Convergence: All-Time is of the Essence

Dear friends,

My perceptions of ‘time’ have been going through some shifts recently, and it feels fitting to share about this on the Equinox, the twice-yearly point of equipoise of day/night in our planet’s annual ‘time cycle’, and from these shifts, address the topic of timelines, time spirals and a certain ‘Event’.

We experience the passage of time while incarnate on Earth, at least in the Age we’re in the process of Shifting, through a combining of the masculine Source energy of the line (arrow) and the feminine Source energy of the circle (bow, arch, that which wraps the arrow). We identify with ‘moving through time’ in a physical body as a line ~ in 3D a finite line from start to finish/birth to death ~ that is propelled through a series of circles; from the minute (a circle of seconds), a day (a circle of hours) to a week, to a month, to a season, to a year, to a decade, and so on.

The line and the circle are blended in our lived experience; the line progresses forward, merged with the rhythm of circles/cycles, and the merging of the two, the ‘forward projecting motion’ of the cycle along a line, forms a spiral (the 4D structure, the time spiral). Just as our Sun is moving through-and-with the movement of the Milky Way galaxy with its spiralling family of planets, so the ‘linear circling’ form is ever-present in the double helix strands of our DNA.

When we focus our energies into timelines or time cycles separately, we align to one or other of the masculine or feminine motion of Source flow, rather than the unified Whole, and reinforce not only our connection to the 3D duality template and 2-strand DNA, but to its continuance at a collective level. By the way, 3-strand DNA has already been observed in human babies, such as this child born in Manchester, England in 2011. His third strand of DNA was only ‘discovered’ because doctors were trying to find the cause of disabilities he was born with. Unless there is a reason like this to look at the DNA of a baby, it would go unnoticed, so there could potentially be many souls arriving now with a third strand active, slipping in unnoticed. 🙂

A very important experiment by NASA slipped under the radar of mainstream media, also in 2011, which proved Einstein’s theory that the Earth (and by extension, all planets) sits in its own localized fourth dimensional fold of time-space. The understanding that our planet exists in its own local 4D ‘pillow’ (follow this link to read the original article) is as huge a time-space paradigm breakthrough as humanity graduating from the flat earth to round Earth concept. It is a profound ‘shifter’, to say the least; imagine if the whole of humanity was aware of itself existing in fourth dimension, projecting the illusion of a third dimensional template. Changes the mental/emotional ‘hold’ of 3D as the only reality, doesn’t it?

Artist's impression of the 4D spacetime fold around the Earth, NASA archives.

Artist’s impression of the 4D spacetime fold around the Earth, NASA archives.

Higher dimensional beings of 5D+ frequency waves exist beyond the time-space framework as understood on Earth, and can express themselves through ‘All-Time’ at will. In other words, they can (and do) reach through to our awareness by, as my soul aspect Rowena has been explaining to me, modulating the wave form of time. She says all energies exist as wave forms, whether light, sound, time etc. We are interacting with and modulating them every moment, according to the projected vibrations of our consciousness, mostly unconsciously. Star family of higher dimensions interact consciously, in alignment with the whole Source flow, and literally curve space and time to move lightships, and themselves, across dimensions (more on this soon) in order to be visible to us.

violet arc top centre-right

First photo I took showing the arc/bow (spacetime bend) of a lightship (the Phoenix) crossing dimensions, May 5th, 2013.

violet arc enhanced

Contrast enhanced, shows clearly the ‘pull’ of the Convergence/wave modulation, in the clouds at lower left, sucked up in a vacuum effect toward the ‘arc’ or curve of space and time the ship passed through.

Higher frequency beings express through Convergence of energies that alter their relative ‘angles’ in relation to our time-space focal points, and when we are connected to/merged with our own higher dimensional soul aspects, we too Shift into streams of Convergence. I notice this as a feeling of ‘time standing still’ or of ‘time racing’ in great disappearing chunks, with accompanying converging strings of numbers. Last week, the last numbers I saw on the computer screen at night were 14 degrees C at 11:14. The same happens in the car, such as leaving home in a temperature of 10 degrees C at 10:10 am and driving back into the carport in 11 degrees C at 11:11 am, so I’m seeing 10:10:10 on the screen, then 11:11:11. The more fully in heart centre I AM, looking/feeling through higher frequencies, the longer and more frequent the numeric strings. (The drafts of this post saved at 11:12:13, and 1:44:41)

To feel star family’s ‘relative position’ to you/us, imagine or visualize a right angle, for instance, a V-shape, with its ‘arms’ facing to the Earth/3-4D. If it touches the Earth, it forms a triangle or pyramid, with Earth as the base of the triangle. The energy of Convergence meets in the centre, the heart of the pyramid, and merges in that zero-point of All-Time. This is precisely the meeting in the middle between Earth humanity and Galactics that precipitates the ‘Event’ of mass awakening on this planet.

The Event as a ‘love flash moment’ we are helping to focus through our beings and into this Earth plane, a breakthrough moment of the old template into the new, doesn’t hinge on certain dates and times, it hinges on a Convergence of frequencies. As a personal experience, it aligns and real-izes through our open, loving Hearts. As a collective experience, the constantly in-flowing Love Wave that catalyzes and guides planetary ascension is amplified into a momentary ‘light bulb flash of love awareness’ that sends a transformative vibration through the Whole.

In a sense, this Event is already in progress, and potentially moving toward a culmination flash point. It’s already in motion as souls on Earth come into their heart centres/soul alignments, and experience moments of connection (that can include sightings of higher dimensional lightships, orbs, inner communications, higher-self awareness/mergence and more). These moments can become more continuous as we clear blockages and stabilize more deeply, providing anchors with our multidimensional soul expressions, soul families and friends within the star fleets of Universal Love, the light realms of Inner Earth, and so forth. Small groups have started to form, and larger groups will follow, of people able to hold their centre in the Converged frequencies of Inner Heart. The overall Convergence point of the Event as a ‘light bulb moment’ peaking within the ascension love wave is already in potential, and building vibrationally, meeting the loving intention within humanity, meeting Gaia’s ascension-intention, flowing from the Source, encoded through the Galactic Central Sun, through our Sun, to Earth.

Enjoy the equipoise balance point of this September 2014 Equinox, dear Hearts, flow peacefully and with kindness to yourself and others when it comes to all old releasing energies. Focus into your equal-IB-rium, the IB, the Heart of your Being, in the centre of Convergence that you/we all are, beloved of Source!

Namaste! Love & Joy to All.  💖

4 thoughts on “Convergence: All-Time is of the Essence

  1. Pingback: CONVERGENCE: ALL-TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE by HEARTSTAR | Ascending with Planet Earth

  2. I read this last night just prior to going to sleep and then again this morning. Thank you so much for your always enlightening words. Sending Much Love.


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