More from Orion

Dear All,

It’s not often we post again so quickly, but energies continue to shift monumentally in the Orion constellation, and as the ‘butterfly effect’ ripples through our galactic region, it has a significance here on Earth, as do other current galactic changes, and those soon to be initiated. This broad shifting ripple of uplifting energies can be seen as an indicator of how energies will move here in 2017 – but for now, in this month number 1 of a ‘1’ year (2017=10=1), much ‘new’ energy is in motion, an interlaced, interconnected rising flow of higher Light. The macro and the micro are One, so we advise all to be prepared to be flexible, adaptable in the way of true unconditional love and trust, while holding steady to your deepest felt inner purpose, at the personal level and in your relationship to the collective and planetary consciousness.

The previous post introduced Tanabor, a Melchizedek of the High Council of Orion whom Ashura & I are now focusing closely with. Firstly, to show the process in Orion, I’ll repost these photos from Christmas night, the ‘orb party’ around Orion that night, and discuss them a bit more closely.



These orbs represent a convergence of high Light energies into Orion, we could say ‘riding the Christ Mass Wave’. We’ll focus for now on the three clearest orbs, so you can feel into the combination of soul lights at work there.

In the first orb, are the golden and golden rose soul light of Sananda&Lady Nada, with golden Leonine Being energies and in the background of the orb (slightly greenish-gold), the light of the Halorins (see this post).  The third orb has Archangel Michael’s light in centre, with blue and violet light Angels surrounding him. The middle orb shows the combination of Angelic souls of rose light and green light, which Ashura&I joined in with. If you look at the position of that orb, just above Orion’s Belt (or below the belt, from a northern hemisphere perspective, as from the south here, the constellation appears ‘upside down’), you can see two stars in the upper green part of the orb. These are two of the stars that form ‘Orion’s Sword’, but the lower star is actually a nebula, known as the Orion Nebula or Great Nebula of Orion.


Orion Nebula, Hubble telescope, image courtesy NASA.

This is a major star nursery, a galactic ‘womb’ where new stars form, with about 700 stars currently at various stages of formation, some as young as 10 000 years old. Spectacular as it is, this is just the 3D level of the nebula – all stars and cosmic forms are multi-dimensional and multi-layered, just as we are, and all life. In the centre of the nebula is the Trapezium Cluster, named for its squarish shape of 4 stars…but in fact, two of those stars are binaries, so there are 6 stars in the centre.

Appearing like glistening precious stones, the Trapezium cluster's central region is here seen through the eyes of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. All of the celestial objects in the Trapezium were born together in this hotbed of star formation. The c

Trapezium Cluster, at the centre of the Orion Nebula, Hubble telescope, courtesy NASA.

From star family, ‘4 is Love, and 6 is Bliss, the harmonic of gratitude and appreciation’, so feel the stellar vibration in the centre of the womb, where life forms, the 4 is 6. The love and bliss wrapped in loving appreciation through which new energies of Life are birthed. As in the macro, so in the micro….and of course 6+4=10=1. A great deal of higher guidance has come through recently about anchoring this frequency combination during the 1st month of this 10/1 year. So feel now the vibrational relationship of birthing new energies through the 6-point star of blissful gratitude merged around the 4-point star of love to the transformation of the 64 codons of your DNA, within the strands, and invite this higher birthing vibration into your strands, and into the planetary DNA. A beautiful gift from Orion’s transforming energies as we enter this year!

If you tune into this orb now, the souls within it who have embraced and protected the star womb during this transformation, just feel the mixture of Rose Light of Mother’s Love bathing you, and the Green Light of Life filling your being.


With the ‘birthing centre’ protected, immense light was sent to the two stars visible in the top of this photo, Rigel and Saiph…and old Draconian energies were dislodged, the energies cleared and gathered for healing, with the stars currently in ‘rehabilitation’. From Tanabor: ‘This mission has been previously attempted by the High Council, and although not successful, left the Draconian power structures with seven weakened points, and these we have now utilized to good effect. Rigel is safe, and Saiph is secured.’

On New Year’s Eve, Ashura gave this image of his green light orb, again positioned just above the Belt of Orion.


Ashura’s green healing orb above the Belt of Orion, ‘pointing’ to the middle star in the belt, Alnilam, from which a ‘sticky web’ has been unwound, December 31, 2016. ‘X marks the spot’: the 4 main outer stars also form a cross, with Alnilam at the centre, where a dark vortex is now being healed/purified.

You may be able to see faintly, further left of him, another orb, which is Tanabor’s deep royal blue soul energy. And here is Tanabor again, merged in with other blue light souls, overviewing the constellation in the New Year.


Tanabor’s blue orb above Orion, Jan.2, 2017. (The bright star at upper right is Sirius).

He came with these words last night, in Melchizedek language: ‘Tueva Amanto.’ I’m hearing these words sung over and over by many light souls around Orion, and they signify ‘Creation of Love in Butterfly of Transformation’.  Feel the Butterfly of Orion, where the Belt is its body, and the main stars form the wing shapes. The Belt of Orion has also been known as Freya’s Distaff in the Norse tradition – distaff meaning spindle, spinning the thread of life. In this transforming Love, metaphorically a few tight knots have been untied from the thread of the birthing cord, and the womb of Orion freed from distorting influences. Through the ‘Butterfly Effect’, the ripples of this freeing are rippling through the galaxy, and this glorious huge rose-golden orb that also appeared last night beside Orion is radiating the pure joy and warm loving light of the Divine Feminine aspect of Source. 🙂


Rose-gold peachy orb of Divine Feminine energies beside Orion, Jan.2, 2017.

We hope this post is helpful for feeling the Light and Love of the sublime liberating energies flowing already at a high level into this new year of unlimited potentials. Ashura&I would also like to say here that in the current energies, Tanabor has joined his light with ours at a high soul level, and his blue light is for now, mingled with our golden-white One Flame, in mutual support, service and higher equilibrium as this year begins to unfold its possibilities….from the micro to the macro, all is One. The High Magic of Love flows on……….

So we will sign out here today with deepest love, light and joy to you All, from Joanna & Ashura & Tanabor, Be fearless, keep faith and trust in your heart and soul, nurture the new seeds of this year with kindness and inspiration.  ❤

May the breeze of the wings of the butterfly blow new life into all hearts on Earth \\\*///

PS: Another photo of the rose-gold peachy orb taken after I published this post, with the addition of violet and blue light at top and bottom. You can see here this orb is hovering above/overlighting the whole constellation. Many more dark energies were removed last night, and their connecting ‘knotted thread’ to Earth dissolved. 🙂


Rose-gold peachy orb again on January 3, 2017, above Orion.

6 thoughts on “More from Orion

    • Hi Anne, okay, about the rose pink flame….if you settle your mind, and take your focus into your heart centre, and into your Inner Heart, then allow yourself (and trust yourself) to feel the qualities, the vibration, the light, the resonance, of the rose pink flame, within your own Inner Heart – where it Lives eternally – the question transforms into an inner knowing, that is not based in the mind trying to ‘know’ something through receiving and studying a concept, but by having felt that flame’s inherent qualities inside your being.
      And when you have deeply felt it within, and know it as part of your inner divine, then it will reflect and appear in your reality, in ways that you can and will recognize, simply by attuning your inner focus in alignment with the qualities of that flame, and indeed of Source, in which all light, rays, flames and expressions exist and express.
      Love & blessings to you ~ trust the process. ❤


    • Anne, if you do Inner Heart meditations, here’s a suggestion: visualize a/your Lemurian Crystal, see and feel it in your hands as you enter Inner Heart, take it in there with you and put it on the grass and sit in front of it. Then ask for guidance about the crystal – in whatever form that guidance takes, it could be a light guide, or a ‘scene’ unfolding…just trust and allow the knowing to wake in you, in the way that is aligned with Source/your Inner Divine ❤


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