂

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