DNA Activation November

Greetings All,

Welcome to this month’s 10-10 DNA activation (10-11-2017=10-11-10), leading into a high gateway alignment the next day, the 11-11, which we’ll post about very soon. We can see this month’s DNA activation as a direct preparation for participating in, anchoring, giving and receiving, the high Light flowing through the Sun, around the Earth and all planets in the Solar System. The 11-11 Gateway of inner sacred union with(in) Divine Love provides a beautiful focal point for this Light, to bring the stream through our Hearts and radiate it around the Earth and through the collective consciousness field. 10-11-10 = 4, the vibration of foundation of Love in perfect balance, represented in the Double Infinity or Rose Cross, gives a perfect ‘DNA priming’ opportunity to be optimally open and receptive for the 11-11 vibration:

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So for this month’s DNA Activation, with the 10-11-10 gateway of Sacred Union flowing through the middle of the ‘twin 10s’,  we’ll begin with a golden and purple light visualization, and activate our merged Golden Star in the Heart within the golden and purple ‘resurrecting through compassion’ vibration. The 10-11-10 opens true Twin Flame alignment, to meet and be fully immersed in the One Flame from the Heart of Source that expresses as two, in the number 11…the sacred meeting between the pillars. as the Inner Divine we are, multidimensional and universal, extending from and always cradled in the Love of the Source.

Begin by focusing into your Heart, feeling your heart centre warm, peaceful, and relaxed. Let any tension unwind from your body, mind and emotions, as you breathe and relax. Visualize a purple flame within your heart centre ~ let it brighten and flow outward, bathing your body and energy field in this vibration of unconditional compassion for yourself and all beings everywhere. Feel every cell open gently in perfect trust, to this stream of purple light, and settle into total peace.

Now breathe golden light into your heart and see this light radiate through the purple light, spreading throughout your Being with the eternal presence of your Inner Divine Self, One with Source. As you fill with this pure golden light, feel its infinite warmth and love, the Heart of Source that beats within all our hearts, radiating pure love, joy and peace. Feel the masculine and feminine energies within you merge into One. Feel your ‘higher self’ and ‘lower self’ merge as One, unifying as your Inner Divine Self, a pure expression and extension of Source, across dimensions, and universes, into this Now. The light of the Golden Heart of Source is flowing through you, transforming your whole being into Unconditional Love. Breathe into it. Feel the gentle, everlasting rhythm flowing through you. It IS us all.

Within this merge of purple and gold light, steady and calm, in pure love for yourself and All, continue now with the Golden Stars Visualization.

Hold the image/intention of a 4-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, then a 6-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, and imagine them overlaying each other and merging together. Feel your DNA strands being bathed in the purifying, restoring golden light of this merged star, that it is vibrating the message of unconditional love and harmony, ascension and expansion to the 64 codons (the 64 amino acid building blocks) in each strand of your DNA, through the 6 and 4, harmony and love. Expand this merged star through your body and auric field, take deep, relaxed breaths, place your hands on your heart centre, and hold the vision, with this intention:

Within this sacred merging of Love and Blissful Gratitude all limiting factors in the codes of my DNA, RNA and epigenomes are now dissolved completely. Every strand is receiving the highest available imprinting of the ‘goldenprint’ of Divine Love, in harmony and ease, in alignment with my highest good and the highest good of all. In this now, my physical body is vibrating with, and transforming into, golden crystalline light, filled with grace and joy. I Am Love. I Am Harmony. I Am Grace, radiating the restoration of Love to all Life, everywhere. And So It Is.

Now through the golden well-being you Are, see/feel a pure white light spiral emanating from the Centre of Source. As it flows to you, this white light is received into the purple and golden blend of Compassion and Resurrection within you, and as you invite this beautiful stream of Light into your open heart and soul, it spirals gently into your auric field, your subtle bodies, through your crown chakra, down through your central column into your heart, where it radiates out through the golden-purple light. Keep seeing and feeling it flow through your body and all the way to the Core of the Earth/Heart of Gaia, as a pure gift of Love….then spreading through the 5D crystalline heart grid, planetary flow-lines and energy field to All Life. Hold with this intention:

In the freedom of compassion for All, resurrected in Source’s Divine Flow, held and supported by All who cherish Life, the Inner Star I Am is fully freed and restored. In the sacred merged Light of Love and Life, in Oneness with all Life everywhere, pure ‘AMness’ flows freely through this open conduit and vessel, the ‘I’ is ‘We’…Source to Oversoul to Soul Aspect anchoring and radiating the Ascension Light in this here and now moment for All. Divine Love, Cherishment and Compassion is received by my being with love and gratitude, and offered to All. And So It Is. It Is Done. 

Deepest love and blessings to you all, for the 10-10 and 11-11 ~ and beyond!

Joanna&Ashura,&Tanabor  ❤

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