Post-Lion’s Gate Update

Dear All,

Following on from the last article, The Lion’s Gate & the Rose Cross, the peak of the Lion’s Gate flow on the 8th of August – the 8-8 double infinity – was indeed a ‘crossing point’ for the energies of this year, which symbolized beautifully in a photo I took on the 8th after posting the previous message and doing a meditation with the Rose Cross.

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A big triangular Sirian ship began to outline in the clouds overhead on the afternoon of the 8th, which was also representing the pyramid network around the Earth being sent a stream of very high light – which in the photo, can be seen as a vertical ‘blue ray’ coming down through the pyramid.

Sirian ship/pyramid and open portal, photo taken August 8, 2016.

Sirian ship/pyramid and open portal, photo taken August 8, 2016.

There are many energies dancing through this photo – friends have seen a butterfly, feline faces, a golden phoenix flying above, starships, a ballet dancer pirouetting. I feel the pirouetting dancer as an Angel spinning (blue ray/Archangel Michael energies), dancing the spin of the open portal/vortex sending the blue ray of truth, courage, protection and clarity to the Earth, held steady with the loving oversight of the leonine beings.

The following night, the energy alignment to Earth was symbolized by three ships, the central one orb-like in form, a healing jewel of emerald light with a touch of white and gold around the rim, with close soul family above and below, which I’ll speak of soon.

Trinity alignment, photo taken August 9th, 2016.

Trinity alignment, photo taken August 9th, 2016.

Lion's Gate dance

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The Sirian energies continued to build and stream, and the next day, August 10th, the clouds were full of feline faces, and something unlike any cloud-form I’ve seen before – a form that radiated white fire, a Tree of Life running with ‘white phoenix and feline’ energy Leonine and angelic energies are fused in this white flame Tree, and the energy of the white phoenix is particularly connected with the soul Im’Ma’Ra, known best on Earth by her Sirian soul aspect, Isis.

White Fire Tree of Life in the clouds, photo taken August 10, 2015.

White Fire Tree of Life/Feline Phoenix in the clouds, photo taken August 10, 2015.

The blue light of Archangel Michael and the white light of Archangel Gabriel have come to the fore since the 8-8, and I am reminded of the Sufi mystics’ teachings about Gabriel as dwelling beside the Tree at the end of the World, a tree with the whiteness of the Moon, and upon every leaf of that Tree are written the words, “What no eye has seen, and what no ear has heard, and what did not come into any human beings’ mind.”Β This is a deep truth of ‘ascension’ (immaculate conception or inception of the higher self/inner divine self into the cells, DNA, RNA, subtle ions and particles of our being, into full merge) for this process goes beyond the physical senses, yet imbues them, in a way that eludes the analytical ego-mind yet is known innately through the seat of the soul, the inner heart.

Getting toward sunset on August 12th, a ship flew up from behind a bank of clouds (in the lower right area of the photo below).

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Ship pops up from behind clouds, photo taken August 12, 2016.

Enlargement, ship popping up from behind cloud bank, August 12, 2016.

Enlargement, ship popping up from behind cloud bank, August 12, 2016.

As the sun descended, it formed a beautiful ‘Eye of Horus/Eye of Ra’ through a porthole in the clouds…a message about ships currently travelling through the higher dimensional portal of the Sun.

Sun makes an Eye of Horus symbol, August 12, 2016.

Sun makes an Eye of Horus symbol, August 12, 2016.

Keep lighting the Sun in your Heart, which is your crossing-point of Light, Love and Life, and see through that inner sun. Let the pure soul-seed within your being to flower fully and come to fruition. When we allow the seed within to blossom in total trust, letting the ‘heavy stuff’ that we’ve held onto – and which seeks to hold onto us – go into the Wave for healing, instead of gripping onto it like a worn-out old security blanket, the way is open inside us for what are often called miracles…but which is in truth the natural, unimpeded flow of providence through all Life in every layer, universe and dimension.

We’ll close this update with a few photos of the little ‘pod ship’ of my Twin Flame, Ashura, keeping close overhead on August 16th.

Ashura's 'pod ship' overhead on August 16, 2016.

Ashura’s ‘pod ship’ overhead on August 16, 2016.

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Know that Love is all around you, embracing you in every moment, dear friends. ‘Unconditional Love’ really means having no expectations or demands, and also having no doubts. In that vibration, we set ourselves free to complete our convergence with divinity….which is simply remembering the Whole of who and what we are.

With Love and Light,

Joanna & Ashura ❀

8 thoughts on “Post-Lion’s Gate Update

    • That’s great, Shari! πŸ™‚ And good to know this post helped you ‘make sense’ of it. Do you have the photos posted anywhere online? I’d love to see them, if you do. Blessings, Joanna ❀


      • I posted on facebook a couple days ago…I can put them on google+ and maybe
        you can see them…I have originals and worked photos…I’m told others have seen
        what I got through this ‘transparent, almost water like’ view I could almost make out
        near the sun, took pot shots to save my eyes but got some views. I was told by a couple
        people that waterlike view was a portal and I was actually seeing it, which made sense.

        Liked by 1 person

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