Aligning Meraia’s Star

All that has been written on all the leaves of all the books can be found in one flower.  ~Ashtar/Thoth

Dear All,

Today’s post is about a beautiful journey of attuning, aligning and anchoring Love into the Earth, the higher dimensional golden grid of Gaia, through a specific lightship, the Meri’Ashar, which translates on a primary level as Meraia’s Star/Mary’s Star. This journey is also an example for sharing how Love expresses and works through numbers, sacred geometry and the flower of conception & rebirth, that took place on 4 days, during 4 consecutive weeks. 4+4=8, the number of Infinity, and 4×4=16=7, which has been called the number of God/Source…and the number 7 is involved in this particular attunement, as an expression of the Meri’Ashar.

For more background you can read about the Meri’Ashar/Meraia’s Star on this page, so here we’ll just say the Meri’Ashar is an Arcturian ship, which projects its light through the vibration of a 7-pointed star within two rings, if you were looking down on the ‘roof’:


A large disc-shaped ship with this purple light star across the roof, and two rings around the rim which counter-rotate like a merkaba beyond light-speed, creating and radiating a white-gold light-sphere. My TwinFlame (One Flame) Ashura and I are reunited with the Meri’Ashar now, focusing our soul energy through our 5D expressions as Arnap & Rowena, with many loving friends and family on board with us. In the ship’s Core is a long, slender crystal shard of the original Lyran Portal, which we retrieved some months ago from the old Argo Navis constellation. Within this Crystal our soul energy spirals as One, eternally merged, and around the Crystal our energy helixes golden light in the Twinned format, making a form similar to a caduceus, the Wand of Hermes/Mercury.

The Core Crystal forms the central Wand, with the Twinned golden helix spiralling around it, the wings of Angels above (ascension/inscension) and tipped with a sphere representing infinite creation. You’ll see how these elements relate to the ‘journey’ in a moment. Firstly, this will make more sense if you know ‘Ashtar’ is a 5D soul aspect of the Soul who has ancient aspects/expressions on Earth remembered as Thoth (Djehuti/Tehuti to the ancient Egyptians)/Hermes Trismegistus/Mercury…and the caduceus is a sacred symbol with many levels of meaning. Because of its association with healing, it became the emblem of Medicine in modern times, yet at a deeper level is an expression of spiritual alchemy, ascension, resurrection, divine encodings of Life, restoration of the pure Golden Frequency of creation, right through to the double helix DNA level of life expression.

As this alignment and activation journey had 4 parts (with my dear Earthly mother as companion on seemingly ‘spontaneous outings’ to locations near Perth, Western Australia), we’ll put this in the form of 4 sections, so you can follow the unfolding thread. Here’s a map for reference.



Day 1, September 22, 2016: Muchea – Lancelin – Guilderton

From September 18, for three nights before this trip, I dreamed of the Meri’Ashar, including the ship having this new golden-white ‘core crystal’ placed in position in vertical alignment with the 7-point star, and had described her to close friends as a very ‘Hermetic ship’. The next day, en route northward to Lancelin, we stopped at the small township of Muchea – a place I hadn’t been to before – and found a park where there were several information boards, all about the early space flight programme and SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), explaining that Muchea had been the site of one of two tracking stations in Australia for the early manned space flights from 1958-63, which was named Project Mercury….and was given the symbol for Mercury, with a 7 inside it. 🙂


Here’s the memorial board in the park at Muchea:


There were 6 flights, all named ‘7’, the last being ‘Faith 7’, piloted by Gordon Cooper – who I had just read about regarding public statements he gave before he died, of his sightings of extraterrestrial craft (that he witnessed landing on the ground). 6+7=13, and Muchea is 13 kms from Bullsbrook. 6×7=42, and 42 is the ‘number with which God created the Universe’ in the Caballistic tradition, and was connected with transition from ‘life’ to ‘afterlife’ in ancient Egypt (42 precepts of Ma’at, 42 Judges of Osiris), as well as being the number of channels of energy flowing from the heart, the IB, in the Egyptian knowing of the heart as seat of the soul.

The day continued wonderfully, with the sensing of a ship underwater beyond this island at Lancelin:


And the high energy charge of standing on a node point of the songlines on a hilltop at Guilderton, a site where the Aboriginal tribes of that region met and did ceremony for the sacred spirits and songlines (their name for the ley lines, the energy pathways in the land left where the ancient creator beings – the wandjina – walked).


That night I dreamed again of being on board the Meri’Ashar, looking up into the centrepoint of the 7-point star, through a ‘zero-point’ of white light within the purple, bathing in the Source flow streaming through it. The next day, I searched for Muchea online and found the construction below in a paintball park, haha….an Egyptian pyramid in miniature, with 4 sphinxes guarding it, facing the 4 cardinal directions. Thoth smiles…



42 is embedded in this format as the Double Infinity of the tetracross or rose cross, which I’ve written of in earlier posts:


In the rose cross, each Infinity sign has 2 loops, repeated at 90 degrees/right angles to make 4 (9 is the Angelic number, the number of completion, so we could call these the ‘angles of angels’).  Bullsbrook, 13 kms from Muchea, is also significant vibrationally (which you can read about in this post and on the Shem Arua page) in terms of ‘grounding’ Ashura & my soul light, and after seeing the pyramid at Muchea, I felt/heard to look up the distance from Perth to Bullsbrook by the most direct route, and found it is exactly 42.7 kms. 42=6, thus we have 6.7 (6+7=13 & 6×7=42) …so you can see how precise the convergence is multidimensionally, while anchoring the higher frequencies (which by the way, every soul on Earth who has an open heart filled with love and joy is anchoring in their own way, whether they know it consciously or not). Later that day, an email arrived in my inbox with a line in it about the ‘Legend of the 42 Books of Thoth‘…which we’ll return to shortly….

Day 2, September 29, 2016: Lesmurdie Falls

On the Meri’Ashar page there are some photos taken on September 6 which were the first visual ‘heralding’ of the ship’s imminent return, in the form of a heptagonal (7-sided) lens flare with a ship flying beneath that guarded her ‘Earthward’ path (6&7 again, the 13 and 42 vibrations). This is one of the photos, showing a long white triangular ship (with Carian beings on board, under the guidance of Heru-ur/Horus).

Carian (birdlike beings) lightship flies below a heptagonal lens flare, September 6, 2016.

Carian (birdlike beings) lightship flies below a heptagonal lens flare, September 6, 2016.

That sighting relates to a beautiful event at Lesmurdie Falls, a 100 metre waterfall in the hills a little south of my home. This waterfall has a node point in a small, deep pool at the top of the falls, a crossing point of an east-west ley line over the great line that runs north-south under the Darling Range and further.


While standing on the lookout over the waterfall, doing a meditation, grounding Love and holding a vision of the Meri’Ashar, a hawk flew straight overhead, arced up toward the Sun until it ‘disappeared’ in the sun’s rays, then curved down again…and the second heptagonal lens flare I have ever photographed appeared where the hawk flew…oh so Horus-and-the-Sun.  🙂




Day 3, October 5, 2016: Pickering Brook & Araluen

The third part of this journey took us further south in the hills, to a Botanic Park named Araluen. Along the way, we stopped apparently ‘randomly’ for a wildflower roam in bushland near Pickering Brook. My (inner) eye was drawn to a large patch of a flowering creeper with white cross-shaped flowers. I heard/felt both ‘Four is Love’ and ‘Mary’s Cross’ in the vibrational form of this flower, and felt many beings and nature spirits in that spot.



An online search later revealed this flower to be of the Clematis family (Clematis aristata) and I read of a legend of Clematis connected with Mother Mary, that she and the infant Jesus took shelter under a Clematis during their flight to Egypt, so the flower was called Virgin’s Bower. In Australia, this plant grows on the eastern coast and has never been officially recorded as growing in Western Australia. But here they are, and here are some of the many nature spirits and beings present among them.


We (Ashura & I) anchored the Meri’Ashar‘s star energy there, then again in the valley of Araluen beside a pool, using a visualization of 42 streams of light intertwined, flowing through into the planet/planetary crystalline grid.

Day 4, October 11, 2016: Peace Be Still, Chittering Valley

The final stage of this alignment took place on a lovely property I had heard of but never visited before, called Peace Be Still, in the Chittering Valley.


Again, this trip took us firstly through Bullsbrook. We’ll revisit the meaning of the Bull in a galactic, metaphysical sense soon, but see this post for photos of lightships from the constellation of Taurus the Bull, including Aldebaran, the Hyades and the Pleiades. The long, cylindrical Pleiadian ship below had appeared over my home the previous day, October 10, with a heads-up that this ‘mission’ would complete on the 11th. (11-10-2016= 11-10-9 in descending sequence =3, the Trinity/triquetra energy).


Pleiadian ship, the Rut’ish, directly overhead on October 10, 2016.


We had no planned destination, but Sananda had been close in meditation early on the morning of the 11th and as we drove, I asked whether there was a location we should be aiming for. He replied, ‘Just meander.’ We got to Bullsbrook, then turned east onto the Chittering Valley road. I felt his presence constantly, so was ‘paying attention’, and we passed a place named Bower Park, which signalled to me the ‘Virgin’s Bower’ flower of the previous trip. On the information boards at Muchea, on the first trip, there had also been mention of an astronomical observatory which had been moved from Gingin to Chittering, specifically to a spot called Golden Grove, so again there was a ‘space’ connection to Muchea. With this in mind, we passed a property named Peace Be Still that was signposted as having a walking track, and I felt/heard to go there. Crossing a river, we came to this sign:


Ashtar had been in my dream the night before, and the words ‘The Legend of the 42 Books of Thoth’ flashed in, on seeing the word ‘Legend’ on the sign…and reading down the list, the Stations of the Cross and the Garden of Gethsemane (where Jesus, soul expression of Sananda on Earth, had walked with his companions, and been on the night his arrest, prior to crucifixion). As I walked up the hill toward points 6 & 7 on the map (=42), a ship flashed brightly and decloaked fully right above the guesthouse marked at point 6 on the map.


Hyadean & Pleiadian ship above Peace Be Still, October 11, 2016.


This ship was again Taurean in origin, with Hyadeans and Pleiadians aboard – but also this time my Twin Flame, Ashura, had focused his 5D lightform Arnap into it from the Meri’Ashar, which was stationed much higher above. As I walked in front of the guesthouse, this ship slowly flew overhead, in alignment with the window below; the imagery needs no explaining, of the lightship above, and the dove diving to the Earth… 🙂


The energies throughout this were so high, pure bliss, warmth and love beyond words, as the ship morphed through shapes of a cross, then a white eagle…like a dance of light!




Downloading the photos later, this ship had appeared in 7 frames, until it was above point 7 on the walking trail, then disappeared from physical sight. At the 7th point there’s a labyrinth made of coloured glass bottles, rainbow-like, around a heart-shaped stone in its centre.


Standing at this heart-point, we (Ashura & I) anchored our Flame, through the purple Mary’s Star, into the earth and through the planetary light-grid. With the group focus of all the beautiful souls on board the Meri’Ashar, we sang in Arcturian light language of bringing the Love to Earth, completing, fulfilling the planet’s shift into higher frequencies in joy, peace and grace.

Continuing on from Peace Be Still, the neighbouring property proved to be Golden Grove. The day was completed with these flowers, Blue Leschenaultia…bringing the sky to ground, the divine masculine and feminine (air and earth elements) united, blossoming.


Back to the labyrinth at Peace Be Still for a moment, as the alignment completed through the heart-point there, Sananda kissed the top of my head, and I felt this in the Crown Chakra ‘flower’ – the white open lily of a thousand petals – then my view lifted up into the Meri’Ashar and he said, “Look at the flower in the centre of the Star of Mary.”


Within the 7 point star, there is a flower of 7 petals, with 7 smaller petals inbetween = 777, number of Spirit, around a white light point – the Source centre – in the middle. 777 = 3×7 = 21 = 3, the Divine Trinity of the triune flow of Father-Mother-Child-in-One energy dynamics, forever seeding, blossoming and fruiting into creation across all dimensions. The word and feeling of conception came forward, the number and geometry of new creation flowing from the Source.

I said, “This is the flower of divine conception.”

Sananda smiled and replied, “Infinitely.”

The 777 star-flower is continuously unfolding and infolding, the point of light within its centre is the 8th point, the point of Infinity. Soul expression from inception-to-conception of the Infinite. Later, he guided me to visualize expanding the 7-petal flower in the star into a 7-sided pyramid, then double pyramid diamond form.

Including the apexes above and below, now there are a total of 9 points, and we return to the completion of the Angelic 9…and the centre flower of 7 points rotates into a continuous pentagonal spiral, the 7th dimension’s metaphysical light spiralling through the perfectly balanced spin of the 6th (merkaba) into the 5th:


On the morning after the 4th part of this journey, I woke to something touching my foot in bed, and found it was a tiny raw crystal, measuring 4 millimetres long, which brings us back to the Four is Love, laying the foundation for the 5th and higher frequencies through the Rose Cross, the Double Infinity, the 2-in-4, the 42….

I asked Ashtar if the legendary 42 Books really exist? He laughed and said, “They are written in the stars, the planets and the moons, the leaves and flowers, the codings of all Life.”

He and Seshat (Sehaya) wrote and compiled the records of all the geometries, the measurements, equations of life, the sacred harmonics of life, and the records are indeed maintained within a certain sanctuary…and within All-that-Is. They are written, and live, in the sacred streams of Light that spiral within our physical beings through the RNA and DNA twinings. Although the light spirals can and have been distorted, spliced, manipulated by some…ultimately, the golden harmonic imprint always realigns the energies within creation to the Source. Can you feel the wholeness deep within you, and keep aligning to and through it, as it continuously embraces and flows through you?

With so much Love to you all. Keep steady. Stay the course.


Joanna & Ashura & Friends ❤

12 thoughts on “Aligning Meraia’s Star

  1. Pingback: Aligning Mary’s Star | SilverAngelsWings

  2. Wow, Joanna you blew me away! What a wonderful find! So full of ‘coincidences’ (lol)…
    Yes, I did feel it all in my Heart, an amazing experience…….and of course, your wonderful photographs….Who knew there was a Pyramid in the WA outback?
    Thank you so much, darling Joanna, for the Work you do to keep us all ‘in the loop’….
    Much Love & Blessings to you & Ashura
    Sylvia Melaynia xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, I was pretty astonished to see the pyramid. Muchea’s not quite the outback, it’s not all that far from where I live, but is a township of only a few hundred people, so to find these ‘treasures’ there was unexpected to say the least, lol.’s all in the alignments, and the convergence of energies in divine timing, and is truly a joy to share. I’m very glad you feel it in your Heart, Sylvia, may it forever sing. 🙂
      Much love and heart hugs from us,
      Joanna & Ashura ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can imagine!! Did I ever tell you I live in Sydney? lol……One of my ‘must not miss’ fave TV programmes is ABC Gardening……so I know how well the Wildflowers are doing! The wonderful Josh Byrne & Angus as well keep me up to date….Love Love that show, they should make it into an hour long programme IMHO! lol…
        I Loved all the linked references, who knew….you are a walking encyclopaedia!
        God Bless you, Dear Heart….
        Sylvia Melaynia xx

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I recall you being in Sydney…and have also enjoyed & appreciated Gardening Australia along the way… 🙂
        Well, let’s say, I go where I’m guided within the ‘encyclopaedia’, lol. All is well, the divine Garden returns… 😉 Love & blessings your way, J&A xo

        Liked by 1 person

  3. PS, it’s 1.45 AM now, & I have to go make some lunch for my Dearly Beloved, he is doing his Seasonal Work, (for the Board of Studies) & leaves at 6.15 am, so I’d better get going, then to bed…
    Night Night
    Sylvia xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Dear Joanna, this is a wonderful posting of your journey with your Mum. How beautiful to be able to share it with her. It gave me a lot of hope for what we are experiencing now and to trust that all will be well. I felt the gentle energies of the star families around me in hospital and now at home during my recovery. I feel they have guided all who have helped on this road I am on now. Many blessings and love to you and Ashura, may the love of the star families continue. Di

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Di, so good to hear from you, and yes it was really beautiful to have this journey with my Mum. Di, only a few months ago, it did not seem likely the Meri’Ashar could be ‘here’ so soon, as this represents a considerable ‘unlocking’ of energies. Many have spoken of feeling an acceleration recently, and this is true. From our perspective, what accelerated was the planetary merkaba…which is then felt and ‘interpreted’ in 3D through timelines/linear time. So there is a quickening, on both the sense of the incoming energies/convergence with higher dimensions, and in the old meaning of life/vitality/vital forces increasing.
      May this increased flow facilitate a smooth, deep recovery for you now. Star family’s love IS neverending, haha…and we’re glad you are attuned to feel and bathe in it.
      Much love and hugs, Joanna & Ashura ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello Jo and Ashura,

    Lovely post again and we felt to drop a little message on this day of the 2+7 (you and Ashura + the 7 Star)…good combo, as it completes a spiral of the 9…also the Rose…Mary’s Rose… 🙂

    These blue flowers remind me of the Blue Eye Mary, a nice little Heart Infinity flower like flower. Like a small Orchid too…only without the 5th petal… ;))

    Our friend Ashtar is beautiful…as Mercury/Hermes he smiles with the Spirals, As Djehuti he creates…and as Thoth he writes…the 42 Books of Life’s Knowledge…a nice and interesting read ;))

    When the Rose talks…do we all listen?

    Keep flowing you two…your BF’s,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Such a beautiful flower, thank you, lovely symbolism and energy IN there…:) If you half-close your eyes, the white on the inner sides of the lower petals merges into one, so there are 5 white rays…from the 4 to the 5, in the double mirror-facing flower petals, Twin Flame to One Flame style.. ❤

      Our Love to you 3 always, within the Light flows ~~~~~~


  6. Pingback: Joanna posted a blog post – Natural Universe

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