Ashtar Command

This beautiful eye appeared in the clouds on June 30th 2022.

The Ashtar Command is a compassionate soul collective radiating throughout and beyond this Universe, dedicated to co-creating with Universal Love, interweaving with many loving soul streams and groups. As a multidimensional focused collective, Ashtar Command flows through the Intergalactic Confederation in this Universe as a vast star-fleet, with many beautiful lightships and beings currently supporting Gaia’s planetary shift into higher vibrations and the rise of a unified love and kindness-based consciousness in humanity and life on Earth.

The Intergalactic Confederation, in its wider universal form, is comprised of a great many Federations and Councils, including our local Galactic Federation and its overseeing Council. The Galactic Council flows in turn through an Ascension Council, which overviews and guides the sometimes complex energies of planetary and stellar ascensions in a specifically localized role. As a ‘love focus collective’, the Ashtar Command is like a fluidic, open mandala of soul groups originating from a wide array of star nations and galaxies, with millions of ships ranging from immense motherships to support ships and tiny pods currently working in the Solar System and around this planet.

Ships have appeared visibly in the Earth’s skies, and continue to do so, at appropriate moments according to the Command’s higher dimensional overview of steps and phases developing and unfolding in the Earth field, in individual and group pathways, and in the collective consciousness overall. At this stage, we can say there are a number of starbases within the Earth and oceans, including sub-sea bases, with loving beings quietly assisting and supporting not only the activation of an expanded awareness in human consciousness, but that of other sentient Earth-based collectives.

Beautiful golden-white lightship descends from the Phoenix mothership, with Ashtar, Sananda and many love-beings on board, radiating their Light to the Earth and humanity, photo taken August 8th 2019.

Within the Ashtar Command fleets, Ashura (my TwinFlame) and I have 5-6D soul expressions as Arnap&Rowena. Among the many beautiful motherships and arrays of companion ships, Ashura in his Arnap form guided a ship whose name I hear as the Shem Arua for a while, before returning to our mothership, the Meri’Ashar, which translates as Meriaia’s Star/Mary’s Star, also known as the White Lotus. In our 5-6D forms, we’ve brought the Lei’hua, a smaller emanation of the Meri’Ashar, ‘down to Earth’ to activate specific nodes and light-grid alignments, with our son and daughter, Minkara and Rosanara, mostly guiding that lovely, cosy ship now.

The Lei’hua, support-ship from the mothership Meri’Ashar, with her 5-6D interior shimmering diamond light core uncloaked, May 5th 2020.

Among our soul kin and starry friends, J’errene’on, captain of an Alpha Centaurian ‘wing’ of the fleet, often sends a visual flash of his ship overhead. An Antarian star sister Tayitha captains the Terebinth, the beautiful lightship in the photos below, which often patrols overhead here. Higher dimensional lightships aren’t ”fixed forms” as we perceive forms in this plane, and the Terebinth for instance appeared firstly in my dreams in a translucent rainbow crystalline form, then at close range over the house at night as a triangular form in 2016, and over the years since then, in diamond form, or morphing between the two.

The Terebinth in diamond form pours down golden light, December 9th 2022.

The first member of the Ashtar Command I remembered by name was Amarea, from Alcyone in the Pleiades. In 2012, she appeared in a dream and hugged me, then the following day flew in a small visible ‘pod’ ship over my house, and gave a message, about the key role of water in Gaia’s Shift and the ascension process. Not long after that, Ruba, a Sirian Lion Being, came into a dream. I woke from a big lion hug and went outside, feeling the presence of a much larger ship, and realizing a ‘hug’ in a dream from a star family member was a signal of their close proximity. The energies coming from this ship (Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix) were palpable and intensely uplifting, in a way I can’t put into words. They poured down, and my heart and soul opened. I took some photos that marked the Phoenix’s presence, including this one showing how clouds pulled up in a vacuum effect as the ship shifted transdimensionally.

Timespace 'bend'/arc left in the wake of the Phoenix phasing across dimensions, with clouds pulled upward in a vacuum effect behind it. Photo taken May 5, 2013.
Transdimensional ‘bend’/arc in the wake of the Phoenix phasing across dimensions, with clouds pulled upward in a vacuum effect behind it. Photo taken May 5, 2013.

From then on, contact with star family increased and became clearer.  Lives/soul expressions in many dimensional states and star systems came into view, conscious connections to ‘higher self’ and soul family and friends reactivated as I gradually released layers of subconscious conditioning and programmes, opened and aligned to my Oversoul, to deeper trust, inner peace and universal, unconditional love…which the fleets of the Ashtar Command and its local wings (Jupiter Command, Neptune Command, Saturn Command, and the Venus fleet) are constantly radiating, in unison with countless beautiful light beings of many dimensional realms of the Earth, Solar System and beyond.

Arnap brings a ship through an interdimensional portal (the deep blue opening at the right of the ship), with the ship beaming white light across its front and enveloped in a diamond light field, May 5th 2021.

For clarity, ‘commanders’ in the universal and intergalactic fleets flow beyond concepts of ‘control’ as understood in current Earth-type hierarchical structures. The energy of higher dimensional connections radiates in circles of unity, rather than top-heavy pyramid style ‘chains of command’ (or as Arnap-Ashura puts it with a smile, ‘We are not in chains.’) A ‘commander’ is a guide, divine overlight and overseer, in the true sense of the word, who overviews the cohesion of the vibration of ships and crews, re-balances vibrations if necessary, guides and oversees missions and assignments moment to moment from within the energy of service to Love, to the Source of All Life.

Love, joy, peace and unity, the frequencies our star brothers, sisters, friends (including potentially your other-dimensional soul expressions too, dear readers) are streaming into the subtle light grids of Gaia, vibrating through the 3-4D duality matrix of extreme contrasts, to help bring about its metamorphosis, butterfly-like, into unlimited love, sharing, cooperation, collective well-being…and ultimately, open contact and fruitful collaborations with our families and friends of other planets and stars, when the energies are in alignment for that next phase to unfold in harmony, as Earth returns to her natural place as a fully fledged galactic civilization and member of the local Galactic Federation community.

We who are ’embodied on the ground’ can connect, assist, anchor, and flow with this transformation simply by focusing our inner visions and daily actions for ourselves and all life on Earth through love, joy, and kindness to all beings, choosing inner peace and compassion, no matter what is playing out in the 3-4D drama, big, small, personal or global. If we wobble, then breathe, rest, centre in the heart again, let the mind relax, feel without resistance or judgement where in the ego-self (protective personality) the wobble comes from, bless and release it in love, heal, and refocus in love. Keeping it sweet and simple opens doors. πŸ™‚

Ash’Ka’ree and Alione fly overhead, in a Venusian ship of the Jupiter Command, on June 6th 2019 (see Lightships 2019 page for more details and photos).

Our star families of the fleets, councils and light realms interweave their love in unison with the 5D Inner Earth people (Agarthans), elemental beings, many light beings of the angelic and subtle realms, and the sublime soul we know as Gaia, as part of a vast collaborative mission, with humanity, to uplift all life on this planet from the hold of fear-based survival consciousness programming and other limiting influences. Higher dimensional beings are working with us, and the more humans on Earth who relax their minds, open their hearts and maintain a loving, compassionate vibration, ground ourselves with Gaia and grow into personal responsibility for our inner well-being, the more we align and anchor the frequencies of 5D+ into the 3-4D vibrational field.

There are higher dimensional star family on the Earth now, in areas that can support their frequency, for instance at an Ashtar Command base at ground level within a 5D protected light sphere not far from my former home in the Perth hills, connected with an Inner Earth crystalline light city called Aran (also known to some as Kai). With a loving, open heart toward our Star Family (and indeed, all our/your multidimensional soul expressions vibrating as unconditional love), we can ‘meet in the middle’, anchoring the potential for open sightings to unfold into peaceful landings. This focus of Love opens the way for immensely uplifting interactions with humanity that will basically help transform Life on this planet out of the ‘survival cycle’ and crystallize peace on Earth, joy on Earth, compassion on Earth, within the collective experience of humanity, animals, plants, and all life here, ongoing.

Triangular ship hailing from Procyon as seen from below, with a beautifully clear spherical, luminous ”pod-ship” attached to its underside, March 19th 2021.
'Orion delegate' seated in a small craft, wearing a blue uniform, August 30, 2015.
‘Orion delegate’ (dear friend and soul brother Tanabor) seated in small craft with a translucent violet dome-shaped cover, wearing a blue uniform, August 30th 2015.

Star Family express their soul essences through a wondrous array of light forms and emanations that are infinitely diverse, like a rainbow that goes beyond our Earthly perception and way beyond the visible light spectrum, yet translating through it, to connect and visually communicate with us in this density. Through 5D-6D crystalline lightwave forms, many stepping forward to connect first with humanity on Earth appear physicalized in recognizably human or human-ish/bipedal forms, and we only have to look as far as the higher dimensions of our nearest neighbouring planets, Venus and Mars, to realize that human form is not limited to Earth (and indeed, didn’t originate here).

Our star brothers and sisters based within the 5th-6th dimensional stratas of Venus have been approaching humanity (and Earth governments) since the 1950s, led by Valiant Thor, and in the photos below you can see a beautiful luminous ship of Arcturian design, that flies with a fleet currently supporting ascended Mars/Aris (which like Earth, has been caught in dualistic control-type energies, but has lifted in vibration, with a 5D civilization flourishing there within a stabilized location). On the right, the golden-brown being in matching attire standing in an open ‘hatch’ (in the roof of a cloaked ship) hails as Karonn, leader of the Council of Aris(Mars).

As an embodied human on Earth merged with higher self and multidimensional soul expressions, I share posts and pages at Heart Star to assist heart-centering, star family awareness and contact, and inspire transformation of old limiting paradigms. Photos of lightbeings and ships vibrate their particular frequencies directly, so if you come across images we share that resonate for you, or literally warm your heart, they may be a clue as to your starry and otherworldly connections. Let’s BE stars of love in union with our galactic families and friends, aligned with the One Source Consciousness from which all Love, Light and Life flows. πŸ’–

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Orbs of different colours representing souls/soul groups from different star nations.

Love Yourself ~ Love All ~ Love Source ~ It’s All One

Note:  Please be aware that the Ashtar Command, Galactic Councils/Federations and Ascended Light Beings may have at times been misrepresented, knowingly or unknowingly, to the awakening community, following the first points of public contact in the early 1950s. Through the decades, their presence has been interpreted through various belief filters, ideologies and politicized narratives that may have little to do with the galactic and universal perspectives they observe and act through. Rather than putting a lot of focus on searching externally for information about Ashtar and galactic peoples as a means to connect with star family/higher dimensional beings, we suggest you prioritize opening, clearing and centering in your own heart, then take the all-important step into your Inner Heart, into the tiny cave of your own ‘zero point’ where we can ALL connect with Source Consciousness and all emanations of Love. When you put yourself in resonance with the higher dimensions of peace, compassion and love, in your own being, they will meet you. We are all multidimensional beings, we are all Source radiating through Oversouls, as soul expressions on Earth and elsewhere, all equally loved and precious. It can take perseverance, patience, and above all, love and trust, kindness, humility and personal responsibility, to fully dissolve mental and emotional entrainments of ‘the illusion of separation’ …but it can be done. You are worth it! Namaste.πŸ’–

*See Lightships 2023 and previous Lightships pages for photos of ships, beings and light emanations from the Ashtar Command and local co-Commands as they appear overhead here.

*See this post about contact/communication with star family: Tips for Ship-watching and Star Family Contact.

*See this post for beautiful footage of higher dimensional lightships of the Ashtar Command: Love’s Lens; An Interview with Melissa Peabody

NB: Posts and pages at Heart Star are welcome to be shared freely, providing they are reposted unaltered and linked back to this site. If you wish to use individual photographs, please ask first, via email to:

18 thoughts on “Ashtar Command

  1. What is this that you speak of here ” The first member of the AC who I remembered by name was Amarea, from Alcyone in the Pleiades. In 2012, she appeared in a dream and hugged me, then the following day flew in a small visible β€˜pod’ ship over my house, and gave a message, about the key role of water in Gaia’s Shift and the ascension process”
    I have this connection with water and Gaia that I move in and out of. I’ve never been able to understand exactly what I’m too do. Perhaps you could shine some light on this. I would rld be very grateful. No coincidence that I landed on your site today. I’m feel as though I’m being drawn into it. Thank you so much

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Timmy, if you’re familiar with the work of the late Dr. Emoto regarding the ‘memory of water’, and how subtle non-physical energies are stored and carried in the water element, water’s inherent capacity to ‘hold frequencies’ can be understood as a key part of the ‘holding’ process of shifting the planetary consciousness to a more peaceful, harmonious, loving state…especially when you consider how much water is in our own bodies, as well as in the bodies of all animals and plants, in the waterways, oceans, earth and air around the planet. πŸ™‚
      If you scroll down the ‘Messages’ page, you’ll find Amarea’s message about water. Let me know if you can’t find it, and I can copy and paste it in the comments here.
      You may also like to read the recent posts Oceans of Peace and Request from the Merpeople.
      Namaste, Joanna. ❀


  2. Thank you for your quick response. I am grateful. I I do know of Dr Emoto’s work. I got healed spiritually from hep c and for about two months before I was obsessed with thoughts of water and breathing. After the healing of was like a switch was turned on when is be in the shower. Electric! I’ve been on and off trying to work with the water to heal it. I’ve been off in drug and alcohol land trying to run from this to no avail. I I’m back and very interested in your heart work. It’s the barrier I’ve struggled with. The how to of going inside. You wrote of the sylphs also.I I’ve worked to help them . You are helping me get back to my purpose here. i Am eternally grateful. Timmy

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s wonderful, Timmy! Enjoy your Inner Heart realm, it is the most beautiful place to BE, and perceive and live from. The ‘step’ in there is different for everyone; some can step inside instantly, others may be quite blocked and it takes some perseverance. I recommend the ‘Three Foundational Heart Practices’ which are linked on the Practices page, for clearing and balancing the heart centre so one can ‘step inside’. Blessings of Love and Light back to you, Joanna.


  3. Pingback: Ashtar Command | Dprestonprice's Blog

  4. Hi !
    Im wondering if there are any dark-skin , black skin, brown eyes, kinky hair Ashtar citizens that are tall and beautiful like all of the white skin, blue eyes, blonde-golden hair Ashtar citizens. All of the research, readings and pictures I’ve seen are of tall, curvy, anatomically perfect gold/blonde hair, vibrant blue eyes . Is such a beautiful civilization only limited
    to white-light beings? Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Tommy,
      This topic has been coming up in questions lately, so I’ve just updated the page in reference to diversity of beings, with a photo of a being named Karonn (down near the foot of the page). Although his features aren’t clear in the photo, you can see that he’s brown-skinned (and wearing brown clothing). He hails from the Council of Mars, a planet which has gone through an ascension, similar to the Shift in vibration currently underway on Earth. I know of a few people who have seen Mars/Aris ships in the last year, that are bronze-coloured, and telepathic visions or dreams of the people in the ships having a golden-brown complexion, and either bald-headed or with dark hair (and arched eyebrows like Mr Spock, of Star Trek fame)!
      Truly, the galactic and intergalactic communities are infinitely diverse, and there is no hierarchy based on colour, species, or any other distinctness of expression, in the Federations anchored in Universal Love.
      I’ve seen (and photographed) beings in human or human-ish (or not) soul expressions of light, brown, dark, blue, green, golden, violet, yellow complexions, tall, tiny and so forth. There are, of course, vibrational layers of soul expression that are not in a ‘human format’, and appear in light spectrums and colours we don’t have names for on Earth.
      But among the humanlike beings I’ve connected consciously with at this level, yes there are dark skinned people, like the Antarian humans (there are also lion beings, and tiger and leopardlike beings from Antares), who appear with light to olive complexions, dark eyes, and dark brown to black hair (see the post ‘Antarian Connection’ for eg), or people from Ursa Major constellation, who again range from very pale to very dark skinned appearance, with violet or green eyes, and silver hair.
      Much Love, Joanna ❀


  5. ALL Beings are Blessed with Deep Eternal Love & Light, Joy, Beauty and Abundance

    We call upon the release of loving solutions, quantum medicine, quantum travel, quantum financial systems and wondrous inventions that can help all peoples thrive free, with fresh air, pure foods and water, ample resources, loving homes, safe fun transportation methods, intergalactic peace … Truthful Benevolent Galactic Disclosures …

    5-4-3-2-1 It is done LOVE ONE. ONE LOVE.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi there. I read mostly all of this beautiful website, listening at the tibetian sound of the bells, ay the same time is a perfect gym for the mind.
    I have lot of experience thanks to luck (first of all), discipline, costance and faith, with many guides from the Confederatios, visually and telepathically, as I had the chance to live in Ecuador (a magical ufo’s country) for 20 years.
    I have pictures and messages.
    whwnwvwe you want to visit my blog, I’ll let you know


    (as they call me)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Andy, thank you, so glad you’re enjoying the Heart Star vibes… πŸ™‚
      So interesting to hear you have contact and communications, as well as pictures…if you would like to share a link to your blog, please do.
      Love&Blessings to you, Star Brother ❀



    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy New Year coming back to you Lefteris! May 2021 be a truly fruitful year for New Earth, Humanity and All Beings here (and beyond)! So glad this post resonates for you, all Blessings for the New Year. πŸ’›βœ¨


  8. Hi I am Michael Christopher Andrijich

    Wow amazing β€” Thankyou for the work you do πŸ™ you are in Western Australia β€” so am I β€” id love to connect with you πŸ’œ
    I’m urged to learn more about this the Lion Star Family β€” cheers

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Michael, so lovely you feel a resonance with the Leonine Star Beings, and great to know you’re in WA 🦁 Many thanks, I’ve received your email and will reply asap. Much love winging your way βœ¨πŸ›Έ


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