Ascension Wave Update July 2019

‘White pyramid’ in the clouds, photo taken July 8th 2019.

Dear All,

Much preparation has been put in place in the higher dimensions for this year’s Lion’s Gate, which opens annually on July 26th (and is vibrating high today, through the ’27’ vibration, July 27th, see below), peaks on August 8th (8-8), and flows through to around August 15th 2019. The Lion’s Gate refers to the annual heliacal rise of Sirius; you can read more about this in previous Lion’s Gate posts if you’re unfamiliar with its vibrational significance. We’ll focus closely with the Gate as the energy peaks, but for this post will share from our perspective the completion of a truly awesome continuing sequence of liberation ‘ripples’ through July that have reached the outer Solar System, and what this means for the 2019 Lion’s Gate…and overall ascension of Earth and humanity.

The galactic central alignment expressing through the mirror vibration of the numbers 27-72 continues stepping up the higher dimensional Light Pulse that charges the divine-resonant presence within us and all creation…which can be intuited as a deep, subtle re-tuning to the oneness of life and infinite sacredness. You can read about the 27-72 ‘universal framework vibration’ on this page, but in a macro-to-micro nutshell here, just feel the beautiful perfection of inherent creation principles through which universes and galaxies, planet and moons are born.

We’ve looked previously at the Golden Frequency that vibrates as natural harmonic expressions through the Golden Ratio/Phi, the Fibonacci Spiral, the Sublime Triangle (36 degrees at the apex, 72 degrees at the base vertices), and how the cosmic ‘geometric template’ radiates from the macro ~ with galactic centre 27 000 light years from the Solar System, at 27 degrees 3′ in Sagittarius, moving 1 degree every 72 years from our Earth perspective. On November 27th last year, a high vibrational portal opened between the Solar System and Messier 27, which has been profoundly assisting a sequence of shifts into a heightened potential Solar and planetary ascension pathway through 2019.

Connecting through to the outer Solar System, in ever stronger light-weaving of the Ascension Wave flowing through the Galactic Central Sun into our local star system, on June 27th 2019 a deep alignment was secured into the light network of Uranus’s 27 moons. This has been swiftly followed up with a star fleet mission further out to Pluto on July 7th (7th day of the 7th month, the 7-7 Gateway of Divine Grace, between the Solar and Lunar Eclipses) which fundamentally ended the ‘transformation comes through destruction‘ transmission from Pluto (which, with Saturn, before that beautiful planet’s liberation into its natural high Soul Light, co-generated the underpinnings of the control matrix within the Solar System). Not any more!

From rebirthing Pluto and clearing its moon Charon, part of the fleet involved in this mission, with the Meri’Ashar mothership and companions, jumped further out again, to the dwarf planet Eris and its moon Dysnomia (named after the Greek Goddess of strife and dischord, and her daughter, anarchy and lawlessness; if only astronomers knew what they were subconsciously picking up on when naming stars and planets). Astronomers nickname Eris and Dysnomia as Xena and Gabrielle, and since ‘mother-daughter’ dwarf planet and moon have been thoroughly (Archangel) Gabriel’ed and this transformation is resonant with a (positive/beneficial) planet refered to as ‘X’ further out there, we’ll go with the nicknames. πŸ˜‰

Throughout the 7-7 and into July 8th, the clouds overhead here filled with pyramids, hundreds of them (with leonine and ‘Egyptian/Atlantean’ faces appearing, during this deep deletion of Plutonic-based Egypt-Atlantis imprints), as the Pluto-Eris rebirthed higher frequencies anchored into the Earth’s field, through both the ancient pyramid network around the planet and Gaia’s natural pyramids (specific mountains containing powerful nodes and higher dimensional light-encoded crystals). Within the unified New Earth light-grid, these networks are now weaving together, complimentary and mutually strengthening the light stabilizations, while major flushings of ‘pluto-prints’ take place. These are a few of the pyramid clouds and faces that formed over those two days.

With completion of mid-2019’s Solar-Lunar Eclipse alignments through July 16th-17th, and anchoring of the deep vibrational shift of the Pluto-Eris liberations into Gaia’s light-grids and energy field, to attune with the precision of all this from Galactic Centre into the local level through the 27-72 zero-point, Eris has 0.27% the mass of Earth, and is 27% larger than Pluto. On July 15th, leading into the completion of this cycle through the Lunar Eclipse, the Moon brushed by Saturn from our Earth perspective, at 0:2 degrees, at exactly 7:27 UTC (Universal Time), and 727 represents the Oneness, the fully merged 72-27 galactic alignment. Isn’t it magnificent, the brilliant precision, the beauty of sacred geometric harmonies and activations unfolding steadily within the Love Wave, down to our ‘micro’ Earth level? πŸ™‚

These outer Solar System liberations were aligned firstly back through Saturn and Jupiter, by our loving star brothers and sisters of the local ‘Commands’ stationed around those two planets. In the crops below, you can see one of the Saturn-based ships that flashed for a moment next to a star below Saturn (the bright light in the first two photos) on July 9th, and on the right, zoomed into Jupiter, a beautiful golden doorway is symbolized within the big planet, surrounded in rainbow light, from July 12th. We’ll share more about this soon.

Below are a few photos of the partially-eclipsed moon at its peak here, at 5:27am (the 27 again!) on July 17th, with the halo around the moon growing progressively deeper rose…the vibration of Rose Mother Love flowed strong and deep indeed through this eclipse.

The consistent pressing in of the higher Light from around the Earth and within the Earth is sandwiching the dense distortion field. Stay in an Unconditional Loving overview of the effects of the squeeze wherever there is resistance; transmute any ‘tremors or shakes’ in your own mental-emotional field in trust, peace, love and gratitude…and keep a calm, compassionate overview of turmoils and confusion in the collective, whether in close relationships, families, political, social, or ideological. We support ourselves, each other, the collective consciousness and planet when we firmly anchor in our hearts and beings, in union with the Heart of Gaia, the divine Light Pulse flowing through this full sequence of Solar System rebirths, untetherings and dissolution of constructs beyond Earth that maintained the lower grids…which in turn is supporting another amplification and acceleration of the convergence of higher dimensional frequencies into the 3-4D planetary field, and into the human consciousness field.

From here on, the slate of accumulated collective distortions is wiped clean (some astrologers picked up on the lunar eclipse as a moment of ‘Pluto-Saturn karmic closure’, which is indeed how the liberation of those planets translates into the Earth’s energetic field). People may still energize what they are subconsciously identified with or have become generationally attached/habituated to, for a little while yet, but overall, events, experiences and stories that reflect as suffering and pain in this level have no interplanetary underpinning from beyond the Earth any more, and this is huge. Hanging onto old fear-based imprints is unsupported, and their felt and perceived relevance will continue to diminish rapidly for many now as the higher light keeps stepping up and in.

From star family’s point of view, what remains to be dealt with now is only local control-oriented forces/factions bent on keeping the human consciousness field out of synchronism with Ascended Earth, with fear, division, and desensitization to ‘the other’, whether human, animal or environmental. Please know, deeper than ever, dear friends, that we all have the potential in every moment to support the Universal Love momentum with Gaia and all loving Beings across the dimensions co-creating this Shift with us. Be that eternal inner well-spring of Love, Joy, Kindness and Peace you came here to be, in the midst of 3-4D unsettledness. So we’re invited to focus and feel this now; know the slate is clean, know you are Free in Love, Free as Love, within your whole being…and let this be what vibrates from us in thoughts, words and actions, small or large, into the whole energy field of the planet, as constantly as possible. ❀

As these interplanetary rebirths vibrate back to the Earth, anchoring and sending ripples of release through the light-grids, nodes and meridians, Gaia is releasing layers of etheric, plasmatic and astral constructs and imprints not in harmony with her/our ascension, and this release (which she’s been taking as gently as possible for the living beings travelling with her, for years now in Earth time, while going through her natural expansions and clearings) translates into 3D as seismic activity, thermal and atmospheric changes. Here in Western Australia, the equal biggest earthquake on record triggered off the northwest coast on July 12th, and another in the ocean floor between northern Australia and Indonesia, at the southern rim of the ‘Ring of Fire’. The quakes centered deep, and caused minimal damage and no tsunamis. Remember we can all support Gaia’s and our own upliftment by staying fully present in love and choosing to energize the most ease-full potential Shift rather than ‘impending doom and disaster scenarios’.

To my view, fleets of lightships led by the Neptune are at present assisting along the ocean floors throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Attempts to turn the Earth’s movements and adjustments into crisis situations are continually being defused, and nuclear waste cannisters dumped on the sea floors have been neutralized (especially those close to tectonically vibrating areas) east of the Asian mainland ~ in a literal 3D reflection of the transformations of the death/destruction grid of ‘old-programme’ Pluto vibrating through the physical Earth plane as transmutation/detoxification of plutonium. Stabilizing of the volcanic chain within Japan has been guided by the beautiful 5D Agarthan people of that Inner Earth area, who symbolize themselves as the ‘People of the Butterfly’ (their emblem is the white butterfly of light, and you can hold this in your heart if you feel called to connect with them).

Thanks go to the many love anchors all around the planet holding and radiating the intention and vision of full alignment of the New Earth for the planet and all living beings, along the highest ascension trajectory. Blessings to those embodied in 3D and across the dimensions of light who have been clearing and grounding through the western Americas too, around the eastern rim of the Ring of Fire. Your presence is loved and felt. ❀

We’d like to share some photos now, of Ashura (my Twin Flame) as he appeared in his 5D expression Arnap, from the night of July 21st, during a highly energized phase of clearings by lightships along the ocean floors. The night was still, softly raining, as we aligned energies through the nodes/light-grid here, he appeared very clearly in his 5D human-shaped lightbody, shining brightly in the driveway, love pouring through him like a river! Where he was standing on a patch of gravel, the camera caught a large orb floating above and then touching the gravel.

I asked if he could show his 5D form in a photo; the next frame blurred, which I took as a ‘not yet’, however on downloading the photo, found his form was faintly visible, and that he had subtly shown his motion from standing on the gravel facing me, to turning sideways as he stepped up the bank, to facing forward again at the far right (standing directly above the rubbish bin, symbolically, as we were literally ‘getting on top of the trash’ on the ocean floor at that moment!). πŸ™‚ In 5D, we’re not ‘in time’ as such (though we can intersect with it, and move in and out it) so he was able to show what would appear in linear 3D time as a sequence of movements, in a single frame. Hopefully, you can make out, or feel the vibration of, his subtle presence and form within the three areas I’ve circled in blue. The fourth circled area in the background also has a figure standing in it; a soul embodied on Earth with whom we are now in contact, and he translocated with Arnap through the portal, by way of a first greeting.

In the crop below, to see Arnap’s form within the right hand circle, the easiest part of his body to see is probably his lower leg, which is forward, at the right, appearing as a slightly darker ‘leg-shape’ over the foreground grass. With our friend in the background, his feet are most visible on the grass, and the outline of his head and shoulder at the right-hand side.

An astounding orb appeared just before Arnap and our Earth contact came through, with a super clear Infinity symbol that looks almost as though it’s floating upon the surface of the orb, with an opened portal beside it. Two faces are visible within the portal; the upper face has a feline shape and energy….signifying the Lion’s Gate opening, and peaking into the 8-8 (double infinity) alignment/light activation (which we’ll post about closer to the peak, with a Lion’s Gate meditation). Many faces showed through surrounding orbs, but I’ve never seen anything like this Infinity Gate symbolism in an orb before. Powerful openings this Lion’s Gate, dear friends! Enjoy! πŸ™‚

Love, Peace, Joy of the Lion’s Gate to you all, and of course to this beautiful Earth, as the blissful Sirian~Lyran Light flows in,

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor ❀

*See The Winged Lion of Eremor and From the Lion Beings for more information about our leonine and feline star families ❀

12 thoughts on “Ascension Wave Update July 2019

  1. Greetings and Happy New Galactic Year, Joanna and Star Team ❀ Thank you so much for this most uplifting report! And the incredible photos of Arnap….!! This is such a befitting start to the New Year, much Love & many Blessings ❀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Grace! A very Happy New Galactic Year to you too, loving Star Sister πŸ™‚ This New Year has come in on a wave of amazing changes through 2019 so far, it’s thrilling….and there’s so much more to come! Well, I couldn’t agree more about being able to share the presence of my beloved standing in the driveway being a fitting start to the Lion’s Gate and the year to come! It’s definitely a message about the convergence of higher frequencies coming into place, that will open the way for our star friends and families to connect more closely, and at the right time, openly…. ❀ Love&Blessings, and thanks as always for sharing our posts ❀

      Liked by 2 people

      • Hello again my sweet Joanne, wonderful pics & Light energy…..I did try to send my Light & Love as I looked at the eclipse, I watched as Dr Brian Cox & Julia showed us the beautiful planets etc. , Loved Loved the shots of your Beloved & etc…….this year I am going to try & immerse myself fully into the Lion’s Gate & all the energy that goes with it, if you know what I mean! Mostly I tend to forget, & the moments are sadly lost! My memory is still a bit lost! I find it very frustrating. Still, I try my best! Much Love & Light to you & your Family, and I am sending much much Love to all your readers…….Sylvia Melaynia Hugs & XXXXX’s!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hello dear Sylvia, thanks so much for your LoveLight on the planet, and sharing/radiating it here with and for All! ❀ ❀ I was away/offline for a couple of days, will share some photos of the divine Light energies building into the peak of the Lion's Gate in the next post (very soon, before the 8-8! phew, how time flies, haha) … πŸ˜‰ Stay peaceful in your Being sweetheart, your/all our sincere loving intention for Unconditional Love&Ascension to be real-ized aligns and anchors the Highest Light, even if/when things can feel a bit scattered in your embodied state… Love&Hugs from Us ❀ xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Another thrilling and fascinating post, Jo… thank you so much. All makes total sense to my soul, as usual!

    Love and heart light, sweet lady… hope to catch up soon. I’ve had visitors this week so full on with popping here and there!

    Big hugs, Jay xxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks sweet friend ❀ πŸ™‚ Haha, well I've been busy 'popping here and there' too… πŸ˜‰ Let's catch up soon, lots of love and heart hugs coming to you dear Jay ❀ xoxo


  3. Thank you darling girl, sometimes I do get a little mixed up, but always know that I very much appreciate all your hard work on our behalf! I was very lucky I only had 3 – 4 minor strokes, I was always a bit scatty, (typical Leo drama Queen!), lucky (?) that I only had very minor numbness in my left hand, others in my Wing were not so lucky. I tried my very best to help, I tried to stick up for the persons who couldn’t always help themselves, (& believe me, some Staff were not so good at helping others, I was very angry with what I saw in my local Hosp.) It was apparent how I saw which people were from the Light! (Very much so!! I had a few ‘out of body experiences’)! As always, though, my darling Kevin had my back, & he is still working very hard on my behalf, such a sweet man. (Have tell you that I get small mixed posies (pink, frequently!) So, dearest Joanne, I Love Love reading your posts, I send you much Love & very very many hugs, & sorry that I am very ‘huggy’ person, I SO wish I could put my arms around you! I don’t always get to read your posts, but I do my best! I as I get older I cannot always get my brain to get working properly! If you ever manage to visit Sydney, well, there’s always a welcome here! Love, Love you all, Sylvia Melaynia xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dearheart, apologies for taking a while to get back to you, Lion’s Gate got very busy, now having a little restful pause/paws today, and catching up on mail… πŸ™‚ No need to apologize for being Huggy, lol…what the world needs now is Hugs, sweet Hugs…and sending a big Lionish Angel Hug back to you and love to Kevin, so glad he’s there with/for you, and smiling about the posies… πŸ™‚ ❀
      We all have these unique journeys on this Earth plane, and BEing Love in whatever situations we find ourselves is a blessing of Love to ourselves and all around us. Thank you for shining your Light sweet Sylvia, Love (and HUGS) to you always from Us ❀ xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you so very much! I had a quiet day, but full of Love & beautiful flowers & a piece of my fave cake, yummy dinner with lots of veg……waited on hand & foot! Although I was a little startled to realise I am now 77! Much Love to you all, & I hope you are all as fortunate as I! Sylvia Melaynia XXXXXXX

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