Sacred Union Equinox

Dear All,

With the September Equinox fast approaching (22nd or 23rd of September, depending on your location) we would love to share with you a divine soul reconnection which has been in loving preparation and culminates on September 23rd, synchronized with this year’s Equinox. Coming through the vibration of equilibrium is a long-awaited sacred reunion ~ of Gaia, the planetary soul of Earth, and her Twin Flame, Aisaia, planetary soul of Jupiter, the ‘king of planets’. Take a pause, into timelessness, go into your heart, and feel what this reunion will softly, pervasively radiate through and around this beautiful planet ~ restoration of the divine feminine and masculine, in the unity and peace of unveiled crystal clear recognitionΒ ~ as the screen between them drops away, and their energy can flow in oneness, wholeness, through all the dimensions, touching all life on, in and around the Earth (and Jupiter).

For the last nine months, Jupiter has been passing across the constellation Virgo, and will be ‘born from the womb of the Virgin’ on September 23rd. Virgo has been seen as both maiden and mother ~ as Ceres, the mother goddess of grain and harvest ~ and aligns with Gaia as a ‘mother soul’ in our Solar system. The Equinox is the perfect vibrational moment ~ equal night and day (or almost), the only days of the year when the axis of the Earth isn’t tilted toward or away from the Sun…and on a higher level this vibrates as equilibrium, so the rebirth of Gaia & Aisaia’s soul connection is aligned particularly to come through this vibration.

I began dreaming of this planetary soul reunion in April, and while focusing with Aisaia, took some photos of Jupiter that represent his soul visually ~ here they are in sequence: the first one was taken on May 2nd, at a moment when he was being called from the realms of Light to remember his Twin Flame. The three lights are Jupiter at the bottom, with a beautiful large rose-gold ‘mother orb’ close by, Spica (alpha star of Virgo) in the middle, and a ‘light sign’ above, which I’ll show in detail below.

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Within the light of Jupiter (photo on the left), a rose-like form of open petals appeared, with shadows and grids around it, but with gold in the centre…and in the light sign (on the right), rose light can be seen in the the centre of a box and gridlike structures, expanding and opening them:

On May 11th, the face of Jupiter’s soul could be seen, above and separating from a black dragon, now exposed within Jupiter’s energy field (stretched around the lower left part of the planet):

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Following the star family mission of July 7th, this entity was removed, and control grids and screens have been gradually cleared. Here, on July 30th, Aisaia’s face was visible in deep green healing light, still with shadow residues that have since been dissolved. Do you see how his face is resting between antlers of white light, with a deer’s face below? This is Angelic Light holding, purifying and healing him:

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Earlier that afternoon, a long rectangular ship decloaked above a cloud, with a lovely message from the Pleiadian and Andromedan people on board about the ‘cloud lifting’ from around Jupiter’s energy field ~ and from Aisaia’s vision:

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During the month leading into this Equinox and Rebirth, star family built and strengthened the necessary portal alignments in frequency bands just beyond the influence of entities seeking to keep the fourth dimensional layers around the Earth ‘scrambled’ (some of the current swirl of third dimensional global energies as weather events is a direct reflection of this scrambled swirling in the fourth). The lightships in the photos below represented some of these alignments and portal placements, starting from August 24th while the Moon was directly under Jupiter, with Spica above…and a ship triangulating with them from the south (left):

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The ship morphed into an orb-like representation as it passed between Jupiter and Spica:

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Contracting to a bright sphere of light as it flew through the ‘gate’ between Spica and Jupiter and headed northward (right):

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Aisaia came into focus like this after the ship passed ~ you can see his face becoming clearer and in a more golden light now:

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A large protecting orb appeared around Jupiter in the next frame, followed by a second ship flying through the Spica Gate:

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The next night, the rectangular Pleiadian-Andromedan ship appeared to the north (right) of Jupiter and Spica, its ‘guardian’ energy represented as a radiating blue light:

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Alignments and movements continued to be visualized through orbs and ships on August 27th ~ you can see the sequence of angles they’re showing, beginning with a green orb positioning itself in a straight line with Spica and Jupiter, right-angled to the Moon:

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August 28th was the last night of these particular alignments (from our Earth time-frame perspective, with two ships forming a long diamond shape, representing a portal of high light, with Jupiter, Spica and the Moon. The first ship holding the southern ‘tip of the diamond’ had a reddish glow around it, an Alpha-Centaurian ship…whose position was replaced by a Polarin ship that pulsed brightly between trees then rose to anchor the diamond, before passing through it.

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The Alpha Centauri ship was fully visible for about two minutes as it flew south after leaving the diamond and winked out in the centre of the Southern Cross, near Alpha Centauri. These two star family groups are specifically connected to north and south (Polaris being the Earth’s North Star/Pole Star, and Alpha Centauri called Nan Men, the South Gate, in Chinese astronomy)…so in part, they are representing the axis of alignment…the straight alignment which is culminating with the Equinox, when the Earth tilts neither toward nor away from the Sun.

In the centre of all these precise multidimensional movements is a zero point of pure stillness, supported and encompassed in infinite Love, through which this deeply freeing transformative reconnection of Gaia-Aisaia flows. The effect of this reconnection is really beyond words, but will be felt by every living being here. We all have feminine and masculine energies blended within us, and the way they interact, merge and balance has been profoundly shifted by the screening/blinding of Gaia and Aisaia’s connection, and will be profoundly shifted and uplifted in a beautiful, expansive way by this planetary soul reunion…like the birthing of a butterfly, set free to fly in and with eternal Love.

To attune and align with this deep energy of reunion, the Ascension and Resurrection light flow vibrating within us all, star family and guiding ones around the Earth suggest that during the Equinox we hold the image or intention of a butterfly:

Feel yourself in the timelessness of your still point, as a butterfly ~ your body is a rainbow, anchoring light from the centre of Source to the heart of Gaia ~ you are a living Rainbow Bridge through which golden light of restoration streams and fans out like the wings of a butterfly on either side of you. You feel your wings, perfectly balanced, around the golden rainbow centre that you Are, in love with Life, in deepest appreciation and gratitude to the planetary soul Gaia, welcoming and embracing her Beloved in Oneness, already forever. Let yourself transform in the Oneness, beloveds, receiving and radiating this blessing to All.Β  Let your wings be the openness to shift with the sacred merge, fanning this Love to all beings.Β 

Here is one more photo, for the joy of it ~ the last week flocks of golden and white butterflies have appeared in my Inner Heart meditations and reflected joyously in physical, more than I’ve ever seen. And as this white butterfly flew overhead, a shining golden one appeared beside it, dancing the white and golden Ascension and Resurrection Flames, coming into this Sacred Union Equinox. πŸ™‚

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Love, Peace and Gratitude to you all through this Divine moment, and always,

Joanna&Ashura, &Tanabor ❀

PS: The time of the Equinox is at 20:02 (feel that ‘Twin’ mirror symmetry) UTC. You can find the exact moment in your timezone here.

8 thoughts on “Sacred Union Equinox

    • Hi Anne, in a pragmatic sense, as the largest planet in the solar system, it was named after the ‘king of the gods’, Jupiter (or Jove) in the Roman pantheon, Zeus in the Greek pantheon. Some biblical interpreters of the ‘birth of Jupiter from the Virgin’ (prophecy in the Book of Revelation) regard Sept 23 2017 as the return of Christ to Earth, as the ‘King of Kings’.
      Actually, the Christed Resurrection energy is indeed flowing through the restoration of Gaia&Aisaia’s Twin Flame…and in an interesting synchronicity, I see there is a NASA spacecraft passing close by the Earth today, 3 hours before the exact Equinox timing….receiving a boost from Earth’s gravity field, on its mission to collect samples from an asteroid called Bennu.
      The Bennu Bird is the ancient Egyptian ‘god bird’ of divine rebirth, similar to the Phoenix (self-resurrecting being, through its own Flame)…and the name of the spacecraft is ‘Osiris REx’ (ie: Osiris King)…and you may know Osiris was the Egyptian resurrection god.
      Lots of symbolism for this Equinox, eh? πŸ˜‰

      Love and blessings to you and All here for a beautiful day/night ❀

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