The Golden Bowl: Love & Discernment

Dear Friends,

Today I’d like to share a communication from the ascended soul who was known in a recent incarnation on Earth as Satya Sai Baba. I connected with him in inner heart about two years ago, and had a beautiful contact with him in the last two weeks. He spoke of the Golden Bowl, and tuning to the purest tones of Love and Life.

This piece of music, of Tibetan singing bowls and running water, comes from Satya Sai’s guidance, for the Bowl is also about washing in the light of Love. I’ll share this music here, as the exercise given below came through while listening to this piece:

Just before going into meditation with this music, I had been guided to the energy of the simurgh, a mythical bird of the Middle East which is also part lion (or part dog) that appeared in legends as a kindly helper and protector. It is related to the griffon, the ShiMuRa, unified energy of leonine, carian and angelic blend. The simurgh is also related to the Peacock Angels (connected with Krishna and Shemash, see this post) and went into the Armenian language as siramarg, meaning ‘peacock’ – a bird also connected with eternal life.


In Persian myth, the simurgh connected Earth and sky, and purified the land and water elements. It lived in the Tree of Life that stood in the middle of the world sea, and when it flew from the Tree, the Tree’s leaves shook and scattered its seeds in all directions. Wherever the seeds landed, they grew into every kind of plant on Earth, whose healing properties could cure all the ills of humanity. The simurgh itself was so ancient it had lived through three Ages of the world, and would in divine time self-immolate and be reborn, like the phoenix.

Simurgh mosaic, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

Simurgh archway mosaic, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.

Satya Sai guided me to feel into this more deeply. In inner heart, we sat with the Golden Bowl between us and he raised his hands above it in a mudra (positioning one hand vertically on top of the other) that stood for the universal Tree of Life, the Source Tree. When the prime creative strands of the ShiMuRa – leonine-carian light being – spread out from the Tree, soul-journeying through Life, their ‘seeds’ from the Tree of Life scattered through universes, becoming the basis of life forms, extending from subtle, through the ‘codes’ of RNA/DNA into physical forms. Those codes, or frequencies, are within us, and we can wash them in the tones of the Golden Bowl, in its purifying water of golden light, to ‘clean our codes’.

From Sai: “As the new seeds fly from the Tree, gather and wash them in the Bowl, rather than leave them flying about and gathering dirt on them”…ie: collecting layers of distorting energies. In the Bowl, the highest truth is retained.

I asked about seeing/feeling Truth, and the energies of words, information, and what its energy IS, in relation to the Bowl, and he gives this practice:

“Whatsoever it is that you have connected with, envision that you write it onto a piece of paper. Place this paper into the Golden Bowl. What happens to the paper, with its lettering upon it? Does the lettering exude Light, or does it darken or dim within the Bowl? This will tell you whether it is within the highest Truth. If it darkens, then see it become transformed into Light within the Golden Bowl. Bless it, let it go, and dissolve the connected energy attachment. Let this wash away in the Bowl.

After you have done this, finish with a Rose in bloom within the water of the Bowl. Always leave your Bowl’s water with this sweetness. For water does remember.”


I’ll end this post with some photographs I took on October 27, the night before the last full moon. The Supermoon was clouded here, but on the night before it, this beautiful Sirian ship appeared very high up and flew a circuit around the moon. Attune to its Light, and you may be able to feel in there the energies of the simurgh, the peacock, the eternal creation of Life.

Ship flies around the moon, photo taken 27 October 2015.

Sirian lightship flies around the moon, photo sequence taken 27 October 2015.

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Love IS. Life IS. With thanks and love to Satya Sai Baba.


Satya Sai Baba, a joyful Soul.

We are all One Love, stars of Source.

Joanna. ❤


PS: I’ve added a new page to this site, as guidance and assistance with heart opening, going into your inner heart, connecting with higher self, and stabilizing your energies from within your inner heart. If this resonates for you, please feel free to visit the Inner Heart page, and contact me there or by email if you need further advice or help. Namaste.

5 thoughts on “The Golden Bowl: Love & Discernment

  1. Again …synchronicities appearing here, have quite a bit to share with pics ! Will respond later today ( hopefully ) with more details via e-mail ! ^_^ ❤ ❤

    NaMaSTe Star Sister Thank you ! Blessings of the Highest for you ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Star Sister, heart smiling here. 🙂
      Will look forward to your sharing – I went in deeper with this ship last night too, so we are indeed in sync. Love IS! ❤
      Much Love to you. Namaste ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • I love the peacock color of the beautiful ship ! AND !…with such a beautiful and HOPE FILLED message …the synchronicities in my sky appearing, I felt very joyous,loving,happy. I danced and sang all day !! I was guided to new happy music and had much more energy than usual and accomplished more , with more ease and grace !!! heeheeheeee !! ^_^ ❤ ❤ ❤

        Love and Divine White Flame to you dear Joanna !

        Yes the White flame feels good now !! ^_^ ❤
        Much thanks to you and joyful gratitude ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on The World Is Shifting and commented:
    EXCERPT : …” In Persian myth, the simurgh connected Earth and sky, and purified the land and water elements. It lived in the Tree of Life that stood in the middle of the world sea, and when it flew from the Tree, the Tree’s leaves shook and scattered its seeds in all directions. Wherever the seeds landed, they grew into every kind of plant on Earth, whose healing properties could cure all the ills of humanity. The simurgh itself was so ancient it had lived through three Ages of the world, and would in divine time self-immolate and be reborn, like the phoenix. ” ….. ( read more )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear Sister Star. Haha, I can see you singing and dancing, enJoying the Divine White Flame in all it’s light, warmth and purity ❤ Love and blessings always ❤ 🙂 xx

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